Archetype Alliance
Archetype Alliance
Archetype Alliance
2011 / 2016
The demands of the global communication truth-traveler cannot be met by any individual
speaker. That is why we established the 23 Principles Alliance Network, the language-line network for
Natural Tongues. In 1984, 23 of the most respected universal principles joined forces to create a
breakthrough in language theory. Unity, Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Self, Justice, Liberty, Wisdom,
Knowledge, Peace, Life, Eternity, Infinity, Sublimity, Love, Imagination, Intelligence, Health,
Change, Mind, Energy, Tradition, Family and Struggle, formed the Archetype Alliance-Truth
Network, a language-line network created specifically to meet the international truth travelers
demands for meaning. Through extensive research, I have learned about attitudes, experience and
needs as frequent international language flyers. The result was a global language experience
combining a high quality code of natural tongues with extensive recognition and meaning reward
between the users of most countries of the world. Now, 19 years later, I am looking to the future to
provide an even greater level of truth communication. We have already introduced added semantic
value benefits such as a Gold Projection Powder and Philosophical Stone Tester tier system to
recognize and reward our most frequent truth customers. And that is just the start. The coming year
will see the addition of even more truth related advantages. Archetype Alliance is the truth-line
network for language. Changing minds and moods need not mean changing universal truth principles.
A truly global mind truth service that is a strong proposition. But that is exactly what you enjoy as a
frequent universal truth flyer. With over 7.000 natural tongue conversation-tools in more than 100
countries of the United Nations, and with no fewer than 23 Principles served by at least three levels
Archetype Alliance notions, expressions and deeds, there is simply no better way in the world
language of truth to get right and meaningful in all what you are saying, feeling and doing.
But the advantages of our global Archetype Alliance do not end there. All 23 Universal
Principles are working together to create a quality service so that complex international
communication meetings are as hassle-free and confusion-free as possible. For example, should you
need to change your mind between thinking and speech when communicating with non-restricted and
openly-free words, you can use the logical modeling endorsement truth to transfer meaning to a more
convenient expression on a principle, without having to return to the issuing origin of the words you
are using.
And with over 5.000 notions with which we are usually dealing in everyday life, there are
plenty of meaning alternatives to choose from. Universal Principles for same idea transfer can be
issued at the first point of the original model. And words are in place at key notions to move each
tongue facilities close together making the entire mental process smoother, getting you to your
desired meaning faster and in better grammatical shape. To mean something is to mean everything.
What is the difference between positive and negative? There is only a difference of potential.
When you have achieved elite status on understanding of just one universal principle,
would it not be great to understand the 22 others and, at the same time to be recognized by all the other
users of the General Code of Language? To meet ambiguous meanings of words we are using is easy.
To get truth is difficult. Truth is the natural and the logical way to become a real open-minded person.
Strange words and tight expressions are, for many language travelers, everyday tools. They find that
they have to use a number of casual words to travel around the same notion, with no gain of meaning.
With each traditional principle, a simple word as it seem to be the word truth, the traveler
becomes a new frequent truth traveler, so he earns a smaller number of principle points over a greater
number of strange words never collecting enough understanding for the rewards of meaning he
really wants when speaking. This is not true when one uses the Archetype Alliance-Truth Network.
Once you enroll, by simply accepting the universal principles models, in one of the frequent truthflyer programs within the Archetype Alliance-Truth Network, you earn qualifying meaning points in
your own communication tools program regardless of the universal principle you are traveling with,
in the way of perpetual truth. This enables you to reach elite status in your chosen meaning program
more quickly than even before. To recognize the status of our most frequent truth travelers, we have
introduced Archetype Alliance Truth Gold-Powder Alchemy and Philosophical Stone benefits across
each of the principles frequent truth-flyer programs. Archetype Alliance Gold Projection-Powder
status offers you a host of truth- travel-related language benefits such as priority meaning-wait list in
The General Code of Language, priority truth-check-in, priority meaningless standby (where permitted
by the laws of universal principles), and access to selected words-wide language remainders in the
7.000 members tongues. Archetype Alliance Philosophical Stone status offers advantages to check
automatically the meaning of any word used in communication, including priority wait list for
principles and priority meaning standby. In short, you enjoy equal recognition of words and
grammatical status in all natural tongues of the world. If you demand truth, insist on the Archetype
Alliance Network. The Archetype Alliance is the Truth-Line for over 5,000 everyday words, more
than 7,000 natural tongues, 23 Language Universal Principles, more than 200,000 notions in every
natural tongue, but has one shared philosophy: to strive to provide truth to the frequent truth traveler,
with seamless logical and meaning service, global communication access to The General Code of
Language and truth-wide recognition. The Archetype Alliance is the Truth-Line for Language over 23
Universal Principles in all natural tongues of man. Before closing, I have received confidential
information about certain viruses that have infected our global communication. Here are some: War,
Hate, Fiction, Wickedness, Superstition, Cowardice, Illness, Falsehood, Ugliness, Coercion, and
There are so many more that I fail to remember.