4 Sattvic Food Principles That Will Transform You On A Physical, Mental and Spiritual Level.
4 Sattvic Food Principles That Will Transform You On A Physical, Mental and Spiritual Level.
4 Sattvic Food Principles That Will Transform You On A Physical, Mental and Spiritual Level.
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contained should not be altered or
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Foods that come directly and straight from mother Nature are
keep watering it for a few days,we’ll see that it will grow into a
and if take wheat-based product like noodle and plant it into the
soil and keep the whole procedure same as wheat seed, we’ll see
it. In other words, Noodles are dead and how can something
living foods and transfer prana or life energy inside us and helps
in cleansing and flushing out the toxins from the body and
within 3 hours of being cooked. As the time increases,it starts to lose it’s life
That’s why in our ancient traditions, it was not recommended to eat food
that has been kept for more than 3 hours.Our ancestors used to eat
take a little and put it back in the refrigerator.They are eating tamasik,stale
and rotten food which invincibily inviting cancer into their bodies.
But, Does this 3-hour-rule only apply to sabzi and chapati? What about
biscuits, chips, snacks and namkeens that have been stored after being
cooked for more than 3 years in advance with synthetic chemicals and
These chemicals are put to increase the shelf life of products and they
stuff we get, is not food at all, they’re products just to make profit.
food in raw and original form.There’s a reason why she gives us potatoes,
All foods that come straight to our table from plants and trees without any
Nature has designed and calibrated each fruit and vegetable with specific
ratio of nutrients , fats and protein etc. so that Humans can easily adapt or
Mother nature has provided us with a “whole-package deal” for each food
White rice, sugar, refined oils and refined wheat are all examples of
fragmented foods and when when we eat them,they don’t get digested
Rishikesh,the land of Yogis and Sages which holds the undiscovered secrets of the Mystic Himalayas.
Additionally, the Yoga Alliance in the United States and the Ministry of Ayush of the Government of India have both