Physics-2 LAB Report-3
Physics-2 LAB Report-3
Physics-2 LAB Report-3
Determination of the spring constant and effective mass of a given spiral spring.
Supervised By
MD. Masud Parvez
Submitted By
Name ID Contribution
1. Tasneem Binte Ameen 19-41533-3
2. Mushfique Redwan Labib 22-47132-1
3. MD. Faiyaz Hasan 22-46820-1
4.Habib Bahar Nishan 21-45657-3
Consider, a spring is clamped vertically at the end P and loaded with a mass m 0 at the other
end a.The spring extends to the position O by adding a suitable weight to the free end A. If the
extension is 𝑙 (as shown in figure 1) then,
mo g=kl
∴ k= g … … … … … …(1)
T =2 π
√ M
=2 π
√m0+ m'
… … … …(2)
Where m’ is a constant called the effective mass of the spring and 𝑘 is the spring constant
i.e. the ratio between the added force and the corresponding extension of the spring.
v v
Hence , = 0
y y0
¿,v= y
dm dy
similarly we have , =
m y0
∴ dm= dy
2 2
1 2 1 v0 2 m 1v
Now the kinetic energy of the spring element = v dm= y dy = 02 m y 2 dy
2 2 y0 y0
2 y0
m' = … … … ..(3)
2. Apparatus
A spiral spring,
Convenient masses with hanging arrangement,
Stop clock
3. Procedure
1. The spring was suspended by a hook attached to a rigid framework of heavy metal rods
2. The length of the spring was measured with a meter scale. The extensions of the spring were
measured by putting a scale behind the spring.
3. A suitable weight was added to the free end of the spring, and it extended to the position O. On
the reference frame was put behind the spring, the position O was noted and the extension 𝑙 was
4. The load from position O was pulled to a moderately low position B and then it should be
allowed to go. The spring had started to execute simple harmonic motion and vibrate up and down
about the position O then. With a stop clock the time was taken for 20 vibrations and the time
period T was computed in sec per vibration.
5. Operation (3) and (4) were Repeated for at least 6 sets of loads.
6. Graphs were drawn with added loads 𝑚0 in grams (abscissa) against the extensions of the
spring 𝑙 in cm (ordinate) and with 𝑇 2 as a function of 𝑚0. the best fitted lines through the points
were drawn.
7. The spring constant was calculated by using the slope of the first graph.
8. The second graph does not pass through the origin owing to the mass of the spring which had not
been considered in drawing it. The intercept of the resulting line on the mass axis gave the effective
mass of the sprig.
9. The mass 𝑚 of the spring was measured and was showed that the effective mass obtained from
the graph is 𝑚′ = 𝑚 /3.
4. Experimental Data
Graph 1: I vs m0
Graph 2: T2 vs m0
5. Analysis and Calculation
We know,
m0 k=
k = g or l
l m 0
But is the slope from the first graph,
k= dyne/cm
Graph – 1,
Load (x axis),
mmin =100g
mmax = 400g
Extension (y axis),
lmin =10.5 cm
lmax = 24 cm
1 1
So, the original effective mass = m= × 66.3 gm=21.1 gm
3 3
0+ 0.0663
∴ x= =28.82 ¿
6. Result
% of error = 1.58%
7. Discussion
2. We had to make sure that the spring is stable while taking the value of the length.
3. We had to avoid any kind of outside force while the spring is vibrating.
4. Pulling the spring must can be cause errors. So, we had to be constant about the stress.
6. The meter scale should be vertical to the spring while taking value of the length.