DesignofCollaborativeLearningwithCreativeProblem SolvingProcess
DesignofCollaborativeLearningwithCreativeProblem SolvingProcess
DesignofCollaborativeLearningwithCreativeProblem SolvingProcess
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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 116 (2014) 3921 – 3926
The purposes of this research study were: 1) to design a Collaborative Learning with Creative Problem-Solving Process Learning Activities in a
Ubiquitous Learning Environment to Develop Creative Thinking Skills; 2) to evaluate U-CCPS learning activities. The research procedures
were divided into two phases. The first phase was to develop U-CCPS learning activities, and the second phase was to evaluate U-CCPS
learning activities. The sample group in this study consisted of five experts in instructional design, information technology, U-Learning, and
creative thinking skills using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The research findings were
as follows: The U-CCPS learning activities consisted of three components as follows: 1) studying the contents, 2) arranging the Collaborative
Learning Process by means of a Creative Problem-Solving Process, and 3) summary. The process of Collaborative Learning with Creative
Problem-Solving Process consisted of five stages: 1) identify tasks/problem issues, 2) plan for the project/job, 3) create the project/job 4)
present the project, and 5) an evaluation of the project.. The objective of the model is to develop creative thinking skills. 2. The experts agreed
that U-CCPS Learning Activities were appropriate.
© 2013 The
Selection andAuthors. Published
peer review underbythe
Elsevier Ltd.
responsibility of Prof. Dr. Servet Bayram
Keywords: and/or peer-review
Learning, under
Creativeresponsibility ofProcess,
Problem-Solving Academic WorldCreative
U-Learning, Education and Skills.
Thinking Research Center.
© 2013 The
Keywords: Authors. Published
Collaborative by Elsevier
Learning, Creative Ltd. All rights
Problem-Solving reserved.
Process, U-Learning, Creative Thinking Skills.
1. Introduction
Thailand has seen the significance of the National Education Act (B.E. 2542) and the amendment (2) (B.E. 2545), which
encourage learners to rely on themselves, possess creativity, study hard and learn on their own in order to solve all problems in
any circumstance of daily life and as such has tried to develop creativity so as to deal with the changes which originate from
Thailand has also implemented the National Policy Framework (B.E. 2554-2563 (ICT 2020), Strategy 6), for developing and
applying ICT to reduce economic and social inequality, especially the fundamental ICT services necessary for a pleasant and
healthy life, e.g., the education and healthcare service. There has been encouragement to develop and apply digital innovation
and media in all levels of education and to promote the creation and publication of electronic media or lessons at all levels. The
said policy framework places an emphasis on the application of information technology and communication in educational
management. The U-Learning method was developed on the basis of ubiquitous technology, creating different modes of learning
in various environments, according to the contexts of learners. This enables the learners to learn anywhere and anytime through a
portable device. In addition, this technology provides flexibility and quick access to the information. U-Learning can be applied
with the Constructivism Learning Theory; thus, the use of the learning theory to design any type of education will help to create
links between learners' knowledge and their environments. The author is interested in Collaborative Learning, which encourages
the learners to willingly work in a group setting with other members who have different abilities. The learners will study and find
out what their similar interests are, and then present the derived knowledge in the form of a project (Garlach, 1994; Junqi,
Wu.,Yumei, Liu. & Zhibin, Liu., 2010; Yahya, 2010))
Creativity is an indispensable skill according to the National Education Act (B.E. 2542) and the amendment (2) (B.E. 2545).
Therefore, a great number of educators have been doing research to find out the strategies and educational management
guidelines in order to enhance the learners' creativity. Hence, the techniques of Creative Problem-Solving Process have been
increasingly popular. Educators from many institutes have applied this Creative Problem-Solving Process in general education,
both for youths and adults. This is because the said techniques are simple to use in our daily life; they are easy to learn and to
understand, applicable to all age groups, all situations, and all cultures. Besides this, the techniques are actually practical; that is,
they can really solve any problems in daily life. Particularly, the said techniques are created to develop creativity(Isaksan, 1994;
Treffinger, 2003; Maraviglia, 2006).
It is necessary to develop learning activities by means of information technology so that the learners will have creative
thinking skills. So, the author is interested in developing a model of Collaborative Learning through electronic media with
Creative Problem-Solving Process in a U-learning environment to let the learners enhance their creative thinking skills. A
conceptual framework of a teaching model will be synthesized, and the suitability of learning activity by experts will be
examined. The objective, therefore, is to obtain a conceptual framework of this learning model, which can actually be applied
3.1. The study population was experts in instructional design, U-Learning, information technology and creative thinking.
3.2. The sample groups of study were five experts in instructional design, U-Learning, information technology and creative
thinking by purposive sampling.
3.3. Variables of the study:
3.3.1. An independent variable was Collaborative Learning with Creative Problem-Solving Process Learning Activities in a
Ubiquitous Learning Environment.
3.3.2. A dependent variable was evaluation of the proposed activity.
4. Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of this study is shown in Figure 1. Four components were used for creating a U-CCPS model
which theoretically affected the Ubiquitous Learning environment, Collaborative Learning, Creative Problem-Solving Process
and creative thinking skill of the learner.
5. Methodology
The first phase was to develop Collaborative Learning with Creative Problem-Solving Process Learning Activities in a
Ubiquitous Learning Environment to develop Creative Thinking Skills with the following method:
5.1.1. To study, analyze and synthesize documents and former research relevant to the elements of U-learning activities,
Collaborative Learning and Creative Problem-Solving Process. Then, the results thereof were used to set up a conceptual
framework in order to develop a model of Collaborative Learning.
5.1.2. To study information about learning management by interviewing the instructors in order to synthesize the data of learning
activity and by interviewing the students about their ability to use information technology and communication for learning, their
learning style, and their cognitive style.
5.1.3. The development of the model of Collaborative Learning activity in this phase was derived by analyzing the principles of
Collaborative Learning and Creative Problem-Solving Process. Then, the results of the study were used to identify Collaborative
Learning activity based on the following steps: 1) studying the contents, 2) arranging Collaborative Learning Process by means
of Creative Problem-Solving Process, and 3) summary.
5.1.4. To present the Collaborative Learning activity to the advisors for consideration and revision.
5.1.5. To present the Collaborative Learning activity to the experts for consideration by means of in-depth interview.
5.1.6. To create the tools for evaluating the suitability of the model of Collaborative Learning activity.
The second phase of the project was an evaluation of Collaborative Learning with Creative Problem-Solving Process Learning
Activities in a Ubiquitous Learning Environment to develop Creative Thinking Skills, with a method as follows:
5.2.1. To present the developed activity to the five experts from the fields of learning design, U-learning, information technology
and creativity, for suitability evaluation.
5.2.2. To improve the model of Collaborative Learning activity according to the suggestions of the experts.
5.2.3. To present the model of Collaborative Learning activity in the form of a diagram with report.
5.2.4. To analyze the results of evaluation of the model by mean () and standard deviation (S.D.) consisting of five criteria for
evaluation, according to the ideas of Likert; that is, very good, good, moderate, bad and very bad.
6. Result
6.1. The Collaborative Learning with Creative Problem-Solving Process Learning Activities in a Ubiquitous Learning
Environment to develop Creative Thinking Skills(U-CCPS)
The U-CCPS consisted of three components as follows: 1) studying the contents, 2) arranging the Collaborative Learning
Process by means of Creative Problem-Solving Process, and 3) summary.
6.1.2. Arranging the Collaborative Learning Process by means of Creative Problem-Solving Process
The author inserted the Creative Problem-Solving Process within the steps of Collaborative Learning, including the
Collaborative Learning Process by means of Creative Problem-Solving Process and learning activity to develop creativity. The
activity included both class learning and U-Learning (Blended Learning) with the following five steps:
discuss with friends to review the working process and consider supporting factors or obstacles. Then, the plan was adapted to be
as appropriate as possible before taking action (solution and acceptance finding).
6.1.3. Summary
When the learners have taken all the steps, there will be a summary of learning results, principles and concepts from education
in the model of Collaborative Learning. Then, there will be discussions and brain storming to conclude the learning principles.
After that, the results of the aforementioned summary will be examined.
Table 1 shows that the experts agreed that U-CCPS Learning Activities was appropriate in a good level. ( = 4.45, S.D. =
Evaluation Lists Level of Quality
1 Studying the contents 4.60 0.55 Very Good
2. Arranging Collaborative Learning Process by means of 4.36 0.64 Good
Creative Problem-Solving Process
2.1 Identify tasks/problem issues 4.60 0.55 Very Good
2.2 Plan for the project/job 4.40 0.55 Good
2.3 Create the project/job 4.20 0.84 Good
2.4 Present the project 4.60 0.55 Very Good
2.5 Evaluation of the project 4.00 0.71 Good
3. Summary 4.40 0.55 Good
Summary 4.45 0.55 Good
7. Conclusion
The U-CCPS learning activities consisted of studies of content, Collaborative Learning with Creative Problem-Solving
Process and conclusion. The process of Collaborative Learning with Creative Problem-Solving Process consisted of five stages:
1) identify tasks/problem issues, 2) plan for the project/job, 3) create the project/job, 4) present the project, and 5) evaluation of
the project.
The findings from this study appear to provide strong support for the premise that a collaborative learning and teaching
approach delivered using a ubiquitous learning environment could provide strong support for developing undergraduate students’
creative thinking skills because students can share knowledge and interact with their friends.
The U-CCPS learning activities are an appropriate technique for use in education and can help undergraduate students to
develop knowledge and skills in information and communication technology.
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