Guia Docente Ingles II
Guia Docente Ingles II
Guia Docente Ingles II
Subject: INGLÉS II
Id.: 31363
Subject type: OBLIGATORIA
Year: 2 Teaching period: Anual
Credits: 6 Total hours: 150
Classroom activities: 66 Individual study: 84
Main teaching language: Secondary teaching
Inglés Castellano
Lecturer: MEENAN , KARLA (T) Email: [email protected]
English for Information Technology (IT) Engineers is an English language course that linguistically
supports students during their studies in the field of IT and later in the multicultural workplace. English
in this course (Reading, Speaking, Listening,Writing, Grammar and Vocabulary) will be taught / learned
in relation to IT topics and themes. These topics and themes range from technical and academic to
social and cultural.
General Ability to use learning strategies independently for use in the continuous improvement of
programme professional practice.
competences Ability to achieve common results through teamwork in a context of integration, cooperation
and encouraging critical discussion.
Ability to critically think about information, data and lines of action and their implementation in
relevant social, scientific ethical issues.
G05 Ability to communicate in Spanish and English for professional issues in oral and written form.
Ability to master information and communication technologies and their application in their
professional field.
Learning Understand the main ideas of complex texts about specific and abstract topics, even if they
outcomes are of a technical nature, provided they are within their field of expertise.
Interact with native speakers with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes
communication effortless.
Produce clear, detailed text on a variety of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue
giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
R04 Deal with most situations that may arise in areas where the English language is used.
Apply your knowledge of the English language in tasks, projects and presentations with video
Students enrolling in this course are expected to have a minimum of high B1 in English demonstrated
by one of the following:
2-recently having passed (less than 2 years ago) an official exam at the required level (Cambridge or
IELTS exams), or
3-by taking the IML level test and achieving a score equivalent to the required level on the Cambridge
Subject contents:
1 - Course Review
2 - Academic and Professional Language Skills
2.1 - Sources and Plagiarism - Paraphrasing
2.2 - Business Initiatives- Technology Trends
2.3 - Writing Workshop- Academic writing
2.4 - Jobs in ICT
2.5 - Social business skills- Participating in Conferences/Business Culture/Meetings
2.6 - Ethics and debating
2.7 - Robotics
2.8 - Technical English
2.9 - Software Development -management and meetings
2.10 - Podcast workshop
3 - English Language Skills
3.1 - Practicing Genres - describing processes, explanations, proposals and suggestions, sequencing, idioms
3.2 - Vocabulary Work
3.3 - Grammar Work
3.4 - IELTS Preparation
3.5 - Academic English
3.6 - Book Club
4 - Oral and Written Tests
4.1 - Listening and oral tests
Subject planning could be modified due unforeseen circumstances (group performance, availability of
resources, changes to academic calendar etc.) and should not, therefore, be considered to be
Learning activities:
2.9.Software Development -
management and meetings
3 . 1 . P r a c t i c i n g G e n r e s - Software Development. Project management
26/10/ d e s c r i b i n g p r o c e s s e s , and meetings. Group Project 1. (13/ 11/ 20) Group Project 1.
7 2 2
2020 explanations, proposals and
suggestions, sequencing,
3.2.Vocabulary Work
2.5.Social business skills- Software development management.
P a r t i c i p a t i n g i n Participation in meetings. Negotiating skills.
02/11/ C o n f e r e n c e s / B u s i n e s s Agreeing/ disagreeing Read The Circle. Group project 1
8 2 2
2020 Culture/Meetings
2.9.Software Development - MICROSOFT TEAMS
management and meetings
Introduction to Podcasts. Evalution and
09/11/ Listen to podcast and evaluate. Group Project
9 2.10.Podcast workshop Group project 1: project management meeting 2 2
2020 1
(13th November)
Robotics continued
15/02/ Individual Project 3
23 2.7.Robotics 2 2
2.2.Business Initiatives-
Technology Trends UNIT TEST 2 (18/ 03/ 21)
15/03/ 2.5.Social business skills- Meeting/ Conversation skills.
27 2 2
2021 P a r t i c i p a t i n g i n PRESENCIAL
Business initiatives: Technology trends.
22/03/ 2 . 2 . B u s i n e s s I n i t i a t i v e s - Participating in maeeting/ conference Exam revision
28 2 2
2021 Technology Trends
Observations for students exempt from compulsory attendance due to special circumstances:
All work should be uploaded to the PDU for teacher review, evaluation and feedback.
Students who for justified reasons (previously informing the Faculty Secretary) cannot attend 80% of
the lectures should contact the subject teacher at the beginning of the semester (deadline 29/ 09/
2020) and arrange a tutorial, in order to see if it is possible to prepare a personalised study plan. In
these cases, the student must attend the tutorials arranged with the teacher and follow the agreed and
personalised syllabus .
The teaching methodology used is a communicative approach in which students learn by working in
groups or pairs speaking English to the lecturer and among themselves. The use of this approach
guarantees that students use the grammar, vocabulary and language structures acquired. Classes will
be developed using a wide range of texts and different pedagogical resources. Classes will include
listening,speaking and reading activities. Writing tasks and grammar exercises will be done as self-
study. The methodology encourages students to learn in a more independent and responsible way
towards their own learning process. Self-learning strategies (in relation to listening and vocabulary
learning in particular) will be taught in class to help students develop a more productive and
independent way of learning.
Theoretical/ Practical sessions: Students are expected to participate and interact in class, ask
questions, make suggestions and solve tasks. Outside class students must complete all the
independent study tasks assigned and attend tutorial sessions whenever possible. This can be done by
consulting the lecturer during office hours (or by appointment) to resolve any questions related to the
Homework/ tasks: Students are expected to prepare every week for class. The novel must be read at
home each week on the weeks indicated and students must be ready to discuss it in class and the
group presentation will be prepared outside of class too.
Academic expectations: San Jorge University maintain a high standard of academic integrity among its
faculty and students. In becoming part of the San Jorge University academic community, you are
responsible for honesty and independent work. Any student who takes part in any act of academic
fraud will be seriously taken into account and your grade will be considerably reduced. Dishonesty and/
or plagiarism includes, for example: using another person’s ideas without referencing appropriately;
inventing a bibliographical reference or pretending to have consulted one; inventing research results
without having done the research, etc. This inappropriate behaviour will be considered especially in
relation to texts copied from Internet. ALL work must be your own work, without the help of others.
Writing that may primarily be someone else’s work will not be accepted. To clarify what kind of help is
admitted, refer to the following list.
• Consult with your teacher during office hours. • Write notes or questions on your drafts about
particular doubts or problems with expressions that you may have. • Consult Dictionaries and grammar
reference sources.
• Submit any writing that translates your writing from Spanish to English. • Academic dishonesty will
not be tolerated and will automatically result in a mark of 0(no second chances given!). It only takes
one act of academic dishonesty to fail the entire course.
Everyone will be encouraged to participate in class and it is essential that full courtesy is awarded to
your classmates. Intentional class disturbances (for
example: using instant messenger programmes, accepting a phone call during class, text messaging
or listening to personal audio will not be tolerated.
Teaching mode Teaching methods
Master classes 10
Practical exercises 10
Practical work, exercises, problem-solving etc. 8
Debates 6
Classroom activities Coursework presentations 12
Films, videos, documentaries etc. 4
Workshops 6
Assessment activities 6
Tutorials 4
Individual study 18
Individual coursework preparation 18
Group cousework preparation 10
Project work 12
Individual study
Research work 10
Compulsory reading 8
Portfolio 4
Other individual study activities 4
Total hours: 150
Written tests: 40 %
Individual coursework: 35 %
Group coursework: 15 %
Final exam: 10 %
TOTAL 100 %
Due to the nature of English being a subject that requires face to face communication whenever
possible, in class participation is highly regarded. For more, see below.
Written Tests refers to two written tests at the end of two different learning units on 11th December
2020 and 18th March 2021. They are worth 20% each.
Individual Coursework refers to 4 assignments (written and/ or oral presentation) throughout the year,
(35% in total).
Group coursework refers to TWO group assignments (written and oral presentation - 10 & 5% -15%)
Final exam refers to the final exam in June and is worth 10% of the final grade.
You must get an average of 5 or over in all the individual coursework, written tests and group
coursework (in the case of attending students) to be allowed to take the final exam. NB: Any work
which has been copied and pasted from the Internet or plagiarised (copied without acknowledgement
of the author) will be awarded a 0.
SECOND CONVOCATORIA (July exam): this will consist of a final exam (60%) with an oral component
FI-009 -6- Rev.003
Guía Docente 2020-21
Assessment methods:
Observations for students exempt from compulsory attendance due to special circumstances:
Please note that absolutely all work (including comprehension tasks) done by the student should be
submitted through the PDU to the course teacher. All work is evaluated and teacher feedback is
considered part of the teaching and learning process. Students are required to score a minimum of
50% in each of the areas separately to pass the course.
Students who for justified reasons (previously informing the Faculty Secretary ) cannot attend 80% of
the lectures should contact the subject teacher at the beginning of the semester (deadline 29/ 09/
2020) and arrange a tutorial, in order to see if it is possible to prepare a personalised study plan. In
these cases, the student must attend the tutorials arranged with the teacher and follow the agreed and
personalised syllabus .
Basic bibliography:
Recommended bibliography:
Recommended websites:
*** Classes may be back to 100% on-campus but if not classes will continue alternating between on-
campus and Microsoft teams. Subject content and evaluation system are subject to change if there is a
change to online teaching.