Vampire Antagonist
Vampire Antagonist
Vampire Antagonist
Life’s always been a struggle. You hustle different jobs trying to make
ends meet, help your friends, and have a little fun. Luciana has done
so many different things, from working in a bar to being a part-time
dominatrix. Her newest gig means she gets good money because
people are willing to pay to get humiliated. The downside is that
her latest client turned out to be difficult.
Lucas Desoto is a local nightlife figure. Rumors say that he
owns a lot of bars and clubs. He likes to spread the wealth, and
for this people like him. He’s also an entitled asshole, which
makes people like him a little less.
He’s also a vampire, as Luciana discovered during a
BDSM scene gone weird. Lucas was stressed by all the
angles he was trying to work, and his way of unwinding
was to get worked over by a mortal. When she realized
that she wasn’t dealing with a human being at all, he
immediately took control. He used mentis
imperium to make her stay. Then he fed her his
blood, turning her into a ghoul. A Blood Bound
servant. A toy for him to play with.
The trouble is, the Blood Bond didn’t quite
take. Luciana was eager to please her Kindred
client, and Lucas didn’t realize her doting
was anything other than driven by the
Blood. Luciana grew to appreciate her new
powers, but despise her domineering
client. Now Lucas is trapped: staked in
Luciana’s basement after he made the
mistake of deciding to sleep
at her place after a session
gone long. She hunts to get
the blood he needs to survive
while keeping him prisoner
until she figures out what to
do. Besides, now that she’s
got the Blood of the undead
keeping her healthy and
strong, she’s not going to
give that up!
General Difficulty: 4 / 2 It’s possible to assume that
Luciana is a vampire. She’s
Standard Dice Pools: Physical “Did you know confident and good at bluffing.
6, Social 6, Mental 5 The fact that she’s whipped a
that some people vampire groveling at her feet
Secondary Attributes: Health means she’s less intimidated
8, Willpower 4 have a kink for by the Kindred than might
otherwise be the case.
Exceptional Dice Pools: failure? They get
Awareness 6, Intimidate 8,
Occult 6, Subterfuge 7, Stealth 7 their kicks from
In Stories
Special: The Dominatrix is a losing status and The characters know Lucas
ghoul: she possesses one discipline Desoto, Luciana’s Domitor.
power that her Domitor has being humiliated in He’s one of their associates
of the Storyteller’s choosing,
depending on which clan Lucas
front of their peers. and now he’s disappeared.
He could even be a sire or a
belongs to. The Dominatrix also Everyone has their Mawla. Alternatively, you can
possesses the Bond Resistance replace Lucas with a suitable
and/or Short Bond merits own peculiarities, supporting character in your
(or even Unbondable, at the chronicle. With each passing
Storyteller’s discretion). the kine... and the week, Luciana’s understanding
Kindred too.”
of the Kindred increases as she
carefully takes the stake out to
Goals and Objectives ask Lucas questions.
Hunt on Lucas’ behalf. This The coterie notices someone
is difficult as she’s discovered Embrace so she might become poaching on their domain.
bagged blood and animal blood one of the Kindred or decide for The signs are clear: assaults,
do not seem to keep her Lucas herself that it isn’t worthwhile. disappearances and strange
sustained. She needs fresh The difficulty for her is that she stories of a woman who steals
human blood that isn’t her own. likes to pretend she knows much blood. That’s a problem for the
The trouble is that if blood more than she actually does. She Masquerade but also tends to
doesn’t go into Lucas, blood doesn’t like coming across as signify Kindred impinging on
won’t come out of him either. ignorant. your territory.
Research local vampires. Luciana is struggling to
Appearance: Luciana is a survive in the bizarre situation
Luciana has an inkling that striking Latina woman in
there is a society of vampires she finds herself in, and in
her thirties. She’s used to
out there and fears what might her world survival trumps
shifting between different
happen should they become personas and styles. One for morality. That means she will
aware of her activities. Lucas meeting the family, another end up killing people to get the
always liked to present himself for meeting clients. After she blood she needs. She’s not an
as an important man but imprisoned Lucas she has experienced hunter but she is
Luciana suspects that this isn’t started experimenting with resourceful.
true. Still, he might have friends classier aesthetics, as much as If the specifics of Luciana’s
who object to him being staked. her budget allows. She’s figures situation become known in the
she’s now part of the glamorous local Kindred community, some
Speak with a vampire. She
world of the Kindred and feels Tremere vampires might become
wants to learn the details of the she must look the part.
interested in studying her blood If Luciana is forced to defend • Luciana isn’t well read, but
to figure out why she’s apparently her choices to the characters, she’s cunning and picks up on
resistant to the Blood Bond. she may argue that the situation social cues. If she isn’t dealt
Luciana is a professional with Lucas is her revenge for with quickly, she’ll begin to
dominatrix, good at her job. the non-consensual vampire use everything at her disposal
That means that if her situation bullshit he tried to pull with to consolidate what power she
becomes known, she may attract her. This doesn’t really excuse can for her own defense. This
Kindred clientele who get their the bodies Luciana has piled includes masquerading as a
kicks being dominated by a ghoul. up on her own since staking thin-blood or neonate to gain
Encountering the Dominatrix her Domitor but she doesn’t more first-hand knowledge
The Coterie may encounter see that as relevant. She has from ignorant Kindred. If
the Dominatrix in the middle to survive to figure out what’s the characters took her for
of her hunt, not realizing she is what! Morality is a luxury she a vampire when initially
luring an unsuspecting victim can afford once her life (or encountered, she’ll do her best
to prolong her own life. From hopefully unlife by that point) to maintain the illusion.
this it’s easy to make the mistake
of assuming she’s a vampire, a
is stable.
If the Dominatrix has realized
• The Dominatrix eventually
realizes what a precarious
notion she won’t do anything to Kindred can use her Domitor’s position she is in, and searches
dispel. blood to master new powers, she for a way to gain the Embrace.
The Dominatrix’s home is may be a contact selling such an She may try to make a deal with
typical for lower-middle class opportunity to the highest bidder. the coterie, for the staked body
folks of the area. It’s hidden These draughts are reasonably of Lucas or a couple of quality
away in an attic or basement safe as the Kindred won’t be likely private sessions. Whatever she
where the Domitor lies in state. to be free soon, and several the judges works best. Or she may
If it has been a long time since Dominatrix’s other clients have feel desperate enough to go for
she’s staked her Lucas, she has a vested interest in ensuring the the DIY solution, recruiting a
an array of knives, breast milk poor Kindred does not escape any friend to help her bleed dry and
pumps, syringes, or aquarium time soon. If Lucas’ clan has access ingest vitae from a bottle. She
tools and equipment for to Blood Sorcery or Oblivion, doesn’t know that the Embrace
extracting and storing the blood Luciana might attract too much only works if the vitae is fresh.
she needs. Many of these are attention by selling access to One way for the characters to
cheap and experimental, and one of these harder to acquire get rid of her is to simply let her
she hasn’t had the time to clean disciplines for a bargain price. make a fatal mistake without
up the mess that comes from telling her how it really works.
extracting blood from corpses.
Lucas is an important figure, Complications
and his absence is noted. • As the Dominatrix begins to
Luciana has been playing the understand more about the
part of Lucas’ aide or newly Kindred condition, she takes
Text: Juhana Pettersson and
hired business manager, but she’s advantage of the daytime to
Kevin Schluter
bluffing her way through the spy on the local Kindred, the
Art: Maichol Quinto
details. Lucas’ absence is sure Havens, and Retainers. She
Graphic Design: Sarah Robinson
to leave at least one scheme or may eventually connect with
business in disarray, one Luciana other ghouls, recruiting them © 2023 Paradox Interactive® AB, Vampire: The
Masquerade®, and Hunter The Reckoning® are
has not yet discovered or is too to her aid or using them as trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox
Interactive AB in Europe, the U.S., and other countries.
overworked to tend to properly. a tool to learn more about © 2023 Renegade Game Studios. All Rights Reserved.
Kindred society.