L Engleza - Compuneri Pentru Examen Cl.a 9
L Engleza - Compuneri Pentru Examen Cl.a 9
L Engleza - Compuneri Pentru Examen Cl.a 9
So much so that in your circle of friends they will all complement each others good points and fill any gaps. Having said that here are ten of the best qualities that a friend can have: Loyalty, A good sens of humour, Sensitivity, intelligence, good company,The ability to listen,have goog sense,ability to be faithful, generosity and honesty. If they are your friend, they should fight in your corner, be there for you and be loyal. No-one likes to be around someone who is always a misery guts and no fun. In this life we all need to be able to laugh at ourselves and our surroundings sometimes. Anyone who is able to do this would make a great friend. Everyone needs friends who are good to be around or what's the point. Ideally they will be fun, witty, entertaining and just good to be with. THE ABILITY TO LISTEN means not just to listen a bit, but really pay attention. If you are having a difficult time a friend should be able to listen properly whilst you pour your heart out, however long it takes. ABILITY TO BE FAITHFUL is Similarly to loyalty. However I mean faithful in that, they don't just drop you when they have a better offer. A good friend should be able to make time for all their friends. Good friends are generous with their time, money, possessions and knowledge. Best of all they have a generous spirit. And Primarly You need a good friend to be honest. They may visit your home regularly, borrow your possessions and your money, or maybe even your car. If you can't trust your friends then you are in trouble. This is a key quality. My best friend is Elena Tonu.She is 16.She is very smart and friendly.I tell her everything,because she understands me everytime.She is a good friend for all.She never lies.The colour of her eyes is blue,her hair is brown.For me she is like a sister and I love her. Sport in Our Life. People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, swimming, volleyball, football, bodybuilding, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football fields. Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Gymnastics is a part of children's daily activity in the kindergartens. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools and colleges. Professional sport is also paid much attention to in our republic. My favorite sport is volleyball. Volleyball is the second most popular sport in the world.Volleyball is a team sport played by two teams on a playing court divided by a net. The net is about 2,43 cm high.In my school I have a team and together we have won many competitions. We also practicing this sport and now. We have three workouts per week. I love this sport and others. Jobs and trades. I know some people who give more thought to what they wear to work each day than they gave to choosing their careers. Personal, I think that career planning is multi-step process that involves learning about yourself, discovering which occupations are suitable for someone with that personality tipe, values, interests and skills. On a job I seek to satisfy five needs in life: physilogical need( experienced meaningfulness, experienced responsability for outcomes and knowledge of the actual results), saftey needs, social needs, self-esteem needs and self-actualization. For improving my-self a job must offer me skill variety, task identity, task significance and autonomy. Finally, I think that is very important to have an satisfing job because job satisfaction is corelated with life satisfaction. An ideal teacher. The ideal teacher is creative, insightful, informative, and encourages students to solve their problems through deductive reasoning. An ideal teacher is the one we respect from our heart. He/she acts as a guide to the students, while not pushing them too much. Such a perfect motivates them and boosts their morale. He/she tries to encourage the students and refrains from criticizing them. The perfect teacher prefers to give positive
motivation to his/her students. His/her comments are always constructive in nature. He/she serves as our friend, guide, educator, confidante, and a blend of all the good qualities one can posses. Such a teacher shapes the entire life of the students. If everyone in this world gets an ideal teacher, he/she wont have to look back in his/her life ever. My favourite teacher who influenced me the most is Mrs. Plugaru Ala, psychologist and teacher of Russian.For me she is the best teacher. It is always close to me and gives me goog advice. She opened me the apetite for learning and helps me in my formation as a hyman being. She always gives me a reason to learn.Although, sometimes she sometimes criticized me, I know that she wants me only good things.Being a psychologist, I always ask her advices and she never refused me. And being my class master to, she teaches me good things. Mrs Ala for me is a friend, a good friend and she is an example for everyone. A letter. September 14,2010 Dear Jane, Congratulation on your birthday!Although we cant be with you to celebrate this very special occasion, please know that we are with you in spirit on this happy day Yours,Mary! Letter. September 14,2010 Dear Susan, I have to confess that when I first realized your birthday was just around the corner, my first impulse was to send you a birthday card. In fact, impelled by that thought I went to look at some of them at the nearest post-office. I looked through them but not one of them seemed good enough. None of them told of the sweetness and the charm, the cheerfulness and the helpfulness which you have been able to pack into every one of your youthful years. So I decided to write my own birthday greeting. Happy birthday, Susan darling! Love, Alina. My country. According to the latest researchest estimatest , a person born in the Republic of Moldova in 2003 can expect to live 67 years on average: 71 years if female and 63 years if male.Life expectancy in the country is about 11 years lower than the Europa average of 79 years.However,despitebeing the second poorest county in the European Region, the life expectancy estimate is 2-5 years higher than similar estimates for a number of considerably richer regional countries. As the length of life increases, older people can respond with lifestyle changes that can increase healthy years of life. Correspondingly, health care systems need to shift towards more geriatric care, the prevention and management of chronic diseases and more formal long-term care. Since people are living longer, measures to improve health and prevent disease need to focus on people of working age. Health outcomes of Republic of Moldova are influenced by various factors that operate at individual, household and community levels. Obvious factors are, for example,diet, health behavior, access to clean water, sanitation and health services. Education tends to enhance an individuals job opportunities. In so doing, it can improve income, which in turn affects health positively, Education can also give more access to knowledge about healthy behavior and increase the tendency to seek treatment when needed. A lower level of education- independent of individual income is correlated with the inability to cope with stress, with depression and hostility and with adverse effects on health. A sound mind a sound body. A sound mind in a sound body. Perhaps everybody heard this phrase. But it is interesting to learn that in the ancient times the meaning of the phrase was very different in comparison with the modern one! Now people used to think that unity of a healthy body and a good mental state is pledge of happiness and success. But the original
meaning of the phrase is sarcastic. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the easiest thing to do, provided you know the right tricks. The key to counter daily pressures and stress is to lead a healthy life and develop healthy habits. We heard a lot about living a healthy lifestyle, but what does that mean? In general, a healthy person doesn't smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats healthy and exercises. Sounds simple. The trick to healthy living is making small changes: taking more steps, adding fruit to your cereal, having an extra glass of water,these are just a few ways that we can start living healthy without drastic changes. One of the biggest problems in Moldova today is lack of activity. We know it's good for us but avoid it like the plague either because we're used to being sedentary or afraid that exercise has to be vigorous to be worth our time. The truth is, movement is movement and the more you do, the healthier you'll be. Even moderate activities like chores, gardening and walking can make a difference. Animals. Many myths explore relationships between humans and animals. People may talk with animals, fight them, or even marry them. Sometimes animals perform services for humans, such as guiding them through the underworld or helping them complete tasks. One large group of myths involving animals concerns transformations, or changes, between the human and animal states. Other myths focus on the close connection between people and animals. Animals may serve as stand-ins for humans or human characteristics.In some legends, animals perform heroic deeds or act as mediators between heaven and earth. They may also be the source of the wisdom and power of a shaman. Animals often have a dualistic quality in mythology. They can be helpful to humans or harmfulsometimes both. They provide people with food, but at the same time, they can be dangerous. As sources and symbols, animals represent the mystery and power of the natural world, which can create or destroy. Eg, the dog. The dog is man's best friend. It helps man most, unlike the other animals. For exemple:1. dogs can be trained to help the blind and/or deaf, 2. dogs can be used to track down bombs in war, 3. dogs can work along side police, 4.dogs can protect our crops, 5.dogs can guard you and your home from intruders, 6.dogs can be trained to search lost people ( even remains ), 7.dogs can be trained to rescue people, 8.dogs keep us company, 9.dogs can teach the cold hearted how to love The TV. The Tv is a part of our life. It is a means ofinformation and entertainment and for some,even a source of inspiration.It influences the way where we live,eat,have fun. It may be a good friend or an enemy, the choise is ours! The Tv can be a friend by bringing us information,relax in our leisure, but the TV has several disadvantages. It became a drug for some of us, especially for teenagers.They do not wath TV in the leisure time, but when they have to do something. Television can negatively affect the child, it may reduce a childs nocturnal sleep and may cause fatigue. All television programs and video games can cause crisis of epilepsy. The TV teaches some children to talk ugly. They can get addicted to it. But TV is acting primarily on our eye sight, its lack of movement, its a detachment from the real world and an enter into an imaginary world. So, TV takes us all the time and other things, including the most valuable which are the creativity and the optimism. Children who grow up in a society where family televisions are common rarely read or draw for pleasure but prefer to install themselves in front of the television set because it requires much less effort. On TV we must watch Tv maximum an hour. Places of Interest. Given the chance to visit one of English Speaking Countries, I think I'd go to New Zealand.I'd like to see its wide and green pastures. I like to see the huge cattle of cows, and goats too. I know for a fact that New Zealand is very clean and the population there is not that crowded. Unlike many other countries, too much people causes so much problems in their countries. Crimes and garbage are most commonly caused by chaos in their countries. I also read in the net that it is one of the countries with less crime rate. I'd like to live in places such that. I hope that I'll be given that chance. I would love to visit and
England. I am quite fascinated with your country's culture, the kinda picturesque meadows and country side. I like to see as well the famous trademarks in London, like Buckingham palace, london eye, river of thames, Big Ben and even the not talking and not moving soldiers there. Holidays/vacation of my dreams. My dream holiday location would be Hawaii. The reason for my choice is that there isn't another place in the world which is as exotic and as beautiful as the Hawaiian Islands. The air in the Hawaiian islands is fresh and filled with aura of florals. It energizes the tourist beyond measure. The ocean surrounding the island adds to the beauty. The waters are warm and tranquil and they don't fail to refresh any visitor. The islands are so rich blessed with natural beauty. It is simply breathtaking. It renews a person. I do not think one can find a place as beautiful, as refreshing and as exotic as the six beautiful Hawaiian Islands. The Hawaiian islands have the world's most active volcano. And the world's tallest sea mountain is also found in Hawaii. I would like to see these wonders of nature. Other than the natural beauty a lot of activities are also a major attraction for me. I would love to see, or may be even learn the hula. Hawaii is the youngest state of the United States. But what attracts me most to Hawaii is its most unique feature of its Aloha Spirit. There are six major islands in Hawaii namely,: Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, and Hawaii's Big island. I would like to visit all of them. Maybe someday Music. What is music? music is "the art of arranging tones in an orderly sequence so as to produce a unified and continuous composition". In reality, music does not have any one concrete meaning. Music has different meanings for different people. Music is unique in each person's life. To a musician, music is their life. They eat, breathe, and live music. Music is their passion. For others, music is a hobby, a pastime. Music is something that arouses interest and is pleasurable. The casual fan may learn about music, how to read music, how to sing, or how to play a musical instrument, but they do not have the all encompassing passion a musician possesses. Music is a means of relaxation for some, while others simply enjoy listening to the sounds, melodies, and rhythms that music brings to their ears, minds, and hearts. About me. My name is Alina and I tell you about my family.We are four in the family: father, mother, my sister and I.My parents are in their thirties. My mothers name is Lucia and she is very pretty. She loves to cook and is a good housewife.Mu fathers name is Mihail and he likes sports; volleyball, tenis and football. He is a very honest and loving man. My sisters name is Sabina and she is 17.She is pretty and a good sister. Im 15 years old. I play volleyball, but I like all sports.I and my sister help our mother in the kitchen everitime.This is my family and I love it. Leisure Time . I am spending my free time by listening music watching movies and spend time with my family,playing with my pets (1 dog + 4 cats).I spend my free time in doing exercises,I like playing voleyball and other sports. In my free time I read books, doing social networking stuffs, listening to music, writing shorts stories/essay/compose songs/poems, cleaning my guitars and bass, play poker, going out with friends! unfortunately, since i have a very very stressful workloads i can't do some other stuffs at home and all i can do is to sleep.