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Machine Learning in Finance: From Theory to Practice

Instructor’s Manual

Matthew F. Dixon, Igor Halperin and Paul Bilokon

Matthew Dixon
Department of Applied Math, Illinois Institute of Technology e-mail: [email protected]
Igor Halperin
NYU Tandon School of Engineering and Fidelity Investments, e-mail: [email protected],
e-mail: [email protected]
Paul Bilokon
Thalesians Ltd, London, e-mail: [email protected]

vi Matthew F. Dixon, Igor Halperin and Paul Bilokon


Machine learning in finance sits at the intersection of a number of emergent and es-
tablished disciplines including pattern recognition, financial econometrics, statistical
computing, probabilistic programming, and dynamic programming. With the trend
towards increasing computational resources and larger datasets, machine learning
has grown into a central computational engineering field, with an emphasis placed
on plug-and-play algorithms made available through open-source machine learning
toolkits. Algorithm focused areas of finance, such as algorithmic trading have been
the primary adopters of this technology. But outside of engineering-based research
groups and business activities, much of the field remains a mystery.
A key barrier to understanding machine learning for non-engineering students and
practitioners is the absence of the well-established theories and concepts that finan-
cial time series analysis equips us with. These serve as the basis for the development
of financial modeling intuition and scientific reasoning. Moreover, machine learning
is heavily entrenched in engineering ontology, which makes developments in the
field somewhat intellectually inaccessible for students, academics, and finance prac-
titioners from the quantitative disciplines such as mathematics, statistics, physics,
and economics. Consequently, there is a great deal of misconception and limited un-
derstanding of the capacity of this field. While machine learning techniques are often
effective, they remain poorly understood and are often mathematically indefensible.
How do we place key concepts in the field of machine learning in the context of more
foundational theory in time series analysis, econometrics, and mathematical statis-
tics? Under which simplifying conditions are advanced machine learning techniques
such as deep neural networks mathematically equivalent to well-known statistical
models such as linear regression? How should we reason about the perceived bene-
fits of using advanced machine learning methods over more traditional econometrics
methods, for different financial applications? What theory supports the application
of machine learning to problems in financial modeling? How does reinforcement
learning provide a model-free approach to the Black–Scholes–Merton model for
derivative pricing? How does Q-learning generalize discrete-time stochastic control
problems in finance?

Advantage of the Book

This book is written for advanced graduate students and academics in the mathe-
matical sciences, in addition to quants and data scientists in the field of finance.
Readers will find it useful as a bridge from these well-established foundational top-
ics to applications of machine learning in finance. Machine learning is presented as
a non-parametric extension of financial econometrics, with an emphasis on novel
algorithmic representations of data, regularization and model averaging to improve
out-of-sample forecasting. The key distinguishing feature from classical financial
econometrics is the absence of an assumption on the data generation process. This
ML in Finance Instructor’s Manual vii

has important implications for modeling and performance assessment which are
emphasized with examples throughout the book. Some of the main contributions of
the book are as follows
• The textbook market is saturated with excellent books on machine learning.
However, few present the topic from the prospective of financial econometrics
and cast fundamental concepts in machine learning into canonical modeling and
decision frameworks already well-established in finance such as financial time
series analysis, investment science, and financial risk management. Only through
the integration of these disciplines can we develop an intuition into how machine
learning theory informs the practice of financial modeling.
• Machine learning is entrenched in engineering ontology, which makes develop-
ments in the field somewhat intellectually inaccessible for students, academics
and finance practitioners from quantitative disciplines such as mathematics, statis-
tics, physics, and economics. Moreover, financial econometrics has not kept pace
with this transformative field and there is a need to reconcile various modeling
concepts between these disciplines. This textbook is built around powerful math-
ematical ideas that shall serve as the basis for a graduate course for students with
prior training in probability and advanced statistics, linear algebra, times series
analysis, and Python programming.
• This book provides financial market motivated and compact theoretical treatment
of financial modeling with machine learning for the benefit of regulators, wealth
managers, federal research agencies, and professionals in other heavily regulated
business functions in finance who seek a more theoretical exposition to allay
concerns about the “black-box” nature of machine learning.
• Reinforcement learning is presented as a model-free framework for stochastic
control problems in finance, covering portfolio optimization, derivative pricing
and, wealth management applications without assuming a data generation process.
We also provide a model-free approach to problems in market microstructure,
such as optimal execution, with Q-learning. Furthermore, our book is the first to
present on methods of Inverse Reinforcement Learning.
• Multi-choice questions, numerical examples and approximately 80 end-of-chapter
exercises are used throughout the book to reinforce the main technical concepts.
• This book provides Python codes demonstrating the application of machine learn-
ing to algorithmic trading and financial modeling in risk management and equity
research. These codes make use of powerful open-source software toolkits such
as Google’s TensorFlow, and Pandas, a data processing environment for Python.
The codes have provided so that they can either be presented as laboratory session
material or used as a programming assignment.

Recommended Course Syllabus

This book has been written as an introductory text book for a graduate course in
machine learning in finance for students with strong mathematical preparation in
viii Matthew F. Dixon, Igor Halperin and Paul Bilokon

probability, statistics, and time series analysis. The book therefore assumes, and
does not provide, concepts in elementary probability and statistics. In particular,
undergraduate preparation in probability theory should include discrete and con-
tinuous random variables, conditional probabilities and expectations, and Markov
chains. Statistics preparation includes experiment design, statistical inference, re-
gression and logistic regression models, and analysis of time series, with examples
in ARMA models. Preparation in financial econometrics and Bayesian statistics in
addition to some experience in the capital markets or in investment management is
advantageous but not necessary.
Our experience in teaching upper section undergraduate and graduate programs in
machine learning in finance and related courses in the departments of applied math
and financial engineering have been that students with little programming skills,
despite having strong math backgrounds, have difficulty with the programming as-
signments. It is therefore our recommendation that a course in Python programming
be a prerequisite or that a Python bootcamp be run in conjunction with the begin-
ning of the course. The course should equip students with a solid foundation in data
structures, elementary algorithms and control flow in Python. Some supplementary
material to support programming has been been provided in the Appendices of the
book, with references to further supporting material.
Students with a background in computer science often have a distinct advantage
in the programming assignments, but often need to be referred to other textbooks on
probability and time series analysis first. Exercises at the end of Chapter 1 will be
especially helpful in adapting to the mindset of a quant, with the focus on economic
games and simple numerical puzzles. In general we encourage liberal use of these
applied probability problems as they aid understanding of the key mathematical ideas
and build intuition for how they translate into practice.

Overview of the Textbook

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 provides the industry context for machine learning in finance, discussing
the critical events that have shaped the finance industry’s need for machine learn-
ing and the unique barriers to adoption. The finance industry has adopted machine
learning to varying degrees of sophistication. How it has been adopted is heavily
fragmented by the academic disciplines underpinning the applications. We view
some key mathematical examples that demonstrate the nature of machine learning
and how it is used in practice, with the focus on building intuition for more tech-
nical expositions in later chapters. In particular, we begin to address many finance
practitioner’s concerns that neural networks are a “black-box” by showing how they
are related to existing well-established techniques such as linear regression, logistic
regression and autoregressive time series models. Such arguments are developed
further in later chapters.
ML in Finance Instructor’s Manual ix

This chapter is written to be self-contained and could form the basis of a bootcamp
or short workshop on machine learning in finance. The end-of-chapter questions have
also been designed to assess the students’ background in probability and quantitative

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 introduces probabilistic modeling and reviews foundational concepts in

Bayesian econometrics such as Bayesian inference, model selection, online learn-
ing, and Bayesian model averaging. We develop more versatile representations of
complex data with probabilistic graphical models such as mixture models.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 introduces Bayesian regression and shows how it extends many of

the concepts in the previous chapter. We develop kernel-based machine learning
methods—specifically Gaussian process regression, an important class of Bayesian
machine learning methods—and demonstrate their application to “surrogate” mod-
els of derivative prices. This chapter also provides a natural point from which to
develop intuition for the role and functional form of regularization in a frequentist
setting—the subject of subsequent chapters.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 provides a more in-depth description of supervised learning, deep learning

and neural networks—presenting the foundational mathematical and statistical learn-
ing concepts and explaining how they relate to real-world examples in trading, risk
management, and investment management. These applications present challenges for
forecasting and model design and are presented as a reoccurring theme throughout
the book. This chapter moves towards a more engineering style exposition of neural
networks, applying concepts in the previous chapters to elucidate various model
design choices.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 presents a method for interpreting neural networks which imposes mini-
mal restrictions on the neural network design. The chapter demonstrates techniques
x Matthew F. Dixon, Igor Halperin and Paul Bilokon

for interpreting a feedforward network, including how to rank the importance of the
features. An example demonstrating how to apply interpretability analysis to deep
learning models for factor modeling is also presented.

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 provides an overview of the most important modeling concepts in financial

econometrics. Such methods form the conceptual basis and performance baseline
for more advanced neural network architectures presented in the next chapter. In
fact, each type of architecture is a generalization of many of the models presented
here. This chapter is especially useful for students from an engineering or science
background, with little exposure to econometrics and time series analysis.

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 presents a powerful class of probabilistic models for financial data. Many
of these models overcome some of the severe stationarity limitations of the fre-
quentist models in the previous chapters. The fitting procedure demonstrated is also
different—the use of Kalman filtering algorithms for state-space models rather than
maximum likelihood estimation or Bayesian inference. Simple examples of Hidden
Markov models and particle filters in finance and various algorithms are presented.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 presents various neural network models for financial time series analy-
sis, providing examples of how they relate to well-known techniques in financial
econometrics. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are presented as non-linear time
series models and generalize classical linear time series models such as AR(p). They
provide a powerful approach for prediction in financial time series and generalize to
non-stationary data. The chapter also presents convolution neural networks for filter-
ing time series data and exploiting different scales in the data. Finally, this chapter
demonstrates how autoencoders are used to compress information and generalize
principal component analysis.
ML in Finance Instructor’s Manual xi

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 introduces Markov Decision Processes and the classical methods of dy-
namic programming, before building familiarity with the ideas of reinforcement
learning and other approximate methods for solving MDPs. After describing Bell-
man optimality and iterative value and policy updates before moving to Q-learning,
the chapter quickly advances towards a more engineering style exposition of the
topic, covering key computational concepts such as greediness, batch learning, and
Q-learning. Through a number of mini-case studies, the chapter provides insight into
how RL is applied to optimization problems in asset management and trading. These
examples are each supported with Python notebooks.

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 considers real-world applications of reinforcement learning in finance,

as well as further advances the theory presented in the previous chapter. We start
with one of the most common problems of quantitative finance, which is the problem
of optimal portfolio trading in discrete-time. Many practical problems of trading or
risk management amount to different forms of dynamic portfolio optimization, with
different optimization criteria, portfolio composition, and constraints. The chapter
introduces a reinforcement learning approach to option pricing that generalizes the
classical Black–Scholes–Merton model to a data-driven approach using Q-learning.
It then presents a probabilistic extension of Q-learning called G-learning, and shows
how it can be used for dynamic portfolio optimization. For certain specifications of
reward functions, G-learning is semi-analytically tractable, and amounts to a proba-
bilistic version of linear quadratic regulators (LQR). Detailed analyses of such cases
are presented, and we show their solutions with examples from problems of dynamic
portfolio optimization¯ and wealth management.

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 provides an overview of the most popular methods of inverse reinforce-

ment learning (IRL) and imitation learning (IL). These methods solve the problem
of optimal control in a data-driven way, similarly to reinforcement learning, however
with the critical difference that now rewards are not observed. The problem is rather
to learn the reward function from the observed behavior of an agent. As behavioral
data without rewards are widely available, the problem of learning from such data
is certainly very interesting. The chapter provides a moderate-level description of
the most promising IRL methods, equips the reader with sufficient knowledge to
understand and follow the current literature on IRL, and presents examples that use
simple simulated environments to see how these methods perform when we know
xii Matthew F. Dixon, Igor Halperin and Paul Bilokon

the “ground truth" rewards. We then present use cases for IRL in quantitative finance
that include applications to trading strategy identification, sentiment-based trading,
option pricing, and market modeling.

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 takes us forward to emerging research topics in quantitative finance

and machine learning. Among many interesting emerging topics, we focus here
on two broad themes. The first part deals with unification of supervised learning
and reinforcement learning as two tasks of perception-action cycles of agents. We
outline some recent research ideas in the literature including in particular information
theory-based versions of reinforcement learning, and discuss their relevance for
financial applications. We explain why these ideas might have interesting practical
implications for RL financial models, where feature selection could be done within
the general task of optimization of a long-term objective, rather than outside of it, as
is usually performed in “alpha-research.”


The exercises that appear at the end of every chapter form an important component
of the book. Each exercise has been chosen to reinforce concepts explained in the
text, to stimulate the application of machine learning in finance and to gently bridge
material in other chapters. It is graded according to difficulty ranging from (*),
which denotes a simple exercise taking a few minutes to complete, through to (***),
which denotes a significantly more complex exercise. Unless specified otherwise, all
equations referred in each exercise correspond to those in the corresponding chapter.

Python Notebooks

Many of the chapters are accompanied by Python notebooks to illustrate some

of the main concepts and demonstrate application of machine learning methods.
Each notebook is lightly annotated. Many of these notebooks use TensorFlow. We
recommend loading these notebooks, together with any accompanying Python source
files and data, in Google Colab. Please see the appendices of each textbook chapter
accompanied by notebooks, and the README.md in the subfolder of each textbook
chapter, for further instructions and details.
ML in Finance Instructor’s Manual xiii

Instructor Materials

This Instructor’s Manual provides worked solutions to almost all of the end-of-
chapter questions. Additionally this Instructor’s Manual is accompanied by a folder
with notebook solutions to some of the programming assignments. Occasionally,
some addition notes on the notebook solution are also provided.

Machine Learning in Finance: From Theory to

Practice Instructor’s Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Matthew F. Dixon, Igor Halperin and Paul Bilokon
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Advantage of the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Recommended Course Syllabus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Overview of the Textbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Python Notebooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Instructor Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

Part I Machine Learning with Cross-Sectional Data

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Probabilistic Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3 Bayesian Regression & Gaussian Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

1 Programming Related Questions* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4 Feedforward Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2 Programming Related Questions* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

5 Interpretability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3 Programming Related Questions* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Part II Sequential Learning

6 Sequence Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

7 Probabilistic Sequence Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

xvi Contents

8 Advanced Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4 Programming Related Questions* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Part III Sequential Data with Decision-Making

9 Introduction to Reinforcement learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

10 Applications of Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

11 Inverse Reinforcement Learning and Imitation Learning . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Part I
Machine Learning with Cross-Sectional
Chapter 1

Exercise 1.1**: Market game

Suppose that two players enter into a market game. The rules of the game are as
follows: Player 1 is the market maker, and Player 2 is the market taker. In each
round, Player 1 is provided with information x, and must choose and declare a value
α ∈ (0, 1) that determines how much it will pay out if a binary event G occurs in the
round. G ∼ Bernoulli(p), where p = g(x|θ) for some unknown parameter θ.
Player 2 then enters the game with a $1 payment and chooses one of the following
with probability p
V1 (G, p) = α
0 with probability (1 − p)
0 with probability p
V2 (G, p) = 1
(1−α) with probability (1 − p)

a. Given that α is known to Player 2, state the strategy1 that will give Player 2 an
expected payoff, over multiple games, of $1 without knowing p.
b. Suppose now that p is known to both players. In a given round, what is the optimal
choice of α for Player 1?
c. Suppose Player 2 knows with complete certainty, that G will be 1 for a particular
round, what will be the payoff for Player 2?
d. Suppose Player 2 has complete knowledge in rounds {1, ..., i} and can reinvest
payoffs from earlier rounds into later rounds. Further suppose without loss of
generality that G = 1 for each of these rounds. What will be the payoff for Player
2 after i rounds? You may assume that the each game can be played with fractional

1 The strategy refers the choice of weight if Player 2 is to choose a payoff V = wV1 + (1 − w)V2 ,
i.e. a weighted combination of payoffs V1 and V2 .


dollar costs, so that, for example, if Player 2 pays Player 1 $1.5 to enter the game,
then the payoff will be 1.5V1 .

Solution 1.1

a. If Player 2 chooses payoff V1 with probability α and V2 otherwise then the payoff
will be

αp (1 − α)(1 − p)
+ = p + (1 − p) = 1.
α (1 − α)
So Player 2 is expected to win or at least break even, regardless of their level of
knowledge merely because Player 1 had to move first.
b. If Player 1 chooses α = p, then the expected payoff to Player 2 is exactly $1.
Suppose Player 1 chooses α > p, then Player 2 takes V2 and the payoff is
> 1.
And similarly if Player 1 chooses α < p, then Player 2 chooses V1 and also expects
to earn more than $1.
N.B.: If Player 1 chooses α = p, then Player 2 in expectation earns exactly $1
regardless of the choices made by Player 2.
c. Since G = 1 is known to Player 2, they choose V1 and earn $ α1 .
d. After the first round, Player 2 will have received $ α1 . Reinvesting this in the second
round, the payoff will be $ α12 . Therefore after i rounds, the payer to Player 2 will
N.B.: This problem and the next are developing the intuition for the use of
logarithms in entropy. One key part of this logic is that the “right” way to consider
the likelihood of a dataset is by multiplying together the probability of each
observation, not summing or averaging them. Another reason to prefer a product
is that under a product the individual events form a σ-algebra, such that any subset
of events is itself an event that is priced fairly by the game. For instance, a player
can choose to bet on events i = 1 and i = 2 both happening, and the resulting
event is priced fairly, at odds calculated from its actual probability of occurrence,
p1 p2 .

Exercise 1.2**: Model comparison

Recall Example 1.2. Suppose additional information was added such that it is no
longer possible to predict the outcome with 100% probability. Consider Table 1 as
the results of some experiment.

G x
A (0, 1)
B (1, 1)
B (1, 0)
C (1, 0)
C (0, 0)

Table 1: Sample model data.

Now if we are presented with x = (1, 0), the result could be B or C. Consider
three different models applied to this value of x which encode the value A, B or C.

f ((1, 0)) = (0, 1, 0), Predicts B with 100% certainty. (1)

g((1, 0)) = (0, 0, 1), Predicts C with 100% certainty. (2)

h((1, 0)) = (0, 0.5, 0.5), Predicts B or C with 50% certainty. (3)
a. Show that each model has the same total absolute error, over the samples where
x = (1, 0).
b. Show that all three models assign the same average probability to the values from
Table 1 when x = (1, 0).
c. Suppose that the market game in Exercise 1 is now played with models f or g.
B or C each triggers two separate payoffs, V1 and V2 respectively. Show that the
losses to Player 1 are unbounded when x = (1, 0) and α = 1 − p.
d. Show also that if the market game in Exercise 1 is now played with model h, the
losses to Player 1 are bounded.

Solution 1.2

a. Model f has an absolute error of 1 + 0, g has an error of 0 + 1, and h has an error

of 0.5 + 0.5, so they are all the same.
b. The calculation the error is the same as above, 1 + 0 = 0 + 1 = 0.5 + 0.5.
c. In the fourth row, Player 1 pays out 01 , if α = 1 − p, and p denotes the model
confidence of event B or C, which is unbounded.
d. Player 1 pays out 0.5 + 0.5
= 4, which is bounded.

Additional problems of this sort can be generated by simply requiring that the data
set in question have at least two rows with identical values of x, but different values
of G. This ensures that no model could predict all of the events (since a model must
be a function of x), and thus it is necessary to consider the probabilities assigned to
mispredicted events.
Provided that some of the models assign absolute certainty (p = 1.0) to some
incorrectly predicted outcomes, the unbounded losses in Part (3) will occur for those

Exercise 1.3**: Model comparison

Example 1.1 and the associated discussion alluded to the notion that some types of
models are more common than others. This exercise will explore that concept briefly.
Recall Table 1.1 from Example 1.1:

G x
A (0, 1)
B (1, 1)
C (1, 0)
C (0, 0)

For this exercise, consider two models “similar” if they produce the same projec-
tions for G when applied to the values of x from Table 1.1 with probability strictly
greater than 0.95.
In the following subsections, the goal will be to produce sets of mutually dissimilar
models that all produce Table 1.1 with a given likelihood.
a. How many similar models produce Table 1.1 with likelihood 1.0?
b. Produce at least 4 dissimilar models that produce Table 1.1 with likelihood 0.9.
c. How many dissimilar models can produce Table 1.1 with likelihood exactly 0.95?

Solution 1.3

a. There is only one model that can produce Table 1.1 with likelihood 1.0, it is

 {1, 0, 0} if x = (0, 1)
= (1, 1)

 {0, 1, 0}

if x
g(x) =


 {0, 0, 1} if x = (1, 0)
= (0, 0)

 {0, 0, 1}
 if x
There are no dissimilar models that can produce the output in Table 1.1 with
likelihood 1.0.

b. This can be done many ways, but most easily by perfectly predicting some rows
and not others. One such set of models is:

 {0.9, 0.1, 0} if x = (0, 1)
= (1, 1)

 {0, 1, 0}

if x
g1 (x) =

 {0, 0, 1}

 if x = (1, 0)
= (0, 0)

 {0, 0, 1}
 if x

 {1, 0, 0} if x = (0, 1)
= (1, 1)

 {0.1, 0.9, 0}

if x
g2 (x) =


 {0, 0, 1} if x = (1, 0)
= (0, 0)

 {0, 0, 1}
 if x

 {1, 0, 0} if x = (0, 1)
= (1, 1)

{0, 1, 0} if x

g3 (x) =


 {0, 0.1, 0.9} if x = (1, 0)
= (0, 0)

 {0, 0, 1}
 if x

 {1, 0, 0} if x = (0, 1)
= (1, 1)

 {0, 1, 0}

if x
g3 (x) =

 {0, 0, 1}

 if x = (1, 0)
= (0, 0)

 {0, 0.1, 0.9}
 if x
When generating models of this form, it is not necessary to use 0.9, 0.1, and 0.0.
If these three values are labeled α, β, and γ, then it is enough that α2 < 0.95,
α >= 0.9, and α + β + γ = 1.0.
c. It’s clear from the setup that any models that give the table with likelihood 0.95
are right on the boundary of being dissimilar, so they must not in any other
circumstance agree. There are an infinite number of models. For example, here
are two

 {0.95, 0.05, 0} if x = (0, 1)
= (1, 1)

 {0, 1, 0}

if x
g1 (x) =

 {0, 0, 1}

 if x = (1, 0)
= (0, 0)

 {0, 0, 1}
 if x

 {0.95, 0, 0.05} if x = (0, 1)
= (1, 1)

 {0, 1, 0}

if x
g2 (x) =


 {0, 0, 1} if x = (1, 0)
= (0, 0)

 {0, 0, 1}
 if x
but they could have easily have been generated with 0.95 + a + (0.05 − a), a ∈
[0, 0.05].

Exercise 1.4*: Likelihood estimation

When the data is i.i.d., the negative of log-likelihood function (the “error function”)
for a binary classifier is the cross-entropy
E(θ) = − Gi ln (g1 (xi | θ)) + (1 − Gi )ln (g0 (xi | θ)).

Suppose now that there is a probability πi that the class label on a training data point
xi has been correctly set. Write down the error function corresponding to the negative
log-likelihood. Verify that the error function in the above equation is obtained when
πi = 1. Note that this error function renders the model robust to incorrectly labeled
data, in contrast to the usual least squares error function.

Solution 1.4

Given the probability πi that the class label is correctly assigned, the error function
can be written as
E(θ) = − πi ln (g1 (xi | θ)) + (1 − πi )ln (g0 (xi | θ)).

Clearly when πi = 1 we recover the cross-entropy given by the error function.

Exercise 1.5**: Optimal action

Derive Eq. 1.17 by setting the derivative of Eq. 1.16 with respect to the time-t
action ut to zero. Note that Equation 1.17 gives a non-parametric expression for the
optimal action ut in terms of a ratio of two conditional expectations. To be useful in
practice, the approach might need some further modification as you will use in the
next exercise.

Solution 1.5

Setting the derivative of Eq. 1.16 w.r.t. ut to zero gives

" T #
∂ Õ
ut φt − λut V [φt |St ] St = s = 0.
∂ut t=0

This gives
E [φt |St ] − 2λut V [φt |St ] = 0
and rearranging gives the optimal action:

E [φt |St ]
ut = .
2λV [φt |St ]

Exercise 1.6***: Basis functions

Instead of non-parametric specifications of an optimal action in Eq. 1.17, we can

develop a parametric model of optimal action. To this end, assume we have a set
of basic functions ψk (S) with k = 1, . . . , K. Here K is the total number of basis
functions—the same as the dimension of your model space.
We now define the optimal action ut = ut (St ) in terms of coefficients θ k of
expansion over basis functions Ψk (for example, we could use spline basis functions,
Fourier bases etc.) :
ut = ut (St ) = θ k (t)Ψk (St ).

Compute the optimal coefficients θ k (t) by substituting the above equation for ut into
Eq. 1.16 and maximizing it with respect to a set of weights θ k (t) for a t-th time step.

Solution 1.6

Plugging the basis function representation for ut into Eq. 1.16, setting the derivative
of the resulting expressing with respect to θ k 0 = θ k 0 (t), we obtain a system of linear
equations for each k 0 = 1, . . . , K:
2λ θ k E [Ψk (S)Ψk 0 (S)Var [φ|S]] = E [Ψk 0 (S)] .

This system of linear equations can be conveniently solved by defining a pair of a

matrix A and vector B whose elements are defined as follows:

Akk 0 = E [Ψk (S)Ψk 0 (S)Var [φ|S]] , Bk 0 = E [Ψk 0 (S)] .

The solution of the linear system above is then given by the following simple matrix-
valued formula for the vector θ of parameters θ k :
1 −1
θ= A B.

Note that this relation involves matrix inversion, and in practice might have to be
regularized by adding a unity matrix to matrix A with a tiny regularization parameter
before the matrix inversion step.
Chapter 2
Probabilistic Modeling

Exercise 2.1: Applied Bayes’ Theorem

An accountant is 95 percent effective in detecting fraudulent accounting when it

is, in fact, present. However, the audit also yields a "false positive" result for one
percent of the non-fraudulent companies audited. If 0.1 percent of the companies are
actually fraudulent, what is the probability that a company is fraudulent given that
the audit revealed fraudulent accounting?

Solution 2.1

Let F denote the presence of fraud, F denote its absence, and + denote a positive
audit result (i.e. the audit revealed fraudulent accounting). Then P(+|F ) = .95,
P(+|F c ) = .01, and P(F ) = .001. Then according to Bayes’ theorem

P(F ) · P(+|F ) .001(.95)

P(F |+) = = = .0868.
P(+) .001(.95) + .999(.01)

Exercise 2.2*: FX and Equity

A currency strategist has estimated that JPY will strengthen against USD with
probability 60% if S&P 500 continues to rise. JPY will strengthen against USD
with probability 95% if S&P 500 falls or stays flat. We are in an upward trending
market at the moment, and we believe that the probability that S&P 500 will rise
is 70%. We then learn that JPY has actually strengthened against USD. Taking this
new information into account, what is the probability that S&P 500 will rise? Hint:
| A)
Recall Bayes’ rule: P(A | B) = P(B
P(B) P(A).


Solution 2.2

Denote the events as

• H = “S&P continues to rise”,
• E = “JPY strengthens against USD”.
P [E | H] = 0.6, P E | H̄ = 0.95, P [H] = 0.7.

By Bayes’s rule,
P [E | H] P [H]
P [H | E] = ,
P [E]
and we can use the Law of Total Probability to rewrite the denominator to get

P [E | H] P [H]
P [H | E] =   ,
P [E | H] P [H] + P E | H̄ P H̄

so we can now substitute in the given probabilities and obtain the answer:

0.6 × 0.7
P [H | E] = = 0.595 ≈ 60%,
0.6 × 0.7 + 0.95 × (1 − 0.7)

and so P [H | E] < P [H], the posterior is less than the prior. This decrease in
 is due to the fact that the evidence supports H̄ more strongly than H:
P E | H̄ > P [E | H].

Exercise 2.3**: Bayesian inference in trading

Suppose there are n conditionally independent, but not identical, Bernoulli trials
G1, . . . , G n generated from the map P(Gi = 1 | X = xi ) = g1 (xi | θ) with θ ∈ [0, 1].
Show that the likelihood of G | X is given by
p(G | X, θ) = (g1 (xi | θ))Gi · (g0 (xi | θ))1−Gi (11)

and the log-likelihood of G | X is given by

ln p(G | X, θ) = Gi ln(g1 (xi | θ)) + (1 − Gi )ln(g0 (xi | θ)). (12)

Using Bayes’ rule, write the condition probability density function of θ (the "poste-
rior") given the data (X, G) in terms of the above likelihood function.
From the previous example, suppose that G = 1 corresponds to JPY strengthening
against the dollar and X are the S&P 500 daily returns and now

g1 (x | θ) = θ1x>0 + (θ + 35)1x ≤0 . (13)

Starting with a neutral view on the parameter θ (i.e. θ ∈ [0, 1]), learn the distribution
of the parameter θ given that JPY strengthens against the dollar for two of the three
days and S&P 500 is observed to rise for 3 consecutive days. Hint: You can use the
Beta density function with a scaling constant Γ(α, β)

(α + β − 1)! α−1
p(θ|α, β) = θ (1 − θ)β−1 = Γ(α, β)θ α−1 (1 − θ)β−1 (14)
(α − 1)!(β − 1)!
to evaluate the integral in the marginal density function.
If θ represents the currency analyst’s opinion of JPY strengthening against the dollar,
what is the probability that the model overestimates the analyst’s estimate?

Solution 2.3

If the trials are conditionally independent then

p(G | X, θ) = p(G = Gi | X = xi, θ)

and since the conditional probability of Gi = 1 given X = xi is pi = g1 (xi | θ)) it

follows that
p(G | X, θ) = p(G = Gi | X = xi, θ) = piGi (1 − pi )1−Gi

and taking logs gives

Õ n
ln p(G | X, θ) = ln p(G = Gi | X = xi, θ) = Gi ln pi + (1 − Gi )ln (1 − pi ).
i=1 i=1

From Bayes’ rule, the conditional density function of θ (the "posterior") is given by

p(G | X, θ)
p(θ | G, X) = p(θ).
p(G | X)
Since p(θ = 0.6) = 1 and zero for all estimates (the currency strategist’s "prior")
From the previous example, suppose that G = 1 corresponds to JPY strengthening
against the dollar and X are the S&P 500 daily returns and now

g1 (x | θ) = θ1x>0 + (θ + 35)1x ≤0 .
Starting with a uniform prior p(θ) = 1, ∀θ ∈ [0, 1], learn the distribution of the
parameter θ given that JPY strengthens against the dollar for two of the three days

and S&P 500 is observed to rise for 3 consecutive days. So the likelihood function
is given by θ 2 (1 − θ) and from Bayes’ law:

p(G | X, θ) θ 2 (1 − θ)
p(θ | G, X) = p(θ) = ∫ 1 = Γ(3, 2)θ 2 (1 − θ).
p(G | X) θ (1 − θ)dθ

where we have used the Beta density function with a scaling constant Γ(α, β)

(α + β − 1)! α−1
p(θ|α, β) = θ (1 − θ)β−1 = Γ(α, β)θ α−1 (1 − θ)β−1
(α − 1)!(β − 1)!
to evaluate the integral in the marginal density function. The probability that the
model overestimates the analyst’s estimate is:
1 0
θ3 θ4
∫ ∫ 
P [θ > 0.6 | G, X] = Γ(3, 2) θ 2 (1−θ)dθ = Γ(3, 2)(1− .6θ 2 (1−θ)dθ = 12 − = 0.4752.
0.6 0 3 4 0

Exercise 2.4*: Bayesian inference in trading

Suppose that you observe the following daily sequence of directional changes in the
JPY/USD exchange rate (U (up), D(down or stays flat)):
U, D, U, U, D
and the corresponding daily sequence of S&P 500 returns is
-0.05, 0.01, -0.01, -0.02, 0.03
You propose the following probability model to explain the behavior of JPY
against USD given the directional changes in S&P 500 returns: Let G denote a
Bernoulli R.V., where G = 1 corresponds to JPY strengthening against the dollar and
r are the S&P 500 daily returns. All observations of G are conditionally independent
(but *not* identical) so that the likelihood is
p(G | r, θ) = p(G = Gi | r = ri, θ)

where (
θ u, ri > 0
p(Gi = 1 | r = ri, θ) =
θ d, ri ≤ 0
Compute the full expression for the likelihood that the data was generated by this

Solution 2.4

The data D = (G, r) consists of all contemporaneous observations of G and r. The

trials are conditionally independent then the joint likelihood of G given r and θ can
be written as the product of marginal conditional density functions of G:
p(G | r, θ) = p(G = Gi | r = ri, θ)

and since the conditional probability of Gi = 1 given r = ri is θ i ∈ {θ u, θ d }, the

data yields
p(G | r, θ) = p(G = Gi | r = ri, θ) = θ iGi (1 − θ i )1−Gi
= θ d · (1 − θ u ) · θ d · θ d · (1 − θ u )
= θ 3d (1 − θ u )2 .

Exercise 2.5: Model comparison

Suppose you observe the following daily sequence of direction changes in the stock
market (U (up), D(down)):
U, D, U, U, D, D, D, D, U, U, U, U, U, U, U, D, U, D, U, D,
U, D, D, D, D, U, U, D, U, D, U, U, U, D, U, D, D, D, U, U,
D, D, D, U, D, U, D, U, D, D
You compare two models for explaining its behavior. The first model, M1 , assumes
that the probability of an upward movement is fixed to 0.5 and the data is i.i.d.
The second model, M2 , also assumes the data is i.i.d. but that the probability
of an upward movement is set to an unknown θ ∈ Θ = (0, 1) with a uniform prior
on θ : p(θ|M2 ) = 1. For simplicity, we additionally choose a uniform model prior
p(M1 ) = p(M2 ).
Compute the model evidence for each model.
Compute the Bayes’ factor and indicate which model should we prefer in light of
this data?

Solution 2.5

There are n = 50 observations of which 25 are D and the remaining 25 are U. Let
X denote the number of Us. The first model, M1 assumes that the probability of
an upward movement is fixed to 0.5 and the data is i.i.d. The second model, M2 ,
assumes the probability of an upward movement is set to an unknown θ ∈ Θ = (0, 1)
with a uniform prior density on θ : p(θ|M2 ) = 1. For simplicity, we additionally
choose a uniform model prior p(M1 ) = p(M2 ).

Which model is most likely to have generated the given data? We compute the
model evidence for each model. The model evidence for M2 is the probability mass
50 1
p(X = 25|M2 ) = = 0.11227.
25 250
The model evidence of M2 requires integrating over θ:
∫ 1
p(X = 25|M2 ) = p(X = 25|θ, M2 )p(θ|M2 )dθ
∫ 1 
50 25
= θ (1 − θ)25 dθ
0 25
= = 0.01960784.
Γ(26, 26)
Note that we have used the definition of the Beta density function with a scaling
constant Γ(α, β)

(α + β − 1)! α−1
p(θ|α, β) = θ (1 − θ)β−1 = Γ(α, β)θ α−1 (1 − θ)β−1
(α − 1)!(β − 1)!
to evaluate the integral in the marginal density function above, where α = 26 and
β = 26. Γ(26, 26) = 6.4469 × 1015 and 50 = × 1014 .

25 1.264
The Bayes’ factor in favor of M1 is 5.7252 and thus |lnBF | = 1.744877 and,
from Jeffrey’s table, we see that there is weak evidence in favor of M1 since the log
of the factor is between 1 and 2.5.

Exercise 2.6: Bayesian prediction and updating

Using Bayesian prediction, predict the probability of an upward movement given the
best model and data in Exercise 2.5.
Suppose now that you observe the following new daily sequence of direction
changes in the stock market (U (up), D(down)):
D, U, D, D, D, D, U, D, U, D, U, D, D, D, U, U, D, U, D, D, D,
U, U, D, D, D, U, D, U, D, U, D, D, D, U, D, U, D, U, D, D, D,
D, U, U, D, U, D, U, U
Using the best model from Exercise 2.5, compute the new posterior distribution
function based on the new data and the data in the previous question and predict
the probability of an upward price movement given all data. State all modeling
assumptions clearly.

Solution 2.6

Part I If we choose M2 (even though there is weak evidence for the "best" model
being M1 ), we can write that the density of the new predicted value y 0 (assuming
it is just one new data point) given the previous data y is the expected value of the
likelihood of the new data under the posterior density p(θ|y, M2 ):
∫ 1
p(y 0 |y, M2 ) = Eθ |y [p(y 0 |y, θ, M2 )] = p(y 0 |y, θ, M2 )p(θ|y, M2 )dθ.

The model evidence for M2 , written in terms of y, in the previous question is

∫ 1
p(y|M2 ) = p(y|θ, M2 )p(θ|M2 )dθ = = 1.5511 × 10−16
0 Γ(26, 26)
since the likelihood function is
Ö Ín Ín
p(y|θ, M2 ) = θ yi (1−θ)1−yi = θ i=1 yi
(1−θ) i=1 (1−yi ) = θ x (1−θ)n−x = θ 25 (1−θ)25

where we have mapped Bernoulli trials yi to 1 and zeros instead of U’s and D’s.
Note that we dropped the nx term since this is a likelihood function over all y.

By Bayes’ law, the posterior density is

p(y|θ, M2 ) θ 25 (1 − θ)25
p(θ|y, M2 ) = p(θ|M2 ) = · 1,
p(y|M2 ) Γ(26, 26)−1
and the prediction density is
∫ 1
0 0
p(y 0 |y, M2 ) = Eθ |y [p(y 0 |y, θ, M2 )] = Γ(26, 26) θ y (1 − θ)1−y θ 25 (1 − θ)25 dθ
0 0
where we have used the likelihood function p(y 0 |y, θ, M2 ) = θ y (1 − θ)1−y . So the
prediction of y 0 = 1 is the probability mass function for the upward movement
∫ 1
Γ(26, 26)
p(y 0 = 1|y, M2 ) = Γ(26, 26) θ 26 (1 − θ)25 dθ = = 0.5
0 Γ(27, 26)
and downward movement
∫ 1
Γ(26, 26)
p(y = 0|y, M2 ) = Γ(26, 26)
θ 25 (1 − θ)26 dθ = = 0.5.
0 Γ(26, 27)
and they sum to 1.
Part II Now let’s learn again use the new data y 0 given in the question which consists
of 50 new data points, of which 30 are D’s and 20 are U’s. We use the Bayesian
updating (’online learning’) formula

p(y 0 |θ, M2 )p(θ|y, M2 )

p(θ|y 0, y, M2 ) = ∫ . (15)
θ ∈Θ
p(y 0 |θ, M2 )p(θ|y, M2 )dθ
The new model evidence is
∫ 1
p(y 0 |y, M2 ) = p(y 0 |θ, M2 )p(θ|y, M2 )dθ

and using the likelihood function evaluated on the new data

p(y 0 |θ, M2 ) = θ 20 (1 − θ)30

and recalling the posterior over y

p(θ|y, M2 ) = θ 25 (1 − θ)25 Γ(26, 26)

we have
∫ 1
Γ(26, 26)
p(y 0 |y, M2 ) = θ 20 (1 − θ)30 θ 25 (1 − θ)25 Γ(26, 26)dθ = .
0 Γ(46, 56)
so substituting the new model evidence and the new likelihood into Equation 15 for
the new posterior density is

p(θ|y 0, y, M2 ) = θ 45 (1 − θ)55 Γ(46, 56).

Part III Finally let’s compute the probability again now assuming that y ∗ is the next
observation and we will merge y 0, y. So now (y, y 0) contains 102 observations of the
stock market variable Y .
The prediction density is now
∫ 1
∗ ∗
p(y ∗ |y, y 0, M2 ) = Eθ |y,y0 [p(y ∗ |y, y 0, θ, M2 )] = Γ(46, 56) θ y (1−θ)1−y θ 45 (1−θ)55 dθ

and evaluating the density at y ∗ = 1:

Γ(46, 56)
p(y ∗ = 1|y, y 0, M2 ) = = 0.4509804.
Γ(47, 56)
The probability that the next value y ∗ will be a one has decreased after observing
all data. This is because there are relatively more D’s in the new data than in the old
Using Model 1 Under Model M1
∫ 1
p(y|M1 ) = p(y|θ, M1 )p(θ|M1 )dθ =
0 250

where p(θ|M1 ) = 1 when θ = 1/2 and p(θ|M1 ) = 0 otherwise (i.e., the prior is a
Dirac delta function) and the likelihood function is
p(y|θ = 1/2, M1 ) = .
By Bayes’ law, the posterior density can only be 1

p(y|θ, M1 )
p(θ|y, M1 ) = p(θ|M1 ) = 1, θ = 1/2
p(y|M1 )
and zero for all other values of θ. The prediction density, for either up or downward
movements is,
p(y 0 |y, M1 ) = Eθ |y [p(y 0 |y, θ = 1/2, M1 )] = · 1.
Note that the prediction will not change under new data.

N.B.: An alternative formulation writes the old posterior in the previous question
conditioned on X = x and the new posterior conditioned on X 0 = x 0 and X = x. The
difference will be a factor up to the n choose x operator, which will cancel through.

Exercise 2.7: Logistic regression is Naive Bayes

Suppose that G and X ∈ {0, 1} p are Bernoulli random Î p variables and the Xi s are
mutually independent given G—that is, P [X | G] = i=1 P [Xi | G]. Given a naive
Bayes’ classifier P [G | X], show that the following logistic regression model pro-
duces equivalent output if the weights are
P [G] Õ P [Xi = 0 ∈ G]
w0 = log + log
P [G c ] i=1 P [Xi = 0 ∈ G c ]
P [Xi = 1 ∈ G] P [Xi = 0 ∈ G c ]
wi = log · , i = 1, . . . , p.
P [Xi = 1 ∈ G c ] P [Xi = 0 ∈ G]

Solution 2.7

The Naive Bayes’ classifier is given by:


P [X | G] P [G]
P [G | X] = (16)
P [X]
P [X | G] P [G]
P [X | G] P [G] + P [X | G c ] P [G c ]
= P[X | G c ]P[G c ]
1 + P[X | G] P[G]
= P[X | G c ]P[G c ] 
1 + exp ln

P[X | G]P[G]
= P[X | G]P[G]
1 + exp − ln P[X
| G c ]P[G c ]

We want
P [G | X] = Íp (17)
1 + exp − i=0 wi Xi

By combining Eq. 16 and Eq. 17 we get:

P [X | G] P [G] Õ
− log = − wi Xi .
P [X | G c ] P [G c ] i=0

Using Naive Bayes’ assumption and some simplifications we have:

n n
Õ P [G] Õ P [xi | G]
wi xi = log + log . (18)
P [G c ] i=1 P [xi | G c ]

Now we want the RHS of Eq. 18 to be a linear function of Xi ’s, so we perform

the following substitutions (i > 0):

P [Xi | G] P [Xi = 1 | G]
log = Xi log (19)
P [Xi | G ] P [Xi = 1 | G c ]
P [Xi = 0 | G]
+ (1 − Xi ) log .
P [Xi = 0 | G c ]
By combining Eq. 18 and Eq. 19 we can show equivalence. To solve for w0 we
plug in Xi = 0 (for i > 0 because X0 is a dummy feature for the bias term so its
always 1). To compute wi we take the coefficient of Xi in Eq. 19.

Exercise 2.8**: Restricted Boltzmann Machines

Consider a probabilistic model with two types of binary variables: visible binary
stochastic units v ∈ {0, 1} D and hidden binary stochastic units h ∈ {0, 1} F , where D
and F are the number of visible and hidden units respectively. The joint probability
density to observe their values is given by the exponential distribution

1 Õ
p(v, h) = exp (−E(v, h)) , Z= exp (−E(v, h))
Z v,h

and where the energy E(v, h) of the state {v, h} is

E(v, h) = −vT Wh − bT v − aT h = − Wi j vi h j − bi vi − a j h j,
i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1

with model parameters a, b, W. This probabilistic model is called the restricted

Boltzmann machine. Show that conditional probabilities for visible and hidden nodes
are given by the sigmoid function σ(x) = 1/(1 + e−x ):
! !
P [vi = 1 | h] = σ Wi j h j + bi , P [hi = 1 | v] = σ Wi j v j + ai .
j j

Solution 2.8

Consider the first expression P [vi = 1|h]. Let v−i stands for the vector of visible units
with the ith components removed. This conditional probability can be computed as
follows: Õ P [vi = 1, v−i, h]
P [vi = 1|h] = (20)

Probabilities entering this expression can be written as follows:

Õ 1   Õ  
p(h) = p(v, h) = exp aT h exp vT Wh + bT v
Z v ,v
−i i

©Õ Õ Õ Õ
P [vi = 1, v−i, h] = exp aT h exp ­ Wi0 j vi0 h j + bi0 vi0 + Wi j h j + bi ®
Z 0 i0 ,i
« i ,i j=1 j ¬
Substituting these expressions into (20) and simplifying, we obtain
exp j Wi j h j + bi
P [vi = 1|h] = Í  =σ Wi j h j + bi
exp j Wi j h j + bi + 1 j

The second relation is obtained in a similar way.

Chapter 3
Bayesian Regression & Gaussian Processes

Exercise 3.1: Posterior Distribution of Bayesian Linear Regression

Consider the Bayesian linear regression model

yi = θ T X + ,  ∼ N (0, σn2 ), θ ∼ N (µ, Σ).

Show that the posterior over data D is given by the distribution

θ |D ∼ N (µ0, Σ 0),

with moments:
1 1
µ0 = Σ 0 a = (Σ−1 + X X T )−1 (Σ−1 µ + 2 yT X)
σn2 σn
Σ 0 = A−1 = (Σ + 2 X X ) .
−1 T −1

Solution 3.1

See Eq. 3.12 to Eq. 3.19 in the chapter for the derivation for the posterior distribution

Exercise 3.2: Normal conjugate distributions

Suppose that the prior is p(θ) = φ(θ; µ0, σ02 ) and the likelihood is given by
p(x1:n | θ) = φ(xi ; θ, σ 2 ),


where σ 2 is assumed to be known. Show that the posterior is also normal, p(θ | x1:n ) =
φ(θ; µpost, σpost
2 ), where

σ02 σ2
µpost = x̄ + µ0,
σ2 σ2
n + σ02 n + σ02

= ,
+ n

1 Ín
where x̄ := n i=1 xi .

Solution 3.2

Starting with n = 1, we use the Schur identity for the bi-Gaussian joint distribution

Cov(θ, x)
E[θ|x] = E[θ] + (x − E[x])
Cov 2 (θ, x)
V[θ|x] = V[θ] + .
Using that

x = θ + σ,  ∼ N (0, 1)
θ = µ0 + σ0 δ, δ ∼ N (0, 1)

we have

E[x] = θ,
V[x] = V[θ] + σ 2 = σ02 + σ 2
Cov(x, θ) = E[(x − µ0 )(θ − µ0 )] = σ02

and plugging into the bi-Gaussian conditional moments and after some rearranging

σ02 σ2
µpost = E[θ|x] = x+ µ0
σ 2 + σ0 2 σ 2 + σ02
σ 2 σ02 1 1
= V[θ|x] = =( + 2 )−1 .
σ2 + σ02 σ0 σ

Now for n > 1, we first show that

1 Õ
p(x1:n |θ) ∝ exp{− (xi − θ)2 }
2σ 2 i=1
n n
1 Õ 2 Õ
∝ exp{− ( x − 2θ xi + nθ 2 )}
2σ 2 i=1 i i=1
∝ exp{− 2 ( x̄ − θ) } 2

∝ p( x̄|θ),

where we keep only terms in θ. Given that x̄| µ ∼ N (θ, σ 2 /n), we can substitute x̄
into the previous result for the conditional moments to give the required result

σ02 σ2
µpost = x̄ + µ0
σ2 σ2
n + σ02 n + σ0

1 n
= ( 2 + 2 )−1 .
σ0 σ

Exercise 3.3: Prediction with GPs

Show that the predictive distribution for a Gaussian Process, with model output over
a test point, f∗ , and assumed Gaussian noise with variance σn2 , is given by

f∗ | D, x∗ ∼ N (E[f∗ |D, x∗ ], var[f∗ |D, x∗ ]),

where the moments of the posterior over X∗ are

E[f∗ |D, X∗ ] = µX∗ + KX∗,X [KX,X + σn2 I]−1Y,

var[f∗ |D, X∗ ] = KX∗,X∗ − KX∗,X [KX,X + σn2 I]−1 KX,X∗ .

Solution 3.3

Start with the joint density between y and f∗ given in Eq. 3.35 expressed in terms
of the partitioned covariance matrix.

y Σ Σ
=N , yy y f∗ .
f∗ µ f∗ Σ f∗ y Σ f∗ f∗

Then use the Schur Identity to derive Eq. 3.36. Finally by writing y = f (x) + , with
an unknown f (x), the covariance is given by

Σyy = KX,X + σn2 I,


where KX,X is known covariance of f (X) over the training input X. Writing the other
covariance terms gives the required form of the predictive distribution moments with
K specified by some user defined kernel.

1 Programming Related Questions*

Exercise 3.4: Derivative Modeling with GPs

Using the notebook Example-1-GP-BS-Pricing.ipynb, investigate the effective-

ness of a Gaussian process with RBF kernels for learning the shape of a European
derivative (call) pricing function Vt = ft (St ) where St is the underlying stock’s spot
price. The risk free rate is r = 0.001, the strike of the call is KC = 130, the volatility
of the underlying is σ = 0.1 and the time to maturity τ = 1.0.
Your answer should plot the variance of the predictive distribution against the
stock price, St = s, over a data set consisting of n ∈ {10, 50, 100, 200} gridded values
of the stock price s ∈ Ωh := {i∆s | i ∈ {0, . . . , n − 1}, ∆s = 200/(n − 1)} ⊆ [0, 200]
and the corresponding gridded derivative prices V(s). Each observation of the dataset,
(si, vi = ft (si )) is a gridded (stock, call price) pair at time t.

Solution 3.4

See notebook GP_3_4.ipynb for the implemented solution.

GP Variance(10 gridded values)
GP Variance(50 gridded values)
GP Variance(100 gridded values)
GP Variance(200 gridded values)




75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250

Fig. 1: The predictive variance of the GP against the stock price for various training
set sizes. The predictive variance is observed to monotonically decrease with training
set size.
Chapter 4
Feedforward Neural Networks

Exercise 4.1

Show that substituting

X j , i = k,
∇i j Ik =
0, i , k,
into Eq. 4.47 gives

∇i j σk ≡ = ∇i σk X j = σk (δki − σi )X j .
∂wi j

Solution 4.1

By the chain rule we have

∂σk Õ ∂σk ∂Im

∂wi j m
∂Im ∂wi j

Recall that the k, i component of the Jacobian of σ is:

= σk (δki − σi ),
and since ∂wi j = X j , i = k we have the required answer

∂σk ∂σk
= X j = σk (δki − σi )X j .
∂wi j ∂Ii


Exercise 4.2

Show that substituting the derivative of the softmax function w.r.t. wi j into Eq. 4.52
gives for the special case when the output is Yk = 1, k = i and Yk = 0, ∀k , i:
(σi − 1)X j , Yi = 1,
∇i j L(W, b) := [∇W L(W, b)]i j =
0, Yk = 0, ∀k , i.

Solution 4.2

Recalling Eq. 4.52 with σ for the softmax activation function and I(W, b) is the

∇L(W, b) = ∇(L ◦ σ)(I(W, b)) = ∇L(σ(I(W, b))) · ∇σ(I(W, b)) · ∇I(W, b).

Writing the model output as a function of W only since we are not taking the
derivative of b:
Ŷ (W) = σ ◦ I(W).
The loss of a K-classifier is given by the cross-entropy:
L(W) = − Yk lnŶk .

However, we want to evaluate the loss for the special case when k = i, since Yi = 1.
Therefore the loss reduces to

L(W) = −lnŶi = −lnσi .

Taking the derivative of the loss w.r.t. wi j gives

∂L Õ ∂L(W) ∂σm ∂In

∂wi j m,n ∂σm ∂In ∂wi j

or equivalently
∇i j L(W) = ∇σm L(W)∇mn σ(I)∇i j In (W).

The derivative of the loss w.r.t. σm is

∇σm L(W) = − .
The derivative of the softmax function w.r.t. to In gives

∇mn σ(I(W)) = σm (I(W))(δmn − σn (I(W))),

and the derivative of In w.r.t wi j is

∇i j In (W) = δni X j .

Hence the derivative of the softmax function w.r.t. to wi j is

σm (I(W))(δmn − σn (I(W)))δni X j .

Putting these terms together

Õ δim
∇i j L(W) = − σm (I(W))(δmn − σn (I(W)))δni X j ,

Contracting over the m and n indices gives for Yi = 1:

∇i j L(W) = (σi − 1)X j ,

and is zero if Yk = 0, k , i.

Exercise 4.3

Consider feedforward neural networks constructed using the following two types of
activation functions:
• Identity
Id(x) := x
• Step function (a.k.a. Heaviside function)

1, if x ≥ 0,
H(x) := ¯
0, otherwise.
a. Consider a feedforward neural network with one input x ∈ R, a single hidden
layer with K units having step function activations, H(x), and a single output with
identity (a.k.a linear) activation, Id(x). The output can be written as
ˆf (x) = Id b(2) + (2) (1) (1)
w H(b + w x) .
k k k

Construct neural networks using these activation functions.

a. Consider the step function

y, if x ≥ a,
u(x; a) := yH(x − a) =
0, otherwise.

Construct a neural network with one input x and one hidden layer, whose
response is u(x; a). Draw the structure of the neural network, specify the
activation function for each unit (either Id or H), and specify the values for all
weights (in terms of a and y).
b. Now consider the indicator function

1, if x ∈ [a, b),
1[a,b) (x) =
0, otherwise.

Construct a neural network with one input x and one hidden layer, whose
response is y1[a,b) (x), for given real values y, a and b. Draw the structure of
the neural network, specify the activation function for each unit (either Id or
H), and specify the values for all weights (in terms of a, b and y).

Solution 4.3

• There are many possible solutions. However, once such choice is as follows. Set
b(2) = 0, w1(2) = y, b(1) (1)
1 = −a, w1 = 1.
• There are many possible solutions. However, once such choice is as follows. Set
b(2) = 0, w1(2) = y, w2(2) = −y, b(1) (1) (1) (1)
1 = −a, w1 = 1, b2 = −b, w2 = 1.

Exercise 4.4

A neural network with a single hidden layer can provide an arbitrarily close approxi-
mation to any 1-dimensional bounded smooth function. This question will guide you
through the proof. Let f (x) be any function whose domain is [C, D), for real values
C < D. Suppose that the function is Lipschitz continuous, that is,

∀x, x 0 ∈ [C, D), | f (x 0) − f (x)| ≤ L|x 0 − x|,

for some constant L ≥ 0. Use the building blocks constructed in the previous part
to construct a neural network with one hidden layer that approximates this function
within  > 0, that is, ∀x ∈ [C, D), | f (x) − fˆ(x)| ≤ , where fˆ(x) is the output of
your neural network given input x. Your network should use only the identity or the
Heaviside activation functions. You need to specify the number K of hidden units,
the activation function for each unit, and a formula for calculating each weight w0 ,
wk , w0(k) , and w1(k) , for each k ∈ {1, . . . , K }. These weights may be specified in terms
of C, D, L and , as well as the values of f (x) evaluated at a finite number of x
values of your choosing (you need to explicitly specify which x values you use). You
do not need to explicitly write the fˆ(x) function. Why does your network attain the
given accuracy ?

Solution 4.4

The hidden units all use gs activation functions, and the output unit uses gI . K =
b(D − C) 2 + 1c. For k ∈ {1, . . . , K }, w1(k) = 1, w0(k) = −(C + (k − 1)2/L). For
the second layer, we have w0 = 0, w1 = f (C + /L), and for k ∈ {2, . . . , K },
wk = f (C + (2k − 1)/L) − f (C + (2k − 3)/L). We only evaluate f (x) at points
C + (2k − 1)/L, for k ∈ {1, . . . , K }, which is a finite number of points. The function
value fˆ(x) is exactly f (C + (2k − 1)/L) for k ∈ {1, . . . , K }. Note that for any
x ∈ [C + (2k − 1)/L, C + 2k/L], | f (x) − fˆ(x)| ≤ .

Exercise 4.5

Consider a shallow neural network regression model with n tanh activated units in
the hidden layer and d outputs. The hidden-outer weight matrix Wi(2) j = n and the

input-hidden weight matrix W = 1. The biases are zero. If the features, X1, . . . , Xp

are i.i.d. Gaussian random variables with mean µ = 0, variance σ 2 , show that
a. Ŷ ∈ [−1, 1].
b. Ŷ is independent of the number of hidden units, n ≥ 1.
c. The expectation, E[Ŷ ] = 0 and the variance V[Ŷ ] ≤ 1.

Solution 4.5

Ŷ = W (2) σ(I (1) )

Each hidden variable is a vector with identical elements
Zi(1) = wi(1)
j Xj = X j = Si = s, i ∈ {1, . . . , n}.

Using this expression gives


Ŷi = wi(2)
j σ(S j ) = σ(s) = σ(s).
n j=1

which is independent of n.

E[Ŷ ] = W (2) σ(I (1) ) fX (x)dx

= W (2) σ(I (1) ) fX (x)dx
∫ ∫
=W (2)
· · · σ(I (1) ) fX (x1 ) . . . fX (x p )dx1 . . . dx p
∫ ∞ ∫ ∞
= W (2) ··· σ(I (1) ) fX (x1 ) . . . fX (x p )dx1 . . . dx p
∫−∞∞ ∫−∞ ∞
=W (2)
··· [σ(I (1) ) + σ(−I (1) )] fX (x1 ) . . . fX (x p )dx1 . . . dx p
0 0
= 0,

where we have used the property that σ(I) is an odd function in I (and in x since
b(1) = 0) and fX (x) is an even function since µ = 0. The variance is E[Ŷ Ŷ T ] =
E[σ(I (1) )σT (I (1) )], where [E[σ(I (1) )σT (I (1) )]]i j = E[σ 2 (I (1) )].

∫ ∞ ∫ ∞
E[σ (I )] =
2 (1)
··· σ 2 (I (1) ) fX (x1 ) . . . fX (x p )dx1 . . . dx p
−∞ −∞
∫ ∞ ∫ ∞
=2 ··· σ 2 (I (1) ) fX (x1 ) . . . fX (x p )dx1 . . . dx p
∫0 ∞ ∫0 ∞
≤2 ··· fX (x1 ) . . . fX (x p )dx1 . . . dx p
0 0
= 1.

Exercise 4.6

Determine the VC dimension of the sum of indicator functions where Ω = [0, 1]

Fk (x) = { f : Ω → {0, 1}, f (x) = 1x ∈[t2i ,t2i+1 ), 0 ≤ t0 < · · · < t2k+1 ≤ 1, k ≥ 1}.

Solution 4.6

Fk is the set of all functions with k + 1 indicator functions. Consider the worst
case labeling that can be encountered. This occurs when the labels of the points
are alternating {0, 1, 0, 1, . . . }. If the function can represent the labeled data in this
case, then it can do so for any other labeling. In this worst case configuration, with
k + 1 labels and therefore 2(k + 1) points in the set, it is clear that all points can be
labeled by placing the indicator function over each of the k + 1 points with label 1.
So VC(Fk ) ≥ 2(k + 1). Moreover if there are 2(k + 1) + 1 points, you can create a
configuration of alternating labeled points with a total of k + 2 points with label 1.

This is achieved by starting and ending with a 1 label point so that the labels of the
points are {1, 0, 1, . . . , 0, 1}. This last configuration is not representable with k + 1
indicator functions. Therefore VC(Fk ) = 2(k + 1).

Exercise 4.7

Show that a feedforward binary classifier with two Heaviside activated units shatters
the data {0.25, 0.5, 0.75}.

Solution 4.7

Now for all permutations of label assignments to the data, we consider values of
weights and biases which classify each arrangement:
• None of the points are activated. In this case, one of the units is essentially
redundant and the output of the network is a Heaviside function: b(1) (2)
1 = b2 &
w1(2) = w2(2)
For example:    
1 c
w (1) = , b(1) =
1 c
w (2) = 21 , 12 , b(2) = 0

where c < −0.75.

– The last point is activated: choose −0.5 > c > −0.75
– The last two points are activated: choose −0.25 > c > −0.5
– All points are activated: choose c > −0.25
• The network behaves as an indicator function
b(1) (1) (2)
1 , b2 & w1 = −w1

1 c
w (1) = , b(1) = 1
1 c2

w (2) = 1, −1 , b(2) = 0


where c2 < c1 . For example if c1 = −0.4 and c2 = −0.6, then the second point is
activated. Also the first point is activated with, say, c1 = 0 and c2 = −0.4. The
first two points are activated with c1 = 0 and c2 = −0.6.

• Lastly, the inverse indicator function can be represented, e.g., only the first and
third points are activated:
1 c
w =
,b = 1
1 c2
w (2) = −1, 1 , b(2) = 1

with, say, c1 = −0.4 and c2 = −0.6.

Hence the network shatters all three points and the VC-dim is 3. Note that we could
have approached the first part above differently by letting the network behave as a
wider indicator function (with support covering two or three data points) rather than
as a single Heaviside function.

Exercise 4.8

Compute the weight and bias updates of W (2) and b(2) given a shallow binary classifier
(with one hidden layer) with unit weights, zero biases, and ReLU activation of two
hidden units for the labeled observation (x = 1, y = 1).

Solution 4.8

This is straightforward forward pass computations to obtain the error. E.g., with
ReLU activation
I (1) = W (1) x
max(1, 0) 1
Z = σ(I ) =
(1) (1)
max(1, 0) 1
I (2) = W (2) Z (1) = 1 1
The prediction is
1 1
ŷ = σsigmoid (I (2) ) = = = 0.8807971
1+ e−I (2) 1 + e−2
The error is
δ(2) = e = y − ŷ = 1 − 0.8807971 = 0.1192029
Applying one step of the back-propagation algorithm (multivariate chain rule):
1 0.1192029
weight update: ∆W = −γδ Z = −
(2) (2) (1)
= −γ
1 0.1192029

where γ is the learning rate. The bias update is ∆b(2) = −γδ(2) = −γ0.1192029.

2 Programming Related Questions*

Exercise 4.9

Consider the following dataset (taken from Anscombe’s quartet):

(x1, y1 ) = (10.0, 9.14), (x2, y2 ) = (8.0, 8.14), (x3, y3 ) = (13.0, 8.74),

(x4, y4 ) = (9.0, 8.77), (x5, y5 ) = (11.0, 9.26), (x6, y6 ) = (14.0, 8.10),
(x7, y7 ) = (6.0, 6.13), (x8, y8 ) = (4.0, 3.10), (x9, y9 ) = (12.0, 9.13),
(x10, y10 ) = (7.0, 7.26), (x11, y11 ) = (5.0, 4.74).

a. Use a neural network library of your choice to show that a feedforward network
with one hidden layer consisting of one unit and a feedforward network with
no hidden layers, each using only linear activation functions, do not outperform
linear regression based on ordinary least squares (OLS).
b. Also demonstrate that a neural network with a hidden layer of three neurons
using the tanh activation function and an output layer using the linear activation
function captures the non-linearity and outperforms the linear regression.

Solution 4.9

Worked solutions are provided in the Notebook ancombes_4_9.ipynb.

Exercise 4.10

Review the Python notebook deep_classifiers.ipynb. This notebook uses Keras

to build three simple feedforward networks applied to the half-moon problem: a
logistic regression (with no hidden layer); a feedforward network with one hidden
layer; and a feedforward architecture with two hidden layers. The half-moons problem
is not linearly separable in the original coordinates. However you will observe—after
plotting the fitted weights and biases—that a network with many hidden neurons gives
a linearly separable representation of the classification problem in the coordinates
of the output from the final hidden layer.
Complete the following questions in your own words.
a. Did we need more than one hidden layer to perfectly classify the half-moons
dataset? If not, why might multiple hidden layers be useful for other datasets?

b. Why not use a very large number of neurons since it is clear that the classification
accuracy improves with more degrees of freedom?
c. Repeat the plotting of the hyperplane, in Part 1b of the notebook, only without the
ReLU function (i.e., activation=“linear”). Describe qualitatively how the decision
surface changes with increasing neurons. Why is a (non-linear) activation function
needed? The use of figures to support your answer is expected.

Solution 4.10

• Only one hidden layer is needed. One reason why multiple hidden layers could be
needed on other datasets is because the input data are highly correlated. For some
datasets, it may be more efficient to use multiple layers and reduce the overall
number of parameters.
• Adding too many neurons in the hidden layer results in a network which takes
longer to train without an increase in the in-sample performance. It also leads to
over-fitting on out-of-sample test sets.
• The code and results should be submitted with activation=“linear” in the hidden
layer. Plots of the hidden variables will show a significant difference compared
to using ReLU. Additionally, the performance of the network with many neurons
in the hidden layer, without activation, should be compared with ReLU activated
hidden neurons.

Exercise 4.11

Using the EarlyStopping callback in Keras, modify the notebook Deep_Classifiers.ipynb

to terminate training under the following stopping criterion |L (k+1) − L (k) | ≤ δ with
δ = 0.1.

Exercise 4.12***

Consider a feedforward neural network with three inputs, two units in the first hidden
layer, two units in the second hidden layer, and three units in the output layer. The
activation function for hidden layer 1 is ReLU, for hidden layer 2 is sigmoid, and for
the output layer is softmax.
The initial weights are given by the matrices
    0.5 0.6
0.1 0.3 0.7 0.4 0.3
W (1)
= ,W =
, W (3) = ­0.6 0.7® ,
© ª
0.9 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.2
«0.3 0.2¬
and all the biases are unit vectors.
Assuming that the input 0.1 0.7 0.3 corresponds to the output 1 0 0 , manually
compute the updated weights and biases after a single epoch (forward + backward
pass), clearly stating all derivatives that you have used. You should use a learning
rate of 1.
As a practical exercise, you should modify the implementation of a stochastic
gradient descent routine in the back-propagation Python notebook.
Note that the notebook example corresponds to the example in Sect. 5, which uses
sigmoid activated hidden layers only. Compare the weights and biases obtained by
TensorFlow (or your ANN library of choice) with those obtained by your procedure
after 200 epochs.

Solution 4.12

Worked solutions are provided in the back-propagation solution notebook.

Chapter 5

Exercise 5.1*

Consider the following data generation process

Y = X1 + X2 + , X1, X2,  ∼ N(0, 1),

i.e. β0 = 0 and β1 = β2 = 1.
a. For this data, write down the mathematical expression for the sensitivities of the
fitted neural network when the network has
• zero hidden layers;
• one hidden layer, with n unactivated hidden units;
• one hidden layer, with n tanh activated hidden units;
• one hidden layer, with n ReLU activated hidden units; and
• two hidden layers, each with n tanh activated hidden units.

Solution 5.1
Y = X1 + X2 + , X1, X2,  ∼ N(0, 1), β0 = 0, β1 = β2 = 1

• Zero hidden layers:

In this situation, the sensitivities are simply expressed as:

= wi(1) i ∈ {1, 2}
∂ Xi
Note, when there is one hidden layer, the sensitivities can be generally expressed
∂X Ŷ = W (2) J(I (1) ) = W (2) D(I (1) )W (1) ,


where Di,i (I) = σ 0(Ii ), Di, j,i = 0

• One hidden layers, with n unactivated hidden units:

As the hidden units are unactivated, we can write

σ(x) = x → σ 0(x) = 1
Therefore, D(I (1) ) is the identity matrix.
= W (2)W (1)
• One hidden layer, with tanh activated hidden units:

As the hidden units are tanh activated, we can write:

σ(x) = tanh(x) → σ 0(x) = 1 − tanh2 (x) = 1 − σ 2 (x)
Therefore, we have that

∂Ŷ Õ
= wi(2) (1 − σ 2 (Ii(1) ))wi,(1)j
∂ Xj i

• One hidden layer, with n ReLU activated hidden units:

As the hidden units are ReLU activated, it follows that

σ(x) = ReLU(x) → σ 0(x) = H(x), the Heaviside function
Therefore, we have that

∂Ŷ Õ
= wi(2) (H(Ii(1) ))wi,(1)j
∂ Xj i

• Two hidden layers, each with n tanh activated hidden units:

Since we have two hidden layers, our sensitivities can be expressed as:

= W (3) D(2)W (2) D(1)W (1)
As we mentioned previously, we can write:
σ(x) = tanh(x) → σ 0(x) = 1 − tanh2 (x)
Therefore, we can express the sensitivities as

= W (3) D(2)W (2) D(1)W (1)
(2) (2) (2)
where Di,i := Di,i (Ii ) = 1 − tanh2 (Ii(2) ), Di,(2)j,i = 0
(1) (1) (1)
Di,i := Di,i (Ii ) = 1 − tanh2 (Ii(1) ), Di,(1)j,i = 0.

Exercise 5.2**

Consider the following data generation process

Y = X1 + X2 + X1 X2 + , X1, X2 ∼ N(0, 1),  ∼ N(0, σn2 ),

i.e. β0 = 0 and β1 = β2 = β12 = 1, where β12 is the interaction term. σn2 is the
variance of the noise and σn = 0.01.
a. For this data, write down the mathematical expression for the interaction term (i.e.
the off-diagonal components of the Hessian matrix) of the fitted neural network
when the network has
• zero hidden layers;
• one hidden layer, with n unactivated hidden units;
• one hidden layer, with n tanh activated hidden units;
• one hidden layer, with n ReLU activated hidden units; and
• two hidden layers, each with n tanh activated hidden units.
Why is the ReLU activated network problematic for estimating interaction terms?

Solution 5.2

See the notebook solution.

3 Programming Related Questions*

Exercise 5.3*

For the same problem in the previous exercise, use 5000 simulations to gener-
ate a regression training set dataset for the neural network with one hidden layer.
Produce a table showing how the mean and standard deviation of the sensitiv-
ities βi behave as the number of hidden units is increased. Compare your re-
sult with tanh and ReLU activation. What do you conclude about which activa-
tion function to use for interpretability? Note that you should use the notebook
Deep-Learning-Interpretability.ipynb as the starting point for experimen-
tal analysis.

Solution 5.3

See the notebook solution.


Exercise 5.4*

Generalize the sensitivities function in Exercise 5.3 to L layers for either tanh
or ReLU activated hidden layers. Test your function on the data generation process
given in Exercise 5.1.

Solution 5.4

See the notebook solution.

Exercise 5.5**

Fixing the total number of hidden units, how do the mean and standard deviation
of the sensitivities βi behave as the number of layers is increased? Your answer
should compare using either tanh or ReLU activation functions. Note, do not mix
the type of activation functions across layers. What you conclude about the effect of
the number of layers, keeping the total number of units fixed, on the interpretability
of the sensitivities?

Solution 5.5

Y = X1 + X2 + X1 X2 +  X1, X2 ∼ N(0, 1),  ∼ N(0, σn2 )

β0 = 0, β1 = β2 = β12 = 1, σn = 0.01
• Zero hidden layers:

In this situation, the interaction term is zero as the sensitivity is indepen-

dent of X.
Note that when there is just one hidden (activated) layer, the interaction term can
be generally expressed as:
∂X2 i X j Ŷ = W (2) diag(Wi(1) )D 0(I (1) )W j(1)
• One hidden layer with n unactivated hidden units:

As the hidden units are unactivated, we have:

∂ 2Ŷ
∂ Xi X j

• One hidden layer with tanh activated hidden units:

As the hidden units are tanh activated, we can write:

σ(x) = tanh(x)

= 1 − tanh2 (x)

= −2tanh(x)(1 − tanh2 (x))
∂ x2
Therefore, we have that

= W (2) diag(Wi(1) )D 0(I (1) )W j(1)
∂ Xi X j
0 0
where Di,i (Ii(1) ) = −2tanh(Ii(1) )(1 − tanh2 (Ii(1) )), Di, j,i (Ii(1) ) = 0
• One hidden layer, with n ReLU activated hidden units:

As the hidden units are ReLU activated, we write

σ(x) = ReLU(x)
= H(x), the Heaviside function.

= δ(x), the Dirac Delta function.
∂ x2
Therefore, it follows that

∂ 2Ŷ
= W (2) diag(Wi(1) )D 0(I (1) )W j(1)
∂ Xi X j
0 0
where Di,i (Ii ) = δ(Ii ), Di, j,i (Ii ) = 0
• Two hidden layers, each with n tanh activated hidden units:

Since we have two hidden layers, the interaction term can be expressed
∂Ŷ ∂D(2) (1) ∂D(1) (2) (1)
= W (3)W (2) D + D wi
∂ Xi X j ∂ Xj ∂ Xj
where applying the chain rule we have

= D 0(I (2) )W (2) D(1) diag(w (1)
j )
∂ Xj
= D 0(I (1) )diag(w (1)
j ).
∂ Xj

As we mentioned previously, for tanh:

σ(x) = tanh(x)
= 1 − tanh2 (x)

= −2tanh(x)(1 − tanh2 (x))
∂ x2
Therefore substitute in the expressions for D 0 and D
0 0
where Di,i (Ii(2) ) = −2tanh(Ii(2) )(1 − tanh2 (Ii(2) )), Di, j,i (Ii(2) ) = 0
0 0
Di,i (Ii(1) ) = −2tanh(Ii(1) )(1 − tanh2 (Ii(1) )), Di, j,i (Ii(1) ) = 0.
• ReLU does not exhibit sufficient smoothness for the interaction term to be con-

Exercise 5.6**

For the same data generation process as the previous exercise, use 5000 simula-
tions to generate a regression training set for the neural network with one hidden
layer. Produce a table showing how the mean and standard deviation of the in-
teraction term behave as the number of hidden units is increased, fixing all other
parameters. What do you conclude about the effect of the number of hidden units
on the interpretability of the interaction term? Note that you should use the note-
book Deep-Learning-Interaction.ipynb as the starting point for experimental

Solution 5.6

See the notebook solution.

Part II
Sequential Learning
Chapter 6
Sequence Modeling

Exercise 6.1

Calculate the mean, variance, and autocorrelation function (ACF) of the following
zero-mean AR(1) process:
yt = φ1 yt−1 + t
where φ1 = 0.5. Determine whether the process is stationary by computing the root
of the characteristic equation Φ(z) = 0.

Solution 6.1

• The mean of an AR(1) process with no drift term is:

E[yt ] = E[φ1 yt−1 + t ] = φ1 E[yt−1 ] + E[t ] = φ1 E[yt−1 ].

Since yt−1 = φ1 yt−2 + t and E[t ] = 0, then E[yt ] = φ21 E[yt−2 ] = · · · =
φ1n E[yt−n ].
By the property of stationary, we have |φ| < 1, which gives lim φ1n E[yt−n ] = 0.
Hence E[yt ] = 0.
• The variance of an AR(1) process with no drift term is as follows. First note that
yt = φ1 L[yt ] + t can be written as a MA(∞) process by back-substitution:

yt = (1 + φ1 L + φ21 L 2 + . . . )[t ].

Taking the expectation of yt2 :

E[yt2 ] = E (1 + φ1 L + φ21 L 2 + . . . )2 [t2 ]


= (1 + φ21 + φ41 + . . . )E[t2 ] + E[cross terms] = σ 2 /(1 − φ21 ).

• The lag 1 auto-correlation of an AR(1) processs with no drift term is:


γ1 := E[yt yt−1 ]
= E[(t + φ1 t−1 + φ21 t−2 + . . . )(t−1 + φ1 t−2 + φ21 t−3 + . . . )]
= E[φ1 t−1
+ φ31 t−2
+ φ51 t−3
+ · · · + cross terms]
= φ1 σ 2 + φ31 σ 2 + φ51 σ 2 + . . .
= φ1 σ 2 /(1 − φ21 )

The lag 2 auto-correlation is:

γ2 := E[yt yt−2 ]
= E[(t + φ1 t−1 + φ21 t−2 + . . . )(t−2 + φ1 t−3 + φ21 t−4 + . . . )]
= E[φ21 t−2
+ φ41 t−3
+ φ61 t−4
+ · · · + cross terms]
= φ21 σ 2 + φ41 σ 2 + φ61 σ 2 + . . .
= φ21 σ 2 /(1 − φ21 ).

Keep iterating, to arrive at γs = φ1s σ 2 /(1 − φ21 ). Since the autocorrelation is

φ1s σ 2 /(1−φ12 )
τs = γs /γ0 , we have τs = σ 2 /(1−φ12 )
= φ1s .
• Finally we can write the AR(1) process as

Φ(L)[yt ] = t
where Φ(L) := (1−φ1 L). The root of Φ(z) for φ1 = 0.5 is z = 2. Since |z| = 2 > 1,
the process has no unit root and is stationary.

Exercise 6.2

You have estimated the following ARMA(1,1) model for some time series data

yt = 0.036 + 0.69yt−1 + 0.42ut−1 + ut ,

where you are given the data at time t − 1, yt−1 = 3.4 and ût−1 = −1.3. Obtain the
forecasts for the series y for times t, t + 1, t + 2 using the estimated ARMA model.
If the actual values for the series are −0.032, 0.961, 0.203 for t, t +1, t +2, calculate
the out-of-sample Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE).

Solution 6.2

E[yt |Ωt−1 ] = 0.036 + 0.69E[yt−1 |Ωt−1 ] + 0.42E[ut−1 |Ωt−1 ] + E[ut |Ωt−1 ]

= −0.036 + 0.69 × 3.4 + 0.42 × −1.3 + 0 = 1.836
E[yt+1 |Ωt−1 ] = 0.036 + 0.69E[yt |Ωt−1 ] + 0.42E[ut |Ωt−1 ] + E[ut+1 |Ωt−1 ]
= 0.036 + 0.69 × 1.836 + 0.42 × 0 + 0 = 1.30284
E[yt+2 |Ωt−1 ] = 0.036 + 0.69E[yt+1 |Ωt−1 ] + 0.42E[ut+1 |Ωt−1 ] + E[ut+2 |Ωt−1 ]
= 0.036 + 0.69 × 1.30284 + 0.42 × 0 + 0 = 0.9350

Forecasted Actual Absolute Diff. Squared Diff

t 1.836 -0.032 3.489 1.868
t+1 1.30284 0.961 0.117 0.342
t+2 0.9350 0.203 0.536 0.732

MSE = (3.489 + 0.117 + 0.536) = 1.381.
M AE = (1.868 + 0.342 + 0.732) = 0.981.

Exercise 6.3

Derive the mean, variance, and autocorrelation function (ACF) of a zero mean MA(1)

Solution 6.3

The mean of a MA(1) series with no drift term is:

E[yt ] = E[θ 1 ut−1 + ut ] = θ 1 E[ut−1 ] + E[ut ] = 0.

The variance of a MA(1) series with no drift term is:

V[yt ] = E[yt2 ]
E[yt2 ] = E[(θ 1 ut−1 + ut )2 ] = θ 12 E[ut−1
] + E[ut2 ]
= (1 + θ 12 )σ 2 .

The lag-1 autocovariance of a MA(1) series with no drift term is:


γ1 = E[yt yt−1 = E[(θ 1 ut−1 + ut )(θ 1 ut−2 + ut−1 )] = θ 1 E[ut−1

] = θ1 σ2

The lag-1 autocorrelation is:

τ1 = τ1 /τ0 = θ 1 /(1 + θ 12 ).

Exercise 6.4

Consider the following log-GARCH(1,1) model with a constant for the mean equation

yt = µ + ut , ut ∼ N(0, σt2 )
ln(σt2 ) = α0 + α1 ut−1
+ β1 lnσt−1

• What are the advantages of a log-GARCH model over a standard GARCH model?
• Estimate the unconditional variance of yt for the values α0 = 0.01, α1 = 0.1, β1 =
• Derive an algebraic expression relating the conditional variance with the uncon-
ditional variance.
• Calculate the half-life of the model and sketch the forecasted volatility.

Solution 6.4

The log-GARCH model prevents a negative volatility whereas this is possible under
a GARCH model.
The unconditional variance of a GARCH model is
σ 2 := var(ut ) = Íq Íp
1−( i=1 i + i=1 βi )
= = 0.01667
1 − (0.1 + 0.3)
A necessary condition for stationarity of GARCH(p,q) models is that
Õ p
( αi + βi ) < 1
i=1 i=1

which is satisfied since 0.1 + 0.3 = 0.4 < 1.

The l-step ahead forecast using a GARCH(1,1) model:

σt2 = α0 + α1 ut−1
+ β1 σt−1

= α0 + α1 E[ut2 |Ωt−1 ] + β1 σt2
= σ 2 + (α1 + β1 )(σt2 − σ 2 )
= α0 + α1 E[ut+1
|Ωt−1 ] + β1 E[σt+1
|Ωt−1 ]
= σ 2 + (α1 + β1 )2 (σt2 − σ 2 )
= α0 + α1 E[ut+l−1
|Ωt−1 ] + β1 E[σt+l−1
|Ωt−1 ]
= σ 2 + (α1 + β1 )l (σt2 − σ 2 ),

which provides a relationship between the conditional variance σt2 and the uncondi-
tional variance σ2 .
The half life is given by

K = ln(0.5)/ln(α1 + β1 ) = ln(0.5)/ln(0.4) = 0.7564.

Exercise 6.5

Consider the simple moving average (SMA)

Xt + Xt−1 + Xt+2 + . . . + Xt−N +1
St = ,
and the exponential moving average (EMA), given by E1 = X1 and, for t ≥ 2,

Et = αXt + (1 − α)Et−1,

where N is the time horizon of the SMA and the coefficient α represents the degree
of weighting decrease of the EMA, a constant smoothing factor between 0 and 1. A
higher α discounts older observations faster.
a. Suppose that, when computing the EMA, we stop after k terms, instead of going
after the initial value. What fraction of the total weight is obtained?
b. Suppose that we require 99.9% of the weight. What k do we require?
c. Show that, by picking α = 2/(N + 1), one achieves the same center of mass in the
EMA as in the SMA with the time horizon N.
d. Suppose that we have set α = 2/(N + 1). Show that the first N points in an EMA
represent about 87.48% of the total weight.

Solution 6.5


weight omitted by stopping after k terms

total weight
α[(1 − α)k + (1 − α)k+1 + (1 − α)k+2 + . . .]
α[1 + (1 − α) + (1 − α)2 + . . .]
α(1 − α)k 1−(1−α)
= α
= (1 − α)k .

b. To have 99.9% of the weight, set the above ratio equal to 0.1% and solve for k:

ln(1 − α)
to determine how many terms should be used.
c. The weights of an N-day SMA have a center of mass on the RSMA th day, where
N +1
N −1
RSMA = ,
if we use zero-based indexing. We shall stick with the one-based indexing.
The weights of an EMA have the center of mass

REMA = α k(1 − α)k−1 .

From the Maclaurin series

1 Õ
= x k,
1 − x k=0
taking derivatives of both sides, we get

(x − 1)−2 = k · x k−1 .

Substituting x = 1 − α, we get

REMA = α(α)−2 = (α)−1 .

So the value of α that sets REMA = RSMA is

αEMA = .
NSMA + 1

d. From the formula for the sum of a geometric series, we obtain that the sum of the
weights of all the terms (i.e., the infinite number of terms) in an EMA is 1. The
sum of the weights of N terms is 1 − (1 − α) N +1 . The weight omitted after N terms
is given by 1−[1−(1−α) N +1 ] = (1−α) N +1 . Substituting α = N2+1 and making use
   N +1 
a n
of limn∞ 1 + n = e , we get lim N ∞ 1 − 1 − N +1
a 2
= 1 − e−2 ≈ 0.8647.

Exercise 6.6

∞ the following model

Suppose that, for the sequence of random variables {yt }t=0
yt = µ + φyt−1 + t , |φ| ≤ 1, t ∼ i.i.d.(0, σ 2 ).
Derive the conditional expectation E[yt | y0 ] and the conditional variance V[yt | y0 ].

Solution 6.6

y1 = µ + φy0 + 1,

y2 = µ + φy1 + 2
= µ + φ(µ + φy0 + 1 ) + 2
= µ + φµ + φ2 y0 + φ1 + 2

y3 = µ + φy2 + 3
= µ + φ(µ + φµ + φ2 y0 + φ1 + 2 ) + 3
= µ + φµ + φ2 µ + φ3 y0 + φ2 1 + φ2 + 3,

proceeding on, in general,

Õ t
yt = µ φi + φt y0 + φt−i i .
i=0 i=1

Õ t
Õ t−1
E[yt ] = µ φ i + φ t y0 + φt−i E[i ] = µ φi + φt y0,
i=0 i=1 i=0

Õt t
Õ t
Õ t
V[yt | y0 ] = V[ φt−i i ] = V[φt−i i ] = φ2(t−i) V[i ] = φ2i .
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1
Chapter 7
Probabilistic Sequence Modeling

Exercise 7.1: Kalman Filtering of Autoregressive Moving Average ARM A(p, q)


The autoregressive moving average ARMA(p, q) model can be written as

yt = φ1 yt−1 + . . . + φ p yt−p + ηt + θ 1 ηt−1 + . . . + θ q ηt−q,

where ηt ∼ N (0, σ 2 ), and includes as special cases all AR(p) and MA(q) models.
Such models are often fitted to financial time series. Suppose that we would like to
filter this time series using a Kalman filter. Write down a suitable process and the
observation models.

Solution 7.1

[Kalman Filtering of Autoregressive Moving Average ARM A(p, q) Model] Set m :=

max(p, q + 1), φi := 0 for i > p, θ i := 0 for i > q. Then we obtain our process model
Xt = Ft Xt−1 + at + Wt wt ,
and the observation model as

Yt = Ht Xt + bt + Vt vt ,

­φ2 yt−1 + . . . + φ p yt−m+1 + θ 1 ηt + . . . + θ m−1 ηt−m+2 ®
© ª

Xt = ­­φ3 yt−1 + . . . + φ p yt−m+2 + θ 2 ηt + . . . + θ m−1 ηt−m+3 ®® ∈ Rm×1,

­ ®
­ ®
­ ®
« φm yt−1 + θ m−1 ηt ¬


φ1 1 0 ··· 0
­ φ2 0 1 0®
© ª

F = ­­ ... .... .. .. ®® ∈ Rm×m,

. . . .®
­φm−1 0 0 1®
­ ®

« φm 0 0 ··· 0¬
W = 1 θ 1 · · · θ m−1 ∈ Rm×1,
wt = ηt , Q t = σ 2, H = 1 0 . . . 0 ∈ 1 × m, bt = 0, Vt = 0.

If yt is stationary, then Xt ∼ N (0, P) with P given by the equation P = FPF| +

σ 2 WW| , so we can set the initial state and error covariance to 0 and P, respectively.

Exercise 7.2: The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process

Consider the one-dimensional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) process, the stationary

Gauss–Markov process given by the SDE

dXt = θ(µ − Xt ) dt + σ dWt ,

where Xt ∈ R, X0 = x0 , and θ > 0, µ, and σ > 0 are constants. Formulate the

Kalman process model for this process.

Solution 7.2

[The Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Process] The solution to the SDE is given by

∫ t
Xt = x0 e−θt + µ(1 − e−θt ) + σe−θ(t−u) dWu .
An Itô integral, s f (u) dWu , of a deterministic integrand, f (u), is a Gaussian ran-
dom variable with mean 0 and variance 0 f 2 (u) du. In our case, f (u) = σe−θ(t−u) ,
and 0 f 2 (u) du = σ2θ (1 − e−2θt ).

Since this Markov process is homogeneous, its transition density depends only
upon the time difference. Setting, for s ≤ t, hk := t − s as the time interval between
the time ticks k − 1 and k, we obtain a discretized process model

Xk = Fk Xk−1 + ak + wk ,
with Fk = e−θhk , ak = µ(1 − e−θhk ), wk ∼ N 0, σ2θ (1 − e−2θhk ) .

As a further exercise, consider extending this to a multivariate OU process.


Exercise 7.3: Deriving the Particle Filter for Stochastic Volatility with Leverage
and Jumps

We shall regard the log-variance xt as the hidden states and the log-returns yt as
observations. How can we use the particle filter to estimate xt on the basis of the
observations yt ?
a. Show that, in the absence of jumps,
xt = µ(1 − φ) + φxt−1 + σv ρyt−1 e −xt −1 /2
+ σv 1 − ρ2 ξt−1

for some ξt ∼ N (0, 1).
b. Show that

p(t | xt , yt ) = δ(t −yt e−xt /2 )P[Jt = 0 | xt , yt ]+φ(t ; µt | Jt =1, σt | Jt =1 )P[Jt
= 1 | xt , yt ].

yt exp(xt /2)
µ t | Jt =1 =
exp(xt ) + σJ2
σ2t | Jt =1 = .
exp(xt ) + σJ2
c. Explain how you could implement random sampling from the probability distri-
bution given by the density p(t | xt , yt ).
d. Write down the probability density p(xt | xt−1, yt−1, t−1 ).
e. Explain how you could sample from this distribution.
f. Show that the observation density is given by
" #
−1/2 (i)
x̂t | t −1 x̂t | t −1
p(yt | x̂t(i)| t−1, p, σJ2 ) = (1 − p) 2πe exp −yt2 /(2e ) +
"  −1/2  #
(i) (i)
x̂t | t −1 x̂
p 2π(e + σJ2 ) exp −yt2 /(2e t | t −1 + 2σJ2 ) ,

Solution 7.3

[Deriving the Particle Filter for Stochastic Volatility with Leverage and Jumps]
a. The Cholesky decomposition of


can be written as Σ = LL| where

1p 0
L= .
ρ 1 − ρ2

Set ξt ∼ N (0, 1), independent of t and ηt . Then we can write

=L t ,
ηt ξt
so q
ηt = ρt + 1 − ρ2 ξt
t t t
Var = Var L = LVar L| = LIL| = Σ,
ηt ξt ξt
as required. Substituting this into the process model, we get

xt+1 = µ(1 − φ) + φxt + σv ηt

= µ(1 − φ) + φxt + σv ρt + 1 − ρ2 ξt
= µ(1 − φ) + φxt + σv ρt + σv 1 − ρ2 ξt .

Since, in the absence of jumps, t = yt e−xt /2 , the result follows.

b. By the Law of Total Probability, we can write

p(t | xt , yt ) = p(t | Jt = 0, xt , yt )P [Jt = 0 | xt , yt ]+p(t | Jt = 1, xt , yt )P [Jt = 1 | xt , yt ] .

It is clear that, if the process does not jump, there is a Dirac delta mass at a single
point, exp(x 2 /2)
, so

p(t | Jt = 0, xt , yt ) = δ(t − yt e−xt /2 ).

Let us find p(t | Jt = 0, xt , yt ). By Bayes’s theorem,

p(t | Jt = 1, xt , yt ) ∝ p(yt | Jt = 1, xt , t )p(t )

= φ yt ; t exp(xt /2), σJ2 φ(t ; 0, 1).

Taking the natural logarithm,

1 (yt − t exp(xt /2))2 1 2

ln p(t | Jt = 1, xt , yt ) = C − · − t (22)
2 σJ2 2

for some constant C. We recognise in this form the log-pdf of the normal distri-
  1 (t − µt | Jt =1 )2
ln φ t ; µt | Jt =1, σ2t | Jt =1 = C − · . (23)
2 σ2 | J =1
t t

We find the parameters µt | Jt =1 and µt | Jt =1 by equating the coefficients of  2

and  in the above two equations as follows. From the first equation,
" # " #
  exp(x t ) 1 y t exp(x t /2)
ln φ t ; µt | Jt =1, σ2t | Jt =1 = t2 − − +t +constant term
2σJ2 2 σJ2

From the second,

" # " #
  1 µ t | Jt =1
ln φ t ; µt | Jt =1, σt | Jt =1
= t2 − + t + constant term
2σ2 | Jt =1
σ2 | Jt =1
t t

Equating the coefficients of t2 in the above two equations, we get

exp(xt ) 1 1
− 2
− =− 2 ,
2σJ 2 2σ | J
t t =1

σ2t | Jt =1 = .
exp(xt ) + σJ2
Equating the coefficients of t , we get

yt exp(xt /2) µ | Jt =1 by above result µ t | Jt =1 (exp(xt ) + σJ2 )

= 2t = ,
σJ2 σ | Jt =1

yt exp(xt /2)
µ t | Jt =1 = .
exp(xt ) + σJ2
The result follows.
c. Since q
xt = µ(1 − φ) + φxt−1 + σv ρt−1 + σv 1 − ρ2 ξt−1,
for some ξt ∼ N (0, 1), we have
p(xt | xt−1, yt−1, t−1 ) = φ xt ; µ(1 − φ) + φxt−1 + σv ρt−1, σv2 (1 − ρ2 ) .

d. We first sample t−1 from p(t−1 | xt−1, yt−1 ), then sample from the above normal
e. At t, the jump occurs with probability p and does not occur with probability p − 1.
When the jump does not occur, yt is normally distributed with mean 0 and variance
e xt . When the jump does occur, it is also normally distributed, since the sum
Z = X +Y of two normal random variables, X ∼ N (µX , σX2 ) and Y ∼ N (µY , σY2 ),
is itself a normal random variable, Z ∼ N (µX + µY , σX2 + σY2 ). In our case, the

two normal random variables are t e xt /2 ∼ N (0, e xt ) and $t ∼ N (0, σJ2 ). The
result follows by the Law of Total Probability.

Exercise 7.4: The Viterbi algorithm and an occasionally dishonest casino

The dealer has two coins, a fair coin, with P(Heads) = 12 , and a loaded coin, with
P(Heads) = 45 . The dealer starts with the fair coin with probability 35 . The dealer
then tosses the coin several times. After each toss, there is a 25 probability of a switch
to the other coin. The observed sequence is Heads, Tails, Tails, Heads, Tails, Heads,
Heads, Heads, Tails, Heads. Run the Viterbi algorithm to determine which coin the
dealer was most likely using for each coin toss.

Solution 7.4

The solution is presented in notebook viterbi_7_4.ipynb.

max_probability’: 1.146617856e-05,
’steps’: [’Fair’,’Fair’,’Fair’,’Fair’,’Fair’,
Chapter 8
Advanced Neural Networks

Exercise 8.1*

Calculate the half-life of the following univariate RNN

x̂t = Wy zt−1 + by,

zt−1 = tanh(Wz zt−2 + Wx xt−1 ),

where Wy = 1, Wz = Wx = 0.5, bh = 0.1 and by = 0.

Solution 8.1

The lag 1 unit impulse gives x̂t = tanh(0.5 + 0.1) and the intermediate calculation
of the ratios, r (k) , are shown in Table 2, showing that the half-life is 4 periods.

Lag k r (k)
1 1.00
2 0.657
3 0.502
4 0.429

Table 2: The half-life characterizes the memory decay of the architecture by measur-
ing the number of periods before a lagged unit impulse has at least half of its effect
at lag 1. The calculation of the half-life involves nested composition of the recursion
relation for the hidden layer until r (k) is less than a half. In this example, the half-life
is 4 periods.


Question 8.2: Recurrent Neural Networks

• State the assumptions needed to apply plain RNNs to time series data.
• Show that a linear RNN(p) model with bias terms in both the output layer and the
hidden layer can be written in the form
ŷt = µ + φi yt−i

and state the form of the coefficients {φi }.

• State the conditions on the activation function and weights in a plain RNN is the
model stable? (i.e. lags do not grow)

Solution 8.2

• Data should not be i.i.d., but autocorrelated. The data should be stationary.
• Start by assuming that Wz(1) = φz , |φz | < 1, Wx(1) = φ x , Wy = 1, but bh and by are
not zero. Í
Then follow the example in the chapter but keeping the extra bh term so
that µ = i=1 φi by so that
ŷt = µ + φi yt−i

and φi = φ x φi−1
z .
• The following constraint on the activation function |σ(x)| ≤ 1 must hold for
stability of the RNN.

Exercise 8.3*

Using Jensen’s inequality, calculate the lower bound on the partial autocovariance
function of the following zero-mean RNN(1) process:

yt = σ(φyt−1 ) + ut ,

for some monotonically increasing, positive and convex activation function, σ(x)
and positive constant φ. Note that Jensen’s inequality states that E[g(X)] ≥ g(E[X])
for any convex function g of a random variable X.

Solution 8.3

The lag 1 partial autocovariance is the same as the lag-1 autocovariance:


E[yt , yt−1 ] = E[σ(φyt−1 ) + ut , yt−1 ]

= E[σ(φyt−1 ), yt−1 ]
= E[g(yt−1 )]
≥ g(E[yt−1 ]) = σ(φE[yt−1 ])E[yt−1 ],

where we have made use of Jensen’s inequality under the property that g(x) = σ(φx)x
is convex in x. Convexity holds if σ(x) is monotonic increasing and convex and x is

Exercise 8.4*

Show that the discrete convolution of the input sequence X = {3, 1, 2} and the filter
F = {3, 2, 1} given by Y = X ∗ F where

yi = X ∗ Fi = x j Fi−j

is Y = {9, 9, 11, 5, 2}.

Solution 8.4

y0 = x0 × F0 = 3 × 3 = 9,
y1 = x0 × F1 + x1 × F0 = 3 × 1 + 2 × 3 = 9,
y2 = x0 × F2 + x1 × F1 + x2 × F0 = 3 × 2 + 2 × 1 + 1 × 3 = 11,
y3 = x1 × F2 + x2 × F1 + x3 × F0 = 2 × 2 + 1 × 1 = 5,
y4 = x2 × F2 = 1 × 2 = 2,

Exercise 8.5*

Show that the discrete convolution x̂t = F ∗ xt defines a univariate AR(p) if a p-width
filter is defined as Fj := φ j for some constant parameter φ.

Solution 8.5

Substituting the definition of filter and expanding the discrete convolution gives:
x̂t = F ∗ xt = Fj xt−j = φxt−1 + φ2 xt−2 + · · · + φ p xt−p,

which is a special case of a AR(p) with geometrically decaying coefficients when

|φ| < 1.

4 Programming Related Questions*

Exercise 8.6***

Modify the RNN notebook to predict coindesk prices using a univariate RNN applied
to the data coindesk.csv. Then complete the following tasks
a. Determine whether the data is stationary by applying the augmented Dickey-Fuller
b. Estimate the partial autocorrelation and determine the optimum lag at the 99%
confidence level. Note that you will not be able to able to draw conclusions if your
data is not stationarity. Choose the sequence length to be equal to this optimum
c. Evaluate the MSE in-sample and out-of-sample as you vary the number of hidden
neurons. What do you conclude about the level of over-fitting?
d. Apply L1 regularization to reduce the variance.
e. How does the out-of-sample performance of a plain RNN compare with that of a
f. Determine whether the model error is white noise or is auto-correlated by applying
the Ljung Box test.

Solution 8.6

See the notebook solution.

Exercise 8.7***

Modify the CNN 1D time series notebook to predict high frequency mid-prices with
a single hidden layer CNN, using the data HFT.csv. Then complete the following
a. Confirm that the data is stationary by applying the augmented Dickey-Fuller test.
b. Estimate the partial autocorrelation and determine the optimum lag at the 99%
confidence level.
c. Evaluate the MSE in-sample and out-of-sample using 4 filters. What do you
conclude about the level of over-fitting as you vary the number of filters?
d. Apply L1 regularization to reduce the variance.
e. Determine whether the model error is white noise or is auto-correlated by applying
the Ljung-Box test.

Hint: You should also review the HFT RNN notebook before you begin this exercise.

Solution 8.7

See the notebook solution.

Part III
Sequential Data with Decision-Making
Chapter 9
Introduction to Reinforcement learning

Exercise 9.1

Consider an MDP with a reward function rt = r(st , at ). Let Q π (s, a) be an action-

value function for policy π for this MDP, and π?(a|s) = arg maxπ Q π (s, a) be
an optimal greedy policy. Assume we define a new reward function as an affine
transformation of the previous reward: r̃(t) = wrt + b with constant parameters b and
w > 0. How does the new optimal policy π̃? relate to the old optimal policy π??

Solution 9.1

Using the definition of the action-value function as a conditional expectation of

discounted rewards, we find that under an affine transformation of rewards rt →
art + b (where a > 0 and b are fixed numbers), the action-value function transforms
as follows: Q π (s, a) → Q̃ π (s, a) = aQ π (s, a) + f (s) where f (s) is a function of
the current state s. As f (s) does not depend on actions a, optimal greedy policies
obtained with Q π (s, a) and Q̃ π (s, a) are clearly the same:

π? = arg max Q π (s, a) = arg max Q̃ π (s, a)

π π

Exercise 9.2

With True/False questions, give a short explanation to support your answer.

• True/False: Value iteration always find the optimal policy, when run to conver-
gence. [3]
• True/False: Q-learning is an on policy learning (value iteration) algorithm and
estimates updates to the state-action-value function, Q(s, a) using actions taken
under the current policy π. [5]


• For Q-learning to converge we need to correctly manage the exploration vs.

exploitation tradeoff. What property needs to hold for the exploration strategy?
• True/False: Q-learning with linear function approximation will always converge
to the optimal policy. [2]

Solution 9.2

• True: Value iteration always find the optimal policy, when run to convergence
(This is a result of the Bellman equations being a contraction mapping).
• False: Q-learning is an off-policy learning algorithm: the Q(s, a) function is
learned from different actions (for example, random actions). We even don’t
need a policy at all to learn Q(s, a).
Q(s, a) ← Q(s, a) + α(r + γ maxa0 Q(s 0, a 0) − Q(s, a)), where a 0 are all actions,
that were probed in state s 0 (not actions under the current policy).
• In the limit, every action needs to be tried sufficiently often in every possible
state. This can be guaranteed with an sufficiently permissive exploration strategy.
• False. It may not even be able to represent the optimal policy due to approximation

Exercise 9.3*

Consider the following toy cash buffer problem. An investor owns a stock, initially
valued at St0 = 1, and must ensure that their wealth (stock + cash) is not less than
a certain threshold K at time t = t1 . Let Wt = St + Ct denote their at time t, where
Ct is the total cash in the portfolio. If the wealth Wt1 < K = 2 then the investor is
penalized with a −10 reward.
The investor chooses to inject either 0 or 1 amounts of cash with a respective
penalty of 0 or −1 (which is not deducted from the fund).
Dynamics The stock price follows a discrete Markov chain with P(St+1 = s | St =
s) = 0.5, i.e. with probability 0.5 the stock remains the same price over the time
interval. P(St+1 = s + 1 | St = s) = P(St+1 = s − 1 | St = s) = 0.25. If the wealth
moves off the grid it simply bounces to the nearest value in the grid at that time. The
states are grid squares, identified by their row and column number (row first). The
investor always starts in state (1,0) (i.e. the initial wealth Wt0 = 1 at time t0 = 0—
there is no cash in the fund) and both states in the last column (i.e., at time t = t1 = 1)
are terminal (Table 3).
Using the Bellman equation (with generic state notation), give the first round of
value iteration updates for each state by completing the table below. You may ignore
the time value of money, i.e., set γ = 1.
Vi+1 (s) = max( T(s, a, s0)(R(s, a, s0) + γVi (s0)))

w t0 t1
2 0 0
1 0 -10

Table 3: The reward function depends on fund wealth w and time.

(w,t) (1,0) (2,0)

V0 (w) 0 0
V1 (w) ? NA

Solution 9.3

The stock price sequence {St0 , St1 } is a Markov chain with one transition period.
The transition probabilities are denoted p ji = P(St+1 = s j |St = si ) with states
s1 = 1, s2 = 2.
The Wealth sequence, {Wt0 , Wt1 } is an MDP. To avoid confusion in notation with
the stock states, let us denote the wealth states w ∈ {w1 = 1, w2 = 2} (instead of the
usual s1, s2, ..). The actions a ∈ A := {a0 = 0, a1 = 1}. The transition matrix for this
MDP is
Ti jk := T(wi, ak , w j ) := P(Wt+1 = w j |Wt = wi, at = ak ).
From the problem constraints and the Markov chain transition probabilities pi j we
can write for action a0 (no cash injection):
0.75 0.25
T,,0 =
0.25 0.75

and for action a1 (one dollar of cash)

0.25 0.75
T,,1 =
0.0 1.0

We can now evaluate the rewards for the case when Wt0 = w1 = 1 (which
is the only starting state). The rewards are R(w1, 0, w1 ) = −10, R(w1, 0, w2 ) =
0, R(w1, 1, w1 ) = −11, R(w1, 1, w2 ) = −1
And using the Bellman equation, the value updates from state Wt0 = w1 is
V1 (w1 ) = max T (w1 , a, w j )R(w1 , a, w j )
a∈ A
= max{T (w1 , 0, w1 )R(w1 , 0, w1 ) + T (w1 , 0, w2 )R(w1 , 0, w2 ), T (w1 , 1, w1 )R(w1 , 1, w1 ) + T (w1 , 1, w2 )R(w1 , 1, w2 )}
= max(0.75 × −10 + 0.25 × 0, 0.25 × −11 + 0.75 × −1)
= −3.5

for action at0 = 1. Note that V1 (w2 ) does not exist as the wealth can not transition
from w2 at time t0 .

Exercise 9.4*

Consider the following toy cash buffer problem. An investor owns a stock, initially
valued at St0 = 1, and must ensure that their wealth (stock + cash) does not fall below
a threshold K = 1 at time t = t1 . The investor can choose to either sell the stock
or inject more cash, but not both. In the former case, the sale of the stock at time
t results in an immediate cash update st (you may ignore transactions costs). If the
investor chooses to inject a cash amount ct ∈ {0, 1}, there is a corresponding penalty
of −ct (which is not taken from the fund).
Let Wt = St + Ct denote their wealth at time t, where Ct is the total cash in the
Dynamics The stock price follows a discrete Markov chain with P(St+1 = s | St =
s) = 0.5, i.e., with probability 0.5 the stock remains the same price over the time
interval. P(St+1 = s + 1 | St = s) = P(St+1 = s − 1 | St = s) = 0.25. If the wealth
moves off the grid it simply bounces to the nearest value in the grid at that time. The
states are grid squares, identified by their row and column number (row first). The
investor always starts in state (1,0) (i.e. the initial wealth Wt0 = 1 at time t0 = 0—
there is no cash in the fund) and both states in the last column (i.e., at time t = t1 = 1)
are terminal.

w t0 t1
1 0 0
0 0 −10

Table 4: The reward function depends on fund wealth w and time.

Using the Bellman equation (with generic state notation), give the first round of
value iteration updates for each state by completing the table below. You may ignore
the time value of money, i.e., set γ = 1.
Vi+1 (s) = max( T(s, a, s0)(R(s, a, s0) + γVi (s0)))

(w,t) (0,0) (1,0)

V0 (w) 0 0
V1 (w) ? ?

Solution 9.4

The stock price sequence {St0 , St1 } is a Markov chain with one transition period.
The transition probabilities are denoted p ji = P(St+1 = s j |St = si ) with states
s0 = 0, s1 = 1, s2 = 2.
The Wealth sequence, {Wt0 , Wt1 } is an MDP. Let us denote the wealth states
w ∈ {w0 = 0, w1 = 1}. The actions a := {a0, a1, a2 } respectively denote (i) do not
inject cash or sell the stock; (ii) sell the stock but do not inject cash; and (iii) inject
cash ($ 1) but do not sell the stock.
The transition matrix for this MDP is

Ti jk := T(wi, ak , w j ) := P(Wt+1 = w j |Wt = wi, at = ak ).

From the problem constraints and the Markov chain transition probabilities pi j we
can write for action a0 (no cash injection or sale):
0.75 0.25
T,,0 =
0.25 0.75

For the sale of the stock under action a1 :

T,,1 = .

For action a2 (one dollar of cash added)

0.25 0.75
T,,2 =
0.0 1.0

We can now evaluate the rewards for the case when Wt0 = w1 = 1 (which is the
only starting state). The rewards are

R(w1, a0, w1 ) = 0, R(w1, a0, w0 ) = −10,

R(w1, a1, w1 ) = 0, R(w1, a1, w0 ) = −10
R(w1, a2, w1 ) = −1, R(w1, a2, w0 ) = −11

And using the Bellman equation, the value updates from state Wt0 = w1 is
V1 (w1 ) = max T (w1 , a, w j )R(w1 , a, w j )
a∈ A
= max{T (w1 , a0 , w1 )R(w1 , a0 , w1 ) + T (w1 , a 0 , w0 )R(w1 , a0 , w0 ),
T (w1 , a 1 , w1 )R(w1 , a1 , w1 ) + T (w1 , a1 , w0 )R(w1 , a1 , w0 ),
T (w1 , a 2 , w1 )R(w1 , a2 , w1 ) + T (w1 , a 2 , w0 )R(w1 , a2 , w0 )}
= max(0.75 × 0 + 0.25 × −10, 1.0 × 0 + 0 × −10, 1.0 × −1 + 0 × −11)
= max(−2.5, 0, −1)

which states that taking action at0 = a1 (i.e. sell the stock) is the most valuable state.

The other empty value in the table is not filled in. V1 (w0 ) does not exist as the
wealth can not transition from w0 at time t0 .

Exercise 9.5*

Deterministic policies such as the greedy policy pi?(a|s) = arg maxπ Q π (s, a) are
invariant with respect to a shift of the action-value function by an arbitrary function
of a state f (s): π?(a|s) = arg maxπ Q π (s, a) = arg maxπ Q̃ π (s, a) where Q̃ π (s, a) =
Q π (s, a) − f (s). Show that this implies that the optimal policy is also invariant with
respect to the following transformation of an original reward function r(st , at , st+1 ):

r̃(st , at , st+1 ) = r(st , at , st+1 ) + γ f (st+1 ) − f (st )

This transformation of a reward function is known as reward shaping (Ng, Russell

1999). It has been used in reinforcement learning to accelerate learning in certain
settings. In the context of inverse reinforcement learning, reward shaping invariance
has far-reaching implications, as we will discuss later in the book.

Solution 9.5

Consider the Bellman optimality equation for the action-value function where we
subtract an arbitrary function of the state f (s) from both sides of the equation. We
can write it as follows:
Q(s, a) − f (s) = E r(s, a, s 0) + γ f (s 0) − f (s) + γ max
(Q(s ,
0 0
a ) − f (s 0

This is equivalent to an MDP with a modified reward r̃t = r(s, a, s 0) + γ f (s 0) − f (s)

and a new action-value function Q̃(s, a) = Q(s, a) − f (s). Because the MDP with
the new reward is obtained by the identity transformation of the original Bellman
optimality equation, the optimal policy obtained with the “shaped” reward r̃t will be
identical to the optimal policy obtained with the original reward rt = r(st , at , st+1 ).

Exercise 9.6**

Define the occupancy measure ρπ : S × A → R by the relation

ρπ (s, a) = π(a|s) γ t Pr (st = s|π)

where Pr (st = s|π) is the probability density of the state s = st at time t following
policy π. The occupancy measure ρπ (s, a) can be interpreted as an unnormalized

density of state-action pairs. It can be used e.g. to specify the value function as an
expectation value of the reward: V =< r(s, a) > ρ .
a. Compute the policy in terms of the occupancy measure ρπ .

b. Compute a normalized occupancy measure ρ̃π (s, a). How different the policy
will be if we used the normalized measure ρ̃π (s, a) instead of the unnormalized
measure ρπ ?

Solution 9.6

a. The policy is

ρπ (s, a)
π(a|s) = Í
s ρπ (s, a)
b. The occupance measure is

ρπ (s, a) ρπ (s, a)
ρ̃(s, a) = Í = Í∞ t = (1 − γ)ρ(s, a)
s,a π (s, a) t=0 γ

Therefore, if we rescale the occupance measure ρπ by a constant factor 1 − γ, we

obtain a normalized probability density ρ̃(s, a) of state-action pairs. On the other
hand, an optimal policy is invariant under a rescaling of all rewards by a constant
factor (see Exercise 9.1). This means that we can always consider the occupancy
measure ρπ to be a valid normalized probability density, as any mismatch in the
normalization could always be re-absorbed in rescaled rewards.

Exercise 9.7**

Theoretical models for reinforcement learning typically assume that rewards rt :=

r(st , at , st+1 ) are bounded: rmin ≤ rt ≤ rmax with some fixed values rmin, rmax .
On the other hand, some models of rewards used by practitioners may produce
(numerically) unbounded rewards. For example, with linear
ÍK architectures, a popular
choice of a reward function is a linear expansion rt = k=1 θ k Ψk (st , at ) over a set
of K basis functions Ψk . Even if one chooses a set of bounded basis functions, this
expression may become unbounded via a choice of coefficients θ t .
a. Use the policy invariance under linear transforms of rewards (see Exercise 9.1)
to equivalently formulate the same problem with rewards that are bounded to the
unit interval [0, 1], so they can be interpreted as probabilities.

b. How
Í could you modify a linear unbounded specification of reward rθ (s, a, s 0) =
k=1 K θ k Ψk (s, a, s ) to a bounded reward function with values in a unit interval

[0, 1]?

Solution 9.7

a. As greedy policies are invariant under affine transformations of a reward function

rt → wrt + b with fixed parameters w > 0 and b (see Exercise 9.1), by a proper
choice of parameters w, b, we can always map a finite interval [rmin, rmax ] onto
a unit interval [0, 1]. Upon such transformation, rewards can be interpreted as

b. Once we realize that any MDP with bounded rewards can be mapped onto an
MDP with rewards rt ∈ [0, 1] without any loss of generality, a simple alternative
to a linear reward would be a logistic reward:
rθ (st , at , st+1 ) =  Í .
1 + exp − k=1 θ k Ψk (st , at , st+1 )

Clearly, while a logistic reward is one simple choice of a bounded function on a

unit interval, other specifications are possible as well.

Exercise 9.8

Consider an MDP with a finite number of states and actions in a real-time setting
where the agent learns to act optimally using the ε-greedy policy. The ε-greedy
policy amounts to taking an action a? = argmaxa0 Q(s, a 0) in each state s with
probability 1 − ε, and taking a random action with probability ε. Will SARSA and
Q-learning converge to the same solution under such policy, using a constant value of
ε? What will be different in the answer if ε decays with the epoch, e.g. as εt ∼ 1/t?

Solution 9.8

If ε is fixed, then SARSA will converge to an optimal ε-greedy policy, while Q-

learning with converge to an optimal policy. If ε is gradually reduced with the epoch,
e.g. εt ∼ 1/t, then both SARSA and Q-learning converge to the same optimal policy.

Exercise 9.9

Consider the following single-step random cost (negative reward)

C (st , at , st+1 ) = ηat + (K − st+1 − at )+ ,

where η and K are some parameters. You can use such a cost function to develop an
MDP model for an agent learning to invest. For example, st can be the current assets
in a portfolio of equities at time t, at be an additional cash added to or subtracted

from the portfolio at time t, and st+1 be the portfolio value at the end of time interval
[t, t + 1). The second term is an option-like cost of a total portfolio (equity and
cash) shortfall by time t + 1 from a target value K. Parameter η controls the relative
importance of paying costs now as opposed to delaying payment.
a. What is the corresponding expected cost for this problem, if the expectation is
taken w.r.t. to the stock prices and at is treated as deterministic?
b. Is the expected cost a convex or concave function of the action at ?
c. Can you find an optimal one-step action a? t that minimizes the one-step expected
Hint: For Part (i), you can use the following property:
d d
[y − x]+ = [(y − x)H(y − x)]
dx dx
, where H(x) is the Heaviside function.

Solution 9.9

a. The expected cost is

C (st , at , st+1 ) = E [ηat + (K − st+1 − at )+ ] = ηat + E [(K − st+1 − at )+ ] .

b. To find the maximum of the expected one-step reward, we use the relation
dx [y − x]+ = dx [(y − x)H(y − x)] = −H(y − x) − (y − x)δ(y − x) = −H(y − x),
d d

where H(x) is the Heaviside step function. Note that the (y − x)δ(y − x) term is
zero everywhere. Using this relation, the derivative of the expected reward is

= η − E [H(K − st+1 − at )] = η − Pr (st+1 ≤ K − at ) .
Taking the second derivative and assuming that the distribution of st+1 has a
pdf p(st+1 ), we obtain ∂∂aC2 = p(K − at ) ≥ 0. This shows that the expected cost

C (st , at , st+1 ) is convex in action at .

c. An implicit equation for the optimal action a?

t is obtained at a zero of the derivative
of the expected cost:
Pr st+1 ≤ K − a? t = η.

Exercise 9.10

Exercise 9.9 presented a simple single-period cost function that can be used in
the setting of model-free reinforcement learning. We can now formulate a model
based formulation for such an option-like reward. To this end, we use the following

specification of the random end-of-period portfolio state:

st+1 = (1 + rt )st
rt = G(Ft ) + εt .

In words, the initial portfolio value st + at in the beginning of the interval [t, t + 1)
 by a function G(Ft ) of factors Ft corrupted by
grows with a random return rt given
noise ε with E [ε] = 0 and E ε 2 = σ 2 .
a. Obtain the form of expected cost for this specification in Exercise 9.9.
b. Obtain the optimal single-step action for this case.
c. Compute the sensitivity of the optimal action withÍ respect to the i-th factor Fit
assuming the sigmoid link function G(Ft ) = σ ( i ωi Fit ) and a Gaussian noise
εt .

Solution 9.10

a. The model dependent expected cost in this case is

C (st , at ) = ηat + E [(K − (1 + G(Ft ) + σε)st − at )+ ] .

b. Equating the partial derivative ∂C/∂at to zero, we obtain an implicit equation for
the optimal action a?t

K − a?
t − (1 + G(Ft ))st
P εt ≤ = η.

c. If ε ∼ N(0, 1), the last formula becomes

K − a?
t − (1 + G(Ft ))st
N = η.

where N (·) is the cumulative normal distribution. Differentiating thisÍexpression

with respect to factor Fit using the sigmoid link function G(Ft ) = σ ( i ωi Fit ) =
σ(F), we obtain

t ∂G(Ft )
= −st = −st ωi σ(F) (1 − σ(F)) .
∂Fit ∂Fit

Exercise 9.11

Assuming a discrete set of actions at ∈ A of dimension K—show that deterministic

policy optimization by greedy policy of Q-learning Q(st , a? t ) = max at ∈A Q(st , at )
can be equivalently expressed as maximization over a set probability distributions
π(at ) with probabilities πk for at = Ak , k = 1, . . . K (this relation is known as

Fenchel duality):
max Q(st , at ) = max πk Q (st , Ak ) s.t. 0 ≤ πi ≤ 1, πk = 1
at ∈A {π } k
k=1 k=1

Solution 9.11

As all weights are between zero and one, the solution to the maximization over the
distribution π = {πk } k=1
is to put all weights into a value k = k? such that at = Ak?
maximizes Q(st , at ): πk? = 1, πk = 0, ∀k , k?. This means that maximization over
all possible actions for a discrete action set can be reduced to a linear programming

Exercise 9.12**

The reformulation of a deterministic policy search in terms of search over probability

distributions given in Exercise 9.8 is a mathematical identity where the end result is
still a deterministic policy. We can convert it to a probabilistic policy search if we
modify the objective function
max Q(st , at ) = max πk Q (st , Ak ) s.t. 0 ≤ πi ≤ 1, πk = 1
at ∈A {π } k
k=1 k=1

by adding to it a KL divergence of the policy π with some reference (“prior”)

policy ω:
1Õ πk
G?(st , at ) = max
πk Q (st , Ak ) − πi log
β k=1
ω k

where β is a regularization parameter controlling the relative importance of the two

terms that enforce, respectively, maximization of the action-value function and a
preference for a previous reference policy ω with probabilities ωk . When parameter
β < ∞ is finite, this produces a stochastic rather than deterministic optimal policy
Find the optimal policy π?(a|s) from the entropy-regularized functional G(st , at )
(Hint: use the method of Lagrange multipliers to enforce the normalization constraint
k πk = 1).

Solution 9.12

By changing the sign to replace maximization by minimization, rescaling, and using

the Lagrange multiplier method to enforce the normalization constraint, we have the
following Lagrangian function

Õ πk Õ Õ
L= πi log −β πk Q (st , Ak ) + λ πk − 1 ,
ωk k=1 k=1

where λ is the Lagrange multiplier. Computing its variational derivative with respect
to πk , we obtain
πk = ωk eβQ(st , Ak )−λ−1
λ can now be found by substituting this expression into the
The Lagrange multiplier Í
normalization condition k=1 πk = 1. This produces the final result

ωk eβQ(st , Ak )
πk = Í βQ(st , A k )
k ωk e

Exercise 9.13**

Regularization by KL-divergence with a reference distribution ω introduced in the

previous exercise can be extended to a multi-period setting. This produces maxi-
mum entropy reinforcement learning which augments the standard RL reward by an
additional entropy penalty term in the form of KL divergence. The optimal value
function in MaxEnt RL is
" ∞  #
Õ  1 π(a |s
t t )
F (s) = max E γ r(st , at , st+1 ) − log
s0 = s (24)

β π0 (at |st )

where E [·] stands for an average under a stationary distribution ρπ (a) =

s µπ (s)π(a|s) where µ π (s) is a stationary distribution over states induced by the
policy π, and π0 is some reference policy. Show that the optimal policy for this
entropy-regularized MDP problem has the following form:
1 π π
π?(a|s) = π0 (at |st )eβGt (st ,at ), Zt ≡ π0 (at |st )eβGt (st ,at )
Zt a t

where Gtπ (st , at ) = Eπ [r(st , at , st+1 )] + γ st +1 p(st+1 |st , at )Ft+1

π (s
t+1 ). Check that
the limit β → ∞ reproduces the standard deterministic policy, that is limβ→∞ V ?(s) =
maxπ V π (s), while in the opposite limit β → 0 we obtain a random and uniform
policy. We will return to entropy-regularized value-based RL and stochastic policies
such as (25) (which are sometimes referred to as Boltzmann policies) in later chapters
of this book.

Solution 9.13

The entropy-regulated value function for policy π is

" ∞  #
π(at |st )

Ftπ (st ) π
Õ 0
=E γ t −t r(st , at , st+1 ) − log st
t 0 =t
β π0 (at |st )

Note that this expression coincides with the usual definition of the value function in
the limit β → ∞. Consider a similar extension to the action-value function:
" ∞  #
π π
Õ 0  1 π(at |st )
Gt (st , at ) = E γ t −t
r(st , at , st+1 ) − log st , at
t 0 =t
β π0 (at |st )

From these two expressions, and using the fact that the entropy term vanishes for the
first time step where the action a0 is fixed, we obtain

π(at |st )
Ftπ (st ) = π(at |st ) Gtπ (st , at ) − log

β π0 (at |st )

Maximizing this expression with respect to π(at |st ), we obtain

1 π π
π0 (at |st )eβGt (st ,at ), Zt ≡ π0 (at |st )eβGt (st ,at )
π(at |st ) =
Zt a t

where Gtπ (st , at ) = Eπ [r(st , at , st+1 )] + γ π (s

p(st+1 |st , at )Ft+1
st +1 t+1 ).

Exercise 9.14*

Show that the solution for the coefficients Wtk in the LSPI method (see Eq.(9.71)) is

W?t = S−1
t Mt

where St is a matrix and Mt is a vector with the following elements:

Snm = Ψn Xt(k), at(k) Ψm Xt(k), at(k)
Mn(t) = Ψn Xt(k), at(k) Rt Xt(k), at(k), Xt+1
+ γQ t+1 (k)
Xt+1 (k)
, π Xt+1

Solution 9.14

The objective function is

N        2
Lt (Wt ) = Rt Xt(k), at(k), Xt+1
+ γQ t+1 (k)
Xt+1 (k)
, π Xt+1 − Wt Ψ Xt(k), at(k)

Differentiating this expression with respect to parameters Wt , equating it to zero,

and re-arranging terms, we obtain the result shown in the exercise.

Exercise 9.15**

Consider the Boltzmann weighted average of a function h(i) defined on a binary set
I = {1, 2}:
Õ eβh(i)
Boltzβ h(i) = h(i) Í βh(i)
i ∈I i ∈I e

a. Verify that this operator smoothly interpolates between the max and the mean of
h(i) which are obtained in the limits β → ∞ and β → 0, respectively.
b. By taking β = 1, h(1) = 100, h(2) = 1, h 0(1) = 1, h 0(2) = 0, show that Boltzβ is
not a non-expansion.
c. (Programming) Using operators that are not non-expansions can lead to a
loss of a solution in a generalized Bellman equation. To illustrate such phe-
nomenon, we use the following simple example.Consider the MDP problem
on the set I = {1, 2} with two actions a and b and the following specifi-
cation: p(1|1, a) = 0.66, p(2|1, a) = 0.34, r(1, a) = 0.122 and p(1|1, b) =
0.99, p(1|1, b) = 0.01, r(1, b) = 0.033. The second state is absorbing with
p(1|2) = 0, p(2|2) = 1. The discount factor is γ = 0.98. Assume we use the
Boltzmann policy
eβ Q̂(s,a)
π(a|s) = Í
β Q̂(s,a)
Show that the SARSA algorithm

Q̂(s, a) ← Q̂(s, a) + α r(s, a) + γ Q̂(s 0, a 0) − Q̂(s, a) ,


where a, a 0 are drawn from the Boltzmann policy with β = 16.55 and α = 0.1,
leads to oscillating solutions for Q̂(s1, a) and Q̂(s1, a) that do not achieve stable
states with an increased number of iterations.

Solution 9.15

Part 2:
To verify the non-expansion property, we compute

Õ e h(i)/T Õ e h0 (i)/T
|BoltzT h(i) − BoltzT h 0(i)| = h(i) Í − h 0

Í h 0 (i)/T

i ∈I i ∈I e i ∈I i ∈I e
' |100 + 0 − 0.731 − 0| = 99.269 > 99 = max |h(i) − h 0(i)|
i ∈I

Exercise 9.16**

An alternative continuous approximation to the intractable max operator in the

Bellman optimality equation is given by the mellowmax function:
1 1 Õ ωxi
mmω (X) = log e
ω n i=1

a. Show that the mellowmax function recovers the max function in the limit ω → ∞.
b. Show that mellowmax is a non-expansion.

Solution 9.16

a. Let m = max (X) and W ≥ 1 is the number of values in X that are equal to m. We
! n
1 1 Õ ωxi 1 1 ωm Õ ω(xi −m)
lim mmω (X) = lim log e = lim log e e
ω→∞ ω→∞ ω n i=1 ω→∞ ω n i=1
1 1
= lim log eωmW = m = max (X)
ω→∞ ω n

b. Let X and Y be two vectors of length n, and ∆i = Xi − Yi be the difference

of their i-th components. Let i? be the index with the maximum component-
wise difference: i? = argmaxi ∆i . Without loss of generality, we assume that
xi? − yi? ≥ 0. We obtain
ωxi Ín ω(yi +∆i ) Ín ω(yi +∆ ? )

1 Ín
i=1 e i=1 e e
1 1 i

|mmω (X) − mmω (Y)| = log 1 Ín = log Ín ωy ≤ log i=1

Ín ωy
ω ωy ω ω

n i=1 e
i i=1 e i i=1 e i

= log eω∆i ? = |∆i? | = max |Xi − Yi |

ω i
Chapter 10
Applications of Reinforcement Learning

Exercise 10.1

Derive Eq.(10.46) that gives the limit of the optimal action in the QLBS model in
the continuous-time limit.

Solution 10.1

The first term in Eq.(10.46) is evaluated in the same way as Eq.(10.22) and yields
Et ∆Ŝt Π̂t+1 ∂ Ĉt
  2  = ∂S .
Et ∆Ŝt

The second term is h i

Et 2γλ ∆St µ−r 1
  2  = 2λσ 2 S .
Et ∆Ŝt

Exercise 10.2

Consider the expression (10.121) for optimal policy obtained with G-learning
1 π
π(at |yt ) = π0 (at |yt )e R̂(yt ,at )+γEt,at [Ft +1 (yt +1 )]
where the one-step reward is quadratic as in Eq.(10.91):

R̂(yt , at ) = yTt Ryy yt + aTt Raa a + aTt Ray yt + aTt Ra .


How does this relation simplify in two cases: (a) when the conditional expectation
π (y

Et,a Ft+1 t+1 ) does not depend on the action at , and (b) when the dynamics are
linear in at as in Eq.(10.125)?

Solution 10.2
(a) When the conditional expectation Et,a Ft+1 (yt+1 ) does not depend on the action
at , this term trivially cancels out with the denominator Zt . Therefore, the optimal
policy in this case is determined by the one-step reward: π(at |yt ) ∼ e R̂(yt ,at ) .
(b) When the dynamics are linear in action at as in Eq.(10.125), the optimal
policy for a multi-step problem has the same Gaussian form as an optimal policy
for a single step problem, however this time, parameters Raa, Ray, Ra of the reward
function are re-scaled.

Exercise 10.3

Derive relations (10.141).

Solution 10.3

The solution is obtained by a straightforward algebraic manipulation.

Exercise 10.4

Consider G-learning for a time-stationary case, given by Eq.(10.122):

γÕ π 0 0
G π (y, a) = R̂(y, a) + π0 (a0 |y0)eβG (y ,a )
ρ(y0 |y, a) log
β y0 a0

Show that the high-temperature limit β → 0 of this equation reproduces the fixed-
policy Bellman equation for G π (y, a) where the policy coincides with the prior
policy, i.e. π = π0 .

Solution 10.4

Expand the expression in the exponent to the first order in parameter β → 0:

π (y0,a0 )
eβG = 1 + βG π (y0, a0) + O(β2 ).

Plugging it into Eq.(10.122) and using the first-order Taylor expansion for the loga-
rithm log(1 + x) = x + O(x 2 ), we obtain

G π (y, a) = R̂(y, a) + γ ρ(y0 |y, a)π0 (a0 |y0)G π (y0, a0).



This is the same as the fixed-policy Bellman equation for the G-function G π (y, a)
with π = π0 and transition probability ρ(y0, a0 |y, a) = ρ(y0 |y, a)π0 (a0 |y0).

Exercise 10.5

Consider policy update equations for G-learning given by Eqs.(10.174):

p = Σ p − 2βQt
Σ̃−1 −1

ũt = Σ̃ p Σ−1p ūt + βQt
ṽt = Σ̃ p Σ−1p v̄t + βQt

(a) Find the limiting forms of these expressions in the high-temperature limit
β → 0 and low-temperature limit β → ∞.
(b) Assuming that we know the stable point (ūt , v̄t ) of these iterative equations,
as well as the covariance Σ̃ p , invert them to find parameters of Q-function in terms
of stable point values ūt , v̄t . Note that only parameters Q(uu)
t , Q(ux)
t , and Q(u)
t can be
(xx) (x)
recovered. Can you explain why parameters Qt and Qt are lost in this procedure?
(Note: this problem can be viewed as a prelude to the topic of inverse reinforcement
learning covered in the next chapter.)

Solution 10.5

(a) In the high-temperature limit β → 0, we find that parameters of the prior policy
are not updated:
p = Σ p , ũt = ūt , ṽt = v̄t .
Σ̃−1 −1

For the low-temperature limit β → ∞, the policy becomes a deterministic limit

of the Gaussian policy with the following parameters that are independent of the
parameters of the prior policy:

1 h (uu) i −1
Σ̃ p = − Qt →0

1 h (uu) i −1 (u)
ũt = − Qt Qt
1h i −1
ṽt = − Q(uu)
t Q(ux)

(b) If (ūt , v̄t ) is a fixed point of the update equations and we assume it is known,
along with the covariance Σ̃ p , we can use it to obtain

t = 1 − Σ̃ p Σ−1
p ūt
Q(ux) = 1 − Σ̃ p Σ−1
p v̄t
This implies that if we know the parameters of the policy, we can recover from
it the coefficients Q(uu)
t , Q(ux)
t and Q(u) t . However, parameters Qt
and Q(x)
t are
not recovered from this procedure. The reason for it is that the policy depends
exponentially on Q(st , at ) as π(at |st ) = Z(s1 t ) eβG(st ,at ) where Z(st ) is a normalization
factor, therefore additive terms in G(st , at ) that depend only on st cancel out between
the numerator and denominator.

Exercise 10.6***

The formula for an unconstrained Gaussian integral in n dimensions reads

(2π)n 1 BT A−1 B

− 12 xT Ax+xT B n
e d x= e2 .
Show that when a constraint i=1 xi ≤ X̄ with a parameter X̄ is imposed on the
integration variables, a constrained version of this integral reads
! s
n   T −1 
(2π)n 1 BT A−1 B

− 12 xT Ax+xT B
Õ B A 1 − X̄
e θ X̄ − xi d x =
e2 1−N √
|A| 1T A−1 1

where N(·) is the cumulative normal distribution.

Hint: use the integral representation of the Heaviside step function
∫ ∞ izx
1 e
θ(x) = lim dz.
ε→0 2πi −∞ z − iε

Solution 10.6

Writing i xi = xT 1 where 1 is a vector of ones, the integral representation of the

Heaviside step function reads
∫ ∞ iz (X̄−xT 1)
  1 e
θ X̄ − xT 1 = lim dz.
ε→0 2πi −∞ z − iε
This gives

! T

eiz (X̄−x 1)
∫ ∫ ∫
− 12 xT Ax+xT B
− 12 xT Ax+xT B n 1
e θ X̄ − xi d x =
e d x dz
2πi −∞ z − iε

where we should take the limit ε → 0 at the end of the calculation. Exchanging
the order of integration, the inner integral with respect to x can be evaluated using
the unconstrained formula where we substitute B → B − iz1. The integral becomes
(here a := 1T A−1 1)
s ∫ iz X̄− 1 z1T A−1 1z−iBT A−1 1
(2π)n 1 BT A−1 B 1 e 2
e2 dz
|A| 2πi z − iε
∫ − 21 a z+i BT A−1

s 1−X̄
T −1 2
(2π)n 1 BT A−1 B− (X̄−B A 1) 1 e a
= e2 2a dz
|A| 2πi z − iε
T −1
The integral over z can be evaluated by changing the variable z → z − i B A a 1−X̄ ,
T −1
taking the limit ε → 0, and using the following formula (here β := B A a 1−X̄ ):
1 2 1 2

e− 2 az β ∞
e− 2 az  √   aβ 2
∫ ∫
dz = dz = 1 − N β a e 2
2π −∞ β + iz π 0 β2 + z 2
where in the second equation we used Eq.(3.466) from Gradshteyn and Ryzhik2
Using this relation, we finally obtain
! s
n   T −1 
(2π)n 1 BT A−1 B

− 12 xT Ax+xT B
Õ B A 1 − X̄
e θ X̄ − xi d x =
e2 1−N √ .
|A| 1T A−1 1

Note that in the limit X̄ → ∞, we recover the unconstrained integral formula.

2 I.S. Gradshteyn and I.M. Ryzhik, "Table of Integrals, Series, and Products", Elsevier, 2007.
Chapter 11
Inverse Reinforcement Learning and Imitation

Exercise 11.1

a. Derive Eq.(11.7).
b. Verify that the optimization problem in Eq.(11.10) is convex.

Solution 11.1

To find the optimal policy corresponding to the regularized value function (11.8),
we use the method of Lagrange multipliers, and add the normalization constraint to
this functional:
∫   ∫ 
F π (s) = π(a|s) r(s, a) − log π(a|s) da + λ π(a|s)da − 1 (26)

where λ is the Lagrange multiplier. Taking the variational derivative with respect to
π(a|s) and equating it to zero, we obtain
1 1
r(s, a) − log π(a|s) − + λ = 0
β β
Re-arranging this relation, we obtain

π(a|s) = eβ(r(s,a)+λ)−1

The value ∫of the Lagrange multiplier λ can now be found from the normalization
constraint π(a|s)da = 1. This produces the final result

1 βr(s,a)
π(a|s) = e , Zβ (s) ≡ eβr(s,a) da
Zβ (s)

Consider the objective function defined in Eq.(11.10)


G(λ) = log Zλ − λr̄(s)

Taking the second derivative with respect to λ, we obtain

 0 2 ∫ 2
d2G Z 00(λ)
Z (λ)
= − = 2
r (s, a)π(a|s)da − r(s, a)π(a|s)da = Var(r)
dλ2 Z(λ) Z(λ)

As variance Var(r) is always non-negative, it means that the optimization problem

in Eq.(11.10) is convex.

Exercise 11.2

Consider the policy optimization problem with one-dimensional state- and action-
spaces and the following parameterization of the one-step reward
r(s, a) = − log 1 + e−θΨ(s,a)

where θ is a vector of K parameters, and Ψ(s, a) is a vector of K basis functions.

Verify that this is a concave function of a as long as basis functions Ψ(s, a) are linear
in a.

Solution 11.2

If the basis functions Ψ(s, a) are linear in a while having an arbitrary dependence on
s, the second derivative of the reward is
∂ 2r θ ∂Ψ
=− 2 ≤ 0
∂a2 1 + e−θΨ(s,a)

Exercise 11.3

Verify that variational maximization with respect to classifier D(s, a) in Eq.(11.75)

reproduces the Jensen–Shannon divergence (11.72).

Solution 11.3

The GAIL loss function (11.75) can be written as

∫ ∫
ΨG A = max ρE (s, a) log D(s, a)dsda + ρπ (s, a) log (1 − D(s, a)) dsda
D ∈[0,1]S×A

Taking the variational derivative of this expression with respect to D(s, a), we obtain

ρE (s, a) ρπ (s, a)
− =0
D(s, a) 1 − D(s, a)
Re-arranging terms in this expression, we obtain Eq.(11.76):

ρE (s, a)
D(s, a) =
ρπ (s, a) + ρE (s, a)
? , we obtain
Substituting this expression into the first expression for ΨG A

ρE (s, a) ρπ (s, a)
∫ ∫
ΨG A = ρE (s, a) log dsda+ ρπ (s, a) log dsda
ρπ (s, a) + ρE (s, a) ρπ (s, a) + ρE (s, a)
Dividing the numerator and denominator in logarithms in both terms by two and
re-arranging terms, we obtain
? 1 1
ΨG A = DKK L ρπ || (ρπ + ρE ) +DKK L ρE || (ρπ + ρE ) −log 4 = DJS (ρπ , ρE )−log 4
2 2

where DJ S (ρπ , ρE ) is the Jensen–Shannon distance (11.72).

Exercise 11.4

Using the definition (11.71) of the convex conjugate function ψ? for a differentiable
convex function ψ(x) of a scalar variable x, show that (i) ψ? is convex, and (ii)
ψ?? = ψ.

Solution 11.4

For a convex differentiable function ψ(y) of a scalar variable y, the convex conjugate

ψ?(x) = sup x y − ψ(y)


coincides with the Legendre transform. Taking the derivative of this expression with
respect to y and equating it to zero, we have

ψ 0(y) = x ⇒ yx = g(x)

where g = [ψ 0]−1 is an inverse function of ψ 0, so that we have

ψ 0 (g(x)) ≡ ψ 0(yx ) = x

Differentiating both sides of this equation with respect to x, we obtain


g 0(x) =
ψ 00(g(x))
We can therefore write the convex conjugate as a composite function of x:

ψ?(x) = x yx − ψ(yx )

where yx = g(x). Differentiating this expression, we have

dψ?(x) dyx ψ(yx ) dyx dyx dyx

= yx + x − = yx + x −x = yx
dx dx dyx dx dx dx
Differentiating the second time, we have

d 2 ψ?(x) dyx 1
= = 00 ≥0
dx 2 dx ψ (g(x))
Therefore, the convex conjugate (Legendre transform) of a convex differentiable
function ψ(y) is convex.
To show that ψ?? = ψ, first note that the original function can be written in terms
of its transform:
ψ(yx ) = x yx − ψ?(x)
Using this, we obtain

ψ??(x) = xpx − ψ?(px ) = xpx − ψ?(px ) = g(px )px − ψ?(px )

dψ ? (p)

d p p=p =x g(p x )=x

= ψ (g(px )) = ψ(x)

where we replaced x by g(px ) in the third step, and replaced g(px ) by x in the last

Exercise 11.5

Show that the choice f (x) = x log x − (x + 1) log x+1

2 in the definition of the f-
divergence (11.73) gives rise to the Jensen-Shannon divergence (11.72) of distribu-
tions P and Q.

Solution 11.5

Using f (x) = x log x − (x + 1) log x+1

2 in Eq.(11.73), we obtain

D f ( P|| Q) = q(x) f dx
∫ ∫
p(x) q(x)
= p(x) log dx + q(x) log dx
p(x) + q(x) p(x) + q(x)
= DJ S (p, q) − log 4

where DJ S (p, q) is the Jensen–Shannon distance between p and q.

Exercise 11.6

In the example of learning a straight line from Sect. 5.6, compute the KL divergence
DK L (Pθ ||PE ), DK L (PE ||Pθ ), and the JS divergence DJS (Pθ , PE ).

Solution 11.6

Let PE be a distribution corresponding to a vertical line with x = 0, and Pθ be a

distribution corresponding to a vertical line at x = θ. They can be written as

PE (x, z) = δ(x)z, Pθ = δ(x − θ)z

As they have non-overlapping supports, we have, for θ , 0, DK L (Pθ ||PE ) =

DK L (PE ||Pθ ) = 0, while for θ = 0, both KL divergences are zeros. On the other
hand, the JS distance is DJ S (Pθ , PE ) = 2 log 2 for θ , 0, while it vanishes for θ = 0.

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