Copyright© 2010
Cummins Inc.
Bulletin 3666142
Printed in U.S.A. 06-APRIL-2010 p15
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. i
Specifications ........................................................................................................................................... V
Section i - Introduction Page i-a
Section i - Introduction
Section Contents
About the Manual ...............................................................................................................................................i-1
General Information...........................................................................................................................................i-1
Acronyms and Abbreviations ...........................................................................................................................i-14
General Information..........................................................................................................................................i-14
General Cleaning Instructions ...........................................................................................................................i-9
Abrasive Pads and Abrasive Paper.....................................................................................................................i-9
Definition of Clean..............................................................................................................................................i-9
Fuel System.....................................................................................................................................................i-12
Gasket Surfaces...............................................................................................................................................i-10
Plastic Bead Cleaning......................................................................................................................................i-11
Solvent and Acid Cleaning................................................................................................................................i-10
Steam Cleaning................................................................................................................................................i-11
General Repair Instructions ...............................................................................................................................i-7
General Information...........................................................................................................................................i-7
Welding on a Vehicle with an Electronic Controlled Fuel System........................................................................i-8
General Safety Instructions ...............................................................................................................................i-5
Important Safety Notice......................................................................................................................................i-5
How to Use the Manual ......................................................................................................................................i-2
General Information...........................................................................................................................................i-2
Illustrations .........................................................................................................................................................i-4
General Information...........................................................................................................................................i-4
Symbols ..............................................................................................................................................................i-3
General Information...........................................................................................................................................i-3
Page i-b Section i - Introduction
General Information
The following symbols have been used in this manual to help communicate the intent of the instructions. When one
of the symbols appears, it conveys the meaning defined below:
Illustrations N14
Page i-4 Section i - Introduction
General Information
Some of the illustrations throughout this manual are
generic and will not look exactly like the engine or parts
used in your application. The illustrations can contain
symbols to indicate an action required and an acceptable
or not acceptable condition.
• Some state and federal agencies in the United States of America have determined that used engine oil can be
carcinogenic and can cause reproductive toxicity. Avoid inhalation of vapors, ingestion, and prolonged contact
with used engine oil.
• Do not connect the jumper starting or battery charging cables to any ignition or governor control wiring. This can
cause electrical damage to the ignition or governor.
• Always torque fasteners and fuel connections to the required specifications. Overtightening or undertightening
can allow leakage. This is critical to the natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas fuel and air systems.
• Always test for fuel leaks as instructed, as odorant can fade.
• Close the manual fuel valves prior to performing maintenance and repairs, and when storing the vehicle inside.
• Coolant is toxic. If not reused, dispose of in accordance with local environmental regulations.
• The catalyst reagent contains urea. Do not get the substance in your eyes. In case of contact, immediately flood
eyes with large amounts of water for a minimum of 15 minutes. Avoid prolonged contact with skin. In case of
contact, immediately wash skin with soap and water. Do not swallow internally. In the event the catalyst reagent
is ingested, contact a physician immediately.
• The catalyst substrate contains Vanadium Pentoxide. Vanadium Pentoxide has been determined by the State of
California to cause cancer. Always wear protective gloves and eye protection when handling the catalyst assembly.
Do not get the catalyst material in your eyes. In Case of contact, immediately flood eyes with large amounts of
water for a minimum of 15 minutes. Avoid prolonged contact with skin. In case of contact, immediately wash skin
with soap and water.
• The Catalyst substrate contains Vanadium Pentoxide. Vanadium Pentoxide has been determined by the State of
California to cause cancer. In the event the catalyst is being replaced, dispose of in accordance with local
• California Proposition 65 Warning - Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the State of
California to cause cancer, birth defects, and other reproductive harm.
N14 General Repair Instructions
Section i - Introduction Page i-7
Cummins Inc. does not recommend or authorize any modifications or repairs to engines or components
except for those detailed in Cummins Service Information. In particular, unauthorized repair to safety-related
components can cause personal injury or death. Below is a partial listing of components classified as safety-
1 Air Compressor
2 Air Controls
3 Air Shutoff Assemblies
4 Balance Weights
5 Cooling Fan
6 Fan Hub Assembly
7 Fan Mounting Bracket(s)
8 Fan Mounting Capscrews
9 Fan Hub Spindle
10 Flywheel
11 Flywheel Crankshaft Adapter
12 Flywheel Mounting Capscrews
13 Fuel Shutoff Assemblies
14 Fuel Supply Tubes
15 Lifting Brackets
16 Throttle Controls
17 Turbocharger Compressor Casing
18 Turbocharger Oil Drain Line(s)
19 Turbocharger Oil Supply Line(s)
20 Turbocharger Turbine Casing
21 Vibration Damper Mounting Capscrews
Abrasive material must be kept out of or removed from oil passages and parts wear points. Abrasive material
in oil passages can cause bearing and bushing failures that can progress to major component damage beyond
reuse. This is particularly true of main and rod bearings.
Cummins Inc. does not recommend the use of emery cloth or sand paper on any part of an assembled engine or
component including but not limited to removing the carbon ridge from cylinder liners or to clean block decks or
Great care must be taken when using abrasive products to clean engine parts, particularly on partially assembled
engines. Abrasive cleaning products come in many forms and sizes. All of them contain aluminum oxide particles,
silicon carbide, or sand or some other similar hard material. These particles are harder than most of the parts in the
engine. Since they are harder, if they are pressed against softer material they will either damage the material or
become embedded in it. These materials fall off the holding media as the product is used. If the products are used
with power equipment the particles are thrown about the engine. If the particles fall between two moving parts, damage
to the moving parts is likely.
If particles that are smaller than the clearance between the parts while they are at rest (engine stopped), but larger
than the running clearance then damage will occur when the parts move relative to each other (engine started). While
the engine is running and there is oil pressure, particles that are smaller than the bearing clearance are likely to pass
between the parts without damage and be trapped in the oil filter. However, particles larger than the bearing clearance
will remove material from one part and can become embedded in one of the parts. Once embedded in one part it will
General Cleaning Instructions N14
Page i-10 Section i - Introduction
abrade the other part until contact is no longer being made between the two parts. If the damage sufficiently degrades
the oil film, the two parts will come into contact resulting in early wear-out or failure from lack of effective lubrication.
Abrasive particles can fly about during cleaning it is very important to block these particles from entering the engine
as much as possible. This is particularly true of lubricating oil ports and oil drilling holes, especially those located
downstream of the lubricating oil filters. Plug the holes instead of trying to blow the abrasive particles and debris with
compressed air because the debris is often simply blown further into the oil drilling.
All old gasket material must be removed from the parts gasket surfaces. However, it is not necessary to clean and
polish the gasket surface until the machining marks are erased. Excessive sanding or buffing can damage the gasket
surface. Many newer gaskets are of the edge molded type (a steel carrier with a sealing member bonded to the steel).
What little sealing material that can adhere is best removed with a blunt-edged scraper or putty knife. Cleaning gasket
surfaces where an edge-molded gasket is used with abrasive pads or paper is usually a waste of time.
Excessive sanding or grinding the carbon ring from the top of the cylinder liners can damage the liner beyond
reuse. The surface finish will be damaged and abrasive particles can be forced into the liner material which
can cause early cylinder wear-out or piston ring failures.
Tape off or plug all openings to any component interior before using abrasive pads or wire brushes. If really necessary
because of time to use a power tool with abrasive pads, tape the oil drillings closed or use plug and clean as much
of the surface as possible with the tool but clean around the oil hole/opening by hand so as to prevent contamination
of the drilling. Then remove the tape or plug and clean the remaining area carefully and without the tool. DO NOT use
compressed air to blow the debris out of oil drilling on an assembled engine! More likely than not, the debris can be
blown further into the drilling. Using compressed air is fine if both ends of the drilling are open but that is rarely the
case when dealing with an assembled engine.
Gasket Surfaces
The object of cleaning gasket surfaces is to remove any gasket material, not refinish the gasket surface of the part.
Cummins Inc. does not recommend any specific brand of liquid gasket remover. If a liquid gasket remover is used,
check the directions to make sure the material being cleaned will not be harmed.
Air powered gasket scrapers can save time but care must be taken to not damage the surface. The angled part of
the scraper must be against the gasket surface to prevent the blade from digging into the surface. Using air powered
gasket scrapers on parts made of soft materials takes skill and care to prevent damage.
Do not scrape or brush across the gasket surface if at all possible.
Solvent and Acid Cleaning
Several solvent and acid-type cleaners can be used to clean the disassembled engine parts (other than pistons. See
Below). Experience has shown that the best results can be obtained using a cleaner that can be heated to 90° to 95°
Celsius (180° to 200° Fahrenheit). Kerosene emulsion based cleaners have different temperature specifications, see
below. A cleaning tank that provides a constant mixing and filtering of the cleaning solution will give the best results.
Cummins Inc. does not recommend any specific cleaners. Always follow the cleaner manufacturer's instructions.
Remove all the gasket material, o-rings, and the deposits of sludge, carbon, etc., with a wire brush or scraper before
putting the parts in a cleaning tank. Be careful not to damage any gasket surfaces. When possible, steam clean the
parts before putting them in the cleaning tank.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for cleaning, follow the manufacturers recommendations
for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Experience has shown that kerosene emulsion based cleaners perform the best to clean pistons. These cleaners
should not be heated to temperature in excess of 77°C (170°F). The solution begins to break down at temperatures
in excess of 82°C (180°F) and will be less effective.
Do not use solutions composed mainly of chlorinated hydrocarbons with cresols, phenols and/or cresylic components.
They often do not do a good job of removing deposits from the ring groove and are costly to dispose of properly.
Solutions with a pH above approximately 9.5 will cause aluminum to turn black; therefore do not use high alkaline
Chemicals with a pH above 7.0 are considered alkaline and those below 7.0 are acidic. As you move further away
from the neutral 7.0, the chemicals become highly alkaline or highly acidic.
Remove all the gasket material, o-rings, and the deposits of sludge, carbon, etc., with a wire brush or scraper before
putting the parts in a cleaning tank. Be careful to not damage any gasket surfaces. When possible use hot high
N14 General Cleaning Instructions
Section i - Introduction Page i-11
pressure water or steam clean the parts before putting them in the cleaning tank. Removing the heaviest dirt before
placing in the tank will allow the cleaner to work more effectively and the cleaning agent will last longer.
Rinse all the parts in hot water after cleaning. Dry completely with compressed air. Blow the rinse water from all the
capscrew holes and the oil drillings.
If the parts are not to be used immediately after cleaning, dip them in a suitable rust proofing compound. The rust
proofing compound must be removed from the parts before assembly or installation on the engine.
Steam Cleaning
Steam cleaning can be used to remove all types of dirt that can contaminate the cleaning tank. It is a good method
for cleaning the oil drillings and coolant passages
When using a steam cleaner, wear safety glasses or a face shield, as well as protective clothing. Hot steam
can cause serious personal injury.
Do not steam clean the following components:
• Electrical Components
• Wiring Harnesses
• Injectors
• Fuel Pump
• Belts and Hoses
• Bearings (ball or taper roller)
• Electronic Control Module (ECM)
• ECM Connectors
• Dosing Control Unit
• NOx Sensor.
Plastic Bead Cleaning
Cummins Inc. does not recommend the use of glass bead blast or walnut shell media on any engine part. Cummins
Inc. recommends using only plastic bead media, Part Number 3822735 or equivalent on any engine part. Never use
sand as a blast media to clean engine parts. Glass and walnut shell media when not used to the media manufacturer's
recommendations can cause excess dust and can embed in engine parts that can result in premature failure of
components through abrasive wear.
Plastic bead cleaning can be used on many engine components to remove carbon deposits. The cleaning process is
controlled by the use of plastic beads, the operating pressure and cleaning time.
Do not use bead blasting cleaning methods on aluminum pistons skirts or the pin bores in any piston, piston
skirt or piston crown. Small particles of the media will embed in the aluminum or other soft metal and result
in premature wear of the cylinder liner, piston rings, pins and pin bores. Valves, turbocharger shafts, etc.,
can also be damaged. Follow the cleaning directions listed in the procedures.
Do not contaminate wash tanks and tank type solvent cleaners with the foreign material and plastic beads.
Remove the foreign material and plastic beads with compressed air, hot high pressure water or steam before
placing them in tanks or cleaners. The foreign material and plastic beads can contaminate the tank and any
other engine parts cleaned in the tank. Contaminated parts may cause failures from abrasive wear.
Plastic bead blasting media, Part Number 3822735, can be used to clean all piston ring grooves. Do not sure any
bead blasting media on piston pin bores or aluminum skirts.
Follow the equipment manufacturer's cleaning instructions. Make sure to adjust the air pressure in the blasting
machine to the bead manufacturer's recommendations. Turning up the pressure can move material on the part and
cause the plastic bead media to wear out more quickly. The following guidelines can be used to adapt to
manufacturer's instructions:
1. Bead size: U.S. size Number 16 — 20 for piston cleaning with plastic bead media, Part Number 3822735
2. Operating Pressure — 270 kPa (40 psi) for piston cleaning. Pressure should not cause beads to break.
3. Steam clean or wash the parts with solvent to remove all of the foreign material and plastic beads after cleaning.
Rinse with hot water. Dry with compressed air.
General Cleaning Instructions N14
Page i-12 Section i - Introduction
The bead blasting operation must not disturb the metal surface. If the metal surface is disturbed the engine
can be damaged due to increased parts clearance or inadequate surface finish on parts that move against
other parts.
When cleaning pistons, it is not necessary to remove all the dark stain from the piston. All that is necessary is to
remove the carbon on the rim and in the ring grooves. This is best done by directing the blast across the part as
opposed to straight at the part. If the machining marks are disturbed by the blasting process, then the pressure is too
high or the blast is being held on one spot too long. The blast operation must not disturb the metal surface.
Walnut shell bead blast material is sometimes used to clean ferrous metals (iron and steel). Walnut shell blasting
produces a great amount of dust particularly when the pressure if the air pressure on the blasting machine is increased
above media manufacturer's recommendation. Cummins Inc. recommends not using walnut shell media to clean
engine parts due to the risk media embedment and subsequent contamination of the engine.
Cummins Inc. now recommends glass bead media NOT used to clean any engine parts. Glass media is too easily
embedded into the material particularly in soft materials and when air pressures greater than media manufacturer's
recommend are used. The glass is an abrasive so when it is in a moving part, that part is abrading all the parts in
contact with it. When higher pressures are used the media is broken and forms a dust of a very small size that floats
easily in the air. This dust is very hard to control in the shop, particularly if only compressed air (and not hot water)
is used to blow the media after it is removed from the blasting cabinet (blowing the part off inside the cabinet may
remove large accumulations but never removes all the media).
Bead blasting is best used on stubborn dirt/carbon build-up that has not been removed by first steam/higher pressure
washing then washing in a heated wash tank. This is particularly true of pistons. Steam and soak the pistons first then
use the plastic bead method to safely remove the carbon remaining in the grooves (instead of running the risk of
damaging the surface finish of the groove with a wire wheel or end of a broken piston ring. Make sure the parts are
dry and oil free before bead blasting to prevent clogging the return on the blasting machine.
Always direct the bead blaster nozzle "across" rather than directly at the part. This allows the bead to get under the
unwanted material. Keep the nozzle moving rather than hold on one place. Keeping the nozzle directed at one-place
too long causes the metal to heat up and be moved around. Remember that the spray is not just hitting the dirt or
carbon. If the machining marks on the piston groove or rim have been disturbed then there has not been enough
movement of the nozzle and/or the air pressure is too high.
Never bead blast valve stems. Tape or use a sleeve to protect the stems during bead blasting. Direct the nozzle across
the seat surface and radius rather than straight at them. The object is to remove any carbon build up and continuing
to blast to remove the stain is a waste of time.
Fuel System
When servicing any fuel system components, which can be exposed to potential contaminants, prior to disassembly,
clean the fittings, mounting hardware, and the area around the component to be removed. If the surrounding areas
are not cleaned, dirt or contaminants can be introduced into the fuel system.
The internal drillings of some injectors are extremely small and susceptible to plugging from contamination. Some
fuel injection systems can operate at very high pressures. High pressure fuel can convert simple particles of dirt and
rust into a highly abrasive contaminant that can damage the high pressure pumping components and fuel injectors.
Electrical contact cleaner can be used if steam cleaning tools are not available. Use electrical contact cleaner rather
than compressed air, to wash dirt and debris away from fuel system fittings. Diesel fuel on exposed fuel system parts
attracts airborne contaminants.
Choose lint free towels for fuel system work.
Cap and plug fuel lines, fittings, and ports whenever the fuel system is opened. Rust, dirt, and paint can enter the
fuel system whenever a fuel line or other component is loosened or removed from the engine. In many instances, a
good practice is to loosen a line or fitting to break the rust and paint loose, and then clean off the loosened material.
When removing fuel lines or fittings from a new or newly-painted engine, make sure to remove loose paint flakes/
chips that can be created when a wrench contacts painted line nuts or fittings, or when quick disconnect fittings are
Fuel filters are rated in microns. The word micron is the abbreviation for a micrometer, or one millionth of a meter.
The micron rating is the size of the smallest particles that will be captured by the filter media. As a reference, a human
hair is 0.003 mm [3/1000 in] in diameter. One micron measures 0.00004 mm [4/100,000 in]. The contaminants being
filtered out are smaller than can be seen with the human eye, a magnifying glass, or a low powered microscope.
The tools used for fuel system troubleshooting and repair are to be cleaned regularly to avoid contamination. Like fuel
system parts, tools that are coated with oil or fuel attract airborne contaminants. Remember the following points
regarding your fuel system tools:
N14 General Cleaning Instructions
Section i - Introduction Page i-13
Section 6 - Injectors and Fuel Lines - Group 06 Page 6-a
Service Tools
Injectors and Fuel Lines
The following special tools are recommended to perform procedures in this section. The use of these tools
is shown in the appropriate procedure. These tools can be purchased from a local Cummins® Authorized
Repair Location.
Sight Glass
Use to check for air in the fuel line. Use with No. 12 hose, and Part
3375362 No. 3375808, with No. 16 hose.
Filter Wrench
Use to remove or tighten spin on fuel filters.
Remove the AFC air supply line from the air intake
manifold or the compressor air tube. Install a plug or a cap
in the air manifold hole.
Apply air pressure to the AFC air supply line.
Air Pressure 172 kPa [ 25 psi ]
Open the needle valve and allow fuel to drain into the
bucket until the engine speed drops to 100 rpm below
rated speed.
Correct the air leak and test again for other leaks.
N14 Air in Fuel
Section 6 - Injectors and Fuel Lines - Group 06 Page 6-5
Remove the hose from the check valve elbow and the plug
form the cooling drain line.
Install the drain line on the check valve.
Remove the fuel hose and needle valve from the fuel
shutoff valve.
Install the Compuchek® fitting, if equipped, in the fuel
shutoff valve.
Correct the air leak and test again for other leaks.
Remove the hose from the check valve elbow and the plug
form the cooling drain line.
Install the drain line on the check valve.
Do not place hand on the exhaust manifold if the
engine is hot or heavily black smoking.
An alternate method is to place your hand on the exhaust
manifold at each cylinder port. A smoking cylinder will feel
Replace the injector in the cylinder that is producing the
smoke. Refer to Procecdure 006-026.
Do not place hand on the exhaust manifold if the
engine is hot or heavily black smoking.
An alternate method is to place your hand on the exhaust
manifold at each cylinder port. A smoking cylinder will feel
Replace the injector in the cylinder that is producing the
smoke. Refer to Procecdure 006-026.
Remove the inlet and outlet fuel hoses from the cooling
Install a new cooling plate.
Install the heat resistant grommets on both sides of the
cooling plate.
Install the two heat resistant star washer grommets at the
same mounting location.
Tighten the four capscrews.
Torque Value: 40 N•m [ 30 ft-lb ]
Do not paint the cooling plate. Make sure there is no
grease or dirt between the ECM and the cooling plate.
Install the ECM on the cooling plate. Install the six
capscrews. Install the star washer under one of the
Fuel is flammable. Keep all cigarettes, flames, pilot
lights, arcing equipment, and switches out of the work
area and areas sharing ventilation to avoid severe
personal injury or death when working on the fuel
Clean the area around the fuel filter head and filter.
Remove the fuel filter with filter wrench, Part No. 3376807.
Use the correct filter(s) for your engine. Cummins Engine
Company, Inc. requires a fuel-water separator be installed
in the fuel supply system. It must remove a minimum of
94 percent of free water (per SAE J1839) and 88 percent
of emulsified water (per SAE J1488).
Fuel-Water Separator (Superfilter)
Cummins, Part No. 3889716
Fleetguard®, Part No. FS-1000
Install a new thread adapter sealing ring supplied with the
new filter. Apply a light coating of clean engine oil to the
filter gasket surface.
Fill the filter(s) with clean fuel.
Mechanical overtightening of the filter can distort the
threads or damage the filter element seal.
Install the filter on the filter head. Turn the filter until the
gasket contacts the filter head surface.
Remove the fuel line from the rear of the cooling plate (fuel
in). Install one side of the manometer hose into the fuel
line. Connect the line to the cooling plate. Connect the
other side of the manometer hose into the line from the
front of the cooling plate (fuel out). Make sure both valves
are closed.
NOTE: The injection timing check is a measurement
which determines the injector push rod travel in relation to
the piston travel. Due to normal parts tolerances, it is
necessary to check one cylinder for each cam follower
N14 Static Injection Timing
Section 6 - Injectors and Fuel Lines - Group 06 Page 6-19
Pivot the dial indicator stems away from their
respective plunger rods before installing the timing
fixture to prevent damage to the indicators.
5. Install the piston plunger rod (1) into the injector bore
of the No. 1 cylinder.
NOTE: Make sure the plunger is centered and on top of
the piston.
8. Align the plunger rod (4) and the injector push rod (7)
with each other and parallel to the plunger rod.
NOTE: Tighten the clamp handle (5) after the plunger rod
is aligned with the injector push rod.
Both indicators must have a travel range of at least
6.35 mm [0.250-inch] or the indicators will be
12. Put the piston travel dial indicator over the plunger
rod with the contact tip in the center of the piston
plunger rod. Lower the indicator to within 0.63 mm
[0.025-inch] of the fully compressed position.
13. Tighten the thumbscrew to hold the gauge in
17. Put the push rod travel dial indicator in the center of
the injector push rod plunger. Lower the indicator to
within 0.63 mm [0.025-inch] of a fully compressed
position, and tighten the thumbscrew to hold the
indicator in position.
18. Set the dial indicator at "0" (zero). Lock the indicator
face with the thumbscrew.
If the adjusting screws protrude beyond the maximum
listed below, the push rods can be damaged when the
rocker shaft capscrews are tightened. Do not attempt
to install the rocker lever shaft assemblies again
without resetting the lash.
Loosen the rocker lever adjusting screws so there is a
maximum of 32 mm [1.250 inch] from the top surface of
the lever and the ball end of the adjusting screw.
Injector (006-026)
General Information
NOTE: Calibration requires special equipment and must
be done at a Cummins® Authorized Repair Location.
Every 6000 hours, clean and rebuild or replace the
Preparatory Steps
Batteries can emit explosive gases. To reduce the
possibility of personal injury, always ventilate the
compartment before servicing the batteries. To
reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the negative
(-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery
cable last.
• Disconnect battery cables.
• Remove the crankcase breather tube. Refer to
Procedure 003-001 (Crankcase Breather (External))
in Section 3.
• Remove the rocker lever cover. Refer to Procedure
003-011 (Rocker Lever Cover) in Section 3.
• Remove the compression brakes. Refer to
Procedure 020-001 (Clutch Switch) in Section 20.
• Remove the rocker lever assemblies (CELECT™
only). Refer to Procedure 003-009 (Rocker Lever
Assembly) in Section 3.
Injector N14
Page 6-28 Section 6 - Injectors and Fuel Lines - Group 06
NOTE: Excessive crosshead wear can result if the
crossheads are not installed in their original locations.
The larger hole on the underside of the crosshead must
be oriented toward the exhaust side of the engine.
Remove the crossheads. Make sure to mark them
appropriately, so they can be installed in the same location
and orientation during the installation procedure.
NOTE: Mark the position of the push rods as they are
removed. Due to wear patterns on the cam follower
sockets and adjusting screws, the push rods must be
installed in the same positions from which they are
Loosen the locknut and turn out the adjusting screw on
each injector and valve rocker lever.
Some push rods are under compression due to the valves
being open. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise with the
accessory drive pulley to relieve the spring tension.
Hold the push rod with one hand to prevent it from falling
into the engine. Loosen each adjusting screw and remove
the push rod.
To reduce the possibility of damage to the injector
sleeves, do not use anything metal to scrape the
copper injector sleeves.
Use a clean wooden stick with a clean cloth wrapped
around the end to remove all the carbon from the copper
injector sleeves in the cylinder head.
Use chip removing unit, Part Number 3823461 or
ST-1272-11, to remove the carbon from the top of the
When installing injectors for reuse, new o-rings must be
installed on the injector.
NOTE: The CELECT™ Plus injectors require three
different injector o-rings. The traditional black, brown, and
black with white dot colors have been changed to red,
white, and blue respectively. The coloring is a Teflon®
casting; the o-ring material has not been changed. There
is no change in part numbers for these o-rings. The old
colors will be present until existing stock is depleted. It is
okay to mix the black and the red o-ring, the brown and
the white o-ring, or the black with the white dot and blue
Top - red
Middle - white
Bottom - blue.
Lubricate the o-rings with lubricating oil just before
To reduce the possibility of injector damage, do not
strike the top stop spring cage when installing
CELECT™ Plus injectors.
Use the CELECT™ Plus injector puller/installer, Part
Number 3823579, to install the injector into the cylinder
head injector bore with the injector solenoid valve facing
the intake side of the engine.
N14 Injector
Section 6 - Injectors and Fuel Lines - Group 06 Page 6-31
Do not strike or pry on the solenoid. Otherwise,
injector damage will occur.
After partial installation of the injector, take precautions to
center the solenoid valve between the valve springs. Avoid
contact with the spring coils. If the injector is contacting a
valve spring, use a screwdriver to position the injector
Continue driving the injector into the bore, use the puller/
installer, Part Number 3823579.
The injector must be fully seated before installing the
hold-down clamp. The hold-down clamp can not pull
the injector into the bore. Engine damage can occur
if the injector is not fully seated.
Install the hold-down clamp capscrew.
Torque Value: 41 N•m [ 30 ft-lb ]
Install a set of new injectors, use the 8-qt 10-hole cup
configuration that was removed from the engine. This will
make sure the injectors will not have any unseen
cavitation damage internal to the injector cup at the time
of kit installation.
N14 Injector
Section 6 - Injectors and Fuel Lines - Group 06 Page 6-33
Install three new o-rings over the injector and into the
retaining grooves. Do not twist the o-rings.
Make sure to place the instrument used to install the
injectors on the top cap of the injector, not on the
plunger or link. The plungers will be damaged.
Install a 27-mm [1-1/16-in] deep well socket over the top
link of the injector. The socket must rest completely on
the top surface of the injector top cap to avoid bending the
inner part of the top cap.
Use a clean, blunt instrument to seat the injector in the
Injector N14
Page 6-34 Section 6 - Injectors and Fuel Lines - Group 06
The injector must be fully seated before installing the
hold-down clamp. The hold-down clamp can not pull
the injector into the bore. Engine damage can occur
if the injector is not fully seated.
Install the injector hold-down clamp and capscrew.
Torque Value: 75 N•m [ 55 ft-lb ]
Make sure the push rods are properly seated in the cam
follower sockets.
N14 STC Oil Control Valve (Mechanical)
Section 6 - Injectors and Fuel Lines - Group 06 Page 6-35
Finishing Steps
Batteries can emit explosive gases. To reduce the
possibility of personal injury, always ventilate the
compartment before servicing the batteries. To
reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the negative
(-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery
cable last.
• Install the rocker lever assemblies CELECT™ only).
Refer to Procedure 003-009 (Rocker Lever
Assembly) in Section 3.
• Set the valves and injectors. Refer to Procedure
003-004 (Overhead Set) in Section 3.
• Install and adjust the compression brakes. Refer to
Procedure 020-001 (Clutch Switch) in Section 20.
• Install the rocker lever cover. Refer to Procedure
003-011 (Rocker Lever Cover) in Section 3.
• Install the crankcase breather tube. Refer to
Procedure 003-001 (Crankcase Breather (External))
in Section 3.
• Connect the battery cables.
Disconnect the STC oil outlet line from the rocker lever
Remove the elbow fitting from the rocker lever housing.
Install a fitting between the rocker housing and oil outlet
Connect a 0-300 psi pressure gauge, Part No. 3375932,
to the fitting.
NOTE: If the oil pressure will not reach 103 kPa [15 psi],
the STC oil delivery system is not functioning properly.
Perform the STC Oil Delivery System Diagnostics,
Procedure 006-045.
Raise the air pressure at least 103 kPa [15 psi] above the
upper shift-point then slowly begin to lower it. Record the
air pressure at which the oil pressure raises above 55 kPa
[8 psi]. This is the lower shift-point (B).
NOTE: The lower shift-point is the shift from NORMAL to
ADVANCED timing. The overhead will go from quiet to
noisy. This pressure must be lower than the upper shift-
point. If it is not , repair or replace the STC valve.
Clean the STC oil control valve and the surrounding area
before removing it from the engine.
Remove the following lines from the STC oil control valve:
• Fuel pressure sensing line (1)
• Oil outlet line to tappets (2)
• Oil vent line (3)
Install a new seal ring.
Install the STC oil control valve to the mounting plate with
the two capscrews.
Tighten the capscrews.
Torque Value: 41 N•m [ 30 ft-lb ]
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to
reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Use ultrasonic cleaners, Part Number 337665 or 3375001,
and ultrasonic cleaner solution, Part Number 33750003,
to clean the viscosity sensor.
STC Viscosity Sensor N14
Page 6-42 Section 6 - Injectors and Fuel Lines - Group 06
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to
reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Use mineral spirits to neutralize the solution after
Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using
compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause
personal injury.
Use compressed air to blow through each port to remove
any remaining debris.
Install the filter screens (3) and screen retainers (4) in the
viscosity sensor.
Lubricate the o-rings with vegetable oil.
Install the fittings (1) and (2), with new o-rings (5), and
Torque Value: Step1 24 N•m [ 18 ft-lb ]
Step2 18 N•m [ 13 ft-lb ]
Install the bracket to the viscosity sensor. Install the two
racket capscrews and tighten.
Torque Value: 27 N•m [ 20 ft-lb ]
Connect the flexible hoses to the viscosity sensor fittings.
Do not allow dirt or debris to enter the oil lines.
Main oil rifle pressure. Modified pressure signal to
pressure regulator. Return to oil pan.
STC Viscosity Sensor N14
Page 6-44 Section 6 - Injectors and Fuel Lines - Group 06
Connect the sensor drain line (1) to the tee fitting on the
cylinder block.
Observe the oil pressure at the oil main rifle. The pressure
must be as follows:
Oil pressure at idle (minimum allowable) 60 kPa [10 psi]
at 93°C [200°F].
At no load governed speed: 240 to 310 kPa [35 to 45 psi].
If the pressure is within these specifications, the
lubricating system is operating properly.
N14 STC Oil Delivery System Diagnostics
Section 6 - Injectors and Fuel Lines - Group 06 Page 6-47
Remove the STC oil outlet line (1) from the engine.
Install a flexible hose (2) to the STC valve oil outlet fitting.
Use a tee fitting (3) to install a 1/8 inch male quick connect
(4), Part No. 3377244, to the oil supply line (2).
Install a 3/8 inch shutoff valve (5) to the tee fitting. Connect
the opposite end of the 3/8 inch shutoff valve to the rocker
housing fitting (6).
NOTE: The tee fitting and shutoff valve must be installed
as shown to conduct the test correctly.
Open the 3/8 inch shutoff valve at the STC oil manifold.
Record the pressure (P2).
Move the pressure gauge to the quick connect fitting at
the main oil rifle and record the pressure (P3).
P3 must be at least 100 kPa [15 psi] when the engine
coolant temperature is below 49°C [120°F]. If not , the
main oil rifle pressure is inadequate. Refer to
Troubleshooting Symptom: Lubricating Oil Pressure Low
in Section TS.
Leak Test
Remove the shutoff valve from the STC rocker housing
Apply 278 kPa [40 psi] air pressure to the STC oil manifold
to push oil out of the lines.
Lower the pressure to 69 kPa [10 psi].
Listen for large air leaks at joints between the STC oil
manifold and transfer tubes, or transfer tubes and
injectors. This will indicate a missing or cut o-ring, or
leaking oil plumbing.
Replace the defective part(s).
AFC No Air Check N14
Page 6-52 Section 6 - Injectors and Fuel Lines - Group 06
Check the fuel pump code AFC no-air fuel (rail) pressure
at 1600 rpm.
• The pressure on the engine must be within 48 kPa
[7 psi] of the no-air pressure setting on the fuel pump
test stand
• The fuel pump test stand no-air values are listed in
the Fuel Pump Calibration Values Manual, Bulletin
No. 3379352, under the fuel pump code number.
Remove the AFC air supply line from the air intake
manifold or the compressor air tube.
Install a plug or a cap in the intake manifold hole.
It is illegal to adjust the fuel pump greater than the
given specifications in the Fuel Pump Calibration
Manual, Bulletin No. 3379352.
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-a
Remove.......................................................................................................................................................... 7-28
Lubricating Oil Pump ......................................................................................................................................7-30
Inspect for Reuse............................................................................................................................................7-31
Remove.......................................................................................................................................................... 7-30
Lubricating Oil Pump Signal Tube ..................................................................................................................7-34
Inspect for Reuse............................................................................................................................................7-35
Remove.......................................................................................................................................................... 7-34
Lubricating Oil Pump Signal Tube Orifice ......................................................................................................7-60
Clean and Inspect for Reuse...........................................................................................................................7-61
Finishing Steps...............................................................................................................................................7-61
Preparatory Steps...........................................................................................................................................7-60
Lubricating Oil System ....................................................................................................................................7-36
Lubricating Oil System Diagnostics ............................................................................................................... 7-57
Test................................................................................................................................................................ 7-57
Lubricating Oil Temperature Gauge ...............................................................................................................7-38
Initial Check....................................................................................................................................................7-38
Test................................................................................................................................................................ 7-38
Lubricating Oil Thermostat .............................................................................................................................7-39
General Information.........................................................................................................................................7-39
Inspect for Reuse............................................................................................................................................7-41
Remove.......................................................................................................................................................... 7-40
Test................................................................................................................................................................ 7-41
Lubricating Oil Transfer Tube .........................................................................................................................7-42
Inspect for Reuse............................................................................................................................................7-43
Remove.......................................................................................................................................................... 7-42
Lubricating Oil Viscosity Sensor ....................................................................................................................7-44
Clean and Inspect for Reuse...........................................................................................................................7-46
Disassemble................................................................................................................................................... 7-45
Remove.......................................................................................................................................................... 7-44
Service Tools ....................................................................................................................................................7-1
Lubricating Oil System......................................................................................................................................7-1
N14 Service Tools
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-1
Service Tools
Lubricating Oil System
The following special tools are recommended to perform procedures in this section. The use of these tools
is shown in the appropriate procedure. These tools can be purchased from a local Cummins® Authorized
Repair Location.
Tube Cutter
Used to open spin-on oil filters for troubleshooting and analysis.
Because this part weighs more than 23 kg [50 lb], two
people or a hoist will be required to lift the oil cooler
assembly to avoid personal injury.
Remove the oil cooler core from the oil cooler transfer
connection (housing) by pulling the oil cooler water
transfer tubes out of the o-ring adapters.
N14 Lubricating Oil Cooler
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-5
Clean the gasket material from the cooler support and the
cylinder block.
After removing the gasket material, clean with solvent and
dry with compressed air.
NOTE: Do not allow dirt or gasket material to fall into the
oil passages.
Do not attempt to repair a damaged oil cooler core; it
must be replaced.
Pressure Test
Do not reuse an oil cooler core after an engine failure
since there is not a practical method to clean the
cooler core. Metal particles which can circulate
through the lubricating system can remain in the
cooler core and can cause engine damage. Do not
allow dirt or gasket material to enter the oil passages
when cleaning the oil cooler and the cylinder block
Lubricating Oil Cooler N14
Page 7-6 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
Lubricate new o-rings with vegetable oil and install onto
the oil cooler core transfer tubes.
Install the oil cooler core onto the oil cooler transfer
connection (housing) by inserting the transfer tubes into
the o-ring adapters.
NOTE: Make sure the o-ring adapters move freely when
the transfer tubes are inserted as this will allow tubes to
be centered in the adapters.
Install two guide studs into the oil cooler support mounting
holes in the cylinder block.
Install a new oil cooler support gasket over the guide studs
with the side marked “Cooler Side” facing outward or
Install the oil cooler assembly over the guide studs, and
push it against the cylinder block.
Install the oil cooler support bracket capscrew. Do not
tighten at this time.
N14 Lubricating Oil Cooler
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-9
First, loosen the two capscrews which hold the oil cooler
support bracket to the rear of the oil cooler housing.
Then, alternately and evenly, tighten the block mounting
capscrew and the oil cooler housing capscrews beginning
with the block mounting capscrew.
Torque Value: 47 N•m [ 35 ft-lb ]
Clean the housing gasket surface.
Clean the cylinder block gasket surface.
NOTE: Do not cut the gasket mounting surface with the
Install the dipstick tube housing and a new gasket.
Install the four capscrews and tighten.
Torque Value: 47 N•m [ 35 ft-lb ]
NOTE: Check the dipstick calibration. Refer to Procedure
Lubricating Oil Filter (Spin-On) N14
Page 7-12 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
Limited use of oils such as 5W-30 or 10W-30 can aid
in starting the engine and providing sufficient oil flow
at ambient temperatures below -5°C [23°F]. However,
the continuous use of low viscosity oils can decrease
engine life. Refer to the accompanying chart.
Use the oil filter wrench, Part Number 3375049, to remove
the filter.
N14 Lubricating Oil Filter Bypass Valve
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-13
The o-ring can stick onto the filter head. Make sure it is
removed before installing a new filter.
Clean the oil filter head surface.
Use clean vegetable oil to lubricate the gasket surface of
the filter.
Mechanical overtightening can distort the threads or
damage the filter element seal.
Fill the filter with clean 15W-40 oil.
Install the filter onto the oil filter head. Tighten the filter
until the gasket contacts the filter head surface.
Use oil filter wrench, Part Number 3375049, to tighten the
filter an additional three-fourths to one (¾ to 1) turn, or
follow the instructions supplied with the filter.
Confirm that the oil level in the pan is to the full mark.
Operate the engine until the water temperature reaches
82°C [180°F]. Check the oil pressure and check for leaks.
Loosen the retaining plug with a 5/16 inch hexagon allen
Remove the retaining plug (1), the plunger (2), spring (3),
and poppet valve (4) from the lubricating oil cooler transfer
housing (5).
Clean the poppet valve spring, plunger, and retaining plug
with solvent and dry with compressed air.
N14 Lubricating Oil Filter Bypass Valve
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-15
Inspect the teflon o-ring on the poppet valve for wear, cuts,
or tears. Replace the complete poppet valve if there is any
After lubricating all pieces and the o-ring seal, install the
poppet valve (4), spring (3), and plug (1) into the
lubricating oil cooler transfer housing (5).
Lubricating Oil Filter Head N14
Page 7-16 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
Remove the four filter head capscrews and the filter head.
Clean all gasket surfaces.
NOTE: Do not allow dirt or gasket material to get into the
oil passages.
N14 Lubricating Oil High Pressure Relief Valve
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-17
Replace the oil filter head gasket.
Install the filter head, washers, and filter head capscrews.
Torque Value: 20 N•m [ 15 ft-lb ]
Fill and install a new oil filter.
When the oil pressure exceeds 1724 kPa [250 psi] in the
lubricating oil pump, for instance during cold start-up, the
oil pressure in the pump overcomes the relief valve spring
This allows the excess oil to return to the oil pan,
preventing possible damage to the lubricating system
Lubricating Oil High Pressure Relief Valve N14
Page 7-18 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
Initial Check
Measure the installed depth of the high pressure relief
valve retainer plug.
If the plug depth is less than 6.48 mm [0.255-inch], use
DFC pressure relief valve fixture, Part No. 3376011, to
install it to the correct depth of 6.48 mm to 6.98 mm [0.255-
inch to 0.275-inch].
Remove the lubricating oil pump. Refer to Procedure
Remove the lubricating oil pump cover.
Clean the high pressure relief valve assembly.
Carefully remove the retainer plug (1). The high
pressure relief valve spring (4) is under compression.
Personal injury can result. Wear face and eye
Use the light duty puller kit, Part No. 3375784, or its
equivalent to remove the retainer plug (1).
Remove the valve disc (2), the washer (3), and the high
pressure relief valve spring (4).
Install the locating plate, Part No. 3376013, (in DFC
pressure valve fixture, Part No. 3376011), onto the
lubricating oil pump body. Use two 5/16-18 inch UNC x
1-1/4 inch capscrews. Do not tighten the capscrews at this
Install the spring (4), the washer (3), the valve disc (2), and
the retainer plug (1) into the bore in the locating plate.
Make sure the prongs on the disc are down (toward the
washer) and the cup side of the retainer plug is up (toward
the mandrel).
N14 Lubricating Oil High Pressure Relief Valve
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-21
Confirm that the oil level in the oil pan is to the full mark.
Operate the engine until the water temperature reaches
82°C [180°F]. Check the oil pressure, and check for oil
Lubricating Oil Leaks N14
Page 7-22 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
When using a steam cleaner, wear protective clothing
and safety glasses or a face shield. Hot steam can
cause serious personal injury.
Use a steam cleaner or a high pressure washer to clean
the engine.
When using a steam cleaner, wear safety glasses or a
face shield, as well as protective clothing. Hot steam
can cause serious personal injury.
Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using
compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause
personal injury.
Remove all of the gasket material from the cylinder block
and the oil pan surfaces.
Steam clean the oil pan, and dry it with compressed air.
Lubricating Oil Pan N14
Page 7-24 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
Inspect the inside and the outside of the oil pan for cracks
around the suction tube mounting studs.
Check for a cracked or broken suction tube mounting clip.
Replace if cracked or broken.
Apply a 13 mm [½ in] bead of RTV sealant to the rear
cover, block, front cover, and block mounting faces.
The bead must extend the full width of the flange.
At that point, the oil pressure from the main rifle oil
pressure regulator, acting against the end of the regulator
plunger, overcomes the force of the regulator plunger
The pressure regulator plunger moves downward (open),
uncovering the dump port in the regulator cavity. This
allows any oil in excess of the amount required to maintain
241 kPa [35 psi] to return to the oil pan.
Oil from the oil rifle (1) enters the viscosity sensor and
flows through the long annular area (2). When the oil is
cold, there is a very high pressure drop from the oil rifle to
the undercut area (3). Due to this pressure drop, the
lubricating pump regulator (5) “sees” a pressure in the
undercut area lower than oil rifle pressure. Therefore, a
higher than normal oil rifle pressure is required to achieve
the normal lubricating pump regulator line pressure
(approximately 275 kPa [40 psi]).
Lubricating Oil Pressure Regulator (Main Rifle) N14
Page 7-28 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
The orifice (4) also helps to increase the oil rifle pressure
when the oil is cold by bleeding off some of the flow in the
undercut area. If the orifice is too small, the viscosity
sensor is effectively eliminated from the system and acts
as a lubricating pump signal line. If the orifice is too large,
it will bleed an unacceptable amount of the system's
capacity off to the drain (6) to the oil sump pan, reducing
the available oil flow for lubrication. If the orifice is too
large, it will also bleed off too much flow from the undercut
area. This causes the lubricating pump to deliver high oil
pressure even under warm oil temperatures. This can
decrease the life of the lubricating pump.
Carefully remove the capscrew (1). The pressure
regulator spring (3) is under compression. Personal
injury can result. Wear face and eye protection.
Remove the capscrew (1), the retainer plug (2), the spring
(3), and the regulator plunger (4) from the lubricating oil
pump body.
Wear safety goggles when using an air solvent gun to
prevent possible eye injury.
Clean the oil pressure regulator assembly with solvent and
an air solvent gun.
N14 Lubricating Oil Pressure Regulator (Main Rifle)
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-29
Install new o-rings onto the plunger retainer plug.
Lubricate the o-rings with vegetable oil.
Install the plunger (4), the spring (3), the retainer plug (2)
and the capscrew (1).
Tighten the retainer plug capscrew.
Torque Value: 27 N•m [ 20 ft-lb ]
Confirm that the oil level in the oil pan is to the full mark.
Operate the engine until the water temperature reaches
82°C [180°F]. Check the oil pressure, and check for oil
Lubricating Oil Pump N14
Page 7-30 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
Do not pry on the lubricating oil pump mounting
Remove the lubricating oil pump from the cylinder block
gear flange. Discard the gasket.
Do not allow dirt or gasket material to enter the oil
passages. Bearing damage can result.
Clean the lubricating oil pump and the cylinder block
gasket surfaces.
Carefully remove the capscrew (1). The pressure
regulator spring is under compression.
Remove the lubricating oil pressure regulator. Refer to
Procedure 007-029-002.
N14 Lubricating Oil Pump
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-31
Wear safety goggles when using an air solvent gun to
prevent possible eye injury.
Use solvent and an air solvent gun to clean the signal line,
the lubricating oil pump cover, and the body. Hold the
driven gear off of the lubricating oil pump body when
cleaning the gear bore area.
Dry with compressed air.
Use 15W-40 oil to lubricate the shaft, the gears, and the
bushings. Also, lubricate the area between the driven gear
and the body.
N14 Lubricating Oil Pump
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-33
Install the DFC signal line. Tighten the signal line fittings.
Torque Value: 9 N•m [ 80 in-lb ]
Install the lubricating oil transfer tube. Refer to Procedure
Confirm that the oil level in the oil pan is to the full mark.
Operate the engine until the water temperature reaches
82°C [180°F]. Check the oil pressure and check for oil
Wear safety goggles when using an air solvent gun to
prevent possible eye injury.
Clean the inside of the signal line and the 7/16-20 UNF
straight thread with o-ring seal adapter with solvent and
an air solvent gun.
N14 Lubricating Oil Pump Signal Tube
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-35
Install the DFC signal line. Tighten the signal line fittings.
Torque Value: 9 N•m [ 80 in-lb ]
Confirm that the oil level in the oil pan is to the full mark.
Operate the engine until the water temperature reaches
82°C [180°F]. Check the oil pressure, and check for oil
Lubricating Oil System N14
Page 7-36 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
Avoid direct contact of hot oil with your skin. Hot oil
can cause serious personal injury.
Some state and federal agencies have determined that
used engine oil can be carcinogenic and can cause
reproductive toxicity. Avoid inhalation of vapors,
ingestion, and prolonged contact with used engine
oil. If not reused dispose of in accordance with local
environmental regulations.
Operate the engine until the water temperature reaches
60°C [140°F]. Shut off the engine.
Remove the oil filter. Refer to Procedure 007-013.
Remove the oil drain plug and drain the oil immediately to
make sure all the oil and suspended contaminates are
removed from the engine.
Install the oil drain plug and tighten.
Torque Value: 88 N•m [ 65 ft-lb ]
Add the specified amount of 36 liters [9.5 gal] of clean
15W-40 oil to fill the oil pan.
Shut off the engine. Wait 5 to 7 minutes for the oil to drain
back to the oil pan.
Check the oil level. Add oil as necessary to bring the level
up to the "H" (high) mark on the dipstick.
The lubricating oil system must be primed before
operating the engine after any internal engine repairs
or extended engine storage (beyond 6 months) to
avoid internal component damage. Do not prime the
system from the bypass filter; the filter will be
Remove the priming pump oil supply hose and install the
lubricating oil temperature sensor on CELECT™ engines
or the 9/16 - 18 UNF Compuchek® coupling nipple on STC
Industrial engines.
Torque Value:
Sensor 34 N•m [ 25 ft-lb ]
Torque Value:
Plug 34 N•m [ 25 ft-lb ]
Check the following for defects: > >Electrical wiring
broken> >Sending unit malfunction or leaking (refer to
the next frame)> >
N14 Lubricating Oil Thermostat
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-39
Remove the thermostat and the spacer plate. Refer to
Lubricating Oil Cooler Procedures 007-003-002 and
N14 Lubricating Oil Thermostat
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-41
The flash point of new lubricating oil is approximately
221°C [430°F]. Do not allow oil temperature in the
container to exceed 149°C [300°F]. Do not allow
water droplets to enter the container of hot oil. Water
droplets will cause a violent reaction which can cause
personal injury.
Install the bypass valve into the oil cooler transfer housing.
Refer to Lubricating Oil Cooler Procedure 007-003-026.
Remove and discard the o-ring from the oil pan flange tube
and the rectangular sealing ring from the lubricating oil
pump mounting flange.
Clean the lubricating oil transfer tube and the mounting
flanges with solvent.
Dry with compressed air.
N14 Lubricating Oil Transfer Tube
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-43
Install a new rectangular sealing ring into the lubricating
oil pump mounting flange.
Use clean vegetable oil to lubricate the seal.
Install a new o-ring onto the oil pan lubricating oil suction
Use clean vegetable oil to lubricate the o-ring.
Remove the viscosity sensor fittings (1) and (2), and filter
screens (3).
Lubricating Oil Viscosity Sensor N14
Page 7-46 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to
reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Use ultrasonic cleaners, Part Number 3376665 or
3375001, and ultrasonic cleaners solution, Part Number
33750003, to clean the viscosity sensor.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to
reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Use mineral spirits to neutralize the solution after
Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using
compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause
personal injury.
Use compressed air to blow through each port to remove
any debris.
N14 Lubricating Oil Viscosity Sensor
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-47
Inspect the injector orifice plug (3) and gasket (4). Replace
if damaged or restricted.
Install the filter screens (3) and screen retainers (4) in the
viscosity sensor.
Install the fittings (1) and (2), with new o-rings (5), and
Torque Value: Step1 18 N•m [ 13 ft-lb ]
Step2 24 N•m [ 18 ft-lb ]
Lubricate the o-rings with clean vegetable oil.
Lubricating Oil Viscosity Sensor N14
Page 7-48 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
Install the bracket to the viscosity sensor. Install the two
bracket capscrews and tighten.
Torque Value: 27 N•m [ 20 ft-lb ]
Connect the flexible hoses to the viscosity sensor fittings.
Do not allow dirt or debris to enter the oil lines.
1. Main oil rifle pressure.
2. Modified pressure signal to pressure regulator.
3. Return to oil pan.
Connect the sensor drain line (1) to the tee fitting on the
cylinder block.
N14 Lubricating Oil Viscosity Sensor
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-49
Observe the oil pressure at the oil main rifle. The pressure
must be as follows:
Oil pressure at idle (minimum allowable) 70 kPa [10 psi]
at 93°C [200°F].
At no load governed speed: 240 to 310 kPa [35 to 45 psi].
If the pressure is within these specifications, the
lubricating system is operating properly.
Remove the fuel drain line from the gear pump check
valve. Install a plug in the fuel line.
Remove the fuel supply line from the fuel supply pump
shutoff valve.
Install a regulated air supply to the fuel supply line.
Lubricating Oil Contamination N14
Page 7-54 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
Remove the air line and install the fuel supply line.
N14 Lubricating Oil Cooler Transfer Housing
Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 Page 7-55
Clean all gasket surfaces.
Lubricating Oil Cooler Transfer Housing N14
Page 7-56 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
Clean the filter head and the shutoff valve with solvent.
Dry with compressed air.
Inspect the filter head and the shutoff valve and seat for
cracks, pitting, corrosion, or other damage. Replace if
damage is found.
Place the spacer plate and a new spacer gasket onto the
oil cooler support. If the oil cooler is the low mount type,
use the drop mount connection and the spacer plate. Use
two of the connection retainer capscrews to keep the
gasket and the plate loosely aligned on the support.
Install the transfer housing, a new transfer connection
gasket, and the six capscrews that hold the oil cooler
support to the oil cooler transfer housing. Tighten the
Torque Value: 47 N•m [ 35 ft-lb ]
Carefully remove the capscrew. The pressure
regulator spring is under compression. Personal
injury can result. Wear face and eye protection.
Remove the lubricating oil pressure regulator plunger.
Refer to Procedure 007-029.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to
reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using
compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause
personal injury.
Use an acetylene torch tip cleaner or equivalent that is 1.0
mm [0.040 in] or less in diameter to clean the orifice.
The diameter of the orifice is 1.0 mm [0.040 in]. Do not
attempt to drill out the orifice or use a larger diameter wire
to clean the orifice.
Use solvent and an air solvent gun to wash the debris from
the orifice and the pressure regulator bore in the
lubricating oil pump.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to
reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using
compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause
personal injury.
Clean the inside of the signal line and the 7/16-20 UNF
straight thread with o-ring seal adapter with solvent and
an air solvent gun.
Inspect the signal line for cracks or damage.
Finishing Steps
Install the lubricating oil pressure regulator plunger. Refer
to Procedure 007-029.
Install the DFC signal line.
Operate the engine until the water temperature reaches
82°C [180°F], and check the oil pressure.
If the oil pressure problem still exists or occurs again soon
after the above procedure has been completed, remove
the lubricating oil pump for disassembly and a thorough
cleaning. Refer to Procedure 007-031.
Lubricating Oil and Filter Analysis N14
Page 7-62 Section 7 - Lubricating Oil System - Group 07
Carefully cut open the upper section of the
combination filter. The filter element spring is under
compression and can cause personal injury.
Use the tube cutter, Part Number 3376579, or equivalent,
to open the upper section of the combination filter.
Preparatory Steps...........................................................................................................................................8-40
Remove.......................................................................................................................................................... 8-40
Fan Clutch, Viscous ........................................................................................................................................8-42
Remove.......................................................................................................................................................... 8-45
Test................................................................................................................................................................ 8-42
Fan Hub, Belt Driven .......................................................................................................................................8-46
Inspect for Reuse............................................................................................................................................8-47
Remove.......................................................................................................................................................... 8-46
Fan Shroud Assembly .....................................................................................................................................8-49
Inspect for Reuse............................................................................................................................................8-49
Fan Spacer and Pulley ....................................................................................................................................8-49
Inspect for Reuse............................................................................................................................................8-49
Fan, Cooling ....................................................................................................................................................8-49
Inspect for Reuse............................................................................................................................................8-49
Radiator ...........................................................................................................................................................8-50
Initial Check....................................................................................................................................................8-50
Radiator Hoses ................................................................................................................................................8-51
Inspect for Reuse............................................................................................................................................8-51
Radiator Pressure Cap ....................................................................................................................................8-51
Inspect for Reuse............................................................................................................................................8-52
Test................................................................................................................................................................ 8-51
Radiator Shutter Assembly .............................................................................................................................8-52
Initial Check....................................................................................................................................................8-52
Heat Exchanger ...............................................................................................................................................8-56
Sea Water Pump ..............................................................................................................................................8-57
Clean and Inspect for Reuse...........................................................................................................................8-57
Remove.......................................................................................................................................................... 8-57
Service Tools ....................................................................................................................................................8-1
Cooling System.................................................................................................................................................8-1
Water Pump .....................................................................................................................................................8-58
Remove.......................................................................................................................................................... 8-58
Water Pump Idler Assembly ........................................................................................................................... 8-61
Remove.......................................................................................................................................................... 8-61
N14 Service Tools
Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08 Page 8-1
Service Tools
Cooling System
The following special tools are recommended to perform procedures in this section. The use of these tools
is shown in the appropriate procedure. These tools can be purchased from a local Cummins® Authorized
Repair Location.
O-Ring Pick
Used to install and remove o-rings.
Quick Connect
1/8 NPT male brass Compuchek® fitting.
Quick Connect
9/16 straight threaded o-ring, brass, Compuchek® fitting.
Service Tools N14
Page 8-2 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
Optical Tachometer
Measure engine rpm.
Coolant Sightglass
Use to troubleshoot the engine cooling system.
N14 Service Tools
Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08 Page 8-3
Use to measure glycol (antifreeze) concentration.
Drive Belt, Cooling Fan N14
Page 8-4 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
Install new belts onto the pulley. When a drive pulley uses
two or more belts, replace the belts as a complete set.
NOTE: To prevent damage, do not roll a belt over the
pulley or pry it on with a tool.
Install a new belt onto the pulleys.
Turn the adjusting screw to adjust belt tension.
NOTE: Belt tension can increase when the lock nut is
tightened. Do not adjust belt tension to full value with the
adjusting screw.
A manual shutoff valve is provided to prevent coolant
leakage while changing the coolant filter.
With the valve in the vertical position, the coolant flows to
and from the coolant filter. In the horizontal position, the
coolant flow is cut off to and from the coolant filter.
Do not remove the radiator cap from a hot engine. Hot
steam will cause serious personal injury. Remove the
coolant system pressure cap, and close the coolant
filter head shutoff valve before removing the coolant
filter. Failure to do so can cause personal injury from
heated coolant spray.
Remove the radiator pressure cap.
Turn the coolant shutoff valve to the OFF position.
Mechanical overtightening can distort the threads or
damage the filter head.
Apply a light film of lubricating oil to the coolant filter
gasket sealing surface before installing the coolant filter.
Install the filter as specified by the manufacturer.
Severe engine damage will result if the shutoff valve
is left closed.
After the filter has been changed, open the shutoff valve
and install the radiator pressure cap.
Install the insert into the oil cooler housing.
Tighten the insert.
Torque Value: 47 N•m [ 35 ft-lb ]
Coolant can be toxic. Dispose of in accordance with
local environmental regulations.
Remove the retaining capscrew and washer.
Inspect the filter head and the coolant filter valve for
cracks, pitting, corrosion, or other damage. Replace if
damage is found.
N14 Coolant Filter Valve
Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08 Page 8-13
Install a new o-ring onto the coolant filter valve.
Do not remove the pressure cap from a hot engine.
Wait until the coolant temperature is below 50°C
[120°F] before removing the pressure cap. Heated
coolant spray or steam can cause personal injury.
NOTE: The N14 CELECT™ and CELECT™ Plus engines
has one engine coolant thermostat and one aftercooler
thermostat. The N14 STC engines have two engine
thermostats and no aftercooler thermostat. The illustration
reflects the N14 CELECT™ engine, but is representative
of all the engines.
The engine thermostat and the thermostat seal must
operate correctly for the engine to operate in the most
efficient temperature range. Overheating or overcooling
will shorten engine life.
Remove the upper radiator hose from the thermostat
NOTE: The N14 CELECT™ and CELECT™ Plus engines
has one engine coolant thermostat and one aftercooler
thermostat. The N14 STC engines have two engine
thermostats and no aftercooler thermostat. The artwork in
this procedure reflects the N14 CELECT™ engine but is
representative of all the engines.
Install the thermostat into the cover.
Install a new gasket onto the thermostat housing.
Install the thermostat cover and mounting capscrews.
Tighten the capscrews.
Torque Value: 47 N•m [ 35 ft-lb ]
Install the CELECT™ coolant temperature sensor into the
thermostat housing.
Torque Value: 34 N•m [ 25 ft-lb ]
Coolant Thermostat Housing N14
Page 8-18 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
Clean and inspect the thermostat housing for cracks,
pitting, or other damage.
Replace if damage is found.
NOTE: The N14 CELECT™ and CELECT™ Plus engines
has one engine coolant thermostat and one aftercooler
thermostat. The N14 STC engines have two engine
thermostats and no aftercooler thermostat. The artwork in
this procedure reflects the N14 CELECT™ engine but is
representative of all the engines.
When installing a new seal, the flat side of the seal
must be toward the mandrel for correct installation.
Use thermostat seal mandrel, Part No. ST-1225, and a
lead hammer to install the seal.
A counterbore in the housing bore locates the seal.
Cooling System N14
Page 8-20 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
Wait until the coolant temperature is below 50°C
[120°F] before removing the system pressure cap.
Failure to do so can cause personal injury from heated
coolant spray.
Remove the radiator cap after the engine is cool.
Coolant is toxic. Keep away from children and pets. If
not reused, dispose of in accordance with local
environmental regulations.
Drain the cooling system as follows:
• Open the radiator draincocks.
• Remove the lower radiator hose(s).
If the coolant is to be used again, the container must be
free of oil and dirt. Before pouring coolant back into the
engine, it must be tested for SCA concentration. Refer to
Procedure 018-004.
Close the radiator draincocks.
Install the lower radiator hose(s).
Tighten the hose clamps.
Torque Value: 5 N•m [ 40 in-lb ]
Cooling System N14
Page 8-22 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
Fill the cooling system with heavy duty coolant and install
the correct service filter. Refer to Procedure 018-004.
Do not remove the pressure cap from a hot engine.
Wait until the coolant temperature is below 50°C
[120°F] before removing the pressure cap. Heated
coolant spray or steam can cause personal injury.
Shut off the engine, and allow it to cool.
Cooling System N14
Page 8-24 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
Do not add cold coolant to a hot engine. This can
cause engine casting damage. Allow the engine to
cool to below 50°C [120°F] before adding coolant.
Remove the radiator or fill cap, and check the coolant level
per the OEM service manual recommendations. Add
coolant if necessary. Do not over fill.
Pressure Test
Wait until the temperature is below 50°C [120°F]
before removing the coolant system pressure cap.
Failure to do so can cause personal injury from heated
coolant spray.
To confirm and locate external cold coolant leaks, it is
not necessary to warm the engine.
Do not apply more than 140 kPa [20 psi] air pressure
to the cooling system. The water pump seal can be
If the radiator is equipped with a pressure relief valve,
install a plug into the overflow tube (1).
Install the pressure tester onto the radiator fill neck or
surge tank (if equipped), and apply 140 kPa [20 psi]
maximum air pressure.
N14 Cooling System - Air or Combustion Gas Test
Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08 Page 8-25
Do not remove the pressure cap from a hot engine.
Wait until the temperature is below 50°C [120°F]
before removing the pressure cap. Heated coolant
spray or steam can cause personal injury.
Allow the engine to cool and remove the radiator cap.
Leak Test
Fan, Shutter, or Heater Air Control Valve
The engine can overheat with the fan control or the
shutter air control valve disconnected. Monitor the
engine coolant temperature while performing this
test. The coolant temperature must not exceed 100°
C [212°F].
Start the engine and run for five minutes before testing for
air in the coolant. This will allow any trapped air to purge
from the system.
Repeat the test for air in the cooling system as previously
described in this procedure. If air is not found in the
cooling system with the air control valve(s) isolated, install
a new control valve.
Air Compressor
The air compressor discharge line must be
disconnected at the compressor to allow the
compressor to discharge air to the atmosphere during
this next test to prevent the compressor from
overheating. Do not run the engine over five minutes
with components isolated from the cooling system.
Component damage can occur.
Cooling System - Air or Combustion Gas Test N14
Page 8-28 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
Aftercooler Core
Disconnect the coolant supply and the return hoses from
the aftercooler. Plug the hoses after removing them from
the aftercooler.
The engine must be operated at rated speed and full load
to detect air in the cooling system because of a defective
aftercooler core.
Pour the test fluid into the combustion gas leak test
instrument until it is up to the yellow fill line on the
N14 Cooling System - Air or Combustion Gas Test
Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08 Page 8-31
If the color of the test fluid does not change from blue to
yellow during the 30 minute test period, return the engine
to low idle.
Cooling System - Air or Combustion Gas Test N14
Page 8-32 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
Insert the tip of the rubber ball into the hole in the top of
the test instrument. Squeeze the rubber ball 2 to 3 minutes
to draw air from the radiator through the test fluid.
If the color of the test fluid remains blue, combustion
gases are not entering the cooling system.
If the color of the test fluid changes from blue to yellow,
combustion gases are entering the cooling system.
Investigation is required to determine the source of the
combustion leak.
Overflow Method
Do not remove the pressure cap from a hot engine.
Wait until the temperature is below 50°C [120°F]
before removing the pressure cap. Heated coolant
spray or steam can cause personal injury.
Allow the engine to cool, and remove the radiator cap.
Do not remove the pressure cap from a hot engine.
Wait until the temperature is below 50°C [120°F]
before removing the pressure cap. Heated coolant
spray or steam can cause personal injury.
Loosen the radiator cap to prevent any pressure buildup
in the top tank.
Preparatory Steps
Batteries can emit explosive gases. To reduce the
possibility of personal injury, always ventilate the
compartment before servicing the batteries. To
reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the (-)
negative battery cable first and attach the negative
battery cable last.
Disconnect the batteries.
Remove the fan hub, clutch, and capscrews from the
N14 Fan Clutch, Electric
Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08 Page 8-39
Install the fan hub, clutch, and capscrews. Tighten the
capscrews alternately and evenly.
Torque Value: 47 N•m [ 35 ft-lb ]
Finishing Steps
Install the fan belt onto the engine. Refer to Procedure
Batteries can emit explosive gases. To reduce the
possibility of personal injury, always ventilate the
compartment before servicing the batteries. To
reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the (-)
negative battery cable first and attach the negative
battery cable last.
Connect the batteries.
Loosen the capscrews which attach the fan hub to the
N14 Fan Clutch, On-Off
Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08 Page 8-41
Remove the fan hub capscrews, and remove the fan hub.
Install the fan hub assembly onto the fan hub bracket. The
capscrew must not be tightened at this time.
Install the fan drive belts onto the fan hub and the
accessory pulley. Do not tighten the belts.
Fan Clutch, Viscous N14
Page 8-42 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
Finishing Steps
Install the cooling fan. Refer to Procedure 008-040.
Mark a spot on the fan hub pulley and on one fan blade
so the measuring device can determine the pulley and the
fan speed. Reflective tape, Part No. 3377464, in Cummins
optical tachometer, Part No. 3377462, can be used to
mark the fan blade and the pulley. (Refer to Service Tools
Instruction, Bulletin No. 3377544, for more information.)
While the engine is still warm and the vehicle is shut off,
cover the radiator grill.
Leave a hole approximately 0.3 m [1-foot] in diameter in
the cardboard to allow some air flow to the viscous fan
The fan will engage when the engine is started. To
avoid personal injury, do not put your hands in the
path of the rotating fan.
Do not exceed 100°C [212°F] (104°C [220°F] for the
N14-460E) coolant temperature. Higher coolant
temperatures can damage the engine.
Fan Clutch, Viscous N14
Page 8-44 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
Loosen and remove the capscrews or the hexagon nuts
which hold the viscous fan clutch to the fan hub.
NOTE: Do not discard the fan spacers. The spacers
provide the thickness needed to install the fan in the
correct position.
Carefully remove the fan and clutch assembly from the fan
shroud, and put it on a workbench with the pin side up.
Remove the capscrews or the hexagon nuts which hold
the fan to the clutch.
NOTE: If the control pin is removed, the control pin side
of the assembly must be up to prevent fluid loss which will
result in incorrect fan clutch performance.
Install the fan on the viscous fan clutch. Install the
capscrews or the hexagon nuts which hold the fan to the
Fan Hub, Belt Driven N14
Page 8-46 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
Carefully install the fan and clutch assembly into the fan
Tighten the mounting capscrews to the vehicle
manufacturer's specifications.
Install the new fan hub and the capscrews.
Use your fingers to tighten the capscrews.
Install the fan drive belts onto the fan hub and the
accessory drive pulley. Do not tighten the belts.
N14 Fan, Cooling
Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08 Page 8-49
Do not rotate the engine by pulling or prying on the
fan. The fan blade(s) can be damaged and cause the
fan to fail and cause personal injury or property
damage. Use the accessory drive shaft or the
crankshaft barring tool to rotate the crankshaft.
Radiator N14
Page 8-50 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
Do not straighten a bent fan blade or continue to use
a damaged fan. A bent or damaged fan blade can fail
during operation and cause personal injury or
property damage.
Radiator (008-042)
Initial Check
Visually inspect the radiator for plugged radiator fins.
Use 550 kPa [80 psi] air pressure to blow the dirt and
debris from the fins. Blow the air in the opposite direction
of the fan air flow.
Inspect the CAC and the clearance between the CAC and
the radiator for trapped debris. Remove if necessary.
Remove any debris found.
N14 Radiator Pressure Cap
Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08 Page 8-51
If a liquid refrigerant system must be removed before
removing the radiator, wear eye and face protection.
Wrap a cloth around the fittings before removing.
Liquid refrigerant can cause serious eye and skin
For environmental protection, federal law requires Freon
be recycled and not vented into the atmosphere.
Do not remove the radiator pressure cap until the
coolant temperature is below 50°C [120°F]. Failure to
do so can cause personal injury from heated coolant
Remove the radiator pressure cap.
Radiator Shutter Assembly N14
Page 8-52 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
Do not remove the radiator pressure cap until the
coolant temperature is below 50°C [120°F]. Failure to
do so can cause personal injury from heated coolant
Remove the radiator cap.
Remove the screws, cover, and gasket from the sea water
pump housing.
If installing the used impeller, note that the impeller is
returned to the housing with the same rotation as when it
was removed.
Use clean glycerin, silicone spray, or non-petroleum-base
lubricant to lubricate the impeller before installing it into
the housing.
Coolant is toxic. Keep away from children and pets. If
not reused, dispose of in accordance with local
environmental regulations.
Remove the water pump drive belt. Refer to Procedure
Remove the fan hub and the water pump idler assembly.
Refer to Procedures 008-036 and 008-064.
Clean the water pump gasket surface on the cylinder
Water Pump N14
Page 8-60 Section 8 - Cooling System - Group 08
The water pump must have a dowel pin locating hole
(2) and an oil cooler return passage (1). Engine
damage can occur due to lack of coolant flow through
the oil cooler if this oil cooler return passage does not
Install the water pump to the block, using the six mounting
capscrews. Tighten the capscrews to the following torque
Torque Value: Step1 15 N•m [ 10 ft-lb ]
Step2 30 N•m [ 20 ft-lb ]
Step3 47 N•m [ 35 ft-lb ]
Install the fan hub and the water pump idler assembly.
Refer to Procedures 008-036 and 008-064.
Remove the lock nut and the washer from the back of the
idler pulley shaft.
Remove the adjusting screw.
Remove the idler pulley from the water pump body.
NOTE: Do not tighten the lock nut until the water pump
drive belt has been installed and adjusted.
Install the new idler pulley into the water pump body.
Install the washer and the lock nut onto the back of the
pulley shaft.
Install the adjusting screw into the idler pulley shaft.
Service Tools
Drive Units
The following special tools are recommended to perform procedures in this section. The use of these tools
is shown in the appropriate procedure. These tools can be purchased from a local Cummins® Authorized
Repair Location.
Check to make sure the timing marks on the camshaft
gear and the accessory drive gear are aligned with each
If only the timing mark on the accessory drive gear is
visible through the inspection hole, rotate the crankshaft
one complete revolution in the direction of rotation to align
the timing marks on the camshaft gear and the accessory
drive gear.
N14 Accessory Drive
Section 9 - Drive Units - Group 09 Page 9-3
If the accessory drive dowel pin has not been
correctly installed in the accessory drive shaft, the
dowel pin must be removed before attempting to
remove the accessory drive to prevent damage to the
accessory drive bushing.
Initial Check
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to
reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using
compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause
personal injury.
Remove all gasket material from surfaces (1) and (2).
Clean the exterior of the drive with solvent.
Dry with compressed air.
Accessory Drive N14
Page 9-4 Section 9 - Drive Units - Group 09
Install a 3/8-16 X 3/4-inch capscrew (1) without the
washer into the shaft to prevent damage to the shaft
while the gear is being removed.
If the accessory drive is being disassembled for gear or
shaft replacement, inspect the housing.
Remove the special capscrew and washer.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to
reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using
compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause
personal injury.
Clean the parts with solvent.
Dry with compressed air.
Measure the inside diameter of the shaft bore in the drive
Use clean 15W-40 oil to lubricate the housing shaft bore.
The capscrew must contain an oil drilling if an air
compressor is to be mounted on the engine.
Install the washer and the capscrew.
Torque Value: 47 N•m [ 35 ft-lb ]
Rotate the crankshaft until the accessory drive timing
marks on the camshaft gear are at approximately the 1:00
o'clock position.
Finishing Steps
Install a new accessory drive seal into the gear cover.
Refer to Procedure 001-003.
Install the dowel pin into the accessory drive shaft (if
Install the accessory drive pulley. Refer to Procedure
N14 Accessory Drive Pulley
Section 9 - Drive Units - Group 09 Page 9-11
The gear cover will be damaged if the puller
capscrews extend beyond the rear face of the
accessory drive pulley.
Use standard puller, Part No. ST-647, to remove the
Accessory Drive Pulley N14
Page 9-12 Section 9 - Drive Units - Group 09
Remove the dust excluder seal from the back of the pulley.
Inspect the dust excluder for damage or wear. Replace if
Clean the mating face and pulley bore. Inspect each area
for damage.
Install the dust excluder seal by hand over the flange on
the back of the pulley. Locate the seal so that it is flush
with the hub of the pulley.
N14 Accessory Drive Pulley
Section 9 - Drive Units - Group 09 Page 9-13
Install the washer and the flanged retaining nut onto the
accessory drive shaft. Keep the crankshaft from rotating
and tighten the nut.
Torque Value: 421 N•m [ 310 ft-lb ]
Accessory Drive Shaft Wear Sleeve (if required)
Installation Replacement
Clean the shaft where the wear sleeve is to be installed.
Remove dents or burrs if present.
Section 10 - Air Intake System - Group 10 Page 10-a
Service Tools
Air Intake System
The following special tools are recommended to perform procedures in this section. The use of these tools
is shown in the appropriate procedure. These tools can be purchased from a local Cummins® Authorized
Repair Location.
Fluorescent Tracer
Add to oil. Use with black light to find oil leaks.
Aftercooler (010-001)
Coolant can be toxic. Dispose of in accordance with
local environmental regulations.
Drain the cooling system. Refer to Procedure
Because this assembly weighs more than 23 kg [50
lbs], two people or a hoist will be required to lift the
aftercooler assembly to avoid personal injury.
Remove the aftercooler assembly.
Remove the gaskets.
Steam clean the parts, and dry with compressed air.
NOTE: Clean the aftercooler core with a solvent or
chemical which will not harm copper or aluminum.
If the engine experiences a turbocharger failure or any
other occasion where oil or debris is put into the
aftercooler, the afterccoler must be cleaned.
Pressure Test
Remove and disassemble the aftercooler assembly. Refer
to Procedure 010-001-002.
N14 Aftercooler
Section 10 - Air Intake System - Group 10 Page 10-5
Install the hose (1), the hose clamps (2), and the solid pipe
plug (3) on the water outlet pipe.
Install the hose (4), the hose clamps (5), and the water inlet
tube (6) on the water inlet pipe.
Install the hose (7), the hose clamps (8), and the air
pressure gauge (9).
Install a new strip seal and the aftercooler cover to the
Install and tighten the capscrews.
Torque Value: 47 N•m [ 35 ft-lb ]
Because its assembly weighs more than 23 kg [50
lbs], two people or a hoist will be required to lift the
aftercooler assembly to avoid personal injury.
Install new gaskets, and install the aftercooler assembly
on the guide studs.
Fill the cooling system. Start the engine, and check for
leaks. Refer to Procedure 008-013-028.
Use new gasket(s) and install the intake manifold onto the
cylinder head mounting surfaces.
Install and tighten the nine capscrews.
Torque Value: 47 N•m [ 35 ft-lb ]
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for cleaning. Wear goggles and protective clothing to
reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Do not use caustic cleaners to clean the charge-air
cooler. Damage to the charge-air cooler will result.
Flush the charge-air cooler internally with solvent in the
opposite direction of normal air flow. Shake the charge-air
cooler and lightly tap on the end tanks with a rubber mallet
to dislodge trapped debris. Continue flushing until all
debris or oil is removed.
Make sure that the tubes are in the vertical direction when
If the debris can not be totally removed from the charge-
air cooler, the charge-air cooler must be replaced.
Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using
compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause
personal injury.
The charge-air cooler must be rinsed, dried, and free
of solvent, oil, and debris or engine damage will
After the charge-air cooler has been thoroughly cleaned
of all oil and debris with solvent, wash the charge-air
cooler internally with hot soapy water to remove the
remaining solvent. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Blow compressed air into the charge-air cooler in the
opposite direction of normal air flow until the charge-air
cooler is dry internally.
Install the charge-air cooler. Refer to the vehicle
manufacturer's instructions.
Leak Test
To check the charge air cooler for an air leak perform the
following steps.
To check the charge-air cooler for cracked tubes or
header, remove the inlet and outlet hoses from the cooler.
The charge-air cooler does not have to be removed from
the chassis.
To prevent possible injury if either plug blows off
during the test, secure safety chains on the test plugs
to any convenient capscrew on the radiator assembly.
This test must not be performed without securely
fastened safety chains.
Install a plug or cap on the outlet side of the cooler.
Install a pressure gauge, air supply line, and air pressure
regulator to the inlet side of the cooler.
Apply 207 kPa [30 psi] of air pressure to the cooler. Close
the air pressure regulator.
Determine if pressure decay is caused by a leak in the
charge-air cooler or from a leaky connection.
Use a spray bottle filled with soapy water and apply to all
hose connections.
Watch for bubbles to appear at the location of the leak.
N14 Charge-Air Cooler
Section 10 - Air Intake System - Group 10 Page 10-15
Install the other end of the manometer to the 1/8 inch pipe
tap in the intake manifold.
Optional Method
Obtain two (2) pressure gauges, Part Number ST-1273.
Check both gauges on the same pressure source at 206
kPa [30 psi] to make sure of consistency.
Install pressure gauge, Part Number ST-1273, to the 1/8
inch fitting in the turbocharger compressor outlet.
Turbocharger (010-033)
General Information
A turbocharger bearing housing bracket is available.
Using the bracket prevents the turbocharger housing from
Remove the oil drain tube and the optional bearing
housing bracket.
Remove the oil supply tube from the turbocharger.
Turbocharger N14
Page 10-20 Section 10 - Air Intake System - Group 10
Apply a film of high-temperature antiseize compound, Part
Number 3823097, or equivalent, onto the turbocharger
mounting studs.
Install the discharge elbow and clamp onto the charge air
cooler pipe connection.
Do not tighten the clamp until the elbow is installed on the
N14 Turbocharger
Section 10 - Air Intake System - Group 10 Page 10-23
Proper routing of the turbocharger oil supply tube is
critical to avoid failure. Avoid any tube-to-metal
contact. The inlet supply fitting must be oriented
slightly off-vertical to allow proper alignment.
If installing a new turbocharger, install the male union
Install the turbocharger oil supply tube on the elbow.
Torque Value: 30 N•m [ 22 ft-lb ]
Turbocharger Axial Clearance N14
Page 10-24 Section 10 - Air Intake System - Group 10
Push the rotor assembly toward the gauge and record the
Axial Clearance
mm in
0.03 MIN 0.001
0.10 MAX 0.004
Replace the turbocharger if the axial clearance does not
meet the specifications. Refer to Procedure 010-033.
Install the intake and exhaust pipes to the turbocharger
and tighten the clamps.
Torque Value: 8.5 N•m [ 75 in-lb ]
Operate the engine and check for air leaks.
Section 11 - Exhaust System - Group 11 Page 11-a
Because this assembly weighs more than 23 kg [50
lbs], two people or a hoist will be required to lift the
exhaust manifold assembly to avoid personal injury.
Remove the remaining ten capscrews, the exhaust
manifold assembly, and the manifold gaskets.
NOTE: Two dowels are used in each cylinder head to align
the exhaust manifold assembly.
Remove the exhaust manifold end sections.
Use a 240 grit emery cloth to remove carbon deposits from
the sealing surfaces.
Steam clean and dry with compressed air.
Exhaust Manifold, Dry N14
Page 11-2 Section 11 - Exhaust System - Group 11
Install the exhaust manifold end sections to the center
NOTE: The exhaust manifold sections must be
assembled on a flat surface for proper alignment.
Install two guide studs.
Use an adhesive or heavy grease to hold the gaskets in
place on the cylinder head.
NOTE: The side of the gasket marked "OUT" must be
away from the cylinder heads.
Because this assembly weighs more than 23 kg [50
lbs], two people or a hoist will be required to lift the
exhaust manifold assembly to avoid personal injury.
Install the exhaust manifold and ten capscrews.
Remove the guide studs, and install the remaining two
NOTE: To aid in future capscrew removal, apply a film of
high temperature anti-seize compound to the capscrew
Service Tools
Compressed Air System
The following special tools are recommended to perform procedures in this section. The use of these tools
is shown in the appropriate procedure. These tools can be purchased from a local Cummins® Authorized
Repair Location.
Mounting Plate
ST-749 Use to mount the air compressor to the vise.
O-Ring Pick
Use to remove and install o-rings.
Coupling Puller
Use to remove the spline coupling hub.
Use with coupling puller, Part No. 3376663, to remove the hydraulic
3823923 pump drive coupling.
N14 Air Compressor Carbon Buildup
Section 12 - Compressed Air System - Group 12 Page 12-3
Air discharge lines can be very hot. Be sure the lines
are cool before touching to prevent personal injury.
Remove the air inlet and outlet connections from the air
The air discharge line must be capable of
withstanding extreme heat and pressure to prevent
personal injury and property damage. Refer to the
manufacturer's specifications.
NOTE: If the total carbon deposit thickness exceeds
specification, remove and clean, or replace the air
discharge line. Refer to the manufacturer's material
The air discharge line must be capable of
withstanding extreme heat and pressure to prevent
personal injury and property damage. Refer to the
manufacturer's specifications.
Continue to check for carbon buildup in the air discharge
line connections up to the first connection, or wet tank.
Clean or replace any lines and fittings with carbon
deposits greater than 1.6 mm [0.06 (1/16)-inch]. Refer to
the manufacturer's specifications for cleaning or
replacement instructions.
Do not use a sharp object to remove carbon. The
sealing surfaces can be damaged.
Remove the air compressor head and valve assembly.
Refer to the Holset® Air Compessor Master Repair
Manual, Bulletin No. 3666121.
NOTE: Not all air compressors referenced may be used
on your engine or application.
Do not use caustic cleaners on aluminum parts.
Clean the compressor head and valve assembly
components with solvent and a nonmetallic brush to
remove carbon.
Inspect the valve assembly components for reuse. Refer
to the Holset® Air Compessor Master Repair Manual,
Bulletin No. 3666121.
NOTE: Not all air compressors referenced may be used
on your engine or application.
N14 Air Compressor Pin Bore Wear
Section 12 - Compressed Air System - Group 12 Page 12-5
The unloader valve body is installed with spring
tension. Use care when removing to prevent personal
injury. Always wear protective eye wear.
Hold the unloader valve body down and remove the two
captive washer capscrews and the two plain washers.
Remove the unloader valve body.
Remove the o-ring seal.
Remove the rectangular ring seal.
Air Compressor Pin Bore Wear N14
Page 12-6 Section 12 - Compressed Air System - Group 12
Do not overtorque. Compressor damage will result.
Hold the unloader body down and install the two plain
washers and captive washer capscrews.
Tighten the capscrews.
Torque Value: 14 N•m [ 10 ft-lb ]
Air pressure must be released from system before
removing the air governor to prevent personal injury.
NOTE: The following procedures are for Holset® air
compressors only. The illustrations shown will be of the
SS model single cylinder air compressor. Differences in
procedures for SS, QE and ST model Holset® air
compressors will be shown where necessary.
Remove the air governor or air governor hose from the air
compressor unloader body.
Holset® SS, E-Type, and ST Models
The unloader valve body is installed with spring
tension. Use care when removing to prevent personal
injury. Always wear protective eye wear.
Hold the unloader valve body down and remove the two
captive washer capscrews and the two plain washers.
Remove the unloader valve body.
Remove the o-ring seal.
Remove the rectangular ring seal.
Holset® QE Models
The unloader body is installed with spring tension.
Use care when removing to prevent personal injury.
Always wear protective eye wear.
Hold the unloader valve body down and remove the four
Remove the unloader valve spring.
Remove the unloader valve cap.
Do not use caustic cleaners. Caustic cleaners may
cause damage to component parts.
Remove all carbon and varnish from the unloader valve
cap body.
Holset® SS, E-Type, and ST Models
Assemble the air compressor.
Grease rectangular ring seal, unloader cap and unloader
body bore with high temperature grease (Accrolube
Lubrication Teflon Grease or equivalent).
Torque Value: 14 N•m [ 10 ft-lb ]
Operate the engine and check the compressor for air
N14 Air Compressor Unloader and Valve Assembly
Section 12 - Compressed Air System - Group 12 Page 12-11
Holset® QE Models
Install the new rectangular V-seal into the unloader body.
NOTE: The seal must be installed with the grooved side
Liberally lubricate the unloader valve bore above and
below the rectangular ring seal with high temperature
grease (Accrolube Lubrication Teflon Grease or
When using a steam cleaner, wear protective clothing
and safety glasses or a face shield. Hot steam can
cause serious personal injury.
Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using
compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause
personal injury.
NOTE: The illustrations shown will be of the SS model
single cylinder air compressor. Differences in procedures
for SS, QE, and ST model Cummins air compressors will
be shown where necessary.
Use steam to clean the air compressor. Dry with
compressed air.
Remove the fuel pump. Refer to Procedure 005-016.
N14 Air Compressor
Section 12 - Compressed Air System - Group 12 Page 12-13
Remove the air connections from the air compressor.
Remove the air compressor support bracket and
Remove the four capscrews, the air compressor, and
splined coupling.
NOTE: It is not necessary to time the air compressor on
the NT engine. Although the Big Cam III through 88NT
publications have specified air compressor timing, this is
not required on any NT engine.
Position the timing mark on the air compressor crankshaft
at the 12-o'clock position.
Position the accessory driveshaft dowel pin at the 2-
o'clock position as view from the front of the engine.
Air Compressor N14
Page 12-14 Section 12 - Compressed Air System - Group 12
Use a new gasket and install the air compressor and four
capscrews to the accessory drive.
Torque Value: 68 N•m [ 50 ft-lb ]
Finishing Steps
NOTE: If rubber grommets are used on the coolant lines,
make sure they are installed carefully to prevent cuts or
tears to the grommets which will cause coolant leaks.
When flexible tubing is used, make sure that it does not
rub any other surfaces.
Install the coolant and air lines to the air compressor and
Install the fuel pump drive coupling onto the air
N14 Air Governor (Air Compressor Will Not Pump)
Section 12 - Compressed Air System - Group 12 Page 12-15
Apply 690 kPa [100 psi] air pressure to the unloader port.
If the air compressor stops pumping (air pressure stops
rising), the air governor is malfunctioning and must be
repaired or replaced, or the air governor mounting gasket
is leaking. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions.
Remove the pipe plugs from the unloader ports used for
accessory air lines.
Install and tighten the accessory air lines.
Connect the line to the unloader valve.
Air Leaks, Compressed Air System N14
Page 12-18 Section 12 - Compressed Air System - Group 12
Compressed air can propel debris into eyes and ears.
Keep head away and wear protective eyewear.
NOTE: The illustrations shown will be of the single
cylinder air compressor. Differences in procedures for
Holset® models SS, QE, ST, and Cummins air
compressors will be shown where necessary.
Shut off the engine.
Open the drain cock on the wet tank to release air from
the system. Close the drain cock after the pressure is
The unloader valve body is installed with spring
tension. Use care when removing to prevent personal
injury. Always wear protective eye wear.
Hold the unloader valve body down and remove the two
captive washer capscrews and the two plain washers.
Remove the unloader valve body.
Remove the o-ring seal.
Remove the rectangular ring seal.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing.
Soak the parts in a kerosene emulsion-based cleaner
designed to remove carbon. The cleaner must have a pH
of 9.5 or less to avoid turning aluminum parts black. The
cleaner manufacturer or supplier must be contacted
about solution concentration, temperature and soak time.
Install the wear plate and compression spring in the head
as shown.
Install the exhaust valve on the exhaust valve seat.
Install the o-ring seal on the seat.
Use clean 15W-40 oil to lubricate the o-ring seals.
Use hand pressure to install the exhaust valve assembly
in the head.
NOTE: For SS-296 and ST-676 air compressor models, a
press and air compressor seat installation tool, Part No.
3377415, can be used. Exhaust valve seat puller, Part No.
3822674, can also be used to install the valve seat.
Do not overtorque these screws. Compressor damage
will result.
Hold the unloader body down and install the two plain
washers and captive washer capscrews.
Tighten the capscrews.
Torque Value: 14 N•m [ 10 ft-lb ]
The unloader body is installed with spring tension.
Use care when removing to prevent personal injury.
Always wear protective eye wear.
Hold the unloader valve body down and remove the four
Remove the unloader valve body.
Remove the unloader valve spring.
Remove the unloader valve cap.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing.
Soak the parts in a kerosene emulsion-based cleaner
designed to remove carbon. The cleaner must have a pH
of 9.5 or less to avoid turning aluminum parts black. The
cleaner manufacturer or supplier can be contacted about
solution concentration, temperature and soak time.
Inspect the upper part of the unloader valve cap where the
rectangular V-seal operates. Check for scoring.
After making sure all gasket surfaces are clean and free
of the above, inspect the head and cover for flatness. Use
the flat plate and the feeler gauges.
QE, Non-European
Install the exhaust valve over the post in the valve plate.
Slide the exhaust valve retainer over the valve plate. Make
sure that the end of the retainer with the groove faces
N14 Air Compressor Cylinder Head (Holset® QE Models)
Section 12 - Compressed Air System - Group 12 Page 12-31
Align the wave spring gaps 180 degrees from each other
so they do not overlap.
QE, European
Install the exhaust valve over the post in the valve plate.
Slide the exhaust valve retainer over the valve plate. Make
sure that the end of the retainer with the groove faces
Align the wave spring gaps 180 degrees from each other
so they do not overlap.
Air Compressor Cylinder Head (Holset® QE Models) N14
Page 12-36 Section 12 - Compressed Air System - Group 12
Install the head gasket onto the guide pins (either side up,
but with correct slot orientation). Install the head onto the
guide pins with the kidney-shaped slots aligned and
toward the valve plate. Install the cover gasket over the
guide pins.
Remove the remaining two pins and replace with two head
capscrews and washers if initially installed.
The unloader valve body is installed with spring
tension. Carefully remove to avoid personal injury.
Wear face and eye protection.
Remove the unloading valve body.
Air Compressor Cylinder Head (Holset® ST Models) N14
Page 12-42 Section 12 - Compressed Air System - Group 12
The unloader body is installed with spring tension, it
must be removed carefully to avoid personal injury.
Always wear protective eye wear.
Hold down on the unloader body and slowly remove the
two unloader body capscrews and the two plain washers
so as to prevent the unloader body from being thrown free
and causing personal injury.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing.
Soak the parts in a kerosene emulsion based cleaner
designed to remove carbon. The cleaner must have a pH
of 9.5 or less to avoid turning aluminum parts black. The
cleaner manufacturer or supplier must be contacted
about solution concentration, temperature and soak time.
Install the wear plate.
Install the exhaust valve spring with the tang end down.
NOTE: Holset Engineering Co., Inc. recommends that
new springs be installed during rebuild.
The rectangular ring seal must be installed with the
grooved side up; failure to do so will result in air
system damage and brake failure.
Use an o-ring pick, Part No. 3376399, to correctly install
the new rectangular ring seal, if the unloader body has a
cavity for this o-ring.
The unloader valve body is installed under spring
tension. Carefully install to avoid personal injury.
Wear face and eye protection.
Install the body into the cover.
Air Compressor Cylinder Head (Holset® ST Models) N14
Page 12-56 Section 12 - Compressed Air System - Group 12
Install the retaining clamp and the three lock washers and
the three hexagon head capscrews.
Install the intake valve spring with the tang end down.
NOTE: Holset Engineering Co., Inc. recommends that
new springs be installed during rebuild.
Install the intake valve seat with the flange end up.
Install the cap into the cover and make sure the three
tangs are in the three slots of the intake valve seat.
Air Compressor Cylinder Head (Holset® ST Models) N14
Page 12-58 Section 12 - Compressed Air System - Group 12
The rectangular ring seal must be installed with the
grooved side up; failure to do so will result in air
system damage and brake failure.
Use an o-ring pick, Part No. 3376399, to correctly install
the new rectangular ring seal.
The unloader body is installed with spring tension. It
must be installed as described to prevent personal
Hold down on the unloading body firmly and install the
capscrews and plain washers so as to prevent the
unloader body from being thrown free and causing
personal injury.
Section 13 - Electrical Equipment - Group 13 Page 13-a
Service Tools
Electrical Equipment
The following special tools are recommended to perform procedures in this section. The use of these tools
is shown in the appropriate procedure. These tools can be purchased from a local Cummins® Authorized
Repair Location.
The Fleetguard® refractometer is used to check the charge condition
CC-2800 of a conventional battery.
Alternator (013-001)
Initial Check
Connect a carbon pile load (battery tester) across the
batteries in one of the battery boxes.
Clamp an induction pickup type ammeter around the
battery cable, or use digital multimeter, Part No. 3377161,
with clamp or current probe, Part No. 3823574.
Remove the electrical connections from the batteries.
Remove the electrical connections from the alternator.
NOTE: Do not tighten the alternator mounting and
adjusting link capscrews and nuts until the alternator belt
is installed and adjusted.
Install the alternator, capscrew, washer, and nut to the
alternator mounting bracket.
Install the adjusting link and mounting capscrews.
Batteries (013-007)
Initial Check
If conventional batteries are used, remove the cell caps or
covers and check the electrolyte, water, and sulfuric acid
solution level.
NOTE: Maintenance-free batteries are sealed and do
not require the addition of water.
Fill each battery cell with distilled water. Refer to the
manufacturer's specifications.
Be sure the starter switch is in the "OFF" position to
prevent electrical shock.
Remove the cable connecting the magnetic switch to the
starter solenoid from the magnetic switch terminal.
Connect the leads of the digital multimeter, Part No.
3377161, to the two large switch terminals.
Starter Magnetic Switch N14
Page 13-8 Section 13 - Electrical Equipment - Group 13
Be sure the starter switch is in the "OFF" position to
prevent electrical shock.
Remove the wire connecting the starter switch to the
magnetic switch from the starter switch terminal.
Connect the positive lead of digital multimeter, Part No.
3377161, to the starter switch terminal and the negative
lead to the chassis or an engine ground location.
Be sure the starter switch is in the "OFF" position to
prevent electrical shock.
Remove the wire connecting the starter switch to the
magnetic switch from the starter switch terminal.
Connect the positive lead of digital multimeter, Part No.
3377161, to the starter switch terminal and the negative
lead to the chassis or an engine ground location.
Make sure to use the same thickness of starting motor
spacer (if used) as the one removed to install the
starting motor to prevent engine or starting motor
Install the starting motor and the three capscrews.
Tighten the capscrews.
Torque Value: 176 N•m [ 130 ft-lb ]
Install and tighten the electrical connections to the starting
Service Tools
Engine Testing
The following special tools are recommended to perform procedures in this section. The use of these tools
is shown in the appropriate procedure. These tools can be purchased from a local Cummins® Authorized
Repair Location.
Pressure Gauge
Included in snap rail pressure gauge, Part No. 3375932. Used to
ST-435-6 measure fuel pressure.
Used with tool, Part No. 3375150, for measuring blowby.
Pressure Gauge
Used to measure intake manifold pressure.
Fuel arger Intake Manifold Coolant Engine Lubrica
Engine Fuel *Rate/ HP or
Tempera Inlet Air Temperature/ Temperature/ Blowb ting Oil
Speed Pressure Torque
te Tempera Pressure Pressure y Press
Pressure Conversions
1 in. H 2 0 = 0.074 in. Hg = 0.036 psi
1 in. Hg = 13.514 in. H 2 0 = 0.491 psi
1 psi = 2.036 in. Hg = 27.7 in. H 2 0
Before installing or operating a vehicle on a chassis
dynamometer, follow all of the vehicle manufacturer's
safety precautions.
Low profile radial tires are more sensitive to heat than
bias ply tires. Excessive operating time at full load can
damage tires due to overheating. Check the tire
manufacturer's recommendations for the maximum
allowable chassis dynamometer operating time.
Engine Testing (Chassis Dynamometer) N14
Page 14-6 Section 14 - Engine Testing - Group 14
The "tie down" chains must have slack to prevent
damage to the chassis dynamometer.
Carefully position the vehicle onto the rollers.
Attach the "tie down" chains to the rear of the vehicle, and
put wheel chocks in front of the front wheels.
N14 Engine Testing (Chassis Dynamometer)
Section 14 - Engine Testing - Group 14 Page 14-7
Diesel exhaust contains carbon monoxide, a deadly
poison. Make sure all exhaust gases are vented to the
fresh outside air.
Adjust the vehicle and dynamometer room exhaust
system to make sure all exhaust gases are removed from
the room.
Refer to the chassis dynamometer and vehicle
manufacturer's recommendations and specifications for
testing procedures.
Do not remove the pressure cap from a hot engine.
Wait until the coolant temperature is below 50°C
[120°F] before removing the pressure cap. Heated
coolant spray or steam can cause personal injury.
Do not add cold coolant to a hot engine. This can
cause engine casting damage. Allow the engine to
cool to below 50°C [120°F] before adding coolant.
Check the engine coolant level to make sure it is filled to
the correct level.
Fuel Pressure
Pressure gauge, Part Number ST-435-6, is included with
snap rail pressure gauge, Part Number 3375932.
Measure the fuel pressure. Install the pressure gauge,
Part Number ST-435-6, or the pressure gauge in the fuel
measuring device, Part Number 3376375, to the fitting on
the fuel shutoff valve.
N14 Engine Testing (Chassis Dynamometer)
Section 14 - Engine Testing - Group 14 Page 14-9
Fuel Rate
Use fuel measuring device, Part Number 3376375, to
measure the rate of fuel consumption. For more
information, refer to “Engine Testing — General
Connect the fuel return hose from the engine to the fuel
measuring device (A).
Connect the fuel inlet hose to the fuel filter inlet (B).
Connect the return hose from the device (C) to the fuel
Connect the fuel inlet hose from the device to the fuel tank
suction line (D).
Adjust the fuel rate to compensate for temperature
variation if required.
Lock the cooling fan in the “ON” mode. This can be done
by installing a jumper across the temperature switch or by
supplying shop air to the control valve. Refer to the fan
drive manufacturer for the recommended procedure.
N14 Engine Testing (Chassis Dynamometer)
Section 14 - Engine Testing - Group 14 Page 14-13
Engine Blowby
Measure the engine crankcase pressure.
Use blowby checking tool, Part Number 3375150, and
water manometer, Part Number ST-1111-3.
Do not remove the pressure cap from a hot engine.
Wait until the coolant temperature is below 50°C
[120°F] before removing the pressure cap. Heated
coolant spray or steam can cause personal injury.
All pressure measurements are made at 1800 rpm with the
engine loaded or unloaded and the coolant pressure cap
removed. Removal of the pressure cap eliminates the
effect the coolant temperature has on the block pressure
at the time of testing.
Remove the pressure cap.
Use coolant pressure/temperature/flow analyzer kit, Part
Number 3822994, to measure engine coolant pressure.
Connect the analyzer to the high pressure manifold.
Do not remove the pressure cap from a hot engine.
Wait until the coolant temperature is below 50°C
[120°F] before removing the pressure cap. Heated
coolant spray or steam can cause personal injury.
An alternate location to measure the coolant pressure is
the rocker housing water manifold.
All pressure measurements are made at 1800 rpm with the
engine loaded or unloaded and the coolant pressure cap
removed. Removal of the pressure cap eliminates the
effect the coolant temperature has on the block pressure
at the time of testing.
Remove the pressure cap.
Use coolant pressure/temperature/flow analyzer kit, Part
Number 3822994, to measure engine coolant pressure.
Connect the analyzer to the high pressure manifold.
Connect the analyzer to the rocker housing water
Obtain the CPL number from the engine dataplate and the
fuel pump code from the fuel pump dataplate.
Engine performance specifications and fuel system
calibration values are listed for specific engine CPL and
fuel pump codes in the following publications:
1. Fuel Pump Calibration Values, Bulletin No. 3379352.
2. Injector Parts Flow and Cross Reference, Bulletin
No. 3379664.
3. Engine Data Sheets
Do not shut off the engine immediately after the run-
in is completed. Allow the engine to cool by operating
it at 700 to 900 rpm for a minimum of 3 to 5 minutes
to avoid internal component damages. This allows the
turbocharger and other components to cool.
Shut off the engine.
Engine Run-in (Without Dynamometer) N14
Page 14-20 Section 14 - Engine Testing - Group 14
Refer to “Engine Testing — General Information” and
“Specifications — Engine Testing” at the front of this
section before operating the engine to avoid internal
component damage.
Operate the vehicle pulling the heaviest available trailer
allowed for the first 80 to 160 km [50 to 100 miles] after
rebuild. Operate the vehicle in the highest gear possible
within the normal operating rpm range of the engine. It is
necessary to operate the engine at or near full throttle at
75 percent to 85 percent of maximum horsepower rpm
indicated on the dataplate.
Do not idle the engine for more than 5 minutes at any one
time during the first 160 km [100 miles] of operation.
N14 Engine Testing (Engine Dynamometer)
Section 14 - Engine Testing - Group 14 Page 14-21
Off-Highway Applications
Refer to “Engine Testing — General Information” and
“Specifications — Engine Testing” at the front of this
section before operating the engine to avoid internal
component damage.
Operate the engine under the highest load possible at full
throttle within the normal operating rpm range of the
engine for the first 3 hours of operation after rebuild.
Do not idle the engine for more than 5 minutes at any one
time during the first 3 hours of operation after a rebuild.
Coolant Plumbing
Connect the coolant supply to the water inlet connection.
Connect the coolant return to the water outlet connection.
Install the drain plugs and close all of the water drain
Engine Blowby
Install the Part Number 3822566, engine blowby tool, to
the breather on the rocker lever cover to measure engine
crankcase pressure.
A pressure gauge can be used to record the engine
Fuel Rate
The fuel measuring device, Part Number 3376375, is used
during the performance check to measure fuel
consumption. For more details, see the “Engine Testing
— General Information.”
Install the fuel measuring device as follows:
• The fuel return hose from the engine to the fuel
measuring device (A).
• The fuel inlet hose to the fuel filter inlet (B).
• The return hose from the device (C) to the fuel tank.
• The fuel inlet hose to the device from the fuel tank
suction line (D).
Adjust the fuel rate to compensate for temperature
variation if required. The fuel temperature must be
between 15.5°C and 48.9°C [60°F and 120°F] for
accurate measurement.
Fuel Pressure
Measure the fuel pressure. Install the pressure gauge,
Part Number ST-435-6, or the pressure gauge in the fuel
measuring device, Part Number 3376375, to the
Compucheck® fitting on the fuel shutoff valve.
Pressure gauge, Part Number ST-435-6, is included with
snap rail pressure gauge, Part Number 3375932.
Air Compressor
All air compressors manufactured by Cummins Inc. must
be operating during the engine run-in. During the
performance check, all air compressors must be in the
unload or non-operating mode.
Connect a source of compressed air capable of producing
665 kPa [95 psi] to the air compressor unloader (1).
This air line must contain a valve between the source and
the unloader.
The compressed air load in the accompanying illustration
must be attached to the air compressor outlet (2).
Starting Motor
Inspect the voltage rating on the starting motor before
installing the electrical wiring.
Install the electrical wiring to the starting motor and
batteries, if used.
If another method of starting the engine is used, follow the
manufacturer's instructions to make the necessary
Batteries can emit explosive gasses. To reduce the
possibility of personal injury, always ventilate the
compartment before servicing the batteries. To
reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the negative
(-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery
cable last
Connect battery power to the starter.
Obtain the CPL number from the engine dataplate and the
fuel pump code from the fuel pump dataplate. Engine
performance specifications and fuel system calibration
values for specific engine CPL and fuel pump codes are
listed in the following publications:
1. Fuel Pump Calibration Values, Bulletin No. 3379352.
2. Injector Parts Flow and Cross Reference, Bulletin
No. 3379664.
3. Engine Data Sheets.
Shutting off the engine immediately after operating at
full load will damage the turbocharger and internal
components. Always allow the engine to cool before
shutting it off.
Remove the dynamometer load completely, and operate
the engine at 700 to 900 rpm for 3 to 5 minutes. This period
will allow the turbocharger and other components to cool.
Engine Testing (Portable Dynamometer or Load Bank) N14
Page 14-34 Section 14 - Engine Testing - Group 14
Service Tools
Mounting Adaptations
The following special tools are recommended to perform procedures in this section. The use of these tools
is shown in the appropriate procedure. These tools can be purchased from a local Cummins® Authorized
Repair Location.
Steam clean or use solvent, and dry with compressed air.
Install the front bracket and four capscrews.
Install the rear bracket and four capscrews.
Tighten the capscrews.
Torque Value: 81 N•m [ 60 ft-lb ]
Steam clean or use solvent, and dry the parts with
compressed air.
Install the rubber engine mounts into the crossmember.
Install the engine support bracket and the eight mounting
Tighten the capscrews.
Torque Value: 68 N•m [ 50 ft-lb ]
N14 Flywheel
Section 16 - Mounting Adaptations - Group 16 Page 16-5
Flywheel (016-005)
Preparatory Steps
• Disconnect the batteries to prevent accidental
engine starting.
• Ensure vehicle is immobilized and safe to work on.
Refer to the end-user procedures.
• Remove the vehicle driveline and the transmission.
Refer to the manufacturer's instructions.
Install two 1/2 - 13 x 1 1/2 puller capscrews which have a
minimum of 1 1/4-inch threaded area at points (1) and (2).
Remove capscrews (3) and (4), and install two 5/8 - 18 x
6-inch guide studs, Part No. 3824462.
NOTE: For Rail Applications the flywheel mounting
capscrews must be discarded and replaced.
Flywheel N14
Page 16-6 Section 16 - Mounting Adaptations - Group 16
Because this part weighs more than 23 kg [50 lb], two
people or a hoist will be required to lift the flywheel
to avoid personal injury.
Tighten capscrews (1) and (2) in alternating sequence to
loosen the flywheel.
When using a steam cleaner, wear protective clothing,
as well as safety glasses or a face shield. Hot steam
can cause serious personal injury.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for use. Wear goggles, as well as protective clothing,
to reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Compressed air used for cleaning should not exceed
207 kPa [30 psi]. Wear appropriate eye and face
protection when using compressed air. Flying debris
and dirt can cause personal injury.
Use a wire brush to clean the crankshaft pilot bore.
Steam clean or use a solvent, and dry with compressed
N14 Flywheel
Section 16 - Mounting Adaptations - Group 16 Page 16-7
Do not use a cracked or resurfaced flywheel. These
can break, causing serious personal injury or property
Use the crack detection kit, Part No. 3375432, to check
for cracks in the flywheel. Follow the instructions provided
with the kit.
Inspect the flywheel ring gear teeth for cracks and chips.
NOTE: If the ring gear teeth are cracked or broken, the
ring gear must be replaced.
Rail Applications
NOTE: If an "old" style flywheel is fitted, it must be
replaced with a "new" style flywheel. The "new" style
flywheel ensures greater integrity of the crankshaft/
flywheel bolted joint.
"Old" style flywheels must be scrapped and not
reused. "Old" style flywheels are not compatible for
use with the spacer/clamping ring.
Check the flywheel mating face of the crankshaft for signs
of pitting, fretting or corrosion. Refer to Procedure
Flywheel N14
Page 16-8 Section 16 - Mounting Adaptations - Group 16
Bore Runout
Use the dial indicator gauge (1), Part No. 3376050, or its
equivalent and dial gauge attachment (2), Part No.
ST-1325, to inspect the flywheel bore (3) and the surface
(4) runout.
Install the attachment to the flywheel housing.
Install the gauge on the attachment.
Install the contact tip of the indicator against the inside
diameter of the flywheel bore, and set the dial indicator at
"0" (zero).
Face Runout
Install the contact tip of the indicator against the flywheel
face, as close to the outside diameter as possible, to
inspect the face (4) runout.
Push the flywheel forward to remove the crankshaft end
clearance. Adjust the dial on the indicator until the needle
points to "0" (zero).
Flywheel N14
Page 16-10 Section 16 - Mounting Adaptations - Group 16
NOTE: Use a new pilot bearing when installing a new or
rebuilt clutch.
Use a mandrel and a hammer to remove the pilot bearing.
Use a 240 grit emery cloth to clean the pilot bore.
Because this part weighs more than 23 kg [50 lb], two
people or a hoist will be required to lift the part to
avoid personal injury.
Install the flywheel onto the guide stud.
Rail Applications
Install the spacer/clamping ring, Part Number, 3287628.
Do not reuse the existing capscrews. Replace all used
flywheel capscrews with new capscrews. Do not
replace or reuse the existing washers.
Lubricate the threads of the capscrews and the underhead
area of the capscrews with clean 15W-40 lubricating oil.
Finishing Steps
• Install vehicle driveline and transmission. Refer to
the manufacturer's instructions.
• Connect batteries.
• Mobilize vehicle. Refer to the end-user procedures.
This component weighs 23 kg [50 lb] or more. To
reduce the possibility of personal injury, use a hoist
or get assistance to lift this component.
Remove the transmission, the clutch, and all related
components. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions.
Remove the flywheel. Refer to Procedure 016-005.
Batteries can emit explosive gases. To reduce the
possibility of personal injury, always ventilate the
compartment before servicing the batteries. To
reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the negative
(-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery
cable last.
Use a portable lifting bracket, Part Number . 3823835, to
support the rear of the engine.
Disconnect the battery cables.
Remove the starting motor. Refer to Procedure 013-020.
Flywheel Housing N14
Page 16-14 Section 16 - Mounting Adaptations - Group 16
Remove capscrews (1) and (2), and install two 3/8-18 x 4
in guide studs, Part Number 3824462.
When using a steam cleaner, wear safety glasses or a
face shield, as well as protective clothing. Hot steam
can cause serious personal injury.
When using solvents, acids, or alkaline materials for
cleaning, follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for use. Wear goggles and protective clothing to
reduce the possibility of personal injury.
Wear appropriate eye and face protection when using
compressed air. Flying debris and dirt can cause
personal injury.
Steam clean or use solvent to clean the housing.
Dry with compressed air.
Use the dowel pin extractor, Part Number ST-1134, or
equivalent to remove the two dowel pins from the cylinder
If the new dowel pins are more than 0.38 mm [0.015 in]
larger than the old dowels, drill the hole to a size that is
slightly smaller than the reamer.
The reamer will not have to remove an excessive amount
of material.
Do not allow metal chips to enter the engine. Damage
to the engine will result.
Ream the hole until the reamer touches the bottom of the
hole in the block.
After reaming one hole, turn the plate and align it with the
second dowel hole.
Repeat the procedure in the second hole.
Remove the plate from the crankshaft.
Flywheel Housing N14
Page 16-20 Section 16 - Mounting Adaptations - Group 16
To avoid possible engine damage, make sure the
dowel hole does not contain any metal chips.
Use a square nose drift. Drive each dowel in until it
touches the bottom of the hole in the block.
After the dowels are installed, measure the bore and the
surface alignment again.
If a new flywheel housing is being installed, the
dowels must be removed from the cylinder block prior
to installing the housing to prevent damage to the
housing. The housing must be doweled with an
oversize dowel after it has been aligned.
Install two 5/8 - 18 x 4 in guide studs, Part Number
3824462, into the cylinder block to help support and align
the housing during installation.
Bore Alignment
The flywheel housing bore and the surface must be in
alignment with the crankshaft to prevent possible
damage to the engine, the clutch, or the transmission.
Use chalk to mark the housing at the 12:00 o'clock, 3:00
o'clock, 6:00 o'clock, and 9 o'clock positions.
Use the dial gauge indicator (1), Part Number 3376050,
and dial gauge attachment (2), Part Number ST-1325, to
measure the bore alignment.
Use the accessory drive shaft to rotate the crankshaft.
Face Alignment
The tip of the gauge must not enter the capscrew
holes or the gauge will be damaged.
Put the tip of the dial indicator gauge against the flywheel
housing surface.
Finishing Steps
Install the two rear engine mounts. Tighten the capscrews
to the manufacturer's specifications.
Batteries can emit explosive gases. To reduce the
possibility of personal injury, always ventilate the
compartment before servicing the batteries. To
reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the negative
(-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery
cable last.
Install the starting motor. Refer to Procedure 013-020.
Connect the battery cables.
This component weighs 23 kg [50 lb] or more. To
reduce the possibility of personal injury, use a hoist
or get assistance to lift this component.
Install the flywheel. Refer to Procedure 016-005.
Install the clutch, the transmission, and related
components. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions.
N14 Flywheel Ring Gear
Section 16 - Mounting Adaptations - Group 16 Page 16-27
Do not use a cutting torch to heat the ring gear. The
flywheel can be damaged.
Heat the outside of the ring gear with a heating torch.
Use a blunt chisel and a hammer to remove the gear from
the flywheel.
Heat the new ring gear in an oven heated to 316°C [600°
F] for a minimum of 1-hour.
NOTE: Do not overheat the ring gear. The metal hardness
will be changed.
Wear protective gloves when handling parts that have
been heated to prevent personal injury.
Remove the gear from the oven and install it on the
flywheel before it cools.
NOTE: If an oven is not available, use a heating torch to
heat the inside diameter of the new ring gear to 316°C
[600°F]. Use a Tempilstik® crayon, or its equivalent, to
check the gear temperature before installing it on the
Engine Mounts N14
Page 16-28 Section 16 - Mounting Adaptations - Group 16
Finishing Steps
• Install flywheel. Refer to Procedure 016-005.
Discard used cup plugs. Do not use them again.
Use a dent puller to remove the plug.
Clean the cup plug bores.
Apply a film of cup plug sealant, Part No. 3375068, to the
outside diameter of the cup plug.
NOTE: Do not install a used cup plug. Discard all plugs
after removal.
Install the cup plug with the appropriate cup plug driver.
Refer to Service Tools catalog, Bulletin No. 3377575.
NOTE: Allow the cup plug sealant to dry for a minimum of
two hours after the plug is installed before operating the
engine. The plug can come out of the bore if the sealant
is not dry.
The plug must be installed with the edge of the plug
deeper than the leading chamfer to the bore.
Do not install the plug too deeply. The cross drilling
in the cylinder block may be blocked. If the plug is not
installed straight and flat, it must be replaced with a
new cup plug.
Apply a film of pipe plug sealant, Part No. 3375066 or
equivalent, to the threads.
Install and tighten the pipe plugs.
Refer to the following chart for torque values:
Install a new o-ring on the plug. The o-ring used by
Cummins Inc., is the only one recommended by Cummins
Engine Company.
Lubricate with clean 14W-40 oil.
Install and tighten the plugs.
Refer to the following chart for torque values:
Tighten straight thread plugs to the value indicated in the
Torque Values table.
N14 Straight Thread Fittings
Section 17 - Miscellaneous - Group 17 Page 17-5
Torque Values
Thread Size Steel Fitting (In Cast Iron or Steel) Brass Fittings
5/16-24 5 to 6 N•m [45 to 50 in-lb] 3.1 to 3.4 N•m [27 to 30 in-lb]
3/8-24 10 to 11 N•m [90 to 100 in-lb] 5.1 to 5.7 N•m [45 to 50 in-lb]
7/16-20 15 to 17 N•m [135 to 150 in-lb] 6.5 to 7.3 N•m [58 to 65 in-lb]
½-20 15 to 18 N•m [11 to 13 ft-lb] 8.2 to 9.0 N•m [72 to 80 in-lb]
9/16-18 30 to 34 N•m [22 to 24 fl-lb] 12.7 to 14.1 N•m [112 to 125 in-lb]
¾-16 50 to 56 N•m [37 to 41 ft-lb] 24 to 28 N•m [18 to 21 ft-lb]
7/8-14 71 to 79 N•m [52 to 58 ft-lb] 38 to 39 N•m [26 to 29 ft-lb]
1 1/16-12 102 to 113 N•m [75 to 83 ft-lb] 50 to 56 N•m [37 to 41 ft-lb]
1 3/16-12 122 to 136 N•m [90 to 100 ft-lb] 64 to 71 N•m [47 to 52 ft-lb]
1 5/16-12 142 to 157 N•m [105 to 116 ft-lb] 71 to 79 N•m [52 to 58 ft-lb]
1 5/8-12 213 to 237 N•m [157 to 175 ft-lb] 91 to 102 N•m [67 to 75 ft-lb]
1 7/8-12 305 to 339 N•m [225 to 250 ft-lb] 102 to 115 N•m [75 to 85 ft-lb]
2 ½-12 457 to 509 N•m [337 to 375 ft-lb] 126 to 141 N•m [93 to 104 ft-lb]
Use spray cleaner, Part No. 3823717 or equivalent, to
clean the threads of the straight thread fittings and
threaded bores.
Straight Thread Fittings N14
Page 17-6 Section 17 - Miscellaneous - Group 17
Adjustable style fittings in straight thread bosses or holes
applies to all fittings (elbows, connectors, tees, check
valves, etc.) that have straight threads, an o-ring, a backup
washer, and a locknut. Before installation, install a new o-
ring onto the fitting and lubricate the o-ring.
Install the fitting into the straight thread boss or hole to full
depth, where the metal backup washer contacts the face
of the boss or hole.
N14 Straight Thread Fittings
Section 17 - Miscellaneous - Group 17 Page 17-7
Section 20 - Vehicle Braking - Group 20 Page 20-a
Batteries can emit explosive gases. To reduce the
possibility of personal injury, always ventilate the
compartment before servicing the batteries. To
reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the negative
(-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery
cable last.
• Disconnect the battery cables (negative [-] cable first)
before removing or installing the engine brakes.
Do not use solvent to clean the rocker lever cover
gasket. Solvent will damage the o-ring material and
cause it to swell.
• The rocker lever cover gasket can be used again if it
is not damaged. Do not discard the gasket.
• Remove the crankcase breather tube. Refer to
Procedure 003-001 (Crankcase Breather Tube) in
Section 3.
• Remove the rocker lever cover and rocker lever
cover gaskets. Refer to Procedure 003-011 (Rocker
Lever Cover) in Section 3.
Disconnect the engine brake harness wire from the
electrical connector on each engine brake housing.
Remove the capscrews and washers from each engine
brake housing.
Remove the engine brake housing.
Remove the engine brake housing gasket.
Use an approved solvent to clean the housing, and dry
with compressed air.
Engine Brake N14
Page 20-2 Section 20 - Vehicle Braking - Group 20
Install new engine brake housing gaskets and the engine
brake housings.
Finishing Steps
Batteries can emit explosive gases. To reduce the
possibility of personal injury, always ventilate the
compartment before servicing the batteries. To
reduce the possibility of arcing, remove the negative
(-) battery cable first and attach the negative (-) battery
cable last.
• The rocker lever cover gasket can be used again if it
is not damaged.
• Install the reusable rocker lever cover gaskets.
• Install the rocker lever covers. Refer to Procedure
003-011 (Rocker Lever Cover) in Section 3.
• Install the crankcase breather tube. Refer to
Procedure 003-001 (Crankcase Breather, Tube) in
Section 3.
• Connect the battery cables (negative [-] cable first).
Engine Brake N14
Page 20-4 Section 20 - Vehicle Braking - Group 20
To get maximum brake operating efficiency and to
prevent engine damage, it is important to follow the
instructions in this section.
Use of the wrong adjusting screw can result in severe
engine damage. See the latest N14 Plus parts
publication information.
Engine Brake N14
Page 20-6 Section 20 - Vehicle Braking - Group 20
Zero the gauge with the dial indicator stem resting on the
adjusting screw.
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Section L - Service Literature Page L-a
Section V - Specifications Page V-a
Section V - Specifications
Section Contents
Air Intake System ............................................................................................................................................V-48
Automotive Application.................................................................................................................................V-48
Marine and Industrial Application.................................................................................................................V-48
Air Intake System - Group 10 - Specifications ...............................................................................................V-31
Turbocharger Axial Clearance..................................................................................................................................V-31
Air Intake System - Group 10 - Torque Values ..............................................................................................V-32
Air Intake Manifold....................................................................................................................................................V-32
Air Leaks, Air Intake and Exhaust Systems............................................................................................................. V-32
Turbocharger Axial Clearance..................................................................................................................................V-34
Cam Followers/Tappets - Group 04 - Specifications .....................................................................................V-16
Cam Follower Assembly...........................................................................................................................................V-16
Cam Followers/Tappets - Group 04 - Torque Values .....................................................................................V-17
Cam Follower Assembly...........................................................................................................................................V-17
Capscrew Markings and Torque Values .........................................................................................................V-56
Capscrew Markings and Torque Values - Metric..............................................................................................V-56
Capscrew Markings and Torque Values - U.S. Customary...............................................................................V-57
General Information........................................................................................................................................V-56
Compressed Air System .................................................................................................................................V-52
Holset® SS338/QE338 A/C Models...............................................................................................................V-52
Holset® Models............................................................................................................................................V-52
Holset® ST676 A/C Model............................................................................................................................V-52
Holset® ST773 A/C Model............................................................................................................................V-53
Compressed Air System - Group 12 - Torque Values ....................................................................................V-36
Air Compressor........................................................................................................................................................ V-36
Air Compressor Cylinder Head (Holset® QE Models)..............................................................................................V-36
Air Compressor Cylinder Head (Holset® SS and E-Type Models).......................................................................... V-36
Air Compressor Cylinder Head (Holset® ST Models)..............................................................................................V-37
Air Compressor Unloader and Valve Assembly.......................................................................................................V-36
Cooling System ...............................................................................................................................................V-47
Automotive Applications...............................................................................................................................V-47
Marine and Industrial Applications................................................................................................................V-47
Cooling System - Group 08 - Torque Values .................................................................................................V-27
Coolant Filter Head.................................................................................................................................................. V-27
Coolant Filter Valve..................................................................................................................................................V-27
Coolant Thermostat..................................................................................................................................................V-27
Coolant Thermostat Housing....................................................................................................................................V-27
Cooling System........................................................................................................................................................V-28
Drive Belt, Cooling Fan............................................................................................................................................ V-27
Drive Belt, Water Pump............................................................................................................................................V-27
Water Pump............................................................................................................................................................. V-28
Cylinder Block - Group 01 - Specifications ......................................................................................................V-1
Bearings, Connecting Rod.........................................................................................................................................V-1
Bearings, Main...........................................................................................................................................................V-1
Camshaft Bushings....................................................................................................................................................V-1
Camshaft End Clearance...........................................................................................................................................V-6
Camshaft Gear (Camshaft Removed)........................................................................................................................V-2
Connecting Rod..........................................................................................................................................................V-2
Crankshaft Gear, Front (Crankshaft Installed)...........................................................................................................V-2
Cylinder Block............................................................................................................................................................V-3
Cylinder Liner.............................................................................................................................................................V-4
Page V-b Section V - Specifications
Automotive Applications...............................................................................................................................V-46
Marine and Industrial Applications................................................................................................................V-46
Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 - Specifications ......................................................................................V-22
Lubricating Oil Filter Bypass Valve...........................................................................................................................V-22
Lubricating Oil Pump................................................................................................................................................V-22
Lubricating Oil System - Group 07 - Torque Values ......................................................................................V-23
Lubricating Oil Cooler...............................................................................................................................................V-23
Lubricating Oil Cooler Transfer Housing..................................................................................................................V-26
Lubricating Oil Dipstick Housing...............................................................................................................................V-23
Lubricating Oil Filter Bypass Valve...........................................................................................................................V-23
Lubricating Oil Filter Head........................................................................................................................................V-23
Lubricating Oil High Pressure Relief Valve..............................................................................................................V-23
Lubricating Oil Pan...................................................................................................................................................V-24
Lubricating Oil Pressure Regulator (Main Rifle).......................................................................................................V-24
Lubricating Oil Pump................................................................................................................................................V-24
Lubricating Oil Pump Signal Tube............................................................................................................................V-24
Lubricating Oil System.............................................................................................................................................V-25
Lubricating Oil Transfer Tube...................................................................................................................................V-25
Lubricating Oil Viscosity Sensor...............................................................................................................................V-25
Mounting Adaptations - Group 16 - Torque Values .......................................................................................V-42
Engine Lifting Brackets.............................................................................................................................................V-42
Engine Support Bracket, Front.................................................................................................................................V-42
Newton-Meter to Foot-Pound Conversions ....................................................................................................V-59
Conversion Chart............................................................................................................................................V-59
Pipe Plug Torque Values ................................................................................................................................V-60
Torque Table..................................................................................................................................................V-60
Rocker Levers - Group 03 - Specifications ....................................................................................................V-12
Overhead Set...........................................................................................................................................................V-12
Rocker Lever Assembly...........................................................................................................................................V-12
Rocker Levers - Group 03 - Torque Values ...................................................................................................V-13
Crankcase Breather (External).................................................................................................................................V-13
Overhead Set...........................................................................................................................................................V-13
Rocker Lever Cover.................................................................................................................................................V-14
Rocker Lever Housing..............................................................................................................................................V-14
Tap-Drill Chart - U.S. Customary and Metric .................................................................................................V-61
General Information........................................................................................................................................V-61
Vehicle Braking - Group 20 - Torque Values .................................................................................................V-43
Engine Brake............................................................................................................................................................V-43
Weights and Measures - Conversion Factors ................................................................................................V-62
Conversion Chart............................................................................................................................................V-62
Page V-d Section V - Specifications
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Camshaft (001-008)
Camshaft Bushing Journal O.D. 63.37 mm MIN 2.495 in
63.42 mm MAX 2.497 in
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Crankshaft (001-016)
Standard Main Bearing Shell Thickness 3.086 mm MIN 0.1215 in
3.145 mm MAX 0.1238 in
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Cylinder Block to Main Bearing Cap Press Fit 0.03 mm MIN 0.001 in
0.15 mm MAX 0.006 in
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Piston (001-043)
Ring Groove Wer Limits (Diameter Over
Top Ring Groove: 140.2 MIN 5.515
2nd Ring Groove 140.1 MAX 5.514
Cylinder Block - Group 01 N14
Page V-6 Section V - Specifications
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Crankshaft (001-016)
Main Bearing Cap Capscrews 34 N•m [ 25 ft-lb ]
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
70 N•m [ 50 ft-lb ]
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
41 N•m [ 30 ft-lb ]
Cam Followers/Tappets - Group 04 - Specifications N14
Page V-16 Section V - Specifications
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
3 N•m [ 25 in-lb ]
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Injector (006-026)
Injector Hold-Down Capscrew 41 N•m [ 30 ft-lb ]
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
5 N•m [ 40 in-lb ]
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Turbocharger (010-033)
Turbocharger Mounting Nuts 68 N•m [ 50 ft-lb ]
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
Flywheel (016-005)
Flywheel Housing Mounting Capscrews 271 N•m [ 200 ft-lb ]
1 47 N•m [ 35 ft-lb ]
2 95 N•m [ 70 ft-lb ]
3 Plus 90 degrees
N14 Vehicle Braking - Group 20 - Torque Values
Section V - Specifications Page V-43
Component or Assembly (Procedure) Metric U.S.
General Engine
Automotive Applications
Horsepower.................................................................................................................Refer to the engine dataplate
Engine Speed..............................................................................................................Refer to the engine dataplate
Displacement.............................................................................................................................14 liters [855 C.I.D.]
Bore and Stroke....................................................................................................140 mm [5.5 in] x 152 mm [6.0 in]
Compression Ratio (Automotive):
N14-310E+, 330E+, 350E+, 370E+, 330ESP+......................................................................................18.5:1
N14-410E+, 370ESP+..............................................................................................................................17.5:1
N14-435E+, 460E+, 500E+, 525E+, 435ESP+......................................................................................16.5:1
Dry Engine Weight (Automotive).....................................................................................................1273 kg [2805 lb]
Wet Engine Weight (Automotive)....................................................................................................1328 kg [2925 lb]
Firing Order..............................................................................................................................................1-5-3-6-2-4
Crankshaft Rotation (viewed from front of engine).................................................................................... Clockwise
Valve and Injector Settings (Automotive):
Intake valve adjustment...........................................................................................................0.35 mm [0.014 in]
Exhaust valve adjustment.......................................................................................................0.68 mm [0.027 in]
Injector lash adjustment..........................................................................................................0.56 mm [0.022 in]
Engine brake settings.............................................................................................................0.58 mm [0.023 in]
Marine and Industrial Applications
Horsepower.................................................................................................................Refer to the engine dataplate
Engine Speed..............................................................................................................Refer to the engine dataplate
Displacement.............................................................................................................................14 liters [855 C.I.D.]
Bore and Stroke....................................................................................................140 mm [5.5 in] x 152 mm [6.0 in]
Compression Ratio (Industrial):
310, 320, 335, 345, 350, 360......................................................................................................................18.5:1
400, 410, 425, 430, 440, 460, 475, 485, 525E.............................................................................................16.5:1
Dry Engine Weight (Industrial)........................................................................................................1316 kg [2901 lb]
Wet Engine Weight (Industrial).......................................................................................................1371 kg [3022 lb]
Firing Order..............................................................................................................................................1-5-3-6-2-4
Crankshaft Rotation (viewed from front of engine).................................................................................... Clockwise
Valve and Injector Settings (Industrial):
Intake valve adjustment...........................................................................................................0.35 mm [0.014 in]
Intake valve recheck limits.............................................................................0.10 to 0.41 mm [0.004 to 0.016 in]
Exhaust valve adjustment.......................................................................................................0.68 mm [0.027 in]
Exhaust valve recheck limits..........................................................................0.58 to 0.86 mm [0.023 to 0.034 in]
CELECT™ injector lash adjustment..........................................................................................0.56 mm [0.022 in]
CELECT™ injector lash recheck limits.....................................0.51 to 2.04 mm [0.020 to 0.080 in](1.5 to 6.0 flats)
Engine brake settings.............................................................................................................0.58 mm [0.023 in]
N14 Fuel System
Section V - Specifications Page V-45
Fuel System
Automotive Applications
For performance and fuel rates values, consult the engine data sheet or the fuel pump code for the particular model
Maximum Allowable Restriction to Pump with or without Fuel Cooler:
With clean filter....................................................................................................................152 mm Hg [6 in Hg]
With dirty filter...................................................................................................................254 mm Hg [10 in Hg]
Maximum Allowable Fuel Return Line Restriction.....................................................................89 mm Hg [3.5 in Hg]
Maximum Allowable Fuel Tank Vent Capability........................................................................0.85 m3 /hr [30 ft3 /hr]
Maximum Allowable Fuel Inlet Temperature.........................................................................................71°C [160°F]
Marine and Industrial Applications
For performance and fuel rates values, consult the engine data sheet or the fuel pump code for the particular model
Maximum Allowable Restriction to Pump with or without Fuel Cooler:
With clean filter...............................................................................................................102 mm Hg [4 in Hg]
With dirty filter................................................................................................................204 mm Hg [8 in Hg]
Maximum Allowable Restriction to Pump with or without Fuel Cooler:
With clean filter...............................................................................................................152 mm Hg [6 in Hg]
With dirty filter..............................................................................................................254 mm Hg [10 in Hg]
Maximum Allowable Return Line Restriction with Check Valves and/or Overhead Tanks........165 mm Hg [6.5 in Hg]
Maximum Allowable Fuel Return Line Restriction without Check Valves...................................89 mm Hg [3.5 in Hg]
Maximum Allowable Fuel Tank Vent Capability........................................................................0.85 m3 /hr [30 ft3 /hr]
Maximum Allowable Fuel Inlet Temperature.........................................................................................70°C [158°F]
Lubricating Oil System N14
Page V-46 Section V - Specifications
Cooling System
Automotive Applications
Coolant Capacity (Engine Only):
CELECT™ or CELECT™ Plus......................................................................................................18.9 liters [20 qt]
Standard Modulating Thermostat Range...........................................................................82 to 93°C [180 to 200°F]
Maximum Coolant Cylinder Block Pressure (pressure cap removed):
At 2300 rpm................................................................................................................................317 kPa [46 psi]
At 1700 rpm................................................................................................................................165 kPa [24 psi]
Minimum Coolant Pressure (pressure cap removed):
High Pressure Manifold at 1800 rpm...........................................................................152 ± 21 kPa [22 ± 3 psi]
Rocker Housing Water Manifold at 1800 rpm..............................................................124 ± 21 kPa [18 ± 3 psi]
Coolant Alarm Activation Temperature:
CELECT™ or CELECT™ Plus...........................................................................................104 ± 1°C [220 ± 2°F]
Maximum Allowable Top Tank Temperature:
N14-410E+, 435E+, 460E+, 500E+, 525E+, 370ESP+, 435ESP+..........................................104°C [220°F]
N14-310E+, 330E+, 350E+, 370E+, 330E+.............................................................................100°C [212°F]
CELECT™ Industrial........................................................................................................................96°C [205°F]
STC Industrial...............................................................................................................................100°C [212°F]
Minimum Recommended Top Tank Temperature.................................................................................70°C [158°F]
Maximum Allowable Deaeration Time.......................................................................................................25 minutes
Minimum Allowable Draw Down or 10 Percent of System Capacity (whichever is greater)....................4.7 liters [5 qt]
Minimum recommended Pressure Cap................................................................................................50 kPa [7 psi]
Maximum Allowable Coolant Flow to Accessories.....................................1.3 liters per second [20.5 gal per minute]
Marine and Industrial Applications
Coolant Capacity (Engine Only):
CELECT™ Plus and STC Industrial.............................................................................................20.8 liters [21 qt]
Standard Modulating Thermostat Range......................................................................82 to 93°C [180 to 200°F]
Minimum Coolant Pressure (pressure cap removed):....................................High Pressure Manifold at 1800 rpm
152 ± 21 kPa [22 ± 3 psi]..............................................................Rocker Housing Water Manifold at 1800 rpm
124 ± 21 kPa [18 ± 3 psi]...........................................Maximum Allowable Coolant Temperature Engine Outlet:
CELECT™.......................................................................................................................................96°C [205°F]
STC..............................................................................................................................................100°C [212°F]
Coolant Alarm Activation Temperature:.........................................................................................CELECT™ Plus
96°C [205°F]................................................................................................................................................STC
102 ± 2°C [215 ± 2°F].......................................................Maximum External Resistance in Aftercooler Circuit
35 kPa [5 psi]...........................................Minimum Coolant Flow Through Aftercooler Circuit (Open Thermostat)
83 liters per minute [22 gal per minute].... Coolant Temperature at Aftercooler Radiator Inlet at Maximum Engine
Coolant Out Temperature
93°C [199°F].........Maximum Water Temperature into Aftercooler at Maximum Engine Coolant Out Temperature
72°C [162°F]...................................................................................Maximum Allowable Top Tank Temperature:
N14-410E+, 435E+, 460E+, 500E+, 525E+, 370ESP+, 435ESP+..........................................104°C [220°F]
100°C [212°F] N14-310E+, 330E+, 350E+, 370E+, 330E+..............................................CELECT™ Industrial
96°C [205°F].................................................................................................................................STC Industrial
Minimum Recommended Top Tank Temperature............................................................................70°C [158°F]
Maximum Allowable Deaeration Time.................................................................................................25 minutes
Minimum Allowable Draw Down or 10 Percent of System Capacity (whichever is greater)...............4.7 liters [5 qt]
Minimum recommended pressure cap............................................................................................50 kPa [7 psi]
Maximum Allowable coolant Flow to Accessories.................................1.3 liters per second [20.5 gal per minute]
Air Intake System N14
Page V-48 Section V - Specifications
Engine intake air must be filtered to prevent dirt and debris from entering the engine. If air intake piping is
damaged or loose, unfiltered air will enter the engine and cause premature wear.
Maximum Temperature Rise Between Ambient Air and Engine Air Inlet (ambient above 0°C [32°F].......15°C [30°F]
Maximum Inlet Restriction (clean filter) Normal Duty Element..............................................250 mm H2O [10 in H2O]
Maximum Inlet Restriction (dirty filter).................................................................................635 mm H2O [25 in H2O]
Maximum Allowable Pressure Drop Across Charge Air Cooler:
psi...............................................................................................................................................13.5 kPa [2 psi]
Hg (Mercury)........................................................................................................................102 mm-Hg [4 in-Hg]
Marine and Industrial Application
Maximum Temperature Rise Between Ambient Air and Engine Air Inlet (ambient above 0°C [32°F].......15°C [30°F]
Maximum Inlet Restriction (clean filter) Normal Duty Element..............................................250 mm H2O [10 in H2O]
Maximum Inlet Restriction (dirty filter).................................................................................635 mm H2O [25 in H2O]
Maximum Allowable Pressure Drop Across Charge Air Cooler:
psi..................................................................................................................................................21 kPa [3 psi]
Hg (Mercury)........................................................................................................................152 mm-Hg [6 in-Hg]
N14 Exhaust System
Section V - Specifications Page V-49
Exhaust System
Maximum Back Pressure at Turbocharger:
Hg (Mercury)..........................................................................................................................76 mm Hg [3 in Hg]
H2O (Water).................................................................................................................1016 mm H2O [40 in H2O]
Exhaust Pipe Size (normally acceptable inside diameter).....................................................................127 mm [5 in]
Electrical System N14
Page V-50 Section V - Specifications
Electrical System
Minimum Recommended Battery Capacity (Automotive and Industrial)
Battery Capacity
Ambient Temperatures
-18°C [0°F] 0°C [32°F]
System Cold Cranking Amperes Reserve Capacity(1) Cold Cranking Amperes Reserve Capacity(1)
Voltage Amperes Amperes
12 VDC 1800 640 1280 480
24 VDC(2) 900 320 640 240
(1) The number of plates within a given battery size determines reserve capacity. Reserve capacity determines the
length of time which sustained cranking can occur.
(2) CCA ratings are based on two 12 VDC batteries in series.
A minimum of 6 VDC at the 3-pin power connector is required to power up the ECM on CELECT™ Plus engines.
Battery Cable Sizes - American Wire Gauge (maximum length in cranking motor circuit)
12 VDC
Number 00...................................................................................................................................3.7 M [12 ft]
Number 000.................................................................................................................................4.9 M [16 ft]
Number 0000 or Two Number 0(1) ...............................................................................................6.1 M [20 ft]
Two Number 00............................................................................................................................7.6 M [25 ft]
Battery Cable Sizes - American Wire Gauge (maximum length in cranking motor circuit)
12 VDC High-Output
Number 00.....................................................................................................................................2.1 M [7 ft]
Number 000...................................................................................................................................2.7 M [9 ft]
Number 0000 or Two Number 0(1) ...............................................................................................3.7 M [12 ft]
Two Number 00............................................................................................................................4.3 M [14 ft]
Battery Cable Sizes - American Wire Gauge (maximum length in cranking motor circuit)
24 to 32 VDC
Number 00...................................................................................................................................6.1 M [20 ft]
Number 000.................................................................................................................................8.2 M [27 ft]
Number 0000 or Two Number 0(1) ..............................................................................................10.7 M [35 ft]
N14 Electrical System
Section V - Specifications Page V-51
Engine Testing
Maintain the following limits during the engine test and run-in procedures:
Due to the variations in ratings of different engine models, refer to the specific Engine Data Sheet” for the specific
engine model being tested.
Charge Air Cooler Restriction (Maximum):
Hg (Mercury)........................................................................................................................152 mm Hg [6 in Hg]
Pounds Force.................................................................................................................................21 kPa [3 psi]
Intake Restriction (Maximum at Advertised Horsepower):
Clean air filter................................................................................................................254 mm H2O [10 in H2O]
Dirty air filter..................................................................................................................635 mm H2O [25 in H2O]
Maximum Exhaust Back Pressure...............................................................................................75 mm Hg [3 in Hg]
Blowby (1) (Maximum at Advertised Horsepower):
New or rebuilt engines (Maximum)(less than 160,000 km [100,000 mi] or 3600 hours)......305 cm H2O [12 in H2O
Used engines (Maximum)(over 160,000 km [100,000 mi] or 3600 hours)...........................460 cm H2O [18 in H2O
Oil Pressure:
Low idle (minimum allowable).......................................................................................................69 kPa [10 psi]
At 1200 rpm or torque peak (minimum allowable)........................................................................207 kPa [30 psi]
At advertised rpm....................................................................................................276 to 345 kPa [40 to 50 psi]
Maximum Cylinder Block Coolant Pressure (Closed Thermostat)......................................................275 kPa [40 psi]
Maximum Allowable Operating Temperature......................................................................................100°C [212°F]
Maximum Allowable Fuel Inlet Temperature.........................................................................................71°C [160°F]
Fuel Inlet Maximum Restriction:
Clean fuel filter...............................................................................................................152 mm Hg [6 in Hg]
Dirty fuel filter...............................................................................................................254 mm Hg [10 in Hg]
Fuel Inlet Maximum Restriction:
Clean fuel filter...............................................................................................................102 mm Hg [4 in Hg]
Dirty fuel filter.................................................................................................................204 mm Hg [8 in Hg]
Fuel Drain Line Maximum Restriction:
CELECT™ and CELECT™ Plus............................................................................................89 mm Hg [3.5 in Hg]
STC — Without check valves..............................................................................................63 mm Hg [2.5 in Hg]
STC — With check valves.................................................................................................165 mm Hg [6.5 in Hg]
(1) Blowby checking tool, Part Number 3822566, has a special 7.67 mm [0.302 in] orifice that must be used to make
sure an accurate reading is obtained.
N14 Drive Belt Tension
Section V - Specifications Page V-55
• Always use the torque values listed in the following tables when specific torque values are not available.
• Do not use the torque values in place of those specified in other sections of this manual.
• The torque values in the table are based on the use of lubricated threads.
• When the ft-lb value is less than 10, convert the ft-lb value to in-lb to obtain a better torque with an in-lb torque
wrench. Example: 6 ft-lb equals 72 in-lb.
• Always use the torque values listed in the following tables when specific torque values are not available.
• Do not use the torque values in place of those specified in other sections of this manual.
• The torque values in the table are based on the use of lubricated threads.
• When the ft-lb value is less than 10, convert the ft-lb value to in-lb to obtain a better torque with an in-lb torque
wrench. Example: 6 ft-lb equals 72 in-lb.
Static Injection Timing ...............................................................................6-17
General Information..................................................................................6-17
STC Oil Control Valve (Mechanical) ...........................................................6-35
Initial Check..............................................................................................6-35
STC Oil Delivery System Diagnostics ........................................................6-47
STC Oil Delivery System Blockage ............................................................6-49
Initial Check..............................................................................................6-49
Leak Test..................................................................................................6-50
STC Viscosity Sensor .................................................................................6-40
Clean and Inspect for Reuse.....................................................................6-41
Straight Thread Fittings .............................................................................17-5
Inspect for Reuse......................................................................................17-6
Straight Thread Plug ..................................................................................17-4
Clean and Inspect for Reuse.....................................................................17-4
Symbols .........................................................................................................i-3
General Information.....................................................................................i-3
Tap-Drill Chart - U.S. Customary and Metric ............................................V-61
General Information..................................................................................V-61
Turbocharger ............................................................................................10-19
Check for Correct Component.................................................................10-24
General Information................................................................................10-19
Inspect for Reuse....................................................................................10-20
Turbocharger Axial Clearance .................................................................10-24
Turbocharger Blade Damage ...................................................................10-25
Inspect for Reuse....................................................................................10-25
Turbocharger Compressor Seal Leaks ....................................................10-26
Leak Test................................................................................................10-26
Turbocharger Radial Bearing Clearance ..................................................10-27
Turbocharger Turbine Seal Leaks ...........................................................10-28
Leak Test................................................................................................10-28
Water Pump ................................................................................................8-58
Water Pump Idler Assembly ......................................................................8-61
Weights and Measures - Conversion Factors ...........................................V-62
Conversion Chart......................................................................................V-62
Cummins Inc.
Troubleshooting and Repair Manual
Copyright© 2010
Cummins Inc.
Bulletin 3666142
Printed in U.S.A. 06-APRIL-2010 p15