Supply Chain of Ace Diary PDF Delivery (Commerce) Logistics
Supply Chain of Ace Diary PDF Delivery (Commerce) Logistics
Supply Chain of Ace Diary PDF Delivery (Commerce) Logistics
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Q1: Describe supply chain of Ace Diaries?
Supply Chain Of Milk:
• Dairy Farmers: Milkmen produce different dairy products from the milk and the milk is
packaged. They supply it to Uni gate dairy ( wholesaler).
•Wholesaler: Unigate depot act as aTwitter
wholesaler for milkmen, which is 150 km away from
roger’s in wales and southwest of England. They take orders from Rogers and transport
goods through refrigerated trucks to cold store in Hyle.
• Ace Dairies (home delivery service): They give home delivery for milk and dairy
products .They take orders from customers and supply to them. They purchase their
orders from Unigate dairy, collects from cold store and delivers it to the customers.
• Customers: Roger’s have 500 customers on regularly basis and special orders
occasionally. they take orders from them and deliver it to their doorstep.
Logistics is a broad function which consists of a series of related activities. You can imagine
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as per to Rogers.
• Receiving : There is an information system which contains full details of all Roger's 500
customers, including their regular orders, special orders, where to deliver, how they pay, and so
on. They make sure that materials delivered match an order, acknowledges receipt. Every day
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system calculates the likely sales of all products in two days' time.
• Storing: They move materials from the receiving area into storage and makes sure that they are
available when needed. it is to giving the right conditions, treatment and packaging to keep them
in good condition. This is particularly important for perishable food or milk.
• Order picking : They find and removes materials from stores. Typically, materials needed for a
customer order are located, identified, checked, removed from racks, consolidated into a single
load and moved to a departure area for loading onto delivery vehicles. At 5.30 the following
morning Roger collects the order from his cold store and starts delivering to customers. This
usually takes until 1.30 in afternoon, but on Fridays he spends more time collecting money and
often finishes after 5.00 pm.
• Packaging: They wrap goods to make sure that they are properly protected during movements
so that damage is kept to a minimum.
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• Outward transport: They takes materials from the departure area and delivers them to
customers. Physical distribution a general term for the activities that deliver finished goods to
customers .
• Location: Managers have to find the best locations for each activity, and consider related
questions about the size and number of facilities. The subsequent evening it delivers to a holding
depot in Camborne, and then takes Roger's goods 10 km to a cold store in Hayle.
Q3: Main Problems of ace diaries have in logistics? And how to overcome these problems?
There are a number of specific problems facing Ace Dairies. There is, for instance, some
difference in daily demand, so Roger has to carry spare stock. He cannot carry too much, as dairy
products have a short life and anything not delivered quickly is thrown away. Roger aims at
keeping this waste down to 2 percent of sales. There is also effort maintaining a service during
holidays, or when Unigate has difficulties with their deliveries.
I would suggest them to forecast the demand of their daily orders so they don't have to keep the
waste and have their big span of control ,it will be good enough to cater a huge market. As
Roger's major concern is maintaining his sales over long term. Order for doorstep deliveries is
declining, as people buy more milk at supermarkets. The number of milkmen in Hayle has
declined from 10 in 1987 to 3 in 2002. As most of Roger's customers have been with him for
many years, he can generate new customers by canvassing, delivering leaflets, special offers,
carrying range of other products and so on. other than keeping all these facts roger must
outsource or collaborate with other delivery parties to work as a team.
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