Visual Assistant Using Raspberry Pi For Blind People

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10 XI November 2022
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XI Nov 2022- Available at

Visual Assistant Using Raspberry Pi for Blind

Prof. Chaitrali. V. Nalawade1, Sarita. J. Suryavanshi2, Snehal. P. Jagtap3
1, 2, 3
First-Third Department, First-Third University, s.b. patil clg of engg

Abstract: Blind people face the many problem’s in there life. They can’t walk without any support. Mostly they are depend on
others for help. This will help the visually impaired person to manage day to day activities. Blind reader is an intelligent assistant
based on raspberry pi using this device , it is easier for the visually impaired to detect the object .raspberry Pi is used to
implement artificial vision using python language on the Open CV platform.This system makes a better life for blind people as it
will work with the latest technology and it is meant to the product the visually impaired to live life without any difficulties.
Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Arduino UNO,GPS modem, ultrasonic sensor, camera, voice recognition kit, LCD display.

Artificial intelligent and the internet of things gained large amount of data. it is possible to make these peoples life mush easy. there
are many difficulties faced by blind people. virtual impairment may cause people difficulties with normal daily activities. this
project is designed to help blind people in their world using the sense of hearing. an this is a visual based project consisting of main
component such as camera , raspberry pi ,altrasonic sensor ,vibrators , arduino mounted together and additional working
technologies of the internet interlinked. the input of the project will be an images/video ,the image captured and analyzed with the
help of camera interfaced to the raspberry pi and ai technology. the object is detected and information is sent through audio and is a
conveyed to the blind person through speaker.


1) Smart Stick For Blind People: an ultrasonic sensor is employed for this system the instrument detects obstacales at a distance
of four meter and infrared the instrument recognizes the complexities faced by blind people. By this way the receiver and
transmitter help the user to find the smart stick by means of the buzzer. the vibration motor set on the stick activates and it
creates vibrations. Arduino uno is used for system control. the system is capable of knowing all the problems faced by the user.
the smart stick is very handy, easy to use, very responsive, power efficient, light weight and foldable by the user.
2) Infrared Sensor-Based Smart Stick For Blind People: in this paper, they have investigated a handy, user friendly, lightweight,
very - responsive, and very power-efficient smart stick that takes infrared technology into the work. where an infrared sensor
detect any obstacles in the way of the user. the device can detect obstacles up to two meters. the device offers good accuracy
and this stick is able to detect all kinds of complications.
3) Multiple Distance Sensor Based Smart Stick For Visually Impaired People: this smart stick is able to detect obstacles of any
height in front of person or slightly to the side the stick gives right information about distance and location of obstacles through
vibrations and audio in the users ear. A wireless bluetooth connection is used between the earphones and the stick.
4) Ultrasonic Sensor Based Smart Blind Stick: Obstacle detection is done by ultrasonic sensor module and all the warnings are
given buzzer.
5) Assistive Stick For Visually Impaired Persons: Obstacle detection is done by setting the ultrasonic sensor at a 30-degree angle
on a suitable blind stick an it is sense if there are a hole, staircase in front of the blind person at about 30 cm distance to avoid a
person from falling. the device is full of features and very useful.

The DC supply provide pure 12 V DC voltage to the raspberry pi. Ultra sonic sensor transfer sound waves and analyze. the echo
which is received from the sensor. The sensor measure the time interval between transmitted and received echoes so that the
distance to the target is known. Camera capture images and videos transfer from raspberry pi then raspberry pi matches image and
video with stored videos and images. Sound gives audio message or vibration on fist.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1609
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XI Nov 2022- Available at


A. Raspberry pi
The frame work of the project is the raspberry pi board. The raspberry pi 3 is single board computer which has processor quad A53
64-bit SOC. The raspberry pi features 1 GB of RAM. The power is given to the USB connector for 5.1 V/2.5 A DC. It has CSI
camera port through which camera is has USB port through which microphone is connected.

B. Camera
The 2.86 MP camera can be used to take high-definition video, as well as stills photographs. It’s a leap forward in image quality,
colour, fidelity and low-light performance. It supports 1080p30 images, as well as still capture.

C. Ultrasonic Sensor
Ultrasonic sensor has two sections which are the transmitter and receiver. These sections is closely placed so that the sound travel in
a straight line from the transmitter to the target and travels back to the receiver. making sure to have minimum distance between
transmitter and receiver section delivers minimum errors while calculating.

D. Power Supply
The unit is powered via the USB, only power pin is connected. It can provide 12 volts DC at 7AH supply. Check your power
supply’s rating carefully.

E. Cables
1) Camera Cable:15cm ribbon cable to the CSI port on the raspberry pi
2) Audio Cable: it can connect ethernet or LAN on raspberry pi 3 B+ only.

the system solves the problem of object identification for a blind person. object detection algorithm can identify the category of
object and object name also. accuracy of object detection is a minor issue faced in this methodology and can be overcome with the
training of models with different data sets. The problem of interaction with system for a blind person is solved with the help of voice
kit. the user simply gives voice commands to search the required object and can be navigated to the object with the use of voice kit
and vibration on the fist. The efficiency of voice kit depends on pronunciation of words as well as API used for voice kit.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1610
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XI Nov 2022- Available at


A. Image Capture and Match Object
Videos and images are captured using the pi-camera. Images and videos is already captured on the raspberry pi and then a message
are transfer to the speaker and vibrator when the image and video match the captured ones.

B. Detect Object
The target distance is calculated using an ultrasonic distance sensor and the output form the sensor is provided to the signal
conditioning section and then is processed using an arduino microcontroller. The result from the microcontroller is fed to the LCD

C. LCD Display and Audio Output

If an object is matched, the raspberry pi sends the message “Object are present” or “Object are not present” to the LCD display. An
ultrasonic sensor transmits sound waves and analyze the echo received from the sensor. If the object is present in front, you should
move from the left side or move from the right side.

1) The any obstacles can detect with the help of ultrasonic sensor.
2) Simple to use.
3) Project can support blind people in any situation.
4) There will be fewer accidents with blind peoples.
5) It can many features like detection of light intensity, tracking the location of the lost stick.
6) It functionality addresses the identification of object and signboards.

1) This system used for blind people
2) The proposed system aims to create a wearable visual aid for visually impaired people.
3) It can be used by blind people as well as visual impaired people.
4) It can be helpful for blind people to reach their destination.
5) Help to blind people to walk easily.
6) Help blind people to avoid obstacle.

We have great pleasure in presenting this report on “Visual Assistant using Raspberry Pi for Blind People” ,we would like to thank
to s. b. patil college of engineering, HOD of E&TC prof. v. u. Bansude, our guide C. V. Nalawade, project coordinator prof. A. S.
Shirkhande. We take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed in successful completion of this project.

This paper presents a novel technique for assisting visually impaired people. The proposed system has as simple architecture and
make user friendly Making the subject independent blind people home. The system also aims at helping the blind people to navigate
in detecting obstacles , locate , read signboards and texts. The system is made user friendly by accepting speech as the input to
access his basic necessitate.

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©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1611
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XI Nov 2022- Available at

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©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1612

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