Fall 2022 - EDU406 - 1

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EDU 406: Critical thinking and Reflective Practices

Assignment 1
(Fall 2022)

Total Marks: 15

Topics: 1-48

 Late assignments will not be accepted.
 If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.
 Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work done
by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas from different
sources and expressing them in your own words will be encouraged.
 No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.
 The solution file should be in Word document format; the font color should be
preferably black and font size should be 12 Times New Roman.


A. Differentiate between formal and informal reflection. 15 marks (5+10)

B. Also, explain their significance for the reflective practitioner in teaching process?

Questions Rating Criteria Marks

Exemplary Acceptable Incomplete

Q1: Differentiate 11-15 marks 6-11marks 0-5mark
between formal and
informal reflection. Effectively define and Effectively define and An incomplete answer
differentiate between differentiate between and does not meet all
Also, explain their formal and informal formal and informal requirements of the
significance for the reflection. reflection. question. Does not
reflective Also comprehensively And partially explain make sense of the 15
practitioner in explain the reasons its importance in differentiation and
teaching process? why it is important for teaching process (It explanation of the
the reflective does not meet all the importance.
practitioner in requirements of the
teaching process (It question)
meets all the
requirements of the

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