Uses of Image Processing Sampling
Uses of Image Processing Sampling
Uses of Image Processing Sampling
1 Introduction
◦ Images compression
◦ In acquisition devices, the image sensors contain sepa-
rate elements for each pixel
◦ Has many active research areas ◦ During sampling, each element will record the amount
of photons hitting the area
◦ As computer vision gets more important, so does image
processing ◦ During sampling, each element will take photons from
multiple objects, if they are close to each other. This is
the reason why acquired images do not have extremely
Image sharp edges
◦ Changing the sampling rate of the image is called re-
◦ Abstract or realistic representation of a scene sampling
◦ It could be a picture or a digital image ◦ Up sampling (zooming) can be used to increase the size
of the image, however, this will not increase the amount
◦ There are two types of digital images of information contained within the image
Continuous / parametric: called a vector image ◦ Down sampling (shrinking) can be used to decrease the
size of the image, and generally will result in the loss of
Discreet Images: Fixed sized and represented as
matrices, we will only work on discreet digital im-
ages ◦ Sampling can cause strange spatial effects like aliasing
and moire effect
Discreet images
◦ Entire image is stored as a matrix
◦ The operation of converting number of photons hitting
◦ Matrix cells can contain a single value or a group of a sensor element to a number
values for multiple color channels
◦ Generally, images are saved as 8-bit RGB (red, green,
blue) format which requires 3 bytes per sample
◦ Generated (CGI, computer generated image)