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Long Run Analysis of Production

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ECON 53015-

Advanced Economic Theory- Microeconomics

Theory of Production

Long-run Analysis of Production

Prof. W. M. Semasinghe
• Long-run production analysis concerned about the producers’
behavior in the long-run.

• In the long-run, expansion of output can be achieved by varying all


• In general, in the long-run, producers can change its scale of


• Since, all factors can be changed together there is no fixed factors in

the long-run. All are variable factors.

• In the long-run, output can be increased by changing all factors by the

same proportion or by different proportions. Traditional theory of
production concentration on the first case i.e. change of output as a
result of change of all inputs change by same proportion.
Long-run production process is subjected to the Laws of Returns to
Laws of returns to scale describes the effects of change of all inputs
together OR effect of change of scale of production, on the level of

There are 3 types of Returns to Scale:

Constant With increase all inputs together (scale of

Returns to Scale production increases) by some proportion,
output increases by same proportion.

Increasing With increase all inputs together (scale of

Returns to Scale production increases) by some proportion,
output increases by greater proportion.

Decreasing With increase all inputs together (scale of

Returns to Scale production increases) by some proportion,
output increases by smaller proportion.
1. Consider production function Q = 5L0.5K0.3. What type of
returns to scale does it exhibit?

2. Consider production function Q = 10L0.5K0.5. What type of

returns to scale does it exhibit?

3. Suppose you find that in a certain industry which uses capital

and labor is subjected to the production function Q = L0.75K0.25.
Will it be right to say that in the industry, output per worker will
be a function of capital per worker?
Economies of scale of Production
What are the reasons behind the returns to scale?
As economists explain, broadly, the reasons for returns to scale are

i. division of labor and specialization and

ii. technological factors related to the production.

When the scale of production increases, the firm gets the advantages
of these factors.

The advantages the production process gain due to these factors are
called Economies of scale.

Increasing returns to scale is the result of these economies of scale.

When scale of production increases up to a certain point, the
firm/producer gets these economies.

Types of Economies of
Economies Concentration
of scale
Economies of
External Information
Economies of
Internal Economies
• Internal economies are those which are open to a single
firm or a producer independently of the actions of other
firms. They result from an increase in the scale of output
of a firm and cannot be achieved unless increase of scale.
Real Economies of Scale
• Real economies are those associated with a reduction in
the physical quantity of inputs, raw materials, various
types of labor and various types of capital in average.

There are several types of Real Economies:

• Labor Economies • Marketing Economies
• Technical Economies • Managerial Economies
• Inventory Economies • Transport & storage Economies
Labor Economies
Increase in scale of production results into the following
Economies of Labor:
• Specialization
• Time Saving
• New Inventions
• Automation of Production Process

Technical Economies
These Economies influence the size of the firm. These
result from greater efficiency of the capital goods employed
by the firm. These are following types:

• Economies of increased dimensions

• Economies of linked processes
• Economies of use of by-product.
Inventory Economies
A large-sized firm enjoys several types of Inventory
Economies such as:
• Large stock of raw materials
• Large stock of spare parts & small tools

As such there is no fear of stoppage of production.

Marketing Economies
A large-sized firm enjoys several types of Marketing
Economies such as:
• Economies on account of advertisement
• Appointment of sole distributers & Authorized dealers
• Economies of account of Research and Development
All these enables the firm to produce quality Products.
Managerial Economies

With the increase in production, management cost will reduce as a

result of:

• Appointment of Efficient and Talented Managers,

• Decentralization of Task.

Transport and Storage Economies

• Own transportation system

• Own storage and go-down facilities
With these, the firm/producer is able to sell its product at the opportunity
time and at favorable price.
Pecuniary Economies of Scale

Pecuniary Economies are economies that realized from paying

lower prices for the factors used in production and distribution due
to bulk buying by the firm as its size increased.

• Procurement of raw material at lower prices,
• Concessional loans from Bank,
• Large discounts & commissions on advertisement & publicity
of their products etc.
External Economies of Scale
External Economies of Scale refers to all those benefits and facilities
which are available to all the firms in a given industry. The following
three are External Economies:
•Economies of Concentration
•Economies of Information
•Economies of Disintegration

Economies of Concentration

When several firms of an industry establish themselves at one place, then

they enjoy many benefits together.
• Availability of developed means of communication and transport
• Trained labor
• Development of new inventions pertaining to that industry etc.
Economies of Information

When the number of firm in an Industry increases, it becomes

possible for them to have concerted efforts and collective activities
such as publication of scientific & trade journals providing sundry
information to the firm of a given industry.

Economies of Disintegration

When an industry develops, the firms engaged in it mutually agree to

divide the production process among them. Every firms specialize in
the production of a particular item concerning that industry.
Diseconomies of Scale

• The economies of scale which yield increasing returns

to scale would not continue for a long-term when inputs
increase further and further. The size of production will
unmanageable and so inefficiency creeps. Moreover, it
may be difficult to get certain critical inputs in the same
proportions as others.

• The disadvantages that the production process get due to

the expansion of its scale is called diseconomies of scale.

• Decreasing returns to scale is the result of these

There are two types of Diseconomies:



Internal Diseconomies of Scale
• Internal diseconomies arise when a given firm increases
its scale of production beyond a certain point.

• Internal diseconomies arise because of 2 reasons:

• Unwieldy Management
• Technical Difficulties.

• Internal diseconomies are limited for a given firm but

not affect the entire industry.
External Diseconomies of Scale

These diseconomies are suffered by all the firms in an

industry irrespective their scale of output.

e.g. When many firms are located at a particular place, then

it becomes difficult for means of transport creating
additional burden of traffic, and hence transport cost goes
Iso-quant Analysis of Production
Behavior of the firms/producers in the Long-run production
process can be analyzed by using Iso-quant analysis.
Basic assumptions of the analysis:

• Level of output remains constant

• Inputs are divisible and can be substituted for each other.

Iso-quant can be take the form of a schedule, a graph or an

equation. Two inputs iso-quant can be depicted with the
familiar production function framework as q = f(L,K)=k
Graphical representation of Iso-quant


0 L
An Iso-quant
“Iso-quant is the locus of all possible combinations of the
inputs which yield a specific level of output”.

The shape of isoquants may be convex towards the origin as given in

above graphs or straight lines or right-angled-shaped depending on
the substitutability among factors of production.
Equilibrium of the Firm: Choice of Optimal Combination of Factors
of Production

What is the actual combination of the inputs to be used to produce

given level of output?

To take such decision it is required information about total outlay of

the producer and the factor prices.

If the producer has C0 units of money to spend on the inputs. Suppose

w and r are the prices of a unit of L and K respectively and C0, w and
r are fixed:

Producer’s budget equation or resource line i.e. Iso-cost line, can be

defined as

C  wL  rK

r Iso-cost line

0 C
Slope of the Iso-cost line =
Given these information producer would be able to determine the
optimum input combination in two ways:

i. Constrained output maximization i.e. maximizing output for a

given cost.

ii. Constrained cost minimization, i.e. minimizing cost subject to

a given output.

In all these cases we make the following assumption:

i. The goal of the firm is profit maximization, i.e. maximization

of the difference between TR and TC.
  TR  TC
ii. The price of output is given
iii. The prices of factors are given
Constrained output maximization – Graphical approach
PF or the equation of the iso-quant is Q = f(L,K) and prices of L and
K are w and r, respectively.

Graphically, optimum factor combination can be defined by the

tangency of iso-cost line and highest possible iso-quant.

K The equilibrium conditions are:

i. At point e, slope of iso-quant = slope of iso-cost line
  MRTS L , K
K1 e
By rearranging this, MPL MPK
q3 
q2 w r
ii. At point e, iso-quant must convex
0 L
L1 B towards the origin.
Derivation of Equilibrium Conditions - Mathematical Approach

Maximizing output subject to the cost constraint can be presented as

a formal constrained optimization problem as follows:

Maximize q = f(L,K) Objective function

Subject to C0 = wL + rK Constraint
Solution for this constrained maximization problem will determine
the optimum factor combination which yield the maximum output.
We can solve this problem by using Lagrangian Multiplier Method,
involve the following steps:
Step 1. Rewrite the constraint in the form
C 0  wL  rK  0
Step 2. Multiply the constraint by a constant λ which is the
Lagrangian multiplier:
 (C 0  wL  rK )  0
λ can be defined as the ‘marginal contribution of expenditure or
marginal product of money in this example.
Step 3. Form the ‘composite’ function:

z  q   (C o  wL  rK )

The first condition for the maximization is that partial derivatives of

the function with respect to L, K and λ be equal to zero.

z q
  w  0 (1)
L L
z q
  r  0 (2)
K K
 C0 - wL - rK  0 (3)
Solving first two equations for λ

q / L MPL
 
w w
q / K MPK
 
r r
These two equations must be equal


  or 
w r MP r

This is the first condition for output maximization.

For the second order condition for equilibrium require that marginal
product curves have a negative slope.

Slope of the marginal product curves is the second derivative of the

production function.

 2q  2q
0 and 0
L 2
K 2

togrther wit h

  2 q   2 q    2q 
 2   
 L  K 2   LK 
    
boarder Hessian determinant is an alternative way of taking the
second order condition for equilibrium.

f11 f12 - w
H  f 21 f 22 - r  0
-w -r 0

fij’s are the partial derivatives of the z.

Given Q=100L0.5K0.5, C=1200, w = 30 and r = 40. Determine the

optimum factor combination which maximize the output of the
Constrained cost minimization-Graphical approach

This is the dual problem of output maximization.

In this we find the conditions for minimum cost of production for a
given level of output.
For the equilibrium, graphically, the iso-quant which shows the given
level of output must be tangent to the lowest possible iso-cost line.



a1 e

0 L1 a1 b1 c1 L
Equilibrium point is e which iso-quant that shows the desired output
level tangent to the b1-b1 iso-cost line.

Points below e are desirable because they show lower cost but are
not attainable for output q1.
Points above e show higher cost. Hence, point e is the least-cost

At point e, slope of iso-quant = slope of iso-cost line

  MRTS L , K

By rearranging this, MPL MPK

w r
The equilibrium conditions are same as in the first case.
Constrained Cost Minimization- Mathematical Approach

Objective function C = wL+ rK

Constraint q 0  f ( L, K )
Producer’s objective is to determine the least possible cost input
combination that can be attained output level q0.

To find the optimum factor combination, producer must minimize the

cost of production subject to the output constraint.
Minimize C = wL + rK
Subject to q0 = f(L,K)

Lagrangian (composite) function,

Ф = (wL + rK) + μ[q0 –f(L,K)]

For the first order condition for cost minimization, partial derivative of
Ф with respect to K, L and μ must equal to zero.

 f ( L , K )
 w 0 (1)
L L
 f ( L , K )
r 0 (2)
K K
 q 0 - f(L, K) 0 (3)

From (1) and (2)

q q
w and r  
L K
Dividing through these expressions
w q L First order condition
r q K
q q
Since  MP and  MPK
L K

At the equilibrium   MRTS L, K

w r
Second order condition for cost minimization is similar to the output
 2q  2q   2 q   2 q    2 q 
 0,  o and  2  2    
L L  L  K   LK 
2 2

f11 f12 - w
H  f 21 f 22 - r  0
-w -r 0
Effect of Changes in Outlay on Equilibrium

The equilibrium change when factor prices and/or outlay change

because these changes affect on the cost constraint.

Assume that total money (outlay) available increases keeping factor

prices constant. In such a situation iso-cost line shift upward
parallelly and the equilibrium is determined at the points it touches a
higher iso-quant.

The shift of the iso-cost line continues further with increases in

outlay. Thus producer’s equilibrium will be on higher and higher iso-

The line or curve we gets by joining these equilibrium points passing

through the origin called ‘expansion path’.
Expansion path can be
interpreted as ‘the locus of all
Expansion path equilibrium points when
expenditure on inputs increases
keeping input prices constant’.

It shows the change of optimum

factor combination when a firm
0 L expands its level of output at the
given factor prices.

The expansion path is a very useful concept. It gives an idea of how input
proportion changes with increases in expenditure of producer, input prices being

Along the EP,

slope of iso-product curve = slope of iso-cost line
MRTSLK = w/r
Expansion path for a linear homogeneous PFs will be a straight line showing
constant proportion of the input used while increasing the level of output.
Expansion path for a non-homogeneous PFs will be a curve showing different
factor proportions at different stages of production.
Derive the expansion path of the following function
Q = AK0.5L0.5 This is a linear homogenous PF. Why?

= 0.5AK0.5L-0.5 = 0.5AK-0.5L0.5

Since at optimal factor combination on EP, MRTSLK=w/r

K/L = w/r

Given the factor prices, K/L ratio remain constant. Hence the EP is a straight
line from the origin.
Expansion Path illustrates the
lowest-cost combinations of L
Expansion Path and K that can be used to
produce each level of output in
75 the long-run.
50 Rs 4500
25 Rs 3000
Rs 1500
100 200 300 L

Long-run Total Cost

Points of TC measures the least

4500 cost of producing each level of
3000 output.

100 200 300 Output

Effects of the Change of Price of an Input Other Things Being
When input prices change while other things remain constant, iso-
cost line will shift and as a result the equilibrium position (input
combination) will change.

Assume the price of L (w) decrease other things including price of K

remains constant. Then, graphically iso-cost line will oscillate along
the quantity axis of L (horizontal axis). With the reduced price,
producer is capable of buying more of L than he bought earlier.

The producer will reach to a new equilibrium point in which

oscillated iso-cost line tangent with higher iso-quant.

This oscillation of the iso-cost line continues further with decreases

in price of L. Thus, producer’s equilibrium will be on higher and
higher iso-quants.
K When price of a factor decrease
the quantity use of that factor
a would increases. This increase of
b the quantity is considered as the
K1 e result of two effects, namely
K2 e1 substitution effect and output
K3 e2 q2 effect.

0 L1 L3 a L2 b a1 L

Equilibrium position has moved from e to e1 on a higher iso-quant,

which shows a higher output level (q2 > q1), as a result of the decreases
of the price of L.

As a result of the decrease in price of L, optimum input combination

has also changed from (K1L1) to (K2L2). Use of L has increased from
L1 to L2. This is the total effect of the decrease in price of the input L.
Total Effect = Substitution Effect + Output Effect
Substitution Effect: When price of an input decreases while other
things remain unchanged, producers tend to substitute it for the
inputs that prices did not change. While output remaining constant,
this change (increase) of use of input L is called substitution effect of
decrease of the price of L.
This effect is always negative in the sense that a rise in the price of
an input leads to reduce the use of that input and via-a-vis.
Output Effect: This shows the change of the level of input usage due
to the change of output level, input prices remaining constant. This
effect is normally positive.

According to the above graph,

L1-L2 = total effect
L1-L3 = substitution effect
L3-L2 output effect
Technical Progress

Technology is assumed to be constant.

In practice it is changed due to various factors including

innovation, education etc.

Considering the effect of technological progress on the rate

of the substitution of the factors of Production or on the
capital-labor ratio, J. R. Hicks defined three type of
technological progress.
Capital Deepening technical progress
If the technical progress happens to strengthen the efficiency of
capital as such marginal product of capital by more than the labor, it
is called capital deepening technical progress.

In such progress, along a line through the origin which the K/L ratio
constant, MRTSL,K decreases: slope of the shifting iso-quants
become less steep.


0 L
Labor deepening technical progress
If the technical progress happens to strengthen the efficiency of
labor as such marginal product of labor than of capital, it is called
labor-deepening technical progress.

In such progress along a line through the origin which the K/L ratio
constant, MRTSL,K increases: slope of the shifting iso-quant is steep.



0 L
Neutral technical progress
If the technical progress happens to strengthen the efficiency of both
capital and labor inputs equally, and marginal product of both factors
increase by same percentage, it is called neutral technical progress.

In such progress, along a line through the origin which the K/L ratio
constant, MRTSL,K remains constant: The iso-quant shifts parallel to



0 L
Multi-Product Firm: Choice of Product Mix
So far we discussed the behavior of a firm in deciding optimum factor combination
for producing a single product.

In the real world many are multi-product firms!

Thus, the multi-product firms have to decide the optimum product combination.

This is important because the firms possess only a limited amount of resources for
production process.

Table below shows the alternative production possibilities of a firm produce two
product X and Y, assuming
i. the firm has a given amount of resources
ii. is operating under a given technology
Production Product X (‘00) Product Y (’00)
A 0 15
B 1 4
C 2 12
D 3 9
E 4 5
F 5 0
If firm employed all resources on Y he can produced 15 hundred units.
If he employed all resources on X he can produce 5 hundred units.
Within this extremes, he can produce given product mix.
The figures in the table revel that to produce one extra unit of X he has to
scarifies increasing amount of Y.
These alternative production possibilities can be depicted in a graph:
15 A B
14 C
9 D

5 E
Production Possibility Curve

0 1 2 3 4 5
The curve A-F shows the various combinations of the two products
that the firm can produce with the given amount f resources and
under the given technology.

It is called Production Possibility Curve or Product Transformation

Alternative product combinations of two products are represented
along the PPC.
PPC is concave to the origin.
This implies that to increase the amount of one product with the given
volume of resources, the producer has to scarifies some amount from
the other product.

When he move from A to F on PPC, it sacrifices some amount of Y

for having more of X.
When he move from F to A on PPC, it sacrifices some amount of X
for having more of Y.
In moving along the PPC, it transform one product into the other.

The rate at which one product transform into another, resources

keeping unchanged, is called Marginal Rate of Transformation

When moving along the PPC, MRTXY increases. This is the reason to
PPC concave to the origin.

MRTS at any point on PPC is given by the slope of the curve at that

When the firm fully utilized the resources, the optimum product
combination must lie some where on the PPC but not inside.
Iso-Revenue Lines
IRL is an important tool to determine the optimum products
IRL shows the different product combinations which earn the same
Given the fixed prices of X and Y, the IRL can be written as
R = PxQx + PyQy
IRL is a straight line.
Slope = Py/Px

IRL away from the origin shows
higher revenue.
IRLs are parallel to each other
so as to price ratio remain
0 X
Optimum Product Combination
It assumes that the aim of the producer is to maximized the profit.
The profit will be maximized when the firm maximize its revenue.
Optimum product mix can be obtained graphically using PPC and IRL.

Y Optimum product combination

determine at point Q,
At point Q, MRTXY=Py/PX
C K This is not fulfilled as points K and T
N 1st order condition MRTXY=Py/PX
2nd order condition PPC must be
T concave to the origin.
0 X
Output Expansion Path

Output Expansion Path


Locus of all the revenue maximizing product combinations with
the varying amount of resources.
The firm expands its output along this path as its resources

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