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GEOLOGY (in Greek, Geo means Earth, Logos means Science) is a branch of
science dealing with the study of the Earth. It is also known as earth
science. The study of the earth as a whole, its origin, structure,
composition and the nature of the processes which have given rise to its
present position is called as geology. Geology comprises the following
1. Crystallography
2. Mineralogy
3. Petrology
4. Geophysics
5. Geochemistry
6. Structural Geology
7. Stratigraphy
8. Physical Geology
9. Geomorphology
10. Paleontology
11. Hydrogeology
12. Engineering Geology
13. Photo Geology
14. Economic Geology
15. Mining Geology
Note: Coal, oil etc are considered as minerals THOUGH they arises by
organic matter under exceptional conditions .
Structural Geology is the study of rock structures such as folds that have
resulted from movements and deformation of the earth’s crust.
Mining Geology deals with the method of mining of rocks and mineral
deposits on earth’s surface and subsurface.
• If the geological features like faults, joints, beds, folds are found, they
have to be suitably treated. Hence, the stability of the rock structures is
Minerals, Rocks and soils constitute earth materials. They play a vital
role in the site evaluation and operations in civil engineering practice.
Thus, study of minerals, rocks and soils forms the first step in civil engg
point of view. Hence, a civil engineer should know the introduction of
Geology and its branches and importance of a few branches such as
Physical Geology, Petrology; Structural Geology and so on ……
Denudation: The sum of the processes which result in the general lowering
of the land surfaces or when erosion takes place, fresh country rock surfaces will
be exposed and this process is called DENUDATION. Denudation consists of
weathering, transportation and erosion.
Weathering is the process by which rocks are broken down and decomposed
by the action of external agencies such as wind, rain, temperature
changes. Weathering is the initial stage in the process of denudation.
Earth movements include the uplift and depressions of land areas &
sea floors.
Igneous activity includes emission of lavas, gases, other volcanic
products etc
A river is one of the major geological agent which carries out its work.
The work is mainly divided into three stages, namely
1. River Erosion
2. River Transportation
3. River Deposition
During transportation, heavier and larger materials move slowly while finer
and lighter material move fast.. When attrition take place the angular edges
disappear and spherical, ellipsoidal stones etc are formed after a long
2. Suspended load consists of silt, fine sands, clay etc.. and such
load is carried by river in its body of water in suspension. As the
river is moved, the load is also carried along with it. Thus load is
transported continuously without break till conditions are
favourable. This type of natural suspension and separation of
sediments account to their size is called Sorting.
Delta deposits: Most of the rivers reach this stage just before they
merge with the sea. Rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra have built up the
best deltaic regions of the world. Deltas are very fertile and valuable for
Natural levees. During the time of floods, the river carries a very
large scale of river dumps along its course on either side which are
known as natural levees. Eg silt, clay .
The delta will have gently incline bottom layers of fine sediments known as
bottom set beds. These are overlain by steeply inclined middle layers of
coarse sediments known as forest beds. Above these again gently dipping
layers of the mixture of finer and coarser sediments occur. They are known
as top set beds. Though all these three sets of beds are inclined towards the
sea, they differ in the amount of inclination and hence they are not parallel.
Such a peculiar bedding phenomenon is known as cross bedding.
Valleys are one of the most common landforms on the Earth and they are
formed through erosion or the gradual wearing down of the land by wind
and water. In river valleys for example, the river acts as an erosional agent
by grinding down the rock or soil and creating a valley. The shape of valleys
varies but they are typically steep-sided canyons or broad plains, however
their form depends on what is eroding it, the slope of the land, the type of
rock or soil and the amount of time the land has been eroded.
There are three common types of valleys which include V-shaped valleys, U-
shaped valleys and flat floored valleys.
Due to their large size and weight, glaciers are able to completely alter
topography. This is because they flowed down pre-existing river or V-shaped
valleys during the last glaciations and caused the bottom of the "V" to level
out into a "U" shape as the ice erode the valley walls, resulting in a wider,
deeper valley. For this reason, U-shaped valleys are sometimes referred to as
glacial troughs.
Over time, the stream continues to meander and erode the valley's soil,
widening it further. With flood events, the material that is eroded and
carried in the stream is deposited which builds up the floodplain of the
valley. During this process, the shape of the valley changes from a V or U
shaped valley into one with a broad flat valley floor. An example of a flat-
floored valley is the Nile River Valley.
Igneous Rocks are formed when hot molten rock material called magma
solidifies (or) igneous rocks form through cooling and crystallization of
molten rock material. If the molten material is below the Earth’s
surface, it is called magma or else it comes out about the surface , it is
known as lava.
Sedimentary rocks
Greywacks arkose sandstone limestone
Chert Conglomerate shales Dolomite
Siltstone Mudstone/claystone Breccia
Arkoses are indicative of erosion under arid conditions and rapid burial
conditions whereas Greywacks are a common rock type of geosynclines
Dam failures are comparatively rare, but can cause immense damage and
loss of life when they occur. Common causes of dam failure include:
1.The St. Francis Dam was a concrete gravity-arch dam, designed to create a reservoir.
The dam was built between 1924 and 1926 under the supervision of William
The dam Height is 195 feet (59 m) & its length is 608 feet (185 m). The
dam was constructed on the foundation of Schists and conglomerates
and in turn, separated by a distinct fault. In addition, conglomerates also
had veins of gypsum, a soluble mineral and hence both Schists and
conglomerates are unsuitable to serve as a foundation to such a dam.
Several temperature and contraction cracks appeared in the dam when the
reservoir had reached full capacity. Enormous leakage of stored water
occurred through the conglomerate and the dam failed by sliding in 1928
resulting more than killing of 450 people
Huge concrete block from the west abutment of the dam was carried
out by dam water . The block is approximately 63 feet long, 30 feet
high, and 54 feet wide. It was concluded that the disaster was primarily
caused by the landslide on which the western abutment of the dam was
In the late 1950s, however, the water below Hales Bar Dam, was again
leaking, this time at an alarming 2,000 cubic feet per second. Dye tests
carried out in 1960 suggested that many of the leakage channels had
interconnected, increasing the possibility of a future dam failure.
Huge concrete block from the west abutment of the dam . The block is
approximately 63 feet long, 30 feet high, and 54 feet wide
Hales Bar Dam in 1949, after various improvements
3. Kaila Dam, Gujarat, India: The Kaila Dam in Kachch, Gujarat, India
was constructed during 1952 - 55 as an earth fill dam with a height of 23.08
m above the river bed and a crest length of 213.36 m. The storage of full
reservoir level was 13.98 million cubic mts. The foundation was made of
shale. The spillway was of ogee shaped and ungated. The depth of cutoff was
3.21 m below the river bed. Inspite of a freeboard allowance of 1.83 m at the
normal reservoir level and 3.96 m at the maximum reservoir level the energy
dissipation devices first failed and later the embankment collapsed due to
the weak foundation bed in 1959.
The process by which rocks are broken down and decomposed by the action
of external agencies such as wind, rain, temperature changes etc is called
as weathering.. (or) weathering is a process involving disintegration
and decomposition of rocks. The disintegrated and the altered materials
stay at the site of formation. If these materials are transported from
the site with the help of natural agencies such as wind, running water
etc, the process is called as erosion. Weathering is categorized as a
mechanical, chemical, biological..
Frost wedging: The presence of water in the cracks of the rocks freezes
during the night time and melts during the day time. Freezing of
water involves an increase in the volume because of which the walls
of cracks are wedged ultimately resulting in the detachment blocks
surrounded by the weak planes.
As the temperature increases the vibration of atoms and ions in the rock
mineral structures are more ultimately leading to the development of
cracks. Rate of chemical weathering doubles with an increase of temp by
10o C.
Rainfall contributes to the growth of organisms ( bacteria ) which
produces CO2.
C) Relief: If the topography is undulating and the slopes are steep, the
weathered material erode continuously from the site. Consequently fresh
surface of the rocks expose.
Grade Coefficient
Fresh 0
Slightly weathered 0 – 0.2
moderately weathered 0.2 – 0.4
Strongly weathered 0.4 – 0.6
Very strongly weathered 0.6 – 1.0
0.001 good
Mod poor
This method is essentially meant for assessing the weathered status of the
During the oxidation, feldspars in granite converts into sericite and then to
kaolinite thereby silica removed from the reaction by ground water.
4. Hardness of Quartz is [C
A) 2 B) 5 C) 7 D) 8
11. The presence of water in the cracks of the rocks freezes during the
night time and melts during the day is called as
A) chemical weathering B) Decomposition C) Frost Wedging (D)
1. When erosion takes place, fresh country rock surfaces will be exposed
and this process is called DENUDATION.
2. Rock fragments during abrasion undergo wear & tear which is called as
3. Cut off water bodies from meanders during floods are called OX-BOW
6. The rock fragments thrown out at the time of volcanic eruption are called
10. The principles and methods of geology is adopted for the purpose
of civil engineering operations is called as ENGINEERING GEOLOGY.
15. If the river sediment / deposit is spread over a small area but
has a relatively steep slope, it is called as ALLUVIAL CONE.
16. If the river sediment / deposit is spread over a large area and
has a gentle slope, it is called as ALLUVIAL FAN
17. During the time of floods, the river carries a very large scale of
river dumps along its course on either side which are known as
2. Coal, amber, petroleum, etc., are typical organic substances which can
be considered as minerals.
3. Amethyst, smoky quartz, citrine, cat's eye, aventurine quartz are some
varieties of quartz. Colour or appearance peculiarity in them is because they
possess some impurities or inclusions or in homogeneities.
6. Some minerals like flint, chert, jasper and agate are cryptocrystalline, i.e.,
they do not have a well-developed crystal structure. A few others like opal,
bauxite, Psilomelane, pitchblende etc are typically amorphous, i.e., they do
not possess any regular internal atomic structure.
The most widespread elements in minerals are: O, Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Na, Mg,
K, Ti while S, Cl, C, Mn, H are moderately spread. B, Be, Pb, Sb, As, Bi,
Se, U, etc are either rare earth elements or not spread at all.
The term ore mineral embraces minerals from which valuable metallic
elements can be extracted. Eg; Cu, Ag, Fe, Al.
O Si
Si : O : : 1 : 4
Garnet family.
Forsterite ( Mg2SiO4 )
This family is also belonging to nesosilicates and consist of the
following minerals:
Si O Si
Si Si
Si Si Si Si
The pyroxenes are a group of minerals which possess the Si2O6
chain structure. Pyroxenes consist of:
The amphibole group possess Si4 O11 double chain type of structure
where Tetrahedra are joined together to produce chains of indefinite
extent. The general formula for amphibole group is X 7 – 8 (Si4O11)2
(OH)2 where x = Ca, Na, Mg, Fe+2; Al; Fe+3 .
(1) the serpentine group which includes the elastic and silky chrysotile
variety and the woody fibre variety—picrolite and
(2) the amphibole group which comprises the short and brittle – fibred
type ie anthophyllite, crocidolite, amosite, tremolite and actinolite.
Si : O :: 3 : 9 Si : O :: 4 : 12 Si : O :: 6 : 18
Varieties: when thin mica layers are punched by a steel rod, a small
six-rayed figure known as a “percussion” figure appears.
Chlorite Family
Generally chlorite is considered as Hydrous silicates of aluminum, iron
and magnesium. Chlorite is a green coloured mineral. Chlorite
resembles to some extent biotite (mica ) in physical properties but has
no alkalies..
Composition: the formula for chlorite is (Mg Fe)5 (Al Si3) O10 (OH)8 .
Talc is a hydrous magnesium silicate. Its chemical composition is
Mg3 (SiO3)4 H2O containing 63.5% of SiO2 ; 31.7% of MgO and 4.7% of
H2O .
Minerals which this structure include: eg: quartz, other forms of silica
(Flint ; Jasper; Chalcedony etc..); Feldspars family, zeolite family,
feldspathoids family; Scapolite family.
It refers to a group of different minerals which possess similar
chemical composition, atomic structure; physical and optical properties.
These are aluminous silicates of K. Na; Ca or Ba and may be
considered as isomorphous compounds.
Varieties of Quartz:
Rock crystal: Transparent form of quartz and purest.
Amethyst: Purple / violet colored; transparent form of
Rose quartz: Pale pink / rose colored variety of quartz
Smoky quartz: smoky yellow / brown color of quartz
Milky quartz¨ milky white in color due to a large no. of
mica cavities
Ferruginous quartz: contains iron oxides which impart reddish color
Calcium doesn’t occur in the free state but its compounds are
extremely abundant. Calcium occurs in limestone as CaCO3. Calcium
also enters into the composition of many rock forming silicates such
as :
Anorthite ( feldspar group ) ….. Ca Al2 Si2 O8 and in
Pyroxenes; amphiboles; garnets; scapolites; epidotes; zeolites and
Fluorspar Ca F2 Fluorides
Ulexite Na Ca B5 O9 8 H2O
Colemanite Ca2 B6 O11 5 H2O Borates
POLYMORPHISM: Aragonite and calcite are having the same chemical
composition but differ in physical properties.
Nail - head spar crystals showing combination of flat rhombohedron
and prism.
Ice – land spar is a fibrous form of calcite whereas Aphrite & Argentine
are unimportant varieties of calcite.
Stalactites are pendent columns formed by the dripping of water
charged with CaCO3 from the roofs of caverns in limestone rocks
whereas Stalagmite, the surplus dripping of water gives rise to a
similar deposit which forms one above the other on the floors of the
Chalk, soft, white earth form of Ca CO3 and Limestones, marbles are
forms of carbonate of lime.
According to the mineral definition, every mineral has its own chemical
composition and atomic structure and it is unique for every mineral. This fact
facilitates the study of mineral in different ways. Common methods of study
and identification of minerals based on their
For example, any galena mineral irrespective of its place of occurrence, size,
shape, association ,consistently exhibits lead grey colour, metallic shine,
opaque character, high Sp gr (density = 7.4 – 7.6), tendency to break easily
along three different directions and is scratched easily by knife. This set of
physical properties is never exhibited by any other mineral .Therefore, if
such properties are observed an unknown mineral it must be only galena.
(iii) Study of optical properties: In this method of study, the minerals are
made very fine (0.03 mm ) and fixed over glass slide by means
canadabalsam such skillfully prepared slides are called thin sections. They
are studied under petrological microscope. Different optical properties
such as interference colours, their order, interference figures, optic sign,
twinning, alteration etc., are studied under crossed nicols with help of some
other accessories, if necessary.
The optical properties of every mineral are also distinctive and hence helpful
in the identification of minerals. For example, quartz is characterized by:
anhedral shape, clourless, no cleavage, transparent, low relief, non-
pleochroic, grey or yellow, interference colours of first order, positive
uniaxial interference figure, positive elongation, no alteration etc,.
(iv) Study of X-ray analysis: When a beam of x-rays falls on a crystal, it is
diffracted by the layers of the atoms within the crystal. In making an x-ray
analysis of atomic structure of the crystal, the diffracted x-rays are allowed
to fall on the on photographic plate and resulting photograph shows a series
of spots or lines which form more or less symmetrical pattern. From
measurements made on the photograph, the arrangement of the atoms in
the crystal can be deduced and also the distances between them. The
results of x-ray analysis of minerals reveal their atomic structure, which is
distinctive, for each mineral. This enables the accurate identification of
Form: The form of mineral is defined as its shape. The external shape of
mineral reflects the internal arrangement of atoms. When a mineral occurs
as a well developed crystal, it is called crystallized. If the growth of the
crystals is hampered due to interference of other crystal grains then the
resulting form is called crystalline. When just traces of crystalline
structures are present, it is called cryptocrystalline. Due to random
network of ions or the total absence of crystalline structure, amorphous
(or) shape less forms result. Some of important forms are listed below.
Color: Minerals show great variety of colors and can be identified by their
color. Color wise the minerals are of two types (i) Dark colored minerals and
(ii) Light colored minerals. Mineral colors are generally related to the spatial
arrangement of the constituent atoms or the impurities present in the
minerals or all of these.
Streak: The streak of mineral is color of its powder. Many minerals exhibit
a different color in the powder form compared to form of mass. The powder
of the mineral is obtained either by scratching the mineral with a pen knife
or rubbing it across piece of unglazed porcelain plate called streak plate.
Most transparent minerals show a white streak. colored minerals show
a dark color streak of the mineral. Sometimes the streak is altogether
different in color from the color of the mineral.
Based on the type of shining, lustres are grouped as metallic and non-
metallic. Metallic lustre is the type of shining that appears on the surface of
the metal. Non-metallic lustres are named considering the type of shining
that appears in some common materials. Some important non-metallic
lustres that are observed mainly in rock-forming minerals are:
Depending upon their atomic structure, crystalline minerals will have 1 set
of cleavage (or) 2 sets (or) 3 sets (or) 4 sets (or) 6 sets of cleavages (or) no
Since atomic structure of a mineral is definite, the cleavage character
of the mineral will also be definite. Depending upon the degree of
perfection, cleavage may be described as perfect or eminent or excellent
(mica) , good (calcite) , imperfect or poor or indistinct (apatite).
S.No cleavage Sets Minerals
1 None Quartz, Flint, Jasper, Olivine, garnet, haematite,
2 indistinct Pyrolusite, Graphite, apatite
5 Present 1 mica, chlorite, talc, Asbestos
6 perfect 3 Calcite, Magnesite, galena
7 perfect 2 Feldspars, hornblende, Kyanite, augite
For example, graphite and diamond which possess the same composition,
but different atomic structures, represent nearly two extremes of the
hardness in the mineral kingdom i.e. graphite is extremely soft and diamond
is extremely hard.
Thus Talc is the least hard mineral and Diamond is the most hard mineral.
The relative hardness of an unknown mineral is determined by scratching it
with the Mohs’ scale of hardness starting with Talc and followed by minerals
of increasing hardness. Common minerals like finger nail (H = 2.5) , a
copper coin (H=3.5), a broken glass piece (H=5.5) and pen knife (H=6.5) may
be used to fix the lower limit.
The medium density refers to the common rock-forming minerals and higher
density refers to the common ore minerals.
Sp. Gravity Minerals
Low Density < 2.5 Talc, graphite,
Medium Density 2.5 to 3.5 Feldspars, quartz, flint, jasper,
olivine, augite, hornblende, mica,
chlorite, asbestos, calcite,
Magnesite, bauxite
High Density > 3.5 Kyanite, garnet, pyrite, haematite,
magnetite, chromite, galena,
Transparency –translucency:
Phosphorescence – Fluorescence:
When the minerals are soluble in water, generally possess a
characteristic taste which may be designated as follows:
Taste Result
Saline The taste of common salt , eg: halite
Alkaline That of potash & soda
Acidic / sour The sour taste of H2SO4
Cool The taste of potassium chlorite
Sweetish astringent That of alum
Bitter That of Epsom salt
The majority of the minerals in the earth’s crust have been formed by
crystallization of molten melt ie magma. It is estimated that 95% of the
earth’s crust is composed of igneous rocks which were resulted from
solidification of magma. The chief modes of formation of minerals are .
Barytes .. sulphates
Calcite, Magnesite …. Carbonates
Magnetite, haematite, rutile, Brookite … oxides
Fluorite .. halides
Galena, pyrite, Cinnabar .. sulphides
Gold, silver, arsenic, bismuth …. Elements
Form: The form of mineral is defined as its shape. The external shape of mineral
reflects the internal arrangement of atoms. When a mineral occurs as a well
developed crystal, it is called crystallized. If the growth of the crystals is hampered
due to interference of other crystal grains then the resulting form is called
crystalline. When just traces of crystalline structures are present, it is called
cryptocrystalline. Due to random network of ions or the total absence of
crystalline structure, amorphous (or) shape less forms result. Some of important
forms are listed below.
Color: Minerals show great variety of colors and can be identified by their
color. Color wise the minerals are of two types (i) Dark colored minerals and
(ii) Light colored minerals. Mineral colors are generally related to the spatial
arrangement of the constituent atoms or the impurities present in the
minerals or all of these.
For example: (i)The color related to atomic structure. Diamond is colorless and
transparent where as Graphite is black and opaque even though both contain
(ii) The color related to impurities: Generally pure quartz colorless and transparent.
But commonly due to impurities it shows colors such as pink, purple etc.
Streak: The streak of mineral is color of its powder. Many minerals exhibit a
different color in the powder form compared to form of mass. The powder of the
mineral is obtained either by scratching the mineral with a pen knife or rubbing it
across piece of unglazed porcelain plate called streak plate. Most transparent
minerals show a white streak. colored minerals show a dark color streak of
the mineral. Sometimes the streak is altogether different in color from the color of
the mineral.
Depending upon their atomic structure, crystalline minerals will have 1 set
of cleavage (or) 2 sets (or) 3 sets (or) 4 sets (or) 6 sets of cleavages (or) no
For example, graphite and diamond which possess the same composition, but
different atomic structures, represent nearly two extremes of the hardness in the
mineral kingdom i.e. graphite is extremely soft and diamond is extremely hard.
Thus Talc is the least hard mineral and Diamond is the most hard mineral.
The relative hardness of an unknown mineral is determined by scratching it
with the Mohs’ scale of hardness starting with Talc and followed by minerals
of increasing hardness. Common minerals like finger nail (H = 2.5) , a
copper coin (H=3.5), a broken glass piece (H=5.5) and pen knife (H=6.5) may
be used to fix the lower limit.
The medium density refers to the common rock-forming minerals and higher
density refers to the common ore minerals.
Sp. Gravity Minerals
Low Density < 2.5 Talc, graphite,
Medium Density 2.5 to 3.5 Feldspars, quartz, flint, jasper, olivine,
augite, hornblende, mica, chlorite,
asbestos, calcite, Magnesite, bauxite
High Density > 3.5 Kyanite, garnet, pyrite, haematite,
magnetite, chromite, galena, Pyrolusite,
S no Mineral hardness Density (sp Cleavage
1 Feldspar 6 – 6.5 2.6 – 2.73 2 sets
2 Quartz 7 2.6 – 2.7 Absent
3 Flint 7 2.65 Absent
4 Jasper 6.5 – 7 6.5 – 7 Absent
5 Olivine 6.5 3.34 Absent
6 Augite 5–6 5–6 2 sets
7 Hornblende 5–6 5–6 2 sets
8 Muscovite 2.5 – 3 2.8 – 2.9 1 set
9 Biotite 2.5 – 3 2.7 – 3.3 1 set
10 Asbestos 2.9 – 3.2 Perfect
11 Chlorite 1.5 – 2. 5 2.7 – 3.0 1 set
12 Kyanite 4- 5 length 3.6 - 3.7 2 sets
& 6–
13 Garnet 6.5 – 7.5 3.5 – 4.3 Absent
14 Talc 1 2.7 1 set
15 Calcite 3 2.7 3 sets
S no Mineral hardness Density ( sp Cleavage
1 Pyrite 6–7 5 2 -3 sets
2 Haematite 5–6 5. 2 Absent
3 Magnetite 5–6 5. 2 Absent
4 Chromite 5.5 – 6 4.1 – 5.1 Absent
5 Galena 2.5 – 3.0 7.5 Perfect
6 Pyrolusite 4.5 – 5 Indistinct
7 Graphite 1–2 2 – 2.3 indistinct
8 Magnesite 4–5 3.0 – 3.2 3 sets
9 Bauxite 2-4 2 – 3.5 Absent
Rock-forming minerals usually appear to be opaque when they are thick, but lose
this opaque character if they are made thinner. But metallic ore minerals remain
mostly opaque, even when they are made thinner. Therefore, the distinction
between a really opaque mineral and other not opaque minerals will help to
distinguish ore minerals from rock-forming minerals.
The constraints, in the study by optical properties method, are (i) opaque
minerals are not amenable for study under ordinary petrological
microscopes, special reflective ore microscopes are needed for their study
(ii) amorphous minerals, by virtue of their irregular arrangement, cannot be
identified by optical methods. (iii) cost involved in procuring the required
(i) The unique advantage is that it makes possible the study of rocks or
minerals in the field itself.
(ii) It does not require any equipment worth mentioning.
(iii) It does not involve the use of chemicals and it does not need
additional facilities.
(iv) It involves no loss or wastage
(v) It is the quickest, simplest and least tedious method for identification
of minerals i.e., money, energy, and time are spent to the minimum
(iii) Further, some minerals formed under different conditions show light
variations in physical properties.
necessary to know about the common minerals which actually make up different
rocks and determine their properties.
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Tabular
2 Color Pale pink, whitish blue, grayish
3 Streak
4 Lustre Vitreous
5 Fracture Uneven
6 Cleavage 2 sets
7 Hardness 6 – 6.5
8 Density (Sp gravity) 2.6 – 2.73
9 Varieties Plagioclase feldspars include:
Hyalophane (KAlSi3O8)
Orthoclase (KAlSi3O8)
Microcline (KAlSi3O8)
Anorthoclase (Na KAl Si3 O8)
10 Occurrence In granites, Syenites, diorite, rhyolite,
Trachyte, sandstones, schists, gabbros,
11 Uses In the manufacture of porcelain & pottery,
earthernware, sanitary ware, bricks
manufacture, glasses, electronic products etc.
12 Chemical composition NaAlSi3O8 to CaAl2Si2O8
Name of the Mineral: 2. Quartz
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Massive, crystals
2 Color Quartz occurs in different colors. Common
colors are white, grey, purple, brown, pink etc
3 Streak Colorless ( harder than streak plate )
4 Lustre Vitreous
5 Fracture Conchoidal
6 Cleavage Absent
7 Hardness 7
8 Density (Sp gravity) 2.6 – 2.7
9 Varieties Flint, Jasper, Amethyst (purple or violet color),
Opal, rose quartz ( pale pink color). Milky
quartz ( milky white in color ) .
10 Occurrence Occurs in almost igneous( granites, rhyolites),
sedimentary (sandstones) and metamorphic
rocks ( quartzites ).
11 Uses Glass making, optical materials, polishing /
grinding compounds, components in
electronic products,
12 Chemical composition SiO2
Name of the Mineral: 3. Flint
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Irregular nodules, massive
2 Color Grey, brownish, black
3 Streak Colorless ( harder than streak plate )
4 Lustre Resinous
5 Fracture Conchoidal
6 Cleavage Absent
7 Hardness 7
8 Density (Sp gravity) 2.65
9 Varieties Hornstone, Chert
10 Occurrence In sedimentary rocks such as Limestones
11 Uses Used in tube mills, pottery industry, as road
and building material.
12 Chemical composition SiO2
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Massive
2 Color Red, Grey, brown
3 Streak Colorless ( harder than streak plate )
4 Lustre Dull, vitreous, greasy
5 Fracture Conchoidal
6 Cleavage Absent
7 Hardness 6.5 - 7
8 Density (Sp gravity) 2.57 – 2.65
9 Varieties
10 Occurrence In Igneous, sedimentary & metamorphic rocks
11 Uses Ornaments, gemstones
12 Chemical composition SiO2
Name of the Mineral: 5. Olivine
S No Properties Observations
1 Form MASSIVE or no definite shape
2 Color OLIVE GREEN. Mg rich types are PALE
whereas iron rich types are DARK COLOURED
3 Streak WHITE
6 Cleavage ABSENT
7 Hardness 6–7
8 Density (Sp gravity) 3.2 – 4.3
PERIDOT is a gem variety of olivine.
10 Occurrence IGNEOUS ROCKS such as Peridotites, Dunites,
Gabbro, Basalt, Dolerites.
manufacture of REFRACTORY BRICKS
12 Chemical composition (Mg,Fe)2 SiO4
S No Properties Observations
1 Form granular, prismatic crystals
2 Color Greenish black TO Brownish black
5 Fracture UNEVEN
6 Cleavage 2-SETS
7 Hardness 5–6
8 Density (Sp gravity) 3.2 – 3.5
9 Varieties Diallage
10 Occurrence Basalts, Andesites, Tuffs, Gabbros,
Pyroxenites, Andesites
11 Uses
12 Chemical composition (Ca, Na) (Mg,Fe+2, Fe+3, Al) [(Si Al)2 O6]
S No Properties Observations
5 Fracture UNEVEN
6 Cleavage 2 sets
7 Hardness 5–6
8 Density (Sp gravity) 3 – 3.47
9 Varieties Edenite, Paragasite
10 Occurrence In IGNEOUS ROCKS such as Granites,
Syenites, Diorites, Hornblendite and in
METAMORPHIC ROCKS such as Gneisses,
Schists, Amphibolites.
12 Chemical composition (Ca, Mg, Fe, Na, Al)7-8 (Al Si)8 O22 (OH)2
Name of the Mineral: 8. Muscovite
S No Properties Observations
1 Form LAMELLAR (layers are separable and occurs in
book form ); some occur as flaky minerals.
2 Color Brownish black, silver white, brownish yellow
3 Streak white
4 Lustre Vitreous, pearly
5 Fracture EVEN / HACKLY
6 Cleavage 1 set
7 Hardness 2 - 2.5
8 Density (Sp gravity) 2.76 - 3.0
SERICITE is a fine grained muscovite type
found in gneisses and schists.
Gilbertite ……
Illite, a variety of mica is found in
sedimentary rocks
10 Occurrence found in igneous rocks such as Granites,
Pegmatites and Phlogophites..
11 Uses Electrical industry,, wall finishes, thin
transparent sheets are used as an insulator
and used in circuit boards.
12 Chemical composition KAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH,F)2
Name of the Mineral: 9. Biotite
S No Properties Observations
1 Form LAMELLAR (layers are separable and occurs in
book form ); some occur as flaky minerals.
2 Color dark brown, black, dark greenish black
3 Streak white to gray
4 Lustre Vitreous, pearly
5 Fracture EVEN / HACKLY
6 Cleavage 1 set
7 Hardness 2.5 - 3
8 Density (Sp gravity) 2.7 - 3.1
10 Occurrence found in igneous ROCKS such as Granites,
Diorites, Gabbros, and in metamorphic rocks
viz., Biotite gneisses, Schists, Hornfels.
12 Chemical composition K(Mg,Fe)3(Si3Al)O10(OH,F)2
Name of the Mineral: 10. Asbestos
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Fibres / FIBROUS
2 Color Pale green / whitish green
3 Streak white
4 Lustre SILKY
6 Cleavage Perfect
7 Hardness 5–6
8 Density (Sp gravity) 2.9 – 3.2
9 Varieties Nephrite, Uralite
10 Occurrence Occurs in actinolite schistose rocks
11 Uses Fire proof fabrics, brake linings, manufacture
of asbestos sheets, boards, roofing tiles,
fire proof paints.
12 Chemical composition Ca2 (Mg Fe)5 Si8 O22 (OH)2
Name of the Mineral: 11. chlorite
S No Properties Observations
2 Color GREEN usually dark grass green
3 Streak
4 Lustre Vitreous to earthy
5 Fracture
6 Cleavage
7 Hardness 2.5
8 Density (Sp gravity) 2.6 - 3.3
9 Varieties Chamosite ( iron-rich chlorite),
Ripidolite, Penninite, Clinochlore.
10 Occurrence In igneous rocks due to alteration of biotite
and in metamorphic rocks such as chlorite
Phyllites, chlorite schists.
11 Uses
12 Chemical composition Mg,Fe, Al (Al, Si3) O10 (OH)8
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Long blades, fibres
2 Color Light blue
3 Streak White
4 Lustre Vitreous to pearly
5 Fracture Uneven
6 Cleavage 2 sets
7 Hardness 4-5 along length and 6 – 7 along breadth
8 Density (Sp gravity) 3.6 – 3. 7
9 Varieties Andalusite
10 Occurrence In Gneisses, Schists, Eclogites
11 Uses In refractories. As heating element, in ceramic
12 Chemical composition Al2 Si O5
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Rhombohedron / Rhombododecahedron
2 Color Red, brownish red, pink
3 Streak Colorless
4 Lustre Vitreous
5 Fracture Uneven or sub-conchoidal
6 Cleavage Absent
7 Hardness 6.5 – 7.5
8 Density (Sp gravity) 3.5 – 4.3
9 Varieties Grossularite; Pyrope, Almandine, Spessartite,
Andradite, Uvarovite
10 Occurrence In Syenites and in Gneisses, schists,
11 Uses An abrasive and as a gemstone
12 Chemical composition (R2+3, R3+ 2 (SiO4)3 where
R2+ = Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn) and R3+ = Fe, Al, Cr, Ti
S No Properties Observations
2 Color White, green, grayish
3 Streak White
4 Lustre Pearly
5 Fracture Even
6 Cleavage 1 set
7 Hardness 1
8 Density (Sp gravity) 2.7
9 Varieties Steatite, soapstone
10 Occurrence Peridotites, Gabbros, Dolomites, Schists,
11 Uses Talcum powder industry, paper industry, as a
filler in pains, rubber industry, in electrical
12 Chemical composition Mg3 ( Si4 O10) (OH)2
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Rhombic / tabular
2 Color White
3 Streak White
4 Lustre Vitreous
5 Fracture Even
6 Cleavage 3 sets
7 Hardness 3
8 Density (Sp gravity) 2.71
9 Varieties Iceland spar
10 Occurrence In limestones and marbles
11 Uses In cement industry, manufacture of
bleaching powder,, as a calcium carbide ,
12 Chemical composition CaCO3
Al2O3 55 – 65%
Fe2O3 2 - 20%
SiO2 2 - 10 %
TiO2 1 – 3%
H2 O 10 – 30%
Physical Properties: mentioned separately
Uses: Low grade graphite is used in the paint and varnish industries
whereas the high grade variety is used in batteries, lubricants, and
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Cube, Granular
2 Color Bronze yellow
3 Streak greenish black / brownish black
4 Lustre metallic
5 Fracture Conchoidal / Uneven
6 Cleavage 3 sets
7 Hardness 6 – 6.5
8 Density (Sp gravity) 4.8 – 5.1
9 Varieties Marcasite, Pyrrhotite, Pyrrhotite
10 Occurrence Accessory mineral in IGNEOUS ROCKS
11 Uses PRODUCTION OF sulphur and sulphuric acid
12 Chemical composition FeS2,
( refer RUTLEY’S elements of Mineralogy by HH Read, pp 523 – 524)
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Massive / Rhombohedron
2 Color Steel grey
3 Streak Cherry red / red to reddish brown
4 Lustre Metallic to Sub-metallic
5 Fracture Uneven
6 Cleavage Absent / poor
7 Hardness 5.5 - 6.5
8 Density (Sp gravity) 4.9 – 5.35.2
9 Varieties Specular iron, kidney ore, Reddle, Martite
11 Uses 1. Iron ore
12 Chemical composition Fe2O3,
( refer RUTLEY’S elements of Mineralogy by HH Read, pp 518 – 519)
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Granular / octahedral
2 Color Iron black
3 Streak Black
4 Lustre Metallic to Sub-metallic
5 Fracture Sub-conchoidal
6 Cleavage Absent / poor
7 Hardness 5.5 – 6.5
8 Density (Sp gravity) 5.18
9 Varieties
10 Occurrence In igneous / sedimentary rocks
11 Uses Valuable ore of iron
12 Chemical composition Fe3O4
( refer RUTLEY’S elements of Mineralogy by HH Read, pp 517 – 518)
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Granular
2 Color Black / BROWNISH BLACK
3 Streak Brown
4 Lustre Sub-metallic
5 Fracture Uneven
6 Cleavage Absent
7 Hardness 5.5
8 Density (Sp gravity) 4.5 – 4.8
9 Varieties Picotite, lead chromite m
10 Occurrence In Peridotites, Serpentinites, gabbros
11 Uses The only source of chromium
12 Chemical composition FeCr2O4
( refer RUTLEY’S elements of Mineralogy by HH Read, pp 486 – 487)
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Cube or Rectangular Blocks or octahedral
2 Color Lead Grey
3 Streak Lead Grey
4 Lustre Metallic but often dull
5 Fracture Even, sub-conchoidal
6 Cleavage 3 sets
7 Hardness 2.5
8 Density (Sp gravity) 7.4 – 7.6
9 Varieties Minium, Cerussite, Phosgenite, Leadhillite,
10 Occurrence
11 Uses ore of pb, cable covers, foils, lead sheets, piping,
12 Chemical composition PbS
( refer RUTLEY’S elements of Mineralogy by HH Read, pp 456 – 463)
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Massive, reniform, fibrous
2 Color Iron grey or dark steel-grey
3 Streak Black / bluish black
4 Lustre Metallic
5 Fracture Uneven
6 Cleavage Indistinct
7 Hardness 2 - 2.5
8 Density (Sp gravity) 4.8
9 Varieties Polianite, Psilomelane, Rhodochrosite,
10 Occurrence In Sedimentary
11 Uses Important manganese ore
12 Chemical composition MnO2
( refer RUTLEY’S elements of Mineralogy by HH Read, pp 503 – 510)
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Crystalline , scaly, masses, granular
2 Color Iron grey to dark steel grey
3 Streak Black
4 Lustre Metallic
5 Fracture
6 Cleavage Perfect
7 Hardness 1–2
8 Density (Sp gravity) 2 – 2.3
9 Varieties
10 Occurrence In igneous rocks.
11 Uses Facings in foundry moulds, paints, crucibles,
stove polish, lead pencils, electrodes
12 Chemical composition Pure C
( refer RUTLEY’S elements of Mineralogy by HH Read, pp 340-341)
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Massive, compact, crystals
2 Color White, grayish white, yellowish, brown
3 Streak Blacken
4 Lustre Vitreous / dull/ earthy
5 Fracture Conchoidal
6 Cleavage Present but not distinct
7 Hardness 3.5 – 4.5
8 Density (Sp gravity) 2.8 – 3.0
9 Varieties Broocite, Epsomite, Periclase Kieserite
10 Occurrence As irregular veins in serpentine masses
11 Uses To produce CO2 , magnesium salts, refractory
bricks, furnace linings, crucibles
12 Chemical composition MgCO3
( refer RUTLEY’S elements of Mineralogy by HH Read, pp 296 – 297)
S No Properties Observations
1 Form Pisolitic Spongy, amorphous
2 Color Dirty white , grayish, brown, yellow, reddish
3 Streak
4 Lustre Dull,
5 Fracture Earthy , uneven
6 Cleavage Absent
7 Hardness 3- 4
8 Density (Sp gravity) 2.35 – 2.58
9 Varieties Corundum, spinel, diaspore, boehmite,
Gibbsite, Cryolite, alunite, leucite
10 Occurrence Weathering of igneous rocks
11 Uses In manufacture of aluminum, refractory
bricks, in furnace linings
12 Chemical composition Al2O32H2O
The study of rocks in all their aspects including their mineralogies,
structures / textures ( systematic description of rocks in hand specimen
and thin sections ); their origin and their relationships to other rocks.
Magma is a complex mixture of liquid, solid, and gas. The main elements in
magma are oxygen (O), silicon (Si), aluminum (Al), calcium (Ca), sodium
(Na), potassium (K), iron (Fe), and magnesium (Mg). However, two major
molecules found in magma that controls the properties of the
magma. These two molecules are silica (SiO2) and water (H2O). Silica
comprises as much as 75 percent of the magma.
When rock melts deep underground, the magma rises through the earth's
crust because the molten rock is less dense than solid rock. In many cases,
the magma is unable to reach the surface, and it will cool in place many
miles under the ground. This underground cooling produces the largest
crystal sizes, because it cools more slowly. Sometimes the magma extrudes
onto the surface, either on land or underwater.
Depending upon local conditions where the pressure effect is more than
the effect of temperature, MAGMA is formed.
Rocks: The solid Earth (the mantle and crust) is made of rock. There are
three types of rocks those that form from molten material or magma
(igneous rocks), those that are deposited from air or water
(sedimentary rocks), and those that have formed by altering another rock
(metamorphic rocks). The chemical composition of a rock is expressed
in terms of oxides for eg: SiO2; Al2O3; Fe2O3; FeO; MgO; CaO; TiO2 etc
CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS: Igneous rocks are the first
formed rocks in the earth’s crust and hence these are called PRIMARY
ROCKS, even though igneous rocks have formed subsequently also.
Igneous rocks are the most abundant rocks in the earth crust and are
formed at a very high temperature directly as a result of solidification
of magma since magma is the parent material of igneous rocks. The
temperature increases proportionately with the depth --- this is one of
the reasons for the formation of igneous rocks.
Unsaturated igneous rocks : when the parent magma has silica less
than what is required for the formation of saturated minerals.
Quartz is possible to the extent, and feldspars, olivine, nepheline,
leucite are present usually.
VOLCANIC ROCKS: The igneous rocks which have formed under low
temp & pressure at shallow depths in the absence of volatiles in
the earth’ crust are called volcanic rocks. Rapid cooling and quick
crystallization of lava makes faster the process of solidification due to
heat difference. The net result of all these processes is the development
of fine grained texture. Eg: basalt
Igneous rocks are also classified based on their cooling history (texture)
and on the nature of the magma (felsic or mafic). A diagram for
classification would be...
Felsic (light color) Intermediate Mafic (dark color)
Phaneritic Granite Diorite Gabbro, Peridotite
Glassy Obsidian
NOTE: The structures such as folds and faults are exempted though they
are also structures since these develop after the formation of rocks due to
tectonic forces.
Eg: PUMICE, a light rock with porosity even that floats on water.
When both the alkali feldspars and plagioclase feldspars are equal in
quantity, the granite rock is called as ADAMELLITE.
It is a holocrystalline (completely crystalline ) and coarse grained
igneous rock .
Dolerite is a dark, fine grained black or dark greenish black igneous
rock. It is intermediate in composition and melanocratic (dark coloured)
rock . Mineralogically and chemically, dolerite is similar to Gabbro and
Varieties: When all the minerals of dolerite are totally altered for
eg: plagioclase into zoisite or epidote and augite into chlorite /
hornblende and olivine into serpentine then the rock is called
Uses: Massive basalts are highly durable and strongest having highest
load bearing capacity. Used as building stones. Basalts are excellent
for macadam and bitumen Roads.
A number of tunnels have been made across through the Deccan traps
for railway lines near Bombay. They need no lining except sealing
where the weak planes or joints are observed to prevent seepage.
Rhyolites that cool too quickly to grow crystals form a natural glass or
vitrophyre, also called obsidian. Slower cooling forms microscopic crystals in
the lava and results in textures such as flow foliations, spherulitic, nodular
etc.. Some rhyolite is highly vesicular pumice..
Dykes are the common form of igneous rocks and are vertical or
inclined intrusive igneous bodies. Dykes occur cutting across the bedding
planes of the country rocks in which they are found. Due to forceful
pressure, magma intrudes through the fractures, cracks, joints, shear
zones, weak planes and subsequent solidification of this gives rise to dykes.
The dimensions of dykes vary widely. They may be long (50-60 kms ) and
thick (upto 30 mts). eg: dyke of midland of Scotland or t hey may be
short upto to a few mts and thin a few cms.
Though different rocks may appear as dykes, dolerite dykes are the
most common. Dykes are important from Civil Engg point of view for the
following reasons:
Sills are similar to dykes but are formed due to penetration of magma
into bedding planes of country rocks. The spreading capacity depends on
the viscosity of magma, its temperature and the weight of the overlying
rocks. Sills which spread over large areas are generally thin with
uniform thickness.
• Eg: 1 The great whin soil of England spreads over 3900 sq.kms
• Eg: 2 Karroo sills (dolerite composition ) spreads over 510000 sq kms
in South Africa.
Sills act sometimes as mineralizing bodies. eg: Barytes, Asbestos deposits of
cuddapah. Sills occur as horizontal and inclined bodies.
Lava flows may resemble sills closely because both are relatively thin,
horizontal sheet like igneous bodies spreading over large areas. But they
can be distinguished from one another as follows:
• Lava flows show an irregular lower surface whereas sills have more
or less flat on both sides.
• Lava flows shows vesicular character on the upper surface, whereas
sills present no such characters.
• Lava flows undergo quite cooling producing fine grained rocks
whereas sills cool slowly causing coarse to medium grained rocks.
• Sills give out tongues (minor intrusions) into the overlying rock
masses, whereas lava flows do not.
In the folded rocks, if the intrusion takes place at a later stage, it occupies
the openings at the crest ( in case of anticlines ) and trough ( in case of
synclines ) of folds, the resulting form of intrusive is denoted as Phaccolith.
Batholiths: The term is applied to any large intrusive mass of igneous rock
(eg granite). Batholiths, occupy a large area of out crop extending to greater
depths with the presence of Roof Pendants and Xenoliths.
Batholiths occur usually in mountain regions and are parallel to the folded
regions. Compositionally, batholiths are either granites or granodiorites.
Eg: British Colombia batholiths of 1250 miles extension and a width of 50
miles. The roof pendants; Stocks; Bosses offering evidence.
Sedimentary rocks
Rudaceous Arenaceous Argillaceous Chemical
Conglomerates Sandstone Shales Limestone;
Shell LST;
Coral LST; & Chalk
Breccias Arenite Mudstone Dolomite
(similar to shale )
Arkose Siltstone (similar Coal seams
to mud stone)
Flagstone Clays Evaporites/saltbeds
Greywacke Bauxite (laterite)
Grit Terra Rossa Iron bearing ores
Oolitic limestone Marl (Cal.
Grains Appears as
Quartz Colorless, fresh with vitreous lustre
Mica flakes White colour with perfect cleavage
Ilmenite / magnetite Jet black
Garnet Red with shining
Zircon; rutile White color with shining
Feldspars Pale colours of brown, red, white, grey with a dull
Pyroxenes & Pale colors
Sandstones are generally porous and permeable and considered one
of the best aquifers. By virtue of their porosity and permeability, they
are not only capable of holding a good quantity of groundwater but
also yield the same when tapped.
Varieties in sandstones:
Siliceous sandstones are the best rock for all civil engineering
purposes such as site of foundation ; to be used as building stones; to
be used for railways and for tunneling etc….
Varieties in shales:
Shales are highly porous ( due to the presence of various clays with
porosity 50 – 60% ); impermeable rocks (do not yield water due to
surface tension phenomenon ) called as AQUICLUDES means shales
contain water but do not yield groundwater when tapped.
Shales are soft, fine; thin layered and unable to resist overburden.
Therefore, these are unsuitable at the site of foundation of civil
structures such as dams, tunnels etc.. Since shales are incompetent
rocks, they may undergo subsidence.
Chalk: A soft, white fine grained calcareous deposit with dull lustre. It
is also consists of fossils viz., foraminifera.
Stalactites result from the process when surface water with dissolved
calcium carbonate pass through minute fractures and grows
downwards from the roof of a cave.
Guano deposits are formed from fish eating sea birds which live in
some isolated islands where there is no rain fall. West coast of
America; South Africa; Australia have vast deposits of Guano.
Igneous and sedimentary rocks which are formed under a certain physico-
chemical environment, (they were in equilibrium) in terms of temperature,
pressure and chemically active fluids. Subsequent to their formation if any
of these factors changes, the existing equilibrium gets disturb in the
constituent minerals of parent rocks by metamorphism. As a result of
Chemically inactive fluids: The most common liquid is water. Also the
magma or hot hydrothermal solutions (containing various chemicals) may
react directly with those rocks when they come in contact.
Types of Metamorphism:
Metamorphic Textures:
1. Foliation: When Chlorite, Mica, Talc etc orient themselves parallel to one
another is called as foliation ie the arrangement of in-equidimensional
One of the main factors for the failure of St. Francis dam was that it
was constructed over Schists.
Color: white or pale color. Red, brown, grey, green colours also may be
Acid test: Marbles react vigorously even with cold and dilute acids.
Grain size: Fine to medium or even coarse grained and the rock is
FOLDS: These are one of the most common geological structures found
in rocks. These are best displayed by stratified formations such as
sedimentary or volcanic rocks or their metamorphosed equivalents.
Torsion: It results from twisting . If the two ends of a rod or plate are
turned in opposite directions, the rod or plate is subjected to torsion
DIP: The dip of a stratum is the angle between the bedding plane
and a horizontal plane.
In nature, folds found in rocks and vary in terms of their length and
breadth. However, the bends noticed in rocks are called as folds.
Following are the parts of a fold:
CREST & TROUGH: The curved portions of the fold at the top and
bottom are called crest and trough respectively. The curved portions
are smoothly bent or sharp or angular.
LIMBS / FLANKS: These are the sides of a fold. There are two limbs
for every fold and one limb common to the adjacent fold.
AXIAL PLANE: This is the imaginary plane which divides the fold into
two equal halves. Depending upon the nature of the fold, the axial
plane may be vertical, horizontal or inclined.
WAVE LENGTH: The distance between the successive crests or troughs
is called wavelength.
AXIS: The intersection between the axial plane and the crest or trough
of the fold. ( that means the axis is a line parallel to the hinges )
A fold that is convex upward and the two limbs dip away from each other.
In such a fold, the older rocks occur in the centre.
Symmetrical fold: a symmetrical fold is one in which the axial plane is
essentially vertical or upright. The axial plane divides a fold into two
equal halves in such a way that one half is the mirror image or
Non-Plunging Anticline
Plunging Anticline
Open and Closed folds: If the thickness of beds is uniform throughout the
fold, it is called an open fold. On the other hand, if the beds are thinner in
the limb portions and thicker at the crests and troughs, such fold is called a
closed fold.
Chevron Fold: A Chevron fold is one in which the hinges are sharp
and angular.
Isoclinal Fold: An Isoclinal Fold in which, the two limbs dip at equal
angles in the same direction. These isoclinals folds may be vertical or
inclined or horizontal
Box Fold: Usually, the crests and troughs of beds are smooth, broad
and flat.
Fan Fold: In simple anticline, the limbs dip away from one another
and in simple syncline, the limbs dip towards each other. In case of
Fan Folds, this is just Opposite.
In Fan Fold, the two limbs dip toward each other in case of Anticlinal
Fan folds and the two limbs dip away from each other in case of
In the broader sense, drag folds refer to any minor folds genetically
associated with major folds. When the competent beds ( stronger beds
) slide past in opposite directions due to shearing effect / dragging
effect, the drag folds ( minor folds ) develop in the incompetent beds (
weaker beds ).
For eg: At the dam site, the beds of limb shall be dip in the upstream
direction to hold the accumulated water as a load.
Faults may be described as fractures along which relative displacement of
adjacent blocks has taken place. The relative displacement caused during
faulting may be horizontal, vertical and inclined.
Some faults are only a few inches long, and the total displacement is
measured in fractions of an inch while there are faults that are hundreds of
miles long. The strike and dip of a fault are measured in the same way as
they are for bedding planes. The magnitude of faulting obviously depends on
the intensity and the nature of shearing stress ( various tectonic forces )
Fault plane, foot wall, hanging wall, slip, hade, heave and throw which are
important parts of a fault
Fault Plane: This is the plane along which the adjacent blocks were
relatively displaced. Like, bedding plane (or axial plane) the fault plane can
be expressed by strike and dip. Its intersection with the horizontal plane
gives the strike direction. The direction along which the fault plane has the
maximum slope is its true dip direction. The amount of inclination of fault
plane with reference to the horizontal plane along the true dip direction is
called its true dip amount. Hade is the angle between the inclined fault
plane and a vertical plane. Dip + Hade = 900
Foot wall and Hanging wall: When the fault plane is inclined, then the
faulted block which lies below the fault plane is called the foot wall and the
other block which rests above the fault plane is called the hanging wall.
Slip: The displacement that occurs during faulting is called the slip. This
may be along strike direction (i.e. Strike slip) or along dip direction (i.e. Dip
slip) or along both (Strike and Dip slip). Eg: The fault is an inclined plane
that strikes N-S at dips 35° East and has a Hade of 55o East.
Hade: The angle between the fault plane and a vertical plane.
Classification and types of faults: Faults like folds
may be classified on the basis of geometry or their genesis or different
principles as follows.
7. Miscellaneous Faults: (eg: Step Fault; Parallel Fault; Horst & Graben
Faults )
1. Type of Displacement: Based on the displacement principle, faults
are divisible into Translational faults and Rotational faults.
Translational Faults: The displacement of the foot wall with respect to the
hanging wall is uniform along the fault plane.
Normal Fault: If the HW goes down with respect to the FW, it is called the
Normal Fault. Since the blocks are expected to move or slide down along
the influence of gravity, it will be also called as Gravity Fold.
Strike slip fault / Wrench Fault: The displacement is only along the
strike direction of the fault plane, such a fault is described as strike slip
Dip Slip Fault: If the displacement is completely along the dip direction of
the fault plane it is called a dip slip fault.
Oblique Slip Fault: If the displacement occurs partly along the strikes
direction and partly along the dip direction, such a fault is called as oblique
slip fault.
If the strike direction of fault plane is parallel to the strike of the beds of
adjacent strata, such fault is called as strike fault. On the other hand, if
the strike direction of the fault plane is parallel to the true dip direction of
adjacent strata, such fault is described as a dip fault. If strike direction of
fault plane is neither parallel to strike direction nor parallel to dip direction
of adjacent beds, it is called oblique fault.
5. Inclination of the fault plane: This is simple classification which makes
account the dip amount of the fault plane. If it is steep i.e. more than 450,
the fault is called a high angle fault and if it is gently sloping i.e. less than
450 the fault is called a low angle fault. Generally, normal faults / gravity
faults are high angle faults, while Reverse / thrust faults are low angle
High angle Fault: If the dip amount of the fault plane is > 45°, the fault is
called a high angle fault.
Low angle Fault: If the dip amount of fault plane is < 45° the fault is
called a low angle fault.
High Angle Faults Low Angle
Radial Faults: When a set of faults occur on the surface and appears to be
radiating from a common point, they are called radial faults.
STEP FAULTS: When a set of parallel normal faults occur at
regular intervals, they give a step-like appearance and are called step
Joints are fractures found in all types of rocks. These are cracks or
openings formed due to various reasons. Naturally, the presence of
joints divides the rock into a number of parts or blocks. Usually, the
openings of joints are filled up by secondary minerals such as calcite,
quartz etc as veins.
Joints may be measured only a few cms in length but some may be
large measuring mts. In nature joints may occur as vertical or
horizontal or inclined. Most joints are smooth but some display
plumose markings ( ridges & depressions a mm ).
Columnar Joints which may occur due to Tensional forces ( pull apart )
eg Basalts.
Sheet Joints : A set of joints may develop which are more or less
parallel to the surface of the ground. Eg: sandstones; cuddapah slabs,
flaggy limestones.
Classification of Geophysical methods
Importance of Geophysical methods
• Earthquake waves
• Intensity of earthquakes
• Magnitude of earthquake
• Safety factors in building construction in seismic areas.
• Terminology of earthquake
• Classification and causes of earthquake
10) Define the rock mechanics? What are the problems and scope of rock
If the subsurface has a relatively heavier body, the gravity pull is more there
(+g) and the spring extends becoming longer. If the subsurface has relatively
a lighter body there the gravity pull is less (-g) and the spring contracts
becoming shorter. Hence, g values reflect the subsurface geological strata.
Gravity methods are carried out during oil and gas exploration. These
investigations are also useful in finding iron ore, manganese ore, graphite,
coal, Chromite and bauxite deposits.
Spring spring
of gravimeter
During the magnetic surveys in the field, when the dyke is approached
the magnetic intensities ( z) becomes more and then becomes less
after the dyke is crossed. Away from the dyke, on either side ( z) is
nearly same and only over the dyke anomaly can be noticed.
Positive magnetic (vertical) ANOMALY
The different parameters measured during magnetic investigations are total
magnetic field and different space components (ie vertical component z;
horizontal component H; inclination I and declination D). The magnetic
field is measured in terms of gamma.
The SI unit of magnetic field strength is tesla. As this is a very large unit
for most practical uses, scientists commonly use the nanotesla (nT) as their
working unit of measure. Engineers often measure magnetic fields in Gauss
(1 Gauss = 100,000 nT, or 100,000 gamma).
The Earth's magnetic field (the magnetosphere) varies both temporally (there
is a daily variation of around 30 nT at mid latitudes and hundreds of nT at
the poles) and spatially (from around 20,000 nT near the equator to 80,000
nT near the poles) for various reasons, such as the in homogeneity of rocks
and the interaction between charged particles from the Sun and the
Also used to demarcate the basaltic intrusions such as dykes, sills etc
Magnetometers can also locate zones ignited by lightning and map siderite
(an impurity in coal).
The various geological factors which influence the electrical resistivity of the
subsurface formations are :
1. Mineral content (most of the rock forming minerals have high resistivity
except sulphide minerals)
2. Compactness
3. Moisture (moisture may occur in the rocks)
4. Salinity of moisture.
5. Texture of the rock (fine grained rocks show a higher resistivity
compared to coarse grained ones)
BATTERY ammeter
V Voltmeter
C1 P1 P2 C2
C 1 and C2 = current electrodes & P1 and P2 = Potential electrodes
- - - - - - distribution of current lines
______ distribution of equipotential lines
Resistivity methods are classified into:
It is obvious that the profiling technique will be useful in detecting only the
dyke bodies or vertical beds. The presentation of profiling data is done on a
ordinary graph sheet on X-axis (station) and true resistivity values on Y-axis
(ohm-mts). The interpretation of profiling data can demarcate the high and
low resistivity values of the sub-surface.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
C1 P1 P2 C2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
C1 P1 P2 C2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
C1 P1 P2 C2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
stations 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The values are plotted on log–log sheet by plotting the electrode separation
(station/distance) on x-axis and true resistivity values (ohm-mts) on y-axis.
The obtained curve is to be matched with master curves.
The ground immediately above the ore body will therefore be an area
of lowest potential, theoretically speaking the negative centre. The
location of such negative centres is the target of S.P. surveys, since
the ore body can be discovered usually below such centres.
The negative centres can be located either by determining the lines of
equal electric potential ( ie equi-potential lines ) directly on the ground.
The ore body is often met below the negative centre.
Seismology, the science dealing with the natural phenomena relating
to earthquakes. The Greek word seismos means shaking. Earthquakes
are vibrations or oscillations due to sudden disturbances in the earth,
which produce elastic waves which travel away in all directions from
the point of origin. These elastic waves are called seismic waves.
Terminology of an earthquake:
Seismic methods are effective for depths more than a km but are not
suitable for shallow exploration. Seismic methods are important to
locate the anticline and synclinal structures in oil exploration, and to
identify fault zones. It is also helped a great deal in understanding the
internal structure of the earth.
Earthquake intensities
Intensity Effects
I Not serious
II Felt by few persons at rest, particularly on upper floors of
III Vibrations similar to a moving truck
IV Windows and doors rattle; loose objects disturb
V Breakage of dishes; wall plaster breaks
VI Walls crack
VII Slight to moderate damage in well-built structures
VIII Falling of walls
IX Ground cracks; breakage of underground pipes;
considerable damage to buildings
X Bending of rails; occurrence of land slides
XI Buildings destroy
XII Total destruction, surface displacements; objects thrown
into air
The intensity at a place depends on several factors such as distance
from the epicenter; depth of focus, geological formations and also on
the type of construction of a structure..
Many of the areas in zone V and VI were merged into one because of
their high risk. In the zone map brought out in the year 2000, the
earlier zones II and I were merged. So the number of zones got
reduced from 7 to 5. Zone – I is least severe and the Zone VI is
most severe.
Entire NE regions, parts of Uttaranchal, Rann of Kutch ( Gujarat ) &
Srinagar are included in zone V where the earthquake severity is
high. All regions in Southern India are included in Zone III. Rest of
the parts of India are included in Zone I & II. Zone 4 is also treated
as severity.
• Forces in the dam due to reservoir water and due to the dams weight are
to counter balanced by introducing additional stress in the design of the
• Design of the dam is to be made such that during an earthquake they
move along with the foundations below.
• Dams should not ordinarily be built along or across the faults because
possible slipping along these planes during earthquakes will introduce
additional complications.
• The resonance factor value (vibrations due to sound) should be given
due consideration because a coincidence in the period of vibration of the
dam and the earthquake vibrations can produce cumulative effects.
In igneous rocks, the radio activity decreases with decreasing acidity as:
Plutonic rocks basic rocks ultrabasic rocks
(Radioactivity is high) ………………………………. (Radioactivity is least)
Radiometric methods of investigation are useful in:
• Exploration of U and Th mineral deposits
• Indirect location of rare elements such as Zr, Be, Li etc occurring in
pegmatites and Tantalum, Niobium etc occurring in some alkaline
• In case of exploration of oil and gas due to the low values of
gamma rays.
• By means of radioactive techniques, it is possible to study the
velocity of ground water, its direction, salt water bodies etc.
• Radioactive tracer techniques may be utilized for finding leakages
in water storage structures.
(i) Heat received from the sun ( varies with the time of the day and
with the season ) up to a few meters depth only.
(ii) Heat conveyed from the hot interior of the earth due to conduction
and convection processes
(iii)Heat due to decay of radioactive minerals in the crust of the earth.
By eliminating (i) and (ii), the solar heat component and the heat
contribution of radioactive mineral decay, the only one is to interpret the
values of temp of the earth’s surface. For the measurement of the
temperature on the surface of the earth, in shallow holes or in deep bore
THERMOMETERS can achieve an accuracy of 0.01oC are used. The
geothermal methods find application to locate structural bodies, oil
and gas structures, ore deposits, ground water studies etc…
From civil engineering point of view, rocks are used for various
purposes ie for laying foundations, as building stones (for walls, columns,
lintels and arches ); as concrete aggregate, as roofing material, as
flooring material, as polished stones for face work, as paving stones of
roads, for making statues, as road metal, as railway ballast, as
construction stones for bridges, piers, abutments, retaining walls, light
houses, dams, for tunneling and so on..
Eg: Marble, is well known for its pleasant colors, good appearance, easy
workability, ability to take a high degree of polish is selected for sculpture
works whereas it is unsuitable to serve as a foundation rock whereas
basalt is just the opposite of marble in its nature and suitability.
(1) These investigations are carried out quickly. This means large areas can
be investigated in a reasonably short period and hence time is saved.
(2) The geophysical instruments used in the field are simple, portable
(mostly) and can be operated easily. This means the fieldwork is not
(3) Since the work is carried out quickly and only physical observations are
made without the use of consumables (like chemicals), it is economical too
(particularly in the case of gravity, magnetic and some electrical methods of
(4) Different inferences to suit different purposes can be drawn from the
same field data.
(5) Scope to check the correctness of conclusions is possible
Rapid flows
Debris slides and slump
LANDSLIDES Rock slides
Rock falls
Earth Flows: There are three types of earth flows viz., solifluction; creep
and rapid flows.
Rapid flows are similar to creep but differ with reference to the
speed. Rapid flows generally accompany heavy rains. Mud flows are
similar to rapid flows.
Debris slides are common along the steep sides of rivers, lakes.
Debris slides of small magnitude are called slumps..
When construction works are carried out on hill tops, the heavy loads
on the loose zone of overburden create a sliding of rock masses.
Land slides in India: Land slides are reported in the hilly terrains in
different regions of India. The most disastrous land slides that have
taken place in recent past are in the Himalayan terrain in the North
and the Nilgiri hill region in south.
Another disastrous land slide took place on 18th Aug 1998 in Malpa
village which is located on the banks of Kali River in Pithorgarh
district of Kumaon Himalayas. The piled debris was around 20 m in
Uttaranchal region:
Kalisaur ( July 1968): Road damaged extensively
Malpa (Aug 1998): Road to Manasarovar damaged & 205 persons
Mizoram region:
Aizwal ( May 1995): 25 persons killed and road extensively damaged
Nagaland region:
Kohima ( Aug 1993): 200 houses and 5 km road damaged. 500 persons killed.
Major Land slides took place in the Nilgiri Hill region include
Runnymede, Glenmore, Coonoor areas. Amboori landslide in Kerala: On
Nov 9th, 2001, a disastrous land slide occurred around Amboori (20 km
from Thiruvananthapuram ) due to heavy rains and water logging.
1. Provision of adequate surface and subsurface to enable water to
freely drain out . Construction of suitable ditches and waterways
along slopes to drain off the water from the loose overburden.
2. Construction of retaining walls against slopes, so that the rock
masses which rolls down is not only prevented from further fall but
also reduces the slope.
3. Modifying the slopes to stable angles.
4. Growing vegetation to hold the material together.
5. Avoiding heavy traffic and blasting operations near the vulnerable
places naturally helps in preventing the occurrence of landslides.
In India, more than 90% of the dams operating are primarily for
irrigation. Various purposes of dam construction are:
Heel: It is the part where the dam comes in contact with the
ground on the upstream side
Toe: It is that part where the dam comes in contact with the
ground on the downstream side
Free board: It is the difference in level between the top of the dam
wall and the highest storage level.
Galleries: These are small rooms left within the dam for checking
Spillway: An arrangement is made in a dam near the top or inside to
allow excess water of the reservoir to the downstream side
Sluice: It is an opening in the dam near the ground level. It is
useful in clearing the silt of the reservoir.
Cut-off wall: It is an underground wall-like structure of concrete
in the heel portion. It is useful in preventing leakage
under the foundation.
Abutment: These are the sides of the valley on which the dam
structure rests.
Dams are of different types. Either they can be totally of reinforced concrete
or totally of earth materials or a combination of both.
Based on the construction material used, dams are grouped into concrete
dams, (masonry dams ) and earth dams.
Similarly, Earth dams too are grouped in to Earth Fill dams and Rock Fill
dams (based on the kind of material used.)
Gravity dams: It is a heavy concrete structure. The weight of the dam acts
vertically ( whole weight acts vertically downwards ) and plays an
important part in its stability. The stability of a gravity dam depends on the
pressure distribution. This type of dam is to be selected only in such
places where competent and stable rocks occur.
For the dam to be stable, the resultant R of the force, [W (weight of the dam)
and the lateral thrust of the reservoir water (P) ] must be within the middle
of the dam. Foundation treatment like grouting is adopted in case of
any incompetent foundation material present.
(W) (R)
The entire system with all these components distributes the load over the
foundation. Since the load distribution is over a wide area, even formations
relatively weak are considered.
D buttresses
K struts
FOUNDATION ROCKS ( top view of buttress dam )
Arch dams: This type of dam is preferred for narrow and deep river gorges.
The arch is convex to the upstream side. It can be a single arch dam or
multiple arches. The design of an arch dam is such that the whole part of
the load is transformed to the abutments.
- ----------------
- RESERVOIR - - - - -
River course
- ----------------
The earth dams, relatively of smaller height are lighter structures and
broad based. Because of the broad nature of the dams, the weight of the
dam is distributed over a wide base and the force per unit area is
consequently less.
The earth materials used in the construction are gravel, sand, silt and
clay is called an Earth Fill Dam and if the material used is rock, it is
called a Rock Fill Dam.
The side slopes are maintained at 1 in 2.5 and an impervious clay
core is provided to arrest seepage across the structure.
Eg: Ft. Peck, Wyoming dam…. It is 41/2 miles long, 4000 feet thick
at the base and 250 feet high.
--Reservoir -----------------------------
Clay core
It may be mentioned here that all these attributes never exist in any
one particular site. Consequently, appropriate foundation treatments
are resorted for making the dam site and reservoir area most
The rock formations at the dam site should be dipping towards upstream
or horizontal. This will counter the seepage, compared to the situation where
the formations dip in the downstream direction.
To ensure the safety and stability of a dam, it should necessarily rest the
dam on strong (physically) and very stable rocks (structurally).
• Usually the foundations will have greater stability when the load is
normal in case of horizontal formations or with low dip formations.
• Fault zones present in the formations result weakness in the rock
• Extensive joints in the rocks threaten the safety of the structures by
means of seepage.
• Presence of Anticlinal or Synclinal structures in the rocks also
contribute to the seepage.
Following examples reveal the impact on dams where the cost was
high as well as the presence of structures in the rock formations:
1. Bhakranangal dam on sutlez river, the bed rocks were at a great depth
caused more excavation for foundation .
Slates bear a typical slaty cleavage and soft nature are undesirable at
dam sites.
Khondalites which are feldspar rich and contain soft graphite, and are
usually weathered and hence unsuitable at dam sites
4. Alternating soft and hard beds when inclined are bad and the situation
leads to a variety of problems including slipping of hard beds over softer
ones at the time of excavation.
Horizontal Strata: This geological situation is good at the dam site because
the load of the dam acts perpendicular to the dam site.
b. Steep beds:
This situation is not bad but not that competent to take up the dam loads as
compared to gently inclined beds. This may not cause uplift force on the
dam and percolated water is returned to the upstream side only.
d. Steep beds: This situation is similar to the above situation and further
dangerous because the resultant force and the bedding planes are almost
Dam Over Folded Beds: Folding of beds, are generally less dangerous than
the faulting, unless the folds are of a complex nature. The folded rocks are
not only under strain but also physically fractured along the crests. Hence
grouting and other precautions may have to be taken, depending upon the
context, to improve the stability and competence of rocks at the site.
Dam over Faulted Beds: Occurrence of faulting at the dam site is most
undesirable. If the faults are active, under no circumstances, dam
construction can be taken up there. This is due to relative movement of bed
and also possible occurrence of an earthquake.
1. If the faults occur in the downstream side, they will not be much harmful
2. If the faults occur in the upstream side, the downstream dipping faults
are dangerous because they have all the disadvantages of a case with
bedding planes of such attitude ( i.e., risk of uplift pressure, heavy leakage
water), but if the faults dip in the upstream side they need to be sealed to
avoid possible leakage.
Joints are nothing but gaps of different magnitude that are common in
rocks. They
contribute to the physical weakness of the rock and also more porous and
permeability. These physical features are undesirable for the dam
construction. Hence, by adopting grouting technique, these weaknesses can
be avoided.
VIII. Cases where beds lie parallel to the length of the valley
This is the case where the dam is aligned across the strike, i.e., in the dip
direction of the beds. In this case the danger will almost always be present
as the slope of valley sides are very steep at the dam sites and are very likely
to be steeper than the dip of rocks and causes instability at the site and
slipping of rocks at one side
The field geological map is integrated with available aerial photos and
satellite imageries to produce a composite map. Aerial photo interpretation
provides information like litho logical variations of the formations; geological
structures, landslide areas, drainage patterns and structural control of
drainage etc….
Table depicts the range of values for various rock formations for UCS &
The rock formations RATING are classified as RQD (%) to access the
Excellent 400 1000
Extremely good 100 400
Very good 40 100
Good 10 40
Fair 4 10
Poor 1 4
2. The St. Francis Dam was a concrete gravity-arch dam, designed to create a reservoir
The dam was built between 1924 and 1926 under the supervision of William Mulholland
The dam Height is 195 feet (59 m) & its length is 608 feet (185 m).
The dam was constructed on the foundation of Schists and
conglomerates and in turn, separated by a distinct fault. In addition,
conglomerates also had veins of gypsum, a soluble mineral and hence
both Schists and conglomerates are unsuitable to serve as a
foundation to such a dam.
Several temperature and contraction cracks appeared in the dam when the
reservoir had reached full capacity. Enormous leakage of stored water
occurred through the conglomerate and the dam failed by sliding in
1928 resulting more than killing of 450 people.
Huge concrete block from the west abutment of the dam . The block is
approximately 63 feet long, 30 feet high, and 54 feet wide. It was concluded
that the disaster was primarily caused by the landslide on which the
eastern abutment of the dam was built.
In the late 1950s, however, the water below Hales Bar Dam, was again
leaking, this time at an alarming 2,000 cubic feet per second. Dye tests
carried out in 1960 suggested that many of the leakage channels had
interconnected, increasing the possibility of a future dam failure.
Thus, earthquakes, volcanic activity and land slides are all inter-
The pate boundaries move away from each other at some places
while they converge and collide against each other at some places.
Earthquake Hazards:
Volcanic gases: When a volcano erupts, gases ( water vapour; CO2; SO2;
HCl; HF;
CO; H2S ) spreads into the atmosphere.
SO2 contributes acid rain and CO2 causes depletion of Ozone layer.
Fluoride and Chloride gases contaminate water and may also cause
skin irritation.
Lava flows: Lava flows, being hot, are very disastrous. Volcanic flows
vary in their temperature between 200oC and 1000oC causing
extensive burning of all the material they encounter. The volcanic
flows follow stream valleys resulting floods in case of snow or ice
In oil and gas fields, withdrawal of the fluids ( crude oil ) also
results in subsidence.
ARCH DAM in India ( Idukki Dam ): The 'Idukki Dam' - Asia's biggest
Arch Dam of 555 feet height proudly standing between the two mountains -
'Kuravanmala' (839 meters) and 'Kurathimala' (925 meters ) in Idukki
district in Kerala. . This prestigeous project power House is located at
Moolamattom which is about 43 kms away from Idukki.
The Idukki Dam was commissioned in 1976. This is India’s first & only
Arch Dam. This is also the second highest concrete dam in India. It has a
thickness of 19.81 m, at the deepest foundation & 7.62 m at top.
The shape and the quality of rock at the deep gorge where this dam was
built was immensely suitable to adopt the arch shape of the dam. The
double curvature arch shape has resulted in an saving in concrete volume
by 60 % as compared to a gravity dam of this height.
Principal sources of natural recharge include precipitation, stream
flows, lakes etc whereas artificial recharge include excess irrigation
water, seepage from canals. Reservoirs are the results of human attempts
to make effective use of the run-off water which is otherwise going waste
i.e., flowing into the sea. However, the reservoir basin should be of
adequate water capacity to hold a large and desirable quantity of water to
derive optimum benefit.
Buried river channels which are more frequent in glaciated regions are a
serious source of leakage when they occur at the reservoir site. Eg: A buried
channel noticed in Tapoban dam site of river Dhauli Ganga which is a
tributary of the river Alaknanda (U.P)
The Influence of commonly occuring rock types at the reservoir site play
also a major role:
Shales: shall not cause leakage due to fine grained and non permeable if
Schists: Cause leakages due to the presence of soft and cleavage bearing
Quartzite: will not cause.
If the rate of silting is very low, the life of the reservoir will be long
and useful for a long period and proves worthy. The total volume of
the silt likely to be deposited during the designed period of life of
the reservoir /dam is therefore estimated and approximately that much
volume is left unused to allow for silting and is known as dead
storage. The remainder is known as effective storage. The dead
storage is generally > ¼ of the total capacity.
Hence, after 200 years, the reservoir simply consists of silt only and
no water.
Hydrogeology deals with occurrence, storage and movement of groundwater
in the subsurface. All water below the earth surface is referred to as the
groundwater or subsurface water.
The surface water percolates or infilters into the ground through the
fractures/cracks and its distribution and movement in the subsurface is
controlled by the Porosity and Permeability of the geological rock materials
such as soils, rocks etc….
Rock Porosity %
Granite, Quartzite 1.5
Shale, Slate 4
Limestone 5 - 10
Sand with gravel 20 - 30
Only Gravel 25
Only Sand 35
Only Clay 45
Prob: A rock sample has ( dry weight ) of 0.655 kg. After saturation
with water its weight is 0.732 kg. It is then immersed in water and
found to displace 0.301 kg of water. What is the porosity of the
Eg: 1.Shales are porous but less permeable because of fine grained nature
which does not allow water to pass through the rock due to less
interconnected pores.
Eg: 2. Vesicular basalts are highly porous but less permeable because the
vesicles in them are not interconnected (i.e., the effective porosity is less).
The continuous circulation of water from land, water bodies etc., which joins
the atmosphere and finally condenses into the form of precipitation. A part
of water is lost by evapo-transpiration and certain portion percolates into
the ground to form ground water reservoir and the remaining water flows on
the ground as runoff and joins the streams, rivers and finally into sea. This
cycle is continuously repeated.
Uses of water: Water is needed for daily use for organisms, for irrigation,
industries, electricity production and domestic use. Hence, water is an
important resource in all economic activities ranging from agriculture to
industry. About 97% of it is salt water in the seas & oceans, 2.6% is
trapped in polar ice caps & glaciers. Only 0.4% is available as fresh water.
Fresh water occurs mainly in two forms namely Ground water and
Surface water. The distribution of fresh water is geographically uneven
varying greatly from country to country & even one region to another region.
3. PUBLIC USE: This includes water used for public utility purpose such
as watering parks, flushing streets, jails etc.
4. FIRE USE: Water is used in case of accidents and to prevent the fire
1. Increase in population,
2. Increasing demand of water for various purposes.
3. Unequal distribution of fresh water.
4. Increasing pollution of existing water sources cause over exploitation.
5. People depend on ground water as it is considered to be fresh water.
Point sources
Water Table: The land surface is covered by loose soil due to natural
weathering phenomenon. Since the effect of weathering decreases gradually
with depth, a fractured zone of rocks exists below the soil zone. Further,
below this zone, occurs the hard formations (bed rock) which are free from
Many terms are used to describe the nature and extent of the groundwater
resource. The level below which all the spaces are filled with water is called
the water table. Above the water table lies the unsaturated zone. Here the
spaces in the rock and soil contain both air and water. Water in this zone is
called soil moisture. The entire region below the water table is called
the saturated zone, and water in this saturated zone is
called groundwater.
Hence, when rainfall occurs in any region, the rain water moves downwards
through fractures under the influence of gravity until it reaches the bed
rock. Then, the percolation/infiltration of water leads to the development of
a zone above the bed rock which is called as zone of saturation, in
which all openings or pores of the rocks are filled with water. Such water is
called as groundwater. The upper surface of the zone of saturation is called
WATER TABLE. Above the zone of saturation and below the ground surface
is the zone of aeration in which water fills only a portion of the pore space.
Vadose water
capillary water
Groundwater fractures
Types of Aquifers: Most aquifers are of large areal extent and may be
visualized as underground storage reservoirs. Aquifers may be classified as
unconfined or confined depending on the presence or absence of water table.
Confined Aquifer: These are also called artesian aquifers. In this case,
the groundwater should be under pressure more than atmospheric
pressure and sandwiched between two aquicludes or two impermeable
formations i.e., clay / shally formations. Unlike the unconfined aquifer, the
confined aquifer stores less water.
The wells in the confined aquifer are thus artesian wells operating under the
piezometric pressure of the aquifer. If the piezometric surface of any well is
above the ground surface the water level rises above the ground surface. In
such a situation, the well is known as an artesian flowing well.
The water table level rises considerably during rainy seasons because
of heavy rainfall and high recharge. In summer, the water is pumped
out without any recharge. This leads to a significant fall in the level
of water table, thus, this type of fluctuation in the water table is
When water is pumped out from an open well, immediately the level
of water in it goes down, leading to the hydraulic gradient i.e., the
difference in the level of the water table of the aquifer and dug well
water level.
The difference between the original level of water in the dug well and
level after pumping is called DRAWDOWN. If the pumping is
continued, the drawdown increases further and the radius of
influence of the well also increases. In a good aquifer , the draw
down keeps at the same level. It is interesting to know that in all
aquifers, the drawdown rate decreases with pumping time. (5’ in 1
hour and further 5’ in 5 hours and still 5’ in another 10 hours).
1. Origin and occurrence of groundwater
2. Short notes on:
a) Water table,
b) springs,
c) cone of depression,
3 Detail the three possible mechanisms of Arsenic release into
4. Short notes on :
a) Types of aquifers
b) Geological controls and groundwater movement
Axis: The lengthwise course of a tunnel, especially along the center line.
Cross section : The shape of a tunnel for eg: horseshoe, round or square.
Portal: The open end of a tunnel. Usually includes a wall to retain the soil around
the opening.
Shaft: A vertical, underground passage from the top to the bottom where there
is initially no access to the bottom.
Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM): A tunneling machine which has cutting teeth at
its front. It creates the tunnel opening while passing the waste material through the
• In mining practice: Adits and shafts for reaching the work spots and
for the transport of workers and materials.
• In certain mines: tunnels are made to extract coal from coal seams
• For water supply and sewage disposal: For supply of drinking water
or sewage disposal purposes, tunnels are made.
Eg (4): the under sea tunnels made between France and England and
between some islands of Japan.
Depending on the nature & competency of the ground, tunnels are classified
The main purposes of lining are to resist the pressures from the
surroundings (from the roof or the sides or the floor) and to protect the
shape of the tunnel. Lining also helps in the leakage of ground water into
the tunnel . Thus lining is a an effective remedial measure to overcome the
various drawbacks resulting from underground tunneling either geologically
or non-geologically.
Lining is also provided in such places where the seepage of water into the
tunnel occurs and creates problems. The zones of faulting or shearing also
need suitable lining to impart strength to them. Strong and complete lining
is required in hydropower tunnels which carry water under great pressure
and even minor leakages can prove hazardous.
Groundwater conditions.
Among the metamorphic rocks, Quartzites and gneisses are massive and
competent. Phyllites and Schists are problematic due to the presence of
foliation and presence of susceptible minerals like mica and clay. Depending
the orientation of cleavage of minerals in case of slates may be considered.
Marbles are reasonably competent by virtue of their high compactness and
granulose structure.. But their susceptibility to corrosion and softness
necessitates lining.
SUITABILITY OF IGNEOUS ROCKS: Massive igneous rocks, i.e., the plutonic and
hypabyssal varieties, are very competent but difficult to work. They do not need any
lining or any special maintenance. This is so because they are very strong, tough,
hard, rigid, durable, impervious and, after tunneling, do not succumb to collapse,
or to any other deformation.
Among limestones, dolomitic limestones are harder and more durable. They are
better than other varieties. On the other hand, calcareous limestones or porous
limestones are naturally weaker and softer. Conglomerates need not be considered
seriously due to the presence of pebbles and unconsolidation.
Quartzites are very hard and hence very difficult to work. Marbles are reasonably
competent by virtue of their high compactness and granulose structure. Slates are
rather soft and possess slaty cleavage. Hence they are weak and require lining.
Strike and Dip orientation; Joints, Faults, Folds etc are the most common
structural features associated with rocks.
(A) Joints at the tunnel site: Closely spaced joints in all kinds of rocks are
harmful ( eg Koyna third stage tail tunnel has been excavated through a
closely jointed basalt causing roof fall with heavy copious leakage of water ).
Joints which strike parallel to the tunnel axis for long distances are
undesirable whereas the joints which are perpendicular to the tunnel axis
have a limited effect.
Fault zones are places where the displacement of rocks occur and lead to
discontinuity in the tunnel alignment. The fault zones are places of intense
fracturing which means physical weakness in rock masses. Fault zones allow
percolation of groundwater which may cause for collapse of walls. Eg: Koyna
(Maharashtra state) third stage tunnel collapsed about 15 mts along a fault
Fault zones are normally avoided along tunnel alignments. However, if they
cannot be avoided, the fault zone has to be extensively treated with
concrete grout and a strong lining has to be provided.
Problems are severe if the tunnel alignment coincides with the strike of the
fault. If the tunnel is located in the foot wall of a fault, the roof portion
of the tunnel becomes instability and needs reinforcement. In case of
Hanging wall, less effect can be observed.
In anticlinal fold, the central region will be under lesser pressure when
compared to synclinal fold where the central region will be under higher
pressure in addition to the occurrence of ground water.
Lesser Higher
pressure pressure
(2) GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS: Ground water problem in the tunneling
is the most serious one. If ground water encountered in case of tunneling,
the entire water is to be pumped out to keep the working area dry and
adds the expenditure on tunneling project.
If the water table lies below the level of the tunnel, no severe ground water
problem can be anticipated. But if the tunnel lies below the position of the
water table , then the ground water problem is inevitable. .
TUNNEL SUPPORTS : Supports are used for keeping the tunnel walls and
the roof in safety condition. Several support alternatives are available for use
in tunnels. Following are the types of supports:
Rock Bolts: These are steel bolts designed for holding weak formations
together. The bolts are driven into the formations without causing any
disturbance. These are used in tunneling for anchoring the tunnel walls to
sold rock.
Wire mesh; Concrete lining; Pre-stressed anchor cables; Steel ribs etc are
also used wherever is necessary.
The geological factors which govern the amount of over break are: