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(D) 33, 114 Ib/hr of n-butyl alcohol at 210"* Total umber of printed pages 6

is to be cooied to 105'F using water at

16 (CH 783) PRED
9s Avaitable for this purpose is
in 1D, two pass shell exchanger with 204
19 2014
16/t long
on 1 in.
square pitch arranged for four passes. (Design)
Vertically cut baffles are spaced 5 in. apart.
pressure drop of 10psi are allowable. Full Marks: 100
) I s the exchanger suitable for the above Time Four hours
purpose ?
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
i) What is the dirt factor? for the questions.
(iti) Can this exchanger be replaced by a Answer one part from questionNo. 1 and
1-2 exchanger ? If yes how ? 35 any two parts from question No. 2.

The following Codes and Books arc allowed for

(i) Chemical Engineer's Handbook by Perry
(ii) Steam Table
i) IS : 2825 - 1969

(i) IS:803 1976

Assume data wherever necessary.
16 (CH 783) PRED/G 6 200
(4) (a) What is 'optimum
is " storage tank ? Derive the of a

expression of
optimum proportion based on which (B) (a) Name the common types of formcd
Lankmay be identified as "Small tank' heads and closures used for closing the
'Large tank' ? 10 ends of a process vcssel. Describc any
A one of them with
petrölcum rcfinery nccds proper diagram. Why
a vertical
cylindrical lstoragc tank to store thinning allowance is neccssary in
25,000 m of lube oil so that the total determining the thickness of the plate
cost is miniimum. It is cstimated to fabricate a particular head ? 8
the,ratio of annual cost of the
unit area is two times the shell per (b) A process vessel is to be
designed for
of the bottom
annualjcost the maximum operating pressure of
the annual cost
pen unit arca; and that 500kN/m*. The pressure vesscl has a
of the roof is 1-6 times nominal diameter of 1.5m and tangent
the bottom annual cost
per unit area. to tangent length of 3.0m. The vessel
The annual cost the
of land under the is made of IS: 2004 1962 Class 3
tank together with
annual cost of
installed foundation is estimated to be
quality steel. The working temperature
is 250' C. The corrosion allowance is
0.5 time the annual cost of bottom
suggested to be 2mm for the life span
per unit area. The oil is to be stored expected for the vessel. The vessel is
a maximmum
temperature of 200' C and to be fabricated for medium
the materials to be used for the
plate is (i) What will be thec standard
IS: 2002-1962 grade
2B quality steel. thicknes if thc vesscl is
)Calculate the optimum diameter cylindrical ? 12
to height ratio for the vessel.
i) If a spherical vessel having the
(ii) Detcrmine the thickness of the same diameter and plate thickness
shell plate for all the courses is fabricated with same quality
considering a, reasonable stecl, what maximum intenal
corrosion allowance. 20 pressure it can withstand safely?
16 (CH 783) PRED/G

16 (CH 783) PREDIG 3 Contd.

Tolucne is cooled irom 1l60
63001b/hr of
acetate from 90
to 100° F by heating Amyl
Caustic Soda hairpins. The exchangers
2 (A) It is desired to concentrate a
to 100 using 15ft
a double
from 10% to 42-5%% in 1-in IPS. Allowing 10
of are 2 by
effect evaporator system. 25,000 kg/hr pressure drops and providing a minimum

45'C 0-004, estimate

enters the evaporator at dirt factor of
feed solution
absolute are required?
and steam is available at 2kg/cm how many hairpins
concentration vacuum
for affecting the they be aranged?
Hg referred ii) how shall
held at 56cm
the second effect is
of 76 cm of Hg. factor?
to a barometric pressure
iil) What is
the final fouling
steam required for
the quantity of alcohol at

forward feed evaporation

if the heat
C) 62,000lb/hr of pure ethyl
loss from the evaporator
body is 3% of 2-0psig is to be
condensed by water from

the evaporator along

the heat input to A dirt factor of 0-003
to the evaporator. 85'F t o 120 F.
with steam
should be provided. A pressure drop of2psi
used and 10psi for the
the evaporation per kg of steam is allowable for the vapor
in the first water.
1-2 vertical
required. Calculate the required size of a
the surface area
14BWG tubes 16
(ii) co-efficient of heat
transfer 1 in OD,
taken as
condenser using
effect may be At 2 psig
for the first on 1-in triangular pitch.
and that for 35
2000kcal/hr-m-°C) 178-9' F.
ethyl alcohol boils at
effect as
the second
1500kcal/hr-m2-°C) 35
16 (CH 783) PRED/G

6 (CH 783)
top ol a distilling column opcrating at Total number
of printed pages-6
psig which pressure il boils
at at
244°P. Waicr at 85°F will bc uscd as 16 (CH 783) PRED
he_cosiE-medium tdirt factor
0-003 is rcquircd with allowablc
prcssure drops of 2-0 psi for the vapour PROCEss EQUIPMENT DESIGGN
and 10 psi for thc water. Assume that
Full Marks: 100
8-fi tubes are used. Tubes arc to bc
3/4 in.OD, 16BWG on 15/16 in. Time Four hours

triangular pitch. 35- The figures-in the-margin-indicate-

full marks for the questions.
D 75,000 lb/m of cthylene glycol is hcatcd
from 100 to 200°F using stcam at Answer par from Q. No. 1

250 F Available for this service is a

any two parts from Q. No. 2
1Ein.ID 1-2 cxchanger aving 224
tubes, 3/4 inOD, 14BWG, 16'0" long
The following books arc: allowed for
on 15/16 intriangular pitch. Bafflcs are
spaccd 7 napart. A prcssure drops of
10 psi is allowable for the cthylene
i Chemical Engincer's Handbook by Perry
Will thc cxchanger be
elycol strcam.

suitable ? What is the dirt factor? i) Codc Books IS 2825 & IS 803
il) Steam Table

Make assumptions whcrevcr nccessary.

6 100 Contd.
6 (CII 783) PRED/G
TA Tt 1S desircd to design a tank for thc
tangcnt to tangent length of 2-4 m. Thc
storagc of 5000 kilo iter of an oil. It is vesscl is to be dcsigned for medium
thà annuai cost of shell
cstimatcd that duty opcration and no scverc conditions
per unitarcaCis jwetimes the annual arc cxpccted. Thc other dctails arc as
cost of the bottom per unit arca C2 follows
of the roof C is
and thc annual cost

1-8 timecs the bottom annual cost per

Operating prcssure =
unit area. Thc annual cost of thc Opcrating tempcraturc = 200°C

foundation C, and installation Cs

MOC IS 2002; 1962 gradc 2B quality
togcther is estimatcd as 0.4 timcs of

the cost of the bottom arca C2. steel

negligible. The Allowable design strcss value
Corrosion allowance is

oil is to be stored at a maximum 12-1kgf/ cm2

200°C and the matcrial
tempcrature of Corrosion allowance2mmn
uscd for ue sno is tow carbonr
stccl conforming to 1S: 2002-1962
Dctcrminc the standard thickncss
grade 2A stccl. fabricate the vesscl
of the platc to

Find the optimum tank proportion and i1) What should be the thickncss of
for all thc
thickncss of the shcll platc the platc rcquircd to fabricatc a
courscs. flangcd flat covcr of thc vesscl?
Considcr thinning allowances of
necds cylindrical
B A process vecsscl
diamcter 1:2n and
vessel of nominal

16 (CI 783) PRED/G Contd.

16 CH 783) PRED/G 2
transter are
what heat a da

reconnend lor the evapcrator

vessel having
spherical is
If a
what are the tcmpcrature of th
t) and

with thc
samc çáustic stream leaving th
internal evaporators ?
safcly ?
the sphcrc 30
of 35° API distillate
B 24,000 lb/m
cooled rom 400 to 300°F by 50,000
34AP micdcontinent-Erath
It is
desircd to
4 0 % - i n - a - d o u b l e

2. inlet temperature
o fNaOH to
solution backward oil heatcd from an
using of 10 psi ar
is to 250F Pressure drops
at 30°C
fccd supplicd dirt factor of 0.006 1
fccd. Thc
contain allowablc, and a
amount of 4 by i
bc of such an steam
required. Using 20ft hairpins
NaOH. Saturated
2-5kg/sof solid Vae i n c h IPS
available at6kg/ cn abs. A
is maintaincd
66cm of Hg may
hairpins are requrd
of sccond How many
of the
the vapor The
in cjector.. ?
the cxisting How shall hcy bc arrangai
are fii)
hcat fartor
What is thc final fouling
overall cffcct
for thc 1st (ii)
2000kcal/ hr-m2-°C for thc 2nd
and 1600 kcal/ loss
4% of heat
1-2 condenser is requ
C A vertical

the evaporator body, 70,000 "

through c o n d e n s a t i o n of
tor the

consumption? purc propyl alcohol comng

is steam
16 (CIL 783) PRED/G

16 (CI 783)
Total number of printed
16 (CH 783) PRED

V 2 SO
Full Marks: 100
Time Four hours

The-figures in the margin indicate

full marks for the questlons.

Answer question No. 1 and any tuwo

from the rest.
The following Books and
D 2 n o Jor consultatlons:
Codes are allowed

Chemical Engineers's Handbook by Perry.

i) IS: 2825-1969
(ii) IS: 803-1976
fiv) Steam Table
Assume data wherever

Answer Part (a) OR Part (b): 1-6 times the bottom annual cost
4aDesign a process vesstt for the following unit area. The annual cost of the
conditions 30 under the tank together with
cost of installed foundation is
Shell estimated
to be 05 time the annual
Nominal diameter cost of bottom
1100mm per unit area. Calculate
Material: High alloy steel
IS: 1570-1961 grade the optimum diameter and height
-05 ¬r18 Ni of the tank
Design temperature = 150°C
ii) thickness of the shell plate for all
Interior pressure 3kgf/ cn2
the course_

(a) Head if low carbon steel conforming to

Plenged-standar-Disheiu IS : 2002-1962 Grade 2B quality
External diameter =1100mm steel at 250°C 1s used.
Material Same as Shell 30
Crown radius : R; D =

Length of the straight flange; 2. 5000 lb/hr of aniline is to be heated from

S40nm 100-150°F by cooling 10,000lb/ hr of toluene
with an initial
b) A petroleum refinery needs a vertical temperature of 185°F in 2 by
1 inch IPS double
storage tank to store 25000m3 of lube pipe hairpin exchangers
oil so that the total cost is minimum. 15ft long. Pressure drops of 10psi are
It is estimated that the annual cost of allowable and dirt factor of 0-005 is
the shell per unit area is two times the required. Hów many hairpin sections are
annual cost of the bottom per unit area,
required and what is the final dirt factors?
and that the annual cost of the roof is
6 (CH 783) PRED/G 2 16 (CH 783) PRED/G 3
2 . Contd.
M .
cooling medium din
a s the
85°F is used
70,000 7b/hr of ethylene glycol is
heated from 0-003
th allo
is required with allowable
100 to 200°Fusing steam at 250"F Avajlable factor
for the va
drops of 2-0psi apor and-
Sor the service is 17'/4 in pressure
water. For this seric
D 12 exchanger having 224 tubes 3/4n 10psi for the
in OD, 16 BWG; 8/t long tube Inid
OD, 14 BWG, 16'0" long on 15/16 in 3/4
triangular pitch. Bafle are spaced 7 in apart on
in triangular pitch
is used.
and there are two tube passes to the condenser. 35
aocommodate the steam. A 10psi pressurec
drop is allowable for the ethylene glycol
stream. Is the exchanger suitable for thee
above service ? What is the dirt factor?

It is desired to concentrate caustic soda

sohution from 10% to 45% in a double effect
evaporator with backward feed. 2500kg/ hr
of feed at 55°C enters the evaporatan-aadm
m s avaable at 3kg f/ cm2absolute. An
absolute pressure of 25cn of Hg is held in
the second effect. Estimate the
quantity of
steam and surface area required. The overall
heat transfer co-efficients in the first effect
and second effect are 2250kCal/ m2-hr-° C
and 1725k Cal/ n2-hr°C

5 A horizontal 1-2 condenser is required for

the condensation of 50,000 lb/ hr of pure
propyl alcohol coming from the top of a
distilling column operating at 15 psig at
which pressure it boils at 244°F. Water at
16 (CH 783) PRED/GG

16 (CH 783) PRED/G 5

b) It is desired to concentrate 50,000 lb/n Total number of printed pages - 6
of Sodium hydroxide solution at 100 F
and 10% solids to a product which 16 (CH 782) PEDG

contains50% seliedin a dottbie effect

evaporator with forward feed. Steam is 2018
available at 26.7 psi. The second effect
is held at an absolute pressure of 18.7. PROCESs EQUIPMENT DESIGN
Estimate the quantity of steam and
surface area required. The overall heat Full Marks: 100
transfer co-efficients in the lst and 2nd
effect are Time: Four hours

U 600 Btu/m- f-°F and

The figuresin the margin indicate
full marks for the questions.
U2 250 Btu/m- ff- F . 35

The followng books and codes are allowed for

Chemical Engineer's Handbook by Perry

) IS: 2825-1969
(tü) IS: 803-1976

iv) Steam Table

Assume data wherever necessary.

200 Contd
CH 782) PEDG/G 6
Part (a)
Answer or Part (b):
(b) A process vessel is to be
i t is desired to design a tank for the
designed for
storage of 25,000 kiloliter the following conditions
of an oil. It
is estimated
that the
annual cost of
Maximum Operating pressure =
shell per unit area is two times 10 kgf/cn
annual cost of the bottom per unit the Temperature =250°C
and the annual cost of the roof is Norminal diameter 1.5 m
1.8 =

times the bottom annual oost

per unit Material of Construction =
area. The annual cost of the
foundation IS: 2002-1962
grade 2B quality steel
and installation together is estimated
Corrosion allowance 2 mn. =

as 0.5 times of the cost of the

area. Corrosion allowance is Determine-
The oil is to be stored at a maximum () Standard thickness of the plate to
temperatur at 250°C and the material fabricate this cylindrical vessel.
used for the shell plate is low carbon 8
steel conforming to IS: 2002-1962 (ü) The thickness of the plate required
Grade 2B steel.
to fabricate a Standard Dished
Head for the above vessel. Given
that material of head is same as
( The optimum tank proportion shell. Crown radius Ri = Do and
10 Length of the straight flange:
Sf =
40 mm.

plate for ali

i) Thickness of the shell
20 Consider thinning allowances of 6%.
the courses. 14

16 (CH 782) PEDG/G 3 Contd.

(CH 782) PEDG/G
storage at 90°F. Pressure drops of
available for both fluids, and
t7) What a r e the different types of formed 10 psi are
dirt factor of 0.004 should
heads and closures used for closing the a combined
a brieff
ends a process vessel ? Give
of be provided.
of these heads. Why service are a large
Available for the
thinning allowance is necessary in exchangers having
number of 1-2
determining the thickness of the plate ID shells with 270 tubes
to fabricate a particular head
? 211/4 in.
2+4+2-8 3/4 in. OD; 14 BWG, 16'0" long and
in. square pitch. The
laid out o n 1
for two tube
Answer Part (a) or Part. (b). bundles a r e arranged
baffiles spaced 5 in apart.
gasoline is passes with
10,000 lb/ha of 56° API
(a) the 1-2 exchangers should
cooled from 150 to 130°F by heating How many of 35
be installed in series ?
42° API kerosene from 70 to 100°F.
Pressure drops of 10 psi a r e
of 0.004.
with a minimum dirt factor Part (b).
3. Answer Part (a) or

1 in. IPS alcohol at

) How many 2. by
(a) 60,000 lb/aof pure ethyl
hairpins 20ft long are required ? condensed by water from
2 psig is to be
120°F. A dirt factor of 0.003
(ti) How shall they be arranged ? 85°F to
should be provided. A pressure
factor ? and
What is the final dirt allowable for the vapor
(ini) 35
of 2 psi is
2 psig pressure
10 psi for water, At
alcohol is 179'F
at 250°F is to be boiling point of ethyl
(b) Acetone (S=0.79) Calcuiate the required size of a i
100°F and at
storage tank at
s e n t to a
using 3/4 n. OD
horizontal condenser
lb/m. The heat will be
a rate of 50,000
100 per 14 BWG tubes; 16 f long
and laid ou
received 1,95,000 lb/hr of
by from on 1 in. square pitch.
cent acetic acid (S= 1.07) coming
16 (CH 782) PEDG/G
16 (CH 782) PEDG/G

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