Beowulf English 9 Lesson Plan
Beowulf English 9 Lesson Plan
Beowulf English 9 Lesson Plan
I. Objectives
At the end of the 50 minute lesson, 75 % of students should be able to:
Aivie Castillo. 2009. Lesson plan guides in the teaching of the English epic,
"Beowulf". [ONLINE] Available at:
beowulf-2804355. [Accessed 15 July 2018].
A Journey through Anglo-American Literature, page 33 to 39
Language in literature by L. Ribo
Prentice hall Literature: The English Tradition
Teaching materials:
Audio amplification device
graphic organizer
Teaching Method/Strategy:
Explicit Teaching Method
Humanistic approach
Top-down listening strategy
III. Presentation
A. Routine
1. Prayer
2. Attendance
3. Brain teaser0
B. Motivation
“I am male,
Add a letter, and I am female.
Add another letter and I am male again,
add three more letters and I am female again.
What am I?”
C. Presentation
D. Unlocking of Difficulties
Re-arrange jumbled letters in each box to come up with the word that means the same
with the underlined word/phrase in each sentence.
1. You can always turn to your best friend who always knows how to cheer you up in
times of pain and misery.
2. Watching the beautiful sunset at the Manila Bay gives a feeling of comfort and relief.
3. To protect himself during battle, a warrior wears a flexible body armor made of metal.
4. In Ancient England, a warrior’s victory was celebrated in banquet halls with feasting,
drinking liquor especially mead, long speeches and giving of gifts.
eam -shall
5. In the epic Beowulf, the monster seeks the hall warrior while the young soldiers are
E. Discussion
1. The teacher presents pictures of different heroes. Then discuss their attributes.
3. The teacher will let students view a video of Efren Penaflorida being a CNN hero of
the year awardee.
6. The teacher will give a short lecture about the Anglo-Saxon culture and history then
afterwards introduce Beowulf.
7. Show video clips of Beowulf in the class that will invigorate students interest in the
quests and adventures of Beowulf.
IV. Evaluation
How can a teenager the virtues of courage, generosity, truthfulness, and
commitment in their studies, family and oneself? Make a word association based on
your initials and incorporate them on the four values named above.
V. Assignment
Look for stories of heroism in your community, then write the story on your
journal notebook.
Note: This learning plan follows a series of lessons that will eventually complete the discussion on the literature used,
under explicit teaching method.