De Jager 2017
De Jager 2017
De Jager 2017
As ultraviolet (UV) radiation is naturally and ubiquitously emitted by the
sun, almost everyone is exposed to it on a daily basis, and it is necessary
for normal physiological function. Human exposure to solar UV radiation
thus has important health implications. The generation of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) by UV radiation is one of the mechanisms through which
UV light can manifest its possible detrimental effects on health. When an
imbalance develops due to ROS generation exceeding the body’s antioxi-
dant defence mechanisms, oxidative stress can develop. Oxidative stress
can lead to cellular damage (e.g. lipid peroxidation and DNA fragmenta-
tion), apoptosis and cell death. Broadly UV can induce ROS by affecting
the cellular components directly or by means of photosensitization mecha-
nisms. More specifically UV light can induce ROS by affecting the enzyme
catalase and up-regulating nitric oxide synthase (NOS) synthesis. It may
also cause a decrease in protein kinase C (PKC) expression leading to
increased ROS production. UVR is capable of modifying DNA and other
chromophores resulting in elevated ROS levels. The effects of raised ROS
levels can vary based on the intracellular oxidant status of the cell. It is
therefore important to protect yourself against the potentially harmful
effects of UV light as it can lead to pathological UV-induced ROS
Reactive oxygen species • Oxidant • Antioxidants • Catalase • Nitric oxide
• Protein kinase C
line and educational tool to determine the risk for small percentage to the total yearly exposure
potential UV damage to the skin and eye when [3].
exposed to solar UV radiation. This could be a
valuable tool to inform individuals of the
increased risk of skin cancers associated with 2.4 Tissue Exposure to UV
excessive UV radiation exposure, and to encour-
age individuals to adopt protective measures Vitamin D binds to steroid vitamin D receptors in
[19]. the body. These receptors are directly involved in
UVI is presented usually as the maximum UV proliferation and differentiation of cells. The
radiation levels on a given day, which occurs vitamin D dependent renewal process takes place
around solar noon. Geographical location plays a in the keratinocytes. Keratinocytes accounts for a
determining factor but none the less, solar noon large portion of the cells in the epidermis.
takes place between local noon and 2 pm [19]. Vitamin D is able to regulate the low resting
levels of cell signalling components such as ROS
by means of controlling the expression of these
2.3 Sources of UV Light components. Therefore, vitamin D is vital in the
replenishment of new cells for the skin surface.
Humans are exposed to UV radiation through Vitamin D production is dependent on the amount
outdoor sun exposure or due to artificial sources. of melanin in the skin [4, 5]. The amount of mela-
nin the skin produces depends how fair or dark
the skin colour is and the Vitamin D production is
2.3.1 Outdoor dependent on the amount of melanin in the skin.
Darker skins have more melanin which allows
Outdoor exposure by the sun is either through less UVB to enter the skin. Due to less UVB
deliberate activities (sun tanning) or as a result of entering the skin, less vitamin D is produced;
recreational or occupational activities. therefore dark skinned individuals require more
sun exposure.
These factors make it difficult to determine
2.3.2 Artificial Sources the amount of sun exposure time one requires in
order to get adequate vitamin D and avoid dam-
Exposure includes sources from medical and cos- age. A good rule of thumb for sun exposure is to
metic treatments. The following sources are expose your skin for half the time before it turns
major contributors to artificial UV exposure: pink. For fair skinned individuals it could be only
a few minutes, but darker skinned person requires
• Phototherapy/ sunbeds: They expose human a longer exposure time [9].
skin to UVA and some UVB radiation. Black A small amount of UV radiation is required
light, which is also referred to as a UV-A light, for the production of vitamin D in humans. The
is predominately used by tanning booths and amount of vitamin D one gets from exposing the
phototherapies bare skin to the sun depends on the intensity of
• Medical: Exposure will depend upon treat- the sun’s UV rays reaching the earth’s surface
ment type but, include a majority of diagnostic which is influenced by a number of different fac-
and treatment apparatus. tors [19]. Vitamin D’s role in cell proliferation
• Industrial/ commercial: Arc welding is a and differentiation could possibly have a protec-
potential source of UV exposure which can tive role against UV-induced ROS damage.
cause severe damage to the eyes and skin. Prolonged human exposure to solar UV radia-
• Lighting: Fluorescent lamps emit minor tion may result in acute and chronic health effects
amount of UV light which only contributes a on the skin, eye and immune system. Sunburn
18 T.L. de Jager et al.
univalent pathway thereby leading to free radical peroxide via the reaction 2H2O2 2H2O + O2
production. ROS producing capabilities are often through a process known as catalytic activity.
dependent on the composition of the mitochon- The enzyme catalase is also capable of exhibiting
drial membrane, the species of animal and the peroxidatic activity when low concentrations of
age of the animal [6]. hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are present. However,
Most reactions that take place in the mito- it was observed that UVB light caused a marked
chondrial ETC consist of redox reactions. These increase in ROS in keratinocytes, more so in glu-
reactions involve the exchange and movement of tathione depleted cells. Upon further experimen-
electrons, with the enzyme cytochrome oxidase tation it was found that the oxidant generating
being the only enzyme involved in a reaction that protein was catalase [14].
uses oxygen. It has been found that the redox This is thought to be a result of the ability of
reactions in the ETC ‘leak’ electrons and subse- the short wave UV (Likely UVC) light to alter the
quently generate superoxide (O2.-) with the H2O2 binding site on the catalase enzyme, thus
majority of the ROS formation taking place at allowing for water molecules to access the heme
complex III and to a lesser extent at complex iron. This essentially allows for the water mole-
I. ROS is also formed in the endoplasmic reticu- cules to act as a source for the generation of pro-
lum (ER) and peroxisomes of the cell. tons. These protons are then able to interact with
Extracellular or exogenous ROS sources are vast diatomic oxygen to generate ROS such as reactive
and are responsible for a large percentage of ROS peroxides. The activity of the charge relay net-
present in the body. Common air pollutants and work of the enzyme was also found to be of
industrial contaminants, exhaust fumes and the importance on the effect that UV light mediates
smoke generated by cigarettes have been impli- on catalase. The effects of UVB light on catalase
cated in ROS generated in the body. ROS gener- were found to be pH-sensitive and oxygen depen-
ated in this manner has been found to both dent, this and the intracellular oxidant status influ-
directly and indirectly cause O2.- formation and ences whether the catalase activity in response to
various types of nitric oxide derivatives, either by UV light is cytotoxic or protective [14].
direct contact with the skin or by inhalation.
Some drugs, narcotic substances and anesthetiz- Nitric Oxide Synthase
ing gases are also thought to contribute to ROS UVB has also been implicated in the up-
production. Certain food and alcohol consump- regulation of membrane-bound nitric oxide syn-
tion have also been implicated in ROS formation. thase (NOS) in human keratinocytes, thereby
Other environmental agents and non-genotoxic resulting in increased production of NO [10].
carcinogens such as gamma irradiation can also While UVA has been shown by [2] to generate
induce ROS formation [6]. increased superoxide levels at moderate UVR
levels in real time, O2.- is able to inactivate iron-
sulphur proteins leading to release of the reduc-
2.5.2 UV – Light Induced ROS ing ferrous iron, thereby resulting in further
production of ROS [23]. The exact mechanisms
Even exposure to the ultraviolet light spectrum as to how UV causes these effects are not fully
can indirectly lead to the production of a variety elucidated, however the simultaneous production
of ROS including O2.-, singlet oxygen, hydroxyl of O2.- and NO within proximity of each other can
radicals and hydrogen peroxide through various lead to the spontaneous generation of peroxyni-
mechanisms [17] (Fig. 2.1). trite, a highly reactive free radical [10].
Fig. 2.1 UV radiation is able to mediate damage to cel- in an excitation of the sensitizers to their triplicate states.
lular components in two ways: The first mechanism is by The excited photosensitizers exert their effects by two
the direct absorption of incident rays by the cell and its mechanisms. Type I photochemical reactions involve
components. This results in the formation of an excited electron transfer and the process of hydrogen abstraction
state of the components and subsequent chemical reac- to form free radicals. Type II photochemical reactions
tions. The second mechanisms are by means of photosen- involve the transfer of energy with O2 to yield reactive
sitization. Incident rays are absorbed by endogenous or state singlet oxygen (1O2) [20, 22]
exogenous photosensitizers such as bilirubin. This results
been shown to be a target of oxidative stress such cesses such as the cell cycle, proliferation and
the oxidative stress induced by solar UV radia- apoptosis [7].
tion, the UV radiation influences the pathways in
a manner that closely resembles ROS [7, 16]. The Protein Kinase C
ROS produced lead to the activation of the UV irradiation was found to have an effect on
MAPKs such as ERK and JNK. These MAPKs protein kinase C (PKC) in murine fibroblasts.
play a pivotal role in the recruitment of factors Several different isoforms of this serine/threo-
that lead to the downstream activation of tran- nine kinase exist and have been implicated in
scription factor AP-1. The factor p38 and the UV-induced signal transduction pathways [8].
inhibitory kappa kinase activation are vital in the Low doses of UV exposure result in the adhesion
process of transcriptional activation of of cultured fibroblasts to the collagen matrices by
NF-kB. UVA irradiation of the fibroblast cells in means of PKC isoform activation and integrins.
the skin result in the release of labile iron, which PKC α has also been found to be irreversibly
is implicated in the activation of NF-kB [7, 24]. inhibited in UVA irradiated cells while PKC ε is
AP-1 and NF-kB play essential roles in the regu- known to act as an endogenous photosensitizer
lation of a diverse array of genes involved in pro- that plays a role in inducing UV-induced cutane-
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