Cultural Ignorance
Cultural Ignorance
Cultural Ignorance
Cultural ignorance, is a type of ignorance that can result from individuals with different culture
from the rest of its peer can be misunderstood, mislabeled or treated like "the other" or not part
of the group. For example, we Filipinos is very accomodating and caring to everyone and but
sometimes other nationalities might felt that we are crossing their boundaries and privacy.
Because of having that cultural ignorance, different people tend to have some boundaries
that we must be aware of. Sometimes it can cause misunderstanding on how some
nationality interact with other nationality. Other might think that it what they should do
because it's how they always do things but others might think it is disrespectful. And it
can lead to misunderstanding that might affect the things that two or others parties start to
build up.
It can really affect communication as per the example, when we Filipinos might
encounter female and male Americans talking loudly we might have the concept that they
are fighting which infact they are just talking because of their loud voice while they are
talking which to them is just normal.
Cultural sensitivity is being aware that cultural differences and similarities between
people exist without assigning them a value – positive or negative, better or worse, right
or wrong. It simply means that you are aware that people are not all the same and that
you recognize that your culture is no better than any other culture. A challenge, if you
ask me, for members of dominant cultures. The dominant culture in a society is the
group whose members are in the majority or who wield more power than other groups.
In the United States, the dominant culture is that of white, middle-class, Protestant
people of northern European descent. Therefore, the context of cultural sensitivity to
dominant culture is that no matter what culture you belong to, you must let yourself learn,
respect and to understand people whose cultural background is not the same as yours.
The world consists of different cultures that you need to accept and understand. You can
say that a culture is dominant because it is being perceived and practiced as to most of the
population and having a significant presence in institutions relating to communication,
education, livelihood and etc. but it does not mean that you cannot respect and accept the
other’s characteristics, just because it is different from yours. We all have Differences
that we need to accept and respect.