Haryana Government Gazette: Extraordinary
Haryana Government Gazette: Extraordinary
Haryana Government Gazette: Extraordinary
Published by Authority
© Govt. of Haryana
No. 27-2018/Ext.] CHANDIGARH, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2018 (MAGHA 30, 1939 SAKA)
The 19th February, 2018
No. 1/5/2018-1HB-IV.—
Policy regarding issuance of No Objection Certificate to the members of Teaching Faculty at various
Government/Government Aided Medical Colleges in the State and acceptance of resignation.
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of
Haryana is pleased to notify Policy regarding issuance of NOC to the members of Teaching Faculty for applying at
some other Medical College within or outside State.
For the members of Teaching Faculty Group-A in Government/Government aided Medical Colleges:-
During probation:
• ‘No Objection Certificate’ will not be issued for the purpose of applying elsewhere including for higher
studies/higher post fellowship programme/training course etc. within/outside the State
• A member of Teaching Faculty can be allowed to leave the institution during probation period only in
case of resignation provided he/she submits a notice of three months in advance or deposit three months
salary in lieu thereof. However, no experience certificate will be issued in such cases.
After completion of probation period:-
• No Objection Certificate will be issued to a member of Teaching Faculty only after completion of
5 years service. Extraordinary Leave will be excluded from this period.
• No Objection Certificate may be issued if a member of Teaching Faculty is applying for a higher post
(regular recruitment) in a Govt./Govt. aided Medical College within the State.
• No Objection Certificate may be issued if a member of Teaching Faculty applies for higher
studies/fellowship programme anywhere within/outside the State/India if the Institute where he/she is
seeking admission is recognised. The candidate should be eligible for study leave or study abroad (in
case that institute is located outside India). On completion of higher studies he or she shall have to
serve in the parent institution for the next seven years (counted from the date of the completion of the
higher course/study/fellowship programme. He/she shall have to execute a bond (amount will vary from
course to course and will be notified while issuing No Objection Certificate) to serve the institution for
specified period, as mentioned in the NOC and in case of failure to do so, he/she shall have to deposit
the amount of bond to the Institute.The bond shall be executed before relieving the member from the
institution (competent authority for this purpose will be the Director of the Institute/College).
618 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ. (EXTRA.), FEB. 19, 2018 (MAGH. 30, 1939 SAKA)
• If a member of Teaching Faculty wants to resign from his/her post, he/she shall have to submit a notice
of three months in advance or deposit three months salary. (or part thereof by the time the notice falls
short) in lieu thereof.
1. For Senior Residents/Demonstrator/Tenure Posts:-
These posts are primarily tenure posts with a maximum tenure being three years. Request for issuance
of No Objection Certificate to the members of Teaching Faculty working on these tenure posts may be
considered as follows-
• No Objection Certificate (NOC) shall not be granted during the first year of tenure for the
purpose of applying for higher studies/higher posts (both contractual and regular)/
training/fellowship programme within or outside the State.
• For the 2nd year of tenure posts NOC may be issued for higher studies/fellowship
programme/training programme/higher posts within the State.
• For the 3rd year of tenure posts NOC may be issued if he or she applies for higher
studies/training programme/fellowship programme/higher post anywhere within or outside the
• In case he or she submits resignation, he/she has to give advance notice of one month or deposit
salary of one month in lieu thereof.
2. For the members of Teaching Faculty/Senior Residents/Demonstrator working on contractual
• NOC may be issued if he/she applies for a regular post/higher studies/training
programme/fellowship programme within or outside the State.
Proforma for issuance of No Objection Certificate to the members of teaching faculty/acceptance of resignation.
Name of the college:____________________
Working on the post since
Probation period cleared on
Total No. of posts of respective cadre sanctioned in the
concerned department/specialty in the college
No. of posts filled
No. of post vacant
Any dues pending
Deficiency, if any, as per MCI requirement in the
department concerned
Recommendation of the Director of the concerned
Medical College.
Remarks, if any
55990—C.S.—H.G.P., Chd.