Crown Ma3600vz
Crown Ma3600vz
Crown Ma3600vz
Some models may be exported under the name Amcron®
© 2000 by Crown International, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, Elkhart, Indiana 46515-1000 U.S.A.
Telephone: 219-294-8000. Trademark Notice: PIP™, Grounded Bridge™, and SmartAmp™
are trademarks and Amcron®, Crown®, Macro-Tech®, IOC®, ODEP® and IQ System® are
registered trademarks of Crown International, Inc. Other trademarks are the property
of their respective owners.
Rev. A
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MA-3600VZ Service Manual 130366-1 Rev. A
The information furnished in this manual does not include all of the details of design, production, or
variations of the equipment. Nor does it cover every possible situation which may arise during installation,
operation or maintenance. If you need special assistance beyond the scope of this manual, please contact
the Crown Technical Support Group.
Revision History
Table of Contents
1 Introduction............................................................................ 1-1
1.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................1-1
1.2 The Macro-Tech Series Amplifiers ........................................................1-1
1.3 Scope....................................................................................................1-1
1.4 Warranty................................................................................................1-1
2 Specifications ......................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Performance .........................................................................................2-1
2.2 Power ....................................................................................................2-1
2.3 Controls.................................................................................................2-1
2.4 Indicators ..............................................................................................2-1
2.5 Input/Output..........................................................................................2-2
2.6 Protection ..............................................................................................2-2
2.7 Construction..........................................................................................2-2
3 Theory of Operation .................................................................. 3-1
3.1 Overview ...............................................................................................3-1
3.2 Features ................................................................................................3-1
3.3 Front End Operation..............................................................................3-1
3.4 Voltage Amplification ............................................................................3-2
3.5 Grounded Bridge Topology ..................................................................3-2
3.6 Output Device Emulation Protection (ODEP)........................................3-4
3.7 VZ Power...............................................................................................3-4
4 Maintenance .......................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Cautions and Warnings........................................................................ 4-1
4.2 General Information ..............................................................................4-1
4.3 Test Procedures ...................................................................................4-1
5 Parts .................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 General Information .............................................................................5-1
5.2 Ordering and Receiving Parts ............................................................ 5-1
5.3 Mechanical Parts ..................................................................................5-1
5.4 Circuit Board Parts..............................................................................5-19
6 Schematic Diagrams ................................................................ 6-1
2.6 Protection
Macro-Tech amplifiers are protected against shorted, open
or mismatched loads; overloaded power supplies; excessive
temperature, chain destruction phenomena, input overload
damage and high-frequency blow-ups. They also protect
loudspeakers from input/output DC and turn-on/turn-off tran- TEF ®
100 1K 10 K 20 K
sients. FREQUENCY (Hz)
an AC coupling capacitor and input resistor. Amplifier Also tied into the Voltage Translator inputs are
output is fed back via the negative feedback (NFb) ODEP limiting transistors and control/protection
loop resistor. The ratio of feedback resistor to input transistors. The ODEP transistors steal drive as
resistor fixes gain from the Error Amp input to the dictated by the ODEP circuitry (discussed later). The
output of the amplifier at 26 dB. Diodes prevent control/protection transistors act as switches to totally
overdriving the Error Amp. Because the Error Amp shunt audio to ground during the turn-on delay, or
amplifies the difference between input and output during a DC/LF or Fault protective action.
signals, any difference in the two waveforms will
produce a near open loop gain condition which in 3.4.2 Last Voltage Amplifiers (LVAs)
turn results in high peak output voltage. The output The Voltage Translator stage channels the signal
of the Error Amp, called the Error Signal (ES) drives to the Last Voltage Amplifiers (LVA’s) in a balanced
the Voltage Translators. configuration. The +LVA and -LVA, with their push-
pull effect through the Bias Servo, drive the fully
3.4 Voltage Amplification complementary output stage. The LVAs are configured
The Voltage Translator stage separates the output of as common emitter amplifiers. This configuration
the Error Amp into balanced positive and negative provides sufficient voltage gain and inverts the audio.
drive voltages for the Last Voltage Amplifiers (LVAs), The polarity inversion is necessary to avoid an overall
translating the signal from ground referenced ±15V polarity inversion from input jack to output jack, and
to ±Vcc reference. LVAs provide the main voltage it allows the NFb loop to control Error Amp gain by
amplification and drive the High Side output stages. feeding back to its non-inverting input (with its polarity
Gain from Voltage Translator input to amplifier output opposite to the output of the VGS). With the added
is a factor of 25.2. voltage swing provided by the LVAs, the signal then
gains current amplification through the Darlington
3.4.1 Voltage Translators emitter-follower output stage.
A voltage divider network splits the Error Signal
(ES) into positive and negative drive signals for 3.5 Grounded Bridge Topology
the balanced voltage translator stage. These offset Figure 3.2 is a simplified example of the grounded
reference voltages drive the input to the Voltage bridge output topology. It consists of four quadrants
Translator transistors. A nested NFb loop from of three deep Darlington (composite) emitter-follower
the output of the amplifier mixes with the inverted stages per channel: one NPN and one PNP on the
signal riding on the offset references. This negative High Side of the bridge (driving the load), and one
feedback fixes gain at the offset reference points (and NPN and one PNP on the Low Side of the bridge
the output of the Error Amp) at a factor of -25.2 with (controlling the ground reference for the rails). The
respect to the amplifier output. The Voltage Translators output stages are biased to operate class AB+B for
are arranged in a common base configuration for ultra low distortion in the signal zero-crossing region
non-inverting voltage gain with equal gain. They shift and high efficiency.
the audio from the ±15V reference to VCC reference.
Their outputs drive their respective LVA.
Q100 Q121 Q101
Audio + + + NPN Outputs (+HS)
Inputs - - - PNP Outputs (-HS)
Q122 Q110
-+ Mute
Figure 3.1 Typical Amplifier Front End and Voltage Amplification Stages.
3.5.1 High Side (HS) HS bias is regulated by Q18, the Bias Servo. Q18
The High Side (HS) of the bridge operates much like is a Vbe multiplier which maintains approximately
a conventional bipolar push-pull output configuration. 3.3V Vce under static conditions. The positive and
As the input drive voltage becomes more positive, negative halves of the HS output are in parallel with
the HS NPN conducts and delivers positive voltage this 3.3V. With a full base-emitter on voltage drop
to the load. Eventually the NPN devices reach full across predrivers and drivers, the balance of voltage
conduction and +Vcc is across the load. At this time results in approximately .35V drop across the bias
the HS PNP is biased off. When the drive signal is resistors in the positive half, and about .5V across
negative going, the HS PNP conducts to deliver -Vcc the bias resistor in the negative half. Q18 conduction
to the load and the HS NPN stage is off. (and thus bias) is adjustable.
The output of the +LVA drives the base of predriver A diode string prevents excessive charge build up
device. Together, the predriver and driver form the within the high conduction output devices when off.
first two parts of the three-deep Darlington and are Flyback diodes shunt back-EMF pulses from reactive
biased class AB. They provide output drive through loads to the power supply to protect output devices
the bias resistor, bypassing the output devices, from dangerous reverse voltage levels. An output
at levels below about 100mW. An RLC network terminating circuit blocks RF on output lines from
between the predriver and driver provide phase shift entering the amplifier through its output connectors.
compensation and limit driver base current to safe
levels. Output devices are biased class B, just below 3.5.2 Low Side (LS)
cutoff. At about 100mW output they switch on to The Low Side (LS) operates quite differently. The
conduct high current to the load. Together with power supply bridge rectifier is not ground referenced,
predriver and driver, the output device provide an nor is the secondary of the main transformer. In other
overall class AB+B output. words, the high voltage power supply floats with
respect to ground, but ±Vcc remain constant with
The negative half of the HS is almost identical to the respect to each other. This allows the power supply to
positive half, except that the devices are PNP. One deliver +Vcc and -Vcc from the same bridge rectifier
difference is that the PNP bias resistor is slightly and filter as a total difference in potential, regardless
greater in value so that PNP output devices run of their voltages with respect to ground. The LS uses
closer to the cutoff level under static (no signal) inverted feedback from the HS output to control
conditions. This is because PNP devices require the ground reference for the rails (±Vcc). Both LS
greater drive current. quadrants are arranged in a three-deep Darlington
+Vcc (Positive Rail)
Inverting Op-amp
and are biased AB+B in the same manner as the 3.6 Output Device Emulation Protection
When the amplifier output swings positive, the audio To further protect the output stages, a specially
is fed to an op-amp stage where it is inverted. This developed ODEP circuit is used. It produces
inverted signal is delivered directly to the bases of a complex analog output signal. This signal is
the positive (NPN) and negative (PNP) LS predrivers. proportional to the always changing safe-operating-
The negative drive forces the LS PNP devices on area margin of the output transistors. The ODEP signal
(NPN off). As the PNP devices conduct, Vce of the controls the Voltage Translator stage by removing
PNP Darlington drops. With LS device emitters tied drive that may exceed the safe-operating-area of
to ground, -Vcc is pulled toward ground reference. the output stage.
Since the power supply is not ground referenced
(and the total voltage from +Vcc to -Vcc is constant) ODEP senses output current by measuring the
+Vcc is forced higher above ground potential. This voltage dropped across LS emitter resistors. LS NPN
continues until, at the positive amplifier output peak, current (negative amplifier output) and +Vcc are
-Vcc = 0V and +Vcc equals the total power supply sensed, then multiplied to obtain a signal proportional
potential with a positive polarity. If, for example, the to output power. Positive and negative ODEP voltages
power supply produced a total of 70V from rail to are adjustable via two potentiometers. Across ±ODEP
rail (±35VDC measured from ground with no signal), are a PTC and a thermal sense (current source). The
the amplifier output would reach a positive peak PTC is essentially a cutoff switch that causes hard
of +70V. ODEP limiting if heatsink temperature exceeds
a safe maximum, regardless of signal level. The
Conversely, during a negative swing of the HS output thermal sense causes the differential between +ODEP
where HS PNP devices conduct, the op-amp would and –ODEP to decrease as heatsink temperature
output a positive voltage forcing LS NPN devices increases. An increase in positive output signal output
to conduct. This would result in +Vcc swinging into a load will result in –ODEP voltage dropping;
toward ground potential and -Vcc further from ground an increase in negative output voltage and current
potential. At the negative amplifier output peak, +Vcc will cause +ODEP voltage to drop. A complex RC
= 0V and -Vcc equals the total power supply potential network between the ±ODEP circuitry is used to
with a negative polarity. Using the same example as simulate the thermal barriers between the interior
above, a 70V supply would allow a negative output of the output device die (immeasurable by normal
peak of -70V. In summary, a power supply which means) and the time delay from heat generation at
produces a total of 70VDC rail to rail (or ±35VDC the die until heat dissipates to the thermal sensor. The
statically) is capable of producing 140V peak-to- combined effects of thermal history and instantaneous
peak at the amplifier output when the grounded dynamic power level result in an accurate simulation
bridge topology is used. The voltage used in this of the actual thermal condition of the output transis-
example are relatively close to the voltages of the tors.
3.7.2 The VZ supply POWER STAGE
An articulated power supply, like VZ, can circumvent TRANSISTOR
much of this problem by reducing the voltage applied
to the transistors when less voltage is required.
Reducing the voltage reduces the heat. Since the Figure 3.4 VZ Supply in Series Mode
amplifier runs cooler, you can safely pack more
power into the chassis. Sensing circuitry watches the voltage of the signal
to determine when to switch modes. The switching
The VZ supply is divided into segments to better circuitry is designed to prevent audible switching
match the voltage and current requirements of the distortion to yield the highest dynamic transfer
power transistors. Remember that audio signals like function—you hear only the music and not the
music are complex waveforms. amplifier. You get not only the maximum power with
the maximum safety, you also get the best power
For music the average level is always much less than matching to your load.
the peak level. This means a power supply does not
need to produce full voltage all the time. 3.7.3 VZ Switch Control
The two halves of U03 form identical comparators
The VZ supply is divided into two parts. When the that monitor the available voltage of DC supply V2
voltage requirements are not high, it operates in and compare it to the output voltage of the amplifier.
a parallel mode to produce less voltage and more When a positive going output voltage exceeds a
current (Figure 3.3). In this mode the power transistors predetermined ratio of the available supply voltage,
stay cooler and are not forced to needlessly dissipate U03 pin 1 produces a low voltage triggering U04.
heat. This is the normal operating mode of the VZ When triggered, the “Q” output of U04 changes from
power supply. low to high driving the gates of FET’s Q00, Q01, and
VZ POWER SUPPLY Q02. The other half of U03 (pin 7) reacts to negative
going output voltage. Both halves of U03 receive V2
and amplifier output voltage differentially.
The time constant set by C18 and R16 on the input
+ +
of U04 sets the maximum switch frequency of the
SPEAKER VZ VZ supply. This time constant forces the supply to stay in
LOAD STAGE STAGE the series mode regardless of amplifier condition for
200 ms. The reset pin of U04 (pin 4) forces the output
of U04 low when FET damage conditions exist.
C16 and C17 provide hysteresis around the compara-
tors of U03 to insure stable operation.
VZ Protection Circuit
Figure 3.3 VZ Supply in Parallel Mode Protecting high current transistors can be troublesome
in circuits that do not provide convenient current
When the voltage requirements are high the VZ supply sample points. FETs Q00-Q02 fall into this class of
switches to a series mode to produce the higher problems, but protection has been designed based
voltage and less current (Figure 3.4). The amplified on the following two conditions being present at
output signal never misses a beat and gets full voltage the same time:
when it needs it—not when it doesn’t need it.
• Higher than normal on-state drain to source FETs at pin 5. R17 in series with R18 forms a voltage
voltage divider to pin 5 of U05. The reference is set by a
voltage divider formed by R29, R20, and R22.
• Gate drive present.
When both conditions are detected the outputs of U05
When both of these conditions exist, a reasonable (pins 1 and 2) allow C20 to start charging through
assumption can be made that the FETs are operating R23. After 20µS, C20 will be sufficiently charged to
in an area that if sustained will cause damage to turn on the section of U05 whose output is pin 14,
the FETs. These two conditions are detected by U05 discharging C21. As C21 discharges, it turns on Q03
pins 5 and 7. which pulls the non-inverting input low (pin 9). U05
pin 13 drives the reset pin of U04 low which removes
U05 detects gate drive to the FETs at pin 7. Pin 6 is gate drive from the FETs. This hysteresis makes the
a reference input with the reference voltage set by circuit auto-resetting. Every 10ms (set by C21 and
R22 in series with R19. R26) it will make another 20µs try at driving the FETs.
R25 prevents Q03 from pulling the input of U05 below
U05 detects excessive source to drain voltage on the its negative supply.
Figure 3.5 Typical Crown Grounded Bridge Amplifier Basic Block Diagram (One Channel Shown)
1k ohm
4.3.9 Test 8: Level Controls Procedure: 8 ohm load on each channel. Inject a 20
Spec: Level controlled by level controls. kHz sine wave into the Channel 1 input and increase
Initial Conditions: Controls per standard. output level to 80 VAC. Measure less than 80 mVAC
Procedure: No Load. Inject a 1 kHz sine wave. at the output of Channel 2. Inject a 20 kHz sine wave
With level controls fully clockwise you should see into the Channel 2 input and increase output level to
full gain. As controls are rotated counterclockwise, 80 VAC. Measure less than 80 mVAC at the output
observe similar gain reduction in each channel. When of Channel 1.
complete, return level controls to fully clockwise
position. 4.3.13 Test 12: Output Power
Spec at 8 Ohm Stereo: ≥ 1125W at 0.1% THD.
4.3.10 Test 9: Current Limit Spec at 4 Ohm Stereo: ≥ 1625W at 0.1% THD.
Spec: Current Limit at 43 - 48 Amps Spec at 2 Ohm Stereo: ≥ 1800W at 0.1% THD.
Initial Conditions: Controls per standard. International 8 Ohm Stereo: ≥ 945W at 0.1% THD.
Procedure: Load each channel to 1 Ohm. Inject a 1 International 4 Ohm Stereo: ≥ 1255W at 0.1% THD.
kHz differentiated (or 10% duty cycle) square wave. International 2 Ohm Stereo: ≥ 1490W at 0.1% THD.
See figure 4.1. Increase output level until current limit Initial Conditions: Controls per standard.
occurs. Current limit should occur at 43 - 48 Amps Procedure: Load each channel to 8 ohms. Inject a
(43-48 Vpk). Disregard waveform overshoot. Observe 1 kHz sine wave and measure at least 94.67 VAC at
clean (no oscillations) current clipping. See Figure 4.2 the output of each channel. Load each channel to 4
for differentiated wave form at current limit. ohms. Inject a 1 kHz sine wave and measure at least
80.62 VAC. Load each channel to 2 ohms. Inject a
4.3.11 Test 10: Slew Rate & 10 kHz Square Wave 1 kHz sine wave and measure at least 60.00 VAC.
Spec: 30 - 40 V/µS. All power measurements must be at less than 0.1%
Initial Conditions: Controls per standard. THD. For international units, calculate output voltage
Procedure: Load each channel to 8 ohms. Inject a with above power specifications.
10 kHz square wave to obtain 90 volts zero-to-peak at
each output. Observe the slope of the square wave. 4.3.14 Test 13: Reactive Loads
It should typically measure 30 to 40 V/µS. Also, the Spec: No oscillations. Safe with all types of loads.
square wave must not include overshoot, ringing, or Initial Conditions: Controls per standard.
any type of oscillation. See Figure 4.3 for typical 10 Procedure Capacitive: Load each channel to 8
kHz square wave response. ohms in parallel with 2 µF. Inject a 20 kHz sine wave
with 48 VAC output for 10 seconds.
4.3.12 Test 11: Crosstalk Procedure Inductive: Load each channel to 8 ohms
Spec: -60dB at 20 kHz. in parallel with 159 µHenries. Inject a 1 kHz sine wave
Initial Conditions: Controls per standard. Terminate with 36 VAC output for 10 seconds.
input of channel not driven with 600 ohms.
Figure 4.3 10 kHz square wave response Figure 4.4 ODEP limiting wave form
Procedure Torture: Load each channel with the 4.3.18 Test 17: Turn On Transients
primary (red and black leads) of a PSU transformer Spec: No dangerous transients.
(D 7040-5). Inject a 35 Hz sine wave for an output Initial Conditions: Controls per standard.
level of 89.5 Vrms, for 10 seconds. Procedure: From an off condition, turn on the amplifier
Procedure Short: Inject a 60 Hz sine wave with 30.0 and monitor the output noise at the time of turn on.
VAC at the amplilfier output. After establishing signal, Note: Turn on noise may increase significantly if the
short the output for 10 seconds. amplifier is cycled off and on.
4.3.15 Test 14: ODEP Limiting 4.3.19 Test 18: Turn Off Transients
Spec: ODEP Limiting occurs per the procedure. Spec: No dangerous transients.
Either channel controls limiting in Parallel Mono Initial Conditions: Controls per standard.
Mode. Procedure: From an on condition, turn off the amplifier
Initial Conditions: Controls per standard; rag or and monitor the output noise at the time of turn off.
other obstruction blocking fan so that it does not Note: Turn off noise may increase significantly if the
turn. amplifier is cycled off and on.
Procedure: Load the amplifier to 2 ohms on each
channel. Inject a 60 Hz sine wave and adjust for 4.3.20 Test 19: Intermodulation Distortion
30 Vrms at the output. After a few minutes observe Spec at 0 dB Output: 0.02%.
a wave form similar to Figure 4.4. Both positive Spec at –35 dB Output: 0.05%.
and negative alternations must show the distinctive Initial Conditions: Controls per standard.
waveform. There is no requirement of symmetry Procedure: Load each channel to 8 ohms. Inject a
between positive and negative alternations. There is SMPTE standard IM signal (60 Hz and 7 kHz sine
no requirement of uniformity from channel to channel. wave mixed at 4:1 ratio). Set the 60 Hz portion of the
Remove the input signal from both channels and sine wave to 72 Volt RMS. Set the 7 kHz portion to
allow the amplifier to cool for a few minutes. Switch 25%. With an IM analyzer measure less than 0.02%
the amplifier to Parallel Mono and remove the load IMD. Repeat test at –35 dB (reference 72 Volt RMS, 60
from Channel 1. Inject the signal into Channel 1 and Hz portion) and measure less than 0.05% IMD.
observe that ODEP limiting occurs at the output of
both channels. Remove the load from Channel 2, and 4.3.21 Test 20: High Line Cutout
install the load on Channel 1. Again, observe that both Spec: 10% - 12% above nominal.
channels limit. Return all amplifier controls to standard Initial Conditions: Controls per standard.
initial conditions. Remove the fan obstruction. Procedure: Using an AC line variac, increase the
line voltage until the unit goes into standby. The
4.3.16 Test 15: LF Protection unit should fo into standby at 10% - 12% above the
Spec: Amplifier mutes for low frequency. nominal (120V U.S. units).
Initial Conditions: Controls per standard.
Procedure: No load. Inject a 0.5 Hz, 10 volt peak-to- 4.3.22 Post Testing
peak, square wave, or a 1Hz, 17 volt peak-to-peak, After completion of testing, if all tests are satisfactory,
sine wave into each channel and verify that each the amplifier controls should be returned to the
channel cycles into mute. positions required by customer. If conditions are
unknown or unspecified, factory settings are as
4.3.17 Test 16: Signal to Noise Ratio follows:
Spec: 100 dB below rated 8 ohm power 20 Hz to 20 Level Controls: 9 to 11 O’Clock.
kHz. 105 dB A-Weighted. Sensitivity Switch: 0.775V U.S., 1.4V International.
Initial Conditions: 26dB Sensitivity. Short inputs. Stereo/Mono Switch: Stereo.
Procedure: Load each channel to 8 ohms. Measure Ground Lift: Lift.
less than 950 µV at the output of each channel (20 Power: Off.
Hz-20 kHz bandpass filter).
3 20
6 21
2 22
5 6
4 5
3 3
2 14
6 11
7 8 24
9 10
6 17
5 7
9 19
1 1
3 12
14 13
7 14 5
11 12
10 13
Q43100-9 Q43314-6
Output PWA on P10373-2 PWB. Use Q43387-2 as Display PWA on D 8572-6 PWB. For schematic see
service replacement. For schematic see J0547-0. J0456-4.
Q43318-7 Q43440-9
Output PWA on P10423-5 PWB. Use Q43387-2 as Display PWA on D 8897-7 PWB. For schematic see
service replacement. For schematic see J0675-9. J0703-9.
Q43107-4 Q43181-9
Main PWA on D 8102-2 PWB. For schematic see VZ switch PWA on D 8174-1 PWB. For schematic
J0547-0. see J0561-1.
VZ switch PWA on D 8174-1 PWB. For schematic
see J0561-1.
VZ switch PWA on D 8589-0 PWB. For schematic
see J0561-1.
Channel 1 bridge PWA on D 8869-6 PWB. For
schematic see J0699-9.
Resistors Transistors
R801 C 3753-8 10 Ohm Q801 C 3625-8 2N4125
R802 C 3753-8 10 Ohm Q802 C 3625-8 2N4125
Fuse Misc.
F801 C 3065-7 1 Amp P801-P815 C 7817-7 Tab, .25 Faston
J5 C 4508-5 16 Pin IC Socket
(2) C 5060-6 Fuse Clip
K801 C 7891-2 24V 10A Relay
K802 C 7891-2 24V 10A Relay
Capacitors Resistors
C801 C 5234-7 .047µF R801 A10266-1001 10 Ohm
C802 C 5234-7 .047µF R802 A10266-1001 10 Ohm
C803 C 8897-8 .01µF R803 A10266-4731 47K
C804 C 8897-8 .01µF R804 A10266-8231 82K
R805 A10266-1331 13K
R806 A10266-1331 13K
Diodes R807 A10266-2231 22K
D801 C 2851-1 1N4004 R808 A10266-1331 13K
D802 C 2851-1 1N4004 R809 A10266-1331 13K
D803 C 3549-0 1N961B 10V
Fuse U801 C 7444-0 LM393
F801 C 3065-7 1 Amp
Relays (2) C 5060-6 Fuse Clip
K801 C 9787-0 30A, 24V J5 C 4508-5 16 Pin IC Socket
K802 C 9787-0 30A, 24V P801-P815 C 7817-7 Tab, .25 Faston
P816, P817 C 7873-0 2 Pin Header
(1) C 3451-9 8 Pin IC Socket
Q801 C 3625-8 2N4125
Q802 C 3625-8 2N4125
Capacitors Resistors
C801 C 5234-7 .047µF R801 A10266-1001 10 Ohm
C802 C 5234-7 .047µF R802 A10266-1001 10 Ohm
C803 C 8897-8 .01µF R803 A10266-1821 1.8K
C804 C 8897-8 .01µF R804 A10266-8231 82K
R805 A10266-1331 13K
R806 A10266-1331 13K
Diodes R807 A10266-2231 22K
D801 C 2851-1 1N4004 R808 A10266-1331 13K
D802 C 2851-1 1N4004 R809 A10266-1331 13K
D803 C 3549-0 1N961B 10V R810 A10266-2231 22K
D804 C 3181-2 1N4148 R811 A10266-4741 470K
D805 C 3181-2 1N4148 R812 A10266-8211 820 Ohm
D806 C 9596-5 1N5237B 8.2V R813 A10266-6221 6.2K
D807 C 9929-8 TL431ACLP R814 C 9928-0 51.1K
R815 C 9639-3 4.99K
F801 C 3065-7 1 Amp IC's
U801 C 7444-0 LM393
K801 C 9787-0 30A, 24V Misc.
K802 C 9787-0 30A, 24V (2) C 5060-6 Fuse Clip
J5 C 4508-5 16 Pin IC Socket
P801-P815 C 7817-7 Tab, .25 Faston
Transistors P816, P817 C 7873-0 2 Pin Header
Q801 C 3625-8 2N4125 (1) C 3451-9 8 Pin IC Socket
Q802 C 3625-8 2N4125
Q803 C 3625-8 2N4125
Capacitors Resistors
C801 C 5234-7 .047µF R801 A10266-1001 10 Ohm
C802 C 5234-7 .047µF R802 A10266-1001 10 Ohm
C803 C 8897-8 .01µF R803 A10266-1821 1.8K
C804 C 8897-8 .01µF R804 A10266-8231 82K
C805 C 6807-9 .001µF R805 A10266-1331 13K
R806 A10266-1331 13K
R807 A10266-2231 22K
Diodes R808 A10266-1331 13K
D801 C 2851-1 1N4004 R809 A10266-1331 13K
D802 C 2851-1 1N4004 R810 A10266-2231 22K
D803 C 3549-0 1N961B 10V R811 A10266-4741 470K
D804 C 3181-2 1N4148 R812 A10266-8211 820 Ohm
D805 C 3181-2 1N4148 R813 A10266-6221 6.2K
D806 C 9596-5 1N5237B 8.2V R814 C 9928-0 51.1K
D807 C 9929-8 TL431ACLP R815 C 9639-3 4.99K
R816 A10266-1041 100K
R817 A10266-3941 390K
Fuse R818 A10266-1041 100K
F801 C 3065-7 1 Amp R819 A10266-3941 390K
Relays IC's
K801 C 9787-0 30A, 24V U801 C 7444-0 LM393
K802 C 9787-0 30A, 24V
Transistors Misc.
(2) C 5060-6 Fuse Clip
Q801 C 3625-8 2N4125 J5 C 4508-5 16 Pin IC Socket
Q802 C 3625-8 2N4125 P801-P815 C 7817-7 Tab, .25 Faston
Q803 C 3625-8 2N4125 P816, P817 C 7873-0 2 Pin Header
Q804 C 3786-8 MPS4250A (1) C 3451-9 8 Pin IC Socket
Q805 C 3786-8 MPS4250A
Capacitors Resistors
C501 C601 C 6802-0 .47µF Ax R501 R601 A10266-1051 1M
C502 C602 C 6806-1 .01µF Ax R502 R602 A10266-3331 33K
C503 C603 C 6806-1 .01µF Ax R503 R603 A10266-2741 270K
C507 C607 C 6809-5 220pF R504 R604 A10266-1031 10K
C701 C 6804-6 .1µF Ax R505 R605 A10266-1022 1K .5W
C702 C 6804-6 .1µF Ax R506 R606 A10266-2222 2.2K .5W
C703 C 6804-6 .1µF Ax R507 R607 A10266-3332 33K .5W
C704 C 6804-6 .1µF Ax R508 R608 A10266-1351 1.3M
R509 R609 A10266-7551 7.5M
R510 R610 A10266-7551 7.5M
Diodes R511 R611 A10266-4741 470K
D501 D601 C 3181-2 1N4148 R512 R612 A10266-2221 2.2K
D502 D602 C 3181-2 1N4148 R513 R613 A10266-1522 1.5K .5W
D503 D603 C 3181-2 1N4148 R514 R614 A10266-1001 10
R701 A10266-1522 1.5K .5W
R703 A10266-2031 20K
LEDs R704 A10266-1031 10K
E501 E601 C 7863-1 Grn SPI/IOC R705 A10266-1031 10K
E502 E602 C 4342-9 Amber ODEP R706 A10266-2031 20K
E701 C 4342-9 Amber Enable
Transistors ICs
U501 U601 C 4345-2 LM339
Q501 Q601 C 3625-8 PNP 2N4125 U502 C 5070-7 TL072
Q502 Q602 D 2961-7 NPN 2N3859A Sel U701 C 8518-0 MC78L15ACP +15V
Q503 Q603 D 2961-7 NPN 2N3859A Sel U702 C 8519-8 MC79L15ACP -15V
Q504 Q604 C 3625-8 PNP 2N4125
J3 C 4508-5 16 Pin Header
Spacers (5) A10101-2 LED Spacer
Capacitors Resistors
C501 C601 C 6802-0 .47µF Ax R501 R601 A10266-1051 1M
C502 C602 C 6806-1 .01µF Ax R502 R602 A10266-3331 33K
C503 C603 C 6806-1 .01µF Ax R503 R603 A10266-2741 270K
C507 C607 C 6809-5 220pF R504 R604 A10266-1031 10K
C701 C 6804-6 .1µF Ax R505 R605 A10266-1022 1K .5W
C702 C 6804-6 .1µF Ax R506 R606 A10266-2222 2.2K .5W
C703 C 6804-6 .1µF Ax R507 R607 A10266-3332 33K .5W
C704 C 6804-6 .1µF Ax R508 R608 A10266-1351 1.3M
R509 R609 A10266-7551 7.5M
R510 R610 A10266-7551 7.5M
Diodes R511 R611 A10266-4741 470K
D501 D601 C 3181-2 1N4148 R512 R612 A10266-2221 2.2K
D502 D602 C 3181-2 1N4148 R513 R613 A10266-1522 1.5K .5W
D503 D603 C 3181-2 1N4148 R514 R614 A10266-1001 10
D701 C 8235-1 1N6263 R701 A10266-1522 1.5K .5W
R703 A10266-2031 20K
R704 A10266-1031 10K
LEDs R705 A10266-1031 10K
E501 E601 C 7863-1 Grn SPI/IOC R706 A10266-2031 20K
E502 E602 C 4342-9 Amber ODEP
E701 C 4342-9 Amber Enable
U501 U601 C 4345-2 LM339
Transistors U502 C 5070-7 TL072
Q501 Q601 C 3625-8 PNP 2N4125 U701 C 8518-0 MC78L15ACP +15V
Q502 Q602 D 2961-7 NPN 2N3859A Sel U702 C 8519-8 MC79L15ACP -15V
Q503 Q603 D 2961-7 NPN 2N3859A Sel
Q504 Q604 C 3625-8 PNP 2N4125
J3 C 8784-8 16 Pin Header
Spacers (5) A10101-2 LED Spacer
D17 C 3549-0 1N961B 10V
D18 C 6578-6 1N4735 6.2V
R01 C 7421-8 2.5K .5W
R02 C 7441-6 90.9K 1%
R03 C 5707-2 100K 1%
R04 C 7440-8 27.4K 1%
R06 C 5707-2 100K 1%
R07 C 7441-6 90.9K 1%
R08 C 5707-2 100K 1%
R09 C 7440-8 27.4K 1%
R11 C 5707-2 100K 1%
R12 C 6317-9 953 1%
R13 C 6317-9 953 1%
R14 C 4850-1 1K 1%
R15 C 4850-1 1K 1%
R16 C 4225-6 470K
R17 C 3620-9 68K
R18 C 2631-7 10K
R19 C 3939-3 4.7K
R20 C 2632-5 15K
R21 C 2875-0 1.2K
R22 C 4167-0 43K
R23 C 3622-5 200K
R24 C 6090-2 62K
R25 C 3804-9 2K
R26 C 7654-4 3.9M
R27 C 5975-5 680
R28 C 2883-4 100K
Capacitors Resistors
C00 C 2288-6 .001µF R00 C 2872-7 100
C16 C 2821-4 10pF R01 C 7852-4 2.4K 5W
C17 C 2821-4 10pF R02 A10265-90921 90.9K 1%
C18 C 3411-3 200pF R03 C 5707-2 100K 1%
C19 C 3728-0 10µF R04 A10265-27421 27.4K 1%
C20 C 3411-3 200pF R06 C 5707-2 100K 1%
C21 C 6683-4 4700pF R07 A10265-90921 90.9K 1%
C22* D 7595-8 6900µF R08 C 5707-2 100K 1%
C23* D 7595-8 6900µF R09 A10265-27421 27.4K 1%
C24* D 7595-8 6900µF R11 C 5707-2 100K 1%
C25* D 7595-8 6900µF R12 C 6317-9 953 1%
R13 C 6317-9 953 1%
R14 A10265-10011 1K 1%
Diodes R15 A10265-10011 1K 1%
D17 C 3549-0 1N961B 10V R16 C 4225-6 470K
D18 C 6578-6 1N4735 6.2V R17 C 3620-9 68K
D19 C 8855-6 BYV72-150 R18 C 2631-7 10K
D20 C 8855-6 BYV72-150 R19 C 3939-3 4.7K
R20 C 2632-5 15K
R21 A10266-1221 1.2K
Ferrite Bead R22 C 4167-0 43K
FB00 C 9156-0 30 Ohm, 10MHz R23 C 3622-5 200K
FB01 C 9156-0 30 Ohm, 10MHz R24 C 6090-2 62K
FB02 C 9156-0 30 Ohm, 10MHz R25 C 3804-9 2K
R26 A10266-3951 3.9M
Transistors R27
C 5707-2
Q00 C 8516-4 IRF641
Q01 C 8516-4 IRF641
C 8516-4
D 2961-7
2N3859A, SEL
P00 C 9527-0 6 Pin Header
P01 C 7592-6 4 Pin Header
Integrated Circuits C 3451-9 8 Pin IC Socket
U00 C 6901-0 MOC8021
U03 C 7444-0 LM393 * These components do not come with the Q43123-1
U04 C 7445-7 LM555 PWA.
U05 C 4345-2 LM339
Capacitors Resistors
C00 C 2288-6 .001µF R00 C 2872-7 100
C16 C 2821-4 10pF R01 C 7852-4 2.4K 5W
C17 C 2821-4 10pF R02 A10265-90921 90.9K 1%
C18 C 3411-3 200pF R03 C 5707-2 100K 1%
C19 C 3728-0 10µF R04 A10265-27421 27.4K 1%
C20 C 3411-3 200pF R06 C 5707-2 100K 1%
C21 C 6683-4 4700pF R07 A10265-90921 90.9K 1%
C22* D 7595-8 6900µF R08 C 5707-2 100K 1%
C23* D 7595-8 6900µF R09 A10265-27421 27.4K 1%
C24* D 7595-8 6900µF R11 C 5707-2 100K 1%
C25* D 7595-8 6900µF R12 C 6317-9 953 1%
R13 C 6317-9 953 1%
R14 A10265-10011 1K 1%
Diodes R15 A10265-10011 1K 1%
D17 C 3549-0 1N961B 10V R16 C 4225-6 470K
D18 C 6578-6 1N4735 6.2V R17 C 3620-9 68K
D19* C 8855-6 BYV72-150 R18 C 2631-7 10K
D20* C 8855-6 BYV72-150 R19 C 3939-3 4.7K
R20 C 2632-5 15K
R21 A10266-1221 1.2K
Ferrite Bead R22 C 4167-0 43K
FB00 C 9156-0 30 Ohm, 10MHz R23 C 3622-5 200K
FB01 C 9156-0 30 Ohm, 10MHz R24 C 6090-2 62K
FB02 C 9156-0 30 Ohm, 10MHz R25 C 3804-9 2K
R26 A10266-3951 3.9M
Transistors R27
C 5707-2
Q00* C 8516-4 IRF641
Q01* C 8516-4 IRF641
C 8516-4
D 2961-7
2N3859A, SEL
P00 C 9527-0 6 Pin Header
P01 C 7592-6 4 Pin Header
Integrated Circuits C 3451-9
D 8174-1
8 Pin IC Socket
U03 C 7444-0 LM393
U04 C 7445-7 LM555
U05 C 4345-2 LM339 * These components do not come with the Q43181-9
Capacitors Resistors
C00 C 2288-6 .001µF R00 A10266-1011 100
C16 C 2821-4 10pF R01 C 7852-4 2.4K 5W
C17 C 2821-4 10pF R02 A10265-90921 90.9K 1%
C18 C 3411-3 200pF R03 A10265-10031 100K 1%
C19 C 3728-0 10µF R04 A10265-27421 27.4K 1%
C20 C 3411-3 200pF R06 A10265-10031 100K 1%
C21 C 6683-4 4700pF R07 A10265-90921 90.9K 1%
C22* D 7595-8 6900µF R08 A10265-10031 100K 1%
C23* D 7595-8 6900µF R09 A10265-27421 27.4K 1%
C24* D 7595-8 6900µF R11 A10265-10031 100K 1%
C25* D 7595-8 6900µF R12 A10265-95301 953 1%
R13 A10265-95301 953 1%
R14 A10265-10011 1K 1%
Diodes R15 A10265-10011 1K 1%
D17 C 3549-0 1N961B 10V R16 A10266-4741 470K
D18 C 6578-6 1N4735 6.2V R17 A10265-24921 24.9K 1%
D19 C 8855-6 BYV72-150 R18 A10265-10021 10K 1%
D20 C 8855-6 BYV72-150 R19 A10265-4721 4.7K
R20 A10266-1531 15K
R21 A10266-1221 1.2K
Ferrite Bead R22 A10266-4331 43K
FB00 C 9156-0 30 Ohm, 10MHz R23 A10266-2041 200K
FB01 C 9156-0 30 Ohm, 10MHz R24 A10266-6231 62K
FB02 C 9156-0 30 Ohm, 10MHz R25 A10266-2021 2K
R26 A10266-3951 3.9M
Transistors R27
100K 1%
Q00 C 9927-2 IRF540
Q01 C 9927-2 IRF540
C 9927-2
D 2961-7
2N3859A, SEL
P00 C 9527-0 6 Pin Header
P01 C 7592-6 4 Pin Header
Integrated Circuits C 3451-9
D 8174-1
8 Pin IC Socket
U00 C 6901-0 MOC8021
U03 C 7444-0 LM393
U04 C 7445-7 LM555 * These components do not come with the Q43298-1
U05 C 4345-2 LM339 PWA.
6 Schematic Diagrams
JO643-7 Rev. C