LCA English 2019 - MS

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Coimisiún na Scrúduithe Stáit

State Examinations Commission

Leaving Certificate Applied 2019

Marking Scheme

English and Communication

Common Level
Note to teachers and students on the use of published marking schemes
Marking schemes published by the State Examinations Commission are not intended to be
standalone documents. They are an essential resource for examiners who receive training
in the correct interpretation and application of the scheme. This training involves, among
other things, marking samples of student work and discussing the marks awarded, so as to
clarify the correct application of the scheme. The work of examiners is subsequently
monitored by Advising Examiners to ensure consistent and accurate application of the
marking scheme. This process is overseen by the Chief Examiner, usually assisted by a Chief
Advising Examiner. The Chief Examiner is the final authority regarding whether or not the
marking scheme has been correctly applied to any piece of candidate work.

Marking schemes are working documents. While a draft marking scheme is prepared in
advance of the examination, the scheme is not finalised until examiners have applied it to
candidates’ work and the feedback from all examiners has been collated and considered in
light of the full range of responses of candidates, the overall level of difficulty of the
examination and the need to maintain consistency in standards from year to year. This
published document contains the finalised scheme, as it was applied to all candidates’ work.

In the case of marking schemes that include model solutions or answers, it should be noted
that these are not intended to be exhaustive. Variations and alternatives may also be
acceptable. Examiners must consider all answers on their merits, and will have consulted
with their Advising Examiners when in doubt.

Future Marking Schemes

Assumptions about future marking schemes on the basis of past schemes should be
avoided. While the underlying assessment principles remain the same, the details of the
marking of a particular type of question may change in the context of the contribution of
that question to the overall examination in a given year. The Chief Examiner in any given
year has the responsibility to determine how best to ensure the fair and accurate
assessment of candidates’ work and to ensure consistency in the standard of the
assessment from year to year. Accordingly, aspects of the structure, detail and application
of the marking scheme for a particular examination are subject to change from one year to
the next without notice.
Part One – Audio Visual (40 marks)

1. Name the two characters, played by actors Nicole and Alex, who are making a surprise
return to the set of Home and Away. (2 marks)
Award 2 marks (1 + 1) Bobbie and Frank

2. How do you think they feel about returning to the set after so many years? (2 marks)
Award 2 marks for one observation – excited, nervous, happy, nostalgic etc.

3. What do you think actor Ray Meagher, who plays the part of Alf, means when he says that
the actors in Home and Away are 'like members of a club'? (4 marks)
Award 4 marks for any reasonable explanation as to what the statement means. The actors are a
close-knit group like a family. No one is more important that anyone else – they have a shared
experience. Actors move on but they still belong in the family, etc.

4. What was the original concept (idea) behind the show Home and Away when it first
started in 1988? (4 marks)
Award 4 marks for any reasonable explanation of the original concept behind the show. A family
moves to Summer Bay from the city looking for a new way of life. They have foster kids who grow
with the show and leave which allows the show to introduce new characters over time, etc.

5. Why do you think the programme Home and Away has appealed to audiences for the past
thirty years? (6 marks)
Award Ex 6 marks for reasonable suggestions as to why the show has had long-standing appeal.
The show has interesting story lines, love interests, attractive actors, action and drama, cliff-hanger
plots, etc.

6. Based on what you see in the clip, do you think the actors in Home and Away have a
positive relationship with their fans? Explain your answer. (4 marks)
Expect candidates to say that they do have a positive relationship. Award Ex 4 marks for any
reasonable suggestion. Candidates should explain their answer. The clip would suggest that the
actors do have a positive relationship with the show’s fans. The actors give up their time to meet
them. There is a sense of fun and banter in their interactions. The fans have come from far away
places. The actors show an interest in the fans, asking them about where they come from. The
fans clearly enjoy engaging with the actors, taking pictures, etc.

7. What do you think the presenter means when he says that Home and Away is 'a well-oiled
machine'? Explain your answer. (4 marks)
Award Ex 4 marks for any reasonable explanation. The show runs very efficiently and effectively.
The show runs to a tight schedule starting early and everyone has to stick to this. Everyone
involved appears to work hard and to understand their role in the show. We see how efficiently it
is run when we see behind-the-scenes, etc.

8. From what you have seen, do you think that the actors enjoy working on Home and Away?
Give reasons for your answer. (6 marks)
Expect candidates to say that the actors do enjoy working on the show. Award Ex 6 marks for any
reasonable explanation. Ray Meagher (Alf) tells us that he loves it. Everyone seems to be enjoying
their work. They are all in a good mood – smiling, laughing, having fun. They seem to be proud of
their work, etc.

9. Some actors from Home and Away have moved on to successful acting careers in movies.
Based on this clip and on your knowledge of soap operas, why do you think soap operas are
a good training ground for actors? Explain your answer. (8 marks)
Mark by impression Ex 8 marks. Soap operas teach actors the basics, learning lines, how things
work on a set, how the technical side of things work. It is a bit like serving an apprenticeship.
Soap operas require actors to have a level of discipline that would help them in later careers. Soap
opreas give actors a profile on which they can build. They become well known and noticed.

Part Two – Written (120 marks)
Candidates must attempt FOUR questions, ONE from each of the FOUR sections.


Section 1 Communications and the Working World.

Answer question 1 or 2
1. Read the following piece on how to become an apprentice taken from
Answer the questions that follow.

The secrets to a successful apprenticeship with an approved employer:

 Spend time thinking about what industry you would like to work in.
 Do some research and make sure you fully understand what's involved in this
 Find out about the potential career opportunities available.
 Be sure to see the work first hand – ask employers or other apprentices to help you find
out more information.
Find an employer
 Look for apprentice job advertisments in local and national newspapers.
 Use the internet to find out about opportunities. Use social media websites to learn
more about opportunities as they become available.
 Register for notifications about upcoming apprenticeship opportunities on websites such
as or
Find out what employers want
 A quick learner, a good listener and someone who can use the training they receive.
 Reliability is very important – employers need their apprentices to show up for work and
to be on time, to work hard and be focused on the job.
 Having done work placements during your school programme will help when trying to
get into an apprenticeship. Employers like to know that you have some understanding of
the workplace and the practical realities of daily work life.

(a) (i) Identify two ways you could find an approved employer for an apprenticeship.
(2 marks)
Award 2 (1 + 1) marks for any two of the following: Look for job advertisements in newspapers, use
the internet and social media websites, register for notifications on apprenticeship websites.

(ii) Based on what you have read above, outline two things an employer looks for in
their employees. (4 marks)
Award 4 marks (2 + 2) for a brief explanation of any two of the following: Quick learners; good
listeners; people who are reliable; people who are focused; people who have some understanding
of the workplace and the practical realities of working life.

(b) (i) Do you think that listening is an important skill for good communications in the
workplace? Explain your answer. (4 marks)
Award 4 marks for any reasonable explanation of whether candidate believes that listening is an
important skill for good communication in the workplace. Expect candidates to agree; It is
important to listen so that instructions are followed correctly; it could be important for health and
safety reasons; if you don’t listen, you won’t understand what is required of you, etc.

(ii) Identify two examples of good non-verbal communication in the workplace.(2 marks)
Award 2 marks (1 + 1) for identifying two examples of non-verbal communication; memos and
emails, facial expressions, gestures and signs.

(c) Describe one skill you developed and one personal quality you discovered, during your
Leaving Certificate Applied work placement. (6 marks)
Award 3 marks for a skill identified and 3 marks for a quality identified. Award any reasonable
suggestion in each area. Skills could include anything the candidate states that they acquired
during their work placements. Qualities could include anything they discovered about themselves
during their work placement.

(d) You are completing an application form for an apprenticeship in a work area of interest to
you. The application form asks you to provide information in the following areas:
 Apprenticeship you are applying for
 An account of your work placement history and the duties you performed
 Achievements / Hobbies and Interests
 Referees.
Complete the form below. (12 marks)

Candidates should write using an appropriate tone and register for an application form.
Candidates should display the information in a manner that is appropriate to an application form.
Discriminate based on the quality of the response.

Apprenticeship An account of work Achievements / Referees

applying for placement history Hobbies and Interests
and duties performed

1 mark 6 (3 + 3) marks 3 marks 2 marks


2. Read the following feedback accounts given by different employers about their experience
with their work placement student employees. Answer the questions that follow.

Feedback 1: "Katie has been extremely pro-active and enthusiatic working with my team. Katie
is confident in the team environment and not afraid to ask questions and offer a viewpoint. She
has been punctual, reliable and friendly – and generally a pleasure to have around." A. Morton
– Manager at Dunnes Stores

Feedback 2: "Jack has been an excellent student due to his enthusiasm, confidence and excellent
communication skills. He has a natural way of dealing with the customers and was a great
addition to the team." B. Murphy – Manager at Superdry

Feedback 3: "Sarah has been a credit to her family and her school. The children and the teachers
have enjoyed having her with us. Polite, helpful and caring, she has completed all tasks given to
her diligently and to a very high standard. Thank you Sarah, you are welcome back anytime."
M. Sadlier – Principal of St. Joseph's Primary School

Feedback 4: "Ryan has worked very hard and has shown great skill and confidence in all of the
tasks he has been set. He has accepted some of the less exciting or glamorous tasks with the
same positive attitude as the more fun tasks and has been a pleasure to have around. We would
be happy to employ someone with his work ethic. I personally would recommend him to any
future employer." C. Hayden – Manager at deBarbers

(a) (i) If you were an employer, which one of the students given feedback above would you
employ? Give a reason for your choice. (2 marks)
Candidate can choose any student. Award 2 marks for any reasonable reason offered for the
candidate‘s choice of student.

(ii) What overall message do you think comes across from the feedback accounts, about
how to impress employers in the workplace? Explain your answer. (4 marks)
Expect candidates to suggest an overall message extrapolated from the passage. Award 4 marks
for an explanation based on the content of the feedback. Be punctual, polite, reliable, ask
questions, enthusiastic, flexible, have high standards, etc.

(b) (i) Based on your own experience with work placement, write out the feedback you
think one of your employers would give about you. (4 marks)
Award 4 marks for any reasonable suggestion by the candidate on what an employer might say
about them. Expect candidates to identify personal qualitites or skills that their work placement
enabled them to demonstrate. Allow for a variety of approaches. Candidates may model
approach on text given.

(ii) According to Feedback 4, Ryan accepted some of the less exciting or glamorous tasks
with a positive attitude. Why do you think it is important to have a positive attitude
in the workplace? Give a reason for your answer. (2 marks)
Award 2 marks for any reasonable explanation as to why having a positive attitude is important in
the workplace. Good for moral, helps to motivate and to keep people going, nobody likes working
with negativity, etc.

(c) Work placement is an important part of the Leaving Certificate Applied programme.
Outline two benefits, you think students get from their work placements. (6 marks)
Award 6 marks (3 + 3) for each benefit outlined by the candidate that they believe they got from
their work placements. Insight into future careers, self confidence, opportunities to work with
others, opportunities to work in new and interesting environments, difference between work and
school, etc.

(d) You have been asked by the principal of your school to give a talk to a new Leaving
Certificate Applied class on how to get the most out of their work placement. Write out
the speech you would give using the following headings:
 Finding the work placement
 The preparations you made before beginning the work placement
 One skill and one quality you developed while on work placement
 One piece of advice you would give students about how to get the most out of their
work placements. (12 marks)

Expect candidates to use a tone and register appropriate to a talk to fellow students. Allow for a
formal or informal approach. Reward clarity and focus. Discriminate based on the quality of the

Finding the work The preparations One skill and one One piece of advice
placement made before quality developed about how to get the
beginning most out of their
work placement
2 marks 4 marks 4 marks 2 marks

Section 2 Communications and Enterprise
Answer question 3 or 4
3. Read the following piece about a hand-made chocolate business, taken from Answer the questions that follow.

Even from the age of nine, my vision was always to run my own business. I studied bakery
production and management in college and after graduation, I worked for two highly respected
chocolate companies – Butler‘s and then Lily O'Brien‘s. I started Aine Hand Made Chocolate in
1999. We employ ten people today in our chocolate factory, exporting to five countries outside
of Ireland.
Creating my brand from scratch and working on new products and packaging were among the
high points. Winning all those 'Great Taste Awards' in the UK year-after-year, was also a great
source of pride.
On the other hand, finding a bank that would back me in the early days was a big struggle. That
sometimes meant not having enough cash to pay the rent because of low sale volumes or being
unable to invest in new equipment. In those early days, getting my products listed with
supermarkets or even getting meetings with buyers was also tough.
The biggest break-through moment for me was when we received our first high volume order
from the John Lewis chain in the UK. That opened so many doors for us and was the start of our
export journey.
The recession hit the business hard. Our corporate client base virtually disappeared overnight.
So we went back to the drawing board and re-looked at all our products. We redesigned our
packaging, deliberately choosing more vibrant colours that would stand out on shelves more and
would catch a shopper's eye. We did a lot more farmers' markets and food shows around the
country to help us research consumer tastes, trial new product ideas and generate cash flow.
The economy is improving, so I am optimistic about the future. The best piece of advice I got
about running a business is that you learn something new every day and as business owners, we
are allowed to make mistakes.

(a) (i) What evidence from the passage suggests that Aine Hand Made Chocolate is a
successful business? (2 marks)
Award 2 marks for any one piece of evidence. Winning awards, securing sales in the UK,
responding to the recession, etc.

(ii) When the recession hit the business, how did Aine Hand Made Chocolate respond?
(4 marks)
Award 4 marks for any reasonable explanation of the actions taken by the business to deal with
the recession. Redesigned packaging, looked at product, did farmer’s markets and food shows,

(b) What do you think are the two most important things you can learn about running a
business from reading this passage? Explain your answer. (6 marks)
Mark Ex 6 marks (3 + 3). Expect candidates to explain what they have learned about running a
business from the passage. Allow for a variety of responses. It takes hard work, you have to be
resilient, take the good days with the bad, be able to adapt, etc.

(c) Many businesses face difficulties from time to time. Describe one challenge or difficulty
that arose in your mini-company / enterprise and explain how you and your classmates
resolved this challenge or difficulty. (6 marks)
Mark by impression Ex 6 marks. Expect candidates to describe a difficulty or challenge they
experienced when participating in their mini-company / enterprise and to explain how the
difficulty or challenge was resolved. Allow for a range of responses.

(d) You have been asked by your local enterprise board to write an article for their website on
your experience of a student mini-company / enterprise explaining what you learnt under
the following headings:
 The importance of good leadership
 The importance of market research
 What you enjoyed most and least from your involvement in the mini-company /
Write the article below. (12 marks)

Expect candidates to adopt a register and tone appropriate to an article. Allow for a variety of
approaches to a website article. Discriminate based on the quality of the response.

The importance of The importance of What you enjoyed What you enjoyed
good leadership market research most least

3 marks 3 marks 3 marks 3 marks


4. Read the following advertisment for The Garda Reserve taken from
Answer the questions that follow.

Garda Reserve Recruitment Now Open

The Garda Reserve is now actively recruiting for new members to join its ranks. The role of The
Garda Reserve is to provide local patrols and to participate in crime prevention.

 Are you aged 18-60?

 Have you time to spare?
 Are you interested in making a
 Why not become a member of the
Garda Reserve?

If you have an interest in:

 Community Engagement and
Public Safety
 Confronting Crime
 Road Policing

Then this is the opportunity for you.

If you can give four hours a week, the opportunity of serving the local community will be very
rewarding. Learn new skills, gain front-line policing experience, and give back to local
communities while being part of a great team. The Garda Reserve gives its members an intense
training course and teaches invaluable skills. These skills and the experience they gain are
invaluable to those of school leaving age as they enter the workplace.

Educational requirements:

 Candidates must have obtained the Leaving Certificate Examination

 The merit grade in the Leaving Certificate Applied

Closing date: 12th September, 2019

Visit to apply

(a) (i) Who do you think is the target audience for the above advertisement? (2 marks)
Award 2 marks for any reasonable suggestion as to whom the target audience is.

(ii) Suggest a slogan to accompany this advertisment and explain why you think it would
improve it. (4 marks)
Award 4 marks (2 + 2) for the slogan and an explanation as to why it would improve the

(b) Would this advertisement for The Garda Reserve encourage you to join it? Give two
reasons for your answer. (6 marks)
Candidates may or may not be encouraged to join the Reserve. Award 6 marks (3 + 3) for the two
reasons outlined in their answer. Allow for a variety of responses.

(c) The Garda Reserve trains its members to fulfil many important roles in the community.
Based on your experience of Communications and Enterprise, outline your role in a mini-
company or enterprise you were involved in. (6 marks)
Mark by impression Ex 6 marks. Expect candidates to clearly outline in detail the role that they
fulfilled in the enterprise or mini-company they were involved in.

(d) Members of The Garda Reserve came to your school to give a talk to all Leaving Certificate
Applied students about the work The Garda Reserve does. As a result you are interested in
joining The Garda Reserve. Write the cover letter to accompany your CV in which you
explain the following:
 Why you are interested in joining The Garda Reserve
 Two skills you learnt in the Leaving Certificate Applied programme that you think could
benefit you in your work with The Garda Reserve. (12 marks)

Expect candidates to adopt a register and tone appropriate to a formal letter. Expect candidates to
format the letter, addresses, salutation, sign-off appropriately. Discriminate based on the quality
of the response.

Format of letter Why you are Two skills you learnt in the Leaving Certificate
interested in joining Applied programme that you think could
The Garda Reserve benefit you in your work with The Garda
4 marks 4 marks 2 marks 2 marks

Section 3: The Communications Media
Answer question 5 or 6
5. Read the following piece about news, taken from Answer the questions
that follow.
Why News Matters
Ask 100 people 'What is news?' and you'll get 100 different answers. The Oxford Dictionary
defines news as 'new information, fresh events reported'. In other words, something new,
that affects someone, somewhere. It could be as simple as an event in your school, like a
student winning an award, something that happened on your street, or something more
global, like the election of US President Donald Trump.

Can you trust what you see or read?

We've all heard the phrase 'fake news'. In the world of social media, where everyone is more
connected than ever before, it's often difficult to know what's real and what's fake. When news
happens, there is often a race to get the information out into the public arena. But just because
the information is first, does not automatically mean it is right. You need to be able to trust
what you read. At a time when the world seems to be caught up in a war of words, you need to
carefully choose what you read. For some people, traditional newspapers still provide certainty,
in a world of uncertainty.
What is the role of a journalist?
Even in the age of 24-hour news cycles, digital platforms and social media, the key role of a
journalist remains the same – gather the information and present it fairly and accurately. The
key for any journalist is to give an accurate and balanced report of whatever they are working
on, whatever platform they are reporting on – print or digital. It's the job of the journalist to tell
the reader what happened, to whom, how and when. For all journalists, it's not their views on
what's happened. It's what actually happened – the facts of which they should have checked
and double checked.

(a) (i) What is your understanding of the term 'fake news'? (3 marks)
Award 3 marks for any reasonable explanation of fake news. News that cannot be trusted where
you don’t know whether or not it is true, lies, inaccurate news, etc.
(ii) Based on what you have read above, outline the role of a journalist. (5 marks)
Mark by impression Ex 5. Candidates may refer to gathering information, presenting it accurately,
being accurate and balanced, telling reader what happened to whom, how and when, checking the
facts, etc. Responses should be based on evidence from the passage.

(b) Outline two advantages of reading a newspaper online compared to reading it in print.
(4 marks)
Award 4 marks (2 +2) for two advantages of reading a newspaper online compared to reading it in
print. Convenience, can view on devices, the information is more up-to-date, often free, easier to
manipulate, more envirionmentally friendly, etc.

(c) Name one broadsheet newspaper and one tabloid newspaper you are familiar with and
outline two differences between these newspaper types. (6 marks)
Award 2 marks (1 + 1) for the newspaper titles and 4 marks (2 + 2) for two differences between the
newspaper types. Answers may refer to aspects of content, style, formats, headlines,
exaggeration, treatment of celebrity / sport, etc.

(d) You have recently conducted an interesting interview with a celebrity, to be included in a
magazine for young people. You asked the celebrity two questions. Write the text of the
interview you conducted using the following headings:
 Name of person being interviewed
 Question 1
 Celebrity’s response
 Question 2
 Celebrity’s response. (12 marks)

Expect candidates to adopt a register and tone appropriate to an informal interview. Discriminate
based on the quality of the response. Award candidates who engage with the notion of an
interesting interview. Award 4 marks (2 + 2) for the two questions and 8 marks (4 + 4) for their
chosen celebrity‘s response. You may or may not recognise the celebrity chosen.

Question 1 Answer 1 Question 2 Answer 2

2 marks 4 marks 2 marks 4 marks


6. Read the following piece on up-and-coming Irish actor Barry Keoghan taken from and Answer the questions that follow.

Barry Keoghan has come a long way. It's four years since Keoghan's character shot that poor cat
in Love / Hate. Since then, he's had decent roles in Rebecca Daly's Mammal, Christopher
Nolan's Dunkirk and a standout performance in Yorgos Lanthimos's The Killing of a Sacred Deer.
The air around him is alive with expectation as he has been named on US Magazine Variety's 10
Actors To Watch.

He remains fiercely proud of where he came from and knows he had fewer advantages than
most other actors in the business. Born and raised in Dublin's inner city, Barry spent a period of
time in a number of different foster-care homes, before being taken in and raised by his
grandmother. "My granny's great. She raised me well. She's very proud."

As a child, Keoghan loved movies, drawing and people-watching. "I'd see people on the street
and they'd interest me, and I'd go home and try to draw that character, and figure out what
their story was. Creating characters was a big thing for me."

One tip Barry Keoghan has for film auditions is to be yourself when you're meeting all the
casting people and directors. It makes you more unique and stands you apart from all the
others walking through the room.

According to Barry a good tip for acting is to tease the audience. Let them chase what is going
on. Don't give it away. The best thing about being an actor for Barry is forgetting your own
problems and getting in someone else's shoes - letting someone else who's coming to see you in
a film forget their problems and enter another world, and letting them enjoy that for the ninety
minutes or whatever.

(a) (i) Why do you think Barry Keoghan‘s grandmother is important to him? (3 marks)

Award 3 marks for any reasonable explanation. He had a difficult childhood in foster care before
she took him in and raised him.
(ii) Based on what you have read above, what kind of child do you think Barry Keoghan
was? Explain your answer. (5 marks)
Mark by impression Ex 5. Candidates should explain their answer based on the content of the
passage. Imaginative, resilient, difficult, creative, liked watching other people, etc.

(b) Based on your reading of the passage above what do you think Barry Keoghan enjoys most
about acting? (4 marks)

Award 4 marks for any reasonable explanation, based on the passage, of what the actor enjoys
about acting: entertaining people, escaping reality, allowing others to escape reality, etc.

(c) Many techniques are used in film to add to an audience‘s enjoyment of it. In the case of
the following terms, explain how each one could be used in a film to make it more
enjoyable to watch. (6 marks)
Conflict Visual Effects Sound Effects
Award 6 marks (2 +2 +2) for a clear explanation as to how each technique could add enjoyment to
a film: add drama; add excitement; add to the plot; create mood; make it more interesting;
enhance character, etc.

(d) Write a response to a film or TV programme you have studied. In your response include
each of the following:
 Name of the film or TV programme
 An account of one scene from the film or TV programme that you found particularly
 A description of the mood / atmosphere in that scene
 A description of one technique that was used in the film or TV programme that
captured your attention
(12 marks)
Allow for a variety of approaches to the task. Allow for a libral interpretation of response.
Discriminate based on the quality of the response.

Name of film / tv An account of one A description of the A description of one

programme scene from the film mood / atmosphere technique that was
or TV programme in that scene used in the film or TV
that you found programme that
particularly captured your
memorable attention

1 mark 5 marks 3 marks 3 marks

Section 4 Critical Literacy and Composition
Answer question 7 or 8
7. Read the following extract adapted from, The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas. Answer the
questions that follow.
Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighbourhood where she lives and the
wealthy suburban high school she attends. In her neighbourhood there is tension between the community and
the police. In part 2 of this extract, Starr and her friend Khalil are stopped by a policeman.

1. When I was twelve, my parents had two talks with me. One was the usual birds and bees. The other talk was
about what to do if a cop stopped me. Momma fussed and told Daddy I was too young for that. He argued that I
wasn't too young to get arrested. "Starr-Starr, you do whatever they tell you to do," he said. "Keep your hands
visible. Don't make any sudden moves. Only speak when they speak to you."

2. Khalil cusses under his breath, turns Tupac down, and manoeuvres the car to the side of the street. Nobody
around but us and the cop. I remember something else Daddy said in his talk. "If you're with somebody, you better
hope they don't have nothing on them, or both of y'all going down." I hope someone had the same talk with
The officer approaches the driver's door and taps on the window.
Cop - "Licence, registration, and proof of insurance." Khalil breaks a rule – he doesn't do what the cop wants.
Khalil - "What you pull us over for?"
Cop - "Licence, registration, and proof of insurance."
Khalil - "I said what you pull us over for?"
Starr - "Khalil, do what he said." I plead.
Khalil hands the officer his papers and licence.
Cop - "Your tail-light's broken."
Khalil - "So are you gonna give me a ticket or what?"
Cop - "You know what? Get out the car, smart guy. Hands up, where I can see them... and you..." he looks in the
window at me. "Don't move."
My parents haven't raised me to fear the police, just to be smart around them. They told me it's not smart to move
while a cop has his back to you. Khalil does and moves to the driver‘s door.
Pow! A shot is fired. Khalil looks at me stunned. He falls to the ground. Khalil doesn't move. His body stiffens and
he's gone.

(a) (i) Identify two pieces of advice Starr's father gives her about what to do if stopped by
the police. (4 marks)
Award 4 marks (2 + 2) for any two of the following: Do whatever they tell you to; Keep your hands
visible; Don’t make any sudden moves; Only speak when they speak to you.

(ii) What impression of Khalil’s character do you get from reading this extract? (4 marks)

Mark by impression Ex 4 marks. Accept any reasonable suggestions based on the extract.
Stubborn, rebellious, risk-taker, defies authority; reckless, etc.

(b) Do you think this extract is well written? Explain your answer. (4 marks)
Mark by impression Ex 4 marks. Candidates are free to agree or disagree. Expect candidates to
focus on aspects of style: Good use of dialogue; exciting and dramatic; good use of internal
thought; cleverly described; good sense of setting; good sense of character, etc.

(c) Based on what you have read above, would you like to read the novel The Hate U Give,
by Angie Thomas? Explain your answer. (6 marks)
Candidates are free to answer on either side. Mark by impression Ex 6 marks. Candidate may
refer to aspects of content or style. Candidate finds the material interesting, exciting, appealing to
young people, interesting scenario, like reading this type of story, contemporary, etc. Candidate
may argue the opposite in same cases.

(d) You have been asked to review of a novel or short story you have studied. Write the
review using the following headings:

 Name of novel or short story

 The character you admired most in the novel or short story and why
 One key moment in the novel or short story you enjoyed
 Whether or not you would recommend the novel or short story and why. (12 marks)

Expect candidates to write in a style and register appropriate to a review. Reward candidates who
give a sense of engaging with the text chosen and where there is a sense of evaluation of the
material. Discriminate based on the quality of the response.

Name of novel / short The character you One key moment in Whether or not you
story admired most in the the novel or short would recommend
novel or short story story you enjoyed the novel or short
and why story and why.

1 mark 5 marks 3 marks 3 marks


8. Read the following song lyrics, an extract from Never Change, by Picture This. Answer the
questions that follow.

Never Change

There’s a thousand things

I’ve wanted to say
But I’ve never been brave
No, I’ve never been brave,
And you deserve
The whole world,
An island to yourself
You’re an island in yourself,
And I think it’s time
That I tell you
How I feel,
This is how I feel
And I get lost
When I’m with you
And you’ll hear me say
Never change, baby
Stay the same, lady
There’s a hundred places
I’ve wanted to see
Would you see them with me?
Would you see them with me?
And I don’t care
Where we go
’Cause you are my home
You are my home,
And we can stay
In cheap hotels
Let’s just pay, to entertain
And I get lost
When I’m with you
And you’ll hear me say
Never change, baby
Stay the same, lady...

(a) (i) What do you think the writer is feeling in the first four lines of this song? Give a
reason for your answer. (4 marks)
Award 4 marks for any reasonable suggestion supported by a reason. Nervous, anxious,
worried, excited, courageous, etc.

(ii) Choose a line or image that appeals to you from the song and explain your choice.
(4 marks)
Mark by impression Ex 4 marks. Candidates are free to choose any line / image from the song.
They should explain the reason for their choice. Reward evidence of understanding of the lyrics.

(b) Suggest a different title for this song. Explain your choice. (4 marks)
Mark Ex 4 marks. Award 2 marks for any reasonable suggestion for an alternative title, based on
the lyrics of the song. Award 2 marks for the explanation of their choice.

(c) What impression do you get of the speaker / singer of these lyrics?
Explain your answer with reference to the song. (6 marks)
Mark by impression Ex 6 marks. Award marks for any reasonable suggestions based on the kyrics
of the song. Expect candidates to use the lyrics to support their views: Loving; anxious; devoted;
happy; committed; willing to make sacrifices, likeable, not likeable, etc.

(d) Name a poem or a popular song which you have studied that makes you feel either happy
or sad. You may not use the song, Never Change, which appears on this paper.
 Name of poem or popular song.
 Describe what happens in the poem or song.
 Select one image from the poem or song that you think is effective and explain why.
 Explain why this poem or song makes you either happy or sad. (12 marks)

Expect candidates to nominate a poem or song that makes them feel either happy or sad. They
may not use the song provided in this examination. Reward evidence of engagement with the text.
Discriminate based on the quality of the response.

Name of song Describe what Select one image Explain why this
happens in the poem from the poem or poem or song makes
or song. song that you think is you either happy or
effective and explain sad.

1 mark 5 marks 3 marks 3 marks

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