Rexroth Proportional Valve

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Proportional pressure relief valve, directly oper-

ated, without/with integrated electronics (OBE)

RE 29162 
Edition: 2013-06
Type DBET and DBETE Replaces: 04.13

▶▶ Size 6
▶▶ Component series 6X
▶▶ Maximum operating pressure 420 bar
▶▶ Maximum flow: 2 l/min

Features Contents

▶▶ Directly operated valves for limiting a system pressure Features1

▶▶ Operation by means of proportional solenoid Ordering code 2
▶▶ Proportional solenoid with central thread and detach- Symbols3
able coil Function, section 4
▶▶ For subplate mounting: Technical data 5, 6
Porting pattern according to ISO 4401 Electrical connection  7, 8
▶▶ Integrated electronics (OBE) with type DBETE: Integrated electronics (OBE) 8
Little manufacturing tolerance of the command value Characteristic curves 9 ... 11
pressure characteristic curve Dimensions 12 ... 14
▶▶ External control electronics with type DBET: Accessories14
Amplifier with modular design, Euro-card format and as
plug-in amplifier, individually adjustable upwards and
downwards ramp, fine adjustment of the command
value pressure characteristic curve is possible

RE 29162, edition: 2013-06, Bosch Rexroth AG

2/14 DBET(E) | Proportional pressure relief valve, directly operated

Ordering code

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
DBET ― 6X / G24 *

01 Proportional pressure relief valve DBET

02 For external control electronics no code

With integrated electronics E

03 Component series 60 to 69 (60 to 69: Unchanged installation and connection dimensions) 6X

Maximum pressure rating

04 Up to 50 bar 50
Up to 100 bar 100
Up to 200 bar 200
Up to 315 bar 315
Up to 350 bar 350
Up to 420 bar 420

05 Pilot oil return internal no code

Pilot oil return, external Y

Supply voltage of the integrated electronics (OBE)

06 24 V DC voltage G24

07 1600 mA coil no code

800 mA coil (only possible for DBET-6X (external control electronics)) –8 1)

Electrical connection
08 For type DBET:
Without mating connector; connector DIN EN 175301-803 K4 2)
For type DBETE:
Without mating connector; connector DIN EN 175201-804 K31 2)

Electronics interface
09 Command value 0 to 10 V A1
Command value 4 to 20 mA F1
with DBET no code

Seal material
10 NBR seals M
FKM seals V
Attention: Observe compatibility of seals with hydraulic fluid used! (Other seals upon request)

11 Further details in the plain text

1) Replacement for series 5X (for comparison, see characteristic

curve on page 9). All hydraulic characteristics specified in the
data sheet refer to the version with a 1600 mA coil.
2) Mating connectors, separate order, see pages 7 and 14.

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Proportional pressure relief valve, directly operated | DBET(E) 3/14


For external control electronics (type DBET) With integrated electronics (type DBETE)

Pilot oil return internal Pilot oil return internal



Pilot oil return, external (Y) Pilot oil return, external (Y)


RE 29162, edition: 2013-06, Bosch Rexroth AG

4/14 DBET(E) | Proportional pressure relief valve, directly operated

Function, section

General information Basic principle

Type DBET proportional pressure relief valves are remote For the setting of the system pressure, a command value is
control valves with seat design and are used to limit a sys- specified at the control electronics. Depending on the
tem pressure. Operation by means of a proportional sole- command value, the electronics actuate the solenoid with
noid with central thread and detachable coil. The interior electric current. The proportional solenoid converts the
of the solenoid is connected to port T or Y and is filled electric current into mechanical force that acts on the
with the hydraulic fluid. Depending on the electric com- valve poppet (4) via the armature plunger (5). The valve
mand value, these valves can be used to smoothly set the poppet (4) presses on the valve seat (3) and interrupts the
system pressure to be limited. connection between port P and T or Y. If the hydraulic
The valves mainly consist of the housing (1), the propor- force on the valve poppet (4) equals the solenoid force,
tional solenoid (2), the valve seat (3) and the valve pop- the valve controls the set pressure by lifting the valve
pet (4). poppet (4) off the valve seat (3) and thus enabling hydrau-
lic fluid to flow from port P to T or Y. If the command value
is zero, the control electronics only applies the minimum
control current to the proportional solenoid (2) and the
minimum set pressure is applied.

Type DBET...Y
Pilot oil return, external


Type DBETE – with integrated electronics (OBE)

In terms of function and design, these valves correspond
to type DBET. On the proportional solenoid, there is
a housing (6) with the control electronics.
Supply and command value voltage are applied at the connec- For more information on the control electronics, see page 8.
tor (7). At the factory, the command value pressure character-
istic curve is adjusted with little manufacturing tolerance.

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Technical data
(for applications outside these parameters, please consult us.)

Weight – Type DBET kg 2.0
– Type DBETE kg 2.15
Mounting orientation Any
Ambient temperature range °C –20 to +70 (DBET)
–20 to +50 (DBETE)

Maximum operating pressure – Port P bar 420
Maximum set pressure – Pressure rating 50 bar bar 50
– Pressure rating 100 bar bar 100
– Pressure rating 200 bar bar 200
– Pressure rating 315 bar bar 315
– Pressure rating 350 bar bar 350
– Pressure rating 420 bar bar 420
Minimum set pressure (at command value 0 V or 4 mA) bar See characteristic curves on page 11
Return flow pressure Port T and/or Y bar Separately at zero pressure to the tank
Maximum flow l/min 2 1)
Hydraulic fluid 1) See table on page 6
Hydraulic fluid temperature range °C –20 to +80
Viscosity range mm2/s 20 to 380, preferably 30 to 46
Maximum permitted degree of contamination of the hydrau- Class 20/18/15 2)

lic fluid, cleanliness class according to ISO 4406 (c)

Hysteresis % < 4 of the maximum set pressure
Range of inversion % < 0.5 of the maximum set pressure
Response sensitivity % < 0.5 of the maximum set pressure
Linearity (flow 0.8 l/min) % ±3 of the maximum set pressure
Manufacturing tolerance of the at command value 20 % % < ±1.5 of the maximum set pressure 3)
command value pressure char- at command value 100 % % < ±5 of the maximum set pressure (type DBET) 4)
acteristic curve, related to < ±1.5 of the maximum set pressure (type DBETE)
0.8 l/min; pressure increasing
Step response (Tu + Tg) 0 → 100 % or 100 % → 0 ms 80 (depending on the system)
line volume < 20 cm3; Q = 0.8 l/min

1) Observe flow limitation for pressure ratings 315, 350 and 420 bar
(page 10).
2) The cleanliness classes specified for the components must be
adhered to in hydraulic systems. Effective filtration prevents
faults and at the same time increases the life cycle of
the components.
For the selection of the filters, see
3) Zero point calibration at the factory.
4) Possible comparison of the external control electronics.

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6/14 DBET(E) | Proportional pressure relief valve, directly operated

Technical data
(for applications outside these parameters, please consult us.)

Hydraulic fluid Classification Suitable sealing materials Standards

Mineral oils HL, HLP NBR, FKM DIN 51524
Bio-degradable – Insoluble in water HEES FKM VDMA 24568
Flame-resistant – Water-free HFDU FKM ISO 12922
– Containing water HFC (Fuchs Hydrotherm 46M, NBR ISO 12922
Petrofer Ultra Safe 620)

Important information on hydraulic fluids! ▶▶ Flame-resistant – containing water:

▶▶ For more information and data on the use of other hydraulic –– The maximum pressure differential per control edge is 210 bar.
fluids refer to data sheet 90220 or contact us! Otherwise, there is increased cavitation erosion.
▶▶ There may be limitations regarding the technical valve data –– Life cycle as compared to operation with mineral oil HLP
(temperature, pressure range, life cycle, maintenance inter- 30 to 100 %
vals, etc.)! –– Maximum fluid temperature 60 °C
▶▶ The flash point of the hydraulic fluid used must be 40 K higher ▶▶ Bio-degradable: When using bio-degradable hydraulic fluids that
than the maximum solenoid surface temperature. are zinc-solving, zinc may accumulate in the fluid (700 mg zinc
per pole tube).

electric G24 G24-8

Minimum solenoid current mA ≤ 100 ≤ 100
Maximum solenoid current mA 1600 ± 10 % 800 ± 5 %
Solenoid coil resis- – Cold value at 20 °C Ω 5,5 20,6
tance – Maximum hot value Ω 8,05 33
Switch-on duration % 100 100

electric, integrated electronics (OBE)

Supply voltage – Nominal voltage VDC 24
– Lower limit value VDC 21
– Upper limit value VDC 35
Current consumption A ≤ 1,5
Required fuse protection A 2, slow-blowing
Inputs – Voltage V 0 to 10
– Current mA 4 to 20
Output – Actual current value mV 1 mV ≙ 1 mA
Protection class of the valve according to EN 60529 IP 65 with mating connector mounted and locked

Information on the environment simulation testing for the areas
EMC (electromagnetic compatibility), climate and mechanical
load, see data sheet 29162-U (declaration on environmen-
tal compatibility).

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Electrical connection (dimensions in mm)


Connection at the connector Connection at mating connector

Mating connector (black) accord-

ing to DIN EN 175301-803,
material no. R901017011
(separate order)

material NBR

Connector pin assignment Contact Allocation interface "A1" Allocation interface "F1"
A 24 VDC (u(t) = 21 V to 35 V); Imax ≤ 1.5 A
Supply voltage
B 0V
Reference potential actual value C Reference contact F; 0 V Reference contact F; 0 V
D 0 to 10 V; RE = 100 kΩ 4 to 20 mA; RE = 100 Ω
Differential amplifier input
E Reference potential command value
Measuring output (actual value) F 0 to 1.6 V actual value (1 mV ≙ 1 mA)
Load resistance > 10 kΩ
Protective ground PE Connected to solenoid and valve housing

Mating connectors according to DIN EN 175201-804, solder contacts for line cross-section 0.5 to 1.5 mm2

Plastic version,  

material no. R900021267

(separate order)  

Metal version, 

material no. R900223890

(separate order)  

RE 29162, edition: 2013-06, Bosch Rexroth AG

8/14 DBET(E) | Proportional pressure relief valve, directly operated

Electrical connection

Min. supply voltage in V→

Connection cable for type DBETE
– Recommendation 6-wire, 0.75 or 1 mm2­ plus
protective grounding conductor and screening
– Only connect the screening to PE on the supply side
– Maximum admissible length = 100 m
The minimum supply voltage at the power supply unit
depends on the length of the supply line (see diagram).

Length in mm →

Integrated integrated (OBE) with type DBETE

The electronics are supplied with voltage via ports The power stage of the electronics for controlling the
A and B. The command value is applied to the differential proportional solenoid is a chopper amplifier with a cycle
amplifier ports D and E. frequency of approx. 180 Hz to 400 Hz. The output signal
Via the characteristic curve generator, the command value is pulse-width modulated (PWM).
solenoid current characteristic curve is adjusted to the In order to check the solenoid current, a voltage can be
valve so that non-linearities in the hydraulic system are measured at the connector between pin F(+) and pin C(–)
compensated and thus, a linear command value pressure that is proportional to the solenoid current. 1 mV corre-
characteristic curve is created. sponds to 1 mA solenoid current.
The current controller controls the solenoid current inde-
pendently of the solenoid coil resistance.

Block diagram

24 VDC


Reference potential 
actual value Differential Characteristic Current amplifier
amplifier curve generator controller

Command value

Reference potential  
command value

Actual value


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Characteristic curves
(measured with HLP46, ϑOil = 40 ±5 °C)

Pressure in port P depending on the command value (flow = 0.8 l/min)



Pressure in port P in % →
Pressure in port P in % →





Command value in % → Command value in % →
At 20 % zero point
calibration at the factory

1) With valve type DBET, the manufacturing tolerance at the

external amplifier (type and data sheet, see page 14) can
be changed using the command value attenuator potenti-
ometer "Gw". The digital amplifier is set using the param-
eter "Limit".
In this context, the control current according to the techni-
cal data must not be exceeded.
In order that several valves can be adjusted to the same
characteristic curve, do not set the pressure higher than
the maximum set pressure of the pressure rating with
command value 100 %.

Pressure in port P depending on the command value Current drop as ambient temperature rises, 24 V and
100 % duty cycle
Comparison DBET series 5X-6X / pressure rating 200 bar
(with amplifier VT-VSPA1-1-1X with 800 mA coil) 

Current in A →
Pressure in port P in bar →

Series 5X 

 Series 6X        
Ambient temperature in °C →

      At increased temperature, the solenoid current drops,
Command value in % → which results in a corresponding deviation of the set

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10/14 DBET(E) | Proportional pressure relief valve, directly operated

Characteristic curves
(measured with HLP46, ϑOil = 40 ±5 °C)

Pressure in port P depending on the flow

Pressure rating 50 bar Pressure rating 100 bar


Pressure in port P in bar →

Pressure in port P in bar →




Flow in l/min → Flow in l/min →
Maximum operating
Pressure rating 200 bar Pressure rating 315 bar 1)

Pressure in port P in bar →
Pressure in port P in bar →




Flow in l/min → Flow in l/min →
Maximum operating Maximum operating
Pressure rating 350 bar 2)
pressure Pressure rating 420 bar 2)

Pressure in port P in bar →

Pressure in port P in bar →




Flow in l/min → Flow in l/min →

Applicable for all pressure ratings:

Curve 1 at 0 % of the command value
1) In the case of characteristic curve 5, the command value may not Curve 2 at 25 % of the command value
exceed the maximum flow of 1.4 l/min Curve 3 at 50 % of the command value
2) In the case of characteristic curve 5, the command value may not
Curve 4 at 75 % of the command value
exceed the maximum flow of 0.8 l/min
Curve 5 at 100 % of the command value 1; 2)
The characteristic curves were measured
without counter pressure in port T. (pT = 0 bar)

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Characteristic curves
(measured with HLP46, ϑOil = 40 ±5 °C)

Minimum set pressure in port P with command value 0 V and/or 4 mA depending on the flow

Pressure rating 50 bar Pressure rating 100 bar

Pressure in port P in bar →

Pressure in port P in bar →


Flow in l/min → Flow in l/min →

Pressure rating 200 bar Pressure rating 315 bar

Pressure in port P in bar →

Pressure in port P in bar →

Flow in l/min → Flow in l/min →

Pressure rating 350 bar Pressure rating 420 bar

Pressure in port P in bar →

Pressure in port P in bar →

Flow in l/min → Flow in l/min →

The characteristic curves were measured without counter
pressure in port T. (pT = 0 bar)
Minimum control current ≤ 100 mA
(This current is reached with a command value of 0 V and/
or 4 mA.)

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12/14 DBET(E) | Proportional pressure relief valve, directly operated

Dimensions: Type DBET

(dimensions in mm)







Required surface quality of

  the valve contact surface

1 Proportional solenoid
2 Valve housing
3 Name plate
4 Identical seal rings for ports P, T, A and B
5 Mating connector according to DIN EN 175301-803
6 Space required for removing the mating connector
7 Blind counterbores A and B
8 With version ..Y.. (external pilot oil return)
port Y is internally connected to port T.
Port T is not plugged.
9 Machined valve contact surface,
porting pattern according to ISO 4401-03-02-0-05
Deviating from the standard: "A" and "B" channels
not drilled locating pin not included in the scope For valve mounting screws and subplates, see page 14.
of delivery

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Dimensions: Type DBETE

(dimensions in mm)









1 Proportional solenoid  
2 Valve housing  Required surface quality of
3 Integrated electronics (OBE) 
the valve contact surface
4 Identical seal rings for ports P, T, A and B
5 Mating connectors according to
DIN EN 175301-804
6 Space required for removing the mating connector
7 Cable fastening
8 Blind counterbores A and B
9 With version ..Y.. (external pilot oil return)
port Y is internally connected to port T.
Port T is not plugged.
10 Name plate
11 Block diagram of the integrated electronics (OBE)
12 Machined valve contact surface,
porting pattern according to ISO 4401-03-02-0-05
Deviating from the standard: "A" and "B" channels
not drilled locating pin not included in the scope For valve mounting screws and subplates, see page 14.
of delivery

RE 29162, edition: 2013-06, Bosch Rexroth AG

14/14 DBET(E) | Proportional pressure relief valve, directly operated


Hexagon socket head cap screws Material number

Size 6 4x ISO 4762 - M5 x 45 - 10.9-flZn-240h-L R913000140
Tightening torque MA = 7 Nm ± 10 %
Notice: The tightening torque of the hexagon socket head cap screws refers to the maximum operating pressure!

Subplates Data sheet Material number

G 341/01 (G1/4) 45052 R900424447
G 341/60 (G3/8) 45052 R901027119

Accessories (not included in the scope of delivery)

External control for type DBET Data sheet Material number

VT-MSPA1-1-1X/V0/... in modular design (analog) 30223
VT-VSPD-1-2X/V0/.-0-1 in euro-card format (digital) 30523
VT-VSPA1-2-1X/V0/ euro-card format (analog) 30115
VT-SSPA1-1-1X/V0/0-24 as a plug-in amplifier (analog) 30265
Limitations: No linearization of the command value pressure charac-
teristic curve, higher hysteresis and range of inversion

External control for type DBET ...G24-8... Data sheet Material number
VT-2000-5X/... in euro-card format 29904
VT-MSPA1-1-30 with modular design 30224

Mating connectors (details see page 7) Data sheet Material number

For type DBET: Mating connectors according to DIN EN 175301-803 08006 R901017011
For type DBETE: Mating connectors according to DIN EN 175201-804 08006 R900021267 (plastic)
R900223890 (metal)

Bosch Rexroth AG © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set
Hydraulics forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be
Zum Eisengießer 1 reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.
97816 Lohr am Main, Germany The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No statements
Phone +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0 concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be
[email protected] derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgment and verification.
It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of
wear and aging.

Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 29162, edition: 2013-06

Proportional pressure relief valve, directly operated | DBET(E) 15/14

Bosch Rexroth AG © This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set
Hydraulics forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be
Zum Eisengießer 1 reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.
97816 Lohr am Main, Germany The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No statements
Phone +49 (0) 93 52 / 18-0 concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be
[email protected] derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgment and verification.
It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of
wear and aging.

RE 29162, edition: 2013-06, Bosch Rexroth AG

16/14 DBET(E) | Proportional pressure relief valve, directly operated

Bosch Rexroth AG, RE 29162, edition: 2013-06

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