Final Chapter 1 5 Research Manuscript GRP 1

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A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of
The College of Teacher Education
Bestlink College of the Philippines

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the degree

Bachelor of Elementary Education






December 2022



submitted by Fae Erika B. Maramag, Jonah G. Abaquita, Ma.
Christina Angelica Bumanlag, Mykha L. Garcia and Noemi A.
Sierva in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Elementary School has been examined and is
recommended for acceptance and approval for Oral Defense.




Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of .


Member Member



Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education.


Dean, College of Teacher Education
Date of Final Defense:


The researchers would like to express their heartfelt thanks and

gratitude to the following persons who one way or another has

contributed much, and extended willingness and support needed make

this research possible:

Dr. Maria M. Vicente, President/CEO of Bestlink College of the

Philippines, for her generosity and kind heart in establishing this

institution and giving opportunities to those less fortunate students to

continue their studies and pursue their dreams;

Ms. Edith M. Vicente, Executive Vice President, for providing

the needed information to complete this research;

Dr. Charlie I. Cariño, Vice President for Academic Affairs, for

his support and encouragement to make this thesis writing possible;

Engr. Diosdado T. Lleno, Vice President for Administration


Finance, for his words of encouragement and valuable words;

Ms. Joy Evelyn A. Ignacio, College Associate Research Head,

for her good heart to extend her help needed of the researchers;

Dr. Milagros O. Luang, Dean of College of Teacher Education,

for her critical appraisal and highly valuable suggestions that have

aided in the process of this research;


Mr. Ryan Christopher M. Villalon, thesis adviser, for his

patient supervision in guiding the researchers in preparation of this

manuscript and for sharing his words of advice to finish this study;

Respondents, who cooperated and spent time in answering

questionnaires, and made it possible to accomplish this research;

Families and Friends for all the financial and moral support

that have enable the researchers to triumph difficulties and problems,

at the times of crisis that serve as our inspiration to complete this


Panelists, Mrs. Maria Salome D. Manzano, Mrs. Helen G.

Balinas, and Ms. Adora Angeline E. Babia, who extend their efforts

and time to be able to criticize our research thesis and share their

knowledge with us, to deepen and widen our needed information; and

Above all, to our Almighty God, for the strengths and

knowledge to conduct this research.



The researchers wholeheartedly dedicate this humble

piece of the work to GOD and the researcher family,

relatives, friends ‘colleagues, and to the people

whose name are too many to mention,

for their consistent help and support

that has been the source of us

strength and inspiration to

pursue our endeavor.












Degree:  Bachelor of Elementary Education

Major:     General Education
Date of Completion:  December 2022

The research study focused on EFFECTS OF USING



were limited to sixty-five (65) selected grade 4 learners. The

researcher used a Random sampling technique and prepares the

respondent’s profile, problems at the same time in order to get an


accurate data by using survey questionnaire. This study specially

designed to analyze the Effect of Cellphone in Learning Behavior of

Grade 4 Learners at Melencio M. Castelo Elementary School. The

researchers negotiated for the formation to conduct the research with

the principal of the school. This school given a letter requesting

permission to collect data and personally administered the distribution

of the survey questionnaires to establish rapport and to explain fully to

the respondent the content of the questionnaire and the proper way of

filling it out. There was a hundred percent retrieval of the instruments.

After thorough analysis at the data, the researcher finds out that

the summary of the demographic profile of the respondent as of age

are 8-10 years old were 98.5%, most of the respondents are female in

terms of gender were 55.4%, and the socio-economic status are lower

middle class were 38.5%. The effects of cellphone on learning

behavior of the respondents in terms of interpersonal skills are having

difficulty thinking creatively with a weighted mean of 3.36, while in

terms of intrapersonal skills are hardly aware of their own ideas with a

weighted mean of 2.83, in initiative skills the respondents cannot finish

the task that needs to be done with a weighted mean of 2.89. The

difficulties encountered while used of cellphone in the learning

behavior of grade 4 students in terms of low grade are project with a

weighted mean of 2.98, while in terms of lack of concentration are

assignment with a weighted mean of 3.33, and the stress are focus

with a weighted mean of 3.27. The cellphone effect learning behavior

in terms of recitation are having wrong pronunciation and intonation

with a weighted mean of 2.63, as for group activities are creating

conflict among member with a weighted mean of 3.04, while in terms

of summative test are having difficulty to analyze the question with a

weighted mean of 2.67. The best solution that may practice in proper

using of cellphone shown that do not bring your cellphone on school is

the best solution with a percentage of 29.3%. The researcher came up

the recommendations for School administrators that they need to have

a set of rules and regulation to limit the students of using cellphone

while they are in school and always monitored them or collecting

cellphone during class discussion. As for the guidance by helping the

students to get better to know for themselves and find an effective

solution to their own problems. ICT coordinators that they support a

policy planning in schools, including the establishment of an ICT

steering group, division of tasks and collaboration with stakeholders.

Accountable for ensuring that technology supports and enhances the

organization's strategic goals and makes it easier for all users to

accomplish their operational priorities. ICT teacher’s integral to the

teaching-learning interaction, through such approaches as replacing

chalkboards with interactive digital whiteboards, using students’ own

smartphones or other devices for learning during class time. When

teachers are digitally literate and trained to use ICT, these approaches

can lead to higher order thinking skills, provide creative and

individualized options for students to express their understandings,

and leave students better prepared to deal with ongoing technological

change in society and the workplace. For teachers that should

implement and utilize the effect of using cellphone during the class

discussion in daily teaching. Close monitoring to the pupils by using of

cellphone during class learning. Make use of new trends of technology

such as computers and cellphone during the class learning to make it

more interesting. Parent to collaborate with the teacher regarding the

using of cellphone of the pupils. Help their children to limit their

exposure of cellphone, motivate them to interact with their peers, and

friends let them engage in extracurricular activities to have a best of

experiences. Students to have awareness: spend as much as their

free time to know the effect of using cellphone. It will help them wide

their learning about many things. Come to school regularly to learn














Introduction 1

Statement of the Problem 6

Assumption 8

Significance of the Study 9

Scope and Delimitation 10

Definitions of Terms 11


Related Literature 13

Local 13

Foreign 17

Related Studies 19

Local 19

Foreign 21

Relevance of the Review Literature and Studies to 23

the Present Study

Paradigm of the study 26


Research Design 28

Respondents of the Study 29

Sampling Technique 29

Instrument Used in the Study 30

Construction of the Questionnaire 31

Validation of the Instrument 31

Administration and Retrieval of the Questionnaire 32


Statistical Treatment of Data 32



Demographic Profile 34

Age of the Respondents 35

Gender of the Respondents 36

Cause of having a broken family of the respondents 37



Summary of Findings 52

Conclusions 56

Recommendations 59

Guidelines 61






In today’s modern world, technological advancements change

the behavior and system of consumption of people around the world

(Mahmood et al., 2020). Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) has an impact on how people learn and how they learn.

Knowledge in the context of today’s world. In these improvements, a

smartphone is a device with computational capabilities and

communication choice, analogous to a computer operating system.

According to Hossain, 2019, smartphones have mostly replaced

desktop computers. Because it’s a little smart gadget that everyone

has desktop PCs are used for a variety of tasks. It small enough to fit

in a pocket. It has become ingrained in the lives at today’s youth in all

aspects of life, particularly among students and young people who are

the primary users or consumer of cellphones.

As a result of a research gap, we set out to discover learning

behavior and impacts. We focus on the usage behavior and academic


performance of students in this study. The prevalence of smartphones

among students, as well as the key activities that they have engaged

in with the use of their smartphones These activities range from

general activities to instructional activities. as well as academic

pursuits There are numerous events that are part of the academic

purpose. The survey questionnaire covers all of these topics. We are

attempting to determine the association between several variables.

characteristics such as smartphone use, student academic

achievement, and learning behavior in both male and female students,

as well as different age groups based on their qualifications and fields

of study.


Cellphone are one of the excellent gifts of technology in the

21st century, which is most popular among student. Todays, cellphone

have infinite resources that have multiple benefits and applications. Its

excessive use may affect students in the form learning behavior

changes and diminish the academic performance. This study explores

the effects of cellphone in learning behavior.

Nowadays, education is moving toward introducing more

technology into classrooms at all levels, from elementary to collegiate.

Not just mobile phones, but also laptops and tablets, are extensively

utilized for educational reasons in high schools and colleges. These

devices are being utilized in the hopes of improving academic


achievement among students. Students use their smartphones to do

things like take notes, research, and communicate. Although these

technologies are designed to improve students' educational

experiences, there have been some detrimental effects of modern

technology in the classroom. Although little is known about how

student cell phone usage affects their academic performance.

Instead of reading books, students nowadays choose to use

cellphones. These are certain bad consequences that might cause

students to lose focus in their learning behavior and academic

performance. It causes them to have restless nights, which can lead to

stress. Cellphone can also have an effect on how we interact with

others. It can also heighten the persons fears of missing out, a trait

that makes them fear being left alone and make them worry that

others had more fun than they did. It causes them to become more

anxious and procrastinate. When people are stress, they are more

inclined to check other phones instead of concentrating their work.


This study aims to determine the effects of using cellphone in

the learning behavior of Grade four learner at Bagong Barrio

Elementary School

Specifically, it sought to answer the following question:

1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1 gender;

1.2 age and

1.3 socio economic status?

2. Description on the Effects of Cellphone on Learning Behavior

of the respondents in terms of:

2.1 interpersonal Skills;

2.2 intrapersonal skills; and

2.3 initiative skills?

3. Description of the Difficulties Encountered while used of

Cellphone in the Learning Behavior of Grade 4 students in

terms of:

3.1 problems encountered while used of cellphone in the

learning behavior of Grade 4 students in terms of low


3.2 problems encountered while used of cellphone in the

learning behavior of Grade 4 students in terms of lack of

concentration; and

3.3 problems encountered while used of cellphone in the

learning behavior of Grade 4 students in terms of stress?

4. How does a cellphone effect of the learning behavior

4.1 recitation;

4.2 group activities; and

4.3 summative test?


5. How do the findings be utilized to formulate guidelines in

proper use of cellphone?


Based from the specific question the following assumption are


1. The demographic profile of respondents describes in terms of

gender, age, and socioeconomic status.

2. Using cellphone during class instruction has an effect in the

learning behavior of Grade 4.

3. There are problems encountered in using cellphone in the

learning behavior of Grade four learners.

4. There is certain effect of learner’s behavior in academic


5. There are findings that utilize the guidelines of proper usage of



This study focused on Effects of Using Cellphone in Learning

Behavior in Grade 4 Learners at Melencio M. Castelo Elementary

School is made up for the awareness and benefits of the parents,

teachers, students, future Researcher and the administrators. The

researcher hopes to understand and assess the Effect of Cellphone in

the Learning Behavior of Grade 4 Learners at Melencio M. Castelo

Elementary School.

ADMINISTRATOR/S – responsible to manage the rules and

regulation to cure of using cellphone during the class learning.

GUIDANCE COUNSELOR - help and advice about how to do

something or about how to deal with problems connected with

your work, education, or personal relationships.

ICT COORDINATOR - This person is responsible for the

hardware and software, internet connections, etc.

ICT TEACHER - provides instruction in basic information and

communication technology (ICT) skills to students at all levels

of education.

TEACHER/S– for them to know the performance of the student

during the class.

PARENTS – for them to know the strategy to manage the

students using a cellphone.

STUDENTS – the study will serve as awareness pattern to

them to know the effect of using cellphone in their learning


FUTURE RESEARCHER – to get ideas and background about

the effect of cellphone in learning behavior to their academic



This study concern only Grade 4 students in Melencio M. Castelo

Elementary School and not seek to any Grade level. This study is

about Effect of Using Cellphone in Learning Behavior of Grade 4

Learners at Melencio M. Castelo Elementary School. The respondents

of this study were limited to Sixty-five (65) selected Grade 4 Learners

at Melencio M. Castelo Elementary School.


For purpose of the research, the following terms are:

ANALOGOUS – comparable in certain respects, typically in a

way which makes clearer the nature of the things compared

BRAINSTORM – to try to solve a problem or come up with new

ideas by having a discussion that includes all members of a


CELLPHONE - a phone that is connected to a phone system by

radio instead of by a wire, and which can therefore be used

anywhere where its signals can be received

CONSUMPTION – the act of consuming something

CONTEXT – the circumstance that form the setting for an

event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully

understood and assessed

DRAWBACK – a feature that renders something less

acceptable; a disadvantage or problem

INNOVATIVE – is the practical implementation of ideas that

result in the introduction of new goods or services or

improvement in offering goods or services


LEARNERS – a person who is learning a subject or skill

LEARNING BEHAVIOR – are learned actions that enable

students to access learning and interact with others production

in the community

OBSTACLE – a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or

hinders progress

PREVALENCE – the fact or condition of being prevalent;


Chapter II Review and Related Literature and Studies


This chapter presents the related foreign and studies, the

conceptual framework, theorical and the synthesis of the related

review of literature and studies.


The smartphone has brought immense utility and convenience

to our hands by allowing instant connection to the internet through a

wide range of applications. There are approximately 3.5 billion

smartphones users across the world today (Statista, 2020).

Smartphones, also known as cellphones, have had a significant

impact on our country's wide connectivity; you can do everything with

them, including surfing the internet and using them in various

situations; as a result, the number of cellphone users has increased

dramatically not only in our country but around the world. However, as

more and more people start to rely on smartphones for fulfilling all their

daily life needs, cases of overuse have also become commonplace.

Some recent entries in academic literature are prone to classify

extreme cases of smartphone reliance and overuse as a form of

addiction and inspect this phenomenon from psychological,

sociological, cultural, economic and pedagogic perspectives (Bal &

Balcı,2020). Due to the convenience of using cellphone the overuse

can cause the addiction and greatly affect in terms of psychological,

sociological, cultural and so on. The combination of these results in a

negative impact upon the life standard and quality of an individual.

Although numerous studies have been focusing on the concept of

smartphone addiction in the recent years; there also seems to be a

growing issue in the academic literature regarding the way it is

handled as a valid form of technological addiction akin to video gaming

addiction or internet addiction (Yu & Sussman, 2020). As a result, not

only will an individual's everyday life be affected by his or her addiction

to using a smartphone, but students, in particular, will have difficulties

in their academics as a result of inappropriate cellphone usage such

as gaming and internet surfing. Nevertheless, the claim stands that

most studies in the literature handling the issue of smartphone

addiction have failed to investigate the etiological origins or causal

pathways of smartphone addiction (Yu & Sussman, 2020). A recent

study employing magnetic resonance imaging and handling the issue


on a medical standpoint, however, has investigated brain volume and

neurological activity of participants scoring high on self-reported

smartphone addiction scales (while excluding those who have scored

high also on gaming addiction scales); and provided evidence that

aberrant neurological activity hinting at a valid case of addiction is

present in these individuals (Horvath et al., 2020).

According to a recent market study, in another work by Xinhua,

Filipinos use their mobile phones to communicate and as portable

computers. The use of cellphone not only for communication but also

for their studies. The student can make a document or PowerPoint and

take quizzes, activities, and online classes. According to Taylor

Nelson Sofres, a global customized research company said that

Filipino consumers are not just using cell phones to call and text

messages and photos but also as a means to have "internet- on-the-

go," allowing users to be always online.

We define problematic smartphone use (PSU) as compulsive or

obsessive use (see Methods for sample items; Kong et al., 2020; Yen

et al., 2009). Currently, there is no consensus on the definition of

smartphone “addiction.” Therefore, the term “problematic smartphone

use” is frequently applied, which describes a recurrent failure to control

the addictive behavior that results in functional impairment or distress,

which meets the criteria for behavioral addiction as proposed by

Kardefelt-Winther et al. (2017). According to the existing studies, many


elementary students often encounter problems in their academic

performance, and PSU has been regarded as one potential reason

(Amez & Baert, 2020; Kates et al., 2018). Despite initial evidence to

the contrary, there is a debate as to whether problematic smartphone

use is a real and objective psychological construct or simply the latest

version of technology-induced ‘moral panic’ (Anderson & Rainie, 2018;

Orben, 2020). A common argument used to debunk the idea of

problematic smartphone use and related technologies is that society

has a long history of being overly concerned with technological

advances negatively impacting health and wellbeing. In general,

research has not yet converged on how best to define problematic

smartphone use and "smartphone addiction", and many different

measures have been developed (see review by Yu & Sussman, 2020).

It should be noted that a small number of studies have used objective

smartphone use data (for a review, see Ryding & Kuss, 2020), but this

represents a somewhat different construct. For instance, Elhai et al

(2018) used objective use data from participants' smartphones to

determine levels of use over a one-week period. Also, Orben and

Przybylski (2020) employed an online time-use diary method to assess

teenager’s smartphone use in real time. However, problematic

smartphone use is not the same as objective use, whether it be

quantity or type of use. It is the functional impact (e.g., health, well-

being, relationships,productivity) and the sense of a lack of


control which makes this type of use problematic. Students'

academic performance is affected by several factors: students'

learning skills, parental background, peer influence, teachers' quality,

and learning infrastructure. However, few studies explore the

relationship between PSU and subject-specific performance, such as

mathematical achievement. Following conventional wisdom, studying

time is expected to be positively related to academic performance.

Time management skills also are expected to positively influence

academic performance because a student with better time

management skills should be more effective and efficient while



Many students use it to connect with social media applications and

websites to interact with authors to validate the information presented

in the research (Safdar et al., 2020).

The aim is to find the connection between smartphones and the

student’s attention span in both groups in the classroom. This

research aims to find the relationship between using a cellphone and

students’ attention in school and whether using a cellphone affects

their academic performance and their learning behavior. The group

allowed to have a smartphone with themselves receives notifications

continuously and is distracted throughout the class period. Their

attention period is much smaller than the other group without an


approach to smartphones (Ahmed et al., 2020). Mobile phones can be

distracting in the classroom. They can cause problems for teachers

and pupils. When you're focused on a task and a phone call, it disrupts

the entire class. The study concluded that students’ performance

could be improved by limiting smartphone devices during lectures.

Smartphone usage among students has been identified as

contributing to lower academic achievement in a variety of settings.

What is unclear is how smartphone usage contributes to lower

outcomes. This study surveyed participants’ self-regulated learning

skills and smartphone usage at the beginning and end of the term for

first semester undergraduates. (Kendall Hartley, Lisa D Bendixen, Dan

Gianoutsos, Emily Shreve, 2020). Apart from having a positive impact

on children, this change also has a negative impact that threatens their

development. With all kinds of convenience to access information via

smartphones, children become addicted to their smartphones. Why

not, smartphones can provide services and impressions that attract

children's attention, and that is something children enjoy. (Nie, Wang,

& Lei, 2020). One of the most commonly expressed concerns starts

with a suggested epidemic of 'smartphone addiction' in which many

users are drawn into relatively compulsive patterns of interaction that

may negatively impact their well-being (Horvath et al., 2020.

According to the study results, the factors that influenced

smartphone addiction were gender, stress, and interpersonal


problems. In addition, when the confounding variables of smartphone

addiction were controlled to examine the effects of smartphone usage

types on smartphone addiction, social media use and music/videos

were found to have a positively significant effect on smartphone

addiction while study had a negatively significant effect. according to

(Nie et al., 2020), explaining the causes of smartphone addiction are:

Self-satisfaction the use of smartphones is because they entertain

themselves or in other words because of personal pleasure to make

individuals feel comfortable or relax. Individuals will repeat behaviors

that bring pleasure to themselves. Social gratification the social

gratification factor is the use of cell phones as a means of maintaining

contact with other people. Advances in cell phone technology allow

individuals to communicate without having to meet or come face to

face with other people. Communication activities with cell phones that

are carried out continuously can make individuals addicted to cell

phones. The order of the usage types with the highest influence on

smartphone addiction was enjoying music/videos, social media use,

and study. This suggests that selective intervention depending on the

main smartphone usage type can be effective (Youl Pyo Hong, Yeon

Ok Yeom, Myung Ho Lim Preprints, 2020). Prior research has

indicated that certain types of smartphones use, such as multitasking

while studying, are related to learner skills such as cognitive resource

management (Hartley, Bendixen, Shreve, Gianoutsos, & Olafson,


2020). Interventions that shift student behavior while studying towards

more effective strategies will lead to better academic outcomes.

A smartphone may be a newer class of radiophone with

integrated technology and other features like an operating system,

web browsing, also, the ability to run software applications. It called

‘Smart’ because they’ll provide information after you need them at the

touch of your fingers, which can utilize in a useful way (AlFarsi &

Yusof, 2020; Tawafak et al., 2020a; Van Raaij & Schepers, 2008).

Currently,smartphones are equipped with features like cameras,

recording, Global Positioning Service (GPS) navigation, and games,

sending and receiving an electronic message (email), web search

applications for various purposes.



According to paper reviews, roughly 200 recent studies of

mobile phone use in the developing world and identifies significant

concentrations of research. It categorizes studies along two

dimensions. One dimension distinguishes studies of the determinants

of mobile adoption from those that assess the impacts of mobile use

and from those focused on the interrelationships between mobile

technologies and users. A secondary identifies a subset of studies with

a solid economic development perspective. The discussion considers

the implications of the resulting review and typology for future


research. Based on studies, things happen when the students use

phones throughout the class it is because it can distract or disturb the

student using their phones playing, texting, and using social medical

such as Facebook top 1 social media site use that operates in the

Philippines and a mobile legend for games and some variety of games

lend on the what they called play store where they can get apps for

their phones. Based on the studies, 23% of the student fail their exam

because of using cell phones while in class, so a total of ¼ of the

course fails to commit their grade because of the distracted by a


Based on Love Radio’s “8 Harmful effects of Mobile Phones on

Children,” Children worldwide use smartphones for various purposes.

Some children are seen talking to their friends for long hours, while

others spend their time playing countless games on the phone. The

internet is an abode of knowledge for children. Though the utility of

smartphones cannot be debated, continued use and exposure can

have harmful effects on the child.

Harmful Effects of Smartphones/Cell Phones on Children.

Mobile phones may be an easy way to distract children or keep them

occupied. However, they come with their own set of vices. Some of the

adverse effects of regular use of mobile phones include:

Tumors now, we don’t mean to scare you with this information,

but it is good to know that studies suggest a possible increased risk of


tumors for those who use cell phones excessively. There is limited

evidence that tumors are caused due to cellphone radiation, but as a

parent, you may want to limit the time your kids use phones to avoid

any other possible risks.

Affects Brain Activity, studies suggest that the human brain is

sensitive to electromagnetic radiation; however, there is a need for

more studies to prove that radiation could disturb brain activity. Since

mobile phone primarily function on electromagnetic waves for all forms

of communication, even internal, and the brain has its electric

impulses wherein communication is carried out in the neural network,

it could affect the brain. However, as mentioned earlier, more research

needs to prove that radiation affects brain activity.

Academic Performance, many children carry phones along with

them to their schools. Chatting with friends or playing games during

school breaks, or even in the class, is increasing day by day. This

results in children failing to pay attention in class, missing out on

important lessons, and being clueless about studies and examinations.

Academic Malpractice, smartphones not only distract children

from studies but may also be their tool of malpractice to score well in

exams. Using the inbuilt calculator in exams where it isn’t allowed,

storing photographs or reference information to cheat in the

examination, or even exchanging answers with other students over

chat during the exam, have been widely observed in various schools.

Such behavior affects academic performance and results in a

personality issue.

Inappropriate Media, like any other gadget, the mobile phone is

also a tool and can be used for the wrong purposes. Kids could come

across inappropriate messages, images, or texts shared by their

friends or group and further pass them on to others. They can find

their way to pornography early, changing their perceptions and thought

processes. Even exchanging images of their own irresponsibly can

create a fiasco that impacts.

Sleep Disruption, children may stay up late talking to friends,

playing games, or scrolling through social media, which causes fatigue

and restlessness over time. It also disrupts academic life, as kids are

too sleepy to concentrate on what is taught in school. Hence, it has a

domino effect that seeps into all walks of their lives.

Medical Issues, with children glued to their mobile phones

during their free time, they don’t partake in physical activity and get

fresh air. This puts them at risk for obesity and other illnesses, which

can later develop into harmful diseases such as diabetes and


Mental Health, children on social media may contact

cyberbullies who harass and bully them over the internet. Many

children who have been cyber-bullied may only admit their experience

much later in life when the mental damage has already been done.

Social media may also induce depression and anxiety when the kids

are not given the online attention they expect.

Mobile Phone Safety Tips to Decrease the Risk

Taking the proper measures to ensure mobile phone safety for kids is

extremely important while growing up. As a general practice, avoid

giving cell phones to children under 16. If needed, you may stay in

touch with the teachers and school staff to ensure your child’s safety

and health. Some parents may choose otherwise, and that is fine, too,

as long as the child has no or limited access to content that will take

his focus off his studies. If you are worried about the radiation, you

may make your child wear a wired headset or limit his talk time when

talking on the phone instead of holding it to the ear. There isn’t enough

evidence to prove cellphone radiation can cause tumors, but go for it if

it eases your anxiety.

Avoid constantly giving your child your mobile phone when he is in the

middle of an activity as it will only distract him or lead to falls and


As an adult, it is essential for parents and other people in the house to

restrict their around children. This is not only to avoid radiation but also

to create a behavior pattern.

Keep your mobile phones safely with you and out of sight of your kids

at night. Children may quietly try to get a hold of it without you finding


As with every technology or tool, a mobile phone is a double-edged

sword, the technological prowess is tremendous, and it is quite a

learning tool for children. However, keeping things in moderation and

restricting usage hours go a long way in ensuring children’s well-being

and inculcating good behavioral habits.


The recent studies published in science and Scopus journals analyze

these studies. They arrived at the result that, overall, there is a positive

effect of smartphones on the learning behavior of university students.

Similarly, other studies concluded that smartphones and their

applications positively influence student performance in the academic

environment and lead to more significant results. Although some,

fewer studies also reveal some adverse effects of smartphones on the

students’ performance in the university, as discussed earlier in the

previous studies. So, there are double effects of smartphones on the

students’ performance, and studies conclude that a higher level of

smartphone addiction may often lead to wrong results (Ahmed et al.,

2020). Although there are so many positive aspects of smartphones

are found. Still, on the other hand, smartphone use was perceived as

favorable before the study, but later, students revealed that

smartphones were viewed as detrimental to their educational goals.

Cell phone innovation is one of the most significant advancements in

technology. In this generation, phones are essential; they provide a


way of communicating with family and close ones living in different

locations. However, cell phones can have their advantages and

disadvantages. They might be a burden and time consumer. Having a

cellphone can introduce a lot of positives and help us with many

functions; everyone is ignoring the adverse effects of cellphone, even

though they can affect everybody’s lives in many different ways.

Mobile devices are now ingrained in most students’ lives, and they

expect mobile technologies to play an essential role in their education.

Teachers and students are learning in new ways thanks to

smartphones and tablets. It is not always an easy or smooth

adjustment. Research indicates that studying various user acceptance

models in developed countries is valuable in predicting successful

technology adoption in learning. The educational implications of

mobile technology should be explored, as this may provide vital insight

into the consequences for 21st-century student learning. Given our

unique challenges and constraints, such studies on student

receptiveness to mobile technology use in classroom scenarios may

better inform institutions to integrate mobile phone usage into

pedagogies and delivery modes to enhance student performance and

learning outcomes. Moreover, with the growing importance of such

devices in any workplace, mobile learning makes the classroom

experience closer to the ‘real world’ that awaits students after school,

where they will be expected to be proficient in the use of technology:


an outdated teaching method that refuses to introduce EdTech in the

lesson plans no longer produces well-rounded young people who are

truly prepared for their jobs. Technology in education enables children

to adjust to their own pace of learning. Students who need extra time

can spend more time over exercises until they understand, while

students who need less support can continue ahead. It also frees up

the teacher to help kids who need more support on an individual level.

So, there are double effects of smartphones on the students’

performance, and studies conclude that a higher level of smartphone

addiction may often lead to wrong results (Ahmed et al., 2020).

Studies stated that despite smartphones being used for

communication, gaining knowledge, and the learning process, they

have several drawbacks, especially for students, such as wastage of

time and money, gossiping on useless topics, etc. Researcher James

has studied that student use two hours on their smartphones daily,

revealing that smartphone usage is dependency forming, habitual and

compulsive. They concluded that it is a non-drug addiction of the 21st

century. The results express that smartphone usage influences the

knowledge status form their family, peers, and community, and it also

reveals that smartphone adoption is a cultural concern.

Based on the study of Concordia University Nebraska entitled

“Examining the Effect of Smartphones on Child Development,”

published on February 28, 2020, the negative effect of smartphones


on Child Development was that the drawbacks of smartphone use on

children had received attention in recent years. In academia,

journalism, and other popular forms of media, there has been a

growing concern about how children have increased access to

smartphone technology. Specifically, the behavioral consequences of

smartphone dependency in children have received the attention of

scholars across the world. An article titled “Association between

mobile technology use and child adjustment in early elementary school

age” used data compiled from 1,642 first-grade children in Japan to

determine whether there’s a link between smartphone technology and

behavioral development. The researchers found that “routine and

frequent use of mobile devices appear to be associated with

behavioral problems in childhood.”

Additionally, some scholars have even turned toward the adverse

bodily effects smartphones can have on children. A recent article

published in the journal Child Development explored the physical

health consequences of smartphone use for children. As more children

begin using smartphones earlier, “it is important that neurological

diseases, physiological addiction, cognition, sleep, and behavioral

problems are considered.” Because of this, parents and clinicians

should be aware of the repercussions of early-age smartphone usage.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has begun identifying the risks

associated with children using smartphone technology. The


Washington Post recently reported on the WHO designation of how

much time children — particularly babies — should spend on

smartphones. The organization stated that children between two- and

four years old “should spend no more than an hour a day in front of a

screen.” Additionally, the writers found that a research gap exists in

the field. They stated that “Long-term consequences can be hard to

measure, and ethical concerns prevent experiments” that could

explore the topic more thoroughly. As a result, we will likely be unable

to grasp many of the adverse effects of smartphones that will put

children at further risk root cause of the adverse effects of

smartphones on child development can come from an unexpected

place. An article in the Atlantic stated that before parents should be

concerned about their children’s smartphone usage, they should first

consider their own. As the ultimate examples of their children, parents

need to be mindful of their smartphone consumption since that kind of

behavior will set the stage for how children will interact with

technology. Parents must consider what image they express to their

children and how they communicate responsible smartphone

consumption. In educating parents, many things must be considered

by parents, not only the family environment, but the social environment

is also one of the biggest factors that trigger children to experience

smartphone addiction. Children have a need to make friends, by being

friends they practice socializing, practice their language skills, practice


all aspects of their development from peers as well as children find

many things, regardless of negative or positive things. Maybe many

parents don't have the heart to see their children bullied by their

friends because they don't have a smartphone, and finally, parents try

to meet their children's needs with a smartphone (Akrim & Sulasmi,

2020). These issues could cause anxiety and reduce students’

learning motivation, which would have negative consequences on their

emotional well-being and academic performance (Niemi & Kousa,

2020; Yates et al., 2020).

Another study from Vidyalankar Study on February 1, 2021,

was “the impact of mobile phones in students’ life.” As we said in the

examples, the mobile phone is one of the fastest-growing technology

in the last few decades; it started as a device to dial and receive calls.

But two decades later, many manufacturers have built mobile devices

that allow you to dial and receive a call and listen to music, click

pictures, check your health status, etc. And as mobile phones have

become more affordable, everyone in today’s world carries one or two

phones on time. It is a must for students who are studying in schools

or colleges to have mobile phones nowadays because of the new

world pandemic, as their academic curricula are to be started or

continued online, not everyone can afford a laptop or a computer, so a

mobile being a cheaper alternative takes the space for the computer in

the online lecture. Students have the upper hand when they have the

convenience of the mobile device, not just for the online courses. They

can also use it for entertainment purposes like movies, games, social

media, etc. Due to the increase in the number of mobile phone users

in the younger generation, companies have started to develop their

portable versions in a more user-friendly application that lets people

stick to the app longer, increasing the media used by the students.

Mobile phones are both a curse and a boon to the newer

generation as a lot of these phones when being used for education

and entertainment purposes, also influence a lot of unhealthy habits in

the younger generation like watching pornography, blackmailing others

for their excellent, increase in cybercrime, etc.

Mobile phones can play a perfect role in the hands of the younger

generation with the help of growing social influence and the new ideas

that occur daily in the minds of the younger people; the mobile phone

can be an excellent device to start a new business online. Moreover,

as it is easy to access the students’ mobile telephones, it has caused

exponential growth for the e-Learning companies. With sites like\

LinkedIn, people can connect who have a similar business or looking

for jobs to start their way into the career path. For young students

looking to get an education, the mobile phone is beneficial as the

online lectures conducted by the schools, the colleges, and the

coaching classes can be quickly attended on the mobile phone


The mobile phone has made learning easy for the masses as it

fits in your hands and you can attend the lectures wherever you are.

The mobile has even made it possible for the working people to

pursue their academics if due; for some reason, it was left incomplete.

A student can be anyone from a child who starts to learn from day one

of school to a working professional who is ready to invest his time and

money to continue pursuing his incomplete education. The use of the

mobile phone for education in a student’s life was important even

before this pandemic. Students use their mobile phones to carry digital

notes instead of taking xerox. It's easier when they want to take a

survey. And most notably, mobile phones are very convenient when it

comes to research for a project when you don’t have a laptop or

computer handy. With the entire transition from offline teaching to

eLearning due to the pandemic, it is safe to say that some of the

trends set by the eLearning platform will stay even in the post-

pandemic world—trends like using Google forms for online tests,

digital notes, and pre-recorded lectures for revision.

Today, the source of knowledge has diversified, and one of the

ready sources is the internet. Having a mobile phone on their person

can help students check out things in a more fun way which will help

them learn it fast. If there is any doubt in a student's mind about

something that the teacher was teaching, the student can clear their

doubts immediately. There are so many applications in the App Store


for students, which means students can get help from an app for a

subject they lack in some areas. Most of these applications are free of

charge. And students these days prefer learning from these pre-

recorded lectures then learning from a book. Plus, you can carry your

mobile phone wherever you go, even when on vacation.

Research shows that medical apps are essential to support

young people’s health, such as managing diabetes, and apps need to

be accessed during school hours. A mobile device works wonders

when used correctly by the student. Mobile phones serve many vital

functions. Digital literacy is a critical aspect of young people’s

schooling, and research shows mobile phones can play a role in

supporting such learning. Students must learn with these devices to

participate in the workforce effectively. Also, these phones provide a

link between students and their parents, which has a vital role in

ensuring their safety.

Based on the EMF Advice study published this year in 2022, Mobile

phones are a wonder of modern technology and have fast become

something that pretty much everyone can’t live without. However, not

enough people are aware of the health risks of constant exposure to

their favorite devices. What’s more, these health risks are much more

severe for students and young people. Mobile phones work by emitting

radiofrequency radiation, which they use to connect to cell phone


towers that provide them with coverage. The signal emitted by mobile

phones is known as electromagnetic (EMF) radiation.

EMF radiation also covers other types of radiation, such as heat

and microwaves, which are emitted as byproducts when the mobile

phone is in use. EMF radiation is known as non-ionizing or low-

frequency radiation. This is the same as what’s emitted by your Wi-Fi

router, TV, or computer. The issue that most people have with mobile

phones when it comes to EMF radiation, precisely radio frequencies, is

that we put them to our heads when we’re talking, meaning those

radio waves are passing directly into our brains. What does this do for

our health? It’s fair to say nothing positive. Medical research into the

effects of EMF radiation isn’t as plentiful as you’d expect, and there

are differing opinions on whether it’s harmful to health. The World

Health Organization, for example, found there is a valid link between

cell phone use and increased cancer risk.

The issue when it comes to students, in fact, all young people, and

these kinds of health complications, they’re at a much higher risk

because their bodies are still developing. However, the biggest issue

regarding students and the harmful effects of mobile phone radiation is

that there haven’t been enough long-term studies into the risk. There

are genuine reasons for this, mostly to do with how quickly technology

changes, but I feel it’s better to be cautious until we know otherwise,

particularly with young people. There’s also the fact that people carry

mobile phones in their pockets, hands, or bags, meaning their

exposure to EMF radiation isn’t limited to just when they’re using the

phone. Similarly, many students sleep with their phones near their

heads, meaning their exposure to RF radiation is almost constant.

This, of course, can’t be good for their health.

Other harmful effects of mobile phones on students. Aside from

the risks of exposure to EMF radiation, there are several other harmful

effects of using mobile phones, and they are shown below. However,

this list doesn’t necessarily even cover them all.

Anxiety and depression, linking mental health issues with

mobile phone use is nothing new, and many of us have probably

experienced this ourselves or with someone close. Social media and

instant communication create an unhealthy expectation of what’s

acceptable or even accurate, leading to many mental health issues.

This is again compounded in students and young people, mainly

because they already have a lot going on in their lives. They’re the first

generation to access this kind of technology appropriately. So many

people are unsure how to promote healthy use among students and

young people.

Tendonitis and lousy posture, this is an issue that not many

thinks about when it comes to mobile phone use, but people who

spend lots of time on their devices are more at risk of bad posture,

neck and backache, and tendonitis or repetitive strain injury. These


issues are especially problematic for students and young people

because their bodies are still developing, leading to complications

later. However, this also works in reverse, and if these problems are

caught early enough, they should correct themselves quickly.

Sleep loss, unlimited access to a mobile phone can be

addictive. Whether playing games or spending time on social media, it

can become easy to lose track of time and spend hours staring at the

screen. If, like me, you have kids, you’re probably all too familiar with

catching them still awake way past their bedtime, phone in hand.

What’s more, blue light stimulates the brain and reduces the

production of melatonin, the hormone that triggers sleep. This is why

apps like Facebook go heavy on the blue and white: it keeps your

brain engaged and awake, meaning you spend more time on the app.

Sleep deprivation is a particular problem for students and young

people. They need more sleep than adults, but it also leads to a lack of

concentration, irritability, and higher chances of mental health issues.

Accidents, another harmful effect of mobile phone use for anyone, not

just students, is an increased risk of physical accidents. While walking,

using your phone might mean you don’t look when crossing the street,

or your answer that call while driving. Whatever the reason, using a

mobile phone makes it more likely to have an accident.

Stress, using a mobile phone can make students more prone to

stress, whether directly or indirectly. This, in turn, can impact their


performance at school and lead to several mental health issues.

Mobile phones can be distracting, and it can be tempting to spend time

speaking to friends or browsing social media instead of studying.

However, we all know the impact of not looking for a school, both short

and long term. One of the biggest problems in the short term is stress,

which should be minimized for students when possible.

Final thought

Recent research has given conclusive evidence showing the

adverse effects of mobile phone usage on students’ academic

performance. This effect is heightened when students use their

smartphones in class - and similar results are found throughout the


If it has such a negative impact on students, then schools

should seriously consider banning them. If not, teaching them

strategies to manage their mobile phones would go some way towards




The reviewed literature and studies will serve as a guide for the

researchers in pursuing the study. All of the reviewed studies and

literature have similarities that pertain on the Effects of Using

Cellphone in Learning Behavior of Grade 4 Learners at Bagong Barrio

Elementary School.

The researcher conceptualization of the study is influence by the

relevant literature. These related literature and studies will serve as a

foundation for proper cellphone wage in the classroom. The related

literature that was included in the study has a significant relationship

with future researcher in the sense that cellphones have a significant

impact on the student’s performance. And hence, the related studies

that were presented on the effects of learning behavior of Grade 4

may have impact on the student’s ability. The gathered related

literature and studies help the researchers to provide theoretical

background of the study that today, education is advancing towards an

information and communication technology centered learning

environment by implementing technology into the study variables,

which include the respondents demographic profile, their use of

cellphone, and the effects of these gadgets on their learning behavior.

This variable can be used to determine the amount to which the

respondents in learning behavior if effective.

A cell phone (often abbreviated as cp) is a mobile or portable

phone that is also known as a cell, cellular, or cellular phone. It allows

the user to communicate from virtually anywhere in the world. Based

on their study, the growing use of mobile phones and other gadgets is

considerably harming the younger generation with the advent of

advanced technology. Mobile phones can be distracting, and it can be

tempting to spend time speaking to friends or browsing social media


instead of studying. The educational implications of mobile technology

should be explored, as this may provide vital insight into the

consequences for 21st-century student learning. With children glued to

their mobile phones during their free time, they don’t partake in

physical activity and get fresh air. Using a mobile phone can make

students more prone to stress, whether directly or indirectly. Mobile

devices are now ingrained in most students’ lives, and they expect

mobile technologies to play an essential role in their education. In

short, excessive use of mobile phones is becoming a distraction for

students and wastes their time. As more children use smartphones at

an earlier age, "it is important that neurological diseases, physiological

addiction, cognition, sleep, and behavioral problems be recognized."

On the other hand, since smartphone use was initially thought to be

beneficial, students later revealed that smartphones were detrimental

to their educational goals.

Students can use their cell phones to instantly communicate with their

teachers in class if they do not grasp something. Mobile phones offer a

significant edge over non-smartphones in terms of internet access.

Even skilled people are often slower at recalling and coming up with

the information you need because the internet allows you to search for

information so quickly. A Google search takes very little time even with

a data-based internet connection. You can look for a restaurant, a

word you forgot, the location of the local police station for assistance,

and any other relevant information. We can be as knowledgeable and

informed as we wish to be at any given time with its assistance. It is

hard to imagine, but we have all the data and information we will ever

need on our mobile phone — that is a benefit that cannot be


From the different studies conducted, it shows that no

duplication happens in the present study. This reveals that the present

study is not a copy of any past studies conducted by the different




1.What is the demographic profile

of the respondents in terms of:
 Gender:
 Age: and
 Socio-economic status

2.Description on the Effects of

Cellphone on Learning Behavior
of the
 Interpersonal Skills
 Intrapersonal skills
 Initiative skills

3. Description of the Difficulties

Encountered while used of Cell

How do the
findings be
Survey utilized to
Questionn formulate

phone in the Learning Behavior

of Grade 4 students in terms of:
 Problems Encountered
while used \of Cellphone
in the Learning Behavior
of Grade 4 students in
terms of low grade
 Problems Encountered
while used of Cellphone
in the Learning Behavior
of Grade 4 students in
terms of Lack of Concen-
 Problems Encountered
while used of Cellphone
in the Learning Behavior
of Grade 4 students in
terms of Stress

4. How does a cellphone effect

of the learning behavior
 Recitation
 Group Activities
 Summative Test


FIGURE 1. Conceptual paradigm of the Study

The system approach (Input- Process- Output system) was used

in describing the conceptual framework of the study. As shown in

Figure 2, the input consist what are the effect of using cellphone

in the learning behavior of the respondent to the academic

performance of the students and reasons why they use mobile.

Where in the input consists the following: the problem


encountered while using a cellphone in the learning behavior of

grade 4 student and how does a cellphone affect the learner’s

behavior in academic performance and what are the strategy to

manage student using a cellphone use mobile phones and on

the other side, the process being used is through sample

questionnaires, surveys and selecting of the respondent. Both

schools and parents have a role to play in boundary setting,

providing guidance with appropriate and inappropriate phone

use, and teaching self-regulation and self-control skills. Parents

can and should serve as appropriate role models for telephone

use. That’s not to say that parents should only use their

smartphones in private but they should try to employ the same

phone etiquette they are trying to teach their children. This table

shows how we research, survey, and solve our thesis statement.

The purpose of this study is to provide a solution or contribute to

find a solution to this issue or the topic that we choose. It will

produce new knowledge or deepen understanding of an issue

and give the readers a guidelines on maybe how does a

cellphone effect the learners behavior in academic performance

And to know the reasons and causes of why students use mobile

phones and what is the effect .Mobile phones has emerged as


one of the fastest diffusing mediums on our planet, fueling a

rising “mobile youth culture” the people especially the future

generation of the humanity, the students as we need the

discipline on using it moderately as we should use it as a

learning tool in innovative ways as mobile phones are not going

away in the reality.

Chapter 3


This chapter represents the procedures and strategies used to

collect and analyze data. It includes the research design used, the

respondents of the study, instrument used to gather data, procedures

employed in processing and interpretation of data.


The formidable problem which follows the work of defining the

research problem is the preparing of the design of the research

project, typically referred to as the “research design”. Research design

can be defined as a conceptual structure within which research will

likely be done. It comprises the blueprint for the collection,

measurement and analysis of data.

This study used descriptive survey research design for the

investigation to gather information about the Effect of Cellphone in

Learning Behavior in Grade 4 Learners at Melencio M. Castelo

Elementary Schools.


The respondents of this study were chosen purposively to

composed the sixty-five (65) selected Grade 4 students taken from

population of elementary students at Melencio M. Castelo Elementary




The students were chosen using random sampling. Five (5)

students were picked from each of the twenty-six (26) sections. A total

of sixty-five (65) were then chosen as sample respondents.


The instrument use for the researcher prepares the researcher

based on the respondent’s profile, problems at the same time in order

to get accurate data the researcher use survey questionnaire,

conducted interview among its respondent. This study specially

designed to analyze the Effect of Cellphone in Learning Behavior of

Grade 4 Learners at Melencio M. Castelo Elementary School.


The self-formulated questionnaire was the most important

instrument use in the study. It is the major tool use by the researcher

in gathering significant data from the respondents. It has five parts.

 The demographic profile of respondents.

 There are certain factors effect using cellphone during class


 There are problems encountered in using cellphone in learning


 There are certain effects the learner’s behavior in academic


 There are findings that utilize the guidelines of proper usage of



The researchers read several related literature and studies

both local and foreign. All of those were utilize for the researchers to

pattern in the construction of the items of the instruments. The first

draft was submitted to their assigned adviser for comments and

suggestions. Some items not consider to relevant to the study were

discarded after considering suggestions of the assigned adviser the

revise form was then presented to the expert for further comments and

suggestions. After the revision, the final draft was constructed and

ready validation.


The researcher consults with some knowledgeable people

about drafting questionnaire were also done by the researcher in

preparing the appropriate questions. The researcher saw to it that

there were enough items to cover all aspects of the problem and to

answer all the specific questions under the statement of the problem.

After drafting the

questionnaire, it was presented to the researcher’s adviser for

correction after it was finalized.


The researchers negotiated for the formation to conduct

research with the principal of the school. This school given a letter

requesting permission to collect data. The researcher personally

administered the distribution of the survey questionnaires to establish

rapport and to explain fully to the respondent the content of the

questionnaire and the proper way of filling it out. There was a hundred

percent retrieval of the instruments. The researchers patiently

unanalyzed their answer to each item for tabulation, analyze and



The data gathered where carefully analyzed, tallied and

tabulated. The result obtained from tabulation where statistically

treated using ranking, frequency, percent and weighed mean.

1. Frequency and percentage was used to determine the

frequency of the students responds using the formula.

P(%) = F/N x 100

Where: P(%) = percentage;

F = frequency or response; and

N = total number of respondents

2. Ranking – this is another descriptive measure which describe

the positional important of one item when compared with one


3. . Weighted Mean was used of the values of five-point liker scale

For computing weighted mean

x = Σfx/N

where: x = weighted mean

Σfx = total number of frequencies multiplied by the degree

of liker scale.

N = total number of respondents

Weighted Mean Descriptive Description

4.20 – 5.00 Very High

3.40 – 4.19 High

2.60 – 3.39 Moderate

1.18 – 2.59 Low

1.00 – 1.79 Very Low

Likert scale. The serve as an interpretation of the information


Chapter 4



This chapter deals on the presentation, analysis and interpretation of

data. The data were presented in tables, analyzed and interpreted using the

descriptive rating of data. They are as follows:

Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage of gender of the


Table 1

The Frequency and Percentage of Gender of

the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage Rank

Female 36 55.4% 1
Male 29 44.6% 2
Total 65 100%

The table represent of gender of the respondent wherein the

data shows that among the sixty-five (65) respondents 36 (55.4%) of

the respondent were female and 29 (44.6%) were male. This analysis

indicates that the majority of female students under the study

responded to the questionnaire than male students.


Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage of age of the


Table 2

The Frequency and Ranking of Age of the Respondents

Age Percentage Rank

5-7 0 0 5
8-10 64 98.5% 1
11-13 1 1.5% 2
14-16 0 0 3.5
17 and 0 0 3.5
Total 65 100%

The table represent the age of the respondent who responded

to our questionnaire. The data shows that out of the sixty-five (65)

respondents, ages 5-7 were (0%), 8-10 were (98.5%), 11-13 were

(1.5%), 14-16 were (0%), 17 and above were (0%). This analysis

projected that the majority of the respondent’s range between 8-10

years old.

Table 3 shows the frequency and percentage of socio-

economic status of the respondents.


Table 3

The Frequency and Ranking of Socio-Economic Status

of the Respondents

Family Status Frequenc Percentage Rank

Poor 11 17% 3
Low Income 18 27.7% 2
Lower Middle 25 38.5% 1
Middle Class 9 13.8% 4
Upper Middle 1 1.5% 5.5
Upper Income 0 0 7
Rich 1 1.5% 5.5
Total 65 100

The table represent the socio-economic status of the

respondents. The data shows that out of sixty-five (65) respondents,

those who belong to the poor and below were (16.9%), low income

was (27.7%), lower middle class were (38.5%), middle class were

(13.8%), upper middle class were (1.5%), upper income was (0%), rich

and above were (1.5%). The data revealed that most of socio-

economic status of the respondents belong to the lower middle class.

Table 4 present the mean and interpretation of the effects of

cellphone on learning behavior in terms of interpersonal skills.

Table 4
Description on the Effects of Cellphone on Learning Behavior of the

respondents in terms of Interpersonal Skills

Weighted Verbal
Description Rank
Mean Interpret
1. Having difficulty
3.36 1 Very Low
thinking creatively
2. Struggle to work
2.73 5 Very
with another
3.Can easily distract the
discussion 2.78 4 High
4. Having a hard time
3.07 2 Low
understanding other
people's ideas

5. Having a hard time to 2.92 3 Moderate

understand the feelings of


The table shows the effects of cellphone on learning behavior in

terms of interpersonal skills. Having difficulty thinking creatively with a


weighted mean of 3.36 where it is shown that this effect is very low.

Having a hard time understanding other people’s ideas with a

weighted mean of 3.07 in which it is claim that this effect is low.

Having a hard time to understand the feeling of others with a weighted

mean of 2.92 where it is admitted that they moderate. Can easily

distract the discussion with a weighted mean of 2.78 is in which it is

high effects of cellphone on learning behavior. Placed in the fifth and

last rank is the struggle to work with another student with a weighted

mean of 2.73 where the respondents agreed that this effect is very


The table reveals the effects of cellphone by the respondents

on learning behavior in terms of interpersonal skills and it is

discovered that having difficulty thinking creatively is the most effect of

cellphone on learning behavior. Other problem is also seen such as

having a hard time understanding other people’s ideas, having a hard

time to understand the feeling of others, can easily distract the

discussion, and struggle to work with another student, these effects of

cellphone by the respondents on learning behavior in terms of

interpersonal skills.

Table 5 present the mean and interpretation of the effects of

cellphone on learning behavior in terms of intrapersonal skills.


Table 5

Description on the Effects of Cellphone on Learning Behavior of

the respondents in terms of Intrapersonal Skills

Weighted Verbal
Description Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. Cannot
manage their 2.64 4 High

2. Struggling to manage 2.66 2.5 Very Low


3. Hardly aware of their 2.83 1 Low

own ideas
4. Do not have self-
esteem and are 2.55 5 Very High
uninterested in the
5. Cannot adapt to
the situation they are 2.66 2.5 Very Low


The table shows the effects of cellphone by the respondents on

learning behavior in terms of intrapersonal skills. Hardly aware of

their own ideas with a weighted mean of 2.83 where it is shown that

this effect is very low in cellphone on learning behavior by the

respondents. Struggling to manage stress with a weighted mean of

2.66 where it is admitted that this is low. Cannot adapt to the situation

they are facing with a weighted mean of 2.66 is in where it is seen that

they moderate. Cannot manage their time with a weighted mean of

2.64 where it is admitted that this effect is high. Do not have self-

esteem and are uninterested in the discussion with a weighted mean

of 2.55 where the respondents agree that this effect of cellphone is

very high.

The table reveals the effects of cellphone by the respondents

on learning behavior in terms of intrapersonal skills and it is

discovered that hardly aware of their own ideas. Other problem is also

seen such as struggling to manage stress, cannot adapt to the

situation they are facing, cannot manage their time, do not have self-

esteem and are uninterested in the discussion, these effects of

cellphone by the respondents on learning behavior in terms of

intrapersonal skills.

Table 6 present the mean and interpretation of the effects of

cellphone on learning behavior in terms of initiativel skills.

Table 6

Description on the Effects of Cellphone on Learning Behavior of

the respondents in terms of Initiative Skills

Weighted Verbal
Description Rank
Mean Interpretatio
1.Cannot finish the
task that needs to 2.89 1 Low
be done

2. Cannot help to clean the 1.69 5 Very High


3. Not taking initiative when 2.41 4 High


someone is unavailable or
4. Cannot raise their
hands in recitation when 2.43 3 Moderate
he/she has a correct
5. Cannot volunteer to
do things because 2.58 2 Very Low
he/she doubts


The table shows the effects of cellphones by the respondents

on learning behavior in terms of initiative skills. Cannot finish the task

that needs to be done with a weighted mean of 2.89 where it is shown

that this effect is very low. Cannot volunteer to do things because

he/she doubts themselves with a weighted mean of 2.58 in which it is

claimed that this effect is low. Cannot raise their hands in recitation

when he/she has a correct answer with a weighted mean of 2.43

where it is admitted that they moderate. Not taking initiative when

someone is unavailable or absent with a weighted mean of 2.41 is in

the fourth rank in which there are high effects of cellphone on learning

behavior. Cannot help to clean the classroom with a weighted mean of

1. 69 where the respondents agreed that this effect is very high.

The table reveals the effects of cellphones by the respondents

on learning behavior in terms of initiative skills and it is discovered that

they cannot finish the task that needs to be done. Other problem is

also seen such cannot volunteer to do things because he/she doubts


themselves, cannot raise their hands in recitation when he/she has a

correct answer, not taking initiative when someone is unavailable or

absent, cannot help to clean the classroom on learning behavior,

these effects of cellphone by the respondents on learning behavior in

terms of initiative skills.

Table 7 shoes the difficulties encountered while used of

cellphone in the learning behavior of grade 4 students in terms of low


Table 7

Problems Encountered while used of Cellphone in the

Learning Behavior of Grade 4 students in terms

of Low grade

Weighted Verbal
Description Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. Quizzes
2.90 3 Moderate

2. Recitation 2.83 5.5 Very High

3. Performance 2.83 5.5 Very High

4. Project
2.98 1 Low

5. Summative Test
2.95 2 Very Low

6. Periodic Test 2.86 4 High


The table shows the difficulties encountered while using a

cellphone in the learning behavior of grade 4 respondents in terms of

low grade. Project with a weighted mean of 2.98 where it is shown that

this difficulty is very low encountered while using a cellphone on

learning behavior by the respondents. Summative test with a weighted

mean of 2.95 where it is admitted that this is low. Quizzes with a

weighted mean of 2.90 is where it is seen that they are moderate.

Periodic test with a weighted mean of 2.86 where it is admitted that

these difficulties encountered are high. Recitation with a weighted

mean of 2.83 where it is admitted that this is very high. Performance

with a weighted mean of 2.83 where the respondents agree that these

difficulties encountered while using a cellphone are very high.

The table reveals the difficulties encountered while using a

cellphone in the learning behavior of grade 4 respondents in terms of

low grade and it is discovered that project. Other problems are also

seen such as summative test, quizzes, periodic test, recitation,

performance, these difficulties encountered while use of cellphone in

the learning behavior of grade 4 respondents in terms of low grade.


Table 8 shoes the difficulties encountered while used of

cellphone in the learning behavior of grade 4 students in terms of low


Table 8

Problems Encountered while used of Cellphone in the

Learning Behavior of Grade 4 students in terms

of Lack of Concentration

Weighted Verbal
Descriptio Ran
n Mean Interpretation
1. Lecture
2.95 3 Moderate

2. Discussion 2.84 5 Very High

3. Assignment 3.33 1 Low

4. Seatwork
3.21 2 Very Low
5. Examination
2.93 4 High


The table shows the difficulties encountered while using a

cellphone in the learning behavior of grade 4 respondents in terms of

lack of concentration. Assignment with a weighted mean of 3.33 where

it is shown that this difficulty is very low encountered while using a

cellphone on learning behavior by the respondents. Seatwork with a

weighted mean of 3.21 where it is admitted that this is low. Lecture

with a weighted mean of 2.95 is where it is seen that they moderate.

Examination with a weighted mean of 2.93 where it is admitted that


these difficulties encountered are high. Discussion with a weighted

mean of 2.84 where it is admitted that this is very high. 

The table reveals the difficulties encountered while using a

cellphone in the learning behavior of grade 4 respondents in terms of

lack of concentration and it is discovered that assignment. Other

problems are also seen such as seatwork, lecture, examination,

discussion, these difficulties encountered while using a cellphone in

the learning behavior of grade 4 respondents in terms of lack of


Table 9 shoes the difficulties encountered while used of

cellphone in the learning behavior of grade 4 students in terms of low


Table 9

Problems Encountered while used of Cellphone in the

Learning Behavior of Grade 4 students in terms

of Stress

Weighted Verbal
Description Rank
Mean Interpretatio
1. Focus
3.27 1 Low

2. No appetite to eat 2.2 5 Very High


3. Loneliness 2.44 3 Moderate

4. Isolation
2.6 4 High

5. Feeling
overwhelmed or 2.53 2 Very Low


The table shows the difficulties encountered while using a

cellphone in the learning behavior of grade 4 respondents in terms of

stress. Focus with a weighted mean of 3.27 where it is shown that this

difficulty is very low encountered while using a cellphone on learning

behavior by the respondents. Feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated

with a weighted mean of 2.53 where it is admitted that this is low.

Loneliness with a weighted mean of 2.44 is where it is seen that they

moderate. Isolation with a weighted mean of 2.6 where it is admitted

that these difficulties encountered are high. Placed in the fifth rank no

appetite to eat with a weighted mean of 2.2 where it is admitted that

this is very high.

The table reveals the difficulties encountered while using a

cellphone in the learning behavior of grade 4 respondents in terms of

stress and it is discovered that focus. Other problems are also seen

such as feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated, loneliness, isolation, no

appetite to eat, these difficulties encountered while using a cellphone

in the learning behavior of grade 4 respondents in terms of stress.


Table 10 present the mean and interpretation of cellphone

effect learning behavior in recitation.

Table 10

How does a cellphone effect of the learning behavior in


Weighted Verbal
Description Rank
Mean Interpretatio
1. Cannot infer
ideas 2.26 4 High

2. Have wrong 2.58 2 Very Low

pronunciation and

3. Cannot construct 2.63 1 Low

their own sentence
4.Poor communication
2.23 5 Very High

5. No logical thinking
2.29 3 Moderate


 The table shows the how does a cell phone effect learning

behavior in terms of recitation. cannot construct their own sentence

with a weighted mean of 2.63 where it is shown that this difficulty is

very low of cellphone effect of learning behavior by the respondents.

Having wrong pronunciation and intonation with a weighted mean of

2.58 where it is admitted that this is low. No logical thinking with a

weighted mean of 2.29 is where it is seen that they moderate. Cannot


infer ideas with a weighted mean of 2.26 where it is admitted that

these difficulties encountered are high. Poor communication skills with

a weighted mean of 2.23 where it is admitted that this is very high.

The table reveals of how does a cellphone effect learning

behavior in terms of recitation and it is discovered that cannot

construct their own sentence. Other problem is also seen such as

having wrong pronunciation and intonation, no logical thinking, cannot

infer ideas, poor communication skills, these data show the how does

a cellphone effect learning behavior in terms of recitation.

Table 11 present the mean and interpretation of cellphone

effect learning behavior in group activities.

Table 11

How does a cellphone effect of the learning behavior in

Group Activities

Weighted Verbal
Description Rank
Mean Interpretatio
 Negligence of their
2.76 2 Very Low
work and activities

Not participating 1.95 5 Very High

Distracted 2.4 4 High

Loss of creativity
2.32 3 Moderate

Creating conflict
among members 3.04 1 Low


The table shows the how does a cellphone effect learning

behavior in terms of group activities. Creating conflict among members

with a weighted mean of 3.04 where it is shown that this difficulty is

very low of cellphone effect of learning behavior by the respondents.

Negligence of their work and activities with a weighted mean of 2.76

where it is admitted that this is low. Distracted with a weighted mean of

2.4 is where it is seen that they moderate. Loss of creativity with a

weighted mean of 2.32 where it is admitted that these difficulties

encountered are high. Not participating with a weighted mean of 1.95

where it is admitted that this is very high.

The table reveals of how does a cellphone effect learning

behavior in terms of group activities and it is discovered that creating

conflict among members. Other problem is also seen such as

negligence of their work and activities, distracted, loss of creativity, not

participating, these data show the how does a cellphone effect

learning behavior in terms of group activities.


Table 12 present the mean and interpretation of cellphone

effect learning behavior in summative test.

Table 12

How does a cellphone effect of the learning behavior in

Summative Test

Weighted Verbal
Description Rank
Mean Interpretatio
1.56 5 Very High

2.Difficulty to 2.67 1 Low

understand the question

3.Difficulty to retention 2.63 2 Very Low

4.Difficulty to analyze
2.66 3.5 Moderate
the question
5.Difficulty to review
2.66 3.5 Moderate


The table shows the how does a cellphone effect learning

behavior in terms of summative test. Difficulty to understand the

question with a weighted mean of 2.67 where it is shown that this

difficulty is very low of cellphone effect of learning behavior by the

respondents. Difficulty to analyze the question with a weighted mean

of 2.66 where it is admitted that this is low. Difficulty to review with a

weighted mean of 2.66 is in the third where it is seen that they


moderate. Difficulty to retention competences with a weighted mean of

2.63 where it is admitted that these difficulties encountered are high.

Cheating with a weighted mean of 1.56 where it is admitted that this is

very high.

The table reveals of how does a cellphone effect learning

behavior in terms of summative test and it is discovered that difficulty

to understand the question. Other problem is also seen such as

difficulty to analyze the question, difficulty to review, difficulty to

retention competences, cheating, these data show the how does a

cellphone effect learning behavior in terms of summative test.

Table 13 shows the frequency and percentage of the best

solution that may practice on proper using of cellphone.

Table 13

Formulate guidelines in proper use of cellphones

      Recommendations for Guidelines Frequency Percentag

1. More on academic activities. 8 12.3%
2. Performance of the teacher. 5 7.6%
3. Provide books to avoid using cell 6 9.2%

4. Turn off the cellphone. 4 6.2%

5. Focus on the discussion. 12 18.5%
6. More on oral recitation. 3 4.6%
7. Take notes on the lesson. 3 4.6%
8. Don’t bring your cellphone to 19 29.3%
9. Confiscate the cellphone and 1 1.5%
return it after the discussion. Avoid
using a cell phone if the teacher does
not allow it.
10. Set the rules of using cellphones 4 6.2%
into the classroom. Do not use any
electrical devices before and during the
class discussion if not for academic

The table is to formulate guidelines in proper use of cellphones.

Here, the data shows that those recommendations for improvement

were much chosen, favored and highly recommended by the


Chapter 5



This chapter presents the summary and conclusions derived in

the conduct of the study which is to probe the Effects of Using


Cellphone in the Learning Behavior of Grade 4 Learners at Melencio

M. Castelo Elementary School. It also provides recommendations that

can be pursued by the students.

The study was conducted at Melencio M. Castelo Elementary

School. The respondents were sixty-five (65). They were selected

using (random sampling technique). It employed quantitative research.

The statistical tools were mean, percentage, frequency and ranking.


Based on the gathered data, the researchers came up with the

following findings:

1. Demographic Profile of the respondents.

1.1 Demographic Profile of the respondents.

Most of the respondents are 8-10 years old with a

percentage of 98.5%.

1.2 Gender of the respondents.

Most of the respondents are female with a percentage of


1.3 Socio-economic status of the respondents.

Most of the respondents are lower middle class with a

percentage of 38.5%.

2. Description on the Effects of Cellphone on Learning

Behavior of the respondents in terms of:

2.1 Interpersonal Skills


It is shown that in terms of interpersonal skills on the effects

of cellphone on learning behavior, they have difficulty

thinking creatively with a weighted mean of 3.36 followed by

having a hard time understanding other people’s ideas with

a weighted mean of 3.07.

2.2 Intrapersonal Skills

The effects of cellphone on learning behavior of the

respondents in terms of intrapersonal skills is hardly aware

of their own ideas with a weighted mean of 2.83 followed by

struggling to manage stress with a weighted mean of 2.66.

2.3 Initiative Skills

Cannot finish the task that needs to be done. It is very low

when it comes to the effects of cellphones on learning

behavior with a weighted mean of 2.89 followed by unable

to volunteer to do things because he/she doubts themselves

with a weighted mean of 2.58. 

3. Description of the Difficulties Encountered while used of

Cellphone in the Learning Behavior of Grade 4 students in

terms of:

3.1 Low Grade

In terms of low grade, the gathered data verifies that

respondents are very low in the project with a weighted


mean of 2.98 followed by a summative test of the

respondents with a weighted mean of 2.95.

3.2 Lack of Concentration

It is shown that in terms of lack of concentration, the

data shown is very low in assignment with a weighted

mean of 3.33 followed by seatwork of the respondents

with a weighted mean of 3.21.

3.3 Stress

The difficulties encountered of the respondents while

used cellphone in the learning behavior in terms of

stress is focus with a weighted mean of 3.27 next is

feeling overwhelmed or unmotivated with a weighted

mean of 2.53. 

4. How does a cellphone effect learning behavior

4.1 Recitation

It is shown that cannot construct their own sentence of

how does of cellphone effect learning behavior in

recitation is very low with a weighted mean of 2.63

followed by having wrong pronunciation and intonation

with a weighted mean of 2.58.

4.2 Group Activities

The data verifies the cellphone effect learning behavior

in group activities on creating conflict among members


is very low with a weighted mean of 3.04 followed by

negligence of their work and activities with a weighted

mean of 2.76.

4.3 Summative Test

It is shown that difficulty to understand the question of how

does of cellphone effect learning behavior in summative test

is very low with a weighted mean of 2.67 followed by

difficulty to analyze the question with a weighted mean of


5. How do the findings be utilized to formulate guidelines in

proper use of cellphones?

The best solution that you practice in proper using of

cellphone shown that do not bring your cellphone on school

is the best solution with a percentage of 29.3 % followed by

the focus on the discussion with a percentage of 18.5.


After thorough review of the finding, the researcher concluded


1. The demographic profile of the respondents in terms of gender

are female, as for the age of the respondent are 8-10 years old,

in terms of socio-economic status where the majority of the

respondents are lower middle class. 

2. There is an effect of cellphone during class instruction of

learning behavior of grade 4 learners in terms of interpersonal

skills where they are having difficulty thinking creatively, as of

intrapersonal skills the respondents are hardly aware of their

own ideas, while in initiative skills most of the respondents

cannot finish that need to be done. 

3. The problems encountered of using a cellphone in the learning

behavior of the respondents in terms of low grade are project,

while in terms of lack of concentration are assignment, as of

stress the respondents do not have a focus.

4. The cellphone effect learning behavior in terms of recitation, the

respondents cannot construct their own sentence, while in

group activities are creating conflict among members, as of

summative test the respondents are having difficulty to

understand the question. 

5. The best recommendation of proper usage of cellphone in

learning behavior is do not bring cellphone on school.


Based on the finding and the conclusion, the research came up

with the following recommendations:

For School Administrators:


1. They need to set rules and regulations that must limit from

using cellphone from the students that may have a self-

discipline to put away in their desk during assessment, put it in

their locker, backpacks, or in a secure area.

2. Regular monitoring the students or collect the cellphone

during the class discussion.

For School Guidance

1. Help students to get better to know for themselves and

find an effective solution to their own problems.

For ICT Coordinator

1. The coordinator supports a policy planning in schools,

including the establishment of an ICT steering group, division of

tasks and collaboration with stakeholders.

2. Accountable for ensuring that technology supports and

enhances the organization's strategic goals and makes it easier

for all users to accomplish their operational priorities.

For ICT Teacher

1. ICT teachers integral to the teaching-learning interaction,

through such approaches as replacing chalkboards with

interactive digital whiteboards, using students’ own

smartphones or other devices for learning during class time.

2. When teachers are digitally literate and trained to use ICT,

these approaches can lead to higher order thinking skills,


provide creative and individualized options for students to

express their understandings, and leave students better

prepared to deal with ongoing technological change in society

and the workplace.

For School Teacher

1. Teacher should implement and utilize the effect of using

cellphone during the class discussion in daily teaching. Close

monitoring to the pupils by using of cellphone during class


2. Make use of new trends of technology such as computers and

cellphone during the class learning to make it more interesting.

3. Be motivated to further to pursue graduate studies.

For Parents

1. Collaborate with the teacher regarding the using of cellphone of

the pupils.

2. Help their children to limit their exposure of cellphone, motivate

them to interact with their peers, and friends let them engage in

extracurricular activities to have a best of experiences.

For Students

1. To have awareness: spend as much as their free time to know

the effect of using cellphone. It will help them wide their learning

about many things.

2. Come to school regularly to learn more.


For Future Researchers

1. To have an idea on the effects of using cellphone in the

learning behavior that will help them to their studies.


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