Gender Studies
Gender Studies
Gender Studies
1) Introduction to Gender Studies
a) Introduction to Gender Studies
b) Difference between Gender and Women Studies
Define and discuss the discipline of Gender studies and also differentiate between
women studies and gender studies. (2017)
• What are the fundamental differences between Gender Studies and Women's
Studies? Substantiate your argument(s) with examples. Highlight the current status
of women studies in Pakistan (20) (2018)
• . How do you differentiate the discipline of Gender Studies from that of Women
Studies? Historically trace the need for the establishment of Gender Studies as a
distinct discipline and its scope and significance with especial reference to Pakistan.
(20) (2019)
c) Multi-disciplinary nature of Gender Studies
Define and discuss the discipline of Gender studies and also differentiate between
women studies and gender studies. (2017)
d) Autonomy vs. Integration Debate in Gender Studies
Write a comprehensive note on autonomy versus integration debate in gender
studies. (2017)
• Discuss in detail what the autonomy and Integration debate in gender studies have
important contribution for the development of the field of knowledge. (2021)
• Write a note on status of women's studies in Pakistan and give your views on the
autonomy/integration debate in Women's Studies. (2016)
Status of Gender Studies in Pakistan
• Write a note on status of women's studies in Pakistan and give your views on the
autonomy/integration debate in Women's Studies. (2016)
e) Status of Gender Studies in Pakistan
• .Believing in the statement that “women cover half the sky”, do you think we need equal
number of women in all spheres of public domain, especially in politics? (20) (2018)
• ‘Gender Strategic Needs’ and ‘Gender Practical Needs’ (2018)
• APWA and WAF
• 'Language is gendered', what does this imply? Explain with examples
• “For realizing, in letter and spirit, the ideals of a democratic welfare state, it is necessary
to institute a system which fully guarantees human rights, generates conducive
environment for the pragmatic use and beneficial enjoyment of human rights and provides
operative safeguards and expeditious remedy against any violation of human rights”.
Critically evaluate the statement with specia reference to Pakistan. (2020)