Lab - Result - 1669259762115 Wdit
Lab - Result - 1669259762115 Wdit
Lab - Result - 1669259762115 Wdit
Complete Hematology
Hemoglobin 15.8 13.2 - 17.3 g/dL Male, Adult
Hematocrit 45.8 40 - 52 % Male, Adult
Erythrocyte 5.37 4.4 - 5.9 10^6/uL Male, Adult
MC values
- MCV 85.3 80 - 100 fL Mature
- MCH 29.4 26 - 34 pg 32 Mature
- MHC 34.5 - 36 g/dL 5 years - Adult
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Artery Pondok Indah, Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 31 C
Kebayoran Lama South Jakarta Tel.
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Contact Prodia.1500830
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Artery Pondok Indah, Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 31 C
Kebayoran Lama South Jakarta Tel.
021-7227728 Fax
021-7291711 Contact
Blood group A
Rhesus Positive
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Kebayoran Lama South Jakarta Tel.
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021-7291711 Contact
142 *
Direct LDL Cholesterol < 100 mg/dL Adults, Lipid Consensus
< 100 : Optimal
100 - 129 : Approaching
130 - 159 : High limit
160 - 189 : High
>= 190 : Very high
HDL Cholesterol 51 >= 40 mg/dL < Adults, Lipid Consensus
Triglycerides 152 150 mg/dL Adults, Lipid Consensus
< 150 Normal
150 - 199 High Limit
200 - 499 High
>= 500 Very High
Ratio Chol.Total/Chol. HDL 4 <5
Urea N 7 6 - 20 mg/dL 13 18 - 60 years
Urea 15 - 43 mg/dL 0.70 18 - 60 years
Creatinine 0.91 - 1.20 mg/dL Male, Adult
eLFG (CKD-EPI) 113 mL/min/1.73m² • >= 90 mL/min/1.73 m²
normal conditions
• 60 – 89 mL/min/1.73 m²
for >= 3 months
indicative of mildly impaired
renal function
Hal : 4 / 8 @ 11-24-2022 10:14:56 by Prodia
The result is a number using the decimal system with dot separator.
The # * indicates a value above or below a reference value.
sign indicates that the examination was carried out at Prodia Clinical Laboratory Jl. Kramat Raya No. 150, Jakarta The
interpretation of the results is only done by doctors/ clinicians. In order to maintain the confidentiality of your results, it
is advisable not to upload them to social media and other public media
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Artery Pondok Indah, Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 31 C
Kebayoran Lama South Jakarta Tel.
021-7227728 Fax
021-7291711 Contact
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Artery Pondok Indah, Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 31 C
Kebayoran Lama South Jakarta Tel.
021-7227728 Fax
Contact Prodia.1500830
#: Examination done at Prodia Cab. Jakarta (Prodia Kramat). person in charge dr. Asnawi, Sp. PK
Authorized By
Quality Validators
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Artery Pondok Indah, Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 31 C
Kebayoran Lama South Jakarta Tel.
021-7227728 Fax
Contact Prodia.1500830
Conclusion Normal
Suggestion -
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Artery Pondok Indah, Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 31 C Kebayoran
Lama South Jakarta Tel. 021-7227728
Fax 021-7291711
Contact Prodia.1500830
Thorax X-ray • No
X-ray L 134
• Findings PULMO: No infiltrates/electasis/consolidation or SOL. Bronchovascular markings in both lungs appear normal.
Bony thorax and chest wall soft tissue showed no abnormalities, no fractures or destructive lesions were seen.
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