Research On Large Equipment Maintenance System in

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Research on large equipment maintenance system in life cycle

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2017 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 69 012116


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3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
69 (2017) 012116 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/69/1/012116

Research on large equipment maintenance system in life cycle

Xiaowei Xu1,2, Hongxia Wang1, Zhenxing Liu1, Nan Zhang1

1.School of Automobile and Traffic Engineering, Wuhan University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan 430081, China
2.Hubei Key Laboratory of Power System Design and Test for Electrical Vehicle,
Xiangyang 441053, China

Abstract. In order to change the current disadvantages of traditional large equipment

maintenance concept, this article plans to apply the technical method of prognostics and health
management to optimize equipment maintenance strategy and develop large equipment
maintenance system. Combined with the maintenance procedures of various phases in life
cycle, it concluded the formulation methods of maintenance program and implement plans of
maintenance work. In the meantime, it takes account into the example of the dredger power
system of the Waterway Bureau to establish the auxiliary platform of ship maintenance system
in life cycle.

1 Introduction
Maintainability is design attribute of the system and maintenance requirement is influential for product
safety during the operation. Therefore, it is necessary to determine maintenance requirements in
design phase. Maintenance advantage has been recognized in the running of the equipment, but
considered insufficient in life cycle [1]. Terotechnology changes the traditional concept that
maintenance only works in the operational sage, makes the maintenance work forward and considers
maintainability as design principle in development phase [2,3]. What’s more, it is essential to
implement selective maintenance in life cycle, including planning, design, procurement, assembly,
commissioning and running, until replacement or retirement, which thereby reduces the system life
cycle cost (LCC) [4,5].
With the rapid development of building industry and maintenance technology, the large equipment
structure is increasingly complex, the automation technology continues to improve, and the reliability
and maintainability requirements have gradually improved for marine power system. Most large
equipment companies lack of complete equipment maintenance program or repair plan, as well as
systematic analysis and research for equipment maintenance management. In most cases, many types
of unused equipment are just renewed with little failure analysis. At the same time, equipment
maintenance is not enough in effective budget control and strong support from the management layer.
Furthermore, large equipment enterprises usually confuse the maintenance management and
equipment monitor that directly result to maintenance schedule out of order.
Therefore, in order to avoid such phenomena as the excess or lack of maintenance, this essay
attempts to convert the traditional posterior maintenance or preventive maintenance to preventive
maintenance in life cycle based on prognostics and health management (PHM) [7,8]. It forecasts the
running status and operating cost of large equipment equipment in life cycle, optimizes maintenance
decision and formulate dynamic maintenance schedule, which conducts large equipment integrated
maintenance management in life cycle[9].

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3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
69 (2017) 012116 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/69/1/012116

2 Maintainability analysis in life cycle

2.1 The design stage

For large equipment enterprises, the investment is up to millions or billions of dollars and many parts
are imported equipment. Simultaneously, it is required to import the appropriate spare parts, in the
course of repair or replacement costs higher. Currently, many systems consider availability and
economic at the design phase, but reliability and maintainability processed less [10].
Therefore, the maintenance concept introduced into the system planning is particularly important.
According to the maintenance requirements and capital investment of planning, it conducts system
design and determines the maintenance specifications, as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: Maintainability design flow chart

On the basis of maintainability management requirements, combined with the system function and
life cycle cost, it defines the maintainability requirements and mission which should be coordinated
with the reliability design. After the maintainability allocation and design criterion formulation, it
develops the maintainability design with reliability and supportability analysis. Furthermore, it
processes the maintainability assessment and judges whether to maintainability design additionally or
modify the system function and cost budget.

2.2 The manufacturing stage

In design phase and assembly phase of the system, it is necessary to formulate systematic preventive
maintenance program. Otherwise it may be lack of standardized maintenance recommendations in
operational phase, leading to system maintenance more difficult and thereby delaying maintenance
tasks. As shown in figure 2, according maintenance data of various components from the equipment
suppliers, combined with the specification of large equipment management, started from overall
performance including reliability, feasibility and maintainability requirements, to coordinate the
arrangements for the equipment maintenance within the maintenance order, MTTF, MTTR and MTBF

3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
69 (2017) 012116 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/69/1/012116

maintainability design maintainability analysis

maintenance database

reliability analysis maintenance item supportability analysis

security and economy FMECA maintenance resources

maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance

level measures procedure cycle

maintenance program

maintenance data maintenance maintenance

collection implementation optimization
Figure 2: Preventive maintenance formulation flow chart
In the commissioning phase, all equipment and components should be inspected to check out the
technical index. Maintenance inspection is one of the most important processes. It is an evaluation of
the results of various repair procedures, which starts from early phases of the project. With continuous
improvement of the data quality and application of the product, maintenance inspection is
implemented throughout the life cycle.

2.3 The running phase

On the basis of condition monitoring parameters, integrated with the experience or theory of the
maintenance staff, the operational phase conducts prognostics and health management, optimize the
maintenance program to avoid owe maintenance or excessive maintenance, reduce LCC by decreasing
the loss of equipment failure or downtime. The optimization process is shown in figure 3.
PHM design

monitoring object

data acquisition
acquisition and
and processing
processing database

condition monitoring

prognisitic health
health assessment

optimal maintenance
maintenance cycle

maintenance repair
repair plan
maintenance program

Figure 3: Maintenance program optimization process

3 Life-cycle maintenance system

According to maintenance program or technical regulations developed by large equipment companies,
it establishes the large equipment life-cycle maintenance system based on PHM.

3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
69 (2017) 012116 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/69/1/012116

planning design procurement assembly commissioning running replacement

design phase manufacturing phase operational phase

maintenance maintenance program maintenance program

work design formulation optimization

1) maintenance schedule 1) maintenance item 1) maintenance optimization

2) maintenance requirements 2) maintenance procedure 2) LCC
3) maintenance resources 3) maintenance cycle 3) comprehensive coverage
4) maintenance measures 4) maintenance level 4) maintenance conclusion

1) PHM mechanism analysis

1) equipment procurement 1) maintenance data collection
2) measurement system 2) diagnostic optimization
PHM 2) equipment assembly
3) acquisition module 3) health management
3) PHM debugging
4) interface and channel

initial preventive applicable

result maintenance program maintenance program maintenance program

Figure 4: Life-cycle maintenance system

As shown in Figure 5, through analyzing maintenance characteristics and technical elements about
PHM of various phases in life cycle, it formulates the implementation process of the large equipment
life-cycle maintenance system.
1) Design phase
From the long-term perspective, to ensure the system reliability and maintainability, it is significant
to make the maintenance concept forward and carry out maintenance research and investment about
PHM in the planning phase. During the design phase, in combination with the large equipment repair
experience and parts maintenance manual, the maintenance design is conducted to help make the best
design solutions, including the data acquisition modules, measurement systems, and overhaul channel.
2) Manufacturing phase
In the procurement phase, sensors, measurement equipment, maintenance resource and
interchangeability of the data acquisition modules should be taken into accountt. At the assembly
stage, firstly, test equipment, installation location, maintenance tools and overhaul channel should be
considered. Secondly, combined with the CWBT, the statutory inspection rules or the
recommendations of equipment manufacturers, it develops the initial equipment maintenance program.
During the commissioning phase, taken the management modes and maintenance concept of each
equipment company into account, through the optimization of the maintenance force, the maintenance
window and the maintenance resources, it arranges reasonable maintenance tasks and develops a
detailed repair plan.

3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
69 (2017) 012116 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/69/1/012116

Figure 5: Life-cycle maintenance system implementation process

3) Operational phase
In the operational phase, on the basis of condition monitoring parameters, integrated with the
experience of the maintenance servicemen, it conducts prognostics and health management. From the
prospect of security, economy and integrity, it determines the maintenance item, time and
organizational measures for implementation. Afterwards, it develops dynamic rolling maintenance
program based on the maintenance program optimization system. At last, in replacement and
decommissioning phases, it is important to summary the optimization process of the system and
enriches knowledge of the system database about PHM.

4 Application analysis
For the newly-built Waterway Bureau dredger -long whale II, which is self-propelled and trailing
suction, it establishes the ship maintenance program optimization system in life cycle based on PHM.
In figure 6, the optimization system is divided into three subsystems, including the shipboard
monitoring and management subsystem, the maintenance center management subsystem and the ship-
to-shore radio communication subsystem. The shipboard monitoring and management system
monitors the major equipment and conducts the maintenance or maintain of the ship. The subsystem
carries out the data acquisition, transmission and monitoring independent. The maintenance center
management subsystem receives the online real-time data of the shipboard monitoring subsystem and
completes functions of condition monitoring, health assessment, failure prediction, maintenance
management and emergency dispatch. The ship-to-shore radio communication subsystem is the
approach to connect the shipboard monitoring and management subsystem and the maintenance center

3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
69 (2017) 012116 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/69/1/012116

management subsystem. It completes the ship-shore wireless communications and data transmission.

Figure 6: Dredger maintenance program auxiliary platform

5 Conclusion
First of all, through analyzing the maintenance characteristics of the various phases in life cycle, it can
be found maintenance is essential in each phase of the system. It is important to change the traditional
maintenance concept, research on the maintenance system in life cycle, instead of considering
maintenance only in the running phase.
Secondly, it is difficult to formulate a comprehensive maintenance program based on the traditional
maintenance concept. Therefore, it is significant to establish the auxiliary platform of ship
maintenance program based on PHM by means of data acquisition and processing, condition
monitoring, health assessment, failure prediction and comprehensive security analysis of many ship
In brief, it helps much more to formulate the ship maintenance program with technology means than
only personal experience and reform the traditional posterior maintenance and the scheduled
maintenance by maintenance work during the life cycle.

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant No.
51505345), the Science and technology research project of Education Department of Hubei
Province(Grant No. Q20151105) and the Hubei Key Laboratory of Power System Design and Test for
Electrical Vehicle(Grant No. HBUASEV2015F005).

3rd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
69 (2017) 012116 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/69/1/012116

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