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ISSN 2303-1174 G.M. Pieter., J.D.D. Massie., R.T.




Gabriela M. Pieter1
James D.D. Massie2
Regina T. Saerang3
International Business Administration, Management Department
Faculty of Economics and Business
Sam Ratulangi University, Manado

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract: The more creative a promotional activity, the stronger the marketing appeal to consumer purchase intentions.
Moreover, using technological advances in marketing activities. Therefore, many business people use various ways to
compete in the market, one of which is using social media applications in product promotion activities so that these products
can be quickly recognized by many people. One form of marketing activity that can quickly disseminate information about a
product and the introduction of a product's brand is social media marketing. This research aims to explore the effectiveness
of using TIK TOK as a media for promotion (A case study of youth intention to buy products). Researchers conducted this
research through qualitative methods. The sampling technique that will be used is purposive sampling. Knowing that the
population is huge in number, therefore, for this research, the researcher took only 15 representative respondents of each
field. The respondents or informants of this research are the youth users of the TIK TOK application, who are interested in
the marketing content from this app, which is the promoting product's content using this application. This research had two
variables in order to explore the effectiveness of using TIK TOK as a media for promotion: a case study for youth intention
to buy products, which is social media marketing on TIK TOK and Intention to buy products. The result after conducting the
interview, almost all of them are viewers, but some of them are also viewers and content creators but they are not that intense
in creating content. Many of them like product promotional content such as skincare and outfits, but some of them also like
other promotional content such as electronic products, food promotions, unique stuff, and also products for motorbikes.

Keywords: social media marketing, intention to buy, promotional content, Tik Tok, youth.

Abstrak: Semakin kreatif suatu kegiatan promosi, semakin kuat daya tarik pemasaran terhadap niat beli konsumen. Apalagi
memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi dalam kegiatan pemasaran. Oleh karena itu, banyak pelaku bisnis menggunakan
berbagai cara untuk bersaing di pasar, salah satunya dengan menggunakan aplikasi media sosial dalam kegiatan promosi
produk agar produk tersebut dapat cepat dikenal oleh banyak orang. Salah satu bentuk kegiatan pemasaran yang dapat
dengan cepat menyebarluaskan informasi tentang suatu produk dan pengenalan merek suatu produk adalah pemasaran
media sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan penggunaan TIK TOK sebagai media promosi (Studi
kasus niat membeli produk anak muda). Peneliti melakukan penelitian ini melalui metode kualitatif. Teknik pengambilan
sampel yang akan digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Mengingat jumlah populasi yang sangat banyak, maka untuk
penelitian ini peneliti hanya mengambil 15 responden yang mewakili masing-masing bidang. Responden atau informan
penelitian ini adalah para remaja pengguna aplikasi TIK TOK yang tertarik dengan konten pemasaran dari aplikasi ini yaitu
konten promosi produk menggunakan aplikasi ini. Penelitian ini memiliki dua variabel untuk mengetahui keefektifan
penggunaan TIK TOK sebagai media promosi: studi kasus niat kaum muda membeli produk, yaitu pemasaran media sosial
di TIK TOK dan Niat membeli produk. Hasil Setelah melakukan wawancara, hampir semuanya adalah viewers, namun
sebagian dari mereka juga viewers dan pembuat konten tetapi tidak begitu intens dalam membuat konten. Banyak dari
mereka yang menyukai konten promosi produk seperti skincare dan outfit, namun ada juga yang menyukai konten promosi
lainnya seperti produk elektronik, promosi makanan, barang-barang unik, dan juga produk sepeda motor.

Kata Kunci: pemasaran media sosial, niat untuk membeli, konten promosi, Tik Tok, anak muda.

11 Jurnal EMBA
Vol.9 No.4 Oktober 2021, Hal. 11-20
ISSN 2303-1174 G.M. Pieter., J.D.D. Massie., R.T. Saerang

Research Background
Nowadays, the rapid development of technology, followed by the development of social media
applications from time to time, make it easier for users to access any application using the internet network
anywhere and anytime. Social media is the media used by consumers to share text, images, sound, and video
information with other people and companies, and vice versa (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Throughout the
technological sophistication, social media can be enjoyed using a mobile phone, so that many companies are
competing to create unique mobile applications that can attract people's attention to use it. Many mobile
applications have made major changes to user behavior, so that they become one of the entertainment media that
gets great attention, and is able to attract people to use it at any time. There are many applications that have
succeeded in being at the top of applications that are booming or Go Viral, according to their respective benefits,
but there is one application that is used by all people around the world, all ages, all gender. This application is Tik
Tok. "VIRALITY" can be defined as the likelihood of something being shared and spread widely among different
users, readers, or customers online. Some examples of things that can go viral are blog posts, websites, apps,
games, or products (Written by Sophia Bernazzani).
TIKTOK is a short video application that provides users with many unique features to express their
creativity. TIKTOK is a free short video making application that is available on both the App Store and Google
Play. It is easy to scroll up and down to watch various videos, comment, download, and share, make duets, and
use different filters and sounds. It was first launched by DOUYIN in China in September 2016 and later introduced
by Byte Dance in 2017 for markets outside China. It is the fastest growing platform in the world in the social
media category and is available in 155 countries and 75 languages which makes it easily accessible to people
around the world. TIKTOK is available in over 150 markets around the world, in 39 languages. The latest available
official statistics show that there are 500 million TIKTOK users around the world (monthly active users). The 500
million figure, however dates back to an official announcement in July 2018. Byte Dance has not released anything
more recent. We can assume that given its huge popularity, the figure is higher. In September 2019, TIKTOK VP
Blake Chandlee suggested that while it was not up to 1 billion, it was not at half that level either. Hootsuite and
We Are Social have set the figure at 800 million. This would make it the sixth-most used social app in the world.
Only the various Facebook properties, YouTube, and WeChat rank ahead of it. TIK TOK application users in the
world is increasing very rapidly, including Indonesia. The increase of the TIKTOK users, certainly opens big
opportunities for this applications to make this app more useful, not just an application for social content such as:
funny content or maybe dancing content and so on, but also marketers can use this app for running their business.
Through the creativity of marketers, by using technological advances, they create marketing content using
TIK TOK application. Many products also used for the content, such as beauty products, skincare, foods, clothing,
electronic products, and so on, which are indirectly promote certain products using this application, and get easily
attract the other users (buyer) to know the products and decided to buy. In Indonesia, many marketers use this
application as a media to promote various products, and become a trend among young people. This trend is known
as #RACUNTIKTOK. This trend is the TIK TOK content created by marketers that provides information about
the products or other interesting information about the products, to attract the attention of users who see the
content, so that users will participate in buying the product. In fact, some of the users also participate in promoting
the products by creating video content and providing their honest reviews of the use of the products. This trend
has become a trend among youth TIK TOK users in Indonesia to find out what product are suited for them
according to their- needs.
One of the popular content is #RACUNTIKTOK skin care. Lots of people recommend various types of
skincare, starting from local brand skincare products to international brand products, with various uses and
benefits. Youth people in Manado who are using this app have also known this trend. From this trend, many of
them are interested in trying various products offered by the official brand's accounts, by the seller, or by content
creators who recommend certain products based on their personal experience using the product itself. However,
using this application is accompanied by several problems along with risks. Because to know the effectiveness of
TIKTOK mobile application in its use as a media or a tool that support social media marketing means finding out
is it working or not, do the customers/ users get intention to buy the products that has been promoted by using this
application, or maybe they just skip and look for other profitable platform because the problem is how consumers
respond to the use of this application as a tool for promotion that can affect buyer’s intentions.

12 Jurnal EMBA
Vol.9 No.4 Oktober 2021, Hal. 11-20
ISSN 2303-1174 G.M. Pieter., J.D.D. Massie., R.T. Saerang
Research Objectives
The objective that is going to be accomplished by this research is:
1. To find out the effectiveness of TIKTOK application as a media for promotions.
2. To know the youth user’s responses about the use of TIKTOK application as a media for promotions.

Marketing as it is known is the essence of a business. Without marketing, there is no such thing as a
company, but what is meant by marketing itself people still feel confused. Definition of marketing according to
Kotler (1997) is a social process and managerial in which individuals and groups get what they need and want by
creating, offering, and exchanging products with other parties. Many consider this field identical or equal to the
sales field. Truly marketing has a broad meaning rather than sales. The sales sector is part of the field marketing,
as well as being the most important part of the marketing field itself. Marketing means working with the market
to realize potential exchange with the intention of satisfying needs and wants human. If the company pays more
attention to continue constantly following their changing needs and new desires will have no difficulty recognizing
the opportunities. Because consumers are always looking for the best for their lives and of course at an affordable
price and with a quality well, that's what triggers sharper competition which makes the sellers feel increasingly
difficult to sell its products in the market.

Marketing Mix
Marketing involves a number of activities. To begin with, an organization can decide on the target
customer group to be served. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2008), marketing mix is a set of controllable
variables that companies can use to influence buyer responses. Variables that can be controlled in this context
refer to 4 ‘P [product, price, place (distribution), and promotion]. Each company strives to build a 4‘P composition,
which can create the highest level of customer satisfaction and at the same time fulfill its organizational goals.
Every producer or company that wants to apply the marketing mix, must consider the needs of target customers.
The marketing mix varies from one organization to another depending on available resources and marketing

Social Media Marketing

Digital and social media marketing allows companies to achieve their marketing objectives at relatively
low cost (Ajina, 2019). Facebook pages have more than 50 million registered businesses and over 88 % of
businesses use Twitter for their marketing purposes (Lister, 2017). Digital and social media technologies and
applications have also been widely used for creating awareness of public services and political promotions (Grover
et al., 2019).

Engagement Marketing
A firm’s deliberate effort to motivate, empower, and measure a customer’s voluntary contribution to the
firm’s marketing functions beyond the core, economic transaction (i.e. customer engagement). The effectiveness
of engagement marketing depends on the firm’s ability to identify and leverage customer-owned resources
(Hollebeek et al. 2016). Assessments of customer value from this perspective pertain to the value of customer-
owned resources and potential future contributions to the firm’s marketing functions (Kumar et al., 2010).

Promotional Mix
This is done by using promotional tools. Promotion is a core ingredient in the marketing campaign,
consisting of a collection of incentive tools, mostly short-term, designed to stimulate the purchase of a faster or
larger on specific products or services by consumers or trade (Kotler and Keller, 2012). Promotion can use the
elements of audio and visual communication to marketing, with a view to providing a message to the market
(Assauri, 2012). Kotler and Keller (2012), there are the element promotional mix such as:
1. Advertising: Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an
identified sponsor via print media (newspapers and magazines), broadcast media (radio and television),
network media (telephone, cable, satellite, wireless), electronic media (audiotape, videotape, videodisk, CD-
ROM, Web page), and display media (billboards, signs, posters).

13 Jurnal EMBA
Vol.9 No.4 Oktober 2021, Hal. 11-20
ISSN 2303-1174 G.M. Pieter., J.D.D. Massie., R.T. Saerang
2. Sales promotion: A variety of short-term incentives to encourage trial or purchase of a product or service
including consumer promotions (such as samples, coupons, and premiums), trade promotions (such as
advertising and display allowances), and business and sales force promotions (contests for sales reps).
3. Events and experiences: Company-sponsored activities and programs designed to create daily or special
brand-related interactions with consumers, including sports, arts, entertainment, and cause events as well as
less formal activities.
4. Public relations and publicity: A variety of programs directed internally to employees of the company or
externally to consumers, other firms, the government, and media to promote or protect a company’s image or
its individual product communications.
5. Direct marketing: Use of mail, telephone, fax, e-mail, or Internet to communicate directly with or solicit
response or dialogue from specific customers and prospects.
6. Interactive marketing: Online activities and programs designed to engage customers or prospects and directly
or indirectly raise awareness, improve image, or elicit sales of products and services.
7. Word-of-mouth marketing: People-to-people oral, written, or electronic communications that relate to the
merits or experiences of purchasing or using products or services. 8. Personal selling—Face-to-face
interaction with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making presentations, answering
questions, and procuring orders.

Previous Research
Walid Nabil Iblasi, Dojanah M.K. Bader, and Sulaiman Ahmad Al-Qreini (2016) investigated the impact
of Social Media as a marketing tool on Purchasing Decisions. In order to achieve the paper purposes, the
researchers collected the information from SAMSUNG customers through designing a questionnaire according
to the goals and hypotheses of the paper. The questionnaire was distributed to a sample of (93) in 3 branches of
SAMSUNG Company, and we reached the following outcomes: (1) The results showed that all members of the
study sample with different percentages spend long time using social media websites which indicates that these
websites are a fertile and rich place to practice E-marketing and to influence the consumers purchasing decisions;
(2) The study proved that there is an impact of using social media websites as a marketing tool on the stages of
purchasing decision (need recognition, information search, alternatives evaluation, purchase decision and post-
purchase behavior) which encouraging going toward using the social media in E-marketing.
Prasetyo Matak Ajia, Vanessa Nadhilaa and Lim Sanny (2020) investigated whether Social Media
Marketing Activity (SMMA) carried out by companies/brands have a positive impact on their brand equity, e-
WOM distribution on social media and customers' purchase intention. The objective of this paper is to investigate
the impact of SMMA towards customers' purchase intention. The researchers tried to survey the results of previous
studies to give more benefits to the readers and researchers in this area of study. Research data was collected using
an online questionnaire survey of 114 participants of Instagram users in Indonesia. The results of structural
equation modelling supported the current model’s validity and indicated a positive effect of SMMA towards brand
equity. Moreover, brand equity had a positive impact on e-WOM; and e-WOM maintained a positive influence
towards customers' purchase intention. Finally, SMMA also has showed a direct impact to customers' purchase
M. Nick Hajli (2014) developed a multidisciplinary model, building on the technology acceptance model
and relevant literature on trust and social media, has been devised. The model has been validated by SEM-PLS,
demonstrating the role of social media in the development of e-commerce into social commerce. The data
emerging from a survey show how social media facilitate the social interaction of consumers, leading to increased
trust and intention to buy. The results also show that trust has a significant direct effect on intention to buy. The
perceived usefulness (PU) of a site is also identified as a contributory factor.

Conceptual Framework
This discussion shown the conceptual framework from the variables, that will be shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
Source: Data Analysis Method (2021)

14 Jurnal EMBA
Vol.9 No.4 Oktober 2021, Hal. 11-20
ISSN 2303-1174 G.M. Pieter., J.D.D. Massie., R.T. Saerang

Research Approach
This research uses a qualitative methodology to study the Exploring the effectiveness of using TIK TOK
as a media for promotion: a study case of youth intention to buy products. According to Best and Kahn (2007),
“The term descriptive research has often been used incorrectly to describe three types of investigation that are
different. Descriptive research is a research method that try describe and interpret object appropriate with situation
(Best, 1982). According to Gay (1987), descriptive method is a method of research that involves collecting data
in order to test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the correct status of the subject of the research. The
descriptive research determines and reports the way things are.

Population, Sample and Sampling Technique

The target population and sample are explained below, include the sampling technique and sampling size,
to describe the respondents’ or informants’ criteria before doing the research

In a research, population can be defined as the target of the research, respondents or participants that help
the researcher by giving information that is related with the research topic. According to Sugiyono (2010),
population is geographic generalization there are: object/subject has quality and certain of characteristic that set
by researcher to learning then make the conclusion. Population is the whole of research subject (Arikunto,1998).
The researcher’s target of this research is youth or young people in Manado, who are using TIK TOK Mobile

Selection of the sample is very important step in conducting a research study. Sample were participants
that represent a population. Accordingly, a sample is a random selection of members of a population. Sample is a
portion of a population (Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen, 2010).). It is a smaller group drawn from the population that
has the characteristics of the entire population. Sample is the subset or subgroup of population (Sekaran and
Bougie, 2010). Sample in qualitative research also is not statistical sample but a theoretical and constructive
sample because the purpose is to gain theory and the source data is the source of constructed phenomenon that
was previously unclear before. In order to achieve the paper purpose, the researcher collected the information/data
from 15 respondents (youth users) of TIK TOK application in Manado. The respondents will answer several
questions from researcher.

Simple Technique
Sample techniques that will be used is purposive sampling. According to Sugiyono (2012), purposive
sampling is a technique to collect sample of data source with some considerations like people who are considered
understand the matter, can be trusted or people who has authority that will make it easier for the researcher to
explore the certain object or social situation. Knowing that the population is huge in number, therefore, for this
research, the researcher took only 15 representative respondents of each fields.

Data Collection Method

Data collection method is important by providing useful information to understand the process before
gaining the result. Data collection method divided into primary and secondary.

Primary Data
For the purposes of this research, in depth interviews were used. In depth interviews are personal and
unstructured interviews, whose aim is to identify participant’s emotions, feelings, and opinions regarding a
particular research subject. Accordingly, in depth interview is a qualitative research technique which is used to
conduct intensive individual interviews where numbers of respondents are less and research is focused on a
specific product, technique, situation or objective. In-depth interview is an unstructured one-to-one discussion
session between a trained interviewer and a respondent (Hair et al., 2015). In this research, the interviews were
held face-to-face. Leedy and Ormrod (2001) stated that interviewing involves much more than asking questions.
The questions are well planned and carefully worded to yield the kind of data the researcher needs to answer the
research questions.

15 Jurnal EMBA
Vol.9 No.4 Oktober 2021, Hal. 11-20
ISSN 2303-1174 G.M. Pieter., J.D.D. Massie., R.T. Saerang
Data Analysis Method
In this qualitative data analysis there are explanations in detail of the process after collecting data till getting
conclusions. According to Miles and Huberman in Sekaran and Bougie (2010), there are generally steps in
qualitative data analysis:
a. Data Collection, is the process where the researcher found information or data from any kind of source such
as books, internet website and gather deeper information from the informant.
b. Data Reduction, involves selecting, simplifying and transforming the data to make it more manageable and
c. Data Display, helps qualitative researches to organize information and view it in a way that enables them to
identify linkages and develop explanations that relate their findings to existing theories.
d. Drawing and Verifying Conclusion, drawing conclusion involves deciding what the identified themes and
patterns and how they help to answer the research question. Verification involves checking and re-checking
the data ensure the initial conclusions are realistic, supportable and valid.


Description of Research Object

The research object is youth users of the TIK TOK mobile application in Manado. A mobile application
is an application designed to be installed and used on a mobile device, whether a tablet or a smartphone and is
generally distributed by app stores and play store in here the researchers are focusing on the more specific type of
application which is TIK TOK application. The respondents or informant of this research are the youth users of
the TIK TOK application, who are interested in the marketing content from this app, which is the promoting
product's content using this app that becomes a trend as we called #RACUNTIKTOK.

In the table below are the list of informants or respondents of this research with their personal information.
Table 1. List of Informants
No. Name Gender Profession Ages
1. Tisilia Manengal Female Student 23
2. Inry Sendow Female Student 23
3. Dzaky Fandy Male Student 22
4. Anastasia Adung Female Fresh Graduate 22
5. Ones Simanungkalit Male Student 23
6. Gracia Orah Female Student 20
7. Fransiska Mawuntu Female Student 23
8. Regina Memah Female Student 21
9. Letycia Gala Famale Student 22
10 Omega Joseph Famale Fresh Graduate 22
11. Shanon Ariananda Famale Student 22
12. Laode Rifai Male Fresh Graduate 24
13. Ekaputry Suawah Female Fresh Graduate 22
14. Ronaldo Memah Male Student 23
15. Christian Mangode Male Student 23
Source: Primary Data (2021)

This research had two variables in-order to exploring the effectiveness of using TIK TOK as a media for
promotion: a case study for youth intention to buy products, which is social media marketing on TIK TOK and
Intention to buy product. Social media marketing using the Tik Tok application as a tool for promotional activities
is to use this application for marketing activities such as creating product promotional content that is easily seen
by Tik Tok users. Product promotion content in the Tik Tok application is very diverse, and the content contains
product videos that have been made as creative as possible, with clear information to attract user intentions or in
this case young people to buy the product. In this case, the intention to buy a product from the promotional content
in the Tik Tok application is the intention of the user, namely young people who use this application, and are
interested in the product promotion activities in it, based on their respective responses to the product. The intention
to buy young people refers to what they see, for example, the product promotional content on Tik Tok matches

16 Jurnal EMBA
Vol.9 No.4 Oktober 2021, Hal. 11-20
ISSN 2303-1174 G.M. Pieter., J.D.D. Massie., R.T. Saerang
their needs or not. The intention to buy can also be formed by knowing the benefits of the product, existing
recommendations about the product, clear product information, and the personal desires of youth people as
consumers for example to fulfil their hobbies. Here, the intention to buy a product is the intention of the Tik Tok
application user, in this case the youth people when they see the promotional content of the product in this

Interview Result
The interview result, are gained using qualitative research method, in-depth interview with the
respondents or informant. The population in this research are youth users of TIK TOK applications. The sample
are from 15 Manado youth users who are interested of the social media marketing on TIK TOK, and have intention
to buy products from the promotion content of this app. As the first step, questions were arranged and prepared
before doing interview.

Social Media Marketing on TIK TOK. Social media marketing, or SMM, is a form of internet marketing
that involves creating and sharing content on social media networks in order to achieve your marketing and
branding goals. Social media marketing includes activities like posting text and image updates, videos, and other
content that drives audience engagement, as well as paid social media advertising. Social Media marketing in the
TIK TOK application itself is a type of marketing by creating product promotional content in a video and uploaded
into the TIK TOK application so it is easily seen by users and can be quickly spread. TIK TOK application is free
to download, and many contents in this app can be enjoyed by users. Nowadays, many mobile applications,
especially social media application, are used to promote products, because social media can also help not only
promote the application but can also be interesting and useful to attract the consumer that already downloaded the
application. Product promotion content using the TIK TOK application can also be quickly recognized because
the content in it can be shared with other users. As we can see, the number of TIK TOK users is kept increasing,
the existence of social media marketing on TIK TOK give consumers (users) the ease of seeing and knowing what
products suit their needs and wants so that their intention to buy these products is getting bigger. After conducting
interview, the informant 1 to 12 are old users of the TIK TOK application and are interested in various promotional
content for existing products and even have the intention to buy them. To informant 13 to 15 are new users of
TIK TOK applications who already know the promotional content in this application and also have the intention
to buy. Almost all of them are viewers, but some of them are also viewers and content creators but they are not
that intense in creating content. Many of them like product promotional content such as skincare and outfits, but
some of them also like other promotional content such as electronic products, food promotions, unique stuff, and
also products for motorbikes.
There are seven indicators that divided into two which is three indicators for Social Media Marketing on
TIK TOK and four indicators for Intention to buy products/ purchase Intention. The three indicators for Social
Media Marketing are content creation, content sharing and brand exposure. As been explained on 4.2.1, Content
creation is where the user can see and find out a variety of existing product content, and also get clear information
on the products promoted and recommended through this application. Content sharing is where users can easily
share existing content and information with other users so that product information can be quickly discovered.
Brand exposure is where users can find out the brand of the product being promoted through this application so
that they can easily determine product choices according to the existing brand. For the Intention to buy products/
purchase intention indicators, there are social influence, motivation habit, individual’s willingness, and
individual’s needs. Similar with intention to buy products, purchase intention are the combination of consumer
interest and the possibility of buying a product. Mentally and psychologically, consumers have a long process
who ultimately decided to buy the product. According to Kotler and Keller (2012), the buying process is all their
experience in learning, choosing, using, even disposing of a product, that is their experience in understand, choose,
use, or even dispose of the product.
According to Kotler (2016), the definition of purchase intention is consumer behavior when the consumer
is stimulated by external factors and comes along to decide on purchases based on their personal characteristics
and processes decision making. Authors can conclude that purchase intention is consumer behavior in buying
process to understand, choose, and use products of their own personal characteristic and process decision making.
Informants 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14 intentions to buy products are influenced by social or environmental factors,
their intention to buy products because there is encouragement from the Social influence or environment, for
example informants 10 have the intention to buy certain products because they are given recommendations by

17 Jurnal EMBA
Vol.9 No.4 Oktober 2021, Hal. 11-20
ISSN 2303-1174 G.M. Pieter., J.D.D. Massie., R.T. Saerang
their friends or from other parties. Second is individual need’s this is caused by themselves without any outside
influence because they feel that the product will be useful for their needs every day. Furthermore, there is
individual willingness, which is the intention that comes to own a certain product on the grounds of satisfying
personal desires that are not so important, for example having an intention to buy something only for collection.
Lastly is a habit, this is often someone's intention to buy something based on habit or too obsessed with a product,
for example an informant 1 who cannot refuse to see make-up promotional content because she is very obsessed
with make-up products and even any product that just came out while it's about make-up for sure she'll intend to
buy it.


From the results of interviews and discussion in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that product
promotion using social media in this case using the TIK TOK application is very effective. TIK TOK application
can be easily downloaded and free, users can enjoy a variety of interesting content in it, being able to entertain,
very easy to use, and especially for young people today who are up to date and follow the hype. The existence of
social media marketing in this application is certainly very helpful for users. All respondents gave positive reviews
about promotional activities in this application, they did not experience problems or lack of information related
to the product being promoted. Several informants explained that the promotional content in this application was
very informative, the products displayed were very interesting and varied as needed, the video content was very
high quality, lots of good reviews and also honest recommendations from the results of using the product being
promoted so that the intention to buy the product is getting higher. Have the intention to buy products promoted
through this application which are individual needs and wants, friend recommendations, and habits. Personal
choice which are supported by other parties is their way of deciding what product is suitable, but without
exception. Overall, the response of consumers or in this case Manado youth people who use TIK TOK app, is feel
satisfied with the promotion using this application, and they feel helped because TIK TOK application can make
it easier for them to recognize, know, and determine their intention to buy products.

This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of using the TIK TOK application as a media
for promotion to help guide or provide reviews for social media application companies that plan to implement
promotional activities in their applications and also assess promotional activities in social media applications,
indicators of social media marketing, and intention to buy products. The results obtained, here are some
recommendations for social media application companies, sellers, users or consumers, and for future researchers
who would like to make a similar research.
1. For social media application companies that have implemented social media marketing and social media
application companies planning to implement social media marketing, researchers recommend providing more
attractive features so that both viewers and content creators do not feel bored and are more motivated to use
and enjoy content in applications, especially product promotional content, to increase user intentions to buy
products. Furthermore, what the researchers recommend, marketing activities using social media have given
very good results so that it is not wrong to give rewards to content creators who start small businesses by
utilizing this application because they indirectly make this application more useful. With it, users feel more
entertained and even those who have never used this application before will be encouraged to use this
2. For sellers who will promote products using this application, researchers recommend to should be more
understand the concept of using social media for promotional, keep innovating in making interesting product
content, must build good relationships with consumers even via online, always be up to date with existing
developments and must be careful in looking at consumer needs so that the selection of products to sell can
meet their needs and wants.
3. For the users or consumers to always be a smart user, and if you determine what products you intend to buy,
you must pay attention to the product information, because determining product choices by online means that
we don't see the product directly so you should be more careful in choosing products, and if you already intend
to buy these products, please be a smart buyer.

18 Jurnal EMBA
Vol.9 No.4 Oktober 2021, Hal. 11-20
ISSN 2303-1174 G.M. Pieter., J.D.D. Massie., R.T. Saerang
4. For the future researcher that would like to make similar research with this research, the researcher
recommends doing in the wider population, and more various application, in order to get more sample and to
gain more various result and issues about social media marketing using application.


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