Susi Mulyani 3 Feb 2021
Susi Mulyani 3 Feb 2021
Susi Mulyani 3 Feb 2021
A Thesis
Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for S1-Digree
Susi Mulyani
Advisor :
Freshly graduated students may face difficulties in finding work (Bokde et al., 2020).
To anticipate and reduce the spread of the corona virus, the government has
implemented a lockdown system that has been implemented in every region. By
providing a policy of limiting activities outside the home, school activities are sent home,
work from home (Yunus & Rezki, 2020). To stop the spread of the corona virus, various
countries have begun to replace conventionalteaching and learning processes in schools
with online learning (Basilaia, 2020).
In several previous studies, there have been many discussions about how to combine
FTF learning method research with e - learning-based distance learning that was carried
out long before the case of the corona virus occurred (Alaneme et al., 2010). From basic
correspondence via postal service to the various tools available via the internet, people
have initiated new forms of communication over the years. One of the new forms of
education is online learning, known to have a history of early access in the 1980s,
whereas another term known as e-Learning, has no full origin (Moore et al., 2011).
Recently at the b e several countries eg Georgia became one of 188 countries around
the world which has suspended the educational process, and turning to a variety of
platforms provided with government support, such as online portals, school TV and
Microsoft team for public schools and alternatives such as zoom, Slack and Google Meet,
the EduPage platform that can be used for online education and direct communication
and provides examples of its use (Basilaia & Kvavadze, 2020).
From several studies that can It was found, in Indonesia the development of the e-
learning learning system has been around in 2015, but the development is still minimal
because many think this does not provide convenience (Asnawi, 2018). In a research
that uses mixed methods, by conducting parametric and non-parametric statistical
analysis followed by qualitative descriptive, it shows that in a learning transition
situation using this online method, it is known that around 60.5% of students are ready
to adapt to the use of online lecture learning technology but around 59.5% object to
assignments given by lecturers which are in student stress levels of around 60%. With
this, the influence of the use of online learning technology in Indonesia has a profound
impact on the mentality of students in Indonesia (Kusnayat, 2020).
With the stay at home policy enforced by the government, limited all the activities
we usually do outside the home. Such as educational activities at schools that have to be
carried out at home until the end of 2020. This policy encourages teaching staff to look
for new innovations that can be used in learning activities at home. Not all regions in
Indonesia can experience an uninterrupted internet connection and not all students in
Indonesia have smartphones. This, will only have a stressful impact on students without
making them understand the subject matter given. As a result, teaching and learning
activities are not carried out effectively like conventional methods that are usually used
in schools because the implementation of teaching and learning activities has not
adopted learning. Through this research, it is hoped that you can find out the level of
effectiveness of online learning that replaces face-to face learning methods in schools
during the Covid-19 pandemic and evaluate the obstacles faced during the online
learning process.
C Research objectives
With the formulation of the problem that has been in the description above, the goal
is in this research is:
1. Knowing the effectiveness of implementing online learning during COVID-19
2. Knowing the obstacles faced in implementing online learning during COVID-19
D Benefits of research
The benefits expected from this research are as follows :
1. For the Department of English Education, the results of research are expected to
be useful input to improve the development of online learning implementation if
virtual classes are reinstated
2. For schools, especially MAN 3 Pasaman Barat, the results of the research are
expected to be useful input to improve the quality of the implementation of
online learning programs at this time.
3. For the author, the whole series of activities and research results are expected to
further strengthen the mastery of the scientific functions learned during the
lecture program at the Department Of English Education Faculty Of Tarbiyah And
Teacher’s Training Imam Bonjol State Islamic University
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD This chapter consists of the type of research, the
location of the study, the data source, the procedure and data collection, data analysis
and also checkingthe validity of the data.
A Theory Basic
1. Teaching English as a Foreign Language
English is the first foreign language in Indonesia and it has been taught starting
from the Junior High School up to the Senior School. English must be taught in order
that the learners are able to compete in this global era. There are four skills in
English that the students must mastered, they are listening, speaking, reading, and
writing (Harmer, 200:265). And the purpose of teaching learning process is to
develop the skills above. But the fact, most students who learn English do not use
English for daily communication but they only use English when they have English
class because English is not their mother tongue.
One factor that influences the successes in teaching and learning English are
teachers. Teachers should be able to make the students understand about the
lesson. They have to find the way how to make the students enjoy the lesson. The
students can easily lose their spirit and willingness to study if the teachers are
This verse told about how to warn a community with good communication.
According to tafsir Al Maraghi Qoula baliighon mean words that the impact you will
put into their soul (Maraghi, 1986). Meanwhile, according to Al Qurthubi, sentencen
Qoula baliighon means talk what is in heart (Hifnawi, 2008). Based on the experts it
can be concluded that Qoula baliighon can be interpreted as fluent and precise
talking, clear interpretation, and able to inform the message well. Besides that, by
domain it touched, it can be called as effective speaking.
As Harmer states, one of main task for teacher is to provoke interest and
involvement in the subject even when the student are not initially interested in it. It
is by their choice of topic, activity and linguistics content that they may be able to
turn a class around. It is by class attitude by their participation, they
conscientiousness, their humor and their seriousness that they may influence the
students. It is by their own behavior and enthusiasm that they may inspire (Harmer,
As stated by Brown that teaching is showing or helping someone to learn
how to do something, giving, instruction, guiding, in the study of something
providing with knowledge causing to know or understand (Brown, 2000:7).
2. Learning Implementation
a. Definition of Implementation
The term implementation is usually used in the development or introduction
of new programs, especially in conducting program assessments that will be
disseminated to users or implementers. As stated by Fullan (1982)
implementation is a process of putting into practice a new idea, program or set
of activities for someone to achieve or expect change.
b. Defeniniton of learnig
The term learning is a term used to show teacher and student activities. The
term learning is a translation of the word instruction.
3. Online Learning
a. Definition of Online Learning
Online learning is a program for organizing learning classes for reach a
massive and broad group through the internet network. Learning can be done
massively with an unlimited number of participants, it can be done free or paid
(Bilfaqih & Qomarudin, 2015: 1).
Meanwhile, according to Thome, online learning is learning that utilizes
multimedia technology, video, animated online text, voice messages, email,
conference calls, and online video streaming (Kuntarto, 2017: 101). So that,
online learning can be interpreted as learning which in its implementation uses
an internet network, intranet and extranet or a computer that is directly
connected and has a global (wide) scope.
Online learning is basically distance learning. Online learning was born from
the fourth generation after the internet. So online learning is learning that is
done via the internet network. Therefore, in Indonesian online learning is
translated as online learning. The term online learning is often synonymous with
other terms such as e-learning, internet learning, web-based learning, tele-
learning, distributed learning and so on.
Teachers must continue to provide tutoring for their students, even though it
must be done remotely. One thing that teachers can do is to prepare learning
materials and assignments that can be studied online by their students (Gunawan,
2020: 5).
There are several applications that can be used for online learning, including:
1) WhatsApp
2) Facebook
3) Edmodo
4) Telegram
5) Google classroom
6) Google Forms
6) Smart Class
There are three interactive learning methods in this application, namely
learn, practice, and tests. Each student will be given an understanding of the
material through video, audio, animation, online textbooks (e-books), and
7) Google Suite for Education
Through Google Suite for Education, users can continue to learn though when
internet access is slow.
8) Kipin School
In this application, there are thousands of online textbooks (e-books) of
various levels, from SD to SMA / SMK. All of these books are published directly
by the Ministry of Education and Culture in accordance with the latest
curriculum in Indonesia. Practice questions for each subject matter, instructional
videos, and other literacy readings can also be found in this application.
9) Our Table
Students who use the Kita Table application can connect with students in
student communities throughout Indonesia. So that students can discuss with
each other.
10) SekolahMU
The SekolahMu application has a Unlimited Learning program which
provides live streaming of subjects for students. Online learning through the
SekolahMu application is also intended for all parents to accompany teaching and
learning activities at home.
11) Cisco Webex
For online learning needs Cisco Webex is possible educators to share
presentation content via digital whiteboards on computer / smartphone screens.
4. Literature Review
1. Rani (2020) research conducted at MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Noborejo Academic
Year 2019/2020, regarding the implementation of online learning models on
learning outcomes in mathematics in class VI, it can be concluded that online
learning is a teaching and learning process carried out in and with the help of
networks Internet. Online learning is carried out by the teacher using WhatsApp
and google forms as the medium. WhatsApp and google forms and google need
internet help to connect. WhatsApp and Google Forms are examples of
asynchronous online learning that can be done even when students or teachers
are offline (inactive). With asynchronous learning the teacher can provide course
material, post deadlines for processing, provide links and others.
3. Nety (2020) The Effectiveness of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The results of data analysis show that the percentage scale is in sufficient
category because the results are vulnerable to 56 - 76%. It can be said that the
readiness aspect for the implementation of online learning at SMK Negeri 1
Cirebon is quite effective.
Based on the research above, it can be concluded that there are differences in
this study, the differences in the character, model and implementation. The focus of
this research is focused on the implementation of online learning at Islamic Senior
High School 3 Pasaman.
A Type of Research
Based on the title taken by the researcher, in this study the researcher using a
qualitative research approach with the type of case study research. Descriptive
qualitative method is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of
written or spoken words from people and actors who can be observed (Lexy Moleong,
2006: 4). Descriptive research is concerned with studying phenomena in more detail or
differentiating them from other phenomena (Rasimin, 2018: 12).
2. Research Time
This research activity was carried out in the 2019/2020 Academic Year.
C Data Sources
Data are descriptions of something, it can be something that is known or perceived
or presumed. Or a fact that is described through numbers, symbols, codes (Iqbal Hasan,
2002: 82).
2. Secondary Data
Secondary data is data obtained from indirect sources usually in the form of
documentation data and official archives (Saifuddin, 2005: 36). Written sources
are the second source and are additional material that can be divided into
book sources, scientific magazines, archives, personal and official documents
(Moeloeng, 2009: 159).
The written sources of this research include: official documents in the form of
RPP (Learning Implementation Plan) documents, subject matter, student data and
final grade students of class XI MAN 3 Pasaman Barat.
Interviews are broadly divided into two, namely structured interviews and
unstructured interviews (Deddy Mulyana, 2006: 180). In this case the researcher
uses a structured interview method, namely interviews in which the form of
registered questions has been prepared previously. Interviews in this study were
used to obtain data about the implementation of online learning in MAN 3 West
2. Observation
Observation is the observation of an object that is both researched directly or
indirectly by involving all senses (sight, hearing, smell, smell, taste) to obtain data
that must be collected in research (Danu Eko Agustinova, 2015: 36-37). The data
that has been collected is processed and analyzed in a descriptive-qualitative
manner, namely presenting the data in detail and making theoretical
interpretations so that, an adequate description and conclusion can be obtained.
3. Documentation
Documentation is any written material, be it a memo, announcements,
instructions, rules of an institution, and photos (Syamsuddin et al, 2007: 30). The
data documented in this study are photos.
E Data Analysis
The process of qualitative data analysis begins by examining all available data from
various sources, namely interviews, observations, official documentation, pictures,
photos, then an abstraction process is carried out, namely making a summary of the
core, processes, and statements that need to be maintained so that they remain in it
(Rasimin , 2018: 82). The purpose of data analysis is to reveal the meaning of research
data by collecting data according to certain classifications.
The following is the data analysis process which consists of three stages, namely as
1. Data Reduction
Data reduction means summarizing, selecting the main things, focusing on
important thing, look for themes and patterns and remove unnecessary. The
purpose of data reduction is to simplify the data obtained during data mining in the
field, so as to ensure that the data processed is data that is included in the research.
2. Presentation of Data
Data presentation is a structured collection of information that gives the
possibility of drawing conclusions, this is done on the grounds that the data
obtained during qualitative research are usually narrative in form, so that it
requires simplification without reducing its content. Data presentation is done to
see the overall picture or certain parts of the overall picture.
3. Conclusion
The conclusion is the answer to the answer to the formulation of the research
problem arranged in propositions or statements that have been verified (Rasimin,
2018: 16). Conclusion or verification is the final stage in the data analysis process. In
this section the researcher expresses the conclusions from the data that has been
obtained. This activity is intended to find the meaning of the data collected by
looking for relationships, similarities, or differences (Sandu Siyoto & Ali Sodik, 2015:
In this study, researchers used triagulation to test the validity of the data.
Triagulation is a data validity checking technique that utilizes something other than the
data for checking purposes or as a comparison to the data. The function of triagulation is
to save qualitative research from various biases and deficiencies of data by relying on a
single data source, researcher, theory, and method. There are 4 triagulations, namely
the triagulation of data sources, researchers, theories and methods. In this case the
researcher used method triagulation. Method triagulation is checking data to the same
source with different techniques, for example data obtained by interview, then checked
by observation, and documentation. This triagulation is necessary because each data
collection method has its own drawbacks and advantages. In addition, one method or
another will cover each other's weaknesses so that the capture of social reality becomes
more trustworthy and complete (Danu Eko Agustinova, 2015: 43-50).