Counsel of Primo Gen
Counsel of Primo Gen
Counsel of Primo Gen
They dwell at the heights of Kindred society, They are the primogen — and as long as the
where the shadows are thickest and the voices of gullible neonates on the street believe crap like this,
the fledglings fade to barely audible echoes, too faint they’ll stay firmly on the top of the heap.
to draw attention. They are the true movers of the We haven’t, to date, said all that much about
Camarilla, directing Kindred affairs from on high, the primogen. Even the Guide to the Camarilla
their puppets twitching and dancing on endless devotes only a few paragraphs to them directly,
invisible strings. They are old, with the wisdom and that silence has engendered an unfortunate
of ages past and the might acquired through cen- tendency toward apathy, or at least inertia, among
turies of struggle. At their merest gesture, sheriffs Storytellers. Many players and Storytellers seem
and scourges leap, blood is shed and Kindred meet inclined to dismiss the primogen as squabbling elders
Final Death. Even the prince must pay heed to their (which, admittedly, they often are) who, in terms
words, for in their hands rests his own borrowed of political importance, play a distant second fiddle
authority. Experts in the manipulations and the to more prestigious or focused positions such as the
ways of the Jyhad, they are the epitome, the very scourge, the sheriff, the seneschal and, of course,
embodiment, of the Camarilla’s twisted heart. the prince.
Time was when the primogen were figures of cal Kindred to recognize more than one Toreador
mystery, of awe, even of outright terror. In the early primogen. For every senate-like body that formally
days of Vampire, elders were frightening — and the presents its decisions and findings to the prince for
primogen feared above them all. These ancient, his approval, you’ll find a primogen council consist-
enigmatic creatures, centuries removed from any- ing of conniving, manipulating plotters who make
thing that once made them human, were a constant every attempt to run the city for their own benefit
presence looming over entire cities. Every move behind the prince’s back.
the characters made almost certainly intersected It’s time to take a closer look at the structure
with their own schemes and efforts, and while the and the inner workings of these assemblies of elder
notion of being constantly used and manipulated vampires that direct so much of the world’s largest
may be repugnant, it was preferable by far to the undead sect. It’s time to make it very clear just what
hideous thought that you might have accidentally the primogen aren’t, and what they are.
interfered with one of the primogen’s Machiavel- What they are is a truth hidden in the thick
lian intrigues. miasma of lies and rumors and misinformation that
As additional books and even editions came still keep quaking neonates awake late into the day.
and went, however, the political focus of Vampire Because the primogen are old. The primogen are
shifted ever so slightly. The spotlight narrowed masters at the game of the Jyhad. The primogen are
more tightly on the prince, obviously the central concocting all sorts of schemes as they look down
figure in most Kindred social orders to begin with. upon the Camarilla from on high.
Other titles and positions arose, each with its own The primogen are terrifying.
delineated duties and activities. The primogen Ignore them, or dismiss them, at your own
were overshadowed by sheriffs and seneschals, not peril.
because these positions are any more important or
powerful — they are, in most instances, far less so
— but because they’re easier to define. Players, even
Storytellers, have no need to question their purpose.
It would be easy — perhaps too easy — to
Any given sheriff may have her own agenda, but turn a book entitled “Counsel of Primogen” into
the specifics of her office are almost certainly the a treatise about how power corrupts, and absolute
same as the sheriff in the next city over, or in the power results in pithy clichés. We’re not going
previous chronicle. to do that. Counsel of Primogen isn’t about how
In order to fit in more easily, the primogen power corrupts, because we’re dealing with Kindred
became, in the eyes of many players and writers here, and, for the most part, elder Kindred. They’re
alike, a regimented organization with fixed rules already corrupt, so far as that word has any meaning
and procedures. If more than X members of Clan for the unliving.
Y dwelt in a city, they had a representative among No, the theme of this book is balance. Each
the primogen. Each clan was permitted a single primogen — from the power-hungry, self-serving
voice; the council met and debated on a set sched- manipulator to the bumbling incompetent who
ule, either supporting or opposing the prince with serves on the council purely at the whim of some
almost clockwork precision. other figure to the rare and precious few who actu-
Why haven’t we said much about the primogen ally do want to see their clanmates receive the best
in the past? Because with this sort of regimented, representation possible — is caught in a juggling
moderated, let’s-redraw-the-map-to-enlarge-the- act. Duty, ambition and authority are the three
Brujah-district notion of the primogen, there simply machetes each primogen has to keep circling in
wasn’t that much to say. the air above his head, and while each may find his
The thing is, widespread stereotypes to the own balance, even the most crooked schemer can’t
contrary, that’s not how the primogen need to be afford to ignore any of them completely. This applies
used. Oh, certainly some primogen councils do in- not merely to what the primogen do but to their
deed operate in this fashion. For every council with initial motives as well. Why do those Kindred who
precisely one representative for each clan in a city, claim the title of primogen do it? Every primogen,
however, you’re going to find another where none in every city, claims that title because of some bal-
of the Nosferatu felt like participating, or where ance of these same three factors: duty to her fellow
the Toreador are numerous enough to force the lo- Kindred, the need for authority over those Kindred
to better advance some other scheme or desire, or
simple, selfish ambition. Once you understand why
someone sits on the council, everything else about
her tends to fall into place.
The mood of Council of Primogen is twofold.
We’re taking you back, back to the nights when
the elders of the primogen were dark, menac-
ing creatures, figures of awe and fear rather than
political necessity. Every shadow holds another
rival. Every act you contemplate almost certainly
fits neatly into the plans of an elder more ancient
than your family name, who thinks in ways so alien
that you could never hope to understand him. Most
hideously of all, each of these inscrutable monsters
is almost assuredly nothing more than the pawn of
yet another creature, cloaked even further in the
veil of deepest night.
Mystery is the goal here, as much as fear. One
of the reasons elders in general, and the primogen
in particular, were so frightening in earlier incar-
nations of Vampire: The Masquerade was because
so much less of the World of Darkness had been
explained and exposed in print. It’s high time to
reclaim some of that obscurity and that mystery.
Kick it old-school.
“Wait a sec!” we hear you say. (Go ahead
and say it. We’re running with this assumption
anyway, and besides, it’ll really freak out the guy
sitting next to you.) “You’re going to recreate
some of the mystery from before there were so
many Vampire books by giving us another book?
How does that work?!”
Think about it. You haven’t even read through
the introduction to Counsel of Primogen yet, and
already many of you know less about the primogen
than you did when you picked up this book. All you
can be sure of, suddenly, is that the common and
traditional view of these elders is no longer accurate;
in fact, it never was. What follows explains what the
primogen do and how they go about doing it — but
it does not, cannot, cover the full spectrum of who
they are, what their ulterior motives and ultimate
goals may be.
At the end of it all, you’ll have a much greater
understanding of the primogen, true enough — and
also a much greater realization that no mere neo-
nate, let alone the (relatively) normal mortal gamer
who is portraying him, can possibly fathom the true
depths of the machinations and the depravity of
these ancients.
Welcome back to the mystery. We’ve been
expecting you.
THESE PAGES… The primogen across the Camarilla do-
mains have developed a few specialized terms,
Revealing everything you need to know (though a collection of titles and subjects pertaining
not remotely everything you might want to know) directly to the agents and activities of the
about these elders called primogen is a daunting council. None of these are particularly secret
task under the best of circumstances. It would be — that is, the primogen make little effort to
all but impossible to structure what follows in such hide their meaning from other Kindred — but
a way as to make a clear delineation between com- neither are they commonly encountered or
mon knowledge that most Kindred on the street used outside the ranks of the council itself.
might have, and more esoteric information that Myrmidon: Originally the precursors to the
only more experienced elders, perhaps primogen archons, tonight the title refers to a bodyguard
alone, should possess. or enforcer working for a specific primogen.
Frankly, neonates should know almost nothing Primogeniture Assembly, the: The name
of what follows. To most of them, the primogen Lord Jürgen von Verden gave to his council
are that mysterious, cloud-shrouded coven on the of advisors and aids, from which the term
mountaintop (or in the skyscraper penthouse), “primogen” evolved.
pulling strings and plotting all sorts of vileness.
Scribe: The individual responsible for
More experienced characters might have a better
recording the important points of meetings
notion of what happens within the council, and
of more formal and structured primogen
primogen characters, of course, probably know at
least most of this information.
Senate: Initially the title of the elder
While this is not, then, a Storyteller-only book,
councils in ancient Rome, modern primogen
it does contain substantial information that many
often use the term to refer to any earlier or
characters shouldn’t have. We’ll leave it to your
primitive form of Kindred council.
discretion as to whether you’re going to expose the
secrets by reading what follows — or just gain an Steward: Something of a subset of the
edge against your fellow primogen. Keeper of Elysium, the steward is responsible
for maintaining and protecting the meeting
Chapter One: Hallowed Halls of Power is
place of those primogen who choose to gather
the core of Counsel of Primogen, the main course,
outside the recognized Elysiums (and thus
as it were. In this chapter you’ll find the most basic
away from the eyes of the prince).
and yet the most vital information on the primogen.
What exactly do they do? How do they operate? What
decisions do they make, what sorts of actions can
they initiate? What are they for? Read this chapter, detailing and discussing many of the anomalies to
and you’ll never be stuck with “Uhh… the primogen the “standard” structure of the council. Unusual or
advise the prince on… some stuff!” again. downright bizarre clans and bloodlines — can there
be an Assamite or a Samedi on the council? — are
Chapter Two: Around the Table covers the
addressed, as are variations on the makeup of the
“how” to chapter one’s “what.” It explains how the
council itself.
primogen go about enforcing their decisions, or at
least persuading others to go along with them. What Chapter Four: Who Holds the Reins is the
are the tricks of the trade? What separates a Kindred character creation chapter. This does not include
who merely claims the title from one who actually another brand-new creation or point-allocation
gets things done? What’s likely to befall the poor system; a new system is unnecessary. Instead, the
idiots who find themselves in the way? chapter covers the development of concepts, char-
acter histories and personalities that best fit with
We’ve already hammered home the point
the concept of the primogen. It includes new facets,
that the primogen council is not a homogenous,
new Merits and Flaws, and an in-depth discussion of
one-dimensional elder’s club; Chapter Three:
the morality (or lack thereof) to be found in most
Shaking the Foundations runs with that concept,
Finally, the ubiquitous Storytelling chapter. whose machinations must be thwarted (or simply sur-
Chapter Five contains tips and suggestions for running vived) — all these and more are discussed with an eye
any sort of chronicle involving the primogen. From toward enabling the Storyteller to create as gripping
elder chronicles in which the players portray a city’s a story as possible. With this chapter you can do just
entire council to “staggered” stories involving a single about anything you like with the primogen. Be careful,
primogen and his agents, to non-Camarilla chronicles though; no matter how devious your plot may be, you’re
in which the primogen are the hideous elder enemy probably doing exactly what they want you to.
Schoolchildren are often surprised, even shocked to The shocking fact is, most primogen spend the
the very core of their beings, to run into their English greater portion of their time doing the same things
teacher at the supermarket, or their algebra teacher other elder Kindred do: feeding, pursuing their own
down at the local YMCA swimming pool. In their agendas, strengthening their influence and resources,
naïve, one-dimensional view of the world, their teach- maneuvering and backstabbing to advance their social
ers’ entire existence revolves around school; they have standing and in essence making themselves the most
no life, indeed no substance, beyond the classroom. effective societal parasites they can be. The concerns
The notion that teachers are people can be, for these of “governing,” in the eyes of many primogen, come in
children, profoundly disturbing. a distant second on the priority list.
Considering how much older they are than the aver- Remember that. It doesn’t apply to all primogen,
age kindergartener, it’s astounding how many Kindred by any means. But if you keep in the back of your mind
(and, to call a spade a spade, how many players) seem the notion that many of them, even most of them,
to hold an equally limited view of the primogen. have a dozen other things going that have nothing to
Before we even delve into the murky depths of these do with running a city or speaking for a clan, you’re
councils of elders, one vital point must be addressed. most likely better off.
The primogen, first and foremost, above and beyond The primogen, as all other Kindred, are individuals
all other considerations, are still Kindred. first and titles second.
Everybody — well, almost everybody — thinks of knows it so well, nobody bothers to question what it
the primogen as a collection of stuffy elders who advise actually means anymore. How do the primogen “advise”
the prince. It’s true, by and large, as far as it goes. It’s the prince? What do they advise him on? How do they
also true to say, “Vampires are humanlike creatures know what suggestions best benefit their clanmates?
who drink blood.” Yeah, it’s true, but it doesn’t really What else do they do besides sit around and kibitz?
tell you much of anything. Quite a bit, actually. The primogen, left unchecked,
“Advise” is one of those words that, at least where are some of the scariest sons (and daughters) of bitches
Vampire: The Masquerade is concerned, has been you’re ever going to have the misfortune to meet. Before
unfortunately watered down through overuse. It’s rather we discuss what they are, however, let’s take a moment
like “control” or “corrupt” in that regard. Everybody to examine how they got there.
A BRIEF modeled after the Roman Senate (albeit much smaller,
of course). He desired at least one representative of
LOOK BACK each clan to claim a reasonable population within
the Roman Empire, preferably more. He also needed
The primogen council in its current form is a recent a means of selecting Senators that would prevent the
development — recent in Kindred terms, anyway — as ascension of anyone powerful enough to challenge his
it first seemed to coalesce in the years following the supremacy, yet one that would not open him up to ac-
formation of the Camarilla. The notion of a council of cusations of favoritism.
elders, however, can be traced back far longer, and the His eventual solution was simple yet elegant.
seeds of the primogen were planted well before most Anyone who wished to claim a seat on this “Cainite
major modern religions. Senate” could step forward. He then, however, had to
be elected by a vote of every other prospective sena-
THE ROMAN REPUBLIC tor. The votes of his own clanmates counted twice,
Strangely enough, the closest model to the modern weighting any given election toward the desires of the
interpretation of the primogen sprang briefly into exis- clan being represented. Furthermore, candidates were
tence during the fourth century B.C. in republican Rome. not permitted a vote.
The Ventrue Collat, who was present and active when The result was a senate full of squabbling, boon-
Rome first threw off its Etruscan rulers and became a Latin laden elders who were in no position to challenge
state, functioned as the Cainite Prince of Rome for several Collat’s own power. Because every election inevitably
centuries until he was replaced (some say assassinated) involved more candidates than it did open positions,
by Camilla, his successor. During his princedom, Collat the political maneuvering required substantial deal-
realized swiftly that in the chaos of new government and making and compromise. This ensured that the victors
the beginnings of Roman expansion, no one vampire of the elections were, to the last, not the most quali-
could steer Cainite society on his own. fied, but the least threatening. As the Ventrue prince
Borrowing from the kine around him, as all wise had anticipated, upon learning that they could not
Cainites do, the Ventrue created a council of Cainites vote for themselves, the elders each voted for those
and powerful enough both to take and hold the posi- well, as cohesive as Kindred ever are, anyway — was
tion, and who were either sufficiently nonthreatening often sufficient to stem the tide. It quickly became clear
or sufficiently powerful that the prince would not or that the primogen was becoming as much an institu-
could not remove them. tion among American Kindred as it was in Europe, if
As has been the case with the Camarilla throughout not even more so.
its existence, it somehow managed to survive despite ONE CLAN, ONE VOTE
the constant internal bickering. The Sabbat, which had
waged open guerrilla war on the Ivory Tower since its The notion of the primogen council as a represen-
earliest nights, was all but crushed throughout most of tative body, containing one member from each local
Europe. No way of measuring the precise impact of the clan, has become the standard of measurement in the
primogen on the sect war exists, but it’s clear that many modern nights. Not all councils fit this mold, perhaps
princes would not have survived, or at least maintained not even a majority anymore. Still, it is the assumed
the sanctity of their domains, without their primogen. default, and this is what most newcomers to a city’s
The presence of other powerful elders bolstering the Elysium and society expect to find.
prince’s own resources provided additional manpower Where did the notion come from? It certainly ap-
when direct conflict was unavoidable; provided others pears democratic in nature, or at least more democratic
to whom the prince could delegate certain responsi- than the primacy of the eldest that dominated Europe
bilities, allowing him to focus more thoroughly on the for so long. Many younger Kindred tonight assume
Sabbat threat; and, should the worst happen, ensured that, like so much else, this notion of the primogen
that powerful Kindred who already possessed a working was stolen from mortals — in this case, observation of
knowledge of the domain were ready to step up and the nascent American system of government.
assume control should the prince himself fall. It wasn’t. It’s true that the “one clan, one vote”
For a time, this haphazard and semiformal nature primogen council originated in the Americas, but it
of the primogen became the status quo and, as we all actually predates the American Revolution by several
know how much the Camarilla loves the status quo, decades.
seemed unlikely to change. In the 1750’s, Philadelphia was the largest city in
Then Christopher Columbus sailed forth in an at- the American colonies, and that meant bad news for
tempt to locate a fabled shortcut to India and turned Prince Isaiah van Holden. More experienced in matters
the entire world, Kindred and kine, on its ear. of Kindred politics than most American princes, the
Brujah was still proving incapable of warding off the
THE NEW WORLD constant and increasing Sabbat incursions on his city.
In desperation, Isaiah sought allies.
If the primogen were important to the survival of
the Camarilla in Europe, they were absolutely vital to As the most thriving community in the Colonies,
the sect’s growth in the Americas. Those Kindred who Philadelphia had far more than its share of Kindred.
traveled to the New World were almost exclusively For a period of years, the ratio of Kindred to kine was
younger, less powerful and less experienced than their nearer one to 1,000 than to any of the “acceptable”
European brethren. They lacked the knowledge of how figures. Malkavians, Nosferatu and Ventrue made up
best to manage and defend a city or other domain, they most of that population of 20, but the eldest Kindred
lacked influence with the growing mortal societies and in the city, those who would traditionally make up
they lacked the immediate presence of sect authority the primogen council, were Brujah who had arrived
from whom they might beg assistance. with Isaiah.
What they had, however, was a substantial number Isaiah “bought” the aid of the other clans by of-
of Sabbat vampires who had set up shop in the New fering them representation on the council. The voices
World first and were determined to defend it from of their own primogen would be equal to the elder
Camarilla incursion. Brujah, despite the age difference. All they had to do
in exchange was to acknowledge and support Isaiah’s
A true elder might have had the wherewithal to
authority and aid him in defending his domain from
defend her domain, but most “elders” in the New World
the Sabbat.
were barely worthy of the title and would have been
considered ancillae, at best, back in Europe. Where the The idea spread like the proverbial wildfire. Other
personal power and nascent resources and influence of princes took to purchasing the loyalty of Kindred and
a single Kindred were insufficient to hold the Sabbat at clans that had, to that point, wanted little to do with the
bay, multiple elders functioning as a cohesive unit — policies and practices of governing a new territory. For
come to his seat on the council, is going to behave as he
expects primogen should behave, regardless of whether
those expectations have any basis in fact.
As a side note, this cultural disparity also means
that European Kindred tend to hold their primogen in
slightly higher esteem than their American contem-
poraries. After all, a royal courtier is certainly worthy
of more respect than a mere congressman, yes? Of
course, unwise American neonates who carry this lack
of respect too far tend to wind up learning very painful
lessons in etiquette.
the council have nothing to do with these other Kin- DEMANDS OF THE CLAN
dred, some primogen are willing to call an emergency
Some primogen almost seem to forget it, in their
assembly if the sheriff, for instance, insists that he must
constant scheming and personal aggrandizement, but
speak with them.
they do answer, at least in some small degree, to their
On the other side of the coin, archons and justicars clanmates throughout the city. A primogen’s schedule
have the authority to call for pretty much any sort of — and thus the schedule of the entire council — is
meeting whenever the hell they want. partially decided by the needs and the numbers of the
In both cases, however, these emergency meetings of Kindred he represents.
the primogen are rare. Most of the time, in case of an situ- It might be expected that primogen in the largest
ation important enough to require an emergency assembly, cities and with the largest populations of clanmates
the officer in question will request the prince assemble would call for meetings most often, but the reverse is
her entire entourage, including the primogen. Only if the most often true. If a primogen has more than a small
prince must be kept out of the loop for some reason (or handful of Kindred to whom she is responsible, she
if she herself is the problem) will an outside official likely likely has no time for frequent gatherings with her fel-
assemble the primogen as a separate entity. Due to the need low primogen. More likely, she spends a good portion
for secrecy, then, most of these meetings are held outside of her time addressing the problems of her brethren on
Elysium, away from the prince’s eyes and ears.
her own, pulling rank, calling in favors, exchanging who do not tend not to remain primogen. Beyond this,
boons and yanking strings. Only when an issue impacts however, a primogen’s willingness to take time for meetings
the entire city, or when a clan-related problem requires varies by individual. They’ll meet more frequently during a
more influence to solve than she can bring to bear on crisis, of course, but beyond this, little in the way of predic-
her own, is she likely to bring it before the council tion is possible. When dealing with a new city, Kindred are
proper. Because of their harried schedules, primogen advised to ask someone more familiar with the domain how
in larger cities or with a larger base to represent prefer the primogen behave, rather than making (probably false)
to accumulate big issues and then bring them before assumptions based on their own experiences elsewhere.
the prince or the primogen assembly at once, instead
of holding frequent meetings to address these prob- INTO THE LION’S DEN:
lems piecemeal. If these primogen have set meeting AN AUDIENCE WITH
schedules, they likely aren’t frequent, perhaps once THE PRIMOGEN
every few months, at most. Almost half of large-city
primogen do not hold set meetings (though they may Once you’ve learned when and where the primogen
still attend a regularly scheduled convocation arranged meet when they’re not gathering as part of the prince’s
by the prince) but instead assemble only when one of court, the next step is figuring out how you get in to
their number calls for it. see them. It’s not always easy, but most primogen put
Smaller or less important primogen councils, by on at least some show of making themselves acces-
contrast, actually have the time for more frequent as- sible. Ostensibly, after all, they’re here to represent
semblies. In fact, many of them prefer to gather as often other Kindred, and it doesn’t look good to the masses
as possible. Without a large population of “constituents” if they’re completely isolated.
from whom they can demand, extort or trade for favors, Again, keep in mind that this applies to meetings
it’s the only way they can gather information on what of the primogen council specifically. The prince of the
the other clans and other primogen are up to. city may see the residents of his domain based on very
Many primogen in larger cities keep personal meet- different systems and criteria than does the council. As-
ing spaces, offices, extra havens or at least mail drops or suming they operate in the same fashion — and, even
phone lines that they make known to fellow Kindred. worse, acting on that assumption — is a good way to
This allows their clanmates to come and address them, give offense to some very dangerous creatures.
request favors of them and discuss issues that they NEONATES AND ANCILLAE
might not want raised before the rest of the council or
to other individual primogen. Of course, they frown on These young (or at least not ancient) Kindred represent
frivolous use of these avenues, and the vast majority the vast majority of those the primogen council is supposed
of audiences with the primogen are conducted either to represent. It follows, then, in the typical Kindred age-
at the prince’s court or the official assemblies of the centric idiom, that these are the very ones who have the
council. In order to facilitate these audiences, primogen most trouble making their primogen hear them.
tend to hold open councils in the Elysium, retiring to Step one for a younger vampire is to meet with his own
more secretive locations only when they don’t wish to clan’s primogen first in a private setting, without involving
be disturbed by petitioners. the entire council. In many domains, the petitioner must
See below for more on meeting with the primo- go through numerous steps or channels. Some primogen
gen. employ their whips or stewards as seneschals — only by
convincing the “doorman” that your concerns are worth
PERSONAL AFFAIRS his master’s time will you be permitted to meet with your
All of the above considerations, while absolutely primogen at all. A few of these middlemen take their
important, pale in comparison to one final issue. Across tasks seriously, admitting those who seem to have valid
the board, in large cities or small ones, the primary issues and concerns. Others use the opportunity to play
deciding factor on how frequently a primogen council favorites (either their master’s or their own), offering
meets is simply this: How often are the elders willing to to trade meetings with the primogen for boons or other
take time from their own activities and deign to gather favors, or else utterly denying those they dislike.
with their fellow councilors? Assuming you win past the steward — or else that
Wise primogen are willing to take at least a functional your primogen doesn’t keep a steward or whip, but ar-
minimum of time to address issues of clan and city. Those ranges her own schedule — you face the same hurdles
of their formal authority, they have no more pull with
the primogen than do any other elders.
Informally, however, most primogen know better
than to make enemies unnecessarily. The Kindred
who is responsible for ensuring your safety, or the one
who manages the prince’s social schedule, or especially
the one who is licensed to commit murder at his own
discretion, are not the sorts you want to alienate. Thus,
unless the primogen in question really is too busy, or has
concerns of his own that he dare not let the petitioner
get too near, most primogen are willing to make time
for a meeting if one of the prince’s appointed officers
requests it. Similarly, though the primogen frown on
unscheduled interruptions, they’ll likely honor a request
to speak even in the midst of a council assembly if it
comes from one of these worthies.
Okay, back to the prince now. Unlike the others,
the prince very much does outrank even the members of
the primogen council, at least in most instances. Some
cities exist where the prince is weak and the primogen
pull his strings behind the scenes, but this is, at best,
an atypical situation. In most domains, the prince has
sufficient clout that the primogen would be ill-advised
to refuse his call for a meeting, either one on one or
with the council en masse.
Even the prince, however, doesn’t have carte blanche
to barge in on primogen council meetings. When he
commands the primogen to assemble, he is, in essence,
calling court. When he meets with them individually,
it’s no different than any other conversation between
elders. If the primogen council has assembled on its
own, however, the prince may well not be welcome.
Again, they can’t really keep him out. Although they
might attempt to keep the meeting’s time and location
a secret, if and when he shows up at the door, they’d
be wise to let him in. That doesn’t mean they have to
discuss anything of substance while he’s there.
See the “Important Distinction” sidebar, above, for
more on how primogen councils that include the prince
as one of their number deal with these circumstances.
An archon or, heavens forefend, a justicar can pretty
much waltz in and demand to see anyone she chooses,
from the prince to the primogen — either individually or
in council — on down. On a purely technical level, an
archon doesn’t outrank a member of the primogen, but
she certainly represents someone who does. By refusing
an archon audience, the primogen accomplish nothing
save to draw potentially fatal quantities of suspicion and
investigation down on their heads. Unless the primogen
are up to some scheme that can be completely hidden,
with the power to select a member most likely has the
power to depose her as well. Furthermore, the fact that
she’s beholden to the other primogen bodes ill for her
How, then, does one join the illustrious (or at least clanmates, who will likely find the council’s decisions
ambitious) ranks of the primogen? A sheriff or a sen- frequently turning against them because their represen-
eschal is appointed, but it can’t be that straightforward tative doesn’t have the influence she should.
for the council of elders, can it? In either case, because of the inherent problems
Well, it can, but it usually isn’t. The precise methods and the rarity of the circumstances that allow for it,
by which one rises to the position of primogen vary city appointment to the council is one of the least common
to city and domain to domain, and it’s rarely done exactly methods of ascension.
the same way in disparate locations. While the details
may differ, however, sufficient commonalties exist that ELECTION
the “standard” methods of becoming primogen may be Election is far from the most common means of
broken down into a mere handful of types. Some are selecting a primogen, but it is the fastest growing in
the modern nights. Although most of the clans are not stick to their decision and keep their elected primogen,
particularly cohesive or tightly knit, most do maintain or else choose a new representative who might prove
some means of interaction. The Brujah have their rants, more acceptable and therefore more advantageous, is
the Nosferatu their sense of community, the Tremere entirely up to them.
their hierarchy, the Malkavians their — well, whatever That said, few primogen assemblies refuse an elected
it is the Malkavians have. In many domains, when a comrade access to their inner workings and meetings.
primogen needs to be chosen, the available members They may not like the new arrival, they may view him
of the clan will gather and actually vote on a represen- as beneath themselves or as extra competition, and they
tative. This works only in large cities, or else when a certainly have no interest in granting another clan a
single primogen holds sway over several smaller cities voice equal to their own. On the other hand, without
as part of a single domain, because only the largest a unified council — or at least a council willing to
Kindred communities claim sufficient numbers of any gather together and discuss the issues — the council as
given clan to hold an election. a whole becomes weakened. Furthermore, a candidate
No specific nominating practice exists. When a clan who has the backing of his clanmates is a powerful
gathers to choose a new primogen, anyone who wants the political force, whether or not he holds a formal title,
job can throw his hat into the ring. In most cases, the vote and elders and primogen would be wise to take him
is held immediately, with very little time for speeches, seriously regardless of their personal opinions toward
ridiculous promises or all those other political games that him. If they spurn him, those who sit in the council’s
are the staple of elections among the kine. Thus, in the favor must now divide their resources and devote at
vast majority of cases, victory goes to whichever candidate least some attention to keeping an eye on, and possibly
already has the greatest status and reputation. (This is, of acting against, the activities of their rejected member.
course, a tendency and not a rule, and the Ventrue still They’ve created an actual enemy where they might have
whisper of their neonate primogen who was elected in had only a rival, one who likely carries a grudge and
Dallas because he was the only candidate against whom has the support of his clanmates to bolster his efforts.
half the gathered Blue Bloods didn’t have a grudge. He Interclan tension is a way of unlife in many cities, but
lasted only a year, but his policies during his tenure were it can grow to all-out hostility in domains where the
unusual, to say the least.) primogen cannot even come together for negotiation.
On occasion, clans have tried to allow some time Thus, only when a potential member is so loathed that
for decision-making, allowing weeks or even months the rest of the council would prefer these repercussions
between the announcement of a vote and the actual to admitting him will the primogen refuse to let an
assembly. Candidates have attempted actual campaign- elected member take his seat among them.
ing, calling in boons and trying to convince others to
vote for them. This very quickly became an untenable POPULAR ACCLAIM
morass of twisted lies and tangled favors and allowed A close relative of the election, becoming primogen
the remainder of the primogen several months to op- through popular opinion is pretty much the same thing
erate in which they made all their decisions without without the formal trappings. Sometimes a Kindred of
the input of the clan in question, so the practice never a given clan, often an ancilla but sometimes an elder,
caught on. develops a reputation for getting things done and helping
Incidentally, although it cannot always be enforced, out his clanmates in exchange for relatively reasonable
a strict policy of “no Disciplines” is usually maintained demands of boons and favors. Whether or not this
at these electoral gatherings. Otherwise, the winner reputation is true is almost immaterial, as long as it’s
would almost invariably be the one with the highest pervasive. When this happens, members of that clan
Presence. who are in need — particularly the younger Kindred,
The funny thing about these elections is that they who have fewer resources of their own — will try to
aren’t necessarily binding. The primogen council is un- see the elder in question, bringing him their problems
der no obligation to accept the newly elected member. and concerns. If he does well by them, they’ll also be
That doesn’t necessarily mean he isn’t primogen — after prepared to follow his lead and trust his judgment when
all, if every member of a given clan comes to you to he speaks for the clan as a whole. In essence, he has
represent them, and you in turn take their concerns to suddenly “evolved” into the clan’s local primogen.
the prince, you’re primogen — but it does mean he may These “popular primogen” often prove the most ef-
be left out of council meetings and other deliberations, as fective. Those who are appointed or who seize power for
well as snubbed on the social scene. Whether the locals
Some Storytellers might be sufficiently taken with these ideas to stage just such a contest in their
own chronicle. Even if the player’s characters are of insufficient age or power to be competing themselves,
they may be involved as agents, pawns or impediments to the contestants. Some contest suggestions are
provided below, though the Storyteller can no doubt come up with other ideas that better suit her own
particular stories and characters.
Scavenger Hunt
Elders spend substantial time warding off boredom and ennui, and are constantly on the lookout for
something to do, something to challenge their abilities without actually putting their precious unlives at
risk. Scavenger hunt “salons” are not uncommon, wherein numerous elders will gather in a host’s domain
and each — perhaps on his own, perhaps with assistance, perhaps in teams, depending on the rules —
seek out rare or difficult-to-obtain objects. The contest may continue until one contestant has obtained
every item, or it may be timed, with whoever has collected the most items declared the victor.
Most of the time this is just a game, but some primogen use the same technique to select or test a
potential new member — or, if their power is sufficient to make demands, even a potential new prince.
The items selected for such a contest are all available within the borders of the domain but very difficult
to obtain. Some may require access to the inner workings of City Hall, others the crack-houses of the
Fifth Ward; still others might require the cooperation of the Tremere chantry, the Nosferatu in their
sewers or even non-Kindred supernatural denizens of the city. The purpose is to ensure that the candidate
has a working knowledge of the ins and outs of the city she would help govern, and that she has what it
takes to survive all it can throw at her.
Genealogy of the Damned
Many elders still cling to the belief that skill, ability to lead and the essence of nobility itself are
carried in the blood. The actual capabilities of an individual are of secondary importance to his lineage
and blood relations. Lineage is important only if it can be proven, however, and guesswork and hearsay
have no place in these matters.
In a genealogical contest, all the candidates are given a set period of time to identify and document their
direct line of descent, starting with their sires and going back as near to Caine as they can manage. Of course,
anyone who suggests to these elders that such a contest is meaningless if Caine and the Antediluvians are
myths had better be prepared to make a very quick exit. Furthermore, they must draw and document any
blood relations between themselves and as many illustrious and famous Kindred as possible. This need not
be direct descent; sharing a sire or even a great-great-great-grandsire is just fine. The nearer the connection,
the more impressive; claiming a connection to someone because “We’re of the same clan and therefore share
the same progenitor” isn’t worth a damn thing. Finally, the candidate must also document his mortal line of
descent if at all possible and connect himself by blood to as many famous mortals as he can. This is of less
importance than one’s Kindred lineage, but it does serve, at least, as tiebreaker.
Incidentally, candidates who lie or falsify evidence in order to give themselves an edge in these
contests are normally punished by blood hunts and death by the elders they tried to deceive. Shocking
as it sounds, this is one instance where honesty, even among the Kindred, is the best policy. (Unless one
has an exceptionally clever and undetectable means of deception, of course.)
Ordeal or Combat
So rare as to make even the other forms of contest look common, election by ordeal or by combat is
found only among those truly unusual elders who still believe that God will ensure that a worthy chal-
lenger will overcome even a stronger and more capable opponent. In such cases, the candidates are either
required to face one another in battle — old forms, of course, no firearms — or are forced to compete
against one another in some other fashion. Tests of endurance, pain tolerance and courage — in some
cases, being exposed to open flame — are popular.
Apparently, God favors those who are stronger and faster, since most of these contests go exactly the
way one might anticipate. Still, enough underdogs have pulled off surprising victories that those who
wish to continue this practice have examples of “divine intervention” to point to.
simply isn’t safe at all. In cities where the prince decides
to allow clans to manage certain areas in exchange for
other considerations, they must also ensure that feeding
is done without threat to the Masquerade and repair
breaches if they occur.
Primogen must also determine which clans have
rights to which areas of a city, or, in the vernacular of
young Licks, who holds what turf. In larger cities, this
is a necessity — New York, Dallas and Seattle are all
examples where the primogen must divide up the re-
sponsibility and privilege of holding turf. Such cities are
too large for a single overworked sheriff and a handful
of deputies to police and protect, and this allows the
workload to be distributed a little more evenly. It can
be said that the prince holds all the territory in the city
by dint of the Second Tradition and his own position,
but when a prince brags about his “holding,” he’ll of
course be asked how he intends to care for it. Perhaps
the prince wisely decides to permit the clans to hold
territory in the city — the clan may feed in its terri-
tory, its members may set up their havens there, but it
is likewise responsible for keeping its house in order,
such as dealing with the Masquerade and watching out
for threats like the Sabbat and witch-hunters. How
the division actually occurs and how much each clan
receives are one of the greater bones of contention the
primogen must deal with. By numbers, by how much
the primogen can bully out of the others, by areas that
happen to correspond with spheres of influence? That
will be the subject of many discussions, some more
fractious than others. This more often than not leads
to the matter of influence.
Another aspect of resource management means de-
termining who holds sway over what projects or areas of
influence. This keeps everyone happy in their own little
spheres of influence and should ensure that as few toes
are stepped on as possible. It should, but many times it
doesn’t. While it’s all well and good to assume that the
various clans are interested in maintaining their tradi-
tional areas of influence — the Toreador among society,
the Nosferatu in the sewers, the Ventrue in the financial
sector, and so on — reality may look considerably different.
Consider the following example: a small, third-tier city
has only a single Nosferatu in residence for some reason.
Obviously, allowing him influence over the entire sewer
system would risk the prince’s worry that he has a second
prince below, but simply informing that Nosferatu that he
will not be taking care of his clan’s traditional dominion
nor has any rights to the place, even as a residence, risks
gaining a new enemy. In this same city, the Brujah and
the Tremere are fighting over who has rights over the
single local university. Who is better suited to manage
blood hunts (which traditionally cannot be revoked). At best such creatures are considered annoyances
They might even bring Lupines, witch-hunters or a by more “legitimate” primogen, resulting in nothing
clan war to the streets, whether as a smokescreen to more than wasted time and irritation. At worst they
cover their own misdeeds or to create a crisis only they can lead to unnecessary conflict with a prince who
can handle. The idea is to have the prince be caught believes that the primogen council is all on the same
unawares, left scrambling to deal with the problem and bandwagon, or wild tactics to forge ahead. A pretender
failing miserably at the task. to the throne and a paranoid prince — which is status
Such tactics can be suicidally risky — smokescreens quo for the primogen, some say — mean long, trouble-
have a way of spiraling out of control. Enough chaos some nights ahead.
may bring in something the city as a whole cannot I’M MY OWN PRIMOGEN
handle (and consequently neither can the offender),
the primogen gets caught in the maelstrom of his own Some cities see the occasional appearance of some-
making, or the archons come calling in response to one of the appropriate age and interest to sit with the
events. Again, the trick is not to get caught and to primogen, but they do not come to represent a clan. In
orchestrate events down to the most minute detail, or fact, they have no clan in the city. Seat and clan are
to have plans for every eventuality. He who set this composed of one vampire.
hurricane of events in motion now brings in the very Such vampires may result in swing votes, or in
things necessary to clean up the mess, preferably when someone who’s too tricky to predict in terms of voting
and where he can be best observed at his task. He then or pet projects. Since they are not beholden to other
points to the prince, noting how their so-vaunted leader clanmates, they need not follow the typical areas of
was completely blindsided by events and did not react influence — a lone Toreador might choose to be ac-
quickly enough to contain the crisis that nearly engulfed tive in law, a solo Nosferatu has a vested interest in
their fair city. Who wants to live in a city where the public television. The lack of clanmates occasionally
prince is so incapable? results in a lack of city power, but such vampires are
Will it succeed? If all the above measures go off also likely to be sitting at the behest of someone else
without a hitch and the offender is never revealed, the (most likely the prince or another primogen) or are
answer is, “Very likely.” Vampires love their unlives, powerful enough that it doesn’t matter they have no
and someone who preserves them is likely to incur a one else behind them.
great deal of gratitude. Our crafty primogen bastard How the arrival of such a Kindred disturbs the
might not get the throne on this round due to the dust delicate balances of power and the speculations on who,
settling in various clan reorganizations and the like what and why could easily fill several nights’ worth of
(possibly even new fellow primogen), but it’s a sure bet debate, and frequently does when the matter happens
that he has gained a great deal of prestige and interest to arise. Perhaps he is a toady to the prince — a solo
from others within and without the city. Kindred primogen without a clan to support him might
A truculent primogen without the resources or need to be dependent on the goodwill of the prince to
stomach to take the risks of inviting some chaotic ele- continue his position and perhaps unlife. If one has
ment may choose to work within chambers to further her considerable personal power and a base of allies, though,
situation. She may withhold a swing vote in an attempt one is less likely to be stuck as the toady, regardless of
to drag prestation from the “incapable” prince and then the prince. Still, bloc voting could squish the loner like
lord it over him. Such a move is considered damned a bug, whatever his power base.
impolite by some (especially the more traditionally A lone primogen who has somehow acquired more
plain-dealing clans, like the Brujah and Nosferatu) and power than the rest of the primogen combined or, deo
an acceptable tactic by others (the more socially adept prohibe, the prince results in what young Licks term a
clans like the Toreador). The reaction depends on the collective “Yipe!” from the group. Without a clan or
city, the council and the situation. Deadlocking the other traditional measures to judge him against, he
council is another favorite tactic of the throne-chaser. becomes an unknown, a wild card, and vampires most
He may encourage deadlock, even if it frustrates him, definitely fear the unknown and the things which could
but the discomfort is only temporary. This leads to potentially ruin decades of careful planning. What does
someone outside the council (perhaps one of his cronies) he want? Could he be a master of the Jyhad? Could he
noting that the prince and primogen can’t get along, be an Inconnu? The loner’s actions will be watched very
and someone else’s keen observation that it’s easier to carefully for the smallest clues, and every word he utters
replace a prince than an entire council. will be practically frightened out of its meaning by the
his personal armory in a fight against some elder or keeping it moving. Obviously, then, when someone
similar shabby behavior. No prince may run completely isn’t doing his part, or is using these as a weapon against
unchecked, and abusive princes will eventually find someone, something has to give in response.
their luck running out one night. Mismanagement is frequently in the eye of the be-
A Brujah from a small mountain-state city recalls holder. Once a Brujah primogen argued that a clanmate
seeing a primogen chamber almost become a boxing ring had been the first to arrive in a particular city, long before
while the council tried to decide whether to withdraw it was divided into clan territories and resources, and
its support from a prince who had become abusive with that the move by the Malkavians to dislodge her from
his power. The Brujah, Nosferatu and Gangrel made it her long-time haven was untenable. Said Brujah was
clear they had no interest in continuing to offer their well known among the mortal fringe and alternative
clans’ support to a creature who viewed them as targets, groups, generally prized by the prince and primogen for
not to mention his ill-advised use of the blood hunt. The her exemplary work in maintaining the Masquerade
Malkavian supported the prince, but nominally, as one and watching for threats. The Malkavian insisted that
elder to another. The Tremere and Ventrue likewise he had the right, that he would not allow Brujah (or
continued to support the prince, primarily because he any other clans for that matter) in the clan’s territory.
was a Ventrue, and there were “certain agreements, you The prince refused to take a stance, as he was on ten-
understand.” The Toreador, however, happened to be terhooks with the Malkavian’s sire, but simply pushing
balanced precariously in the middle. Should she cast out the Brujah in question out would have resulted in
her lot with the Brujah, Nosferatu and Gangrel? The dire general displeasure — not that such displeasure
prince had shabbily treated some Toreador ancillae mattered to him, but the clans would certainly make
visitors who had recently appeared in Elysium on one their feelings known to the primogen.
of his legendary “bad nights,” and after being reminded The upshot was the Brujah primogen pointing out
of the incident, she decided she was not in a forgiving that ever since the Malkavians had taken over that ter-
mood. Still, he was an elder prince, the Toreador be- ritory, no one was allowed in without jumping through
lieved herself to be a staunch supporter of the Camarilla, a lot of hoops or passing the primogen something “for
and turning against him could put her clan in a very his trouble.” What could he be hiding in there? This
bad position with him, as well as the Tremere and the was enough for the Nosferatu to claim the Malkavian
Ventrue. How did the vote end up? In the end, she was mismanaging his territory to the detriment of the
sided with the good of the clan, of course. The results city, which of course roused the prince’s interest, because
of that are left for the observant to figure out. now he could become involved by dint of the matter
Cleaning House being viewed as a threat to city security.
Sometimes, after a few decades of looking at the
same furniture over and over, one decides that it’s old, WEAPONS OF CHOICE
unfashionable, undesirable or something similar. What Primogen in the midst of a “disagreement” do not
to do next? Get rid of that which is not wanted and bring go into the streets to duel with pistols at dawn. They do
in something new. The same thing can happen in the not (usually) settle their differences by playing chess,
upper echelons of Kindred society. Perhaps information betting on cockfighting, or equally silly measures. Few
has surfaced about the Brujah primogen’s involvement are reckless enough to attempt to call a blood hunt
with a local group of disruptive anarchs, or perhaps the on the offender, unless they want to forfeit their own
Tremere primogen has not been giving his work the unlives. Primogen have other means of dealing with
attention it deserves. Whatever the reason, the person their enemies, and the best are so subtle that the rest of
must go, and it’s not likely he’ll go quietly. the city at large, and sometimes even the prince, may
Sometimes it is a prince who needs to be swept out. remain unaware of the situation.
Remember the example given earlier about the fight You May Not Sit
over not supporting the prince. It would eventually lead Nothing in the Traditions states a prince must
to a decision of complete nonsupport and the prince have a primogen council, nor is there a guarantor any-
finding himself in the position of clinging to a post where in the annals of Kindred history that each clan
that would not be supported by the primogen despite may put forth a primogen. Should the council wish to
his bluster and threats. block someone from taking her seat, they may state
Mismanagement that they do not recognize this person’s authority to
A great deal has been said regarding resource man- speak for her clan. The prince may do the same if the
agement and the primogen’s roles in organizing and
Kindred in question has annoyed many others, but if on ministers and priests, and she (being the main point
he does so, chances are more likely that he does so at regarding influence in the religious community) decides
the behest of the primogen, whose support is so critical to announce that feeding among religious workers is
to allowing him to retain his seat. now forbidden due to possible breaches of the Mas-
Resource Wrangling querade — what happens next? Does the Ventrue dare
”You can’t get rid of me — I’m the only one who’s turn on the Malkavian and accuse her of attempting
taking care of this thing!” to starve or inconvenience him? Because Masquerade
“You know, you really haven’t been watching this spot breaches are so serious, not many are likely to note
so well. Maybe we’ll let the Brujah take it over.” such measures as a political move. Starving someone
into submission can work just as well among Kindred
A primogen who blocks others from using city
as it does in mortals.
resources or certain feeding grounds that are under his
clan’s watch forces them to come to a decision regarding A primogen would be wise to consider the rami-
whatever he has them in the spotlight about. It has its fications of using these measures as weapons. Perhaps
risks, like anything, but it’s also one of those measures the things she’s isolating from the rest of the city don’t
available when a vampire must show his fellows that matter to the primogen she wants to target, or she dis-
he is very serious about a matter. covers that her control over something isn’t as secure
as she believed it to be. Isolating feeding grounds is not
Having sole responsibility for something is consid-
as likely to be taken for a political move, except to the
ered a good insurance policy by many primogen. Few
paranoid. It affects a wider range of Kindred because it
will be inclined to do something drastic to a primogen
forces them into closer confines and a heightened state
if they realize that he has the equivalent of a dead man’s
of awareness. No one wants to be caught breaking the
switch under his finger. If he makes improvements
and modifications to the original plan, the rest will
soon realize that getting rid of him will mean they are One midsized city in the mountain states saw
completely at loose ends when trying to guess how to someone who used this as a means of overloading a
get things under their control again. Do they want the clan’s territory to the point of breach, then using the
aggravation? That remains to be answered. resulting mess to display the primogen’s incompetence.
The attacker promptly swept in to clean up things
Returning to the example cited above regarding
quickly and completely, and very few were the wiser,
the Malkavian primogen trying to dislodge the unlucky
until someone noticed that the attacker had interests
Brujah from his clan’s territory, the results were the
in said territory and had managed to quietly move them
prince found no reason to “allow the Malkavians to
out of the way in anticipation of the breach.
continue to abuse the trust of the city,” as he put it.
The rest of the primogen fell in behind him, demanding Filibustering
that the Malkavian primogen open his territory so that A filibuster is a moment in governance where some-
it could be ensured that nothing untoward was hap- one decides he simply can’t let something go through and
pening behind the curtain. The Malkavians could all does his level best to hold it up until he either convinces
protest and risk further censure, or they could swallow folks to get on his side or the sheer volume of his protests
hard and do as they needed. They chose the latter. The stalls something until it dies. This is common in mortal
primogen council also decided that the Brujah were far government — many Kindred positively shudder at the
better suited to performing the necessary tasks to care thought of Congressional-style filibustering — but is a
for this area of the city, no matter who visited. As for relatively infrequent measure among Kindred.
the Brujah who had been the unknowing center of Unlike mortals, Kindred cannot continue such
this little firestorm (although her primogen will likely an attack through the daylight hours, but sometimes
bring up the matter with her as a bargaining chip), she pushing someone to the critical hour before dawn can
continued to haven in the same spot, albeit with a few produce results. The primogen who accomplishes this
more duties to consider. had better hope that he can implement things before
Occasionally, some primogen block access to certain he enters the day’s sleep, because someone pushed thus
feeding grounds, such as the Rack, or insist that there may be stricken with “buyer’s remorse” the next night
can be no feeding downtown, or that certain popula- and raise a fine old stink about the way she was bullied
tions are now strictly verboten. The common excuse is to the point of costing her her unlife. Some princes do
that the Masquerade is in danger, though the likeli- care about such things, depending on the target, and
hood is far less than expected. Say the Malkavian has the filibusterer may rouse the ire of other primogen
a running fight with the Ventrue, she knows he feeds members — after all, they have other things to do with
their precious, short nights. Most primogen use it only a prince or against one or two other primogen. Bloc vot-
for the direst of circumstances. ing likewise requires careful planning, and the rewards
That Old Gang-up of Mine must be considerable for a primogen to go through the
When one is voting via a show of hands, it is fright- headache of accepting losses on clan interests and proj-
fully easy to maneuver a simple outvote. After all, if ects, not to mention the inevitable questions that will
the Malkavian primogen is the current target, and the come from his clanmates regarding his behavior.
Toreador, Ventrue, Tremere and Brujah all decide to Social Maneuvers
turn on him, he can’t do much about it. Younger Licks Status, what some have called the demon of Kindred
would be tempted to write it off as just an evening’s society, is a common weapon among the primogen when
fluke, but the politically astute see something else. What the fighting breaks out. Others prefer gossip, especially
if this continues night after night after night? It does when dealing with the Brujah.
not matter what the target is presenting, it simply never Sometimes a clan may choose its primogen based on
flies. The lack of results may bring the eventuality of those who are noted to have the most respect among the
the clan removing the target, or the target departing rest of the clans, even if the clan proper doesn’t much care
of his own accord. for the person in question. The move has merit, though
The gang-up is simple and brutal in its final execu- more qualified primogen find it distasteful — the clan hopes
tion, but getting there is neither. It takes a great deal that one with respect from his peers will be able to have
of behind-the-scenes work, and they will not come on greater gains in chambers. Such creatures are more likely to
their leader’s say-so. The leader needs to consider who be squashed from the start; they have so little to offer most
she wants on her side and what it will take to get them times. At any rate, if a primogen can maneuver the harpies
there, which might be more than she can give. She must into stripping a little status from her target (just one or two
also consider who her target is — many primogen will points should do it), the offender will be dropped from the
not turn on a peer who holds power with (or over) the post by his clan, and the clan can set about choosing someone
prince or the appointed offices. else who should be a little more tractable.
Bloc voting is a variation on this, particularly when A primogen who receives little respect from his peers
a group of primogen decide to support each other against is not going to engender much respect among others of
Their madness seems to lie in the fact that they see at least one piece of advice: “On your first night,
these omens and patterns in what appears to others as find the Nosferatu primogen and forge a relation-
random flotsam in unlife. What this actually means ship, after deciding what sort of appearance you
in the grand scheme most do not speculate, but it is wish to cultivate among your new peers before you
tiring when a Malkavian is trying so desperately to approach him openly.”
make a point by connecting two apparently random Toreador
things and he can’t seem to understand why no one A Toreador primogen is unlikely to be a distracted
else is following him. artiste who doodles while others are speaking. Toreador
The experienced primogen does not allow her- are some of the busiest primogen seen around Elysium
self to be lulled into thinking that their instability — so many people to keep in touch with, so much to
makes them inept or ineffective. A Malkavian who is learn before ever setting foot in chambers! Toreador
calculating enough, clever enough and savvy enough were some of the very first courtiers among Kindred and
to reach the primogen table is not, in the vernacular, kine, and even tonight wise Toreador bring a certain
a space cadet. order and grace to proceedings. Their traditional social
Nosferatu acumen serves them well among their peers, and if
Nosferatu are a conundrum for most primogen. anyone is behind efforts to quell internal upsets, it is
Some councils will not allow the Nosferatu to take usually the Toreador, using a few well chosen words in
a seat, citing any number of flimsy reasons. True, the right ears. It must also be admitted, however, that
their hygiene may leave something to be desired, they might have started that internal upset in the first
and a Nosferatu who insists on wearing his true place by the same means, just to test the waters.
visage to the council table in order to unsettle his Toreador primogen historically have a great grasp
fellows gets very tiresome very quickly, but it goes on the hidden social interactions that are behind all
deeper than that. Some wiser heads believe that the exterior moves. They prefer to approach the har-
it is a matter of despising the sort of piercing, if pies for the latest gossip and keep it in mind while in
not wounding, insights that Nosferatu are capable chamber. Even if they have not yet heard tonight’s
of making, plus the occasional dirty laundry of latest talk, they can often pick it out from actions in
another primogen being aired when said primogen Elysium and the council chamber. As one might infer,
makes the mistake of offending the Nosferatu one they are also adept at stirring and settling the waters of
too many times. the primogen chamber, sometimes for no greater reason
Like the Brujah, political Nosferatu usually than to take the pulse of the group, but also as a means
come in with their clan in mind. Too many think to determine what must be altered before setting some
they can spit on the rank and file of the Sewer Rats, plan in motion. The Nosferatu are indeed quite capable
and the Nosferatu, with their instinctual clannish- of this discernment, but the Toreador are more likely
ness, do not allow this. They carry the weight of to understand the social implications behind motives.
history in their words, but not like the Ventrue’s Nosferatu are good at getting to the marrow of motive,
“We are the Camarilla” sort of thing. Their history but their interpretation is often lacking.
is the sort found in dusty books carefully stored Politically, Toreador are considered one of the
in crumbling libraries, transcribed from cracking pillars of the Camarilla, but many expect that famous
parchments to CD-ROM. Their insights into mor- artistic temperament to lead to impetuous swing votes
tal (and Kindred) nature are startling — they can and unexpected moves in council. Sometimes some do
pick out motives that even many socially canny produce the occasional surprising move — they support
Toreador wouldn’t have dreamed of. The difficulty the Malkavians, they change their minds regarding
is convincing them to share. Their information is earlier platforms, they let the Brujah take charge of the
their greatest leverage, and they never forget it, alternative theater scene — but more often they vote
even when they should be sharing with their fellow with tradition. Too many surprises can lead others to
primogen. Because they are the most likely to have believe the Toreador are flighty and not to be trusted with
the best information, be sure that if one instigates the weight of the social contract. Toreador are also well
some unusual maneuver, he has something greater aware that a city in turmoil for whatever reason usually
in mind that everyone else has not yet seen. allows its society and culture to languish, and tradition
When their childer are ready to start following brings stability. When a city need not worry about sur-
in their sires’ footsteps, veteran primogen give them vival, it can spend its energy on other things.
but more likely it’s due to the notion that without power to end up in appointed posts, like sheriff or Keeper of
in the Inner Circle, they have a commensurate amount Elysium, or to drift into the harpies. If one of the blood-
in the Circle’s smaller incarnations. In nights past, they lines does take up the notion to sit with the primogen,
were most commonly seen in very large cities or cities she is likely there at the behest of someone who has
that were surrounded by enough space and wilderness more than enough power to squash any threats to her,
to host them and certain larger, furrier threats. When usually the prince or an elder. This is good, because
they did come to sit, they could barter with the best few clans look kindly on some usurper who just puts
of them, but most of the time they preferred to watch, in an appearance one night. There are, of course, ex-
listen and not speak much. When they spoke, the wise ceptions. Supposedly, Lasombra antitribu have shown
listened, and when they left the chamber, it was good up at primogen gatherings, where they are usually
to excuse oneself from the city for a time. welcomed, more for the knowledge about their black-
Political Gangrel sounds like an oxymoron, but it hearted brethren than their own scintillating company.
could be true. Their continual wanderings gave them They hark back to the old nights of being some of the
an enviable education, allowing them to see how a most terrifying of political backstabbers, and even now
variety of primogen ordered themselves, plus teaching their thirst for power in some form continues to pursue
them how to barter from either a borrowed position or them. Their presence is highly rare — a primogen’s
one of little strength. Generally, the most politicized chair can be a very public post, and those black-hearted
Gangrel tended to be younger — by the time they brethren have a tendency to kill their erstwhile clan-
reached greater age, they were not always in a position mates on sight.
to delineate their thoughts with much clarity, and Recently a faction of Assamites called on the Cama-
their appearances could be even more disturbing than rilla to honor their pledge and statement that all vampires
those of the Nosferatu. The clan as a whole had little under the moon belong to the Camarilla — they have
use for political power, beyond it gaining them admit- petitioned the Inner Circle for the right to belong openly
tance to halls where previously they would not have to the Camarilla, with all the rights and privileges granted
been admitted. Their allies can only wonder what the therein. The declaration has sent shockwaves through
the sect and tremors through many cities in response.
more politically adept Outlanders are doing amid the
Some elders scramble to figure out what new move of
Lupines and wilds.
the Jyhad is afoot, others hark back to the nights of the
And the Rest… War of Princes in an attempt to recall similar changes
There have been cities where a non-Camarilla to Assamites. Some wonder if the Assamites will be al-
clan was permitted a seat — generally they are smaller, lowed to take up the seat vacated by the Gangrel, while
third-tier cities or isolated regions where everyone is others close ranks and insist it will be a cold night in
attempting to work together for the sake of survival Hell before diablerists are allowed to take their place
against the Lupines, Sabbat or some other threat. Non- among the Camarilla. While the Inner Circle debates
sect clans have little use for the primogen, and being and the elders fret, some primogen councils are likewise
seen in the middle of what is by and large a Camarilla considering the ramifications if Assamites are allowed to
institution does not do wonders for their social record. join them. A few primogen members have been making
As mentioned earlier, sometimes non-sect clans make very cautious and very secret advances to the clan in
arrangements of one sort or another with primogen their cities, trying to ferret out what new element will
members to have their interests brought to chamber. be added to the cauldron and doing their best to make
Vampires of the bloodlines are practically nonex- stealthy alliances, or at least get the Assassins in debt
istent in the council chambers. They are more likely with them before they reach the table.
The primogen council, even more than the prince Most primogen, however, receive nothing more
(who may or may not ultimately have the sect’s interest than a token of acknowledgement of their new position
at heart), is the Camarilla’s primary representative and and cold congratulations. Sink or swim is the name
governing policy-making body in the cities it holds, a of the game, and the cold waters of Camarilla politics
humble reflection of the great Inner Circle itself. The are undeniably shark-infested.
council’s responsibilities, consequently, are legion.
While attending to those duties entails a great deal of
work on behalf of the sect, those responsibilities are not THE AVENUES
fulfilled simply by informing the city’s Kindred that one
is now a primogen and snapping one’s fingers. The clan
leaders must be savvy, aggressive and well connected Getting things done requires the proper tools and
to make things happen. Luckily, most primogen wield techniques. Following is a compendium of the various
at least as many tools as they bear responsibilities. means by which a primogen might put her will into
Centuries of Camarilla trial and error have seen the action.
accrual of an enormous repertoire of protocol, political
technique and means of governance. The favored (or PRESTATION
crucial or lucky) primogen may even have some train- As leaders and representatives of their clans, it
ing (typically provided by an archon of the same clan). behooves the primogen to be magnanimous with
This training takes place prior to the Kindred taking boons. After all, their behavior reflects on their clan,
his seat at the council table if at all possible, otherwise and the favors they grant immediately increase their
it takes place as soon as possible afterward. social standing and eventually enhance their power
regrettably absent for that vote and let the whip stand
in for him. When the consequences hit, the primogen
makes a dramatic point of rebuking the whip in front
of everyone for voting improperly and unlife goes on. While petty corruption among Kindred is a
A wise primogen will reward his whip generously in given, the harpies — due to the immense power
some fashion after such a ploy. Such tactics take their in their hands as the bookkeepers of prestation
toll on even a blood bond. and managers of everyone’s reputation — are
It is worth noting that many whips, due to their expected, rightly or wrongly, to adhere to a
age and status, also hold other stations in Camarilla higher standard. For the most part, they do.
cities. It is not unheard of for a whip to be the sheriff, Harpies, by and large, seem to derive sufficient
scourge or harpy as well. satisfaction from their nightly gossip sprees and
the vast power they already hold, rendering most
THE HARPY temptations moot (or grist for the rumor mill).
Only the dullest of Kindred forget to show defer-
The harpy, as the keen-eyed, sharp-tongued umpire ence to the harpies and only the most desperate
of the Kindred’s nightly social games, easily has ample try bribing them.
sway to make or break a Lick with few carefully chosen
By necessity, harpies have a loose hierarchy
words. In the eyes of the primogen, that is simply one
(or pecking order, as they like to think of it) of
more kind of power to covet and one more resource
their own that they function within. This they
to be used in the pursuit of their nightly duties. From
use to spread warnings, gossip and news of events
time to time, they may even desire it so much that
they’ll enter into prestation to make use of it. and status awards between cities. The pecking
order also has its own methods of dealing with
A harpy will happily take up some tasks with no
those harpies found guilty of malfeasance. Any
reward beyond the gleeful rush of tearing into a new
harpy caught seriously abusing the power of her
victim. Those are cases in which the primogen need
station will not only be stripped of her office (for-
do nothing more than provide the harpy with convinc-
ever), she will be visited by a superior for what is
ing evidence of a Lick’s glaring social ineptitude and
euphemistically called “rectification.” Hell hath
then get out of the way to let the shreds of the victim’s
esteem fall where they may. Few of a primogen’s tasks no fury like a harpy of harpies upbraiding and
are so simple, however, as obtaining (or planting) demoting one of her own; think coldly furious
evidence. seventh-generation Toreador with a keen eye
for flaws and a scalpel-sharp tongue backed up
Outside of such things, primogen can get little else
by ample Presence. The few harpies who have
for free from a harpy. For their part, harpies are rela-
been subjected to such a stinging and amplified
tively hesitant to enter into prestation arrangements.
verbal flaying and public airing of their weak-
No one watches the nightly flow, accumulation and
disruption of social power as closely as they and no nesses have almost always chosen to end their
one is clearer on its costs. unlives with a sunrise rather than continue on
in such a socially repugnant state.
That said, few other Kindred are as studied in the
strategic uses of prestation either.
The silly offers of boons from neonates and most instead of one, for instance) or promulgate malicious
unwise ancillae draw only scorn from harpies. They and baseless rumors about him. Harpies are skilled
are the mavens of social order; what do they need at spreading around their gossip in untraceable toxic
with such petty favors? Their honor and ethics make dollops. So subtle and so powerful is the role they
it impossible to sway a harpy with anything so crass as play in Elysium that one of these irate Kindred bent
a minor negligible boon. on making a Kindred’s unlife intolerable can turn an
A significant boon from an elder, on the other entire city’s Kindred population against him without
hand, can cause even one of these shrewd old birds anyone consciously knowing how it happened.
to rethink her ethical squeamishness. Under such While a harpy will consent to that degree of cor-
circumstances, a harpy could be convinced to scruti- ruption, not even a major boon will convince a harpy
nize a particular Kindred and make special note of his to lie or change the prestation ledgers. That requires
shortcomings in Elysium, misperceive deliberately that a vast boon, as it should, because the price the harpy
Lick’s various prestation arrangements (“accidentally” will pay if word of her deed leaks out is staggering.
recording that he owed the primogen two lesser boons
CHOOSING PAWNS long enough to start things moving in the direction
A primogen must choose his pawns carefully. Every- of a mutually beneficial relationship.
body wants to feed from the top of the food chain, but The other clans may have a harder time of it,
it’s just not feasible. The major players in city politics, particularly with the more highly placed contacts.
including the mayor, might already be beholden to the One doesn’t just walk up to a capo in the local Mafia
prince, and the mayor’s most powerful lieutenants have and ask to borrow him for a while. Obviously, lower
probably been co-opted by various other primogen since level influence can lead to higher level influence (“Dr.
within days after joining his cabinet (all that stress and Primovarios, I’d like to introduce you to my boss, the
they still don’t look a day older than when they were mayor …”), or one type of influence can be used to
hired). obtain another (the aforementioned Mob boss being
A new primogen will need to make do with what arrested and held for an evening in the city jail, for
she can get. While there are ways of usurping influence instance, or the administrator of the hospital being
and stealing contacts from other Kindred, neither the briefly “detained” by a pack of street punks).
prince nor the other elders are good targets for this GROOMING PAWNS
unless you want to lose every last vestige of influence A vampire who doesn’t help his mortal pawns
you may have had in the mortal world. develop their talents beyond what they were when
A relatively powerful primogen can wrest influ- he took them on is missing out on an extraordinary
ence from members of her clan, however, and not opportunity. While it may appeal to the primogen’s
have to deal with consequences on quite the same sense of power to have a well connected beat cop
level. One furious clan member can be a pain in the in her pocket, wouldn’t it be better to have a police
ass, but not the cataclysmic trauma that not achieving captain? If the Kindred can nudge circumstances in
her goals would be. Besides, the Kindred in question that direction with some strategic influence broker-
might not even have the investigative wherewithal ing, why should she hesitate?
to learn who did it. Land developers buy “fixer-uppers” cheap, refurbish
Taking influence from an underling is considered them and sell them for two to three times what they
a sad and pathetic act, and if the harpies hear about paid for them. Kindred wanting highly placed contacts
it, the primogen will be socially ruined. It is a terrible use similar tactics on mortals: find an ambitious and
thing when even the Nosferatu pity you …. reasonably talented mid-level agent in the sector one
Stealing influence from one’s clan may be out of wants to work his way into, offer some career assistance
the picture, but trading contacts and influence with in exchange for future loyalty and, if he accepts, make
clan members can be mutually beneficial (“This is my some phone calls to some powerful friends and start the
friend Mirko, he’s gonna take care of what you need ball rolling on the lucky guy’s expedited career.
from now on …”). This technique works extraordinarily well for
The ideal candidates keep late hours (obviously), those Kindred with enough patience. If you don’t have
are easily reached, live alone and, preferably, have a the current mayor in your pocket, support the city’s
dirty secret or two that they want to keep under wraps. attorney in her run for the office. Can’t quite get the
This profile fits astonishingly few of the people whom a local Episcopal bishop in your clutches? Enhance the
primogen is likely to want as contacts. Mayors, CEOs, standing of his next in command by covertly support-
bankers, bishops, police lieutenants and the like don’t ing his pet projects and then see to it that the bishop’s
typically fall into that category. brakes fail at an inconvenient moment.
The result, then, is that the Kindred has to contact Obviously, it’s easier to work your way up the lad-
his would-be influences through his already established der for street influence, since the street takes such a
influences. toll in those who spend too much time there anyway,
THE MEETING but wily primogen have been known to groom their
protégés so effectively that they wind up at the top
Once the primogen has determined where in of the heap. Then they let the new top dog know to
the great web of infl uence her contacts should whom he owes his newfound success.
come from, it is up to her to make the initial meet-
Such tactics can take years, decades even, but
ing come to pass. The social clans obviously have
if there’s one thing any vampire elder can spare, it’s
a clear advantage in this regard; a smile and a few
time — especially if the gambit pays off handsomely
words of conversation are enough to hook the fish
in the end.
it weaken the position of the enemy, but one never treatment. Haphazard disrespect is sheer idiocy.
knows when having a well trained assassin as an ally Strategic disrespect, on the other hand, functions
might come in handy. as a reminder to those who have fallen from the
“We Have to Show a United Front.” primogen’s good graces.
Throughout Kindred society, “us versus them” The primogen may freely show disdain for those
is one of the primary models used to motivate those who have offended, spoken out against, slandered or
lower in the Kindred hierarchy. Both the “us” and otherwise landed themselves on the primogen’s list of
the “them” are fluid. Us could be defined as the so- irritants, provided they are lower in the hierarchy than
ciety of Kindred, the Camarilla, Clan Toreador, the the primogen. The primogen’s best weapons against
primogen council or any other faction that suits the these individuals are mockery and derision. Let the
moment. “Them,” therefore, could be mortals, the fool know she has offended. Make it clear that you
Sabbat, Clan Nosferatu or “the thin-blooded rabble.” think ill of her, and others, sycophants in particular,
In a culture so completely based on conflict, it be- will feel free to do likewise, eroding her standing in
comes habitual to define oneself by one’s enemies. circles where the primogen holds sway. This is not an
Let the enemy be caricatured, mocked, made into a unusual tactic for Camarilla Kindred — it is the very
symbol of everything “we” consider improper. Such essence of the harpies’ power, after all — but for the
dehumanization, after all, is the entire point of any primogen it is but one tactic out of many, whereas
long-term enemy. The Tremere did it to the Salubri, for the harpy it’s the primary method of interacting
the Republicans do it to the Democrats, et cetera, with the rest of Kindred society.
ad nauseam — and vice versa. On the other hand, those who have shown proper
It has a point. The greater the hatred of “them,” deference to the primogen, those who have been helpful
the greater the cohesion in “us.” The more monstrous or who make it clear that they value the primogen’s
we can make “them” out to be, the more heroic “we” position or assistance, should be treated most kindly.
seem by comparison. If “they” are capable of highly Warm words in public, rewards in private and an un-
unethical behavior, then so must “we” be, otherwise mistakable attitude of respect toward these individuals
the monsters will have the upper hand. will serve to keep them favorably disposed toward the
These kinds of strategies serve to quash (or at least primogen.
postpone) internecine conflicts. Such tactics muzzle These two phenomena should leave little room for
dissidents, increase morale and render even well meant ambiguity. When it becomes clear how the primogen
criticism the equivalent of sedition. works, there will be no question which is the better
This ranks among the favorite techniques used camp to be in, and those around the primogen will
by primogen to rally their clans. While it does an seek ways in which to become increasingly useful and
excellent job of bringing the majority of the clan endearing — a state of affairs that all those on the
into alignment, it sometimes alienates Kindred the primogen council would like to replicate.
primogen would rather have as allies. Free-thinking Divide and Conquer
members of any clan balk at such tactics in general, but This is the flip side to showing a united front. In
it works better with some clans than others. Ventrue, times of crisis, the primogen wants to keep his own
Tremere and Nosferatu, for example, have a greater clan in lockstep agreement while the enemy’s force
sense of group identity and are more easily swayed by is sundered from within. Under ideal circumstances,
such tactics. Clans Malkavian, Toreador and (espe- the enemy fragments beneath the weight of its own
cially) Brujah are not good candidates for use of this accrued discontents, but more often than not, it be-
technique. The Brujah, in fact, have been known to hooves a Kindred to nudge his enemy’s forces in the
riot against primogen using this tactic artlessly. direction of fragmentation.
Punish the Disrespectful but Reward Allies While the advantages of this strategy are obvious, it
Casual arrogance and thoughtless cruelty are the takes a great deal of intelligence on the enemy’s opera-
signs of a short-term primogen. Those who think their tions to know which factions to pit against each other.
position grants them the right to treat their fellows Information is always available if you know where to
poorly are likely to learn some hard lessons (assuming look and whom to pay off. It could be time to call in
they remain in the primogen seat at all). that debt the Nosferatu owe you .…
That is not to say that cruelty and poor treatment The most common approach to dividing and con-
of inferiors don’t have their uses, just that discretion quering is to survey the enemy’s forces, discern who has
must be shown when choosing the targets of such the largest ego (but who isn’t in power) and then, casually,
drop the bug in his ear (indirectly, of course) that his a primogen’s favor when replacing a failure. Compared
clan doesn’t value him, that he could do a better job of to an utter incompetent, the primogen will look like
leading the clan than their stupid primogen any night a natural leader.
of the week or that some other organization would give When a great prince leaves office, then, the wise
him much better opportunities for advancement. Usually primogen will allow the position to go to the first
the Lick with the biggest ego is one of the heavy hitters, idiot who wants to dive into the office and then take
and convincing him that he’s underappreciated will, at over and fix things once the idiot has been ousted for
the very least, keep him from getting too gung-ho on incompetence. The danger in this approach lies in the
behalf of whoever holds his leash and could make him slim possibility that the new prince might do well in
so irate that he takes his ball and goes home. the position, but that happens rarely enough that it’s
Corollary to ”divide and conquer” is sowing dis- not worth the concern.
sent. The greatest strength of strategies that sow dissent Know When to Stop
is that once the initial seed is planted, the recipient’s Few experiences are as heady to Kindred as attaining
mind does the rest of the work. Past slights, sheer a long-term goal. It feeds the ego, hones the appetite
ego, barely formulated (and largely unobtainable) and stokes ambition. Consequently, it is at the moment
ambitions and the like all blend together and fester. of fruition and conquest that many Kindred fall, either
At the very least, the enemy’s morale suffers, but ide- by their own acts or by those of others. Their carefully
ally the dissent will spread, causing the opposition’s laid plans have pushed them to success, and what, they
leaders to notch up the discipline just to counteract think, can be the danger of overshooting a tad, of tak-
the fraying order. ing a little extra?
Annihilate Your Enemies Not only does such behavior make one’s allies
In the world of the Kindred, even more than in the nervous, it’s rash. A Kindred who has achieved a long
mortal world, it is imperative that a defeated enemy long-term goal did so because of long-term planning.
(a real enemy, not one of these tedious adversaries or In making the additional lunge for lagniappe, the vam-
rivals for the prince’s attention) be utterly crushed pire acts without the benefit of that planning, making
and, if possible, sent to Final Death. Deathless years it highly probably that he will overreach himself and
give even soundly defeated vampires time to regroup, open himself up to attack by unsettled allies, bitter rivals
take the lessons of their defeat to heart and, too often, or opportunistic predators who revel in taking down a
return with greater knowledge, greater experience and Kindred at his peak moment.
greater power. Consequently, any partial victory must Reaching a goal is a glorious feeling and one to be
also be seen as a partial defeat that could, given time, savored accordingly, but the wise primogen will not
grow to an utter defeat if the primogen does not act pursue conquest beyond his original plans — at least
expeditiously. not immediately. Most wise Kindred settle on a simple
If the enemy is a single vampire — someone from pattern: plan, lunge and regroup. Planning makes the
his past with dangerous info on him — a wise primo- lunge possible, regrouping lets the vampire consolidate
gen will see that the Lick is extinguished completely, his gains and take stock of his next target before he
preferably by a seemingly unconnected third party (this begins working on a whole new plan. Any imbalance
is where that boon that the sheriff owes you comes in in the three elements — plan, lunge, regroup — will
very handy). If the enemy is an aggregate of Kindred, slow the Kindred’s progress toward power and could
the primogen would do well to infiltrate the organiza- prove dangerous.
tion, learn all he can about its goals and techniques Avoid Losers
and then wipe it out entirely, lest cells remain to start The theory of contagion stipulates that the more
the cancer anew. one associates with the unclean, the more likely it
Follow Failure, Not Success is that their uncleanness will rub off. That same ap-
Primogen frequently have the power to replace a proach applies to disfavor, dishonor, suspicion and
prince who has, through whatever means, taken his scores of other unsought conditions. The relatively
leave of the position. While a prince’s position is to slow pace at which the tapestry of Kindred political
be coveted, at times such offers must be turned down. power is woven, ploy by ploy and feint by feint, makes
Experienced Kindred quickly learn that a great leader’s this particularly important, because literal decades of
shoes are impossible to fill. Any vampire attempting to meticulous politicking and power plays can be un-
do so will be relentlessly compared to the great leader — done by one brief fit of misguided compassion or one
and not kindly. The same dynamic, however, works in imprudent alliance.
A primogen who has allies who have been dropped return, be more withdrawn and your value will have
from the ranks of favor would be wise to cease asso- risen tenfold. It is absence, not presence, that creates
ciating with those particular allies — at least for the an aura of mystique and power.
time being and in the public eye. The elder may feel One corollary to this rule is that the primogen
as if he is helping, but he is likely deluding himself as must also know when to take his leave. Any wise
well as setting himself up for a fall of his own. As the actor knows to be off the stage before the applause
unfortunate have drawn catastrophe to themselves, comes to an end. Primogen maximize their impact
so do they seem to draw it to those who try to help on their clans when they remain aloof. This must
them. Even a powerful Kindred in good standing can be done judiciously. Woe unto the primogen whose
be affected by such things, and by the time he sees clan feels betrayed or manipulated. Primogen utilizing
what has happened, he finds that he, too, is in the this approach should take care that their absence is
water and is being pulled down. never suspicious or random, but, rather, a regrettable
Nor is political disfavor the only situation that can consequence of the demands of office.
be taken on through the principle of contagion. The Commitment Is a Trap
mad spread madness, the miserable spread misery, and One after another, masses of fools rush to commit
the disreputable spread disrepute; anyone who spends to one cause or another. By so doing, they forgo their
any significant amount of time with these individuals freedom, lessen their own worth and make themselves
will be marred by their reputations. There is, after a known quantity. By maintaining one’s independence,
all, a reason why the Toreador don’t take time out one stays in a position to master others by playing them
of their busy schedules to teach the Nosferatu better against one another, or making them show their own
social graces .… hand by coming to you. Even if one is inclined to join
Make Others Come to You one faction over another, it is always best to make them
Activity expends energy. Committing to a plan of court you first, otherwise your alliance is more likely to
action, commencing aggression and leaving one’s base be devalued and taken for granted.
of strength are all risky activities. A Kindred who can By way of example, Squealard, the Nosferatu pri-
rouse, tempt or incite others to come to him saves his mogen, was typically ignored by the other primogen;
own energies and allows others to waste theirs. Fur- likewise, the other Nosferatu of the city were treated
thermore, the Kindred who sits still is more capable poorly if they were acknowledged at all. This state of
of defending himself from whatever attacks may be affairs lasted until Elysium politics took a turn that
coming his way. Any Lick who confuses aggressive appeared likely to place Squealard in the role of tie-
action with effective action (or effective inaction) has breaker in a major policy vote. He did not volunteer
painful lessons to learn, because, more often than not, which faction he was inclined to side with. Both sides
especially among Kindred, the most effective course of kept putting off the vote, hoping to use the time to
action is to stay back, keep calm and let others walk lure the Sewer Rat to their side (assuming he wasn’t
into the traps you have set for them. More than any already). Kindred who hadn’t spoken to him in years
other creature in the World of Darkness, the Kindred began doing him favors and, incidentally, asking him
have the ability to sit back and wait for the eventual, which way he intended to vote. He would very cor-
long-term power instead of rushing for the quick vic- dially inform his questioner that he hadn’t yet decided
tory. As elders of their clans, the primogen know this and then ask what the questioner thought. Both the
better than most. Nosferatu and their primogen benefited from his refusal
Avoid Overexposure as You Would Sunlight to take sides. They were invited to participate more
One’s presence, as with anything, increases in value fully in Elysium, favors were offered in exchange for
in proportion to its scarcity. The initial urge of many information, and certain privileges were extended to
a naïve primogen is to be easily accessible, available the Nosferatu that they had been trying to acquire for
for his clan to contact. The wise ones rapidly learn the some time. Had the Nosferatu primogen announced
folly of this approach. The only effect such availability which way he would vote, the side he was going to
has is to lessen the primogen’s value and worth. Being be voting for would be able to take him for granted
easily accessible makes one seem common. Upon being and the side he was voting against would resent him.
made primogen of his clan, a Kindred’s wisest move Wisely, Squealard avoided taking a smug or obnoxious
is to withdraw from Elysium for a while. Let rumors tone during his indecision phase, nor did he visibly
spread about what it is you might be up to — the more show his enjoyment at having both factions over a
speculation, the better. Then, when the time comes to barrel. In time, neither side having the slightest idea
childer of Malkav are not a particularly difficult clan guides the clan such that the information-gathering
otherwise. Leading madmen is like herding cats: it tendencies of the Sewer Rats are directed in ways that
doesn’t happen. That said, the madmen are typically maximize the influence of the clan and, often, the
good about staying in contact with their primogen and boons owed to its primogen.
offering him the benefit of their insights. On the whole, TOREADOR
Malkavian primogen tend to fall much further toward
the “representative” end of the primogen spectrum Without a doubt, the real power of Clan Toreador
than on the “governor” side. lies in their social finesse. The Toreador primogen leads,
more often than not, with such assiduous attention to
Just as most things vary widely with the Lunatics,
subtlety, protocol and etiquette that Kindred from other
so do their influences. Church, health, and street form
clans may not even pick up on what he’s saying unless
the core of their influence. Frighteningly enough, many
it is, tediously enough, stated as blatantly as possible.
Malkavian elders also have a remarkable amount of
The unofficial hierarchy of the clan is determined
occult influence, but this they downplay so as to keep
largely by social status.
peace with the Tremere.
As the social core of the Camarilla, Clan Toreador
NOSFERATU does a great deal to hold the sect together. The Toreador
Of all the Kindred, the Sewer Rats show the least primogen, then, often takes on a shepherding role in
concern with titles and formality. While he is shown the city, mingling with all (or at least most) of the
deference, the primogen is often seen as more of an Kindred in Elysium, if only to draw out their business.
experience or knowledge resource than a political It’s not uncommon for a new arrival in Elysium to be
authority or leader. Interactions between the Nos- swarmed by pleasant, chatty Toreador and forgotten
feratu and their primogen are by far the least formal, the moment his business is known.
due largely to the heightened and somewhat forced Only the Ventrue rival the Toreador in the influence
sense of camaraderie that comes from their sense of game, and the primogen is typically of an age to be very
alienation. The Sewer Rats, consequently, are likely well connected indeed. Their social nature inevitably
to think of their elder as something of an average Joe results in contacts throughout the city, but they focus
until something goes wrong. on high society and media, with a comfortable backup
There is a down side, however. Nosferatu elders portfolio of bureaucracy and finance.
tend to be keenly aware of their socially disenfranchised TREMERE
state, and while they don’t wear it on their sleeve,
anything that heightens tension between the Sewer The leadership tactics of the Tremere are not codi-
Rats and the rest of the city often pops them back into fied and held in triplicate in a secret bunker somewhere
politically sensitive mode. On the whole, Nosferatu in Vienna, but then again, they don’t need to be. One
primogen tend to overreact to pressure from the other does not become an elder in Clan Tremere without
Kindred of a city, whether it be the prince, the primogen learning the clan’s tactics, directly or otherwise. With
council or, especially, the sheriff and scourge. the exception of highly unusual or specific situations,
a Tremere primogen has, at the very least, a clear and
The Nosferatu primogen has to deal with some
concise set of guidelines to follow.
problems that other clans do not. For example, some
Nosferatu never enter Elysium, never talk to other The role of the primogen is abundantly clear: the
Kindred and never leave the sewers except to feed (if primogen speaks, his clan members obey. The hier-
then). Should the time ever come when the primogen archy of Clan Tremere is not a subtle thing. Things
has to represent one of these hermitlike near-autarkis don’t always work that way in the real world, however.
to Elysium, he will undoubtedly be at a bit of a disad- Individual Kindred interpret and embody the ideals
vantage, because few others (and none outside Clan of Clan Tremere differently. While truly unorthodox
Nosferatu) are likely to know or sympathize with the Tremere will never reach the position of primogen (at
hermit’s plight, whatever it may be. At such times, it least not if the clan leadership has anything to say about
may only be the boons gathered through spying that it), some of those who do take on the position may not
save the hapless Kindred. be as keen on the clan’s hierarchy as their superiors
think. Some may value their Humanity more than
Information is the currency of Clan Nosferatu.
the clan elders would like. Others may be too lenient
The pursuit of it gives the clan its raison d’être in
or too strict. Still others have their own agendas that
many ways, and it’s the only reason the clan receives
supersede the will of the grayfaces’ pyramid.
what respect it does. The primogen of the clan, then,
he will also be able to draw on significant amounts of
pull (from his own influence as well as from his clan)
in bureaucracy, church, health, high society, industry, The flow of power varies from city to city, but in all
legal, media, police, political, university and sometimes but a handful of cities the standard model (introduced
even military spheres of influence. The Blue Bloods and championed by the Ventrue) is this: the primogen,
have an uncanny knack for choosing good connections, drawing on their great age and experience, bring up
and those connections serve them well. The Ventrue issues of importance to the Kindred of a city, engage in
often hold the greatest sway in any influence sector reasoned debates regarding how to proceed and then
they have their hand in. The best way to avoid losing formally suggest a course of action to the prince. This
in the Kindred’s nightly influence game is to avoid is the introduction of the proposal. The primogen are
playing against the Ventrue. free to advise or lobby the prince on the issue while
he thinks about it.
Times may come when a particular primogen really wants to have his way in a meeting of the
council. Times when the outcome is of the utmost importance to him and his clan. Times when it does
not look good for his cause. Times when there is no alternative but to beat the ever-loving vitae out of
key primogen who don’t support his position.
It would be wrong to say that this has never happened in the history of the Camarilla, but it would also be
wrong to say that it has been anything but extraordinarily rare. There’s a reason for this: it doesn’t fly at all.
Simply put, no primogen council is going to let one pushy member decide the city’s politics unfairly
through violence (that’s what prestation’s for, after all). A primogen trying such a thing would be over-
whelmed by the other elders in short order, and if not by them then by the prince and the sheriff. Such
a course of action would be seen as inherently anti-Camarilla, akin to the lowest-common-denominator
brutality of the Sabbat, and punished accordingly. Historically, those who have tried such tactics have
been given the option of leaving the city or having a blood hunt declared upon them. Thus far, all have
chosen the former course of action.
Even the suggestion that one elder has tried direct intimidation tactics on another will work the
harpies into a dark red lather, and the accused will be a target of scorn for years to come, making unlife
hard for him, his clan and anyone he was associated with. Consequently, any intimidation tactics that
are used have to be understated and somewhat ambiguous if the elder making them is going to have
the advantage of plausible deniability.
This, as it turns out, happens all the time, with varying degrees of success. Any primogen who feels
she’s being subtly threatened can interpret the assailant’s ambiguous words in their nonviolent mean-
ing, forcing the thug to be less subtle, until the threat is clear, at which point the target can bring the
matter up with the prince or the harpies — or take matters into her own hands.
Ironically, the clan everybody would expect violent tactics from is Clan Brujah, but in their roles
as primogen, the Brujah are exceptionally good speakers and masters of persuasion; consequently, they
don’t need to resort to violence to get their point across (in the primogen council, anyway).
Where violence might become an issue is in conflicts between the prince and the primogen. While
the primogen council is, at root, an advisory body, any prince who repeatedly asks for the council’s in-
put and then ignores it is fostering a situation where the city’s elders may begin to feel a bit frustrated.
Likewise, unless the primogen council is extremely weak it will not suffer a prince who exhibits a
tendency toward outright tyranny. It has happened that the primogen and the prince have entered the
council chambers, locked the door and before there’s even time for discussion, the elders have beaten
the prince into torpor. Given that princes tend to be of relatively low generation, bringing the prince
back out of torpor can be a bit of a sticky wicket. The princes this has happened to become objects of
scorn and derision throughout the Camarilla, and tend to leave for new cities shortly after coming out
of torpor (and before any potential new prince shows up to deliver the walking papers).
At this point, the process can go in two different The Camarilla clans all seem to appreciate this
directions. In those cities with a strong prince, the method of doing business. The Ventrue like this model
prince decides the issue outright and his word becomes for its elegance. The Brujah tend to like any system
custom in his city. In cities where the primogen coun- that allows them to practice their skills at oration.
cil is strong, however, the prince comes back to the The Toreador like to grandstand. The Nosferatu like
primogen with a clearly worded yes-or-no proposal, it because they have an equal vote … and on it goes.
which he turns over to the primogen to vote on one Ideally, a primogen council is an inherent system
final time. The prince may contribute his own vote of checks and balances. All six (or seven, or eight, or
(or two …) at this stage as well (while it doesn’t jibe nine …) clans have an equal vote, so no clan has any
with many modern notions of “fair” politics, it’s a far particular advantage or disadvantage over another.
cry from the kind of despotism that princes once got All clans must deal with the same limitations and
away with). With the vote of the council, the matter is advantages, and anything that disrupts this system is
decided and, again, the outcome of the vote determines likely to be undermined in short order. This system
the policy in that city. either results in balance (whereby the primogen agree
Some proposals originate with the prince in which to share or alternate power to accomplish things) or
case they go directly to the primogen for debate and stasis (when the elders are deadlocked and cancel out
a final vote. In extreme cases, the prince may over- each other’s influence on an ongoing basis). One of
rule the council and tell the primogen how things the many reasons that the plan to incorporate the
are going to be. While this is absolutely within the Assamites into the Camarilla is meeting with such
prince’s rights, it’s also a politically dangerous move. favor is that voting is simpler with seven clans than
The primogen are the strongest force in the city back- with six. Many primogen are not pleased with the
ing the prince. For him to show them that degree of departure of the Gangrel if only because of the politi-
blatant disrespect is verging on political suicide for cal ramifications of having an even number of clans
all but the strongest princes. voting on issues.
The departure of the Gangrel had an interest-
ing effect on the dynamic of many councils that has
ultimately left the prince in a position of even greater
political power than before. In case a primogen council
is deadlocked three to three, the prince must be the tie-
breaker (in addition to any other vote he may have had
earlier in the process). In those cities where the prince
is the primogen of his clan, this obviously is not the
case. Under those circumstances, the tie-breaking vote
falls to one of the other officers of the city (typically the
seneschal in cities that have them, or harpies or sheriffs
in cities that don’t). Kindred political arrangements vary
a great deal from city to city. What matters is the overall
balance of power, not the details of protocol.
Following are some of the models followed by vari-
ous major cities in the Camarilla. Each of them has
a slightly different balance of power, but most of the
ones listed here are reasonably stable and fair.
This is one of the best arrangements for the pri-
mogen. The council is democratic and holds ultimate
authority over the weak prince. Typically the council
will suggest proposals to the prince, the prince will
rubber-stamp them, and the primogen will decide the
matter through a vote.
One disadvantage to this arrangement is that if the
group grows dysfunctional, the prince doesn’t have the
influence necessary to bring the council back in line.
Primogen on a council as strong as this are likely
to keep their own clans in check, keeping friction with
the prince down to a minimum.
This model is not unlike the last model, only a bloc
of four primogen have allied themselves in order to push
through their agenda. Any time a long-term voting
bloc enters the political arena, those elders who aren’t
in the bloc are going to experience some frustration.
While the bloc may not vote as such on all proposals
that come before the council, a so-called “hawk bloc”
(see the “Blocs” sidebar below) will have its way on any
proposals having to do with security or official acts of
aggression carried out by the Kindred of the city, and
the Kindred who dissent will face loss after loss. Little
can be done about a voting bloc except wait for it to
crumble from internal pressure, or hope the prince
intercedes if the bloc’s agenda is questionable.
model are often refuges for the unaligned if not for clan elders, assuming she even bothers with that. This
actual members of the Sabbat itself. arrangement differs from the arrangement of a strong
This is the kind of city the Camarilla is most prince over a weak council in that the advisory council
likely to visit archons upon with a notable frequency. doesn’t even pretend to follow a democratic model. The
It’s not uncommon for archons to be instructed to be primogen give their opinions and lobby the prince to
looking for Kindred in the city who would make better decide as they would want, and after that it’s all up to
primogen than those currently in office. her. If the prince is dedicated to hearing what the elders
The interesting thing about cities with such weak have to say and taking their advice into consideration,
leadership is where the power does lie. Power is always this system works fine. The problem is, it relies on the
somewhere (unclaimed power never stays unclaimed for ethics of the prince, and even if the current prince has
long), and if it’s hidden, there’s generally a reason. fine ethics, the next one isn’t guaranteed to.
A particular clan, Camarilla-affiliated or otherwise, On the other hand, if the prince is doing nothing
may wield power in a city instead. There are, obviously, more than smiling and nodding as the “advisory council”
cities where one of the six (or seven or eight) clans recommends a course of action, then it’s highly likely
of the Camarilla is mostly in control: the Toreador in that the city will suffer for her decisions in due time.
Amsterdam, for example, or the Gangrel in Tucson.
In and around Italy, cities with such weak Camarilla
government are largely in the hands of Clan Giovanni. There are cities in which one clan holds enough
Likewise, in the Middle East, parts of Africa and the sway that it has special representation on the primogen
Caribbean, Followers of Set hold the real power in cities council. This might happen in a number of ways. One
that are, nominally, Camarilla holdings. city may have one primogen from each clan but the
In other places, the situation is stranger still. key clan, which has one primogen for each quadrant of
There are small cities in northern Germany, Russia the city. Or the city may have only one primogen from
and the American Pacific Northwest where Lupines each clan, but “primogen at large” seats representing
hold more sway than the Damned, and in those places whatever clan has enough power to push such a policy
they wield enough power to keep it that way. Likewise, through the council.
a handful of cities exist where mortal wizards hold the OTHER SYSTEMS
Kindred in check. Worse, in the city of San Francisco,
the weird Cathayans have so capitalized on the weak Democracy is not necessarily seen as an inherent
and slow-acting Kindred power structure there that good by all (or even most) elder Kindred. Too much
they have effectively assumed control of the city. democracy can lead to a lowest-common-denominator
With the exception of San Francisco, however, these rule that serves no one well. Left to their own devices
bizarre situations are not allowed to happen in major (as they largely are), Kindred power structures can wax
cities. The Camarilla will only look the other way Byzantine. Ghent has three Ventrue primogen, two To-
in selected cases and for a limited time. If the prince reador primogen, a Tremere whip with a vote on council
and the council can’t get their collective act together matters and a Tremere prince whose vote counts twice.
before their city draws the sect’s full attention (time While they continue to have a Gangrel primogen, they
best thought of as a grace period), then the sect will do not have an Assamite representative on the council,
send in heavy hitters to clear up the situation (as it is and probably won’t until a new prince comes into office.
beginning to do in San Francisco even now). The city of Venice, on the other hand, has no Gangrel or
Oddly, inevitably some Kindred have grown Assamite primogen but does have seven voices weighing
comfortable with even these unorthodox power ar- in on policy issues — the seventh is provided by a “family
rangements and would rather not have them changed. representative” from Clan Giovanni.
Once the Camarilla determines that action is necessary, While the Camarilla is growing increasingly
however, those individuals often find themselves on democratic, certain modern notions of “fairness”
the wrong end of a stake. have yet to catch on in certain segments of the
THE “ADVISORY COUNCIL” Kindred populace. For a Kindred traveling from the
U.S., this can be eye-opening.
In this case, the prince is the ultimate authority
with regard to Kindred matters in the city. There is no BLOCS
democratic vote of the primogen council to determine
anything (of significance, anyway), only the decree A bloc is defined as “a usually temporary group-
of the prince after she has heard the opinions of the ing within a legislature, made up of diverse members
To take a page out of recent Kindred history, array of advantages. Advocates of the shepherd phi-
we need only look at San Francisco. The primogen losophy maintain that keeping strong ties to the mortal
council under Jochen Van Nuys was a textbook dove world seems to slow the degeneration of a vampire’s
council. The Ventrue, Toreador and Tremere were by Humanity. More pragmatically, it comes with a slew
far the most numerous Kindred in the city, and they of advantages: fewer restrictions on the creation of
were dedicated to maintaining their hold over the city ghouls, more opportunities to gain influence and the
through the subtlest means possible. The loyalty of myriad social benefits of close interaction with mor-
the Malkavians was bought by allowing the homeless tals. Shepherd councils generally fare better in cities
population of the city to remain large (providing the with relatively young (high-generation) vampires who
Lunatics with both cover and feeding opportunities). still have enough in common with mortals that their
San Francisco’s primogen council had experienced interactions retain a natural feel to them.
extraordinarily low turnover and had been essentially When it’s bad: Excessively close ties between
the same since the end of World War II. It saw no rea- Kindred and kine result in a sort of desensitization on
son to change its tactics, even in the face of a growing the part of the vampires. They become so accustomed
number of strange Asian vampires. to interacting with humans that they forget that if the
When the Cathayans made their move, the primo- mortals around them knew what they fed on, they
gen of Clans Malkavian and Tremere were, ironically would perceive the bloodsuckers as monstrous and evil
enough, the first major casualties of what has since and probably go to whatever lengths were necessary
become a long-running occupation of a Camarilla city to send them to Final Death. “Blood cults” may pop
by a foreign power. up as increasing numbers of Kindred seek to maintain
The other key problem in cities ruled by a bloc of herds on which to feed. Kindred in a shepherd city are
doves is the absence of privacy. In order to maintain more likely to forget that they are no longer mortal like
their hold on a city, dove blocs tend toward minding those with whom they interact. The entanglements can
everyone else’s business to an invasive degree, and become … awkward. The relationships between mortals
Kindred of all creatures dislike the feeling of being and vampires in such cities can often become quite
monitored. In dove cities, they seem to mind it less sticky and may require the strategic use of “Forgetful
than being drafted for battle. Mind” Disciplines or the blood bond to rectify.
Shepherds Worst of all, when things go bad in a shepherd city,
Kindred vary drastically in their approach to the they tend to go very bad. As if prompted by a silent
mortal world in which they operate. Many policy issues signal, breaches of the Masquerade may suddenly pop
addressed by primogen councils impact the interac- up everywhere as the Kindred of a city, almost as a
tions between Kindred and kine. Primogen who work body, forget that mortals surround them.
together to decrease the barriers to interaction between When things reach that point (and preferably
Kindred and kine are called, innocuously enough, before), the prince is forced to intervene aggressively
shepherds. A city under the influence of a shepherd and the bloc dissolves, generally under the heavy
bloc will have fewer restrictions against socializing scrutiny of the Camarilla leadership (as embodied in
with mortals, creating ghouls, blood bonding mortals an archon or two).
and participation in mortal politics. Vampires residing Isolationists
in a shepherd city are more likely to have the “Herd” Predictably, isolationists are the antithesis of shep-
Background (and the Storyteller may consider pro- herds. They observe strict rules limiting contact between
viding characters with one free dot of it while they’re Kindred and kine (outside of feeding, obviously). Ghouls
operating in such a city). are strictly limited to Kindred with requisite status. How
Traditional shepherd blocs are made up of the much status is required to have a ghoul depends on how
primogen of Clans Brujah (who love taking part in strict the council is; in the strictest cities (the vast major-
mortals’ social experiments), Toreador (who like to ity of which are in Europe) only the prince, primogen
immerse themselves in a city’s high society and art and other office-holders are allowed ghouls. Likewise,
scenes), Ventrue (who appreciate easy access to mortal cities occupied by an isolationist primogen council of-
financial institutions) and Malkavian, who make up ten require an accounting of a vampire’s ghouls, blood
the swing vote. bound mortals and political contacts as a requirement
When it’s good: A city that has been “desegre- for acknowledgement, and if these records are not kept
gated” by its primogen council offers its Kindred an current, acknowledgement may be revoked.
When it’s good: A mystic bloc can make mat- magi, demons, spirits and other, worse, things and
ters comfortable for Clan Tremere. Their mystical subsequently suffered for their efforts.
researches can bring them status in the city (and by The pursuit and study of certain books or other
extension in the Camarilla) just as it gets earns them objects has likewise been known to do great damage to
status in their clan. the Kindred of a city bent on knowing things which,
The Kindred of such cities have a clear sense that perhaps, ought not to be known.
their primogen are working together toward some goal Alternatively, the competition between Clans
(although the rank and file aren’t likely to know what Tremere and Assamite can blow up violently if one or
that goal is), resulting in the same kind of enhanced both parties feel they have been slighted or toyed with.
morale that cities with hawk councils enjoy. Ironically, even that won’t split the bloc because both clans
As an additional perk, if and when the investiga- are more likely to see setbacks as challenges and, conse-
tions begun by the council come to fruition and some quently, redouble their resolve. When this happens, it can
new book/item/source of mystical lore comes to light, quickly degenerate as both clans grow increasingly obsessed
the whole of the Kindred population is generally given until the resources of both of those (very hierarchical and
some reward, even as the primogen of Clans Assamite advancement-driven) clans are completely deployed to that
and Tremere vie for control of said item. single goal. Both clans are inclined to pursue their notion
of victory by any means necessary at that point, including
When it’s bad: Excessive interest in occult lore
diablerie and other disturbing methods.
typically leads in one of two directions: either the
Kindred as a whole become so wrapped up in mysticism When the council reaches that state, the only
that the night-to-night events of the city go untended option is for one or, ideally, both of the swing vote
— making the city easy pickings for the Sabbat — or primogen to leave the bloc. The problem is that by that
they become too good at tracking down the lore they point, both the Tremere and Assamite primogen are
seek, thereby bringing notice upon themselves by the so invested in the perpetual cycle of competition that
wrong parties. they are likely to bring enormous amounts of pressure
to bear on the dissenting primogen.
Gaining the notice of powerful enemies can have
disastrous effects on the Kindred of an entire city. Exactly that situation unfolded in Cologne, Germany
While it hasn’t happened in recent memory (that in 2000, ultimately resulting in the Final Death of the
anyone has heard about, anyway), Camarilla cities in Malkavian primogen, a visit by the Brujah Justicar and
the hands of a mystic bloc have run afoul of powerful several archons and the summary execution of the pri-
mogen of Clans Tremere and an Assamite lobbyist.
The concept of a primogen council is more of an The same can be said of the primogen. Members of
outline than a steady and reliable blueprint. Like any a given primogen council can come from extreme back-
social construct, as many compositions of the entity grounds where they may never encounter another Kindred
exist as do concepts to be implemented. The previous from another city, or, on the other hand, can be vastly
chapters have drawn a broad diagram of how a primogen traveled, counting numerous countries and time periods
council should work, and it should come as no surprise as their playgrounds, and all backgrounds in between.
that there are as many variations on that theme as there Interestingly, this is not to say that the primogen council
are councils that rigidly adhere to the ideal. of each Camarilla city isn’t similar — on occasion surpris-
ingly so, especially considering the divergent personalities
DIFFERENCES that all pull each council in different directions. Merely
add in the influences and machinations of each individual
prince, and it is a wonder that any primogen council
looks at all similar to the others. As wildly divergent as
Primogen councils are living entities and are suitably their makeups are, councils of primogen tend to fulfill
complicated. Understanding where one council differs the same purpose across the board.
from another not only highlights the vast differences in Placed into similar roles with generally similar goals,
each council but also the overwhelming similarities. In the primogen of each city grow to look like the others,
the end, no two councils look exactly the same. even in cases with relatively little regular contact with
To continue the living entity metaphor, it may be help- other Camarilla cities. Other factors push each council in
ful to think of the primogen councils in terms of convergent similar directions — to converge. The primogen council
evolution. Evolutionary theory argues that creatures placed of each city operates under the burden of hundreds of
into similar niches will develop similar adaptations. Even if years of history and custom. The Camarilla, an entity
those creatures come from radically different backgrounds, known for its adherence to tradition, is sure to impart a
the end result is remarkably similar. similar respect of an important political institution like
constant clamoring for the prince’s ear, the primogen
are quite free in their actions, using them to great effect.
THE GANGREL FACTOR Rather than relying on the council itself for political
The mass exodus of the Gangrel created a influence, these members are forced to act in a more
situation where nearly every Camarilla city was creative fashion, constantly redefining their power and
forced into a situation of seat elimination. This garnering more. It takes a driven personality to remain
unprecedented event still has lingering effects effective in such an environment.
in the Camarilla, with a number of princes and The members of cabinet councils often remain more
primogen leaving shadow seats for the missing in the background compared to the archetypal council. As
Gangrel. The impact of the change wrought by advisors, the primogen have no direct method to create or
the Gangrel’s leaving cannot be understated. enforce policy and so are left to the vagaries and whims
Many primogen councils were greatly affected, of their prince. In an effort to ensure their usefulness,
redistributing power to the remaining members these primogen usually quickly fill specific roles within
and leaving most councils with a vastly diluted the cabinet, becoming experts on one aspect of Kindred
militaristic voice. More interestingly, the absence society or another. This expertise allows the members to
of the Gangrel has created a void that is occasion- differentiate themselves from one another and to gain a
ally filled by Kindred that are not normally part of little more influence with the prince when their particular
the enfranchised Camarilla. The result is that to fields are discussed. Realms of expertise include nearly
this night, most primogen councils are still in mild every influence background a vampire may have and also
flux, forcing even more divergence from the basic include other aspects of undead existence such as the Sab-
model as each city quietly copes with the change. bat, the Cathayans, Lupines, Elysiums, the Traditions and
The Kindred are not known for decisive action. a whole host of topics that a prince may find important
In cities where some Gangrel have remained due to geography or political situation.
loyal to the Camarilla, some princes and coun- A prince creates a cabinet council in order to elimi-
cils do allow the Outlanders a place among the nate structured opposition to his goals. Yet the result is
primogen. By nature, these are exceptions rather often to the contrary, forcing the weak members of the
than rules, and many of the Gangrel in this primogen council to step down and be replaced by their
position face either overeager appeasement or clanmates who are more effective in their tasks. Interest-
tangible hostility. ingly, a prince directing this type of council often gains
some of the best advice for the same reasons.
With the Gangrel gone, no clan has stepped up to take
its place as political whipping boy. The Brujah and Mal-
kavians have been subject to the negative effects of more Even rarer than gerrymandered or cabinet councils
than their fair share of gerrymandering, though both clans is the unattached council. The members of the council
have enough political acumen and pull in mortal society to have dispensed with representing their particular clans.
ensure that eventually they gain equilibrium if not revenge. The membership of this type of council is variable and
The result is that the occurrences of gerrymandering are depends on history as well as the desires of the prince.
down as compared to only a few years ago. Usually, however, the numbers do not climb significantly
larger than if the members directly represent a clan,
CABINETS numbering from five to eight members.
A sizeable number of primogen councils lack any
formalized decision-making institutions. Instead, they
advise the prince directly, in an informal manner that WAR CABINETS
allows the influential personalities and movers and shak- While cabinet councils are rare, a particular
ers to have the loudest voices. Primogen who adopt a situation makes these councils more common,
cabinet style do so in cities where the prince is both well even, to some, expected.
received and quite powerful or in cities where the prince During sieges, it is not uncommon for a primogen
has unilaterally revoked the most effective powers of the council to have archons fill the role as councilors.
primogen, leaving them largely neutered. During those trying times, the Camarilla has little
Because of the lack of formalized power, cabinet need for the backstabbing and shadow politics that
primogen councils force their members to be creative at characterize the primogen council. Instead, they
times in the use of their power and influence. Contrary need quick and effective leadership. The result is
to what initially might be expected, the members of this an interim council staffed by combat veterans with
type of council are often far from powerless. In fact, due the sole purpose of defending the city.
to the lack of formalized procedures coupled with the
Like other primogen councils, the members’ person-
alities drive the unattached council. Since the members are GARY, INDIANA
not associated with their clans, usually some other defining Gary is not a large city, but large enough
characteristic places the member onto the council. Often, and proximate enough to Chicago to house a
the new characteristic focuses on knowledge or influence, decent number of Kindred within its borders.
creating positions such as security, religion or any of the Because of its size and the continuing popula-
positions found in the cabinet-style council. tion decline, the Kindred of Gary have adopted
Selection of members differs from city to city and a very informal tone to their interactions even
from prince to prince. The Kindred of the city usually though they recognize the usefulness of the
have little or no say in the selection of members. Formal normal Camarilla institutions.
voting by the city is absolutely unheard of. Usually the The prince rarely makes any kind of official
prince has first and final say, with the harpies, sheriff and ruling, instead just conferring with whichever
other positions sometimes only influencing the selection Kindred is useful or interested in the topic.
process. Occasionally, there is a competitive process in Similarly, the primogen council is very informal,
which the supposedly most qualified secure the position having dispensed with actually representing any
for themselves, but as often as not the selection falls particular clans. Instead, the prince talks with
entirely to the prince. those he thinks would like to sit on the council
As was mentioned before, unattached councils are and gets a verbal agreement that they will at-
quite rare. They generally only appear and survive in tend. For Gary, the council is more a formality
small cities where the number of Kindred demands a than a truly useful body.
primogen council but they have difficulty supporting the As it stands, Gary’s primogen council is com-
strict clan structure. Occasionally, in the wake of a suc- posed of a Toreador, two Brujah, a Nosferatu and two
cessful siege the prince foregoes the strictures of clan for Ventrue as well as the prince (another Ventrue).
the selection of primogen, but this is often a dangerous
tactic as it can undermine tradition and possibly arouse
the ire of the archons.
JUNTAS Not every major city surrounded by smaller suburbs
Arguably the rarest style of council is the junta. The maintains satellite primogen councils. Only in the cases
primogen council holds enough power and influence to of two sizeable cities (about a million or more residents
do away with the prince entirely. The reason for the rar- per city and surrounding territory) located nearby one
ity of this council type is not only the extreme difficulty another do princes ever consider creating a satellite
of eroding all the power of a prince in her own city, but council. Moreover, the prince in question has to be a
also the issue of Camarilla representatives stepping in and fairly persuasive and commanding personality to main-
“correcting” the situation. History and tradition can be tain leadership of not one but two primogen councils
powerful forces, doubly so when they are backed up by and their associated members. Plus, said prince has to
nearby princes or justicars. fend off any challenges to his position from two separate
cities — not an easy task. Thus, satellites are a fairly
Juntas usually occur due to some catastrophe. If a rare occurrence, with only a handful in both North
member of the primogen council is powerful enough to America and Europe.
take the princedom then he will do so. Only the most
Machiavellian of plots involve the total elimination of A satellite allows a prince to maintain a fairly large
the princedom and all the ensuing trouble that such an domain (with the associated power and prestige) and
action can take. Sometimes the power structure of the also possibly create a situation where her influence will
primogen council is such that no member is, by himself, hold sway with at least one city and one council at all
powerful enough to replace the prince, so a coalition of times. Besides extending influence, a satellite council
council members destroys the prince and the position offers other potential benefits. A second primogen
as a way of ensuring that the conspirators remain first council allows a prince to shuffle off her more connected
among equals. Like the occasional tripartite leadership and dangerous foes while not directly manipulating
of the Roman Empire, the triangle is not a particularly the original primogen council. Additionally, the new
stable political structure, and sooner or later one of the council can prove an excellent training ground for pos-
conspirators gains power over the others and the prince- sibly protégés or allies of the prince, creating a testing
dom is reborn. ground of sorts that avoids the high-power politics of
the primary council.
More often (though still not often at all) a junta is
formed due to the sudden Final Death of a prince and serves
as interim leadership until the new prince is selected. In FORT WORTH, TEXAS
effect, the junta serves as a placeholder for the new prince, It is joked that Fort Worth is the largest suburb
trying desperately to hold on to some level of normalcy to of Dallas, which is all too true for the Kindred
maintain order and loyalty. Not surprisingly, when the new dwelling in Fort Worth. Fort Worth lost its prince
prince is selected, her main adversary is often the junta, almost a decade ago and has not mustered the
now invigorated with the taste of power unchallenged by impetus to seat a new regent. Instead, because
a prince’s presence. In this way, the members of the junta of the influence of the city of Dallas, which is
become much like the quarreling European monarchs of only a half-hour car ride away, the Kindred in
old, not particularly liking one another but supporting the larger city of Dallas overshadow the Kindred
one another in sometimes precarious situations in order of Fort Worth.
to protect the legitimacy of their own power.
Officially, the Prince of Dallas and its primogen
SATELLITES count the city of Dallas proper, the many suburbs,
When a large city cannot assert its own independence and Fort Worth and its own suburbs as their domain.
from the domain of a nearby prince from another city, a However, in reality the territory is too large for the
satellite council is not uncommon. Rather than taxing prince and the Dallas primogen to readily handle,
his ability to administer two (or more) different cities so they have turned over domain of Fort Worth
a prince will sometimes appoint a separate primogen and the surrounding region to a second, loosely
council to manage the nightly affairs of the smaller city associated primogen council. This suits the Fort
while still maintaining the supremacy and jurisdiction Worth primogen fine, as they report their formal
of the prince. decisions to Dallas only for final approval (and the
Not unlike the juntas, satellite councils exist without prince retains the right to veto any decision made
a prince directly over them. In this case, however, the by the Fort Worth primogen).
primogen are in place specifically due to the wishes of In this way, the Kindred of Fort Worth are
some other power, such as a nearby prince. A satellite left to their own devices and the Prince of Dallas
council answers to a prince of another city, often acting claims a significantly larger territory.
in that prince’s name.
Socially, the Lasombra antitribu differ from the
A HATE-HATE RELATIONSHIP Assamites and Gangrel in a number of aspects. Most
importantly, the Lasombra antitribu are connected to
The most vocal and staunch opponents of social networks, unlike most other outcaste clans. Often
the inclusion of the Assamites into the Camarilla
the foils to the Ventrue, the Lasombra antitribu have
come from Tremere. The Tremere as a clan both
extensive contacts and allies in whichever city they call
hate and fear the Assamites, and both feelings stem
home. Thus, they can move about the higher echelons
from a long history of conflict and enmity between
of the Camarilla with relative ease, slipping into the
the two clans. Until recently, the entirety of the
high-stakes and competitive political atmosphere of the
Assamite clan suffered under the strictures of a
Camarilla with nary a bump.
Tremere curse. Mysteriously, that curse has been
lifted and almost simultaneously a number of As- It is not entirely unknown for Lasombra antitribu
samites have “infested” the Camarilla. to enter into the Camarilla in temporary roles, usually
The Tremere are afraid that the Assamites are occupying primogen council seats in deference to their
merely trying to exact their revenge, both on the social power. When (and if) they agree to become part
clan that conjured the curse and the sect that has of the Camarilla, they often also demand positions on
harbored the Usurpers. Not surprisingly, a large the primogen council to ensure they have some say in
number of Tremere all but froth at the mouth at the the affairs of the Cainit— er, Kindred in the city, and to
idea of an Assamite primogen and will vehemently ensure their membership is not entirely marginalized and
do all that they can to undermine and marginalize their wishes run roughshod over by ambitious princes.
such a Kindred. Since they are often only temporary members, their
The Tremere also resent the implications provisional membership and elevation to primogenship
that the Assamites may be able to lend mystical usually only involve discussing the topic that brought
knowledge to the Camarilla. Since its inception, them into the sect, such as a Setite incursion into the
the Camarilla has relied on the Tremere for mystical religious society of the city. This is a classic case of the
power and knowledge, part of the pact for accepting enemy of my enemy becoming my friend, or in this case,
the pariah clan into its ranks. Quietly, their role a member of my sect.
in their own sect is being challenged, and from a More permanent Lasombra antitribu primogen
credible source no less. While only a small number council members may fill the empty seats left by the
of Assamites within the Camarilla belong to the Gangrel. To make up for their lack of representing any
sorcerer caste, the Tremere are not about to split other clan members (besides the occasional childe), the
hairs over the possible erosion of their power and Lasombra antitribu is often expected also to speak for the
influence in the Ivory Tower. non-Camarilla Kindred within the city, a sort of catch-
To their credit, the Assamites have made no all seat to account for the many disparate voices not
indication of looking for revenge, constantly refer- represented in the primogen council. More often than
ring to the benefits of upholding the Masquerade not, this representation is entirely ceremonial, with the
as their reason for joining. The Assamites do their influence and actions of the Lasombra antitribu concern-
best to steer clear of the Tremere in most social situ- ing herself only.
ations and quietly endure the occasional Warlock Lasombra antitribu primogen council members are
tirade. To many outside observers in other clans, often quite reserved in their dealings with other mem-
the Assamite attitude is not unlike that of a tiger, bers. They recognize they are outsiders, even if formally
biding its time until it can strike. members, and do their best to make their influence felt
The Tremere do not believe the Assamites’ ap- outside of the council. The council provides an excel-
parent disposition for one second and will continue lent forum for gauging the success of those actions, as
to oppose Assamite inclusion in the Camarilla for well as a safety net should the Lasombra antitribu’s social
the foreseeable future. maneuverings fail miserably. The occasional time one of
these Kindred is vocal in the council is when one or more
of his personal enemies also sits on the council. Then,
LASOMBRA ANTITRIBU despite his tenuous position, he will check the actions
of his enemies at all costs, including using his seat as a
The very rare occurrence of a Lasombra antitribu
blatant weapon in the game of one-upmanship so com-
as a primogen council member is cause for a number of
mon in the Camarilla.
raised eyebrows. All but a rumor in most cases, there have
been a few instances in the past where a prince has been As for motivation, a Lasombra antitribu enters the
comfortable enough to elevate one of the rogue Keepers Camarilla often for reasons of revenge. Childer of turbulent
to a position of primogenship. times, they despise their brethren in the Sabbat and still
Considering all the potential problems of a
Cathayan sitting as a primogen council member, it
is all but impossible for such a situation to survive
more than a few nights before erupting into chaos or
dissolving into paranoid fractionalization. Still, the
possible benefits for the Camarilla are quite good, not
the least of which is the ability to slow or halt the
conflict in the given city, and thus the impetus to
make the situation work is appropriately important
and worthy (in some cases) of the effort.
With such benefits a possibility, it should be
no wonder that a couple of beleaguered cities have
considered opening their primogen council. In
fact, a few princes have formally made the offer. To
date, though, no response, unofficial or official, has
been received. The Kuei-jin are either amused or
ignoring the offer, confident in their own abilities
to bring the Great Leap Outward to success.
In your chronicle, if you as a Storyteller think
the inclusion of a Cathayan as a primogen council
member would be a useful plot device, you are more
than welcome to do so. Keep in mind, however,
that such a plot device needs to be treated with the
appropriate respect and gravity. This is an event
worthy of the direct attention of the justicars and
needs to be handled with care.
council meeting an even more stressful affair, accounting hoping that between himself, the Nosferatu member and
for the short-lived nature of the observer seats. When the new Samedi member he could counter any political
the Giovanni finally leaves, both the Camarilla and the opposition. However, since the story remains a rumor,
Giovanni “guest” breathe a sigh of relief. A Giovanni in it seems unlikely the situation was as beneficial as the
a primogen council acts like nothing more than a viper prince had hoped.
waiting to strike. In the end, the Camarilla still knows little about the
RAVNOS Samedi and is uncomfortable with the idea of a Samedi
primogen. The bloodline’s goals, history and future are
Once upon a time, the Ravnos could hold positions still very much unknown, and the Camarilla already
on a council with an on-again-off-again regularity that deals with more than its fair share of the unknown. At
befit their nomadic ways. Once in a while, one would least with the Assamites or the Eastern Vampires the
be asked by the powers-that-be to offer information that Camarilla has reasonable expectations, anticipations
he had gathered over his travels, but Ravnos interaction of goals and what not. The Samedi present an entirely
with the Camarilla rarely extended beyond this role. different situation.
However rare, up until recently, a handful existed that
maintained the social connections to make them useful SETITES
to a primogen council. During the foundation of the Camarilla, the Setites
Though they were not formal members of the Cama- were originally asked to become one of the founding
rilla, the sect was quite comfortable with the existence members along with the Ventrue, Tremere, Nosferatu,
of the Ravnos, treating them with the same respect as Toreador, Brujah, Gangrel and Malkavian. They turned
Anarchs — that is, as Kindred who benefited from the down the offer but have remained interested in the
strictures of the Camarilla but who did not normally act goings-on of the Camarilla. In these modern nights,
within its rules, not unlike wayward children. When the Setites are once in a while found on primogen
situations arose that a prince wanted an extra, “outside” councils. However, like the Giovanni, the leaders of
voice on the primogen council, it was often the Ravnos the bloodline are wary of allowing the rank and file
that were drafted. power outside of their control. When a Setite does
Times have changed, however, and the Ravnos gain a primogenship, it is with the express approval
are unlikely to be asked to sit or even be interested in of the Setite powers-that-be and with a specific goal
such a position. Since the Ravnos blood-frenzy and the in mind (often the gradual corruption of a member of
subsequent destruction of the bloodline, the Ravnos are the primogen council).
too few and too preoccupied with the incursions of the Camarilla and Setite goals often run at cross-purposes,
Cathayans to be interested in the social niceties of the so interaction between the two is usually with a good deal
primogen. In time, maybe things will calm down and the of antipathy. The modicum of cooperation required to
situation will lend itself to more interaction between the act on a primogen council is often absent when the two
Ravnos and the Camarilla, but for the time being that groups interact. Quiet manipulation, so much a part of
relationship is all but ended. Setite livelihood, is not likely in intense scrutiny of the
SAMEDI primogenship.
It is rumored that the Samedi at one point or another THE REALLY WEIRD STUFF
had a formal seat in the Southeastern United States. As for the extremely rare bloodlines, Salubri, Nagara-
If such a seat existed, the Samedi occupied a similar jah, Kiasyd, Gargoyles, and what have you, forget about it.
position within the primogen council as the Nosferatu. The Camarilla will only go so far. That is, if a Storyteller
The persistent rumors invariably say that the prince, wants to introduce it into her own chronicle, that’s fine,
a Nosferatu, added the extra formal seat in an effort but the stodginess of the Camarilla prevents it from con-
to bolster his popularity within the primogen council, sidering these scattered dregs of any true import.
“Uneasy rests the head that wears the crown.” promulgated through the clan ranks, it is the primogen
Not as accurate for primogen as for the prince, but who informs his clan and coaxes, bribes or threatens
true in its limited fashion nonetheless. A character who them into compliance.
has gained a seat among the primogen is burdened by All these things need to be taken into consideration
responsibilities that the majority of Kindred need not by both player and Storyteller before the decision is
worry about: aggressively furthering the interests of his made to play a primogen character. In the vast major-
clan in the city; keeping the clan’s rebels sufficiently ity of stories, being on the primogen council will make
in line that they don’t reflect badly on the clan as a a player’s experience more political and less violent or
whole, but lightly enough that they can be spurred into “street-level.” Intrigue may replace action, but, if well
strategic outbursts when necessary; currying favor with handled, that should make the game more interest-
the prince; dealing with disputes over feeding territory; ing.
courting the support and votes of the other primogen;
counteracting the moves of the other primogen when THINGS TO THINK ABOUT
they interfere with his own agenda; giving the prince When designing a character who either is or wants
good advice that simultaneously renders him more reli- to be primogen for his clan, the player has to think
ant on the primogen’s clan; etc. about what’s likely to get the character into that posi-
When members of a clan are in conflict, they tion. Neither the clan elders nor the prince nor, in all
typically turn to the primogen. When members of likelihood, the other members of the clan are going to
the clan are in trouble with the prince, they turn to want a flaky, violent, outrageous or otherwise “difficult”
the primogen. Should the members of a clan seri- primogen. Respectability is the price of public office.
ously act out, it is not just they who will suffer the For this reason social Attributes are generally key. With
consequences, but their primogen as well. Likewise, a character who’s already in a socially oriented clan —
when the clan elders have an agenda that they want Ventrue, Toreador or Tremere, for example — that’s not
difficult. For other clans it is a circumstance requiring his political insights onto you. Alternatively, you may
some consideration. A Brujah brawler or Assamite be find yourself getting hustled into your title because
killer with tertiary Social Attributes is going to be your sire screwed some other Cainite out of it. If that’s
ill at ease in the primogen chambers and may do his the case, you come into office with a load of baggage: a
clan more harm than good through his ham-handed predecessor who resents you, a clan uncertain of your
efforts there. credentials and a prince who sees you as a favor more
If you’ve wanted to play a socially oriented Brujah than as a clan representative. You’ll have your work
charmer or an Assamite with an eye toward protocol and cut out for you.
diplomacy, however, the primogen position is ideal. The Reluctant Primogen
RESPONSIBILITIES You never wanted to be primogen. In fact, you may
have carefully avoided the office for years or even decades,
Once installed, the primogen is the point man
but your days of shirking your responsibility to the clan
for communications traveling both up and down the
are over. Maybe you put your hat in the ring (despite
Camarilla hierarchy. He is the nexus between the rank
your hatred of politics) because you thought you could
and file and the powers that be. Consequently, he has
do a better job than the smarmy, corrupt, scheming idiot
to be honest (or perceived as such) and an effective
who was sitting at the council table before you — and
communicator. He must cultivate the perception that
much to your chagrin, others concurred. Or maybe you’ve
he is loyal to his clan in general and specifically to the
been drafted to fill the seat left vacant by a predecessor
Kindred he ostensibly represents. Furthermore, he must
slain in office. For better or worse, others older, wiser
be capable of striking a balance between the wants of
and more powerful than you feel you have the political
the elders and the desires of the younger members of
wherewithal to represent your clan. Maybe you’re too
the clan. If either camp perceives him to be biased in
charismatic for your own good. Maybe you’ve had vocal
either direction, his standing and influence will suffer.
admirers somewhere in Kindred society and they want
Primogen work closely with their clanmates within the
to see you do great things with your talents. Maybe an
city, but much of their power and authority comes from
enemy has flexed a little political might to have you put
those Camarilla elders above them. Siding too blatantly
where you make an easier target.
with either camp is a recipe for trouble.
The Driven Politician
TEMPLATES Politics may have been something you followed in
Following are some general models to which a your breathing days, might even have been something
primogen character might bear some similarities. Your you had dabbled in and showed some talent for. The
character will obviously be more detailed, but these possibility of a career in politics was wiped out with your
models may give some idea of what the road might look Embrace. Or so you thought. You saw where the power
like for the character and, possibly, save him from some lay in the city shortly after your first visit to Elysium,
of the bumps along the way. At the very least, you may and you updated your goals to fit your new existence.
see some ideas that inspire you to take some creative You set your eyes on a similar goal in your new life: a
steps with regard to your own primogen character. seat on the primogen council.
Important Childe You busted your butt for your position. You met
Your sire is an influential figure in your clan. Perhaps with Cainites you dislike and maybe even a few whose
he’s an elder. Perhaps he held your clan’s seat on the company you enjoy. You built up a reservoir of boons
primogen council for many years and wanted you to do to draw upon in difficult circumstances and asked a few
so in his stead. Perhaps he simply has good rapport with of your own. You flattered, charmed, schmoozed and
the clan and the prince and made his wishes known kissed ass as necessary to make the allies and gain the
at the right time. Regardless of his exact station, he is resources to attain your goal.
important and has power to wield freely. That makes Now you’re there. You did most of the work your-
you important, whether you want to be or not. When self, so you’re beholden to relatively few others. The
your sire makes it known that he wants you to become responsibility (and, yes, the power) is in your hands. If
the clan’s voice on the primogen council, there’s re- your performance in office is as stellar as it was on the
ally no fighting it. In the best of all possible worlds, campaign you waged to get there, your clan and your
you’re taking the place he vacated. If that’s the case, city will be in good hands. Then again, you wouldn’t
you’re lucky; he will tell you everything you need to be the first primogen to slack off the moment you made
know: who your real enemies are, who’s corrupt, who’s it into the position you so aggressively sought. But that
beholden to whom … and he’ll be eager to pass along approach to office has its own consequences ….
The Accident on your part. From the position of whip, it only took
Nobody actually intended for you to be the clan’s a few choice schemes, a few lies, a little dirty dealing
representative. Something went wrong. Someone was and maybe a few boons to some unsavory types to move
given the wrong name to vote for. Someone voted for the primogen out of the way. Congratulations, you’re a
you to oppose the other, more serious, candidate. Maybe bastard among bastards.
the others couldn’t read the complex butterfly ballots. Now you’re in power and it’s great. You talk with
Whatever the case, the results came in and you were the prince every night. Cainites are offering you boons
named primogen, a development that surprises you as on a regular basis. You are one of the most powerful
much as much as anyone. Now you’re in a position Kindred in the city.
where you’re struggling to bring yourself up to speed. You have one little problem. Secrets, in the world
The unlife you had prior to the election has been left of the Kindred, are never as secret as one would really
hanging in the wind as your new and unexpected re- like, and somehow word of your perfidy has started mak-
sponsibilities pull you away. Suddenly you’re dealing ing its way around Elysium. The other primogen have
with responsibilities, expectations, ethical dilemmas, been looking at you a bit strangely lately, and perhaps
pressure from new directions. It’s hectic. It’s driving the prince, too, although no action has been taken
you crazy. The perks of the position are enough to keep against you, and word doesn’t seem to have spread to
you from struggling with your new position. Now that the rank and file. Yet. You may still be able to keep your
you’ve come to terms with winning an election you position, but don’t expect it to be easy: just fulfilling
didn’t expect to have a chance in, the hard part is upon the boons to keep this hushed up will keep you busy
you: you have to fill your role without making a fool of for years to come.
yourself. Hope you’re a fast learner. You have still another problem. You remember how
Rank and File you attained your position, and you know that if you
Maybe your whole life passed by without you ever could sink to such depths, surely others could too. So
becoming involved in politics despite the occasional your guilt shows up as a lingering paranoia. You scruti-
longing to do so. It was something that appealed to you nize your clanmates, especially your whip, nightly for
on some level, so now that you had a second chance, you signs of treachery, and because you see nothing, you’re
went for it. The moment you saw how Kindred society all the more certain that something must be going on
worked, you engineered plans to become the voice of that you just can’t see.
your clan. Your reasons were your own: power, status, Welcome to the halls of power.
possibly even a wish to improve the lot of your fellows. The Promising Liar
You made yourself useful, indispensable even, in order You would promise to put the sun out tomorrow
to amass boons; you campaigned, made allies, learned if you thought it would improve your position (and if
important secrets and kept them — or let them slip — anyone believed you). You’re good at telling people
strategically and, in other words, did anything you could what they want to hear. You know what they want and,
to see that when the primogen position came open you therefore, exactly what to promise them in exchange
were chosen. If you’re a relatively low-generation vam- for their support. Better yet, you’re quite convincing.
pire, it probably wasn’t that difficult; Kindred respect By weaving a web of promises, you were able to garner
(and fear) age more than mortals do. On the other hand, all the support you needed (and more) to land you the
if you’re eleventh, twelfth or, Caine forbid, thirteenth position of primogen.
generation, you’ll have to be mightily impressive with Unfortunately, you have a problem.
your other abilities before the vote is likely to go in You promised to back the Toreador in their squabble
your favor. For you the real joy of being the primogen with the Nosferatu, the Nosferatu against the Toreador,
is showing that a vampire given the Embrace in 1998 the Tremere against the Assamites, the Assamites against
is just as capable of leading and representing his clan the Tremere, and so on.
as one Embraced in 1898. Now everyone is expecting you to fulfill your promises.
The Backstabber And you can’t. Maybe some of the promises you made are
Patience is not among your strengths. The intensity (and you only know this now) things that are outside
of your need for power would not allow power to come the primogen’s sphere of influence. Maybe some of the
to you in its own time. You hastened the process by promises you made are just impossible to fulfill given the
doing a few favors for the sitting primogen and then, current political status quo. Maybe you had no clue exactly
one way or another, you disposed of the whip. The what it was you were promising in the first place, but you
primogen named you whip with relatively little effort knew that it gave you the support you needed.
ADVANTAGES Background to reflect this. Be aware that these contacts
are not, and should not be expected to be, friends or
When a vampire is named primogen, no sudden easy combat support; they are advisors whose primary
illumination occurs, no great power of the blood kicks aim is to further the interests of the Camarilla in gen-
in. Kindred thirteen generations from Caine have been eral and their clan specifically. Except under unusual
brought into the primogen council, and the power circumstances, they provide guidance and little else. A
they wield is clearly not brute force or sheer mystical primogen who relies overly much on these contacts will
might, it is charisma and the respect of their clan and, find his clan questioning his competence and inclined
optimally, the prince. Beyond their own organizational to see him replaced with someone who can handle the
and leadership skills, primogen have only one advantage night-to-night challenges of being primogen with greater
over the majority of other Kindred, and that is their proficiency and independence.
access to contacts. The nature of these contacts may vary from clan to
In all but the smallest of cities (where the title is clan. In all cases, the older vampire will be capable of
nearly meaningless due to the negligible vampire popu- advising the primogen in some capacity, although no
lation), when a Kindred is installed as the primogen of guarantee exists that the elder will not have her own
his clan, he gains access to clan elders outside of the agenda (in fact, it’s generally wisest to assume that she
city that the rank-and-file Kindred of the city generally does). Certain primogen may also benefit from other
do not have. proficiencies possessed by her advisor(s). Alternatively,
ACCESS TO POWER she may benefit from having certain important items
or emergency phone numbers that are reserved for her
The primogen is the chosen representative of the clan’s representatives. Clan Brujah may provide the
clan as a body, therefore the clan takes an interest in phone number for a highly competent “cleaner” who
seeing that its representative has certain advantages may be either a ghoul or himself a member of the clan.
he can call upon should circumstances dictate. For this Such a contact would be available to clean up the mess
reason, the Storyteller may want to grant the character after an outbreak of Brujah violence, “take care of” a
a few points (up to 4) in the Mentor (or possibly Allies) Masquerade breach or hide evidence that might show the
Clan Assamite, for example, has a very clear hier- are offered as examples of the kinds of socially oriented
archy, but issues of honor, self-sufficiency, the recent combination Disciplines that primogen are trained in
nature of the clan’s participation in the Camarilla and to support their work on the council.
growing intraclan conflicts make requesting assistance Clans have worked for decades, sometimes centuries,
a more complex proposition than the clan’s hierarchy to arrive at these complex interweavings of their standard
might suggest. Disciplines, and they aren’t taught lightly. A primogen
The other clans may or may not provide much who teaches these proprietary disciplines to a member of
in the way of assistance to their primogen. Obviously another clan is considered a traitor. Furthermore, they
Kindred are quite keen on “keeping up with the Jo- require an understanding of the core Disciplines that
neses.” The organized clans have an advantage over most Kindred don’t possess. Lastly, since these combina-
the less well organized clans that may be perceived as tion Disciplines are rare, tracing who inappropriately
a power disparity. The Kindred of Clan Malkavian are taught a technique to whom is rarely difficult.
at a pronounced disadvantage in this regard, and the Many of these primogen Disciplines are social or
rapidly dwindling number of Camarilla Gangrel has been political in nature, but actually using them during the
left essentially with no recourse to backup whatsoever course of a primogen council meeting in an attempt
(outside of personal contacts and allies). Elders will do to sway the outcome of a vote is rude, presumptuous
what they can to help struggling primogen, but these and possibly dangerous. Forcing something through
clans observe no official protocol for doing so and results the council by dint of supernatural powers is “cheat-
are not guaranteed. ing,” and anybody found to be the perpetrator of such
While Malkavians have their “Madness Network” scurrilous acts is, in all likelihood, going to rouse the
for all members of the clan, they do not have any spe- ire of his mark.
cial resources for primogen to call upon. The Gangrel’s BRUJAH
already loose organization combined with their all- THE IRON GLARE
but-forgotten status in the Camarilla prevents the rare (POTENCE •••, PRESENCE •••)
Gangrel primogen from calling on any but his personal A look sometimes comes over the face of a ticked-off
allies in situations that endanger the interest of his clan, Brujah who is used to being obeyed but who is not being
a situation that is pushing even Gangrel with previously obeyed at the moment. The look is part hauteur, part
strong Camarilla ties to break away from the sect. rage and part malevolent glee at the chaos that will be
TERM OF OFFICE unleashed unless the vampire gets his way. Brujah elders
Once they ascend to the office, primogen typically teach this Discipline to new primogen as a gift to use in
keep the position as long as possible; the rewards are primogen meetings on behalf of the clan’s interests.
too great to do otherwise, unless they ascend to the System: The Brujah primogen makes a powerful
prince’s position. That means that the transmission display of strength (crushing a brick in her hand, bend-
of power from an outgoing primogen to an incoming ing a piece of rebar, breaking a solid oak table with one
primogen is often not good: death is the primary cause slam of her fist, etc.) and rolls Charisma + Intimidation
of primogen leaving office. Those primogen who are against a standard difficulty. For the rest of the scene, add
“deposed” rarely feel charitable toward their successors these successes to successes gained on any Intimidation
and may even interfere with the transition of power out roll against anyone seeing this display of power.
of sheer bitterness. The new primogen will discover It should be noted that this Discipline loses its ef-
quickly enough that his position sets him up as the ficacy when overused. If the Brujah uses it again within
embodiment of his clan, and therefore a target, but he a month, it will give her half the successes she rolled;
may not anticipate that the enemies he faces might be if she uses it again, it will give her a quarter (rounded
from his own clan. down). After that, this power ceases to have any effect.
A wise primogen, therefore, saves this power for use at
DISCIPLINES strategic moments.
It costs 18 experience points to learn this power.
As a perk to offset some of the drawbacks of the
position, clan elders may offer to teach the new primogen MALKAVIAN
certain new combination Disciplines both as a reward CATCH A WHIFF OF MADNESS
and as a means of attending to the responsibilities of (DEMENTATION ••, AUSPEX •••)
the office. Although the Storyteller is the final arbiter of Insanity is the sea through which Malkavians swim
which Disciplines a character may possess, the following like sharks every night of their unlife. As such, they know
intimidated by a Gangrel vampire’s “invulnerability”). voice, a subtle facial tic, a darkly gleeful look in your
If the Gangrel wins, her opponent is cowed and behaves eyes or something similar. All attempts to lie, regardless
respectfully toward her for the rest of the scene. of the circumstances, audience or goal, are made at +2
It costs 20 experience points to learn this power. to the difficulty.
Natural Leader (4-point Social Merit) From early
on in your breathing days you have had a deep intui- A vampire may take on an office like the primogen seat
tive understanding of what motivates others, how to looking only at the short-term consequences and advan-
inspire them and how to get them excited about fol- tages, never giving consideration to the long-term effects
lowing you. The difficulty of all Charisma rolls aimed such an ethically challenging position might have.
at rallying others (individuals or groups) to your side Those consequences, unfortunately, cannot be ig-
is decreased by 2. nored.
Slowed Degeneration (5-point Mental Merit) Your Decades, if not centuries, of power plays and
Humanity is strong and can more easily withstand the treachery cannot help but take their toll on a character’s
Beast’s assaults. The difficulty of all Conscience rolls ethical well-being. The stresses of Kindred politics — the
is only 6 (instead of the customary 8). This degree of inescapable webs of lies, the interminable intrigues, the
moral resilience allows a well behaved vampire to lose cycles of alliance and betrayal — amplify and acceler-
Humanity at a much slower rate than would otherwise be ate the loss of Humanity already inherent in being a
possible. For those who don’t value Humanity, however vampire. In such a position, honesty and compassion
, it simply means that the Cainite can wreak a bit more become weaknesses. The redeeming traits associated
havoc before falling to the Beast. with Humanity become pathogens that the vampire
Bad Liar (4-point Social Flaw) Regardless of how must eradicate in herself lest they undermine her ability
well you know the arts of subterfuge or how clever you to perform her duties effectively.
think you are, some unconscious tell-tale sign gives This trap can ensnare even Kindred who fancy
you away when you are lying: a subtle quaver in your themselves relatively compassionate, who feel that they
Let us start by saying that this section is primarily diplomatic community, the relationship between the
for the Storyteller, but some of the information herein United States and the Soviet Union constantly evolved.
may also be useful for players. Since storytelling can be a Indeed, the events during the war set the stage for the
daunting task, the addition of managing a believable and complex relations thereafter, not the least of which
interesting primogen council can be especially intimidat- was fifty years of Cold War. In a similar vein mortals
ing. The purpose of this section then, is to help lay the neatly divide history into concise little eras, but there
foundations for storytelling a complex organization like was never an end to the political maneuvering and
a group of primogen and slip that council into a story scheming associated with the war. The happenings of
(pre-existing or no) in an effort to present a meaningful the primogen continue in a similar manner.
and rewarding challenge for the players. A major problem with some chronicles is that
Storytelling a primogen chronicle requires a good Storytellers expect clear beginnings and endings to
deal of preparation. As opposed to other types of develop naturally through the course of their stories.
chronicles, especially those that focus on combat, a This assumption is especially dangerous in a primogen
political chronicle often has very little closure. Kindred chronicle. Often, the result is little or no resolution to
politics are just like the real world. Wars are declared, plotline or, worse yet, plotlines arbitrarily ending in an
waged and brought to conclusion. Fights begin and abrupt effort to bring closure. Your challenge as a Story-
end. Projects are begun and then concluded. The game teller creating a plot that focuses on the primogen is to
of politics, however, is never finished. A real-world present a story which has a definite beginning, middle
example is World War II, which was waged (at least and end while at the same time providing a sense of
by the United States) in the early part of the 1940s. history and continuity.
By 1946 the war was over. The politics of the war pre- Politics, like the ocean, has eddies, some of which
ceded, continued through and then moved well beyond present excellent starting points for a chronicle. The
the war. For example, despite the strains of war on the key is creating one of these opportunities to introduce
Some more should be said in regard to detailing the
goals of the primogen. Attitudes and attributes are easy
enough to make up during a game. Using the goals of
the Storyteller characters within a story usually requires
a bit of planning in order to execute it properly. Thus,
spending some time with each individual goal — defin-
ing why it exists, what the optimal end result for the
character is and how he plans on fulfilling that goal —
should give you a good idea of just who the primogen
is and why he accepted the position.
In a politically driven story, the goals and desires
of the primogen council might well become a focal
point of the players. Make sure to create different sets
of goals. Some goals are private (such as a Toreador’s
secret blood cult), while some goals are certainly much
more public (like a Nosferatu’s thinly veiled desire to
claim the princedom). Additionally, like the Toreador
example above, not all goals need to be politically re-
lated. Having a handful of personal goals unassociated
with politics will go a long way in giving the primogen
more personality and depth of character. Remember,
just because a goal is not politically motivated does not
mean it is not useful in the negotiations of a council.
Knowing the most private and personal desires of an
enemy (or ally for that matter) may be the most devas-
tating currency another Kindred can hold.
It is certainly okay, and in fact probably desirable,
for your players to know about a few of the goals of
the primogen right from the beginning. Moreover, al-
lowing them to uncover others as the story progresses
will give them a feeling of accomplishment and po-
tentially a valuable piece of leverage. The goals of the
Storyteller characters are there to help the Storyteller
advance the plot, and sometimes that advancement
can occur through it being uncovered before it ever
sees fruition.
With the goals of the major players defined, the
next step is to detail the means by which each primo-
gen plans to make those goals come into reality. Even
the most far-fetched desire also carries with it a plan to
make it work. Any rational character (and Malkavians,
as well) knows her strengths and will set goals that play
to those strengths. Spending some time going over how
the primogen plans to use her existing resources or
gather appropriate new ones will pay off in the form of
a more in-depth background for the character. Goals of
the primogen intertwine with other council members’
goals, as do their means for completion.
As for respect for the primogen and their goals,
remember that not all primogen are appreciated by
their own clans. Some are even reviled as the lapdogs
of the prince or political sell-outs. Do not assume that
Thomas Jefferson may have written the Declara- Kindred do not exist across sects. The full brunt of a
tion of Independence, but he was also a diplomat, a primogen’s ruthlessness can come to bear in full on a
philosopher, a rebel and a bit of a romantic. To become Sabbat pack, leading to some particularly uncomfort-
a good mentor or enemy, your vampiric analog needs able situations.
to have a similar amount of complexity. Anarchs or Sabbat who confront a primogen need to
be aware of the primogen’s power within her home city.
THE PRIMOGEN Usually, primogen focus only on the affairs of their own
AS ANTAGONISTS city (they are too busy to focus elsewhere), and working
Using primogen as the antagonists in a story is not against them also means fighting them on their home
like using a prince. The stakes are usually smaller and turf. The primogen gained their positions because they
the adversary (the primogen, in this case) is also nor- are well connected and smart enough to maintain those
mally less visible. Whereas the prince claims domain positions; thus, though they are not as important as a
over the width and breadth of the city, the primogen prince, they are certainly just as dangerous. Arousing
are masters of their own spheres of influence, and those the animosity of multiple primogen can mean all sorts
spheres usually do not cover the entirety of a city. The of trouble, usually focusing on social institutions.
end result is an enemy that is often more devious (and Primogen fight each other using influence in the
ruthless) because his position is more in doubt and his institutions of the city, and they will use the same
resources are limited. resources to fight Sabbat or anarch characters as well.
By no means does a primogen antagonist have to be While Sabbat or anarch characters may be used to
a pushover. The same reason that she is not as powerful fighting street-level battles, they will discover their
as a Prince can also lead a primogen to be that much primogen enemy striking in unexpected and hard-to-
more devious and wily. Sure, it’s easier to gain access to combat avenues. A Sabbat pack that is used to fighting
a primogen and make her disappear, but it also means Camarilla Brujah enforcers or occasionally facing a rogue
that a primogen enemy is well aware of the situation Lupine may discover just how treacherous the workings
and willing to do everything in her power to maintain of a city are when the police post an All Points Bulletin
her unlife as well as her seat. A primogen antagonist on the characters.
is ruthless, conniving and much quicker to respond to
attacks than a prince.
A primogen who sees the players’ characters as Just as they may be difficult enemies, the primogen
possible threats to her position is an enemy who is can also present a source of mentors or allies for the
just as willing to make a preemptive strike as she is to players. Primogen who favor the players’ characters are
defend herself. It is not unlikely for a primogen to be treated as other amicable Storyteller characters, except
completely paranoid, seeing enemies in every shadow, for two things. First off, the primogen allies almost
and the characters may find themselves on the wrong invariably have a good deal of political background
side of these delusions. and influence in different parts of the city to call upon.
Then again, maybe the players really are gunning Other allies may be one-dimensional or specialize in a
for the primogen. They do not necessarily need to seek very specific thing. Primogen, on the other hand, will
the seat of the primogen; they may have a long-standing know a great deal about the inner workings of the city
rivalry with the council member and his position is and should have access to other Kindred who might be
merely an extra wrinkle in that situation. If the play- able to do or know the things that the primogen does
ers do indeed see the primogen as an enemy because of not have readily available. Thus, not only is a primogen
his seat, then the players become usurpers and begin a ally a useful source of information and favors in his own
Primogen to Be story (see below) . right, he also has access to a wide variety of contacts and
allies of his own that he may call on to aid the players.
Primogen antagonists do not need to focus only on
This help, of course, usually comes with a price.
Camarilla Kindred. Sabbat and anarch characters may
well find themselves at the wrong end of a powerful The second point about primogen allies is that they
primogen’s ire. Cities that have Camarilla and either are usually very busy. While they may be wonderful
Sabbat or anarchs are likely to have primogen who see outlets of information and advice for the characters,
the other sects as enemies. In this case, the primogen they are not always going to be available — probably
has little to no barriers as to her actions. The few rules less so than most Kindred. So, yes, they are extremely
that she must abide by when dealing with Camarilla useful and versatile as allies, but they are also limited
doing the things that a primogen can never do while
he occupies a position of such high visibility.
A single character primogen story needs to have
at least one player with a strong personality and good
leadership instincts who will play the highlighted char-
acter. The other players need to accept the primogen
player in this role, preferably with little to no resentment
of the attention and power granted to the primogen
council member.
In some ways, this can be the easiest style of pri-
mogen chronicle. The council member character is
able to make decisions, usually with the support of the
group. Moreover, decisions by the primogen character
do not necessarily jeopardize the political positions of
other players’ characters. Infighting between characters
(assuming that all the characters in the coterie are
generally amicable) is kept to a minimum.
The problems with this style are that the interac-
tion between players can become quite nasty due to
the nature of the story. With a single player (or two) as
major forces in Kindred politics and the others support-
ing cast, the Storyteller runs the real risk of alienating
some of the players. Players want their characters to be
in the spotlight at some time or another, and playing a
character who is constantly overshadowed by a primogen
character is no fun. This alienation can lead to trouble
as players compete among themselves for the attention
of the Storyteller.
To avert what can be the potentially disastrous
results of a hierarchy developing between the players
and their characters, a Storyteller needs to be aware of
which characters are highlighted during different stories.
Make sure that players have ample opportunity to make
their characters stand out. While the primogen may be
first among equals, the rest of the cast needs to receive
the attention it deserves.
The Group of Primogen story allows a number of
players to assume the positions of council members. Here,
most of the players’ characters (if not all) occupy the
coveted seats of the primogen and vie among themselves
to complete their own agendas. They each potentially
have the ear of the prince and a decent amount of
influence and ambition under their sway.
The characters maneuver against Storyteller
characters as well as against each other, also giving aid
when it is beneficial. The key here is that the players’
characters are not necessarily all working to support one
another, and at times, may be at opposite ends of the
political spectrum, vehemently opposing one another
on divisive issues.
disadvantages that go along with being a primogen
CONSIDER THE PRINCE council member. Good luck.
For nearly every point made about a primogen THE POWER PLAY
adversary of the players, the same can be said for The players already play primogen and are ready to
the prince of the city. Just like the primogen, the take the next step. One player decides that her character
prince is politically connected and has a good deal is better suited to the princedom and wants to usurp
of resources at his disposal. Even more than the that power. She needs to array her resources — allies,
primogen, though, the prince wields considerable contacts, wealth, boons — and then make plans to make
assets and can call on a number of favors from sure the coup is successful. She must gain the support of
across the city. as many primogen as possible and gauge the reactions of
Understand that the prince maintains his the other influential Kindred of the city. Of course, she
position because he’s capable and just as ruthless has to do all this without the prince getting wind.
as the primogen. A player who makes an enemy A coterie of allied Kindred would be especially
of the prince is assured of a tough and difficult useful in this situation.
fight ahead.
The Sabbat are moving on the city. Scouting parties
If anything, the Sabbat packs can be even more violent
have turned up and a siege looks imminent. The primo-
than the already dangerous anarchs.
gen need to prepare the city for the inevitable conflict.
At the other end of the Sabbat spectrum are the Not only do they have to lead their own clans and allay
templars and higher-ranking members. These leaders any fears, they must also help prepare the city for any
are usually significantly subtler than the packs of rank- possible violence from edgy Camarilla Kindred.
and-file Cainites and act more like adversarial primogen
The council may disband or be replaced by a war
than roving gangs. The leaders of the Sabbat are often as
council. The prince may neglect his other duties, forc-
connected and influential as a primogen, and also have
ing the primogen to pick up the slack. Any number of
the element of surprise on their side. The luminaries of
things can happen in the hours before the storm, and
the Sabbat, while disdaining mortal institutions, can
the primogen are sure to have ringside seats.
occasionally present remarkably well connected foes
and an interesting juxtaposition to the normal Sabbat Then, of course, the siege starts and the real work
stereotype. begins.
STORIES What happens when a council member really screws
The following are a couple of story ideas to set up? He does something so atrocious that the prince imme-
you in the right frame of mind for running a primogen diately expels him from the council and calls for another
chronicle. to take his place. How does the rest of the council react?
FORCED INTO THE COUNCIL What if one or more of these primogen watching as their
compatriot leaves in disgrace is a player’s character?
A player’s character is elevated to the council with little
The reason for the fall can be seditious or trivial.
regard for his own wishes. The elevation probably comes at
Either way, the result is the same: a time of flux that
the behest of the prince, but that is not the only possible
forces the rest of the council to cope with a situation
source. Maybe a local archon or justicar sees potential in
they did not have a hand in (or did they?). The fall of
the character and asks the prince for the “promotion.”
a council member may be especially stressful and bring
Suddenly the character is thrust into an alien po- subsequent scrutiny from the sheriff, harpies and sup-
sition and forced to cope with all the advantages and porters of the prince on the rest of the council.