Alignment of Peripheral Ring Road Using Geo-Spatial Techniques

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Alignment of Peripheral Ring Road Using Geo-Spatial Techniques

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Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 1

Alignment of Peripheral Ring Road Using Geo-Spatial


Mahadeva M1*, Harshith J Naik2, Sanjay V3

Assistant Professor1, UG Student2,3, Department of Civil Engineering,
RNS Institute of Technology, Channasandra Post, Bangalore, India
*Corresponding Author
Email Id: [email protected]; [email protected]

Design of ring road deals with the development of a comprehensive plan for Construction
and operation of transportation facilities. In order to develop efficient and better transport
facility, it is necessary to have a proper procedure transport movement. This ring road helps
to a great extent in improving the safe and fast movement of both human and goods traffic,
thereby increasing the economy of the City. This improved economy contributes the growth of
the country. The first and foremost step is reducing the traffic for the particular route by
diverting the density of the vehicles to enhance the safe transport and environmental
pollution. This project deals with the traffic problem of the Bangalore city and provides
better transportation. In this project GIS is used for surveying, for preparing Contour maps,
for developing three dimensional Digital Elevation Models, for various types of route
alignments and for estimation of cutting and filling volumes.

Keywords: Ring road, transportation, traffic, GIS, Contour map, land use, land cover, Raster

Transportation system is a vital part of any important since it is used by a high
country as it contributes to the economic percentage of population for movement
and social development. Effective and from one place to another.
well-organized movement of people and
freight depends on the connectivity and set As one of the most important components
up of the transport system of any country. of urban transportation system, the ring
The land use characteristics and roads in the central districts have carried
transportation system are inter-dependent increasingly heavy traffic demands. The
as they contribute each other in operating performance of these ring roads
improvement and expansion of has been significantly deteriorated as the
transportation network. If the result; even congestions are generated
transportation system is safe, efficient and frequently in some places.
economical, the development of the place
(city or country) improves as there is better Determining the best route through an area
accessibility. Based on the economic, is one of the oldest spatial problems. This
social, cultural, commercial, residential problem has recently been solved
and industrial patterns of the city or effectively using GIS and Remote Sensing
country, the transportation system is technologies. During the last decade, a few
planned, designed, developed, maintained attempts have been made to automate the
and improved. The transportation sector route-planning process using GIS
includes air, water and road transport technology.
systems. Roadway being the most

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Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 1

Study Area Description

Bangalore lies in the southeast of the the Satellite Town Ring Road (STRR),
South Indian state of Karnataka. It is in the Intermediate Ring Road (IRR), Peripheral
heart of the Mysore Plateau (a region of Ring Road (PRR) and Town Ring Roads
the larger Precambrian Deccan Plateau) at (TRR) have been envisaged. The NICE
an average elevation of 920 m (3,020 ft.). Corridor implementation was also
It is positioned at 12.97°N 77.56°E and undertaken of which the southern arc has
covers an area of 1741 km2 (673 mi2) been constructed.
Currently, operational Outer Ring Road
and NICE Ring Road are highly congested The PRR which is the focus of this project
with the day-to-day traffic from the and conceived by the Bangalore
connecting road Bengaluru has been Development Authority (BDA) in 2005 too
attempting to complete several large ring languishes, with the agency stating
road projects to improve its city-region financial inability to meet the high costs of
connectivity and alleviate traffic land acquisition related compensation.
congestion. A series of ring roads namely,

Fig 1: Location of Study Area – Bengaluru, Karnataka

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Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 1

Fig. 2: Land Sat-7 Satellite Image of the Study Area

Data and Methodology

High resolution LANSA T satellite data of order to understand the terrain condition,
2007 was used and by using Digital Image environmental factors and social economic
Processing techniques the following status in this study area. Finally, possible /
thematic maps such as geomorphology, feasible route was identified based on
Land use/ Land Cover were generated. The various physical and cultural parameters
Digital analysis, such as overlay, raster and their inherent propertie
network analysis. The DEM is used in

Flow Chart Depicting the Methodology followed for the Study

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Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 1

Table 1: Satellite Images and their Characteristics Used in the Study

Sl Date Sensor Spectral Spectral Source

No. Composition Resolution
1. Dec 2000 Landsat 7 Band 1 to band 8 30m USGS
ETM+ C1 L1 Earth
2. Jan 2010 Landsat 7 Band 1 to band 8 30m USGS
ETM C1 L1 Earth
2. Feb 2020 Landsat Band 1 to band 30m USGS
OLI/TIRS C1 11 Earth
L2 explorer
3. Sep 2014 SRTM 1 (DEM) 30m USGS
ARC-Second Earth
Global explorer

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION as agricultural land, forests, mining area,

Land Use/Land Cover water body, plantations, barren rock area
The land use map was prepared from and urban areas. Most of the area is being
Digital LAN SAT satellite data and the occupied by urban and agricultural area.
features were classified as per Integrated Besides these two major categories, the
Mission for Sustainable Development crop land is also sporadically distributed in
(NRSA,1995) classification system and the study area
following land use pattern were identified

Fig 3: (Land use/Land covers (50K) 2015-2016)

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Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 1

The Raster Modelling

Topographic maps are collected to model, to make selections on your data in
generate multi-layered, geo-referenced the form of queries, to apply mathematical
digital maps on a GIS platform, with the operators and functions, or to type Spatial
basic inputs of available information. This Analyst functions. Multiline expressions
done using SOI topo sheet of study area in can be typed into the raster calculator. It is
the scale of 1:50,000. The boundary is useful to build multiline expressions for
traced over a tracing sheet. Traced complex functions, such as cost path, or to
boundary is converted to digital format chain processes together. The output
using digitization in ArcGIS9.2. dataset shows how suitable each location is
for highway alignment, according to the
Raster Calculations criteria set in the suitable model. A higher
Build expressions in the Raster Calculator value indicates the locations that are more
by using Map Algebra to weight raster and suitable.
combine them as part of a suitability

Table 2. Alignment length

Stretch No Start Chainage End Chainage Length in (km)
1 0.0 km (Tumkur road) Km 18.37 (Bellary road) 18.37
2 18.37 km (Bellary road) Km 36.32 (Old madras road) 17.95

[Cost] = ([land use] + [slope])

[Dist.] = cost distance ([source], [cost], back link)
Path = cost path ([destination], [dist.], back link)

Performing Shortest Path Alignment

It is almost ready to find the shortest path Stretch 1: The alignment starts at Makali,
from the source. We have already adjacent to Tumkuru Road and then it
performed cost weighted distance, creating moves towards Thammenhalli and
a distance dataset and a direction dataset Soladevanahlli. After moving towards
using the source point. However, it is DoddaBylakere, it passes through
necessary to decide on, and then create, the Mavallipura sewage treatment plant,
destination point for the road. Hence this before entering Jarakabandekaval forest.
requires the creation of destination point The road intersects Doddaballapur Road
on study area which is used in the near BMS Institute of Technology, around
calculation of shortest path to the highway. 3 km from the periphery of Yelahanka
The shortest path is calculated using the Satellite Town. The road intersects Bellary
function shortest path in the Spatial Road at Hosahalli.
Analyst. Specifying the destination point
as input along with the distance and Stretch 2: After entering agricultural areas
direction theme, calculates the optimal in Kogilu, residential and industrial areas
path through which Highway has to run. It in Agrahara, Thirumenahalli, Bellahalli,
represents the least cost path-least cost Doddagubbi it touches Rampura. After
meaning avoiding steep slopes and on land moving in south-east direction, it intersects
use types considered to be least costly for Old Madras Road near Sree Mahalakshmi
constructing the Highway from source to Venkateshwara School in Avalahalli

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Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 1

Fig.2: Line Diagram of the Alignment

Fig 3: Road Network Map of the Study Area

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Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 1

Fig. 4: Growth of the Study Area and PRR Alignment

CONCLUSION data yet. The purpose of this study was to

GIS technology has opened up new develop a tool to locate a suitable route
horizons in transportation. It provides the between two points. The GlS approach
tool a transportation planner would need to using ground parameters and spatial
convey ideas and present implications of analysis provided to achieve this goal.
planning decision for non-planners Raster based map analysis provide a
visually. GIS provides a means of wealth of capabilities for incorporating
communication that allows for an terrain information surrounding linear
interactive understanding between the infrastructure. Costs resulting from terrain,
public and transportation professionals. geomorphology, land use, drainage and
This technology has developed an essential elevation resulting the shortest routes for
tool for the most effective use of spatial the study area. This has shown a potential

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Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering
Volume 1 Issue 1

savings which can be obtained by Resettlement Action Plan. s.l.:

automating the route selection process. Bengaluru Devel-opment Authority,
GIS method can also be used for route UDD, Kamataka, 2015. Action Plan,
determination for irrigation, drainage viewed June 30, 2016.
channels, power lines and railways. 6) Crisil.Development of Peripheral Ring:
Pre Feasibility Report. s.l.: BDA,
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Speech at the Inaugural of Invest Peripheral Ring Road. The Hindu. 25
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