Format of Case Presentation
Format of Case Presentation
Format of Case Presentation
Biographic Data
Client’s name, address, age, sex, marital status, occupation, religious preference, health care
financing, and usual source of medical care.
Chief Complaint or Reason for Visit
The answer given to the question “What is troubling you?” or “what brought you to the
hospital or clinic?” The chief complaint should be recorded in the client’s own words.
History of Present Illness
• When the symptoms started
• Whether the onset of symptoms was sudden or gradual
• How often the problem occurs
• Exact location of the distress
• Character of the complaint (e.g., intensity of pain or quality of sputum, emesis, or discharge)
• Activity in which the client is involved when the problem occurred
• Phenomena or symptoms associated with the chief complaint
• Factors that aggravate or alleviate the problem
Past History
• Childhood illnesses, such as chickenpox, mumps, measles, rubella (German measles), rubeola
(Red measles), streptococcal infection, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, and other significant
• Childhood immunizations and the date of the last tetanus shot
• Allergies to drugs, animals, insects, or other environmental agents and the type of reaction that
• Accidents and injuries: how, when and where the accident occurred, type of injury, treatment
received, and any complications
• Hospitalization for serious illnesses: reasons for the hospitalization, dates, surgery performed,
course of recovery, and any complications
• Medications: all currently used prescription and over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin,
nasal spray, vitamins, or laxatives
Review of Systems
C. Patterns of Functioning by Gordon - Client’s Response, Analysis and Interpretation
Functional-Health Patterns (by Gordon):
1. Health Perception-Health Management Pattern
a. How has general health been?
b. Any colds in the past?
c. Most important things done to keep healthy? You think these things make a
difference to health?
d. In the past, has it been easy to find ways to follow things nurses or doctors suggest?
e. If appropriate: What do you think caused this illness? Actions taken when symptoms
were perceived? Results of actions?
f. If appropriate: Things important to you while you are here? How can we be most
2. Nutritional Metabolic Pattern
a. Typical daily food intake? (Describe)
b. Typical daily fluid intake? (Describe)
c. Weight loss/gain? (Amount)
d. Appetite?
e. Food or eating: Discomfort? Diet restrictions?
f. Heal well or poorly?
g. Skin problems, lesions, dryness?
h. Dental problems?
3. Elimination Pattern
a. Bowel elimination pattern (Describe). Frequency? Characteristic? Discomfort?
b. Urinary elimination pattern (Describe). Frequency? Characteristic? Discomfort?
Problem in control?
4. Activity-Exercise Pattern
a. Sufficient energy for completing desired/required activities?
b. Exercise pattern? Type? Regularity?
c. Spare time (leisure) activities? Child: Play activities?
d. Perceived ability for: (code for level)
Feeding ________ Grooming ____________
Bathing ________ General mobility ______
Toileting _______ Cooking _____________
Bed mobility ____ Home maintenance ____
Dressing _______ Shopping ____________
a. Generally get things you like out of life? Most important thing?
b. Religion important in your life? If appropriate: Does this help when difficulties
c. If appropriate: Will being here interfere with any religious practices?
G. Review of Anatomy and Physiology - identification of the parts and functions of the organ/s affected
H. Ecologic Model - Epidemiologic Triad
I. Pathophysiology - describe the conditions observed during the disease state showing the client’s presenting
signs and symptoms
- Diagram Format
J. Laboratory and Diagnostic Exams - Date of Laboratory Exam, Purpose and Interpretation
1 2 3 4 5 6
Generic Name / Mechanism of / Indication / Contraindication / Side Effects / Nursing
Brand Name Action Adverse Effects Responsibility
- All relevant to client
Each item is rated on the following rubric. SCORE: _____________
1= Poor
2 = Fair Total Score = _______ X 75 + 25 = %
3 = Adequate 100
4 = Good
5 = Excellent Panel: _________________________
Signature Over Printed Name
A. Introduction - brief description of the disease and disease statistics.
A description of the client’s case as well as a brief overview of the research literature is
presented. ________
B. Client’s Profile - Complete Profile
Completeness - a comprehensive amount of information was provided. ______
C. Patterns of Functioning by Gordon
Insightful and thorough analysis of the client’s response. ______
D. Complete Physical Assessment
Sufficient amount of data were gathered from physical examination. _______
E. Growth and Development Pattern
Integrates growth and development pattern based on the client’s adaptation. ______
F. Course in the Ward
Identifies the important role of nurse’s in the day to day activities in the ward. ______
G. Review of Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy and physiology were carefully examined in significance to the main problems
H. Ecologic Model
Thorough analysis of most of the problems causing the disease progression. _______
I. Pathophysiology
Format is appropriate and enhances the understanding of the manner throughout the
development of the signs and symptoms presented by the client. ______
J. Laboratory and Diagnostic Exams
Identification, analysis and interpretation of the laboratory and diagnostic exams and its significance
on the client’s condition. ________
K. Drug Study
Accurate medication administration, its nursing implications and client teaching. ________
M. Top 3 NCP
Identifies & understands the steps of the nursing process and how to write an
individualized Nursing Care Plan.
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. __________
N. Discharge Plan
Makes realistic and appropriate health teachings. ______
O. Presentation
The way of delivery - very clear and concise. _________
The use of visuals and pictures to augment the presentation. ________
P. Question and Answer
Questions were answered and salient points were discussed.________
Q. Time
Time management. (45 minutes - presentation, 45 minutes - question and answer)._______