Full Manuscript
Full Manuscript
Full Manuscript
A Project Study
Prepared and presented to the
Mechanical Engineering Department
Colegio de Muntinlupa
December 2022
This is to certify that we have supervised the preparation of and read the study
prepared and submitted by:
Biglete for giving them the opportunity to create a research paper that will help them to
their long journey ahead of them. The researchers also give they’re thanks to their
research adviser, Engr. Robert James Lomotan, for guiding them to complete their
Research Paper and for always responding to their concerns and query. The researchers
would also like to acknowledge the help of their parents for the morale support and for
providing things they needed to accomplish their research. Lastly, the researchers would
3.2 Phase 2: Preparation Phase 16
Hyacinth Shredder
3.4.2 Testing
Water hyacinths affect many countries' freshwater resources, creating issues with
navigation, national security, irrigation and drainage, water supply, hydroelectricity, and
fisheries. The water hyacinth reproduces through seedling growth as well as green
reproduction. A community of water hyacinths can double in size every two weeks if
favorable conditions exist. The most effective method for eliminating aquatic species is
using mechanical equipment. The purpose of this study is to transform and lessen water
hyacinth production by shredding it into tiny pieces. We designed and built a Bicycle Pedal
Assisted Powered Motor Water Hyacinth Shredder prototype, including the shaft, gears,
Chapter 1
In most of the world's frost-free zones, water hyacinth is a common freshwater weed
and is thought to be the most problematic aquatic plant. It creates thick mats that choke
streams and prohibit boating, fishing, and nearly all other water-based activities. Despite
these adverse effects, it has been frequently planted as a water ornamental worldwide due
to its lovely blossoms. Its remarkable growth rate and ability to tolerate various
environmental conditions make water hyacinth difficult to eradicate once it has become
established in an ecosystem. Is rapid growth has clogged major waterways and caused
problems with navigation, national security, irrigation and drainage, water supply,
evapotranspiration through its many leaves, hastening the drying up of rivers, lakes,
and testing of a water hyacinth shredder machine, which is a type of small vegetation-
cutting machine used for a variety of tasks such as aquatic plant cutting, small piece
collection, and trash removal in rivers, lakes, bays, and harbors. The machine is intended
to benefit the environment by reducing water pollution, and it has the potential to aid in the
cost-effective and easy for farmers, fishermen, and other waterway users.
1.1 Overview and Background
The free-floating and blooming invasive aquatic plant evolved in South America's Amazon
basin. It is the world's most invasive aquatic plant, which has spread worldwide. It impacts
lake hydrology by increasing evaporation and can restrict the cultural services provided by
The plant is also known as anchors, water almonds, water lace, and monkey grass. The
water hyacinth reproduces sexually through seeds, vegetative budding, and stolon
development. The seeds can spread in days or remain dormant for up to 15-20 years. Unless
stressed, they frequently sink and remain in droughts that are inactive. By their long
dormant periods, water hyacinths have spread to the point that they are considered one of
the world's worst aquatic weeds. They can spread quickly and easily through ships, boats,
and waterfowl, making them difficult to control. The presence of fertilizer and human-made
changes in the environment, such as temperature and water level increases, can accelerate
Water hyacinth is a big concern in our ecosystem, and it can cause diseases such as
bilharzia and malaria by creating a conducive habitat for snails and mosquito reproduction.
Although it was first introduced in the United States in 1884 as an ornamental plant, water
hyacinth has become a major environmental and economic problem because it invades
shredder as the most efficient approach to minimize water hyacinth in rivers, lakes, and
areas prone to flooding every season, as well as to help balance our ecosystem. This pedal
shredder can grind and reduce the water hyacinth into small, manageable pieces to be used
as organic fertilizer. The pedal shredder is simple to operate, portable, and cost-effective.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
competing all other species growing in the vicinity and posing a threat to aquatic
biodiversity. Matted mats could impede oxygen transport from the air to the water surface
or reduce oxygen generation by other plants. Dissolved oxygen levels can reach
dangerously low concentrations for fish sensitive to such changes. In addition, water
hyacinths can alter the physical and chemical characteristics of the environment, reducing
light penetration and leading to an overall decrease in water quality. These changes can
severely impact the diversity and abundance of fish and other aquatic species, thus
impacting the local fishing industry. Therefore, we studied the design, fabrication, and
testing of a water hyacinth shredder machine. This machine was designed to shred the water
hyacinth into small pieces to allow for rapid decomposition and restore the oxygen levels
in the water.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
adverse effects. A machine must be designed to shred a large mass of this water
hyacinth spread throughout a large area. So, a machine that can shred the water
hyacinth and also control the water hyacinth biologically is being utilized now.
𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 = 𝑥 100%
𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟
𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 =
1.4 Significance of the Study
Since the water hyacinth is said to be an invasive plant that threatens the stability
of freshwater bodies by out-competing with all other species growing nearby, posing an
inconvenience to aquatic biodiversity. The researchers will create a machine that will
reduce the population of water hyacinth by using a shredder powered using pedal motion
with the help of electric motors through pedal assist. This shredder will break down the
water hyacinths into small pieces and reduce their biomass in the water body, eventually
restoring aquatic biodiversity. Moreover, the shredder will be designed to be low-cost and
efficient so that it can be easily accessible to communities living nearby aquatic bodies.
1.5 Scope, Delimitations, and Assumptions
The researchers will study the pedal-assist powered water hyacinth shredder.
However, the researcher cannot cover every aspect of the topic, so the scope will be
narrowed down to a specific topic which involves solely in design, fabricating, and testing
the water hyacinth shredder’s and required revolution per minute (rpm) to shred a water
hyacinth and how much of water hyacinth can be shredded at a certain speed. Since the
study will solely cover the design, fabricating, and testing of the pedal assist water hyacinth
shredder, due to limited financial resources to carry out more thorough investigations,
delimitations would occur. The processing of the shredded hyacinth will not be included
the since it will require a more in-depth study of its chemical composition. The researchers
Chapter 2
Water hyacinth is severe and the most noxious aquatic pet in many parts of the
world. Its rapid growth has clogged major waterways and created problems associated with
fishing worldwide. In this research, we look into how a shredding machine may
successfully decompose in our environment. Many studies have focused on the water
hyacinth shredder machine between the environment and the ecosystem. The connection
between hyacinth and environmental concern is widely known. Analysis of the world bank
1990, the spread of water hyacinth in the country is perceived as a significant environmental
This research paper aims to use mechanical control to manage approaches that
successfully manage these needs for a more extended period. Cutters and vanes are
designed to cut, collect and unload biomass and debris using cutters, guides, and chain
drives. A 48-volt direct current motor typically drives the drive with 270 rpm, and a 24 N-
m gear with a velocity ratio of 3 concerning gears is installed and operated. The machine
is powered by a 48V DC single-phase motor with a speed of 270 rpm, which will enhance
physical control of the speed. A seed sprinkler is employed in the system, which aids in the
2.1.2 Design of Water Hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes Harvester (O. E. Omofunmi, S.
This paper's design of water hyacinth (harvester) was done by using an electric
single phase motor, mower discs, shafts with four blades made up of stainless steel and
powered by a 2.0 hp electric motor at a speed of 3.04 m/s and has a theoretical efficiency
of the machine has 54.8 percent. Assumptions included a shear resistance angle of 30
degrees and a water adhesion efficiency of 3.446.99 N/m. The forces acting on the water
per unit depth in the vertical direction and the sideways and the resisting force are
calculated for the accurate balance of the system on the water. Design and construction
parameters for a water hyacinth harvester are based on the first principle of machines and
design considerations and assumptions stated below. Equations were adopted from [17-19].
Forces due to water per unit areas are as follows: The angle of shearing resistance of the
rotated blade related to the depth of the blade, ∅ = 30°, The angles of water/interface friction
exist between cutting edge β = 100, and the forces caused by water and interface friction
2.1.3 Fabrication of Water Hyacinth Harvester (Mr. V. Shantha Moorthy.
The project aims to develop a water hyacinth harvester, a mechanical model which
is a short-term control measure. This harvester can remove the hyacinth in water bodies
like lakes, ponds, and rivers, thereby eliminating the blockages in waterways. The model
consists of a picking roller that picks the water hyacinth in water bodies by a rotary motion.
The water hyacinth is then collected in the collecting bin through a belt conveyor. Then it
will be disposed of in river beds for different processes. The methodology of the water
selection, Fabrication, and parts assembly. The water hyacinth picked by the picking roller
will be sent to the conveyer belt. The conveyer belt then transfers the water hyacinth to the
collecting tank. Then it will dispose of in river beds for different processes. This entire
setup is placed over the lifting bag, which can be moved utilizing a propeller. It is
understood that the mechanical control method is an effective way of controlling the water
hyacinth. The fabricated model of “Water Hyacinth Harvester” aims to reduce manual work
in Water hyacinth removal, thereby reducing labor cost. The model can be scaled up with
minor developments that can be used in a real-time environment. This reduces the
2.1.4 Water Hyacinth Shredder (Akshay A. More, Shubham S. Jagtap, Abhijit S.
hyacinth removal as the most effective method to remove the water hyacinth vegetation.
The mechanical water hyacinth control method may be applied to emergent, floating, and
floating vegetation, but the effort will not eradicate a small plant species. The size and
nature of the equipment do not allow for targeting individual plants or small infestations.
A small vegetation-cutting machine used for various tasks, including aquatic plant cutting.
This small piece collects trash removal in rivers, lakes, bays, and harbors. Harvesters are
designed to cut, collect and unload vegetation and debris using a cutter, guide, and conveyor
system on the ship, it is a small prototype, so it has adjustable to the small appropriate
cutting height, up to 0.5 feet below the surface of the water. Cutter bars (guide) cut and
collect material and bring it aboard the vessel using the conveyor. When the conveyor has
reached capacity, the cut material is transported to a disposal site(ship). Although the
conveyor continuously operates so, no matter the quantity of the vegetation, it can also
transfer a small amount of vegetation and offload using the conveyor. Shredder
barges(guide) are typically driven by a 12-volt Direct current motor which has 500 rpm,
and the motor provides power to cutter bars and the conveyor system.
2.2 Theoretical Framework
According to More, Jagtap, Dhumal, Karpe, and Patil (2016), In many countries
throughout the world struggling with massive amounts of water, hyacinth affects the
security, irrigation, and drainage, water supply, hydro-electricity, and fishing. Mechanical
removal is the most effective method for Aquatic plant removal. In this project, we
designed and manufactured a water hyacinth shredder prototype in which we designed the
shaft, conveyor, bearing, & cutters and made the frame and selection motor.
According to Madhusudhan (2018), States that Shredders are used for macro
shredders and conversions to small or micro, easily decomposable organic waste that can
use as organic fertilizer. Organic waste shredders are ideal for shredding all types of waste.
P.B. Khope proposed the design of experimental equipment for the empirical establishment
machine cuts the feed and finely chops the animals for easy consumption.
determining the effectiveness of the treatment on both a short-term and long-term time
scale. On a short-term time, period shredding at this point will be more efficient because
entanglements and dense mat barriers will be minimized. Pieces can then be shredded
completely to one to two inches which may prevent regeneration. In the long-run, shredding
earlier in the water hyacinth’s development will hinder it from flowering and creating a
hardy seed bank which can last up to ten years in the sediment.
P.B.Khope & Modak et al., Proposed the Design of an experimental set-up for
flywheel motor. This machine is used to chop the forage into small pieces for easy
bicycle mechanism for converting and transmitting human energy through the
padding to the rotational kinetic energy of the flywheel is hereby proposed. The
energy stored in the flywheel can be used for the actual cutting process.
Organic waste is fed uniformly throughafeeding drum and tray. Then the shaft is rotated
at 1440 rpm through an electric motor by means of pulleys making the chopping drum
cut the waste by the effect of impact shear obtained from theshearing blades. Then the
cut pieces pass through the concave holes of the sieve & come out of the machine.
2.3 Conceptual Framework
herbicides by its control, resulting in organic waste generation. That is why many
researchers are researching ways to recycle and make something out of water hyacinth.
Researcher and other companies had already designed and fabricated machines that made
recycling happens. There are already electric water hyacinth shredders, and fossil fuel-
This study aims to recreate what other companies are already doing on a big scale
and make it small scale so that the people near where water hyacinth grows can make their
compost out of the water hyacinth instead of going to the landfills. The bicycle pedal-
assisted powered motor, water hyacinth shredder design, and fabrication should help the
study to know if it will make a difference in lowering the water hyacinth to the environment
Chapter 3
Identifying Problem and CONCEPTUAL PHASE
Determining Parameters
Collection of Water Hyacinth PREPARATION PHASE
Design Process DESIGN AND
Inspection of the Machine
3.1 Phase 1: Conceptual Phase
This study will specify the problems that the water hyacinths are causing to bodies
of water that the plants are creating, including impacts on the economy, natural resources,
and human health. Water hyacinths, known as Eichhornia crassipes, are aquatic plants
native to tropical and sub-tropical South America. In those areas, they provide some
benefits by preventing soil erosion and being useful as shade for fish and other animals. It
has become an invasive alien in many countries, including the Philippines. Water hyacinths
cause respiratory problems in humans and animals by producing an obnoxious odor on their
leaves and flowers. Water levels may also be reduced because it clogs waterways. The
water hyacinth is a fast-growing plant that can become easily overwhelmed by water,
interfering with the natural flow of water hyacinths are on the International Union for
Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species. That can also harm aquatic life
and may result in a reduction in the number of fish and other aquatic creatures that live in
the area reduces the number of fish and other aquatic creatures that live in the area.
The shredder has two shafts equipped with fourteen blades. The distance between
each blade is 10 cm. The shafts rotate at different speeds in opposite directions, creating a
shearing effect. Fresh or dried water hyacinth brunch will be thrown through a hopper for
shredding; when the shredding processes, the water hyacinth is sheared into flakes.
3.2 Phase 2: Preparation Phase
lakes, and can be collected at a rate of 1.5 tons per day, or 45 tons per month, for a total of
540 tons annually using the Bicycle Pedal Assisted Powered Motor Water Hyacinth
This study will weigh the water hyacinth before entering the shredder to prevent the
shredder from clogging. The weight of the water hyacinth should be between 1kg to 2kg
3.3 Phase 3: Design and Fabricating Phase
This study will use two main motion which is revolute and rigid motion. The
The Bicycle Pedal Assisted Powered Motor Water Hyacinth Shredder Machine is
• Bicycle Component
o Bicycle Frame
o Chains
o Crank Arm
o Bicycle Seat
• Saw Blade
• Shafts
• Shredder Housing
• Sprockets
• DC motor
• Thermoelectric Generator
A. Bicycle Component
a. Bicycle Frame: One of the main components of the water hyacinth shredder
will be a bicycle frame, on which the pedals, gears, chains, seat, and rear
b. Chains: is a roller chain that transmits power from the pedals to the bicycle's
drive wheel, propelling it. We will use a standard bicycle chain that can be
c. Crank Arm: is the portion of a bicycle the person uses to drive the bicycle.
It connects the cyclist's foot or shoe to the crank, allowing the leg to turn the
d. Bike Seat: is the portion of the bicycle where user sit! Bike saddles come
in a variety of designs and sizes. They all include saddle rails on the
underside that attach the saddle to the seat post using a saddle clamp.
B. Blades: Circular saw blades are discs with teeth that can cut a range of materials
using a spinning motion. This is made of a carbide wheel and is 4 1/2 inches in
diameter. In this design, we will use 30-teeth blades connected to each shaft.
C. Shaft: The shaft will hold the blades and the spacers in the middle part and the
Diameter 22.23 mm
Length 235 mm
D. Shredder Housing: The components such as the blades, spacers, and shafts will be
E. Sprockets: The researchers will use a 36-tooth Sprocket attached to the crank of
the bicycle frame and four of 38-tooth Sprocket to drive the Shredder.
F. DC Motor: A power source in the form of a DC Motor is provided to drive the
system, carrying variable loads, and will operate as the machine's secondary power
No. of Motor 1
temperature difference and heat flow into a viable direct current power source. To
effect. This produced voltage drives electrical current and generates usable power
H. Wires: A wire is a flexible metallic conductor, especially one made of copper,
I. Pedal Assist Sensor: It employs the dual-magnetic loop - Hall elastic angle
difference to detect the dynamic torque, which is converted to DC signal and sent
to the controller.
J. Pillow Block Bearing Units: are used to provide load support for a rotating shaft.
Their mounting surface is on a plane parallel and offset to the axis of the shaft.
Mounting holes or slots in the base or feet of pillow block bearings permit
3.3.3 Designing the 3D CAD Model
This study will use Fusion 360 to create and simulate a bicycle pedal-assisted
powered motor water hyacinth shredder using the materials and a user-friendly version
of the shredder using Fusion 360 to maximize shredding efficiency, shredder speed, the
3.3.4 Assembly of the Bicycle Pedal Assisted Powered Motor Water Hyacinth Shredder
This research will assemble the parts fabricated according to the design created
using fusion 360 and develop the processes to automate each part's design, fabrication,
and testing.
3.4 Phase 4: Validation and Testing Phase
This analysis will determine whether the constructed machine meets the
specifications of the design developed in Fusion 360. The fabrication process will test
and verify the completed design to ensure the machine meets its design requirements.
3.4.2 Testing
We will test the minimum and maximum capacity, performance, quality, and losses
of the Bicycle Pedal Assisted Powered Motor Water Hyacinth Shredder Machine.
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Potential use of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) for water quality improvement of
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