Trifluoperazine Drug Study

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A Drug Study Presented to

Lendell Kelly B. Ytac, RN
Faculty, INAHS BSN-Program
Davao Oriental State University


In Partial Fulfillment
of the requirements for
NCM 117
Care of Clients with Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior
(Acute and Chronic)


Clint S. Ancog
Student Nurse, BSN-3A

March 18, 2022

Name of Drug Dosage/ Mechanism of Indication Contraindicatio Side Effects/ Nursing
Frequency/ Action n Adverse Effects Responsibilitie
Time/ Route s
Generic Name: Route: P.O., Trifluoperazine For people Patients with: SIDE EFFECTS: • Explain risks
trifluoperazine I.M. exerts its who has of dystonic
hydrochloride Onset: antipsychotic Anxiety -Coma ● blurred vision reactions,
Unknown effect by blocking States, ● difficulty akathisia, and
Brand Name: Peak: 2-4 hr central dopamine Schizophreni -CNS or bone urinating tardive
Stelazine Duration: 4-6 hr receptors, thereby a and other marrow ● constipation dyskinesia, and
preventing effects psychotic depression ● dizziness tell patient to
Drug ➣Anxiety such as delusions disorders. ● changes in report abnormal
Classification: States and hallucinations -Blood appetite body
antipsychotic, ADULTS: 1 to 2 caused by an dyscrasias ● nausea movements.
antiemetic mg P.O. b.i.d. excess of • Explain that
Increase dosage, dopamine. This -Liver disease. ADVERSE many drug
Chemical make- p.r.n., but don’t EFFECTS:
agent also interactions are
up and effect: exceed 6 mg
functions as a possible. Tell
Trifluoperazine daily. CNS: neuroleptic
calmodulin patient to seek
Hydrochloride is inhibitor, thereby malignant medical

the hydrochloride Schizophrenia leading to syndrome, approval before
salt of and other elevation of extrapyramidal taking other
trifluoperazine, a psychotic cytosolic calcium. reactions, tardive medications.
phenothiazine disorders dyskinesia, • Warn patient
derivative and a ADULTS: For pseudoparkinsonis against
dopamine, alpha- outpatients, 1 to Pharmacokinetics m, dizziness, hazardous
adrenergic, and 2 mg P.O. b.i.d., : drowsiness, activities that
anticholinergic increased p.r.n. Absorption: insomnia, fatigue, require
antagonist with For hospitalized Absorption varies headache. alertness until
antipsychotic, patients, 2 to 5 with route of CV: orthostatic the effect of
anxiolytic, and mg P.O. b.i.d.; administration: hypotension, drug is
antiemetic may increase Oral tablet tachycardia, ECG established.
activities. gradually to 40 absorption is changes. • Tell patient to
Trifluoperazine mg daily. For erratic and EENT: ocular avoid sun
blocks central changes, blurred
dopamine I.M. injection, 1
variable, with vision. exposure and to
receptors, which to 2 mg q 4 to 6onset of action GI: dry mouth, avoid exposure
may prevent or hours, p.r.n. ranging from 1/2 constipation, to temperature
mitigate delusions to 1 hour; oral nausea. extremes
and hallucinations CHILDREN concentrate GU: urine because drug
caused by an AGES 6 TO 12 absorption is much retention, may cause
excess of (HOSPITALIZ more predictable. menstrual thermoregulator
dopamine; ED OR I.M. drug is irregularities. y changes.
dopamine UNDER absorbed rapidly. Hematologic: • Tell patient to
blockade in the CLOSE Distribution: transient take drug
chemoreceptor SUPERVISIO Distributed widely leukopenia, exactly as
trigger zone N): 1 mg P.O. throughout the agranulocytosis. prescribed and
(CTZ) may result daily or b.i.d. body, including Hepatic: cholestatic to avoid alcohol
in an antiemetic May increase breast milk. Drug jaundice. and medications
effect. This agent dosage is 91% to 99% Metabolic: weight that may cause
binds to central gradually to 15 protein-bound; gain. excessive
adrenergic mg daily. Or, steady state serum Skin: sedation.
receptors, which give 1 mg I.M. levels are achieved photosensitivity,
may result in once or twice within 4 to 7 days. allergic reactions,
anxiolytic effects. daily. Metabolism: pain at I.M.
Trifluoperazine Metabolized injection site,
also functions as a extensively by the sterile abscess,
calmodulin liver, but no active rash.
inhibitor, metabolites are Other:
elevating formed. gynecomastia,
cytosolic calcium. Excretion: Mostly inhibited lactation.
excreted in urine
via the kidneys;
some is excreted in
feces by way of the
biliary tract.

cs: Trifluoperazine
is thought to exert
its antipsychotic
effects by
blockade of CNS
mediated effects;
antiemetic effects
are attributed to
dopamine receptor
blockade in the
trigger zone.
has many other
central and
peripheral effects;
it produces alpha
and ganglionic
blockade and
histamine- and
activity. Its most
common adverse
reactions are
extrapyramidal; it
has less sedative
and autonomic
activity than
aliphatic and


Schull, P. (2013). McGraw-Hill Nurse’s Drug Handbook Seventh Edition. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Skidmore-Roth, L. (2021). Mosby’s 2021 Nursing Drug Reference, 3251 Riverport Lane St. Louis, Missouri 63043

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