1A Innledning - EPS - Flyer - 2 - Jan - Vaslestad

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4th International Conference

Geofoam Blocks in Construction Applications


6.- 8. June 2011

Thon Hotel Arena, Lillestrøm,

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration

Conference aim
Geofoam blocks as a lightweight fill material
Since 1972 blocks of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) have been used as a
lightweight fill material for road construction purposes in Norway. Later a
variety of applications have been added for Civil Engineering purposes in
general and there is a marked increase in the use of such applications on a
global scale. Research activities are carried out in several countries for
further enhancement of material knowledge and application methods.

The aim of the conference is to gather both users and non-users of Geofoam
blocks in order to exchange knowledge about the method through
presentation of research results, new applications and case histories.

Conference themes
Present use of Geofoam:
Reports by members of the International
Organizing Committee on known applications,
type of projects and volumes.

Expanded Polystyrene:
1972 ''%
I composition and production process
Index properties
Product control
Durability -ft

Material properties and modelling:

Model studies
Dynamic properties

Design specifications:
International standards
National specifications
Seismic design

Construction applications:
Roads, Railroads and Airports
Buildings and Industrial plants
Settlement mitigation
Load reduction on buried culverts

New concepts and special topics:

Innovative use of Geofoam blocks
Avalanche protection
Disaster prevention – climate change
Re-use/recycling of Geofoam blocks
International Organizing Committee:
Mr. Roald Aabøe, Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Chair)
Mr. Hideki Tsukamoto, CPC, Japan
Professor Dawit Negussey, Geofoam Research Center, USA
Dr. Milan Duškov, InfraDelft, The Netherlands
National Organizing Committee:
Jan Vaslestad: Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Chair)
Anne-Kjersti Frydendal: Norwegian Industries, EPS Group
Gunvor Baardvik, NGI – Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
Torgeir Haugen, NCC
Arnfinn Emdal, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Arnstein Watn, SINTEF
Geir Refsdal: Norwegian Public Roads Administration
Kaare Flaate: Private Consultant
Tor Erik Frydenlund: Geo Con (Secretary)

Key dates:
 Abstract submission: 31st of December 2010
 Abstract acceptance: 15th of January 2011
 Preparation and submission of papers/PowerPoint presentations:
31st of March 2011
 Paper/PowerPoint acceptance: 30th of April 2011
 Completion of Conference proceedings: 31 of May 2011
Previous conferences:
Oslo, Norway 1985
Tokyo, Japan 1996
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA 2001
The conference will be held at Thon Hotel Arena, Nesgata 1,
2004 Lillestrøm.
For more information please see http://www.thonhotels.no/arena

How to reach Lillestrøm

Airport train from Oslo Airport Gardermoen or Oslo City to Lillestrøm,
(12 minutes).
See www.nsb.no for more information.

Web site:
Updated information will be provided on the conference web site:

Organizing bodies:
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration

Secretariat: Tekna –
The Norwegian Society of Chartered Technical and Scientific Professionals

Siri Engen
Tekna – Teknisk-naturvitenskapelig forening

Postboks 2312, Solli

N-0201 Oslo, Norge
Fax: +47 22 94 75 01
E-mail: [email protected]


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