Evaluate-Exit-Ticket - YACAS

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Nathaniel R.

Yacas BSME-3

3-2-1 Exit Ticket

Fill in the table below to assess your understanding about the

concepts presented in this module.

3 Things I’ve Learned 2 Things I Want more 1 Question I Have

from this Module to Learn About
The 2 things I want Does happiness
We cannot obtain more to learn are come naturally to
happiness from about the idea of someone who
without. Happiness, human flourishing achieves success in
on the other hand, was created by life? happiness
comes from within. Aristotle. In order to cannot be achieved
Happiness is an achieve until the end of one's
action, not a eudaimonia, each life. Hence it is a
passivity; it doesn't creature has a goal and not a
just happen to you special responsibility temporary state.
or come to you from to strive, advance, Happiness is the
somewhere else. It is and develop his or perfection of human
a task based on her best nature. nature.
decisions made by Greek terms eu, Since man is a
people. In other which means rational animal,
words, poor choices excellent, and human happiness
are to blame for daimon, which depends on the
someone's means spirit, are the exercise of his
unhappiness. roots of the word reason.

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The virtue factor is a
crucial part of
Aristotle's idea of
happiness. He
argued that in order
to pursue happiness,
one must be
completely morally
upright. One of the
values Aristotle
considered to be
most crucial to
eudaimonia was

The term How Eudaimonia

"de-development" formed from the
was coined by two root terms, is
Jason Hickel. The Greek for
concept is that contentment or
wealthy nations well-being.
should reduce their A variety of factors,
consumption so that including phronesis,
developing friendship,
countries can prosperity, and
"catch-up." power, contribute
to human
flourishing. People
claim that having all
these attributes will

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undoubtedly offer
happiness and a
pleasant existence
in ancient times.

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