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ROLL NO: 21403





Education is a light that shows the mankind the right direction to surge. The
purpose of education is not just making a student literate but adds rationale
thinking, knowledge ability and self-sufficiency. When there is a willingness to
change, there is hope for progress in any field. Creativity can be developed and
innovation benefits both students and teachers.
Islam attaches such great importance to knowledge and education. When the Quran
began to be revealed, the first word of its first verse was 'Iqra' that is, read.
Education is thus the starting point of every human activity. A scholar is accorded
great respect in the hadith. According to a hadith the ink of the pen of a scholar is
more precious than the blood of a martyr. The reason being that martyr is engaged
in defense work while a Scholar builds individuals and nations along positive lines.
In this way he bestows a real life to the world.

Innovative teaching strategies don’t always mean introducing the latest and
greatest technology into the classroom. Instead, innovative teaching is the process
of proactively introducing new teaching strategies and methods into the classroom.
The purpose of introducing these new teaching strategies and methods is to
improve academic outcomes and address real problems to promote equitable
Kids learn in different ways and at different paces. Personalized learning is a
teaching model based on that premise. Each student gets a “learning plan” based
on how they learn, what they know, and what their skills and interests are. It’s the
opposite of the “one size fits all” approach used in most schools. Students work
with their teachers to set both short-term and long-term goals. This process helps
students take ownership of their learning. Teachers make sure learning plans or
project-based learning match up with academic standards. And they check to see if
students are demonstrating the skills they’re expected to learn as they progress
through their education. Personalized learning is not a replacement for. It’s an
approach to general education that can work with an (IEP), a , response to
intervention, or other specialized intervention programs.


 Student ownership of their learning process;

 Focus on the learning process rather than "big end-of-year tests";
 Competency or mastery-based student progression; and
 Anytime, anywhere learning.
Students in these classrooms have the opportunity to learn in a way that suits their
individual needs and interests. While assessments are still critical, they serve more
as tools to inform the learning process rather than a yardstick for measuring the
results of that process. Students still have clear learning goals and objectives, but
the assessments are integrated into the day and serve to determine when students
are ready to move on to the next skill or concept. Personalized learning also
involves opportunities to learn outside the classroom or school day, through real-
world experiences in the community or digital learning opportunities
 Student-centered instruction
 Engagement in real-world activities that promote content learning
 Student choice and control
 Formative assessment throughout the learning cycle
 Seamless integration of technology into learning experiences


 Student-Centered Classrooms
Learning activities are meaningful and connect to student interests
Authentic learning empowers students
 Active Learning Environment
Instruction utilizes a variety of learning styles that support every learner
Personal attention is given to ensure that every child develops their intellectual and
creative talents
 Collaborative and Cooperative
Students work with others to explore ideas and use knowledge for meaningful
Teachers are facilitators of learning to guide them in acquiring knowledge
Opportunities are provided for students to become “creators of content”
 Creates Positive Attitudes for Learning
Enthusiasm for school is increased
Creates life-long learners
 Caring and Supportive Learning Environment
Student-teacher relationships are respectful
Parents partner with teachers to encourage student achievement
There are also some challenges to take into consideration when considering
Personalized Learning. Because students with disabilities have widely varying
needs, without support from support personnel, they may fall behind.  Students
without proper technology may not be able to access the needed classes or support
for specific subjects.


Flipped Classroom is a teaching strategy that reverses the traditional learning
environment by delivering instructional content, outside of the classroom. It moves
activities like projects, assignments, home works, etc. into the class.
 Flexible Environment: In flipped classroom, teachers need to create flexible
learning environment by providing opportunities for students to choose when and
where they want to learn.
Learning Culture: In flipped model, class time is shifting to discuss more in-
depth about each topic. More over, flipped classroom changes the traditional
learning culture into learner centered class. As a result, students are actively
involved in knowledge construction.
Intentional Content: Flipped learning requires intentional content. Means, in
flipped model, the teachers determine what they need to teach and what materials
students should handle on their own. Here, teachers use intentional content to
maximize class time in order to adopt learner- centered, activity-oriented class.
Professional Educator: The role of a professional educator is even more
important in a flipped classroom than in traditional one. The flipped model needs
instructors who can observe, provide timely feedback, continuously assess work,
and help students master content. This is something only professional educators
can do.
As teachers look for new ways to create engaging classes and embrace the
opportunities made possible by technology, the flipped classroom is quickly
emerging as an exciting new approach that promises multiple benefits for both
teachers and students.
 Students take ownership for learning.
 It promotes student-centered learning and collaboration.
 Lessons and content are more accessible.
 It emphasis on co-operative learning.
 It gives more time to explore the content.
 It can be more efficient
There are many advantages of a flipped classroom. In a flipped classroom, it is
possible for students to have increased input and control over their own learning.
By providing short lectures at home, students are given the freedom to learn at
their own pace. Students may pause or rewind the lectures, write down questions
they may have, and discuss them with their teachers and peers in class. This also
allows students who need more time to understand certain concepts to take their
time reviewing the material without getting left behind, and receive immediate
assistance from teachers and classmates. As a result, this can not only improves
student achievement, but improves student behavior in class as well.
Done properly, in a flipped classroom, kids can have more time to be kids, whether
that means more free time, or more academic practice. As most of us can recall
from our own experiences, a substantial amount of time is spent each week outside
the classroom doing homework. In fact, a study done observing 9th-12th graders
found that students spent and average of 38 hours a week doing homework. This is
a tremendous amount of work on not only students, but on teachers as well, who
have to be constantly assigning and grading work. Since flipped classrooms limit
the outside workload to watching an online lecture that is usually less than 10
minutes long, this gives students and teachers more time outside of class to focus
on other interests like friends, families, and hobbies
 It create digital divide.
 It depends on preparation and trust.
 Teachers may have extra work.
 Students may forced to spent time in front of the screen.
One of the most prominent issues is the necessity for students to have access to a
computer and Internet in order to view the lectures. This is particularly hard on
students from low-income districts who already have limited access to resources
There is also the concern that since flipped classrooms are dependent on student
participation, one must trust students to watch the lectures at home. Unfortunately,
there is no way to guarantee students will oblige or cooperate with the flipped
There are some who believe that if every teacher starts flipping their classrooms,
students will spend hours in front of a computer watching the lectures. One may
argue that this has the potential to cause serious problems to student’s learning
processes, as not everyone may be as adept to learning through a computer

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