Ranitidine - Drug Study
Ranitidine - Drug Study
Ranitidine - Drug Study
Generic name: H2 receptor blockers For the treatment and ● Be alert for early signs
Ranitidine prevention of ulcers in the Common ranitidine side of hepatotoxicity
stomach and intestines. It also effects may include: diarrhea, (though low and
Mechanism of Action was used to treat conditions in constipation. thought to be a
Brand name: Ranitidine is a competitive which the stomach produces hypersensitivity
Zantac inhibitor of histamine H2- too much acid, such as Adverse Effects reaction): jaundice
receptors. The reversible Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. (dark urine, pruritus,
inhibition of H2-receptors in Ranitidine was also used to Decrease mucosal perfusion in yellow sclera and
Dosage: gastric parietal cells results in treat gastroesophageal reflux patients with acute renal or skin), elevated
● Injection solution: 25 a reduction in both gastric acid disease (GERD), and other cardiac failure, pneumonia, transaminases
mg/mL volume and concentration. conditions in which acid backs food allergies, infectious (especially ALT) and
● Syrup: 15 mg/ml up from the stomach into the diarrhea, including traveler's LDH.
● Tablet: 75 mg, 150 mg, esophagus, causing heartburn. diarrhea and salmonella, ● Assess the patient
300 mg thrombocytopenia. because long-term
Contraindications therapy may lead to
Route: Contraindicated with people vitamin B12 deficiency.
Oral who had hypersensitivity to ● Be aware that even if
IV this drug and for people with symptomatic relief is
IM acute porphyria in the past, provided by ranitidine,
because links may exist this should not be
between taking ranitidine and interpreted as absence
acute porphyria. of gastric malignancy.
examinations will be
scheduled after therapy
is discontinued.
● Instruct the patient to
Adhere to scheduled
periodic laboratory
checkups during
ranitidine treatment.
● Instruct them not to
supplement therapy
with OTC remedies for
gastric distress or pain
without physician's
advice (e.g., Mylanta
II reduces ranitidine
● Instruct them not to
smoke; research shows
smoking decreases
ranitidine efficacy and
adversely affects ulcer
● Instruct them not to
breastfeed while taking
this drug without
consulting a physician.