Merritt Morning Market 3771 - Dec 12
Merritt Morning Market 3771 - Dec 12
Merritt Morning Market 3771 - Dec 12
16, 17 & 19
recycle Largest supply in Merritt
News, opinion, community events since 1996! Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
Tel: (250) 378-5717 Fax: (250) 378-2025 Email: [email protected]
by Bonnie Cowan
Letters to the editor
Thank you NVIT Christmas craft fair
Now available at Black's Pharmacy,
Baillie House Info Ctre, Miss Vicki's Petals
Thank you Meghan and Sherry at Sa- NVIT will host a Christmas Craft Fair
maritan's Purse!You helped to make me & Plants, and Vision Quest Optical & Gifts
on Monday, December 12, 2-6pm at the
feel Christmassy when I wasn't feeling it. Merritt campus gym. Everyone is wel-
I appreciate you amazing wonderful come to attend! If you would like to have
ladies. — J. Street a table at the Craft Fair, FMI events@nvit.
Kudos to Dr. Holmes ca & to register.
Community Christmas dinner
…for expressing his concerns about
Merritt’s #1 SKIN & the state of the Nicola Valley Health The Community Christmas dinner Naturopathic Doctor
will run again this year, after several Kayla Ruschkowski
BOTOX CLINIC Centre grounds. I'm so sorry he (and, I
years off, free to the public. December
assume, many others) had to navigate Offering
around our so called "hospital" just to get 14, 6-9pm at the Civic Centre. Organized
Holiday Gift to the doors. It's truly a shame that a guy by Charlton Martin in partnership with
Boston Pizza, Walmart, Carnivore Cook-
Cosmetic Botox
like Dr. Holmes— not only a disabled se-
Certificates available! nior and a long time Merritt resident but ing, and Mason Dusome from Mr. Mikes. Naturopathic Medicine
Light Tour
Lab testing
Pamper your loved ones over the
a kind and devoted family physician who FMI or to make a donation, contact
holidays! Botanical medicine
practiced at a time when house calls were Charlton Martin 250-315-1659, Mason Vitamin injections
a thing, even in bad weather and as far Dusome 403-394-8493, Mr. Mikes Steak- Book at Women’s health
• Most advanced technology &
competitive pricing in BC out as Shackan and Douglas Lk. Trying house 250-315-2364. Weight loss
• Hair restoration to work his way over slippery snow pack Celebrate-A-Life tree 1751 Granite Ave
• Laser and uneven gravel in a parking lot, just Merritt & District Hospice Society by appointment only
• Remedial skin issues to enter our health care centre is unac- will set up their Celebrate-A-Life Tree in
✰✰✰✰✰ ceptable at best. I place no judgement on a new location this year. For most of the
Paramedical Skin
Specialist Rating the staff - they rock despite their circum- month it will be at the Merritt Library,
16, 17 & 19
Anastaszia Cash stances - but I do place huge judgement with volunteers present noon-5pm on December
on the governments that have allowed Dec 15, 16, 17, 22 & 23. You can dedicate 6:00 PM • 250-936-9200
our health care system to get to this point. an ornament in memory of a friend or
when the Canadian health care system & hang it on their tree at the Library, or
was revered all over the world. hang it on your tree at home. FMI 250-
Light Tour
How has it come to this? I'm in complete 280-1701, [email protected]
agreement with Dr. Holmes; "we need more Evening of Christmas music
control over our health services". We don't
need administrators sitting at their desks
A warm & welcoming evening of
Christmas music will be held Thurs Dec16, 17 & 19
Merritt Transit System
TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700 and barking out unnecessary, ill-informed 15, 7pm in Trinity United Church. Re-6:00 PM COME & JOIN US!
directions. We need front line practitioners freshments will be served.
[email protected] and we need to listen to them. — M. McKay Seats MUST be pre-booked and paid for
25th anniv. of Delgamuukw/Gisday’wa judgment by noon the day ofC Ithe tour. SeatsLare
non-refundable. The cost of the Tour is five
“It has been 25 years since the Supreme Court of Canada delivered its judgment in
the Delgamuukw/Gisday’wa vs. British Columbia case. Delivered on Dec. 11, 1997, dollars ($5.00), which will be donated to
Light Tour
the landmark judgment affirmed Aboriginal rights, including Aboriginal title, and the Food Bank.
recognized oral testimony from Indigenous Peoples as lawful evidence. The court’s If the seat is not paid, it will be filled by a
ruling was a foundational shift in Canada’s jurisprudence. person on standby.
“Today, we remember Chief Delgamuukw, also known as Earl Muldon, a Gitxsan He-
reditary Chief who passed away earlier this year, and Dinize’ Gisday’wa, also known as Merritt Transit System
Visit Merritt Transit System office at the
Alfred Joseph, a Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief who passed away in 2014. They were the City Hall or call at 250-378-4080. Meet us
Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001 representative plaintiffs in this case, which has become a critically important precedent at the City Hall parking lot at 5:45pm. The
INC. for how Aboriginal and treaty rights are understood and applied in Canadian courts. tour will leave at 6pm and run to 7:30pm.
Specialists “A great deal has changed since 1997. Our approach to reconciliation with Indigenous
ICBC Claims Children under five are free, must sit on
Peoples has evolved considerably. Our commitment to enduring relationships based on
respect and recognition of rights is why we developed the Declaration on the Rights of the guardian's lap.
•Commercial •Residential
Indigenous Peoples Act and the subsequent action plan in collaboration and co-opera-
•Automotive •Industrial tion with Indigenous partners. The act contains measures for the Province to work with
6:00 PM
2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire) Indigenous Peoples on decisions that affect them, with self-determination as a key goal.
378-4531 “We are moving forward in ways that respect Aboriginal title and rights, and NICOLA VALLEY TRANSPORTATION SOCIETY
working in partnership with First Nations, rather than in an adversarial way. Nego-
MERRITT PICKLEBALL CLUB tiation and collaboration are the best ways to work through difficult issues together.
“As we continue our journey toward true and lasting reconciliation with Indigenous
Court Times & Dates Peoples, we are reflecting on our respect and gratitude for the plaintiffs and the Gitxsan TEL 378-5717 - FAX 378-4700
call Gary 250-280-0105
or Ayton 250-378-5691
and Wet'suwet'en people who worked so hard and sacrificed so much to reach this histor-
ic judgment. It is because of them and the tremendous amount of work done – and work TICKETS CITY HALL
[email protected] LEAVE
that is still being carried out today to implement and give life to the decision – that has
changed the way Indigenous rights are understood across Canada.” — Murray Rankin,
Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 096
What works faster than a calculator? A calcu-sooner! 1940 Quilchena Ave. Merritt
A cross-eyed teacher couldn’t control his pupils. 250-378-5631 [email protected]
HOURS: 2051 VOGHT ST., Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Last issue of the year will be Wednesday Dec 21
Nov 22 - Dec 22 - Jan 20 - Feb 19 -
Sunday 12-4pm
Dec 21 Jan 19 Feb 18 Mar 20 and the first issue of the New Year will be
Since your intentions are good, You've been nurturing a fanta- This week, there are all sorts of Progress has been taking Wednesday January 4
and you're prepared to invest sy and exploring an idea. Don't surprising, innovative (positive) place in a part of your world.
Nicola Valley Community Arts Council
2051 Voght St., Merritt, BC | | [email protected] | 250-378-6515 bundles of energy, you're head- resist the chances that come discoveries to be made. As the change becomes ap- Email: [email protected]
ing in the right direction. your way this week. parent, it brings joy.
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 T: (250) 378-5717 F: (250) 378-2025 E: [email protected] Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
4 ALL-TERR. winter tires 235/70R16, COUCH free 315-8511 Specialists INC.
Light Tour
INSIDE gar. sale, 2099B Blair, Dec 16, 378-3496 ends 525-0240
17, 18, 9am-? Everything must go, mov- 2014 DODGE Grand Caravan, eng. &
QUEEN SIZE memory foam mattress.
ing into a care facility. transmission been replaced, 133k on eng,
LOST: drove away with our specialized 250k on body $9900 $6900 936-8104 good condition $200 378-2832 •Commercial •Residential
Office Supplies (250)378-6882
Tacoma ext. cord, not suit. for other 67 CHRYSLER 300 2-dr hardtop, ex-
make of vehicle, between Granite Ave. & ceptional nice orig. cond., loaded, 1 own-
SNGL bd box frame, wood, exc cond
$30 378-7251 •Automotive •Industrial
Printing & Engraving (250)378-6808 Parkview townhouses 378-3721 er. 04 Merc. Grnd Marquis, 1 owner. Joe
FREE TABLE: round pedestal table one
leaf and six chairs 378-6787
2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
1951 Garcia St., Merritt, BC PIANO LESSONS, violin lessons. 7 378-5100
years old and up. A great winter activ- 98 FORD F-250 4x4 in good condition. WOODEN rocking chair, as new. Medi- 378-4531
ity. $25 half hour. Cecilia Dyck. cell Extended cab automatic, gas v8, 6ft-6 um oak color. $80 378-8835
(250)315-0022 box $5500 315-1008 COUCH $10. Matching loveseat $10
WANTED an honest person with 14 MICHELIN 235/65R17 snow tire, used 315-1447
foot ladder for snow removal from roof 1 seas. 378-7995 2 SOLID wood diningrm chairs $10ea.
of trailer. Please text only 236-852-0871 Coff. tbl $10. in exc.cond. Jim 280-4688
03 GMC Yukon XL Denali, 4wd 16, 17 & 19
MUSIC MAESTRO CLUB. Group mu- SUV, 300k, Bose sound, nw wntr tires TABLE & CHAIRS. 36 " round wooden December
sic class ages 8-12. $250 for 12 lessons $4500obo. Call/text 315-9789 table & 4 chairs. $20. 378-9694 6:00 PM
beginning Jan. All instruments provided. IKEA single wood bedframe $20
Great Christmas gift idea. Cecilia Dyck ONE 205/60R15 General m&s tire, new
doors, complete w/ power windows and ture with cushions $50 280-0779
publication schedule stress to alter coat sleeves 378-2832
inside panel , Maroon color ,perfect con-
SAMARITAN'S PURSE's winter hrs dition, $175 ea. 378-8802
BEAUTIFUL wood kitchn table, 4
chairs & bench $200. 378-3496
Light Tour
Last issue of the year will be Wednesday Dec 21 are Mon\ 1-4pm; Tues & Thurs 10am- SOLID WD queen bd w/ match. end tbls
4pm; Fri by request. Your recovery FREE: canopy fits 02 F150 378-3496 $500 for the set 236-889-4188
and the first issue of the New Year will be specialists Meghan Blackmore 250-574- 14 SUBARU Forester XTL (touring tur- NEW patio swing $225. 778-661-0905
4574 & Sherry Peterson 250-574-4885. bo , white, summer & winter tires, 154k,
Wednesday January 4 WTD: beginners' violin lessons. dependable. $16,500. 315-5424
Suzanne 778-930-0036 4 DODGE 17 inch 8 hole rims $150 text
CHILD'S BED, solid wood head and
WTD: HANDIMAN for couple hours FREE: drone, never flown/still in box
List your garage sale &/or non-refundable. The cost of the Tour is five
work 378-3755 FOUR Goodyear M/S tires new, 378-2136 $5 PARKING LOT 6:00 PM
265/60R18 tires $600obo 250-378-2837 NEW 1994 Fender twin amplifier $900
get our listing mail-out SKILLED LABOURER avail. $15/hr
days. In city limits. Arthur 315-1618 4 RIMS & tires for Subaru Forester $100 378-5165 dollars ($5.00), which will be donated to
Light Tour
Email: [email protected] AA MEETINGS are held each Monday
280-0543 RCA 50" FLAT SCREEN TV works the Food Bank.
at 12 noon at the United Church, 1899 4 - FIRESTONE, lk nw Mud & Snow good $75 378-2832
tires mounted on whls w/ bolt patt.
Quilchena Ave.
5 holes x 4 1/2 P205-75R14 $500
STEREO hk-up for car, Clarion If the seat is not paid, it will be filled by a
DPX2250 250w, $300 new, sell $150
services 378-2862 person on standby.
Merritt Transit System
Lewis 778-661-0986
XMAS LIGHTS tightened or strung up 4 15" alum. mags, 5-bolt Ford,w/ nuts & STEREO EQUIPT, gd cond: Sanyo
on house.$25.00/hr. 378-2085 Micheline tires $150 280-0543 receiver, Kenwood cd player, 2 Technics Visit Merritt Transit System office at the
RUDY WORKS - Home & Office Main- HARDTOP for Jeep YJ 315-2017
tenance & Repair - home & office tech, HAKKAPELITTA 10 SUV Studded
12-disc player, JVC dbl cass. player, 2
vcrs, offers. Dan 378-2136 City Hall or call at 250-378-4080. Meet us
carpentry, electrical, plumbing, concrete. tire. 235/60 r 18 $800/4 tires. call/text 49"/PO (1080P) TOSHIBA TV $400 at the City Hall parking lot at 5:45pm. The
315-6689 or [email protected] 250-302-2987
SCRAP FOR CASH. I'll come to you. 03 HYUNDAI Elantra GT, 2 sets of tires
firm, Leading Innovation 280-4331
25" SAMSUNG comp. monitor $50obo.
tour will leave at 6pm and run to 7:30pm.
Batteries, brass copper, aluminum, stain- & r ims $1300obo. TJ 315-3496 25" Toshiba flatscrn tv, grt for kids room
less, wire. Call or msg 604-618-8710, or NEW TIRES, never mounted (1) M&S $40obo. HP Photosmart all-in-one print- Children under five are free, must sit on
the [email protected] Fast service, BF Goodrich Lt 235/60R17 T/A Tour er/scannr/copier, incl paper $45obo. 46" the guardian's lap.
TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly weight $140 (2) M&S Michelin 225/45R17 Vizio flatscrn HD tv $75obo. Joanne
loss support group. Meet Tuesday morn- Sport A/S3 $140 (3) Winter Deep groove 778-389-9365
snowflake Goodyear 225/50R17 Nordic TICKETS CITY HALL LEAVE
ings. FMI Iris (250)378-8182 2X2 SLIDE proj., gd cond. Debbie $5 PARKING LOT 6:00 PM
WOODY'S tree service & more: land- $150 378-8802 378-1667
scaping, fencing, handyman work, etc. for sale - pets / livestock 9" LAMINATOR for home office, NIB,
315-8087 $25 378-2410
Winter A
LAWN CUTTING, reas. rates 280-7492 FREE HEDGEHOG to caring home. for sale - recreational
Comes with food, cage and all the neces-
Show & San
ONE WOMAN AND A BRUSH. Paint- sities. Trish 315-5373
er, available, only diff. is the price. 15 26" 21-spd Marin mtn bike $50
years experience. Ann 378-5377 FEM. goat $200. 8 puppies $100ea. 280-0543
Buy local Peking ducks $20ea 778-661-0344,
ae JPV ENTERPRISES: Landscaping - 936-8368 91 ARCTIC CAT 300 Lynx, ser. buyers
Buy handmade lawn care, pruning, hedging, gardening. only, vry gd cond $2000 315-2275
Support your local Lic'd, equipped. On Facebook. 280-7077 PIGS for sale $150 ea, 2 for $200 PORTABLE ice fishing firepit sleds, no