Unidos Webline
Unidos Webline
Unidos Webline
D776.131.01/02 2009-09 Sa
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Contents 2
1 Safety Information 3
2 Interface Configuration 4
2.1 RS232 Interface 4
2.2 Ethernet Interface and UDP 5
3 Interface Commands 6
3.1 Principles of Computer Communication 6
3.2 Command Structure 6
3.3 A Sample Session 7
3.4 Command Categories 7
4 Commands by Functions 8
4.1 Notes on Command Overview 8
4.2 General Commands 9
4.3 Status Request and Diagnosis 11
4.4 Measurement and Control Commands 13
4.5 Data Base Commands for Detectors 18
4.6 Data Base Commands for User Settings 23
4.7 Statistics Commands 27
6 Error Messages 32
2 D776.131.01/02
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Safety Information
1 Safety Information
Improper handling.
Bodily Injury! Equipment damage!
This document is a supplement to the
UNIDOSwebline user manual and is valid only in
conjunction with that manual.
The safety statements appearing in the indicated
user manuals are applicable and must be ob-
Electricity is a source of risk, particularly when
the product is not in perfect operating condition
or when it is operated inappropriately.
Shock Hazard!
In addition to these safety statements, please
note that devices connected to the interface de-
scribed in this manual must fulfill the require-
ments of the standard IEC 60950-1.
Physikalisch Technische Werkstätten
Dr. Pychlau GmbH
Lörracher Str. 7
Phone: +49 761 49055-0
Fax: +49 761 49055-70
[email protected]
D776.131.01/02 3
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Interface Configuration
2 Interface Configuration
Pin assignment and connection to a 9-pole or 25-pole connector with ‘standard IBM layout’:
*: Pins 4 and 6 are internally connected. By this, a DTR signal of the PC may be returned as DSR signal to the
4 D776.131.01/02
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Interface Configuration
2.2 Ethernet Interface and UDP By means of UDP a virtual COM interface is de-
fined. Using an existing terminal program or any
Protocols of the TCP/IP family are used for the other software for RS232, you can then communi-
communication between UNIDOSwebline and a PC cate with UNIDOSwebline via this interface.
via the Ethernet interface, UDP protocols for send-
ing commands via the Ethernet interface. For fur- • Install a UDP driver on your PC. For information
ther information about configuring the Ethernet in- on the UDP driver recommended by PTW-
terface please refer to the UNIDOSwebline user man- Freiburg, refer to the PTW-Freiburg homepage.
• Start the UDP driver.
• Define a virtual COM interface via the UDP
The UNIDOSwebline may adversely affect the data driver.
transmission of other clients in the network.
Network Problem! NOTE
Via the Ethernet interface, UNIDOSwebline may be The UDP port number for UNIDOSwebline is 8123.
connected to data networks, only if these net-
works do not determine the safety of the patient,
• Start a terminal program or any other software
the operator or other persons present, i.e., only
for RS232 and select this virtual interface for
to class A networks as defined in Annex H of
communication with UNIDOSwebline.
IEC 60601-1: 2005.
Only system administrators, who are capable of Æ The same commands can now be sent to
understanding, assessing and controlling the risk UNIDOSwebline via Ethernet as via the RS232
arising from the connection of UNIDOSwebline to interface.
the data network, are authorized to establish the
It must also be ensured that any future risk re-
sulting from changes to the data network (e.g.
connection of devices affecting the system safety
or changes to the network configuration, etc.) will
be understood, assessed and controlled.
D776.131.01/02 5
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Interface Commands
3 Interface Commands
Commands are answered with error messages
while the SETUP menu is displayed or while a
setting is changed via the quickinfo window!
Exception: PTW and SER command
To avoid confusion due to user operation at the
UNIDOSwebline keyboard or by VNC, it is recom-
mended to lock the UNIDOSwebline keyboard or
VNC by the KEY;0 command during remote
control of UNIDOSwebline.
In the following user manual the character ● is
used to depict a space character contained in a
6 D776.131.01/02
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Interface Commands
Connect the UNIDOSwebline „Serial“ connector to the PTW Read device identification and firmware
RS232 connector of your PC with a suitable cable. version
Switch on UNIDOSwebline and set it manually to the SER Read serial number of the device
desired measuring parameters. The measurement KEY Read/Set keyboard lock
screen must be displayed. BR Read/Set baud rate
HS Read/Set handshake setting
Step 2: open communication
DTD Read/Set date
Start the communication program on your PC. DTT Read/Set time
Make sure that it is set up correctly.
Send a PTW command. The response must be 3.4.2 Status Request and Diagnosis
UNIDOS2;x.xx where x.xx is the firmware ver-
sion. Repeat this for a maximum of 3 times. If there S Read measurement status
is still no correct response, check the setup of the SE Read error status
computer program and the used communication SPS Read status of power supply
NEW Recalculate the measured value multiplica-
Step 3: read error status
D776.131.01/02 7
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
CRC = x 16 + x 12 + x 5 + 1
The CRC check sum is transmitted in form of a
5-digit ASCII string.
(On request PTW-Freiburg will provide details of the
CRC calculation method.)
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
14 D776.131.01/02
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
Function End a dose or charge measurement and reset the measured values
Command RES
Answer RES
Possible E;02, E;03
error messages
Timeout 2s
Remarks Equivalent to pressing the RESET device control key
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
16 D776.131.01/02
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
D776.131.01/02 17
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
All parameters of a detector are condensed in a
list. To access a parameter a number is used.
List of parameters see section 4.5.1.
Changing parameters can either be done in the
data record of the active detector or in a so-
called data record work space.
The active detector is selected with the DBC
With the DBL command a data record is loaded
to the data record work space. Changes on the
data record work space have to be saved in the
data base with the DBS command.
Detector data records can only be deleted di-
rectly at the device but not via an interface.
18 D776.131.01/02
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
Function Load a detector data record from the data base to the data record work space
Command DBL;x
Answer DBL;x
Parameter x number of the detector data record
Possible E;08, E;19, E;21
error messages
Timeout ≤ 0,5 s
Function Read the value of a parameter of the data record work space
Command DBV;p
Function Set the value of a parameter of the data record work space
Command DBV;p;y
Answer DBV;p;y;zzzzz
Parameter p index of the parameter, refer to list in section 4.5.1
y value of the parameter
zzzzz CRC check sum (refer to section 4.1.1)
Possible E;07, E;08, E;19
error messages
Timeout ≤ 0,5 s
Remarks The value of a text parameter can be removed by sending an empty parameter (i.e.
Function Save the data record work space in a detector data record of the data base
Command DBS;x
Answer DBS;x
Parameter x number of the detector data record
Possible E;08, E;19, E;24
error messages
Timeout ≤ 0,5 s
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
D776.131.01/02 21
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
22 D776.131.01/02
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
All user settings parameters are condensed in a
list. To access a parameter a number is used.
List of parameters see section 4.6.1.
Unauthorized modifications of the settings.
Malfunction! Erroneous Measurements!
Only the parameters with the indices listed below
may be changed.
The parameters with the indices 7, 8, 30 - 32, 36,
43, 44, 50-53 and 55 are reserved for PTW.
Changing any of these parameters may cause
system malfunction and erroneous measure-
D776.131.01/02 23
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
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UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Commands by Functions
30 D776.131.01/02
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Alphabetical Command List
HLD Set the measurement to Hold 15 SMC Read the status of the statistics 28
mode measurement / operate the statis-
tics measurement
HS Read/Set handshake setting 10
SPA Read/Set a statistics parameter 27
HV Read/Set high voltage 14
SPS Read status of power supply 11
INT Start an integration measurement 15
STA Start a dose or charge measure- 14
IT Read/Set integration time 14 ment
KEY Read/Set keyboard lock 9 STO Add the displayed measured value 27
MV Read measured values 16 to the statistics
MVM Read upper limit of measuring 17 URE Read/Set radiological or electrical 14
range measuring mode
MVR Read display solution 17
NEW Recalculate the measured value 12
D776.131.01/02 31
UNIDOSwebline Interfaces
Error Messages
6 Error Messages
E;01 Syntax error, unknown command or invalid Observe the tables indicated in section 4
E;02 Command not allowed in this context e.g. starting a measurement while zeroing is in progress
E;03 Command not allowed at the moment e.g. UNIDOSwebline is in setup menu
E;07 CRC error CRC check sum is faulty
E;08 Parameter is out of the correct range or the Observe the tables indicated in section 4
format of the parameter is wrong
E;11 Operating state dangerous: command e.g. increasing high voltage as a side effect, stabilization
would lead to a dangerous operation state time not expired, etc.
E;16 Command to long Observe the tables indicated in section 4
E;17 Maximum number of parameters exceeded Observe the tables indicated in section 4
E;19 Wrong number of parameters Observe the tables indicated in section 4
E;20 Setting cannot be changed No user rights or read only setting
E;21 Detector not found A detector with the requested data record number does
not exist.
E;22 DBL command: new detector was not set. The new high voltage will be higher than the actually set
high voltage.
E;23 General data base error
E;24 Memory error: data record could not be
E;25 Warning: Change of high voltage source
(DBC command)
32 D776.131.01/02