Avatar Course
Avatar Course
Avatar Course
will quickly discover that what we have said about the exercises
intellectual understanding.
(Audience: Great!)
you think about it, you never feel for the greater good of
They don't _feel_ very much. So I'm going to have you _feel_.
physical sensation."
Give me some examples of _physical sensations_.
Feel joy without labelling it. Don't focus on _saying_ how you
And of course when you get into the idea of living for others,
you also get into the idea that others should live for you,
others to live for themselves, too. Learn to feel what you feel,
even create what you want to feel, and don't be too concerned
place, and don't let them talk, after a period of time they will
Now, if they talk, they probably won't end up feeling the same
because the words they translate their feelings into don't mean
the same to both of them. For example, she says "I hate you" to
hate you" into the feeling of being angry. Oh, what a mess!
empathy will develop and the upset will disappear. Having people
meet face to face to talk out their upsets works because of the
at times slow down the process. Have you ever made up with
When you're _not_ translating into words and you just hang out
wavelength. You'll feel the way they feel. This may explain the
high that one experiences from hanging out with holy men. It's
Somebody who looks like this (slumps body to look sad) can't say
Unless you turn off the vibrations completely and rely solely on
the intellect, the person will leave you just a bit uneasy. You
You stop him because the experience isn't right. The experience
So I'm going to have you experiment with something. Breathe for a minute. You know how
you breathe, you go (breathes) suck in air to your chest, let air out, like that. OK,
now this one is risky. Instead of moving your chest, push your stomach out, and bring
your stomach in, push your stomach out, bring your stomach in. As you're doing that
your lungs will automatically fill with air. And when your chest stops, it appears that
you've stopped breathing.
The thing I'm showing you is that when you're feeling,experiencing, the breathing tends
to be lower. It's visceral,it's feeling. And the more into symbols and intellectual
understanding that a person goes, the higher this breathing moves up. Up tight, eh. I
suspect that mild oxygen deprivation
increases mental activity.
"I feel good." Deep breath. "I feel good." Deep breath. "I feel good." Deep breath. "I
feel good." Deep breath. And if the feeling you get doesn't fit your intellectual
understanding of that experience, who are you going to believe?
When you're experiencing something that has some intellectual judgment about how bad or
unpleasant it is, ease into the feel of it by breathing with your stomach and feel it a
little more with each breath. Breathe through the experience and the judgment will
I want you to find something you consider beautiful in this room, and then experience
your perception of beauty. This is totally on a selfish flow; you're never going to
translate this feeling.
Did you get that feeling without any particular urge to interpret it or translate it
into words?
OK, feel a person without any need or urge to translate it into words.
Now, did you actually feel the flesh, and bones, or did you feel a person and a little
Feel the person again and feel the meat. Different, huh? Are you starting to regain
some experiential clarity?
OK, here is a great truth. _Things become complicated to the degree that symbols are
substituted for feelings_.
Here's another thing to feel. Feel alive without any interpretation or need to
translate it. Now feel very alive.
Does anybody think that he's doing this wrong? That's a joke.
Now when you just live life and you feel what's going on, it flows. When you resist it,
you start to translate it and put symbols on it, you shift into an intellectual
appreciation of life. Take a deep breath, relax, let it flow.
In philosophy, words are symbols for life. A reflection of life. They're a
representation of life. Now the interesting thing is that symbols require explanation,
_life doesn't_. A great scholar may know all of the teachings of all of the masters; he
can say the right word at the right time; every question that you'd ever ask he has an
answer. But he doesn't _feel life_; he lacks experiential clarity; he's not really an
enlightened man; he's just a very knowledgeable man, an intellectual.
He's got all the explanations, and he's going around saying "Well, it means this, and
it means that." _But, only symbols mean, life is experience_.
Feel alive!
You did that very well. When I asked you to find something beautiful and experience it,
it was pretty easy to do, but actually it was an interpretation that you placed on
It's the intellectual interpretations that we place on our environment that cause us to
experience it as beautiful or ugly.
Well, it just is. It's part of existence. It's part of life.It's not a good or a bad
feeling. But when you put an interpretation on it, "Oh, that's a very bad thing," and
then when you're presented with it, why you resist it. But what are you resisting? Just
your own judgments. The interpretation that you've put on it. It's bad, ooh, stay away
from it. You set up a little ridge, or you set up one of these (pushes fists together).
On one side of it is your interpretation of the feeling; on the other side is the
resist that you have on experiencing the feeling. You wouldn't have resisted it if you
hadn't interpreted it as something that you shouldn't experience. That's how you lock
yourself up-something is presented for your experience and you put a judgment on it:
Do you know what the purpose is for any action? To feel something or to avoid feeling
The purpose behind any action is to feel something, or to avoid feeling something. When
a being is motivated by an avoidance to feeling something, he acts out of fear. Fear
will eventually move one into this intellectual level, where symbols have been
substituted for feelings. Feelings are no longer safe.
People who have the purpose to _feel create_; people who have the purpose to avoid
feeling _think_.
The most creative people not only feel, but they can translate feelings into symbols
that will arouse feelings in another. The one who is avoiding feeling, often imagines
the creative person is enforcing feeling on him, and he usually counters with some
act of resistance. This causes suffering.
Every great movement, every society, every evolutionary phase has always started with a
rediscovery of feelings; they always start at a time when people have lost touch with
feelings and are living on an intellectual level. And someone comes along,some sort of
messiah, or a pretty bright being who's had an experience of enlightenment, and he
coaxes the people back into feeling. You see, he moves them beyond symbols and back
into feeling; and they experience that he makes them feel very alive.
The movement makes them feel alive, or experiencing care or building for the future
makes them feel alive, because they're moving out of this level where they resisted
experiencing and where life had become symbols.
So any movement that has power actually moves people from dealing with symbols and
thinking back into feeling, to feeling alive. It's the excitement; you feel excitement;
you come alive.
Later on, when the movement has lost some of its vigor, it can be successfully resisted
by those who fear change, who are avoiding feeling; and one by one disaffected
followers shift back into an intellectual mode and _try to understand_ how they could
have acted so irrationally. Their usual solution is to blame it all on the charismatic
leader, whose spell they must have fallen under.
Assassination, crucifixion, and genocide are motivated by fear. They are intellectual
So what is the meaning of life? Life is. It doesn't come with a meaning. You can study
the symbols or you can go out and feel alive.
The ancient Vedas were the essence, the feel of life. Their purpose was to transmit
from one being to another being what life feels like.
Sometimes you have to transmit the feel of life with symbols; that's the liability of
not being able to hang out with somebody on a mountain top, not being able to look into
their eyes and silently hug them. So we use symbols. But in time the symbols tend to
acquire _meaning_, and then they no longer represent feelings or experiences, but they
begin to represent other symbols. The meanings acquire a false importance and the
essence is lost. So books about books are written. And the true Vedas begin to be
reinterpreted and reinterpreted and reinterpreted, until they become intellectual
It was said of the Vedas that they were the breath of the eternal. That there was never
a time when there were not Vedas; that they actually preceded the appearance of man.
And the word "veda" means "the feel of life." That's my translation. So the Vedas are
more than symbols.
Some scholars say "Oh yeah, the Sanskrit stuff, ancient, here are the Vedas," but the
Vedas are actually any teaching that brings a person to feel alive, you know? Something
that cuts through the level of symbols and wakes someone up.
Well, with the Avatar preparatory exercises, people are starting to wake up. The first
thing that happens is you recover a level of source, if you wish to call it that, where
the _meaning is what you assign, rather than what you find_. For the seeker, this is
the end of the line.
Intuition is sensing the feeling behind the symbols. It's going by what you're
experiencing rather than by an understanding of the symbols. Our intuition allows us to
translate an understanding of scriptures into an experience of enlightenment.
Did I tell you the story about the dolphins, how the dolphins perceive? No? OK,
dolphins send out a sound wave and it bounces off of things, and they continue to send
out a sound wave, and the sound wave going out bounces back and it hits the sound wave
they are continuing to send out, which creates beats as the two sounds interfere with
each other. From the interference pattern of the two sounds, the dolphins get another
sound which they interpret into a three-dimensional picture of their world. "A
sunken ship over there, a lot of gold treasure over there."
Well, the neat thing about a dolphin is he can swim around an island and approach
another dolphin; then, instead of sending out the sonar sound, he sends out the
interference pattern of what he saw. The second dolphin hearing it, sees images just as
if he were there where the first dolphin had been.
He perceives the same three-dimensional picture. A treasure, ship, fish, the same
excitement. Just as if he were there. This type of communication is a little bit senior
to the communication of symbols and words that we use. In fact, when we look at the
dolphins' form of communication, we see that our efforts are really inefficient. The
only way we can even approach a dolphin's effectiveness is to have picture
dictionaries, and keep everyone agreeing on what picture the words represent.
(Audience: If you could telepathically communicate the feeling of the experience, that
would be much closer to it.)
Yes. And you know, I think we do that all of the time. That's continually going on.
It's just there. Ready to be tuned into, and you tune into it by feeling. It gets
invalidated when we attempt to translate it into intellectual symbols, but what we
feel is what we feel.
(Audience: Great!)
(Brad: Would you read that one phrase about truth over again?)
Sure. _Things become complicated to the degree symbols are substituted for feelings_.
(Steve: What happens is that when you get to thinking as opposed to feeling, you really
remove yourself from the thing. When you're feeling, as opposed to thinking, you
actually become the thing you feel. In the action of thinking you're actually separate
from it. I think that's the big difference. Instead of being part of it, you part from
(Sue: What kind of waves are we talking about? It really strikes truth when you say
we're always communicating feelings with brain waves, or some kind of waves?)
Well, you know how you go into a room where someone's just had a fight and been real
upset and you'll find that you're actually having to make an effort not to be upset?
You shift into an `intellectual mode. In other words, you're resisting experiencing
the upsetness too, intellectualizing that if at least one of you is calm, it'll be
better? That may or may not be true, but you'll find that you start to intellectualize
when you resist the feeling in the room. Maybe you say to yourself, "I'm not going to
let them upset me."
And from another strata of consciousness it was, "Hey, listen, I'll tell you what. You
say this, and then I'll get upset, and that'll be kinda neat, you know?"
OK guys, you really feel good, but I'm going to end now.
As persons, places, events, conditions, viewpoints and ideas are _permitted_ to proceed
of their own accord, they will undergo change.
_Everything flows!_ Experiencing the flow may permit a person to direct it or to exist
in harmony with it. One welcomes and experiences the change, recognizing new
opportunities; or one struggles and resists the change, thus experiencing suffering,
for everything changes.
One may choose his own attitude toward change, but meet change he will. Everything
_Choosing_ to resist the experience of something which one hay chosen to experience (by
his or her creation of beliefs) creates the effect of suffering, of being swept along,
of being out of control. One creates against oneself. Feeling is replaced by thinking.
But when one changes his attitude, and experiences what he has chosen to experience
(acknowledging oneself as source of the beliefs that attracted the experience), he may
then create new beliefs as to what experience he will attract next.
_Those persons, places, events, conditions, viewpoints and ideas which one resists
experiencing will continue to be created with slight variation until they are
experienced as being in accord with the beliefs held by the particular stratum of
consciousness that is creating them._
The Exercises
Feel: (verb) to perceive or have a mental sense of; be conscious of; have a distinct or
indistinct perception or mental impression of.
Define: (verb) to determine, declare or mark the limit of; circumscribe; determine or
indicate the bounds or outlines in detail; to determine the extent of.
Identity: (verb) to become the same as; to combine in such a manner as to make one;
coalesce in existence.
The following exercises may be done with or without supervision. They should be done in
a variety of spaces, including out-of-doors. Adopt a gradient approach. Start small and
work up. A brief summary should be written up after one has achieved a satisfactory
result on each exercise.
Note: You are actually working on recognizing and developing a perceptive skill that
will allow you to experience your creations. If you have any doubt that such a skill
exists,notice your ease of identification and experience of the body.
Supplement the exercise with whatever degree of imagination you need to get a
Select some object, location or space that interests you. Observe it carefully for a
few seconds.
Define_ the object by observing its periphery, edges or limits. Identify with it and
feel what it feels.
For example, if you are identifying with a stone, feel its weight bearing down on the
earth as your weight, feel its exposed surfaces as your surfaces, feel its density as
your density. Transform the stone into you the stone. Be the stone.
(Experiment with using the stomach breathing technique described in the "Feel It"
Suggestions of things to experience: houses, cars, what a road feels like, bodies of
water, mountains, etc.
When you have achieved a satisfactory result, write up a brief summary of your
Select an animate object, animal, plant or person, that interests you. Observe it for a
few seconds.
Define its edges, notice the actual space it occupies. Identify with it and feel what
it feels.
Example: If you choose to identify with a tree, feel its limbs as your limbs, feel the
breeze against its leaves as the breeze against your leaves, feel the roots as your
roots. Be the tree.
When you have achieved a satisfactory result, write up a brief summary of your
Step 3. Beliefs (Supervised session)
Select a belief that interests you. Put your attention on it for a few seconds. Define
its edges and notice the space it occupies in whatever dimension in which it exists.
Identify with the belief and feel what it feels like to hold that belief.
Example: If you choose to identify with a belief that you are happy, feel what it feels
like to be happy, feel joy. Be happy.
This exercise may be done with or without supervision. It should be done in a variety
of spaces, including out-of-doors. Adopt a gradient approach. Start small and work up.
A brief summary of your experience should be written up after one has achieved a
satisfactory result with each exercise.
The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to investigate and explore what effect
your opinion has, if any, on your ability to perceive or experience objects, bodies,
feelings and ideas.
Define (determine the limits, circumference of) the space occupied by an object
Change you opinion of the object and again identify with it and feel what it feels.
Repeat to satisfactory result.
Once you have defined the space occupied by a person, create an opinion of that person.
Change your opinion of the person and again feel what they feel. Repeat to satisfactory
Label: (noun) a slip of paper or any other material, bearing a name, title, address, or
the like, affixed to something to indicate its nature, contents, ownership,destination,
or other particulars.
Opinion: a belief that seems true, valid or probable to one's own mind; a judgment
Identify with the belief and feel what it feels to have that belief.
Change your opinion of the belief and again feel what it feels like to have that
belief. Repeat until you achieve a satisfactory result.
Write up as above.
Once you have defined the person, object, feeling or idea, identify with it and feel
what it feels.
Label the thing just as it is. (Without translating your perceptions or adding
(Revised and reissued by Star's Edge International 3/15/92 to update and replace
"Creations Exercises" in current Avatar Course Section II)
Foundational Beliefs
Life is consciousness.
In truth one is, at some level, always source, but at other levels one may create
against one's self until that level of self appears as a no-source.
The creation of one's life is the result of a primary intention originated by awareness
and contained in/sustained as consciousness. The fundamental intention is, "an I
Secondary Origination:
Monitor n.: one who warns of faults or informs of duty; an admonisher; one
who gives advice and instruction by way of reproof or caution.
Monitor v.: to watch or check on; to regulate the performance of; to listen in on.
Primary Origination
Consciousness creating itself as the source of any reality may transform that reality.
Consciousness creating itself as the no-source of a reality is powerless to affect that
Consciousness exists within a span of time. Within that time it may create against or
modify its originations by subsequent originations. This can be done before the
origination manifests into an experiential reality (changing one's mind). After an
origination has manifested, it must be experienced and reintegrated before it can be
replaced by a new origination.
Vector: the resulting course followed by events that are subject to multiple
A Practical Example
Many secondary originations take the form of intentions to create agreement, to solicit
approval, or to avoid upset. These prior realities can be triggered by a new primary
They show up, often mentally, as second thoughts, reservations or doubts. Sometimes
they are involuntary, and the person may not immediately be aware of them.
At other times the secondary origination is not so much asking for agreement with what
is said, as it is asking if, or asserting that, it is OK to speak.
These secondary originations sabotage us and keep our words from manifesting into the
realities that we wish to create.
So What Is A Primary Origination?
A primary origination (primary) does not look for agreement or approval from any other
source. A primary does not require repeating, re-consideration, justification, or
explanation. A primary does not have to conform to or consult with past experience. A
primary is an origination that says "X" and creates."X" as a reality. This is the way
it is, _and it is!_
A creation is subject to rules, principles, truths, and limits only when it is created
within a priorly created reality _that one does not wish to disturb._
If you create in conflict with a priorly created reality, it will, of course, re-assert
itself as a secondary origination.
Many people will find that an understanding of the above and re-acquiring the skill to
make a primary origination will neatly resolve their major difficulties in life.
Secondary Origination:
1. An unintended creation that is triggered by the creation one intends.
2. an effort or intention concerned with how a primary origination is, was or
will be received.
3. an effort to monitor or modify the origin point or receipt point of a communication.
4. something that is there other than what is knowingly being created.
5. an unaligned effort.
Procedure: Coach has the student deliver the first line from the Source List, "I'm
happy to be me." Coach then asks student to tell him any doubts, second thoughts, or
physical sensations that the line triggers.
The exercise is done briefly and is complete as soon as the student has an experiential
clarity on recognizing secondary originations.
NOTE: At this point, nothing is done with the secondaries other than recognizing their
existence as phenomena.
Secondary Origination:
1. an unintended creation that is triggered by the creation one intends.
2. an effort or intention concerned with how a primary origination is, was or will be
3. an effort to monitor or modify the origin point or receipt point of a communication.
4. something that is there other than what is knowingly being created.
5. an unaligned effort
"Do you have any doubts that you created the reality?"
Purpose: To allow the student to identity and assume control over any secondary
originations that act to curb or modify his ability to source originations.
The procedure may be unwieldy at first. The Avatar Masterwill aid both the coach and
the student to become proficient in this exercise.
One may encounter resistances to doing the drill, but they should be addressed the same
as any other secondary. Once secondaries begin to be eradicated the student will have
little doubt about the liberation achieved. Consciousness will experience an expansion.
These exercises can get very noisy and funny. Laugh a lot and lighten up. Consciousness
is a very light thing.
1. I am happy to be me.
2. I am right here.
4. I am me.
5. I do it.
6. I decide.
7. I am source.
(The Avatar Master will check out and give the final pass on this exercise.)
Secondary Origination:
Purpose: To allow the student to identify and assume control over any secondary
originations that act to curb or modify his ability to create his own reality.
3. The coach has the student voice a statement from the reality creation list below as
a PRIMARY ORIGINATION and then locate any secondary originations that are occurring
spontaneously before,during or after the primary origination. If the student is
willing, the coach may also point out any secondaries that he observes, or ask
questions that will elicit secondaries.
4. The coach helps the student to assume control over each secondary origination that
emerges by purposely having the student exaggerate that secondary origination (as a
secondary origination) alternately with the primary until the secondary no longer
occurs spontaneously.
5. The exercise is continued until the student can easily deliver any statement on the
"Reality Creation List" as a primary origination without any self-monitoring or
secondary originations occurring.
A reluctance to create a reality should be handled the same as any other secondary.
Any reality experienced at variance with the primary origination is the result of a
Each origination should be delivered as the student's own and it should be repeated,
with secondary originations handled, until it creates the reality being communicated.
3. Life is funny.
4. Life is serious.
5. I am here now.
8. I am not a victim.
23. I am relaxed.
(The Avatar Master will check out and give the final pass on this exercise.)
Exercise 5:
Create your own list of primary originations from your answers to the following
Deliver each origination as your own, handling all secondaries, until the origination
creates the reality being communicated. In some cases the reality will be created by
the exercise alone. In other cases the reality will manifest as a path, or opportunity,
leading to its creation.
You have achieved a mastery of creation that few people have ever reached.
You are now outfitted with the tools necessary for managing broad spheres of reality.
In _Avatar: Section III_, you will encounter the powerful CREATION HANDLING PROCEDURE
for the first time and you will be presented with many opportunities to make use of
what you have already learned as you become a master explorer of consciousness.
(The previous section of the Avatar materials presented exercises designed to convey an
understanding and an experiential clarity of _Creation_. The current section covers
_Discreation_, and the practical management of consciousness.)
These materials are confidential and are the exclusive property of Star's Edge, Inc.
They are not to be duplicated or disclosed to unauthorized persons without the advanced
written consent of the Senior Board of Star's Edge, Inc.
[1] CREATION HANDLING PROCEDURE (Foreword) ..................... 1
There are two fundamental abilities possessed by consciousness; with them, one may
manage existence. The first is_Creation_, the process by which things enter existence,
and the second is _Discreation_, the process by which things exit existence.
_Creation_ is the process of imagining the inexpressible no-thing quality of
consciousness into expressible quantities and qualities.
Response to _what is_ is the path of creation. Experience of _what is_ is the path to
The Avatar walks the path from consciousness to existence;the Buddha walks the path
from existence to consciousness. To manage existence, one must learn to walk first as a
Buddha and then as the Avatar.
(Revised and reissued by Star's Edge International 3/15/92 to update and replace
"Creation Handling Procedure" in current Avatar Course Section III)
Identify v.: to become the same as; to combine in such a manner as to make one;
coalesce in existence.
Define v.: to determine, declare or mark the limit of; circumscribe; determine or
indicate the bounds or outlines in detail; to determine the extent of.
Discreate v.: to halt the production of acreation; to turn off; to cease creating;
to let go of.
General Theory
Observation: Awareness creates within itself and experiences within its creations.
When awareness chooses to experience its creation, it becomes identified with that
creation; it exists as that creation. It does not respond _to_ the creation; it
responds _as_ the creation. While it is identified with the creation it manifests as
consciousness limited by the boundaries of the creation. Defined consciousness believes
itself separate from the undefined awareness, which exists outside of the creation.
Since primal awareness is without limits, creation occurs within it. Undefined
awareness is the source of the first creation. The limited consciousness existing as
the creation believes that it is existing within boundaries that are not of its own
creation. Limited consciousness considers itself separate and different from undefined
awareness. Limited consciousness also creates within itself, but the limits of its
creations exist within the limits established by undefined awareness.
Existing within limits that you consider beyond your power of creation is the essence
of experience. This is how people come to view themselves as trapped or subject to
experiences not of their own creation.
The purpose of any creation is experience. There may or may not be intervening steps
between the act of the creation and the integration of the experience. The complication
is this: what may seem a perfectly logical thing to create and experience by an
expanded consciousness may appear to be threatening to experience by the more
contracted aspect of the same consciousness existing with the limits of the creation.
Thus limited consciousness resists (creates against experiencing the creation created
by a more expanded aspect of itself) _and creating against oneself_ begins the
compaction of creation and consciousness that manifests as the physical universe.
Both are aspects of the same source. When limited consciousness ceases to resist the
creation it is identified with, it expands beyond the boundaries of that creation and
integrates with the aspect of itself that is source of the creation. The Creation
Exercises in Section II are preparation for this.
"When we discuss space travel, realize we are talking about a mental ability. It has
nothing to do with moving biomass around the universe."
Continuum: a scale of changing aspects which have a common factor, e.g., an inch, a
foot, a mile possess the common factor of each being a measure of distance.
In the Feel-It Exercises of Section II, you learned to meld with a creation and "feel
how it feels." This is the essence of "identify with and experience." It requires that
you surrender any resistance you might have to existing as the belief, the feeling, the
emotion, the idea, the identity, the time, the space or the mass of whatever you are
seeking to identify with and experience. You become the limited expression of
consciousness that is the creation.
If a person has any difficulty doing this step, or just wants to achieve a greater
certainty on his ability to do this step, he can employ the Creation Exercise. (For
example: Create the reality "I am ....[fill in the blank]..." and handle any
Every creation has some form, defined by boundaries, in one or more of the infinite
continuums of reality, time, space and energy. Pains, sensations, aches have forms.
Thoughts, ideas, beliefs and impressions have forms. Fears, desires, and compulsions
have forms. Only pure awareness is boundless and without form. Everything else has
limits or boundaries defining a _form_.
The creations which you feel the effect of are being viewed from the inside--this is
the relationship between creature and creation. The creations which you have control
over are being generated by you--this is the relationship of creator and creation.
Certain creations may require a change of continuum in order to be viewed at all (e.g.,
a creation defined by a span of time,such as a century, cannot be viewed in terms of
spacial limits).
You cannot get an overall view of a creation which you are being. To view such a
creation requires that you expand the reality that you consider yourself to be. This
can be done by extending your willingness to experience out in all directions until you
contact the unknowns which lie just beyond the limits of the creation. Most people
(aspects of consciousness) have separate creations of self defined in different
continuums,e.g., an energy self, a reality self, a spacial self, a time self.
You cannot change your relationship to an upset, pain, idea or fear by resisting it.
You define a creation by expanding your attention within the continuum or continuums in
which it exists, and willingly experiencing, until you contact the unknowns which lie
just beyond the borders of the creation.
When you label a defined creation without judgment, you recover the attention that was
fixed in the creation. Suddenly, _the creation is what it is_. It does not compel you
to create a response. You are not the effect of, nor affected by, the creation. You are
not drawn into, nor repulsed from, the creation. You are separate from it.
The key to this step is your ability to make a primary. The label on a creation is a
primary rather than a response. There is no compromise, no check to see if you have
done it right, no pause for approval or applause. You are centered, sun-like, Source.
Very simply, you cease to identify with the creation. With your attention on the
creation, recognize: "This is not-I, this is my creation."
Present time is a creation whose limits lie just beyond the moment.
For example, when you turn off a light at the switch, you simply interrupt, stop or
take away the flow of energy to the light. You discreate the light.
Deprived of "creating energy" the creation vanishes, breaks up into parts and
vaporates, shrinks into itself and disappears, slips away, difuses, turns into a fog
and dissipates, shrinks into a nothingness, or is simply gone.
If you find something that you can't seem to discreate (a persistent mass), it is
because it still has a source of "creating energy" which you have yet to assume
responsibility for.
that, also._
an Avatar. Today, I'll explain the six steps further and answer
Well, actually, there are seven steps. There is one step that
was left out, which is the step you start with--exist. I assume,
since you are doing the Avatar Rundowns, that you are
Step 1
So you start off with whatever you are resisting, and the first
and really experience it_. Really feel it. Take the resist off
comes from the fact that they are already identified with
another creation that is incompatible with the creation they are
flesh and blood bodies don't do well in the core of the sun.
From the formless state of Avatar you can go back and forth into
existence and get a good feel for the limits of anything you
wish to experience.
When you are contained within the creation, you experience the
contained within you, you are the source of the creation. You
yet to experience.
getting into a hot tub. Just ease on in. You become the reality
that you are focusing on. That's step one, _experience what
Step 2
Every creation has boundaries. That may take some getting used
are only vaguely aware of. When you explore boundaries from the
inside, you expand your attention outward into whatever you are
experiencing. The boundaries will be perceived as a marked
more your attention is drawn into the creation, the more the
I've got a story I'll tell you. I've told this story before. You
you can put out your awareness, clear transparent space. To the
transparent space.
Now where do you think that came from? Huh? A tiny little
looking into a flashlight beam on the moon, from the Earth! Dim!
And you look, and you look, and you look. Your attention becomes
look. And you shrink. And the intensity grows. And you look. And
you shrink. And the intensity grows. And the particle doesn't
seem to be quite so small anymore. And you look. And you shrink.
And the intensity grows. And you look. And you shrink. And the
look. And you shrink. And the intensity grows. The particle gets
bigger still. You look. And you shrink. And the intensity grows.
The particle grows so big that you can look inside of it! And
you look. And you shrink. And the intensity grows. And you go
"Whoa!" and look and shrink, some more. You go "Wow," and you
look and shrink and the intensity grows so strong that you go
this planet inside the particle called Earth and you shrink and
So now, dry your baby tears and look around. You look out into
Looking from the inside out, space, from the outside in,
maybe you've learned something or just got bored, you are ready
Step 3
The problem with judgment is that when you attach your belief
to something, you also attach you to it. You start to dribble
the creation around with you or you go into the creation and
your belief. Oh! Oh! It's sort of like an octopus waking up one
The saying should read, "Judge not, lest ye become the judged!"
it is. It is what it is. Make very sure that your label isn't a
response to the creation. Let the creation be its own label. Let
the label are the same. If you have trouble labeling something
If you label the physical universe just as it is, and you also
include your body and mind as part of the physical universe and
boundaries of life
that point yet, but it's there! It's there within a very few
minutes. The state may be vague and easy to doubt at first, but
it as a reality.
When you reach this point, the things in the universe are your
order. The insane are insane, not only because they violate what
And when you start to experience the universe from the outside,
which is a much nicer viewpoint, you get some pretty good ideas
about what you want to be involved in and what you would just
powerful process.
When you label other people without judgment, it becomes a
religious experience.
Step 4
and become something with boundaries. You are bound only by your
It's the creation. If you can be aware of it, it's what? It's
you see it, you can disassociate from it. Now you don't have to
And when you disassociate from the creation, you recognize that
the source of the creation, which you must be. I mean if you
creation_. And the whole thing goes like this: _Recognize, this
Step 5
Step 5 is _discreate_.
shows there isn't any effort in it. It's not a creation against
what's there; it's turning off what's there (dis- not). It's
stopping the flow that's creating it. It's halting the creating
It's not an effort you make. It's the absence of creation; it's
the absence of effort. It's yours and you're creating it, and
suddenly, you decide you're not going to create it anymore.
That's discreation.
toward another, and you say, "Oh no! Gee, I don't want to
experience that..."
You will.
A creation can be anything: any event, any idea, any upset, any
Step 6
Step 6 is _create_.
Of course, you can create a past for them. You can create
How about if you created that for the last fifty lifetimes
you've been preparing for success. You have developed the skill
because you've been prepared for it for so long. You can't help
Now the next question, which is still part of the step six
creation, is how far can you push this procedure? Can you create
yourself to fly? Can you create anti-gravity about your body and
How far you can go is something that only you can explore. It
it. You know, ...there's all these parts to it. Different parts.
Do you have to take each part separately and do the steps on it?
you're going to have to handle it. I'll tell you what I believe.
I believe you can just experience the whole thing at once, but
be hung with that creation until you handle the beliefs about
that we really truly love, the spheres that are like us.
Harry: Think of the worst, god-awful guy you can imagine. You
have some idea of him, right? Well, it's your creation. It's
Comment: Seems like when you're creating your new image, the
write over something that had already been written. I'd get real
was feeling the need to assert it that way, what do you think my
Comment: That would explain the, "It's always darkest before the
away and you're left with the creation that you were trying to
mean they really crashed. I was trying to figure out what the
problem was. I sat down and the first thing at the meeting, the
personal sales had crashed, tells me about these new signs. And
to make a long story short, they had adopted a new policy. They
it-- these signs said "No negs." The whole idea was anybody who
said anything that was the least bit negative, they'd pull out
The point is, the people who were the most caved in and the most
negative (and still are, by the way) were the ones who were
protesting any negative statement! And their "no neg" policy was
out and make sales against all kinds of negative response, and
they are saying, "Don't hit me with a neg, I'm too sensitive."
It was incredible.
Audience: Yeah!
(Audience: Good!)
Well, there are some bits and pieces that I want to go over with
limitations now, they are so far beyond the prior point of being
limited, that we never had any idea that these limitations even
really want to tell you truly, in the truest sense of the word,
(Audience: Great!)
I want to start off with the idea of _victim_. We've all run
way, he actually has this evil intention, that he's putting out
to you to tell you that you have done something really bad, and
with their land bodies, they went off to play in dolphin bodies.
swim into the wake of ships, all sorts of near disasters that
they'd have to be warned away from. The more the researchers
them, and the game was the "save" game. And the dolphins would
It made them feel strong and very proud to save the dolphins.
And it took awhile for them to realize that it was the game they
were playing.
Dolphins also play saviors and save each other. The first
these bad effects. I realized that the beings, who are going
the save game, you know. They are allowing us to feel very
So the next time you look at a victim and you say "Hey, he's
put the pen down and reread the letter, not knowing what you had
written, so you could imagine how they would receive the letter
Most of us have.
the creation you can actually put your attention out and at
of your imagination.
and sometimes factors in the unknown alter the data. The data
you end up with may not be predictable since you had to filter
it through an unknown.
When you expand out and reach this unknown, you have a sense of
the form of the thought you're holding, the belief you're
both sides of this unknown, for example someone who hates mother
(one reality) and hates father (one reality) live in the dream
people ran into one of these, they were ready to forget Avatar
and find religion. After we figured out what was happening and
how to handle it, it lost its kick and then everyone wanted to
Get the idea? You sit right in the middle, between two
you can either pick one and ease into it or learn to live with
it's mysterious, you can expand until you hit the unknown around
When you expand out, you'll run into what you were resisting. So
sharp, distinct line but it's a space that as you pass through
you'll even forget what you were thinking about. You will forget
what you were thinking about, because you passed through the
(Audience: Yes.)
of a session and you've been doing this process you just want to
course that was basically how you kept who you were bottled or
awhile until you hit the next unknown and get a new sense of
you want to call it that. Eventually you eliminate the need for
exist in shells of knowns and unknowns and you can just peel
core of the condition. Just peel them off. You may also find
One other question that sometimes comes up: A person will have a
pain and they handle it and they wonder "where did it go?" Well,
choice which one you choose to focus on. Now if the pain is part
(Audience: OK. Now when you speak of shells, could you look at
unknowns? You get a big convolution. Could you really get a real
limits you in any idea that there are certain realities that you
likely to find that the significance sucks you in, because you
1. Identify with the creation and experience it.
This is my creation."
You may have many things you want to handle, the Master may or
may not take these up in this session. His main concern is that
Let your course supervisor know when you are ready for
to handle life.
2. Recognizable gains.
The answers he gives are the _only, only, ONLY_ criteria for
Avatar Materials.
part of any delivery agreement made with any Center trained and
because the "I" believes it. And as long as "I" believes it, "I"
Just steer him into the process and let him run with it.
fanciful ideas that are less familiar. It's the old pain in the
back that's hurt since the days of the pyramids and now is just
An Impression: the first or
upon consciousness. An
a sensation.
An Identity: a self-image; an
manifestation of consciousness.
and the past would not exist if it were not being created in the
past, but since the past no longer exists, one has to wonder
creating it if it weren't.
unknown that borders and gives the impression form; third, label
Select a quiet, comfortable and relaxed space.
part of your body (e.g., the sense you have of your body
impression as a reality.
achieved success.
First of all I want to tell you about some of the wins that
their entire life trying to handle. And they are handling them
that you are doing in Avatar is looking at the way the world has
It has been a very long time since anyone has managed anything
that "The only way man would ever transform into a spiritual
falling. The whole idea being that in order to reach some higher
Well, you see how Avatar flies right into the teeth of that.
We're actually looking at a process now that takes a person from
we've got to suffer and do this for 50 years and go through all
OK? That's a little off the point of what we're going to talk
from it, you discreate it, is that fast enough? Oh, but there's
very acceptable; it's sort of like saying "I ain't." "Oh, don't
all anybody can ask, right?" All of these limiting beliefs that
created the limitation. Guess who's now creating the idea that
well, it's really not complicated but what we're getting into
now is a model where two people can sit down, one of them being
beliefs, and together they can dig things up. I'm certainly not
saying that this can't be done solo, but a guide makes it more
fun for one thing, and the second thing is that the guide is
with that he can't see himself. The guide finds out what the
experience that.
comes in and says "I can't fly by flapping my arms," what do you
his arms.
them, you go "wh, wh, but that's true! That's true! Hey, like,
you know, that's, that's true!" Of course it is! You know! It's
true if you believe it. And those beliefs you believe in most
strongly are the ones you have the most evidence for.
But still, the evidence appeared after the belief, not prior to
the belief. So you can sort this backwards always, and find out
handy because, the guide observes what the experience is, what's
happening, and from that he figures out what the belief is. For
instance, is there a belief that you can't get rid of that? You
the straight out "I can't." That's an easy one. Another is "I
can, but there are all these things that have to occur first."
ideal standard that you come up with. And until you reach that
and you have this view of somebody who is the most incredible
him and you say "See, there's evidence, I can't play the
handle it at. You could handle all your limiting beliefs by just
recognize right away that they believe they are not that thing
that and then again they're getting into this belief that they
that .... You could just imagine that you've already gone
The guide can get very skillful. A question that a guide can ask
are "What effort do you believe is necessary for you to be able
guide can run the person through the steps if he wants, gently
belief, define it, label it, disassociate from it, and discreate
it. It's very neat. Would you like some examples of it?
(Audience: Yeah.)
All right, let's see. M, would you come right up here and sit
right there?
(M: Sure.)
All right. What skill or ability would you like to be better at?
a better mother?
(M: Yeah. I think like I've heard things such as you have to be
Would you really experience that belief for me ... how careful
(M: Ah, yes, that some people on the planet aren't ready for
spiritual enlightenment.)
(M: No, do you want one, another one on being a better mother?)
Expand right to the outermost limits of that idea, label it. Now
(M: It feels like it just kinda fell like a ... pop! That was
Permit it to discreate.
(M: Right.)
(M: A good mom would be somebody who watches their child grow,
and can guide them, and say the right thing at the right time
(M: A bad mom would do the opposite of all those. Not teach the
OK. With loving tolerance, experience being both a good mom and
a bad mom.
(M: OK.)
Permit it to discreate.
spiritual enlightenment?
her experiences.)
Thank you.
(L: Write.)
Label it.
That it's hard. OK. Really experience that it's hard to write.
Not I?
(L: Nope.)
(L: OK.)
Is that difficult?
(L: OK.)
Permit it to discreate.
(L: The only effort I can see will be slowing the hand to write
it down.)
Thank you.
* * *
Get the idea?
(Audience: Yeah!)
(Audience: Sure!)
Go for a hard skill. Go for a real tough skill. What would you
Oh. Good.
OK. With loving tolerance, identify with the idea that you've
Put a label on it.
Permit it to discreate.
(M: OK.)
(M: OK.)
(M: OK.)
be able to communicate?
Label it.
Permit it to discreate.
(M: Let's see, I'd probably have to take all these courses.
(M: Yeah.)
Label it.
(M: Let's see, oh, I'd have to look real nice, the body has
OK, really experience this idea that you have to look real
(M: Yeah, that one goes the length of my body. All right)
Permit it to discreate.
That's all?
(M: I can do anything I want to do.)
You're right.
(M: That is, that's incredible. I just feel, there's all this
Thank you.
* * *
It's unlimited as to how you apply it. Any skill you want, if
you don't have it, there must be some belief intervening between
you and acquiring that skill. You can handle those beliefs.
Then, if you believe that you have to believe that you have the
It folds back and forth on itself. I run into people who believe
impossible, right? They used to be! OK. Thank you very much.
lack of conviction.
Creature: Consciousness
to recognize that the other people are only the ideas they have
is experiencing.
experience writing.
are the beliefs he believes serve him. When the beliefs that his
change them.
It is this easy!
energy" to it.
Repeat steps 1-5 until you are satisfied that you have
(Reference: Creativism:
_intellectual understanding_.
Many self-image ideas exist within that idea of self that we are
to be possible.
of consciousness.
Select a quiet, comfortable and relaxed space.
A. You dislike
D. You fear
E. You pity
1. Select a name from your list and _identity with_ the _idea_
you have of that person. Feel as you believe they feel. When you
the identity.
3. _Label without Judgment_ the identity. A viewpoint shift
should occur.
you select until neither that nor any other identity affects
that any self-image that shows up other than the one you
Good morning!
latest research.
Some of what you have run into creations that don't appear to
act like backup energy sources that sustain a creation even when
lights that you see around exits and stairwells that come on
bordered by unknowns.
another, you decide that you'd rather not experience that energy
deny that you created it. You say, and this is the key, "I don't
know anything about that," or "I don't know what this is."
That belief--I don't know--creates an unknown around the
first belief and now you have a persistent mass. If the second
"Every time I think about it," "Every time I have sex," "Every
time I eat," "I keep thinking about this every time I" ...and
original belief.
And you push it off someplace, since you don't believe you
races and plant and animal kingdoms. If you believe the creation
thing. "What is this?" you say, pretending all the while that
it is. (laughter)
"Well, it's always there when I look." And the king of all wrong
it. Where did it come from? Who created it? God, probably,
So you experience the belief that you don't know. But did you
ever consider that maybe you also created the belief that you
that you originally chose to experience it. That was the role.
That's the game you wanted to play. (Harry joking: "Yep, I guess
going to run into that when you start handling it. Realize that
"orphaned" creation.
How to handle it? What you want to do first is find all the
belief is that keeps the unknown around the mass, and experience
conclusion about the unknown, and then another unknown and then
and then experience it, along with the resistance, and the whole
time being.
might as well stick 'em all together. Then you've got a cluster
masses, and you will handle part of it and get a change, but
Rather than resisting the fact that you don't know, or that you
haven't found out what it is, just realize how exciting the
contact the unknown that is around this idea that you have of
unknown to handle.
not just for getting to a point where you can live with
Sometimes you have to peel layers off. Some people have a lot
Gee, thanks. Since you are so nice, I'll give you one more
little thing we've been working on. It's called a worm. A worm
Every time the computer program goes on line, the worm makes a
parasitic worms. Other worms operate so that each time you turn
the program on, they recalculate how long since you last used
it works automatically.
Just stick that belief on the mass and connect it with your
breathing. Every time you take a breath, the worm makes a little
It's your universe. Make it work for you. You're the creator.
You can create stuff like that in your universe.
that you just love it? And if you didn't love it, you just love
The very idea of the word persistent means, "I don't like it."
would just fling you right through the unknown that surrounded
There are black worms and white worms. That's a black worm. The
white worm is, you can get rid of it. Good worms and bad worms.
upon repetition.
one's own.
replaced by thinking,
an unknown and creates the appearance that the old viewpoint and
the new viewpoint are separate.
you as perception.
(grief, fear, anger) and/or sudden pain and trauma severe enough
currently occupy.
Within the Avatar framework, "a
reflected resistance.
wild ride through some incredibly choppy waters, but hang on and
Persistent Masses
to be a certain way.
your viewpoint that created the viewpoint for the other, and now
source, but a reflecting body. When you resist it, your own
but once you realize that you are a no-thing and that it is only
those things which you have identified with that are doing the
with another._
of that resistance._"
(core creation)._"
6. "_Continue to experience, expand and explore to the
Note: Any events, beliefs, feelings, etc. that come up while one
them--are the same ones that the AM has the greatest resistance
to experiencing.
Any attempt that the AM makes to "create something out
4. Disassociate.
5. Discreate.
to it.
Modify, or change _the SELF_, and you will change the way
beliefs and the beliefs into self. (If you wish to experience
or _to_ a person.)
not prefer.
5. Allow it to discreate.
limitations, you will find you can move (in a telepathic sense)
Avatar Archives
Longwood, FL 32779
through history.
Avatar Archives
Longwood, FL 32779
Mass: (adjective) of or
participated in by or affecting a
Collective Reality: an
of people.
Mass-consciousness: any
creating beliefs.
With my love,
Harry Palmer
The more dreadful the affliction, the safer! And if worse comes
anything, proclaim loudly and earnestly that it's for the good
of handling attacks:
Handling Procedure.
one(s) that excite(s) and empower(s) you when you think about it
sign of a wrong goal.) A goal that empowers you will create the
2. You should next plan how to reduce the amount of time and
The difference in potential between where you are and where you
are going may have dwindled. You may find that to maintain your
philosophical systems.
you wish.
one may create his own prosperity and power ... or determine the
TINUE" and for "THAT'S IT." The student, who may find he
does not with to speak, may use these signals to control the
4. Leave it alone.
the course.
Perhaps, and only perhaps, you would like to assist with the
Thank you for the gift of days you shared with us.
Until we meet again, as we must ... I send you all the love you
you, AVATAR.
Avatar Master.
8:00 p.m._