(IJCST-V10I6P3) :A. E. E. El-Alfi, D.L.M.Elsheweikh, E.A.A.Esmail

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2022


An Intelligent System for Disaster Relief and Management on

A. E. E. El-Alfi [1], D.L.M.Elsheweikh [2], E.A.A.Esmail [3]
Computer Science Department, Mansoura University/ Faculty of Specific Education - Egypt.
Computer Science Department, Mansoura University/ Faculty of Specific Education - Egypt.
Computer Science Department, Mansoura University/ Faculty of Specific Education - Egypt.

This study's objective will be to provide model method for disaster relief and management in order to provide services and
distress in a timely manner. The data will be acquired via the sensors. The proposed system is based on the fire and collision
sensor and detecting the drivers condition, so in case of an emergency a sound alert will be issued, and the GSM unit will send
the distress type to a web server where it is saved in the database, and the appropriate rescue unit is pushed, in addition to an
alert message to the accident site for approval On the distress request and the time of arrival of the rescue unit to an incident.
Keywords: Arduino, GPS, Google Map, GSM, Flame Sensor,Ultrasonic Sensor, MQ-3 Sensor.

The incidence as a result of increased traffic and careless efficacy of such an emergency relief system is measured by
driving, the number of accidents on roads has risen. The risks useful or sentence using accurate and relevant data during any
of highway and traffic disasters have also risen due to the crisis. [4].
strong market and delivery of automobiles. Collisions have
greatly increased the risk to human life. It is because the A spacecraft tracking system known as GPS, or "Global
greatest crisis services are not easily obtainable. most of these Positioning System," employs the geographic coordinates
incidents, included the deceased' families, either the police system to pinpoint the precise location of a GPS module. The
force or the rescue never notified inside a timely manner. It latitudes and longitudes are included in the GPS
leads to delays inside the survivors' rescue efforts of the coordinates.[5].
accident. It is difficult or almost impossible to find accident
locations due limited data concerning the accident's cause and Emergency response tied political leaders, academics and
position. [1]. professionals have been attempting to improve the emergency
relief systems through exploring innovative ideas gathered
As a result of the overall rise in metropolitan population, from different analysis bunches, like as digital technologies,
many issues have arisen. These difficulties involve emergency geomatics, biosciences, and earth studies. Our overall
response and instability. However, this is important for objective is to improve the stages of systems of disaster
innovative and successful emergency relief techniques be management which obtain, handle, evaluate, and display data
implemented. [2]. for fast and precise choice. Such a concise and instant life
choice limits for such systems of disaster management involve
Disasters, whether person or environmental, can the application and inclusion among many government
significantly harm people's lives, at whatever day and
technologies to assist the activities innovatively.]6]. shows the
anywhere, technology and the ecology The IFRC has
various disasters on the roads figure (1)
identified result in data catastrophes over the last two decades,
including floods, volcanoes, and storm surge. [3].

the newest networking, business, and business

intelligence solutions, including Cloud computing, “ internet
of things ”, data storage, and cloud computing, and others, are
on the verge of giving disaster management systems access to
a variety of obtain the following of evidence, such as quick
but also affordable data preparation methods which can be
used to strategic planning over all four stages of an accident
(i.e., mission, feedback, prevention and adaptation). This same
Fig.1. The various Disasters on the roads

ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 15

International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2022
II. RELATED WORK Had developed disaster response system utilising techniques
such as automotive ad hoc networks (Hetnets) and data
storage to concoct town emergency methods. Later, this same
Had presented a high - altitude disaster response system,
concept has been expanded to include deep learning-based
termed EagleEYE, that actually uses cloud technology and
traffic control strategies enabling smart buildings. Based on
deep learning to recognise disaster activities in real.
machine learning over massive data along with catastrophe
EagleEYE decrease education period through creating an
circumstances has high and urgent computing needs that were
entity processing framework that allows remaking datasets.
addressed by in-memory calculations and graphics processing
Additionally, EagleEYE way particular the recognition
units (GPUs). This study builds on our past work by offering a
activities to allow for in-the-moment response. Finally,
more thorough examination and system findings. A suggested
EagleEYE is reviewed together in on using or the data shows
system architecture uses GPU-based deep learning
that EagleEYE can minimise the inductive runtime through
calculations with in-memory massive data management. We
90% with a detection rate high precision of 87% [7].
utilised road traffic information that was made accessible to
Had suggested a vehicle monitoring system that uses GPS. the public according to the UK Ministry of Transport.
This hardware for the suggested method includes a GPS Similarly outcomes demonstrate how well the deep learning
receiver, a microprocessor, and a GSM modem for a SIM methodology predicts traffic behaviour in emergency and
card. To communicate the necessary data to the other end, expulsion circumstances. The initial is this catastrophe
where the tracker is located, the equipment was integrated management method to combine transfer learning, throughout
inside the tracked vehicle as a transmitter component. A computation calculations, and Graphics card technology. [13].
Matlab-created graphic user interface (GUI) makes up the
receiver portion. [8]. Had implemented the emergency relief system like a phone
app that used Search Android system. MyDisasterDroid, an
Had created a system which might improve the safety of Android software for disaster management, finds the best path
public buses across instant monitoring and surveillance. The for volunteers and rescuers to travel along various geographic
Microprocessor is a Software Global positioning sender with regions with to reach this same largest number of individuals
GSM and General packet radio service were all used in the as well as cover the greatest area in the least amount of time.
system's development. The location is regularly retrieved and To find the most ideal path, the technique used for tuning,
its coordinates are compared to the database's known name although variables could also be altered. [14].
and inventory. The same procedure is carried out repeatedly
until either the school bus comes or a false turn is discovered. Had put in place an IoT system to identify accidents. One of
When the system detects a problem, it alerts the owners three situations, comprising tilt, vibration, and the separation
through GSM SMS about the incorrect course of action. [9]. between the two items, were taken into account by this
method. The individual who signed up for the communication
Had introduced intelligent transportation system (ITS) in their receives it right away. Additionally, the GPS antenna aids in
work titled smart disaster required to show using Global providing the police with the precise location of the accident
positioning system, Mobile network modem. The project is [15].
simply a proposal about how to find a position data, contact
with the server computer, and make the web host find the next Had developed an Arduino-based car tracking system that
vehicle to the disaster scene, but then communicate the precise uses GSM and GPS to follow a vehicle's precise location in
position of the disaster here to ambulance. The traffic light is real time, whether it is moving or still. the position of a
regulated by the control unit to pass the ambulance while vehicle's geographic coordinates as determined by a gadget
offering the quickest route to the nearby medical centre via an within the vehicle. It appears that a cell phone was used to
RF signal, saving time. [10]. access Google Maps and locate the car precisely. [16].

Had Proposed tracking system which has used the gps III. THE PROPOSED SYSTEM
coordinates to pinpoint an object's precise location, user and
or asset to something that is connected including using Gsm The proposed system is designed to provide an effective
technology, the said data can be communicated to a wireless means of disaster management and monitoring of vital
device. The GSM/GPS modem's operations were coordinated incident data for timely reporting of emergencies. The data
by an ARM CPU in the design. Sending an SMS to the system will be recorded using the sensors. The proposed system
can be used to control it. The GSM/GPS provide position data focuses on the fire and collision sensor based on the distance
to a remote monitoring system, real-time tracking, the ability of the obstacle, triggers an audible alarm, detects the condition
to inspect the monitored system's activities, and instantaneous among drivers, and sent the a message to the server containing
communication are some of the features of this work, however a measured values of the degree of fire, gas, obstacle distance,
it fails to describe how the crashed is discovered. [12]. and location of the accident scene to the nearest department,
and the department pushes the nearest rescue unit. After
arriving at the scene. In addition to sending an alert message

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2022
to the people at the accident site on the LCD screen by
responding to the request and the time of the rescue team's
arrival. The proposed system consists of three main stages:
measuring the degree of fire, collision based on obstacle
distance and alcohol percentage, and sending and receiving
notifications via a web server and an LCD screen. People can
also send a disaster type SOS through their account profile.
The Block Diagram of the suggested system seen in figure (2).

Fig.2.Block diagram of suggested system

Proposed system has three main stages:

1. Measurement of sensors(Disaster detection).

2. Getting the current location for patient using GPS


3. Sending and receiving notifications via web server

and LCD Module. . Figure (3) depicts the proposed
system's flowchart.

Fig.3.Flow chart of suggested system

Circuit consists of the distress and disaster • Ultrasonic sensor

management method shows that the distress system is It is used to determine the Distance.
made up of eight components, as displayed in Figure MQ-3
• Flame sensor
It is used to determine Alcohol.
It is used to determine the fire. • Buzzer sensor
It is used to determine Alcohol .

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2022
• LCD Module It is used to get the accident's coordinates.
It is used to display the message. • GSM module
• Buzzer sensor It is used to send the measured data .
It is used to sound an alarm for the student in the • Arduino shield
event of a distreasee in the road. It is used to connect and control for all component
• GPS module connect to.

Fig.4. The Schematic for distress and disaster management system.

3.1 Measurement of sensors(Disaster Detection)

The objective of this stage is to measure sensors and

detect various disasters. This stage consists of three main

• Collision Based on Obstacle Distance

Fig.5. Ultrasonic Sensor
Here ultrasonic sensor is used, the rationale for
selecting an ultrasonic sensor It is used to identify an
obstruction that is close to the vehicle and is operated
without being impacted by direct sun. It also has a high We can calculate the distance between the two vehicles
level of precision as well as reliable passages. The range by using the formula
of the sensor in this prototype model is 2 cm to 400 cm.
An ultrasonic sensor is made up of four pins: Voltage, Distance=(0.034 *time)/2
Ground, Echoes, and Trigger. The Ground port is linked
to the ground of the Node MCU, . A Echo and Trigger • Fire
connections are linked to the Arduino board's electronic Here flame is used, This unit is sensitive to flame and
i/o ports. This trig must be put to a high state in order to radiation. It can also detect ordinary light source in the
generate the ultrasound, and the echo pin will pick up the wavelength range of 760nm-1100nm. It can be used as a
sound. [17]. flame alarm or in firefighting robots..

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The accident's GPS coordinates will be the data to be
gathered. A system of devices called the Global Positioning
System (GPS) is used to determine in space that transmits
precise and error-free locations. It's significant since it has the
capability of determining position in three dimensions:
longitude dimensions, altitude dimensions, and latitude
Fig.6. Flame Sensor .
Accident coordinates are extracted using the GPS Neo 6m
• GAS Sensor Module. GPS Neo 6m Module as shown in figure (10).
In this mq3 detector can be used, Because the
conductivity of the mq3 sensor increases as alcohol
concentration rises and because of its high sensitivity
and quick response time, it is particularly useful. Three
of the four pins of a gas sensor are typically used. A0 is
an analogue pin attached toward the analogue lock of the
Micro Controller. Ground pin is attached to GND, and
the VCC stock is 3.3 volts. [18].

Fig.10. GPS Neo 6m Module

The specifications of GPS module are:

• GPS module receiver that requires a power supply

between 2.7 and 3.6 volts.
Fig.7. MQ-3 Sensor • This is a u-blox 6 50-channel positioning system with
over 2 million effective correlators.
Once a value is obtained from the sensors, the specified • An EEPROM for saving settings is a crucial feature,
as is the 25x25 ceramic antenna.
threshold is applied.
If the value of the sensors is in the permissible range, The GPS Neo 6m Module extracts GPS data in the form of
then there is no response from the proposed system, and NMEA sentences (National Marine Electronics Association).
if the value of the sensors is equal to the threshold, there
is a transition to the second stage. NMEA clauses provide specifications that describe the
interaction between various electronic equipment. This
3.2 Getting the current location standard allows computers and other marine equipment to
communicate with marine electronic devices. The connection
The aim of this stage is to determine the current location of
to the GPS receiver is also defined in this specification.
the accident. This stage is based on the Arduino uno
NMEA data is understood by the vast majority of computer
microcontroller and the GPS Neo 6m Module. The schematic
systems that provide real-time location and navigation. The
for this stage as shown in figure (9).
above NMEA records contains the full location, speed, and
current time that is processed either by Gps system. Each
National marine electronics statement must initiate to “$ and
not be longer than 200 words, such as path endings. The data
portions of these statements are separated by commas [19].
The following table (1) shows GPS NMEA sentences.

After getting the GPS NMEA Sentences from the GPS unit
utilised in the current stage, an analysis is performed on these
sentences using the TinyGPS++ Library to determine the
accident's current location.

TinyGPS++ is an Arduino library for processing NMEA

Fig.9. Schematic for getting the current location data streams, which is provided by GPS modules. It is the
direct inheritor of TinyGPS. The library contains methods for

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2022
quickly and easily obtaining time, location, timeline, rate,
direction, and angle from Satnavs. The library can extract all
of the data from the two most popular NMEA statements,

The Encode ()In order for TinyGPS++ to work, this function

is utilised to channel characters from the GPS module on a
regular basis. Flow chart for extracted coordinate from GPS as

Table 1. GPS NMEA sentences extracted from prosed system.

Sentence Description Value of Proposed System
1 $GPGGA 3124.27719,E,1,05,3.61,19.
System Fix
Data. Fig.11.Flow Chart for extracted coordinate from GPS.
2 $GPGLL position, 3102.70957,N,03124.27719 3.3 Sending and receiving data via server
latitude/ ,E,014522.00,A,A*6B
longitude. After determining the type of disaster using the specified
GPS DOP and A,3,19,20,17,05,30,,,,,,,,4.7 sensors (ultrasonic,flame,mq-3) and extracting the
active satellites. 6,3.61,3.10*0B
coordinates of the incident using the GPS 6M module, it
3,1,12,05,16,228,16,07,00,1 sends a post request as a JOSN object to the server. The
GPS Satellites in
4 $GPGSV 01,,12,07,238,20,13,83,259,
view. JOSN object contains information such as the type of
disaster, latitude and longitude, and the chip serial number.
The process of sending data to the connected server as shown
5 $GPRMC specific ,03124.27632,E,6.922,337.
in the figure (12).
GPS/Transit 86,260621,,,A*6A
Track made
6 $GPVTG good and ground
shown in figure (11).

Fig.12. Flow Chart for sending data to a connect server

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2022
The data is received from the connected server, then the key This stage is based on the Arduino uno microcontroller and
value is extracted from the JSON object, the nearest rescue the GSM SIM800L Module. Schematic for sending data to a
center to the accident is determined based on the rescue connected server as shown in figure (14).
center data stored in the database, and finally, a notification is
sent to the nearest rescue center . The flow chart for receiving
data from a connected server as shown in figure (13).

Fig.14. Schematic for sending data to connected server

A post request will be sent at this stage using the GSM

SIM800L Module. The GSM SIM800L Module as shown in
figure (15).

Fig.13.Receiving data from connected server

The notification contains the type of disaster, the time of the

disaster, and the serial ID of the device.
After the request is sent to the server a request is sent to the
web of the nearest rescue unit with a delay time of 10,000ms.
The message sent contains the type of distress and the current Fig.15.GSM SIM800L Module
location of the incident. If the response from the rescue unit
was with the keyword “OK”, an alert message is sent to the Approach Global System for Mobile Communications is
LCD located at the scene of the accident containing the time referred to as GSM. It is produced through the European
of arrival of the rescue unit, and in the event that the rescue Telecommunication services Issue Of high (ETSI). It is a
unit rejects the request by sending the word “No”, the first small cellular module called A SIM800L. Its compact size and
message is sent to the next nearest rescue unit, Disaster affordable price are the distinguishing features of the GSM
management is handled in this manner until the request is Sim800L.The specifications of the GSM SIM800L Module
accepted. are:
• Voltage range: 3.8 to 4.2.
The distance is calculated by the following equation [20] • Module dimensions are 25 x 23 cm.
and the following table (2) shows the coordinates of the rescue • The temperature range of -40 to + 85 ° C.
units and calculates the distance to the nearest rescue unit. • Micro-SIM is the type of SIM card that may be used
and AT instructions are used as the interface.
• Frequencies supported 850/950/ 1800/1900 MHz .
This GSM SIM800L Module is operated by the AT
Command. AT commands are control instructions for GSM
Where : modems. The letters "AT" are the first part of every
d : the Distance (km). command. The GSM modem is indicated at the beginning of
r : the earth's radius, which is 6371 (km). the command line by the prefix AT.. The AT commands are
: the Latitude. used in the proposed system to send data to the connected
: the Longitude. server are shows in Table (3).

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2022
Table 3. AT Commands.
AT Commands Description
AT Check the status of the modem
AT+HTTPINIT Start HTTP service
AT+HTTPPARA Set HTTP Parameters value
AT+HTTPHEAD Read the HTTP Header Information of Server

AT+HTTPREAD Read the response information of HTTP Server Fig.17. nearest rescue center received notification on
the webpage.
To confirm the response to the distress request, a notification
page containing the type of disaster as well as its current
IV. APPLICATIONS AND OUTCOMES location and navigation through directions on Google Maps is
entered, as shown in Figure (18).
The primary objective of the suggested system will be to send
an SOS in the event of a disaster (fire / collision / an abnormal
condition for drivers), transfer the information obtained from
the scene of the accident using sensors, obtain the current
position of the disaster, send a notification toward the nearest
relief unit, as well as finally send an alert to the scene of the
accident At the time of arrival of the rescue team, The
suggested system is represented in Figure. (16).

Fig.18. webpage of confirm response to distress


If the nearest rescue unit is not ready to receive the

accident, the notification is automatically sent to the
next rescue unit in terms of the nearest distance as
shown in Figure (19).

Fig.16. Implementation of the suggested system.

Nearest rescue unit received a distress notification from

the proposed distress device that includes the type of disaster,
the time and date of the disaster, as shown in the figure (17).

Fig. 19. Next nearest rescue .

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2022
After sending a communication to the nearest rescue unit, and After entering the person's account, he starts by determining
its approval of this request, a notification will be sent to the the type of problem and confirming it. The request is sent to
scene of the accident on the LCD, including the response, and the rescue unit, along with the type of disaster, the current
the arrival time of the rescue center. of demand as shown in location, and the time and date of the disaster. as show in
Figure (20). Figure (23),(24),(25)

Fig:20. Display notification on the LCD screen. Fig.23. Profile screen

In the event that someone wants to report a disaster in the

current location. If he does not have an account, he
registers.as show in Figure (21)

Fig:21. Create an account Fig:24. Choose the type of disaster

In the event that the person has an account, he logs in and

reports the problem. as show in Figure (22)

Fig:25. Confirm and send the type of disaster

Fig:22. Login screen

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 10 Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2022

Table 2. Rescue Center coordinate and calculate distance to nearest

rescue center. Table 3. Measuring the Accuracy of the
NO Rescue Center Latitude Longitude D

Accuracy (%)
GPS Module

Distance (m)


Variation in


Rescue Unit 1 31.041676 31.376746 8.02




2 Rescue Unit 2 31.055096 31.380351 16.6

3 Rescue Unit 3 30.884375 31.461521 16.97

4 Rescue Unit 4 30.715572 31.260711 17.56 30.962118, 30.962121,

1 0.58 85.7
31.241217 31.241219
5 Rescue Unit 5 31.215113 31.364485 25.26
31.165955, 31.165955,
Rescue Unit 6 30.969610 31.166945 26.71 30.755309 30.755313
6 2 0.55 90.9

7 Rescue Unit 7 31.196885 31.521303 30.41

31.385035, 31.385039,
8 Rescue Unit 8 31.085872 31.588890 32.2 3 31.358789 31.358789 0.53 94.4
9 Rescue Unit 9 31.114613 31.221597 36.56
30.934284, 30.934280,
10 Rescue Unit 10 31.114613 30.938618 39.12 4 31.699526 31.699530 0.56 89.3

11 Rescue Unit 11 31.311555 31.145352 39.49 31.090780, 31.090782,

5 0.58 85.7
Rescue Unit 12 30.786547 30.999872 39.89 31.241871 31.241868
13 Rescue Unit 13 30.576107 31.503799 50.44

14 Rescue Unit 14 30.464831 31.184646 54.04

The reliability of the location provided either by Global

Positioning system was measured by comparing the location
supplied by the Gps receiver toward the real location supplied
by Google Map and noting the distance distinction.

The GPS module (Neo-6m GPS) used has a stated accuracy of

0.50m, and measurement of coordinate accuracy is calculated Fig.26. Variations in Distance and percentage for
using the following equation [21]. Table (3) presents the Accuracy GPS Coordinates
results obtained and figure (26).
Position Accuracy (%)

This paper proposes an intelligent distress and disaster

management system based on the proposed techniques.
Sensors are used to determine the detection of the
disaster. The device starts transmitting as soon as a
disaster occurs, the system determines the current
location of the accident, and then notifications are sent
through the web server containing the type of disaster,
the location of the accident, and the chip serial ID of
the nearest rescue center. The results can be modified
in future work by applying the proposed system to
different parameters such as earthquakes, floods and

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