L. Nirenberg 2011 On Elliptic Partial Differen
L. Nirenberg 2011 On Elliptic Partial Differen
L. Nirenberg 2011 On Elliptic Partial Differen
r) Qnesto oiolo di conferenze B stato tennto a Pisa dtll loa1 10 sottembre 1958, e
ha fatto parte del oorso del C. I. W. E. olie ha tlvnto per tema : t I l prinoipio di minimo
e sue appliaazioni alle eqnazioni fnneiouali )). Tale oorso si B svolto in oollaborazione con
l a Sonola Narmale Snperiore e lJIstitnto Mate~natico dell7Universitil di Pisa. I n qnesti
Annali saranno snooessivamente pnbblioati i oorsi d i oonferenze tennti dai professori
C, B. Morrey e L. Bere,
: On elliptic partial
where the right hand side is a continnous real fuuction of t alone which,
for couvel~ier~ce, is writbell as 21. derivirti~eof a real fi~llctiol~ y.
THEOREM:If there is a co~rti~auotcslydjfe~enticcble solutiolc $1 of tile
eqcifctio~bis tr vteiylrbovliood 07' 1 1 oviyij~,
~ / h , e ~y ( t ) i s real analytic.
differential equations
It follows tlriit V(l) = U 2 n i y is a l i o l o ~ ~ ~ o r lfunction
~hic of C = s i t+
in H donlt~i~l > .
ilettr the origin with re 5 = s 0 But 011 s = 0 the function
U , i. e. the real part of V , vairishes, and therefore V can be co~ltinued
analj tically across s = 0 . Hence y is analytic.
1;) [I] Lewy also constructs t~ furlatinu F s~lcll that tlre equation
LU= F h t ~ s 110 a smooth u solutioo in the ileigllborhood of airy p o i ~ ~ t .
Lewy also coujectures t h i ~ tthere are l ~ o ~ ~ ~ o g v equatio~ls
~ ~ e o a e wit11 CCQcoeffi-
cients Iraviug IIO solutiolls in the ileighborhood of any ~)oiut.
The simplest cle,ss of differential ope~.atorsL of arbitrary type, for
which one tnigbt expect s o l u t i o ~ ~us of
to exist, for all well behaved fi~nctions f , are operators with constaut
coefficientn. 111 the last few years a convideri~blestudy has been made of
general differential operators with conskaut coefficie~its,(See Ebrenpreis [2],
Hijrniairder [3], Milgrailge [4]. Solntious of (1.1) cliu be found, at least
locqlly, if olle lrnows that i~ f~~udameukalsolutiori E of L 1= d (the Dirac
8 ftu~ction)exists. This is a (possibly generalized) function E such that
for all C" functions u with compact sapport. We shall denote the class
of such functions by Cr. Here x denotes convolution. Then i f f is in C ?
the function u = E x f is a solution of (1.1).
Malgrange [4] and Ehrenpreis [2] proved the existence of a fundamental
solution for any differential operator with constant coefficients. However it
is not difficult to construct one explicitily, as Hormander, and also Trbves [5],
have shown, i~iidwe shall now describe such a colistruction.
First we fix our
NOTATION : We consider functions u (a) of n variables x = (xi x,),... ,
and denote the differentiation vector by D = (D, ,...
,D,) Di= d/dsi. ,
, , ,
The letters j y ,u v will denote vectors j = (fi, ,... ,
j,) with lion-negative
integral coefficients Pi, and we set I ,8 I = 2 gj . Otherwise for ally vector
5 = (ti,... , ,
tN)1 5 1 will represent its Euclidean length 1 5 l2 = 2 I ti 12, and
E.)7=2&qi. We write
. B
, B
D=D: ... D , , ;
u (E) = e - & ' h (x)d x ,
integration heillg over the eutiro n-space. Tl~eli
J E ( d - y ) L u ( y ) d y then
diferential equations
is a solution of Lu =f.
Thus we consider, for p (t)= 1 + 2
Setting ( 1 - A)N L ( D )= LN( I ) ) the right: hand side equals
LN(I(E iq)) + a E Ln ( 1 ) ) u (y) d Y .
Since zc has compact support its Fourier transform ;(E) cau be extended
to colnplex vectors E a8s an entire analytic fuuctiou, and since u Cm the
derivatives of die do,wll faster that any yon7er of I El as we go to infinity
in a strip I 3 %5 ~ constant. Thus, interchangiag the order of iiltegratio~i
in the above, we find that it equals
where i~~tegl.ation is over the full unit sphere with d o t as the elenlent of
area, q is ic non-negative ir~tegerof the same parity t t , i. e. q +n is even,
a11d the principal bnl.11~11of tlre logarithm is taker1 with the plane slit
along the uegative real axis.
From (1.5) me obtain as n special case, for L = A power, the followi~rg
idelltiby which is due to P. John and used extensively in [71, represen-
g 8 function in t e r m of plaue waves: For u iu 17;
t i ~ ~the
I n [7] John derives (1.6) from the kuomii expressioli for the fundamen-
tal solution for a power of the Laplacean, and then derives (1.5) from (1.6).
This Itlay be done as folloms. Suppose E ( x . . () satisfies
L K (0 - 6)= (x . 5)Qlog 3-
, Z
L (€) - K (o) = on log o/i ,
a solution of which is
with ck,, an appropriate constant. If we insert this into the above expres-
sion for the fundament,al solution of L we obtain the expression
which differs from (l.S).only by the term i~rvolvingc ~ , But~ . this term is
a polyno~sialof degree k - 21 wllic11 is therefore tl solution of L v = 0 ,
and so may be ignored.
It slro111d also be possible to derive (1.5) from the heuristic: formula
(1.2). (1.5) aserts that
is a fundamental solution for .the operator A ~ LLet. us attempt, to de-
rive this expression from the corresponding exl)ression of (1.2):
diferential equations
~ , <2 constant M , . M~
. .
where illliis e u . b of the L, norms of the derivatives of order i of a
functiou u , i = 0 , 1 2 . The proofs use o~llyfirst principles and are ellti-
rely elemeataty. (No attempt will be made here to obtain best constants).
The inequalities is this sectio~t were pl.esented at the 111t'e Congress in
Edinbnrgl~August 1958, where we learned Lhat almost equivalent results
had also been proved by E. Ga,gliardo.
111 this Ieeture we shall iise tlre followillg
NOTATION : For - w < <
- w we defins the norms and se~l~inorms
121 1, for f n n c t ~ i o ~11~(x)
s defiued in a domain cD in 11-ctimensional spaces :
For p > O
[ u 1, = the L , norm of u in cD .
, ,
(the constccnt depeltding only ow n 9 1 2 , j , q , r n ) , with the follo~aing
exceptional ccrses
< ,
1. If j = 0 , r ~8 n q = co ,then we mnke the additional nsstmirption
that either u tends to zero crt ittflrrity or u E 1;9 $IY some .fi,tite [> 0 .
< ,
2. If 1 r < w trnd 111 -j - vl/r is a won negative intege~thrw (2.2)
holds only for cs strti.sfying j/nh (a< 1 .
W e shall not give i~ cotr~plete proof of the lheore~n here but shall
indicate the meill steps. First some corntr~e~tts.
1. The value of is determined simply by d i m e l ~ s i o n ~a~lalysis.
2. For a = 1 the fact that u is coutained it1 Cq does not enter in
the estimate (2.9), and the estimate is equivaletlt to the results of Sobolev
(note tlrat 'we permit r to be unity).
3. That j/nh is the sma,llest possible value for n may be seen by
taking 16 = sin a xi 5' (8) where is in C; : For large 1 me have I u 14. =0(1),
I D j u l p = 0 (lj),I Dm u 1, = 0 (An$) where no 0 can be replaced by o .
4. I t will be clear from the proof that the result l~oldsalso for u
defined in a product domaiu
and hence for any domain that clin be mapped in a one-to-one wa,y onto
such a donlain by a sufficiently < nice >> mapping.
: 0% elliptic partial
constant I tt .1;
for any >0. The col~~tiiuts then depelld also on the domain.
6. Similar estiu~ittes hold for tlie L, uorms of D j u on linear subs-
paces of lower dimension, for suitable p .
7. Si~r~ilar interpolatioa iaequalities also hold for fractional derivtl.
tives, but their proof is not so elementary.
The theoreni, ill its full geuerirlity should be useful in treating nonli-
uear problems. We mentioil in parf,iciilar tltat from (2.2) for a =jlnt ,
q = w it follows that the set of fur~ctious $4 mhich are bounded and have
derivatives of order nl, belotlgiug to L,. forlris a Banach Algebra. For r = 2
this is a ~ l l e dtlie Schauder ring.
The proof of ttie theorem is elemelrtary and contains in particular an
elementary proof for the Sobolev case a = 1. Iu order to prove (2.2) for
any given j one has o111y to prove i t for the extreme values of a ,j/w and
unity. (If Case 2 ltolds eome additioual remark has to be made.) For in
general there is a simple
Interpolation Lemma : if - oo 1<p <r <oo the@
where G i8 indepettdeut of u .
Tlie lemma is easily proved; for R > 0 it is merely the usual ii~terpo-
lati011 iueqnality for L, norms.
Let us tarn now to the proof of the theore~n, or a t lea.st to tile main
poir~ts. Consider first the Sobolev ease, a = 1. It saffices to coiisider the
case j = 0 , 111 = 1, frorri mhich the ge~teralresult ntay then be derived.
If r n (2.2) asserts that u satisfies :I oertaiu Bolder coi~dition,A I I ~a11 ele-
mentary proof due to Morrey has loug been k~toan.We shitll sketch it here
for functiorls defined ill a genet,al dorl~airi (i3.
De.fittition : A domaill (2) is said to Itave the s t r o ~ gcoue property if there
exist positive constauts I / , i;r~ida closed solid right sghel.ica1 colle V of fixed
opeuing aud height sue11 that ally points P , Q i n (the closure of q)with
are vertices of coues Vp, VQ lying in (i3 which tire courguent to V and
have the followi~~g property : the volume of the intersection of the sets:
Vp, VQ, alld the two spheres with contor8 P , Q w,nd radius P- Q 1 , is I
not less than R P - Q In.
We 11ow prove the assertion
If u hne first tlerivntiver in L,., v > a, is n dowtailc Q hanoing the strong
cone property, then for points P,Q i ~ r9 with L' - Q 5 a we h.ave
I I ,
Volume of 8 . I z c ( P ) - w ( Q ) I 5
I Izc(P)-a(R)ltlR+
+I/ S
- u (Q) l d B -
r (4
Because of the strong cone property the left l~andside is not less than
The first term on the right may be estilrlated as follows. Introducing polar
coordinates Q , 7 , about P , where 9 is A unit vector, we fiud easily that
the first term in the right is bouuded by
(where d o is the element of area on the unit sphere, and d o is the ele-
ment of volume)
: 012 elliptic partial
by Holder7s inequality,
< constant . s
? (SP/ 1 lvd $)+*
result follows.
a (R)
- 16 Id
(0) 12 , and the
r s-1
2 n-r i 8 5 ,
< <
For 1 r vc (2.4) follows from the special case r = 1 as o11e readily ,
verifies, by sir~lply agplyil~g the illequality for v = 1 to the fuuction
V = l u le-rr aald u~illgHiilderls illequality in a sniixable way. T h i ~ sit silf-
fices to prove (2.4) for the ease r = 1 .
denotes illtegratiou i110~gtile ftdl lil~e tllroiigl~ x parallel to
Integrating with respect to xi the11 x z , and the11 x3 me find with the aid
of Scl~marz~sinequalitmy
and finally
where the const,ant tlepends o~llyn , q i~nd p I t sllffices to show this for
large p and tltis is e;~sily done by rrppliyng (2.4)' to the fulrctioli
v = 1 u l p ( l - l i a ) , and using Hiildel.'s illeqltality i t 1 a jutlic'l ~ o ~1n11
i s tl~ler.
~ e ' us t now consider the otlter extreme case a = j / m . I t suffices to
cousider the cAse j = 1 w = 2 , the general case mtly then be proved by
iuduction on m . We clrrinl tlli~tthe followiug lrolds
1 1
2 1 1
(2.5) I D u l < e l Z l 2 u l 7 / u l : for
p 9 . q
l < q , v ~ m ,
with c nth absolute cottxtant. Incide~ltally, :IS. Utlgar poillted ont, we ala,y
pennit q to be any positive nurnl)er, 1)ut I sllall cotrtitle rnyself to the case
< < .
cited, in fact to the case q finite, 1 r 00 The gelleral case may be
obtsiued by a slightly difft$re~lti ~ r g ~ ~ ~ t lor
e l ljnst
t , by lethitrg q tel~dto a,
and 1. teud to 1 or m ill (2.6).
Inequality (2.5) follows fro111 the corrisl~ot~dinginequality in one
which ltolds for the full, or Italf-infinite line (with c an absolute constant),
by iutegrating with respect to the other vt~riablesand appliyng Hiilder's
Our proof of (?.6), though elementary, is slightly tricky. Peter Ungar
has found another slightly longer proof wliich furnishes a better value for c.
The proof is bssecl on }L sinrpla lemma wllicll we leave as a,n
: On elliptie partial
wit8 o
an absolute co~tstnnt.
We s b l l prove tlrat for any interval L : 0 < x L the following
inequality holds
If we uow let 16 - w tlte first term 011 the right of the preceding tends
to zero, bec:ruse > 1 , at111we obtain (2.8), completi~rgthe proof of (2.6).
I t is ettsily see11 tlrat: for more tlrat~two vari~tbles,a > 2 , ellipticity implies
t11at tire order k of L is evetl. In treaitiug tile Dirichlet problem we shall
assume that k = 2 918 is eve]) and hirat the operi~toris strongly elliptic,
i. e. that (efter possibly mu1tiplying by a stlitable coinplex function)
B [ u , v] is linear in u antilinear in v and satisfies, by Schwarz~iuequality
from (3.5), (3.6) (with C = 0) that B [u v] serves as an alternative scalar
product in the Hilbert space $,; the norms B [u u] and 1 u 1 , are eqai- ,
valeut. We see that the antilinear functional ( f , v ) defined for all y in in,
'U i~ then the solution of the Dirichlet problem, and we have proved the
Brat part of the theorem with C! = C . To prove the secoud part we write
the equation Lu =f in the form (L C) = Cu f or + +
F ( x )= B ( v , x) = H ( x , w ) .
For $xed e1ei)tents 11, ,w to11iclr art: u~iiqne.
diferential equations
, ,
for some element y where ( )H denotes the scalar prodect in H. This
defines a ~ n a p p i ~y~=
g A v which is clearly liuear. L e t t i ~ ~xg = v and
applying (3.8)we find that
It follows that the operator A has a bounded inverse and t l ~ a tits range
is closed. Fort,hermore the v corresponding to any y is unique. To see that
the rarge of A is the whole space H suppose that z is orthogo~~sl to it.
Then we hr~ve B (v z)= 0 for a11 u . From (3.8) it follows, by setting
v = z , that z = 0 . Thus A maps onto the elltire space, and therefore
every a~ltili~learfunctional ' P ( x ) being of the form (y, x ) admits
~ the
representation P(x)= B (V $2.). The other representation is proved in a
similar way.
with 11 11 the usual uorm.in Cj. 111 general if Lu has fit~ite (1 11 norm we
will not obtaili such an inequality for K = k , rather K < k ; that is we
c a ~ ~ ~ esti~riate
lot iudividu;~lly all derivatives enterir~g ill L . However I
believe that elliptic equatiolis oil11 be cltari~cterizedas tllose for which oue
can e s t i ~ ~ t a all
t e derivatives, i. e.
111 case (4.2), prove it also for such eqnations and for functions defioed in
a half spitce, v;cnishing ueir infi~lity,and satisfiyng (on the p1au:lr bouudary)
the boundary conditions. These are also assrimed to have c o ~ ~ s t a ncoeffi-
cients (i. e. to be transliltio~~
2. Now elitnit~atethe hypothesis of compact support.
3. Extellti the estirn~teto variable coefficients as follows : with the
aid of a partitions of unity write the funchion u as a sum of fiinctions % with
s~nallsupport, in each of which the leadiug coefficients are close to coastiints,
ant1 treat the variation from aoustant as an error term, using the results
of Step 2 end the followiug lemma which lnay also be used ill the proof
of Step 2.
Caloz~lusLumnza : For appropriute constants o, o, ,
and suppose that the (complex valued) coefficients c b , are cotrtiuuol~sin (i3.
A necessary and sufloient condition jor the existence of positive constants
c ,0 so that the ifiequality
: On elliptic partial
11 u ( I ,
The third term is trivially bolrnded by oo~lsta~it (1 u
Thus we find that
We see that the constants c 0 iu (4.5) depend OII c,, a11 upper
bonr~d for the cg,, 1 , i111d 011 the modulus of co~~tiunity of the leadi~rg
cBly with I = y I I
I = nb , a11d finally on tlle iion~ail~
0 .
Now for the proof of the nacessity of (4.6). Suppose that (4.5) holds
aud that the left Itand side of (4.5) va~~islles for solne real I[ I , [=r, I/=
and some poiut ill (i3, say the origin. Followiug the ergument iu Step 2
in the proof of sufficiency we see that tlie inequl~lity
llolds for all Cw u with support in sonle fixed neighborhood U about the
origin and in (2). Set u = e""ra. c (a) for real I where 5 (x) is a fixed real
Cm f u a c t i o ~with
~ s~rpportin U and in 9 , One sees reitdily that as I w -
the left hand side of (4.5)' is 0 ( P I ) and not o (IZm)while the right hand
side is 0 (1%"'-I), so that (4.5)' does not hold.
Garding's inequality (4.5) is a t one end of a whole spectrim of inter-
esting and useful ineql~alities making tliffere~ltrequirelr~entson u at the
bou~ldary,Gardiugls inequality niaking the maximill reqaire~nent- that
all derivatives of u of order less than nt va~~islr a t the boundary. A t the
other end of the spectrunl is the ir~equalityof Arouszi~ju[13] involving no
boulrdary conditions whatsoever.
Aro~lszaju co~lsiders a 11ulnber of dillerential operators Lj (8,D),
... ,
j = 1 , N of order ~ 8 with , c:oefficients eoutinuons ill the closure of a
bou~~detldomain (a, and solves the following problern : Under what con-
ditions can one assert that for 1111 C" functio~lsu in 9 the inequality
J1 uW 12 ilx dy sz constant
I(1 urn l2 + 1 u, l2 + I u le) dx dy .
diffevential equations
We observe that,
Here the norm on the left is over the full space while on the right it is
over the half space t 0 > .
> ,
A o o f of the Leircma : Choose a fixed 6 0 , let [ (s t ) be a fixed Cm
fuaction with sapport in I x l2 + <
t2 R2 and wirich equals one in , Z R 4 ,
and set [ au = v . If we can prove that D/+' v belongs to L2 then, since
a+0 it follows easily that D/+'u is ill L2 ill 2R-S. FPOII~our assumptions
we see that v is a weak solution of a differential oquation of the form
holds in the entire 8pace iu the weak sense, R I I ~that tire v , , , , ~ the
, deri-
vatives D, DjvN and V N itself belong to L 2 .
Let us now take Folirier tr:rr~sforr~~s with respect to 8 and t , and
write ( E l , ..., .
E,,-,) = 5, En = t Denotirrg the trsasfonn of a function f
by we find that
VS,,,~, GN a r ~ d1 5 1 (1 E I j f I t I j )
belougirrg to L, in the (E t ) spice. ,
To conclnde the proof we have to show that belougs to L 2 .
To this end write
differential equations
We shall show tJhat ertch term on the right belongs to L,. Pron~(431)
find that the first tern1 on the right is bout~tled by
In this and the next lecture we slrall preseut a self contained proof of
the well known result thiht solutions of elliptic eqllations with C m coeffi-
cients are of class Cm.
Many proofs exist in the literatoi~eincluding proofs for Inore general
classes of equations, see Hiirn~;u~~ler 1171, Malgrange [18]. The proof here
seems rather straigtforward; it i~ based essent.ially OII a proof given by
Lax [19] and is closely related to proofs give11 in lectures by Bers [20]
a ~ l dSchwartz [21] (see also [9]). We confine oiirselves as before t,o a single
equation (not l~ecessarily strongly elliptic) although the argument extends
also to systems.
Dieretitiability !L'heorenz : If u is a locally epucrre ittteq~ableweak soh-
tion of the elliptic epuatiofo L u =f, alzd f E Cm tlbelz u E Om.
Remark : If u is a distribution solution theu u = Ak v for some conti-
nuous v (here A is the Laplace operator), and v is theu a weak solution
of L A h =f . The Theorem holds therefore for this case also.
The proof consists in showing that u has L, derivatives of all orders
in every compact subdomain. That u E GM" tl~en follows from the Sobolev
estimates proved in Lecture 2. However since we ollly need a very simple
case of the Sobolev lemmas me present a separate proof of it here.
Lemzcin (Sobolev): In n u ~vnoothu dot~aaitt9 i f u hrrs I;, derivtctives up
to order s in a >
for s 9812, thes u is continttous i n 0 .
In fact
Proqf: The first assertion follows easily from tile iaequality. To prove
the i~lequalily let x, be an inner point in 0 (for 8irlrplicif.y take x, = 0)
alld suppose tlrere is 'a sphere about x,, in 0 with radius R . Let
furthermorl 5 ( r ) be a function iir Cm, e q ~ l ~tol 1 for 0 T L R I 2 , and
vanishing for r 2 R By ii~tegratiou alolrg ally rl~tliusfrom zo= 0 , aud
by repeated partial integration we see that
iutegrating over the unit sphere (with area Q) of radial directions one
using ScLwarz i~leqnality.For. s n/2 the last iutegral is finite.
If the boundary of 0 is such that a t any point in there exists a
cone with a fixed ope~iiogalrd length contailled in then tire same proof
holds; instead of illtegrating over the full sphere of radial directions, we
merely integrate over the directions lying in the cone.
The proof of the Differentiabilih Theorem co~lsistsmainly of a series
of simple lemmas of c a l c u l ~ ~coucer~~ed
s with a special situatioa) that of
periodic functious, and tlris lecture will confirled to these oalculus statements.
We consider peviodic fulrctio~rsu E C* with period 2 n in each z,. For
such f u ~ ~ c t i o utire
s Fourier series
, ,
We write (u u), = (u u ) and proceed with the
Calculus :
1. 11 u Il is inocretisillg in 8 Flirlhern~ore for t, < < t,
8 and any
E >0 there is a constant C (6) such that
< +
Proof: For any a 2 0 , as E ot9 C ( 8 ) ot1.
2. Set p , = ( l - A ) t u , y = ( l - A ) t v , sethatp,=2ue(L+I&12)teb.~.
From this we bud e
As a consequence we have
Lemma : If o E Cm, then
3. Sckwar(t)t'a inequality :
(Clear I)
Proof: According to (5.6) tile left side of (5.7) is 11ot smaller than the
right side. If however we set v = (1- A ) t t z , then, by (5.4)
proving (5.7).
We can now form Hilbert espace Hs by colnyletil~g Cm fullotions in
the norms 11 11,. For a > 0 these agree wit11 our previous definitious.
> .
Obviously H,c Ht f6r a t All the previous results llold for fuuctions
with the appropriate i~orlnsfinite, for insti~~lce
(5.7). We lnay regard H, as
give11 by a forlnal Fourier series with fiuite 11 11, noun.
We remark that the scalar product
, ,
is defined, by extension, for any fiu~ctions11 E Hg v E H-, and that ally
bounded linear fu~~ctional
f (u)defined on Hs lnay be represented in the form
with v E H-,; this follows imlnediately from the Fourier series representa-
tion, so that we ]nay regclrd H-, as dual to H s .
Though me shell not use this, we reulark thirt the closed ulrit ball
< >.
11 u 11, 1 in H, is compact, i l l Ht for s t
We continue with the calculus.
4. Consider any differential operator L of order k with Cm coefficients.
Claim :
More precisely
, ,
where c = G (k u) K is a bound for the leading coefficieuts, and K' is a
bound for all coefficients and their derivatives u p to order 1s 1.
P ~ . o o f :S i ~ ~ cobviously
e 11 Di 24,II 5 C O I I S ~11 14 it soffices, in order to
prove (5.9), to show that i f a E Ca theu
1 I
where k' a11t1k" are bounds for a 1 aud 1 Dj (1 (j 1 s 1 ) respectively.
P ~ o o fof (5.10) : Co~~siderfirst the cave s 0 . Set 97 = (1- A)' < t~
ly' = (1 A ) S a11 theu we I~iive,by (5.4), and partial integratiou,
lntegratiug t l ~ el ~ , s by
t pt~rts(- 8) times we tind it is not greater than
=o k 11 [ I s
21 + c k' 11 16 Ils-l by (5.3).
I u case s 2 0 we have
IIauII:=(a u , (1. - A)'au)
, <
Furthermore : If tc 6 Ha uh E H, and 11 uh 1 , k for each h, then )I u llsfl 5 k .
< ,
Corolltrry :If t c E H,,I1 u: 11 k for each 8 then a E H,+, and 11 u I ,+, 5 k.
Proof; Let u = 8 t c c &.a7 and let u~ = 8 uc e b . 5 . One filids
€ IblSi
= ( L w ) ~ Lh.u (8 + h) Thus we have, from (6.1)
11 uh ] I s <constant 11 L uh + constant 11 zlF.
- 11
C constant ( L 2 Jls-k ~ ) ~ + constant 11 Lh u (x + 1 ~ )
f constant, 11 u 11,
> constant 2 ua
I l 2 1 l jZk (1 + I l JZ)s
11 L u 1 ; + 11 tc )>:I constant 2 (
l 2 ( 1 + I 612)S+k =
2 1 ~
= constant 11 u .
2. L has variable coeffieier~tswit11 leading coefficients differing from
constant value by less than 8 , E sufficiently small : Let L, be the operi~tor
with these constant coefficients. By case 1. we have
by (5.2),
from which (6.1) follows.
Note: If tc has its support in a small set then the leading coefficients,
being continuous, difrer little from constant values. So (6.1) holds iu
that case.
3. General case: Intrnduce a partition of unity over the closed
period cube
- constant + 3
(1 5 21 112 1 (I + II
0 - , by (5.2)
for such g,. If we IIOV form difference quotients v h as above with A parallel
to the boundary t = 0 we find easily that
for cp in iWr .
(Zx)Setting g, = v h and applying ~ i r d i n ~inequality
~s for
strongly elliptic operators of Lecture 3 we obtain a bound for
which is independent of h and it follows easily that the derivatives 1lm v
are in Lz hence that D, Dm u E L2 in ZEl--g.
For functions of classe Ck in (i3 we also introduce (differing from the no-
tation in Lecture 2)
where the 1. u. b. is taken over all derivdtives of order k , and a11 points
in (i3. 111 addition, for functiol~sin C k with Holder oonti~ruous(exponent a)
derivatives of order k , we introduce
where the max, is taken over all derivntives of order k . The space of
fiumtions with finite I Ik+, llorlrl is denoted by Ck+" ((i3). (We also uae the
notation of Lecture 3 and 4).
For functions p, defined on the (smooth) boundary @ of (i3 we also
have analogous ~ ~ o r m sdetilled
, ill a tather obvious way en terms of local
coordinates, and which we deuote in the same way.
diferertial eyuations
Si9)tilar result^ hold for vqrctctions in varicctional form. fiom these oae
rcay deriue, tior instarcce, the following result for solutions of L u = 0 under
srtitable srtoothqaess &ssustptions on the coafjcieuts :
) y j E Cm-J+k+d,j = 1
I f u E C ~ - l + ~ ( gand ,.,. ,
m , the% u E Cm-l+k+a @I
(7.4) I u Im-I +k+a 5 constant (2I Im-j+k+a +I 10) *
Tlre coustants in the above are indeper~dentof w I n case of uuiqueness
of the solntion in the class considered bhe terms (1 u [Io or / u ,1 may be
dropped. Mirauda [23], using results of Agmon [25], has recently proved
au extended maximum principle for solutions of strougly elliptic equatioas
(7.1) in two dimensions, which asserts that (7.4) holds for k = a = 0 I .
believe that this holds true in general for operators satisfying the con-
dition on L .
Tlle Schauder estimates have a number of useful consequences. With
their aid oue may prove the existence of solutions of strougly ellilbtic
equations having merely Holder colltinuous coefficieats. I n particular, with
the aid of (7.4) one may solve such equations with the given Bj in class
In addition one can also solve the Dirichlet problem for a wide
class of equations which are not strol~gly elliptic. Puthermore, and
this is perh;tps the most useful feature of the estin~ates, with their
aid one may prove looal ~ ~ a r t u r b a t i theorellis
o~~ for nonlinear elliptic
squations. For example if FA(s u , , ...,
DZmzc) = 0 is 21, nonlinear equa-
tion depending on a parameter 1 and <c smooC11Iyu 011 all variables,
such Chat for 1= 0 the fuuctiou uo is a solution with, say, zero Dirichlet
data, and if the a first variation * of P at u, is a linear elliptic operator
L whicll is invertible (i. e. for which the Dirichlet problen~(7.1) has one
aud ouly one solution) the11 for I R I sr~fficie~ltly small there exists a uuique
solutiol~u~ of the n o ~ ~ l i ~ iequation
ear wit11 zero Dirichlet data. The estimates
also yield differentirtbilihy theorems a t tlre boundary for solutions of non-
liuetrr elliptic equations.
The estimates are derived followilrg the <<recipe$of Lecture 4, the
main step being the first one. That is, one col~siderseqnatiol~s(7.1) in a
half space x,, 0 , for operators L with constant coefficients and only
higlrest order terms, and Cm functious u ill t 2 0 vi~uishir~g outside some
splrere. This syste~r~ is the11 trei~tetlwit11 tile aid of explicitly constructed
Poisson kernels, wlriclr will be described in the next lecture, with whicl~
one solves the system (7.1) with f = 0 . Witlr the aid of the explicit
represeetations for u and its derivatives so obtibined, tlre desired estimates
for this cor~stant coefficieat case are then obtitiued with the aid of certain
potential theoretic results.
I mould like tb describe these results, whic11 I believe should prove
useful for other problems. Si~lccwe are operating in a 11alf space x,,> 0
, ,
it is convenient to reaame the coordinates, set (xl ... xn-;) = x , x, = t ,
(2,, ,xn) = ( 8 , t) = P.
~ s t) ,
We consider integral tmusforrns of functions f (2) iuto f u ~ l c t i o ~u(x,
t>O. Let K(x,t) be a kernel defiued ie the half space t>O aud l ~ o ~ ~ ~ o g e u e o t ~ s
of degree 1- n .
I (I
here PI = x l2 +
t2)i/2; Asstinre that Q is colltiuuous on the half sphere
IPI = 1 , t 2 0 and assiltne also (this condition can be weakened conside-
rably) that has continuot~s first derivatives OII tlre half splrere whioh,
together with B itself, are bou~rded in absolute value by x . Ia additiou
we make the basic sssumptiou
diferential equations
acheye c dqends only ow a rrtrd n . Here the novels vefev to the half space
> ,
t 0 jbr u and the plane t = 0 for f.
2. For every t 0 and 1< p oo < ,
n 1 itimeusional, mitli tlie first n coordinates denoted by a = (3, x,~), ...,
and tlle last coordinate by t . 111 the half spikce t 0 me cousider-for sim-
plicity the homoge~ieousequation, with D
I$-1,'= Gj(x)
(8.3) Kj(~-y,t)Qij(y)dy=2Kj*Qij,
for j-1<%
(- 1y+r
log -r = z p , p<O, I+p>O
where, for j - 1 2 n ,
n i q-
- pj (ja- ! I(y .E)q (log 7+ c/)/%
M+ rj-l
(8.14)" D{-' ,
(y 0) = (- l)*lB'/
(n - j)!q!
(y . 6)q log Y . E d q f yq (y)
for x +0 ,
~ / - lK j ,
( x t ) g constant
(I m +
12 t2)(nS1)/2'
With the aid of (8.16), (8.16)' it is not diffioult to establish the following
Extended Yaximuln Pi.ittciple : The so1ut;or~(8.3) of the Divichlet problem
(8.1), (8.2) satisfies
where the least upper bounds are token with respect to all derivatives of ordev
m - 1 and, 012 the left, with respect to all jx t) in the ha(f space, on the
right with vespect to nll x .
This is an a~ialogueof a ~pecialcase of Mirauda7e'extended nltixi~num
prilrciple of [23].
[ A ] C. M I I ~ A N DEquazioni
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[ B ] l'vaaeactions of the Synbposit6m ot~ Partial Differealial Equqsntiotts. Berkeley California,
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