Environmental Psychology Assignment
Environmental Psychology Assignment
Environmental Psychology Assignment
Qno1) Discuss critically the various elements that define the field of
environmental psychology?
Understanding human behavior starts with understanding how people notice the environment. This
includes at least two kinds of stimuli:
How people image the natural and built environment has been of interest to this field from the
beginning. It has been discovered that information is stored in the brain as spatial networks called
cognitive maps. It is through these neural networks that humans know and think about the
environment, plan and carry out their plans.
Preferred environments:
People tend to seek out places where they feel competent and confident, places where they can
make sense of the environment while also being engaged with it.Being involved and wanting to
explore an environment requires
➢ Complexity and
➢ Mystery aspect etc. Complexity refers to the environment containing enough variety to
make it worth learning about. Preserving, restoring and creating a preferred
environment would increase the sense of well being and behavioural effectiveness in
Qno2) What is environmental stress, what causes this stress and how does
one cope with it?
Along with the common environmental stressors (e.g., noise, climatic extremes) some define stress
as the failure of preference, cognitive stressors as prolonged uncertainty, lack of predictability and
stimulus overload.
Coping with stress involves a number of options. Humans can change their physical or social
settings to create more supportive environments such as family etc. which are smaller and where
humans can manage the flow of information or change the stress inducing stimuli.
Conservation behavior:
The field has also played a major role in bringing psychological knowledge to bear upon the
issue of developing an ecologically sustainable society. It explores environmental attitudes,
perceptions and values as well as devise intervention techniques for promoting environmentally
appropriate behavior.
Qno3) What are the impacts of the environment on humans and impact
on the environment by the humans?