Micro c2
Micro c2
Micro c2
[MBBS 0322] MARCH 2022 Sub. Code :6066
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020 Batch onwards)
Q.P. Code: 526066
a) Which organism causes this symptoms and list out the other possible
organism that cause Sexually Transmitted Infection.
b) Explain the pathogenesis and clinical feature of the organism
c) What are the diagnostic methods and management
2. A 55 years old male patient was admitted in ICU were with fever, cough with
expectoration, fatigue and sore throat. There is H/O loss of smell and taste.
The contact history with fever patient before 5 days is also elucidated
a) What is the cause of the above condition and list out other organism that
causes interstitial pneumonia?
b) Explain the structure of the organism
c) How will you diagnose this condition .Add a note on its vaccine
2. A 17-year-old boy presented with bloody diarrhea with mucus and pus cells,
colicky abdominal pain, fever, and prostration. The wet mount examination of the
stool sample was performed which showed trophozoites of 5–20 μm, actively
motile, with fingerlike pseudopodia. Inside the trophozoites, the ingested RBCs
a. What is the etiological diagnosis?
b. Describe the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations produced?
c. What are the various diagnostic modalities?
d. How will you treat this condition?
1. An 18-year old female presented with high-grade fever which rises every third
day with chills and rigor. Her blood sample was subjected to a rapid diagnostic test
which revealed positive for Plasmodium vivax. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis
and treatment for the same?
5. A 35 year old male with c/o hard painless penile ulcer attends STD OP. Blood
sample drawn and sent for VDRL test. The laboratory reports VDRL test as
Reactive. How will you counsel & what advice you will give to the patient.
6. Enlist the opportunistic fungal infection. Write in detail about the pathogenesis,
clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of aspergillosis?
7. A 28-year-old female was admitted with high grade fever, vomiting, flank pain
with increased frequency of micturition for the past 3 days. What is your clinical
diagnosis, etiological agents and laboratory diagnosis?
9. List the bacterial organism causing pyogenic meningitis. Write in detail about
clinical manifestations. laboratory diagnosis and treatment of pyogenic
10. A 29-year-old female came to casualty with complaints of high-grade fever, severe
joint pain, back pain and myalgia. Gradually, she developed petechial rashes over
the body. On examination, she was found to have jaundice, hepatomegaly and a
low platelet count (30,000/cm), Raised hematocrit (packed cell volume) by 20%.
A tourniquet test done over the cubital fossa demonstrated 25 petechial
spots/square inch area. On inquiry, she told that she has been bitten by the
a. What is the clinical diagnosis and how is this disease transmitted?
b. How will you confirm the diagnosis in the laboratory?
[MBBS 0822]