BS 5950-2-1992
BS 5950-2-1992
BS 5950-2-1992
Amendment No. 1
Licensed Copy: iclsll203 iclsll203, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 02 November 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Structural use of
steelwork in building —
Part 2: Specification for materials,
fabrication and erection: hot rolled
BS 5950-2:1992
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© BSI 11-1998 i
BS 5950-2:1992
Section 5. Erection
5.1 Delivery storage and handling 9
5.2 Erection of structural steelwork 9
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5.3 Alignment 9
5.4 Accuracy of construction 9
5.5 Protective treatment: site application 9
Section 6. Supports and foundations
6.1 Positioning and setting in of foundation bolts 10
6.2 Packings 10
6.3 Bedding and grouting up of structures 10
6.3.1 Preparation 10
6.3.2 Bedding stanchions in pocket bases 10
6.3.3 Encasing steelwork in foundations 10
Section 7. Tolerances
7.1 General 11
7.2 Fabrication tolerances 11
7.2.1 Cross section: rolled sections 11
7.2.2 Cross section: built-up members 11
7.2.3 Tolerance on web plates: built-up members 11
7.2.4 Tolerance on shape of built-up box sections 11
7.2.5 Length 11
7.2.6 Straightness 11
7.2.7 Camber 11
7.2.8 Squareness 11
7.2.9 Flatness for contact bearing 13
7.2.10 Verticality of web at supports 13
7.3 Erection tolerances 13
7.3.1 Connection to concrete elements 13
7.3.2 Column bases 13
7.3.3 Plumbing and alignment of columns 13
7.3.4 Position in plan of members 13
7.3.5 Levels 13
Appendix A General recommendations for steelwork
tenders and contracts 14
Figure 1 — Flange out-of-square 12
Figure 2 — Flatness of web plates 12
Figure 3 — Deviation from verticality 13
Table 1 — Performance requirements for structural steelwork 3
Table 2 — Appropriate product grades corresponding to BS 5950
design grades 4
Publication(s) referred to Inside back cover
ii © BSI 11-1998
BS 5950-2:1992
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This Part of BS 5950 has been prepared under the direction of the Civil
Engineering and Building Structures Standards Policy Committee. This Part of
BS 5950 replaces BS 5950-2:1985 which is withdrawn. BS 5950 is a document
combining codes of practice to cover the design, construction and fire protection
of steel structures and specifications for materials, workmanship and erection.
This edition introduces technical changes but it does not reflect a full review or
revision of the standard, which will be undertaken in due course. In publishing
this new edition, the opportunity has been taken to incorporate the text of
Amendment No. 1, published in November 1990, to BS 5950-2:1985.
The changes introduced in this new edition are indicated by a single side line in
the margin of the page.
BS 5950 comprises the following Parts:
— Part 1: Code of practice for design in simple and continuous construction: hot
rolled sections;
— Part 2: Specification for materials, fabrication and erection: hot rolled
— Part 3: Design in composite construction;
— Section 3.1: Code of practice for design of simple and continuous composite
— 1)Section 3.2: Code of practice for design of composite columns and frames;
— Part 4: Code of practice for design of floors with profiled steel sheeting;
— Part 5: Code of practice for design of cold formed sections;
— Part 61): Code of practice for design in light gauge sheeting, decking and
— Part 71): Specification for materials and workmanship: cold formed sections;
— Part 8: Code of practice for fire resistant design;
— Part 91): Code of practice for stressed skin design.
It has been assumed in the drafting of this British Standard that the execution of
its provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 16, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.
In preparation.
Section 1 BS 5950-2:1992
Section 1. General
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© BSI 11-1998 1
BS 5950-2:1992 Section 2
Section 2. Materials
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Rimming steel shall not be used. The steel supplier shall supply a certificate of test
and inspection endorsed by the steel manufacturer,
NOTE 1 The reference to rimming steel affects BS EN 10025
grades Fe 360A and Fe 360B only. stating the process of manufacture and giving the
product grade, the ladle analysis and the results of
The appropriate product grade for any product,
each of the mechanical tests applicable to the
corresponding to the specified design grade in
material supplied. The certificate shall indicate the
BS 5950-1, shall be obtained from Table 2.
numbers or identification marks of the casts to
NOTE 2 Certain product grades do not have a specified
maximum manganese content or are not supplied with carbon
which it applies, corresponding to the numbers to be
equivalent value (CEV) options. Additional requirements may found on the material supplied. In the case of
therefore need to be specified and agreed at the time of order sections with flanges, the certificate shall indicate
(see 4.2). whether the sample for test purposes was taken
2.1.2 Structural steels complying with the from the web or the flange.
requirements of other specifications
2.1.8 Marking
Where the engineer requires steels to be supplied
Steel supplied from the manufacturer or merchant
complying with standards other than those specified
shall be marked in accordance with the
in 2.1.1, the performance requirements listed in
requirements of the appropriate product
Table 1 shall be determined in accordance with one
of the specifications given in 2.1.1.
Other marking shall be carried out in accordance
2.1.3 Structural steelwork designed in with the requirements of 3.2.
accordance with the plastic theory
Where structural steelwork is to be designed in 2.2 Bolts, nuts and washers
accordance with the plastic theory, the steel used 2.2.1 Ordinary bolts
shall comply with 2.1.1 or 2.1.2 and shall comply
with the additional requirements for steel in Ordinary bolts and nuts shall comply with BS 3692,
structures designed by the plastic theory given in BS 4190, BS 4395-1 or BS 4933 as appropriate. Nuts
Table 1. shall be of at least the strength grade appropriate to
the grade of bolt or other threaded element with
2.1.4 Hot rolled sections which they are used.
Unless otherwise specified by the engineer, hot 2.2.2 Plain washers
rolled sections shall comply with BS 4 and BS 4848
as appropriate. Where sections complying with Plain washers for use with ordinary bolts and nuts
other specifications are used, their dimensional shall comply with BS 4320.
tolerances shall comply with BS 4 and BS 4848. 2.2.3 High strength friction grip fasteners
2.1.5 Thickness tolerances of plates and flats Unless otherwise specified by the engineer, high
The thickness tolerances for plates, flats and wide strength friction grip bolts, nuts and washers shall
flats shall be the normal thickness tolerances comply with BS 4395. Where other types of high
specified in BS EN 10025 or BS 4360, as strength friction grip fasteners are used, they shall
appropriate. have mechanical properties similar to bolts
complying with BS 4395 and be capable of being
NOTE Tolerances of plates supplied to BS 4360:1986
(see note 5 of Table 2) may be to either BS 4360:1986 or tightened to the minimum shank tension specified
BS EN 10025 at the supplier’s option. in BS 4604.
2 © BSI 11-1998
Section 2 BS 5950-2:1992
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© BSI 11-1998 3
BS 5950-2:1992 Section 2
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4 © BSI 11-1998
Section 3 BS 5950-2:1992
Section 3. Fabrication
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BS 5950-2:1992 Section 3
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6 © BSI 11-1998
Section 4 BS 5950-2:1992
Section 4. Assembly
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4.1 General NOTE Electroplated finishes may not provide the same degree
of protection as metal sprayed or galvanized steelwork.
All components shall be assembled within the
Where slotted holes are provided for movement
tolerances specified in section 7 and in such a
connections, the joint shall be free to move.
manner so that they are not bent, twisted or
otherwise damaged, and the specified cambers are 4.4 High strength friction grip
provided when required. fasteners used in the pre-tensioned
Drifting to align holes shall not enlarge the holes or condition
distort the metal. Holes which cannot be aligned High strength friction grip fasteners complying with
without distortion shall be a cause for rejection BS 4395 shall be used in accordance with BS 4604.
unless enlargement by reaming is specifically
approved by the engineer. For friction grip connections where the surfaces are
not parallel a suitably tapered washer shall be
4.2 Welding provided under the rotated head or nut. Such
Welding of structural steel shall be in accordance washers shall also be used under the non-rotated
with BS 51352) unless another process is specifically component except where the angle between bolt axis
permitted by the engineer. and contact surface is within the limits of 87°
and 93°.
Processes other than the metal arc process shall be
used for the welding of structural steelwork only Where the use of other types of pre-tensioned
where specifically permitted by the engineer. friction grip fasteners is permitted by the engineer,
they shall be installed in accordance with the
4.3 Bolting manufacturer’s recommendations and shall be
Where necessary the connected parts shall be firmly tightened to at least the minimum shank tensions
drawn together. Steel packing plates shall be specified in BS 4604.
provided where necessary to ensure that the total High strength friction grip bolted joints shall
remaining gap between adjacent surfaces does not comply with 4.3 except that the total remaining gap
exceed 2 mm. between adjacent surfaces shall not exceed 1 mm.
The length of bolt shall be such that at least one 4.5 Marking for erection
clear thread shows above the nut after tightening,
and at least one thread plus the thread run out is Each piece of steelwork shall be suitably marked
clear between the nut and the unthreaded shank of before delivery, in accordance with a marking
the bolt. diagram.
NOTE It may also bear such other marks as will facilitate
Washers shall be provided where specified by the erection (see 3.2).
engineer and when oversize or slotted holes are
specified. 4.6 Protective treatment
Where specified by the engineer, the nuts used on All preliminary and protective treatments shall be
connections subject to vibration shall be secured to carried out in accordance with the engineer’s
prevent loosening. Self-locking nuts shall be used or specifications.3)
else the nuts shall be secured by the use of locknuts Areas of steel which are not to be treated or coated,
or upsetting of the threads of the bolts after or are to be kept clean and free from loose rust, oil,
assembly and tightening. loose scale, etc. shall be specified as such on the
Bolts, nuts and washers used to connect metal drawings.
sprayed or galvanized steelwork shall be spun Surfaces in contact but inaccessible after assembly
galvanized, sherardized or else electroplated with shall receive their specified protective treatment
zinc, cadmium or aluminium. before assembly.
2) Attention is drawn to the requirements of clause 4 of BS 5135:1984. The recommended carbon equivalent values given in Table 2
of BS 5135:1984 for the various BS 4360 product grades were based on a survey of steels from a limited number of sources of supply
and methods of manufacturer in the United Kingdom. Steels supplied to BS EN 10025 for the same design grades may not necessarily
give the same assurance against hydrogen cracking when weld procedures are based on these values.
Where it is desired to agree a maximum CEV value with the steel producer the following values may be appropriate:
design grade 43:0.41;
design grade 50:0.47;
design grade 55:0.53;
design grade WR50:0.54.
BS 5493 gives guidance on protective treatments.
© BSI 11-1998 7
BS 5950-2:1992 Section 4
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Unless special protection is provided against If the component is subsequently to be welded, the
corrosion, all hollow members shall be sealed in surface of the steel shall where practicable not be
order to prevent the access of moisture to the inside painted, metal coated, or otherwise treated within a
of the member. suitable distance if the treatment would impair
Galvanized hollow members shall have vent holes. weld quality. Where this is not practicable,
These shall either be large enough to ensure alternative procedures shall only be used with the
internal galvanizing or be sealed after the member engineer’s approval.
is galvanized. Welds and adjacent parent metal shall not be
Where pre-tensioned friction grip fasteners are painted prior to deslagging, inspection and
used, no protective treatment shall be applied to the approval.
faying surfaces unless so specified by the engineer.
All faying surfaces shall be adequately protected
until they are brought together. Exposed parts of
such joints shall be given their specified protective
treatment after the fasteners have been finally
tightened, inspected and approved.
8 © BSI 11-1998
Section 5 BS 5950-2:1992
Section 5. Erection
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Safe erection of structures. Part 1 Initial planning and design, 1984. Part 2 Site management and procedure, 1985. HMSO.
© BSI 11-1998 9
BS 5950-2:1992 Section 6
10 © BSI 11-1998
Section 7 BS 5950-2:1992
Section 7. Tolerances
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Additional or different tolerances may be specified where necessitated by the nature of the particular building or structure
under consideration. Such tolerances should be compatible with the design recommendations and product standards.
© BSI 11-1998 11
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BS 5950-2:1992
© BSI 11-1998
Section 7 BS 5950-2:1992
Licensed Copy: iclsll203 iclsll203, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 02 November 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
7.2.9 Flatness for contact bearing 7.3.3 Plumbing and alignment of columns
Where a “tight bearing” contact of a profile is Single storey columns
specified on the drawings, the flatness shall be such
The deviation of the top of a column from its
that when measured against a straightedge laid
against the full length bearing surface in any specified position relative to the base shall not
direction: exceed the greater of 5 mm or 1/600 of the height
base to cap in any direction, except in the case of the
a) over at least 50 % of the length measured the deviation of the tops of the columns of a portal frame
gap does not exceed 0.25 mm; and measured in the plane of the frame.
b) over 90 % of the length measured the gap does
not exceed 0.75 mm. Multi-storey columns
7.2.10 Verticality of web at supports The deviations of the columns at any level
shall not exceed the greater of 5 mm or 1/600 of the
The deviation from verticality of the web at a storey height over the actual positions of the
support ∆D, columns at the level immediately below.
D - whichever is
shall not exceed 3 mm or ---------
300 The deviations of the columns at the
the greater (see Figure 3). topmost storey relative to required positions at the
foundations shall not exceed 5 mm per storey.
7.3 Erection tolerances
7.3.4 Position in plan of members
7.3.1 Connection to concrete elements Members other than columns shall not deviate from Position their specified position relative to the columns to
which they are connected by more than 5 mm.
Unless otherwise specified by the engineer, the
position of the centre of any bolt at the point where 7.3.5 Levels
it connects to the steelwork shall not vary by more The level of the top of the steelwork at any storey
than ± 3 mm from its specified position for bolts shall be within ± 10 mm of the specified level, and
rigidly cast in, and ± 5 mm for bolts in sleeves. The shall not vary by more than ± 5 mm within any
position of the other end of the bolt shall be set such distance of 5 m measured at that storey level.
that any resulting slope of the bolt is not so large as
to cause difficulties in fitting the connection to the
structural frame. Projection of bolt end
The projection of the end of the bolt shall not deviate
from that specified by more than + 25 mm
or – 5 mm. Movement tolerance for bolts in sleeves
It shall be possible to move the bolt to the full extend
of the sleeve as provided.
7.3.2 Column bases Position in plan
The position in plan of a steel column at the base
shall not deviate from the specified position by more
than 10 mm along either of the principal setting out Figure 3 — Deviation from verticality
axes. Level
The level of the underside of a steel base plate shall
not deviate from the specified level by more
than ± 10 mm.
© BSI 11-1998 13
BS 5950-2:1992
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14 © BSI 11-1998
BS 5950-2:1992
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5) The superimposed loads on the floors 2) Plans of floor beams showing sizes, levels
appropriate to the occupancy, as given in and eccentricities. The beam reactions and end
BS 6399-1, or as otherwise required. moments together with details of the type of
Details of special loads from cranes, runways, connection required should be shown on the
tips, lifts, bunkers, tanks, plant and plans. A clear statement covering the use of
equipment. load factors, and saying if the quoted figures
are factored or unfactored.
6) The grade of fire resistance appropriate to
the occupancy, as given in BS 5588, or 3) Plan of roof steelwork. For a flat roof the
otherwise required. plan should give particulars similar to those of
a floor plan. Where the roof is sloping, details
A.4 Information needed by the tenderer (if not should be given of trusses, portals, purlins,
also the designer) bracing, etc.
The following information should be supplied to the 4) The steelwork drawings should preferably
tenderer. be to a scale of 1 to 100 and should give
a) General identification marks against all members.
1) All information listed under A.3 a). 5) Particulars of holes required for services,
2) Results of the investigation of subsoils at pipes, machinery fixings, etc. Such holes
site of building or structure. should preferably be formed at works.
3) Accessibility of site and details of power A.5 Detailing
supply. In addition to the number of copies of the approved
4) Whether the steelwork contractor will be drawings or details required under the contract,
required to survey the site and set out or check dimensioned shop drawings or details should be
the building or structure lines, foundations submitted in duplicate to the engineer who should
and levels. retain one copy and return the other to the steel
5) Setting-out plan of foundations stanchions suppliers or fabricators with any comments.
and levels of bases. A.6 Time schedule
6) Cross sections and elevations of the steel As the dates on which subsequent trades can
structure, as necessary, with large-scale commence depend on the progress of erection of the
details of special features. steel framing, the time schedule for the latter
7) The use of bolted or welded connections. should be carefully drawn up and agreed by the
Particular attention should be drawn to parties concerned at a joint meeting.
connections of a special nature such as
overhead welds, HSFG bolts and site welding. A.7 Procedure on site
8) Quality of steel, see 2.1, and provisions for The steelwork contractor should be responsible for
identification. the positioning and levelling of all steelwork. Any
checking or approval of the setting out by the
9) Requirements in respect of surface general contractor or the engineer should not relieve
treatment at works and on site. the steelwork contractor of his responsibilties in this
10) Approximate dates for commencement and respect. See 5.3 and 5.4.
completion, of erection.
11) Details of any tests which have to be made A.8 Inspection and testing
during the course of fabrication, erection or A.8.1 General
upon completion. Provision should be made for the engineer or such
12) Where the tenderer is required to take off representatives or independent inspection and
quantities, a list should be given of the testing agencies as he may appoint to have access at
principal items to be included in the schedule. all reasonable times to all places where work, both
b) Further information relating to buildings on site and at the contractor’s premises, is being
carried out. Facilities for inspection and testing of
1) Schedule of stanchions giving sizes, lengths the work should be provided in accordance with the
and typical details of brackets, joints, etc. agreed procedure.
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BS 5950-2:1992
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16 © BSI 11-1998
BS 5950-2:1992
Publication(s) referred to
© BSI 11-1998
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