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LPM (Poultry Objectives 1) - 1

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Q. I. Fill in the blanks.

1. ………… class of the chickens is characterized by yellow skin and yellow shank.
2. …………. and ……… are the two most popular systems of housing birds.
3. ……………. and …………… are basically two types of incubators available.
4. ……………..species of poultry ranks second for table eggs after chicken in India.
5. ………………… ……………………….. …. are three popular varieties of turkey.
6. …………………… breed of chicken has rich dark or brownish red plumage.
7. ……………………….. poultry house should be isolated.
8. ……………………………….is the albumin secretary segment of the oviduct.
9. ……………………………….is the site of fertilization in chicken.
10. ……………………………………….is termed as muscular stomach in chicken.
11. ……………………………………….is termed as true stomach in chicken.
12. …………………………………………are three popular varieties of guinea fowl.
13. ………………………is the egg-type breed of duck.
14. 100 laying birds would produce ……………….tons of manure in a year.
15. A chicken can digest and absorb full meal in less than ……….. hours
16. A newly hatched chick can survive without feed for ……………….days.
17. Blind cracks can be defined as……………………………………………………
18. Body checks can be defined as……………………………………………………
19. Chicken belongs to ………………….(order) and ………………………family.
20. During candling on 7th day of incubation infertile eggs will appear………………
21. For good incubation, the CO2 in incubator must not exceed……………..
22. For incubation, chicken eggs should be placed in the setter and Hatcher for ………..and …….
…days respectively.
23. Formula for calculating Haugh unit value is……………………………………..
24. Generally, the air space is present at ………………………..end of the egg.
25. Hanging feeder is provided in poultry shed because it is …………………………
26. Incubation period in J. quail is………………………
27. Incubation period in turkey is ……………………………………………………
28. India ranks ….……in egg production and…..in poultry meat production in the world.
29. Layers should be provided ………………….. lighting hours per day.
30. Maximum cost factor in the production of eggs and broiler is ……………
31. Optimum incubation temperature is……………..
32. Plymouth Rock males and Cornish females have been extensively used for evolving
commercial ………………….(type of bird).
33. Rose comb is dominant to ………….. comb.
34. The average weight of quail egg is…………………..
35. The body weight of day old chick is ……………………………..
36. The broiler chicks have the inherited ability for …………………………
37. The brooding temperature during 1st week of incubation is………………………
38. The brooding temperature should be recorded at ………………..
39. The brown colouration of egg shell is due to……………………pigment.
40. The depth of litter material at initial stage should be………………………
41. The floor space requirement for light breed chicken is …………………per chick.
42. The good layers usually complete molting in ………………………months.
43. The high lethal body temperature for chicken is …………………………..
44. The higher the reading of Haugh unit value for albumin quality the …….. will be the
hatchability of eggs.
45. The intensity of yellow coloration of albumin is determined by comparison with the standard
colour range on ……………………….
46. The lighting hours required for a day old chick is …………………………
47. The ME (kcal/kg) and % CP content of broiler starter ration as per BIS should
be……………………… and ……………………….., respectively.
48. The ME (kcal/kg) and % CP requirement for broiler finisher ration should
be…………………………and ……………………….., respectively.
49. The ME (kcal/kg) and % CP requirement for layer chicken ration should
be……………………………and ………………………….., respectively.
50. The optimum poultry house temperature for higher performance is ……………
51. The per capita poultry meat and egg consumption is ….. and …, respectively.
52. The ratio of male to female for RIR breed should be ……………………………..
53. The relative humidity of the egg storage room should be……………………..%.
54. The shape index of egg can be calculated by the formula…………………………..
55. The spores on the egg shell get sealed by the ………… and thus reduce the ……………….of
the egg.
56. The starting chicks under brooder should be provided water at least for …………….hours
before offering the first feed.
57. The strength of formaldehyde gas required for fumigating fertile eggs is………..
58. The time spent by the developing egg in the magnum and isthmus is ……….and ………..
hours, respectively.
59. Zoological name of duck is ………………………………

Q. II. State true or false.

1. A fresh egg when laid by hen has no air cell.
2. After ovulation the egg is fertilized usually within 2-3 hours.
3. All the chickens have colour vision.
4. Blood spots inside an egg are caused due to rupture of small blood vessel of developing
5. Egg weight in Japanese quail is 8-12 grams.
6. Forced air and still air are basically two types of incubators available.
7. Kadaknath found in uttar Pradesh.
8. Only right ovary and oviduct is functional in domestic birds.
9. Ovulation occurs within 45 minutes after oviposition.
10. Pearl, lavender and white are the varieties of Quail.
11. Peela, Yakub, Nurie, Kajal, Chitta etc are the most popular varieties of Aseel.
12. Plymouth rock males and Cornish females have been extensively used for evolving
commercial broilers.
13. RIR lays white eggs
14. Single comb is dominant to rose comb.
15. The chalezeferrous layer is deposited by magnum.
16. The class of the birds with characteristic yellow skin, yellow shank is Mediterranean class.
17. The laying nests should be provided in poultry houses when 50% birds have started laying.
18. The lower the reading of Haugh unit value for albumin quality the better the hatchability of
19. The optimum moisture in litter is 25 %.
20. The spores on the egg shell get sealed by the cuticle and thus reduce the microbial penetration
of the egg.
21. The type of the comb in Brahma breed of chicken is pea comb.
22. Trap nest is essential equipment for pedigree breeding where one male is continuously mated
to one female in a breeding pen.
23. Usually early molters are good layers.
24. Zoologiacl name of domestic fowl is Gallus gallus.

Q. III. Match the pairs.

1. Albumin index ( ) a) Hatchability
2. Yolk index ( ) b) Conclusion of one year of egg production
3. Riboflavin def. ( ) c) 0.1
4. Thiamine ( ) d) Parrot beaked chick

5. Battery brooder ( ) e) Polyneuritis
6. Deep litter ( ) f) Clean eggs
7. Cage system ( ) g) Artificial brooding
8. Biotin deficiency ( ) h) Curled toe paralysis
9. Molting ( ) i) Rice husk
10. Male female ratio ( ) j) 0.4
Match the pairs.
1. Asiatic breed Plymouth rock ……….
2. English breed Ancona ……….
3. Mediterranean breed Cornish ……….
4. American breed Langshan ………..
5. Indian game fowl Aseel ……….
6. Kadaknath Black meat ……….
7. pH of fresh egg yolk 6.6 ……….
8. pH of albumin 7.2 ……….
9. Rich brownish red plumage New Hampshire……….
10. Chest nut red plumage RIR ……….

Q. IV. Tick () the correct answer.

1. Which is the most important point in selecting the material of deep litter?
a) Cost b) Its availability c) Its property to absorb moisture d) All
2. …………………is termed as true stomach in chicken.
a) Gizzard b) Proventriculus c) both d) None
3. Average age at first egg in J. quail is ………………..days.
a) 32 b) 42 c) 52 d) 62
4. In good layers the distance between the keel bones and the pubic bones and between two pubic
bones should be more than………….. and ……… fingers, respectively.
a) 2 and 4 b) 4 and 2 c) 2 and 3 d) 3 and 2
5. For minimum loss of feed the feeder should be ……………….
a) fully filled b)2/3rd filled c) ½ filled d)1/3rd filled
6. For layers, the standard depletion of the stock up to the point of laying should
a) 1% b)3% c) 5% d)10%
7. The vegetable and animal proteins in the poultry mash should be in the ratio of …..
a) 3:1 b)2:1 c)1:1 d)1:2
8. The biological value of egg protein is …………….
a) 95 b) 90 c) 85 d) 80
9. Which one of the following body parts shed the feathers first during moulting……..
a) Wings b) Neckc) Breast d) Head
10. Which of the following body parts is depigmented first when the pullets starts
a) Eye ring b) Vent c) Earlobes d) Shank
11. In the first week of brooding the chick guard should be kept how much away from the edge of
the hover………
a) 6 inches b) 12 inches c) 18 inches d) 24 inches
12. Which of the following species of bird is seasonal layer……………..
a) Chicken b) Duckc) Quaild) Guinea fowl
13. The Central Avian Research Institute is located in ………… state.
a) UP b) MP c) W B d) Tamilnadu
14. The number of oavarian follicles may be counted as high as……………….
a) 10000-25000 b) 25000-50000 c) 50000-75000 d) 100000 or more
15. Australorp breed of chicken belongs to
a) Mediterranean b) English c) American d) Asiatic
16. The position of egg during incubation should be………….
a) Broad end up b) narrow end up c) horizontal d) none

17. The percent weight loss of egg during incubation ………%.
a) 10. b) 12 c) 14 d) 16
18. A hover of 6 ft diameter can accommodate nearly……………chicks.
a) 200 b) 300 c) 100 d) 500
19. An ammonia concentration in poultry house should not exceed
a) 25 ppm b) 50ppm c) 75 ppm d) 100 ppm
20. Brooder guards should be provided during…....week (s).
a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd d) 0-4
21. The floor space required for commercial laying chicken on litter floor is…………sq. ft.
a) 1-1.5 b) 1.5 -2 c) 2-2.5 d)3-4
22. Pea comb is found in……………….
a) White Wyandotte b) Cornish c) Plymouth Rock d) Leghorn
23. Most of the birds start laying at………week.
a) 17th B) 18th c) 19th d) 20th
24. for fumigation, the quantity of KMNO 4 and formalin required to get 3x concentration
a) 60 g and 120 ml b)120 g and 60 ml c) 160 g and 80 ml d) 80 ml and 160 ml
25. The clour of ear lobes in white leghorn hen is……………………..
a) White b) brown c) yellow d) Pink
26. The optimum layer house temperature ranges between…………oF.
a) 55-65 b) 65-75 c) 75-85 d) 55-75

Q. I. Fill in the blanks.
1. Mediterranean 28. 3rd , 4th
2. deep litter , cage 29. 16
3. forced draft, still air 30. feed
4. duck 31. 37.7
5. BBLW, BBB, Beltsville small white 32. egg type
6. RIR 33. single
7. brooder house 34. 18 g.
8. magnum 35. 45 g.
9. infundibulum 36. fast growth
10. gizzard 37. 95
11. proventriculus 38. birds level, 6” under brooder
12. pearl, white and lavender 39. oorporphyrin.
13. Indian runner 40. 5 cm
14. 20 tons 41. 700 sq cm.
15. 4 42. 2.
16. 3 43. 116 degrre feh.
17. Blind cracks can be defined as hair 44. better
line cracks. 45. Roche color fan
18. Body checks can be defined as cracks 46. 24 hrs
which gets sealed during sheel 47. 2900, 22
formation. 48. 3000, 20
19. Galliformes, phasianadiae 49. 2700, 18
20. clear 50. 18-21 degree cel
21. 03-0.5 51. 42 eggs, 1.6 kg meat
22. 18, 3 52. 1:10.
23. Formula for calculating Haugh unit 53. 75
value = 100x log (H+7.57 –1.17W.37) 54. width/ length x 100
24. broader 55. cuticle, evaporation
25. economical (labour saving) 56. 12
26. 18 days 57. 3x
27. 28 days 58. 3 hrs, 1.25 hrs

59. Gallus domesticus

Q. II. State T or F.
1. T 9. T 17. F
2. F 10. F. 18. F.
3. T 11. T 19. T
4. F 12. F 20. T
5. T 13. F 21. T
6. T 14. F 22. F
7. F 15. F 23. F
8. F 16. T 24. T.

Q. III. Match the pairs.

1. Albumin index ( c ) a) Hatchability
2. Yolk index ( j )b) Conclusion of one year of egg production
3. Riboflavin def. ( h ) c) 0.1
4. Thiamine ( e ) d) Parrot beaked chick
5. Battery brooder ( g ) e) Polyneuritis
6. Deep litter ( i ) f) Clean eggs
7. Cage system ( f )g) Artificial brooding
8. Biotin deficiency ( d ) h) Curled toe paralysis
9. Molting ( b ) i) Rice husk
10. Male female ratio ( a ) j) 0.4

Match the pairs.

1. Asiatic breed Plymouth rock 4……….
2. English breed Ancona 3……….
3. Mediterranean breed Cornish 2……….
4. American breed Langshan 1………..
5. Indian game fowl Aseel 5……….
6. Kadaknath Black meat 6……….
7. pH of fresh egg yolk 6.6 7……….
8. pH of albumin 7.2 8……….
9. Rich brownish red plumage New Hampshire10……….
10. Chest nut red plumage RIR 9……….

Q. IV. Tick () the correct answer.

d b a
b d a
b d b
b a b
c d d
c b a
a a a
a b a
d d

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