TP 1
TP 1
TP 1
Tensile properties:
Tensile PropertiesProperties
When external force is applied to a mtl, it is balanced by internal forces development in the
molecular structure of the mtl. By increasing the stresses, material will deformed and follow the
stress – strain curve.
Yield point:
The point (A) up to which a mtl shows elastic properties (up to elastic deformation), after which
the fibre shows plastic properties (plastic deformation) is called Yield Point.
Tensile properties:
1. Tenacity
2. Breaking extension
3. Work of rupture
4. Initial Modulus
5. Yield stress
6. Yield strain
7. Work factor
8. elastic recovery
Tensile strength:
Force applied to break the fibres to the cross-sectional area is known tensile strength.
Tensile strength =
Unit: dyne/cm2, lb/ft2, N/m2
Tenacity is the maximum strength to break a fibre.
Tenacity =
Unit: gm/tex, N/tex, CN/tex, gm/denier.
Breaking extension:
The breaking extension is the extension of specimen at the breaking point, which is expressed in
percentage of initial length.
If, L1= initial length of specimen
L2= final length of specimen at break.
Breaking extension =
L2 −L1
= ×100 %
As this is a ratio of two lengths, it has no unit
Work factor:
If the fibre obeyed Hook’s Law, the load elongation curve would be a straight line and the work
of rupture would be given by,
Work of rupture = ½ (Breaking load x Breaking elongation)
So work factor is defined as the ratio of work of rupture to breaking load x breaking extension.
Work of rupture:
Work of rupture is defined as the energy needed to break a specimen.
If we may consider a fibre under a load F, increasing in length dl,
We have,
Work done
= force x displacement
= F. dl
∫ F×dl
So, total works to break = 0
∫ F×dl
So, work of rupture = 0
Initial Modulus:
The value of initial modulus equal to the value of the stress that would be necessary to double
length of the specimen. It is equal to the slope of the stress – strain
curve at the origin. This slope usually remains const over the initial
portion of the curve.
In fig, initial modulus, tan = strain
If initial modulus extensibility
It depends upon —
I) Chemical structure of the mtl.
II) Molecular chain.
Load : The application of a load to a specimen in its axial direction causes a tension to be
developed in the specimen.
The load is usually expressed in gm wt or pounds.
Breaking Load: The load at which material break is called breaking load. It is usually expressed
in gm –wt or lb-wt.
Stress: Stress is the ratio between the force applied and X-sectional area of the specimen.
Forceapplied F
So, Stress= X−sec tionalarea = A
Units: Dynes/cm2
Mass stress: Mass stress is the ratio of the force applied to the linear density (mass per unit
So, Mass stress= Lineardensity
Units: gm-wt/denier or gm –wt.
Breaking Length: The breaking length is the length of the specimen which will just breaks
under its own weight when hung vertically.
Unit of breaking length is kilometer.
Problem: 100 denier Rayon yarn breaks at a load of 185 gm what is breaking length?
185 9000
Breaking length= 1000 ¿ 100
=16.65 km
185 gm 185 gm
Tenacity= = = 16.65 gm/tex
100 den 100/9 tex
Single Yarn Strengtℎ
RKm Value =
Tex of Yarn
Tendency to recover the extension of mtl when stress is removed.
After elastic limit when stress is increased the mtl cannot recover the extension if stress is
removed is known plasticity.
Stress is the ratio of force applied to the cros- sectional area of the specimen.
So, Stress = .
The strain is the term used to relate the stretched or elongation with the initial length.
Strain = Elongation / Initial length.
Elastic Recovery: It is a property of a material by which it tends to recover its original size and
Elastic recovery =
2. Secondary creep:
It is non recoverable in time. Fibres can’t be come
back to its original shape after removing the applied
Plastic deformation occurred.
Molecular chain break.
Flexural Properties
Flexural properties:
The behavior shown by the materials during bending is known flexural properties.
I) The flexural properties are related to handle and drape of fabrics.
II) The recovery from bending is a factor of creasing.
III) Bending play an important role in the arrangement of fibres in the yarn.
IV) Bending strength is important in wear.
Flexural rigidity:
Flexural rigidity is the stiffness of a fibre in bending. It is defined as the couple required to bend
the fibre to unit curvature.
Problem: 02
Find out the flexural rigidity of a circular fiber, where the linear density, specific modulus and
density of that fiber are 3.5 tex, 5 N/tex and 1.1 gm/cc respectively.
Shape factor:
It is the quantity which determines the shape of a material.
; Shape factor is 1 for the fibre
which is completely round.
Bending recovery:
Recovery from a given curvature is called Bending Recovery.
Nylon & polyester shows complete recovery for a small curvature. The bending recovery of 15
denier nylon 100% recovered for a small curvature but 20% for high curvature.
Bending Modulus:
The ratio of bending stress and bending strain is called B.M.
Torsional Properties
Torsional properties:
The behavior shown by the mtls when it is subjected to a torsional force is called its torsional
The shear stress up give an internal couple opposed to the applied torque. The shear angle (Ф)
which is zero at the centre, increased in proportion to the distance from the centre. Consider an
element of area δA at a distance x from the centre.
The line AB, parallel to the axis before the cylinder is twisted. On twisting, since the point B
shifts to B ́. The line AB takes place the position AB ́, such that before twisting if the hollow
cylinder were to be cut along AB and flatted out, it will form the rectangular plate ABCD but
after twisting it takes the place AB ́CD ́ (as fig.)
So the shearing of cylinder after twisting = BAB ́ = Ф
Some typical value of α of different fibre:
1. Cotton 35˚
2. Viscose rayon 33˚
3. Polyester 50˚
4. Glass 4˚
5. Wool 40˚
6. Silk 39˚
Some typical value of Sp. Torsional Rigidity:
Fibre Sp. TR. (mN-mm2/Tex2)
1. Cotton 0.16
2. Viscose rayon 0.085
3. Polyester 0.067
4. Nylon 6,6 0.06
5. Wool 0.12
6. Silk 0.16
Breaking Twist:
The twist for which a fibre will breaking is called breaking twist. The number of twist required
to break a fibre depends on its diameter and
= tan-1 ( dTb)
Where, d = dia of fibre
Tb = Breaking twist per unit length
(Breaking TPI, TPCm etc.)
Problem 01: If a fibre hold 40 breaking TPI and diameter is 0.1 mm; find out the BTA.
Problem 02: Breaking twist of cotton fibre is 60 of diameter is 0.017 mm. Find out the BTA of
that fibre.
Where, d = 0.017 mm
Tb per inch = 60
Tb per cm = 60/2.54
Tb per mm = 60/ (2.54*10)
= 2.362
Frictional properties:
Frictional Properties
During processing, friction is developed between fibres. Due to that friction, the properties
shown by the fibre is called frictional properties.
Influence/effect of F.P:
Fibre stage:
I) The behavior of fibre during drafting.
II) Frictional force holds together the fibre in yarn.
Yarn stage:
I) Twist needs more for staple fibre. As a result cohesion force increased in yarn. For
insertion high Twist in yarn frictional force will be increased.
II) If the frictional force is too high, yarn strength will be low.
III) Friction increases the lusture and smoothness of yarn.
IV) Friction makes more clean yarn.
V) Friction occurs nep formation.
Fabric stage:
I) Fabric feelings varied for difference between static kinetic friction.
II) Fabric will be slippery if µs < µk
µs = Co-efficient of static friction.
µk = Co-efficient of kinetic friction.
III) If the frictional force is high, the handle properties of fabric will be low.
IV) High static friction cause high breakage of yarn in spg, wvg, ktg.
3. This law is also called Coulomb’s law and also frictions 3 rd law. Kinetic friction is
independent of the speed of sliding.
A loop of yarn is placed over the guide and a small load placed on
two sides. The load on the other side is then decreased until
slippage commences. If incoming tension is T1 and leaving tension
T2 and angle of contact is .
Then we get,
Lincoln gives a graphical solution of this equation, showing the values of F for various values of
a and Ө when n = 2/3.
Effect of MR on the frictional Properties: With the increase of MR%, the frictional force of fibre
Fig: Change of co-efficient of friction with regain for nylon on nylon,
wool on horn and cotton on steel
The above figure shows the effect of MR on frictional properties of different fibres.
Laws of friction:
1. Laws of static friction:
a. The magnitude of forces of friction is exactly equal to the force which tends the
body to move.
b. The magnitude of limiting frictional bears a constant ratio to the normal friction
between two surfaces.
Requirements of fibre formation:
1. Polymer must have straight and long chain molecules.
Fibre Structure
2. The chain must be more parallel to each other.
3. They must have attraction.
4. Some measure of freedom of molecular movement in order to give required
Methods for investigation of the fibre structure:
1. X-ray diffraction method.
2. The absorption of Infrared radiation.
3. Optical microscopy.
4. Electron microscopy.
5. Nuclear magnetic Resonance.
Electron microscope:
The electron microscope is exactly analogous to the optical microscope.
The rays from an electron source are condensed on the specimen and then focused by electric or
magnetic fields acting as lenses to give a magnified image on a fluorescent photographic plate.
An electron microscope consists of –
1. Source of electron.
2. Electron lens (condenser lens)
3. Projector lens.
4. Screen to take the image of specimen.
To a similar extent, the absorption frequency is influenced by the other groups in the
Instruments consists of –
I) Source of infrared radiation
II) Diffraction grating
III) Sensitive heat detector
IV) Output display.
1. Identification of certain chemical groups in the molecule, leading to the definition of
its chemical formula.
2. To identify and estimate quantitatively the presence of given substances by
observing of their characteristics spectrum.
3. Determination of the amount of the water in fibres.
4. Investigation degree of orientation of the molecules in a fibre.
5. Find the direction in which a particular group points in a molecule of unknown
6. Degree of crystallinity and non-crystallinity regions.
Relation between fibre properties & structure of fibre:
1. Tensile strength:
a. Proportional to covalent bond energy.
b. Proportional to molecular weight.
c. Proportional to crystallinity.
d. Proportional to fibre orientation.
2. Extensibility:
a. Reciprocal to degree of molecular orientation.
b. Reciprocal to degree of crystallinity.
c. Proportional to helical angle of fibril.
d. Proportional to chain length.
3. Moisture regain:
a. Proportional to no of polar group.
b. Reciprocal to the degree of crystallinity.
4. Electrical properties:
a. Change magnitude is proportional to degree of crystallinity.
b. Proportional to the molecular orientation.
5. Electrical conductivity:
a. Reciprocal to the degree of crystallinity.
b. Proportional to the number of polar-group
c. Proportional to electrolytic content.
Comparison between IR radiation & X-ray diffraction Method:
IR method X-ray diffraction method.
1. Infrar4ed radiation of wave length 1–5 1. The basis of this method is the
µm is passed through the fibre. reflection of X-ray beam from fibre.
2. It is possible to identify the chemical 2. It is not possible to identify.
formula by this process.
3. This method is influenced by all the 3. Influenced the molecules of crystalline
molecules of the fibre. region.
4. Infrared spectrometer is used as main 4. α-ray source, collimator and
component. photographic film are used.
Swelling: Swelling
When a fibre absorbs water, they change in dimension (length, width). Welling is occurred in
transversely (widthwise) and axially (lengthwise). It may be expressed in herms of the increase
in diameter, area, length or volume.
When the fibres are immersed into water, the water molecules enter into the molecular space of
fibre and pushed the fibre chain and these will be considerable increase in diameter but very
little increase in length.
Transverse axial swelling, SD = D
Volume swelling, SV = V
If the fibre is uniform along its length, we have original
volume of fibre, V = Al where, L is the original length and A is the original area of the fibre.
After swelling, the swollen volume of fibre,
V + ∆V = (A + ∆A). (L + ∆L)
Now we get from the definition,
ΔV V + ΔV −V
SV = V = V
= AL
+ + + −1
+ + ×
= A L A L
= SL + SA + SA. SL
So, SV = SL + SA + SA. SL
Relation between SA & SD:
We know, Transverse area swelling, SA = A
Transverse diameter swelling, SD = D
For circular cross-sectional fibres, we have original area of fibre,
A= r2 = 2
Where D = dia of fibre
Similarly, for the swollen fibre,
Cross-sectional area of the fibre,
A + ∆A =
Now we get, SA = A
A+ Δ A-A
= A
=1+2 D + D -1
= 2 SD + SD2
So, SA = 2 SD + SD2
Measurement of volume swelling:
If we consider a specimen of mass 1 gm when dry,
We get, Volume, V =
= ρs
[ 1+
Thus volume of swelling may be measured from the value of ρo, ρs and r.
Colour fastness to some agents (such as water, wash, light, chlorine, perspiration, sea water, hot
water) to distortion.
Swelling recovery:
When a fibre is wetted, it usually extends owning to swelling but welling recovery may cause a
net contraction. Viscose rayon shows almost complete recovery in water, as does silk in steam,
but acetate shows only partial recovery.
Swelling recovery may be useful as a reason of restoring the original fibre properties.
Optical Properties
When a beam of light falling on a textile fibre, it splits up into two refracted beam, one polarized
parallel to the fibre axis and the other polarized perpendicular to fibre axis.
In general, an anisotropic mtl will have three principal refractive indices, but fibres are usually
axially symmetrical so that the refractive indices perpendiculars to the fibre axis are all the
same. The difference between the refractive index for light polarized parallel to the fibre axis
and light polarized perpendicular to the fibre axis is called Birefringence of that fibre. Let n ||
and n┴ are the refractive index for light
polarized parallel and perpendicular to the
fibre axis respectively.
So, Birefringence value = n|| - n┴
The birefringence of a fibre is due to the
orientation of the crystal axis in the crystalline
regions and of the individual molecules in the
non-crystalline regions.
Greater the value of birefringence indicate the
most of molecules are lined up parallel to the
fibre axis & it will be zero if they are randomly
Refractive Index:
The velocity with which light is transmitted varies with the medium through which it is
passing. Refractive index ‘n’ is defined as the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to the
velocity of light in the mtl.
Alternative definition is,
sine of angle of incidence
Refractive index, n = sine of angle of refraction
The refractive index of a mtl varies with the temp and with the wave length of the light being
Fig: (a) Straight chain, (b) Zigzag chain & (c) Chain with sidegroup
Firstly, most main chains have a zigzag form as in fig (b) provided that the bonds diverge from
the main axis by less than about 55˚; this will still gives a positive birefringence value. The
coiling of the keratin molecule will have a similar effect in wool.
Secondly there will be side groups attacked to the main chain as in fig(c), and these will have
the effect of providing atomic bonds at right angles to the main axis. In this case, n ┴ value is
higher than n|| value and reduces the Birefringence value. In acrylic fibre, side groups have a
greater effect than the main chain and the Birefringence value will be negative.
Where, n||́ and n┴́ refer to the ideally oriented fibre an imaginary fibre in which all the
molecules are arranged at the same angle and which has the same B.F. as the actual fibre.
In the ideally oriented fibre, f = 1 and Ф = 0
In an isotropic fibre, f = 0 and Ф = 55 ˚
Where there is no B.F.
In multiple beam method fig (b), the specimen is placed between two partly silvered mirrors. A
series of beams, which have passed through the specimen for a differing number of times,
depending on the number of reflections are transmitted by the system and combine to give the
interference pattern.
Measurement of Birefringence:
The Birefringence of a fibre can be measured directly by determining the retardation or
difference in optical path length. Since the optical path length equals the product of the
refractive index and the thickness of the specimen through which the light passes.
Where, n|| = Refractive index for light polarized parallel to the fibre axis.
The variation in the absorption of radiation by a coloured fibre (by dyeing) with the direction of
polarization of the light is called Dichroism which may result in the differences in the depth of
shade or even in the actual colour.
We get,
Requirements of Dichroism:
1. The dye molecule must be asymmetrical so that its absorption of radiation varies
with the direction of the electric field exciting the characteristics vibration.
2. The dye molecule must be absorbed on to the fibre molecule in a particular direction
so that all the dye molecules make the same angle (or a limited range of angles) with
the axis of the chain molecules.
3. The chain molecules must be preferentially oriented.
Combination of specular
Specular reflexion Diffuse reflexion
& diffusion reflexion
the angle of reflection as fig (a); diffusely in varying intensity over a hemi-sphere as in fig (b) or
in a combination of both as in fig(c).
The reflection may vary with the angle of incidence and with the colour and polarization of
light. The total visual appearance resulting from these reflections determines the lusture of the
i ¹r i=r
Reflexion of light
Axis in incident plane
Axis normal to incident plane
2. Fineness of fibre:
The fibre the fibres incorporated in a fabric, the greater is the number of individual reflecting
surfaces per unit area of the fabric. Therefore, fibre fineness affects the lusture for the same
types of smoothness and regularity, the coarser fibres will have more lusture than fiber one.
3. Irregularity of the fibre surface:
Irregularity on the surface of the fibre and in its cross-sectional shape will cause light to be
reflected in various directions and will reduce the lusture. It is essential that fibre should be
uniform along its length. For this reason, lusture is greatest in regular filaments, such those of
silk and the M.M.F.
4. Fibre shape:
Fibre shape is an important factor for lusture. The particular types of lusture associated with
nylon, rayon and silk must be vary due to (the influence on) the pattern of light reflection of
their respective circular, serrated and triangular shape.
Circular → More lusture → → Nylon
Scattering of transmitted light
Internal reflexion
in delustred fibre
6.Maturity of fibre:
If the maturity is high then the reflection will be high and with these the lusture will also be
Maturity Reflection Lusture
Thermal properties of textile fibre:
Thermal properties
The thermal properties of fibre/textile fibres is not extensively investigated. The thermal
behaviors of textile fibre is influenced by the factors are-
Thermal conductivity.
Heat expansion and contraction.
Melting temperature (Tm)
Glass transition temperature. (Tg)
Thermal conductivity:
Thermal conductivity is the rate of transfer of heat along a body by conduction. The higher
value of thermal conductivity, the fibre will then more conductive. The protein fibre have a
lower conductivity than cellulosic fibers, that’s why the woolen (protein) dresses are more
suitable than cellulosic dresses in winter season.
the value of Tg
3. Bulky side groups raises the value of Tg
4. Flexibility of side group decrease the value of Tg
5. Tg increases with molecular weight up to 20,000
6. Polarity of side groups increases 20000 the value of Tg
Molecular Weight
7. Random co-polymer has lower value of Tg than homo-
8. Increase the orientation of fibre chain restrict the chain movement and increase the value
of Tg
Typical value of thermal conductivity of some fibres:
Fibre Thermal conductivity
1. Cotton - 71
2. Polyester - 140
3. Nylon - 250
4. Wool - 54
5. Silk - 50
Melting temperature:
The range of temperature at which the fibre melts is called melting temperature(Tm). A
polymer has variable melting temperature as small crystal melts quickly than larger one. The
value of temperature at which the larger crystal melts taken as the melting temperature of that
At melting temperature fibre looses its density and changes to viscous liquid. The fibre looses
strength and a bit of wt for melting.
Cellulose and protein fibre decomposes before melting.
Factors of flammability:
Chemical structure : Covalent Bond, H-
Cl Bond→Flammability¯
Crystallinity : Crystallinity→Flammability¯
Rigidity : Rigidity→Flammability¯