Architecture Vs Building by Eyuel Kokeb - Theory of Architecture

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Bahir Dar University Architecture Department

“Is a birds nest a w ork of Architecture?”, This was the first question that was
asked on a lecture on our first year. The way in which a bird builds its nest, seem-
ingly without instruction, thought, or experience, has been repeatedly brought
forward as a convincing proof of blind infallible instinct governing it in its task.
No more popular proof has been brought forward by the supporters of the blind
instinct theory than that of bird-architecture. It is thought a wonderful thing
for a bird to build a nest without any instruction, or without ever seeing a nest
typical of its species ( Bird Architceture, 1885 ). Although that may still hold true,
the word INSTICT still stands to deny the fact that this makes the structure archi-
tecture. Architecture has many definitions. But none of them include the term
instinct or unconscious planning in it. The thing that makes a birds nest and
a buillding different is that, birds or any other orgnanism are genetically pro-
grammed to do a certain routine which results in a nest or a certain structure.
This cannot be called Architecture as one needs to know what it is that they are
doing while designing. There is a certain freedom to understand and do things
differently when it comes to this subject. Now let us go even deeper and ask
what if the process of designing was conscious but was of a different exper-
tise, for example a buillding designed by an engineer or any other field with
the exception of the architectural field. Can that be referred to as architecture ?

Blind Instinct Theory: states that living creatures

are born with innate traits that allow them to
behave naturally. These are instincts that drive
a person’s decisions and behaviors. An instinct
is a species-specific pattern of behaviors that is
innate, not learned.

FIGURE 1 A straw Constructed Birds Nest

(Public Domain Pictures)

Bahir Dar University Architecture Department

“A ‘Building’ in today’s society this is not a definitive deinintion

satisfies basic requirements in to what architecture is. Ofcourse
basic ways. A ‘Work-of-Architec- many architects have proven
ture’ may go well beyond the time and time again that there
limit of a rudimentary building are many ways of implementing
in acknowledging and providing architecture, making the explana-
for the loftier attributes and po- tion of what architecture is really
tential of the human experience” hard. We could take the works of
( DwellRight, 2022 ) Although famous architets like Zaha Had-
the argument stated before still id, for example and her unusual
stands it is still not quite right. form development in which she
Every conscious design of a work tries to give buildings a more nat-
cannot be called architecture. ural look, or the work of the pritz-
As architecture is the thought- ker prize winner Peter Zumthor
ful bending and designing of a and his excrutiating attention
space for a significant purpose to the materials of his buildings
or with a certain goal in mind. due to his attraction of the tactile
If you allow an engineer to de- feel of a building and even Tad-
sign a building he will put the ao Ando, the renowned architect
core of the organization, to all who had no architectural train-
the requirements and standards ing prior to his career. Therefore
learnt through out his years as a let us take the other route of ex-
student without actually carin plaining what architecture is not.
g on the why only on the how.
Architecture doesn’t necessari-
An architect is trained or is sup- ly mean that you should always
posed to have the repertoire of follow a certain tenet of what ar-
manipulating space inorder to chitecture is. My favorite way of
convey a certain message or to describing it is as Louis Khan ex-
create a sense of feeling while plained by saying “Architectuer is
still thinking about how to actu- the thoughtful making of space.”
ally make the edifice stand. The I think this is a beffiting defini-
famous Roman scholar Vitruvius tion to the concept of architec-
in his book stated that Architec- ture and what it is. It isnt just ar-
ture has 3 ideas at its core. Utility, ranging certain rooms because
Aesthetic and Strength. Athough a certain standard demands so.
this was stated and theorized This is by no means to demean
over 2000 years ago it still puts the importance of standards
the whole idea into frame. But of course, but it is to be more

Bahir Dar University Architecture Department

conscious and also care more about the feel of the space which
sometimes allows the architect to break certain rules of it. The ar-
chitect follows his own ideology and defines and invents and inno-
vates space and tries to convey that ideology to the users. That is
my take on the differences between a work of architecture and a
certain building. Of course one can disagree but that is th beauty
of architecture. We all have a certain philosophy of what it is and
how it should be implemented which makes the discourse result-
ing from the indifference really interesting. But i still stand by my
statement of what it is not which i have yet to be proven wrong.

Giving Meaning

Bert Bielefeld, the editor of the book Basic Design Ideas states that
“Every design begins with a search for an idea or for an intuitive un-
derstanding of how an assignment should be solved. This design
idea is the start of a long journey on which the designer defines the
idea more precisely, modifies it, adds details and repeatedly rejects
results.” This gives you a comprehensive look into the process of giv-
ing meaning. Like most things in architecture there is no one way of
describing it. But it is most certainly not just randomly arranging the
spaces. Like the quote previoulsy described said it is a long journey
in which architects search the identity of the buildings they are de-
signing. Let us see a case building to get a more detailed look.

Figure 2 National Assembly Building by Lous Kahn

( Pinterest, 2022 )

Bahir Dar University Architecture Department

Kunsthaus Bregenz
by Peter Zumthor

and to assume the appearance

of a large monolithic form of an
almost sculptural character has
been fully exploited. By this i
mean that there is no cladding
or any over pain that the
architect deemed unnecessary.
As previously mentioned the
Zumthor is a firm believer and
admirer of the tactile properties
of buildings and believes they
themselves convey a message and
don’t need any extra eye candy
to bring about arificial beauty.

It is his distinct style to put first

and foremost the materials
and the materials alone. He
Figure 2 National Assembly Building by Lous Kahn exemplifies and better conveys
( Pinterest, 2022 ) certain properties of the buildng
by contrasting them from
The art museum stands in the
the context . Take this project
light of Lake Constance. It is
for example and his detailed
made of glass and steel and
attention to the front glass panels.
a cast concrete stone mass
He made sure that the reflective
that endows the interior of the
property of the panels is noticed
building with textures and spatial
by putting them at the front and
composition. From the outside,
allowing the surround scenery
the building looks like a lamp. It
to be reflected off of the panels.
absorbs the changing light of
the sky, the haze of the lake, it
The building can be taken as
reflects light andcolor and gives
a chameleon which reflects
an intimationof its inner life
whatever the surrounding is
according to the angle of vision,
experiencing. The multilayer
the daylight, and the weather
facade also serves as an
(Building Projects 1979 -1997, 1999).
autonomous wall construction
The ability of the cast concrete
that serves as a weather skin,
to flow into complex shapes, to
daylight modulator, sunshade
integrate technical installations

Bahir Dar University Architecture Department

Figure 4. Kunsthaus Bregenz Museum by Peter Zumthor

( Kunsthaus Bregenz by Riccardo Bianchini, 2022)

Figure 5. Inside Kunsthaus Bregenz Museum

( Kunsthaus Bregenz by Riccardo Bianchini, 2022)

Bahir Dar University Architecture Department


So in conclusion, Architecture is the soul of the building and is the further ex-
emplification of th personality, philosophy or even methodology of the architect.
Each architect has their own philosophy and methods on what architecture is and
how it should be done, creating the need for the creation of theories which still,
to this day have no definitive definition. A piece of architecture whethher you like
it or not creates a certain discourse between the viewers allowing you to under-
stamd the building and feel its spaces. But a building has none of these qualities.
It is simply there to accomodate, it has no other motive. But an archiect conveys

Figure 6. Jean Marie Tjibaou Cultural center by Renzo Piano

( Inhabitant, 2022)


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