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Chapter 1 Researchh

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Stress is a fact of life, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. You cannot

avoid stress, but you can learn to manage it so it doesn’t manage you. At some point we

have all experienced a very stressful situation, and most of us experience stress on some

level every day. Students face different challenges in terms of their academic, family

situation, friends and many more. People that they encounter can lead them to rapid

bodily changes such as feelings of emotional unrest causing them to feel body aches. In

addition, consequences of stress can be devastating for some individuals. Stress is one

factor that influences academic performance and academic success (Salas, Driskell, and

Hughes, 1996). It occurs when individual feel pressure to adapt to their environment. For

many students the most significant source of stress is examinations. And some students

are afraid if they cannot answer the questions when they are called to answer in school.

And some students are working for them to help provide for their families, they have

major loads of responsibilities and priorities to adhere to as well as maintaining the role

of being a student. Stressors of students are affecting their academic performance and

those stressors maybe health factors and social factors.

Stress is any situation or event that evokes negative thoughts and feelings in a

person. The same stressful situation is not stressful for all people, and all people do not

experience the same negative thoughts and feelings when stressed.


Stress is associated with impairment of health, and negative emotional

experiences which is detrimental to quality of life and sense of well-being (Sinha, 2000).

Many students face stress as they try to mix up busy lives, school and work; while they

are trying also to have time with their family and friends. For some students, stress

becomes almost a way of living.

However, it is dangerous to let the stress become student’s way of living in

Senior High School because some stress levels can lead to terrible effect that changes

completely in student’s life and it may result a failure. Therefore, students need to create

a stress management for their stress in order for them to reduce the negative effects to

their learning and performance. Stress is necessary to challenge students to learn.

Approaches are needed that manage the negative aspects of stress which lessen students

learning and performance. The key to reducing and managing distress in students is

providing students with a feeling control over their education, information about what to

expect and feedback regarding what can be done to improve their performance.

Students are exposed to stress at some time in their lives, that uncomfortable

situation that affects our sense of well-being and quality of life. According to the

cognitive-transactional model of stress, stress is the dynamic relationship between an

individual and the environment in which a stimulus (whatever it is) disturbs an

individual’s homeostasis, causing him/her to respond to the situation with all available


Stress to students is not a joke they are only students not a professional some

students experiencing depression that because of the academic problem/school problem,


this situation can lead into the students suicidal attempt. We interview students of La Paz

National High School about their stress management, other said that they can manage,

but the others feel so much stressful this is the number one reason why students drop

their subjects.

We conduct this research to analyze the students management techniques,

students stress behavior, to study the student’s academic success, in different level.

Mental stress among higher education is increasing day by day. The effect of stress on

academic success of students is not good. A lot of different pressures affects than heavily

such as financial pressure, maintaining their good grades, completing their projects and

requirements on time. This study is to look into the effect of stress on student’s academic

success; stress can be both positive and negative on the individual. On the other hand,

excessive stress in school can 3 result to loss appetitive for reading, to perform well and

declining mental and physical health. We need a healthy and productive workforce; we

need to know the levels of mental stress towards academic success of the students in

order to formulate a viable solution.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the Stress Management Among Grade 12 Students in La Paz

National High School S.Y 2019-2020.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Location

1.4 Strand?

2. What are the different stressors that grade 12 students encounter in terms of:

2.1 Family problem

2.2 Finance

2.3 Academics?

3. How do grade 12 students manage the different stressors that they encounter?

4. What is the implication of the study among grade 12 students in La Paz National

High School?

Scope and Delimitation

The respondents of this study are Grade 12 students of La Paz National High School S.Y

2019-2020. Grade 12 students has a total population of 366 students but only 15 students per

strand will be the respondents.

Significance of the Study

The study of stress management among grade 12 students in La Paz National High

School is important to the following:

To the Students. Students will benefit to this study because they will know how to

handle the different stressor that they encounter.

To the Teachers. Teachers will know what to do to their students who are having a low

grade in academic performance because of the stressors.

To the Administrators. Administrators will benefit to this study since they are the one

who manage the school and they will have an information about the students that have a stressor

that can affect to their academic performance.

To the Parents. Parents will benefit to this study because they will be aware on how

does the stressor of their children can affect their children’s academic performance.

To the Future Researchers. Future researchers can benefit to this research because they

will get some ideas about this research.

Definition of Terms

The following terminologies will be operationally defined as used in this study.


Stress. In psychological terms, stress is the body’s reaction to any change that requires an

adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental and emotional

responses. Typically, stress is really hard to manage and to reduce. In this study, it refers to the

way of students how they handle it, and what kind of strategies they will use.

Management. Management (or managing) is the administration of an organization,

whether it is a business, a not-for-profit organization, or government body. Management includes

the activities of setting the strategy of an organization and coordinating the efforts of its

employees (or of volunteers) to accomplish its objectives through the application of available

resources, such as financial, natural, technological, and human resources.

Study. The devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic

subject, especially by means of books.

School. A school is an educational institution designed to provide learning spaces and

learning environments for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers.

Most countries have systems of formal education, which is commonly compulsory.

Depression. Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity. It can affect a

person's thoughts, behavior, motivation, feelings, and sense of well-being.

Stress Management. Is a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at

controlling a person’s level of stress, esprcially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of and for

the motive of improving everyday functioning.


Behavior. Is the actions and mannerisms made by individuals, organisms, systems or

artificial entities in conjunction with themselves or their environment, which includes the other

systems or organisms around as well as the (inanimate) physical environment.

Effect. Is the result of an action, as in those “cause and effect” papers you might write in

English class. Your topic could be how your late-night tuba playing (cause) has driven your

roommate insane (effect).

Mental. Describes anything having to do with the mind, just as "physical" has to do with

the body. Mental has to do with the intellect, the mind, or the brain.

Health. Is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in which disease and infirmity

are absent.

This section summarizes all relevant and studies gathered from books, websites, and

other printed materials. These related literature and studies give helpful insights or hints on the

direction of the study.

Related literature

The review of related literature or this study focuses on the positive and negative impact

of stress to the students.

Cutshall SM, et.al.(2011) report that self-directed, computer-guided meditation training

program is useful for stress reduction in hospital nurses. This pilot study suggests the feasibility

and efficacy of a biofeedbackassisted, self-directed, meditation training program to help hospital

nurses reduce their stress and anxiety. Optimal frequency of use of the program, as well as the

duration of effects, should be addressed in future studies.

Hartfiel et al (2011) results show that even a short program of yoga is effective in enhancing

emotional well-being and resistance to stress in the workplace. Mohan A et.al (2011) report a significant

increase in physiologic Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), Heart Rate (HR), Electromyography ( EMG), s

ympathetic reactivity(GSR, EMG, HR, QTc/QS2) and psycho logic (acute stress questionnaire scores)

markers of stress. Meditation was associated with relaxation (significant decrease in GSR, EMG,

QTc/QS2, and acute stress questionnaire scores). Meditation, if practiced before the stressful event,

reduced the adverse effects of stress. Memory quotient significantly increased, whereas cortisol level

decreased after both stress and meditation. VisualChoice Reaction Time (VCRT). showed no significant


Sao, Akhileshwar et.al (2011) reported that intervened yoga practices caused significant

beneficial effect on the psychological disorders. It has various gentle asanas, pranayama, and

relaxation techniques. Two groups of experimental and control subjects were used. Yogic

RESEARCH PAPERS i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, Vol. 6lNo. 4 lFebruary –

April 2013 43 management programme consist of regulated breathing, physical postures (asanas)

and relaxation for interaction. Significant reductions were shown for stress, depression, anxiety,

and reduction in fatigue was observed in the experimental group (yoga group).

Birinder S et.al (2011) report that findings may assist in implementing practical

interventions such as yoga in the workplace to mitigate stress, enhance health status and reduce

the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Statistical significance and clinical

significance will be interpreted and will be used to express group differences. Changes between

groups will be determined by analysis of covariance of the post-treatment score controlling for

he baseline score.

Related Study

A. Foreign

Stress can be defined as ‘any challenge to homoeostasis’, or to the body’s internal sense

of balance. It can manifest itself either as eustress or as distress. Eustress, literally translated as

‘good stress’, is a positive form of stress that motivates an individual to continue working. It is

when this stress is no longer tolerable and/or manageable that distress manifests. Distress, or

‘bad stress’, is the point at which the good stress becomes too much to bear or cope with. Some

signals that this change has occurred are when tension begins to build, and there is no longer any

fun in the challenge or there seems to be no relief or end in sight. This kind of stress is well-

known, and may lead to poor decision-making. The general characteristics of a person in distress

are: being over-aroused; tense or unable to relax; touchy, easily upset or irritable; easily startled

or fidgety, and demonstrating intolerance of any interruption or delay. Excessive stress results in

an increased prevalence of psychological problems like depression, anxiety, substance abuse and

suicide ideation ( ivek B. Waghachavare, Girish B. Dhumale, Yugantara R. Kadam, and Alka D.

Gore 2011-2012)

James D. et.al (2010) reported improved mood, and significantly Meditation training has

become a popular intervention for the prevention and treatment of stressrelated diseases and for

the management of stress.

Manocha, et.al (2011) Conducted a study “A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Meditation

for Work Stress, Anxiety and Depressed Mood in Full-Time Workers”. Results show that there

was a significant improvement in the meditation group compared to both the relaxation control

and the wait-list groups.

B. Local

College students in the Philippines are very often in the late adolescent years. As

students, they are said to experience a unique cluster of stressors (Garrett 2010) which may have

a significant impact on their ability to cope with college life (Dussellier etal. 2012). Some of

these may be internal while some may be external to the individual. There are interpersonal,

intrapersonal, academic and environmental stressors (Ross, Neibling & Heckert 2014).

Generally, it was the intrapersonal stressors (change in sleeping habits, desire for vacation/break,

change in eating habits, new responsibilities) which were reported as the most frequent sources

of stressors of college students. The fifth source was the increased class workload.

Agolla and Ongori (2013) specifically pointed out stressful activities such as exams,

papers, organization activities, deadlines and the like. How adolescents perceive stress is crucial

to their well-being as individuals and learners. The individual's perception of the stressor and

ability to adapt to the stressor are significant in the perception of whether the stressor is equal to

or exceeding his emotional and behavioral resources to cope (Hardesty 2006; Amponsah &

Owolabi 2011). Exposure to many stressors during this period can be related to psychological

symptoms such as depression and anxiety (Charbonneau et al. in Moksnes et al. 2010).If it is

severe and prolonged, it could affect the student’s academic performance and campus life along

with an increase in potential behavior for substance abuse and other like behaviors (Richlin-

Klonsky & Hoe in Busari 2012).

The action and state of individuals due to the presence or perceived presence of these

stressors is termed as stress response (Larkin 2010). It must be noted that stress response is

different from coping. Stress response is the "fight or flight" reaction to a stressor where

adrenaline is released to the body (Larkin 2010) while coping is the psychological process where

an individual tries to fight and manage psychological stress (Lazarus & Folkman, 2011). Stress

responses can be categorized as affective, behavioral, cognitive and physiological depending on

the individual’s age, financial status, social support, gender, and other related variables (Larkin

2010). Affective or emotional responses to stress are exhibited in behaviors concerned with

emotional states (Campbell & Ehlert 2012). Examples of negative emotions associated with

stressors are anxiety, depression, anger, annoyance, guilt, and fear (Larkin 2005; Busari 2012).

Behavioral responses to stress usually involve trying to reduce or tolerate the stress in positive or

negative ways depending on the influence of personal characteristics (Weiten, Dunn, & Hammer,


We mentioned it earlier and it bears repeating: stress is not always a bad thing. Stress is

simply the body's response to changes that create taxing demands. The previously mentioned Dr.

Lazarus (building on Dr. Selye's work) suggested that there is a difference between eustress,

which is a term for positive stress, and distress, which refers to negative stress.In daily life, we

often use the term "stress" to describe negative situations. This leads many people to believe that

all stress is bad for you, which is not true.

In comparison to Selye’s biological explanation as to how we respond to stress, the

transactional model suggests that our stress responses are mediated by our appraisal of the

stressor and also by the social and cultural resources at our disposal. The model of appraisal and

transaction Both Cannon’s and Selye’s early models of stress presented it as an automatic

response to an external stressor. A perspective that is also reflected in life events theory, with its

use of expert rather than individual rating schemes. By contrast, more recent models allow for

active interaction between the individual and external stressors, rather than passive response.


Grade 12 students manage

The different stressors their different stressors that
The profile of the they encounter by:
that the grade 12
respondents in terms of
students encounter are The implication of the study
their age, sex, location among Grade 12 students in La
family problem, finance
and strand. Paz National High School are:
and academics.


This chapter focuses on the methodology of the study. It specifically presents the steps

and procedures that the researcher implemented in order to effectively achieve the problems

identified in Chapter 1.

Research Design

This study will use descripted research design which determined the stress management

among grade 12 student in La Paz National High School S.Y 2019-2020. A Descripted research

design can use a wide variety of quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate one or more


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the Grade 12 students at La Paz National High School

that located in La Paz, Tarlac. Who were enrolled in the school year 2019-2020. The respondents

were selected 75 students of Grade 12 students who belongs to different Strands.

Data Gathering

The researchers will secure the permission from the principal of La Paz National High

through a letter School to conduct the present study and to gather data from the Grade 12

Students. The questionnaire will be distributed to the selected Grade 12 students who will serves

as the respondense of the study.


The research instrument is checklist-questionnaire which composed of questions.



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Address: Balingcanaway, Tarlac City

Number: 09993173237


La Paz National High School

San Roque, La Paz Tarlac


La Vlaize Integrated Science School

A. Soriano Hi-way, Timalan, Naic, Cavite



Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthdate: October 11, 2003

Height: 5’3

Religion: Espiritista

Civil Status: Single

Language: Tagalog, English

Nationality: Filipino


Address: San Isidro, La Paz Tarlac

Number: 09279795957


La Paz National High School

San Roque, La Paz Tarlac


San Isidro Central Elementary School

La Paz Tarlac



Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthdate: December 19, 2003

Height: 5’2

Religion: Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Language: Tagalog, English

Nationality: Filipino


Address: San Roque, La Paz Tarlac

Number: 09106416511


La Paz National High School

San Roque, La Paz Tarlac


Engracio M. Castaneda Central Elementary School

La Paz Tarlac



Age: 15

Gender: Male

Birthdate: August 06, 2004

Height: 5’9

Religion: Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Language: Tagalog, English

Nationality: Filipino


Address: San Roque, La Paz Tarlac

Number: 09385748187


La Paz National High School

San Roque, La Paz Tarlac


Engracio M. Castaneda Central Elementary School

La Paz Tarlac



Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthdate: December 01, 2003

Height: 4’6

Religion: Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Language: Tagalog, English

Nationality: Filipino


Address: Caramutan, La Paz Tarlac

Number: 09752943819


La Paz National High School

San Roque, La Paz Tarlac


Caramutan Elementary School

La Paz Tarlac



Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthdate: June 03, 2004

Height: 5’2

Religion: Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Language: Tagalog, English

Nationality: Filipino


Address: Lauangcupang, La Paz Tarlac

Number: 09302225506


La Paz National High School

San Roque, La Paz Tarlac


Laungcupang Elementary School

La Paz Tarlac



Age: 16

Gender: Male

Birthdate: September 24, 2003

Height: 5’7

Religion: INC

Civil Status: Single

Language: Tagalog, English

Nationality: Filipino


Address: Balanoy, La Paz Tarlac

Number: 09125103631


La Paz National High School

San Roque, La Paz Tarlac


Balanoy Elementary School

La Paz Tarlac



Age: 15

Gender: Female

Birthdate:April 29, 2004

Height: 5’3

Religion: Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Language: Tagalog, English

Nationality: Filipino


Address: San Isidro, La Paz Tarlac

Number: 09364039968


La Paz National High School

San Roque, La Paz Tarlac


Engracio M. Castaneda Central Elementary School

La Paz Tarlac



Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthdate: December 15, 2003

Height: 5’3

Religion: Born-again

Civil Status: Single

Language: Tagalog, English

Nationality: Filipino


Address: San Roque, La Paz Tarlac

Number: 09159430608


La Paz National High School

San Roque, La Paz Tarlac


Engracio M. Castaneda Central Elementary School

La Paz Tarlac



Age: 15

Gender: Male

Birthdate: November 01, 2004

Height: 5’9

Religion: Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Language: Tagalog, English

Nationality: Filipino

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